Advanced Approach On XSSDS Technique: Sara Tuza Shatha Alarabi
Advanced Approach On XSSDS Technique: Sara Tuza Shatha Alarabi
Advanced Approach On XSSDS Technique: Sara Tuza Shatha Alarabi
Abstract— In order to develop web applications, the developers considered to be the third dangerous flaw in the list of OWSAP
will need to use different technologies. The most common of these 2017 top ten web application security risks [1].
technologies are the HTML, XHTML and JavaScript. The
vulnerabilities in these technologies arise many security attacks
on the web applications. The most important and common one is
Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack, which can be defined as code
injection attack, this attack allows the attacker to execute
malicious script in another user's browser. Once the attacker
gains control, he will be able to perform actions such as session-
hijacking, malware-spreading, cookie-stealing and malicious
redirection by embedding scripts in a web page that will get
executed whenever the page is loaded. In this paper, we explore
the different types of XSS attack and its impact on both server
and client-side. After that, we select three server-side detection
techniques, addressing how each technique work and the main
weaknesses of each one, then we selected one of those techniques
which is XSSDS and provide an advanced approach of it that
could cover its weaknesses.
• first discovers the non-persistent XSS attack by • HTTP request will include the user input data which
analyzing the HTTP request parameters with HTTP may contain malicious content.
response data produced by the web application and • Sanitizer is sanitizing the received input and clean it.
diminished by filtering the HTTP response.
• Cleaned data will be passed to the filtration process,
• Secondly it detects the persistent XSS attack that where the data is scanned and filtered for any html tag.
maintains list of all used scripts in web applications
and discovers the deviation in the number of scripts. • After they are considered safe, the input is stored in the
database and the web response will be generated.
• However, the main weakness on this technique is
focused on two main things:
• This technique suffering from few false positives
• Have simple training phase for the collection of scripts.
• Have simple training detect for set of scripts. However, this detection technique is pretty simple and
might count many scripts as XSS attacks while it is not. Thus,
we add additional layer in our approach in order to categorize
the scripts more accurately. In our approach, if the script is not
listed in the training list then it will be checked with the white
script list (which has the popular trusted web scripts), if it is By this approach, each request will be received will go through
exist in this list then an alarm will be sent to the admin in order the following:
to check and verify this script with ability to accept or reject it;
in case he accept it then the received script will be added to the • First of all, the system will verify it against the training
training list and if not then it will be added to the black list and list which maintain all used scripts in the web
will consider as XSS attack, and if the script is not listed either application
to the training list or to the white script list then it will be added • If the script is within the training list it will be passed
right away to the black list and will be counted as XSS attack. directly to the filtration process.
As in Figure 6.
Else, the system will verify it against ‘white
scripts list’ which contains the most popular
scripts that can be used in any web-
It the script within the white script list then
an alert will be sent to the admin and new
record will be added to the log.
Admin will have the ability to verify the
script and accept or either reject it.
In case the admin accepts it, it will be added
automatically to the training list and will be
considered as authorized script, and if the
admin rejects it, then it will be added in the
black list and will be considered as XSS
In this paper we have proposed an advance approach of
XSSDS technique that cover its weaknesses, which use to
detect XSS attacks. However, our solution combines between
two proposed models which are “Filtration and Sanitization”
model and “Advanced training list” model. This approach shall
provide a satisfied security level against XSS attack.
As our future work, we plan to evaluate our proposed
approach by implementing and examining it, and comparing
the new approach with the previous approach through the
experimental results. Finally, our goal is to have a complete
detection for XSS attack.
Figure 7. Advanced Approach for XSSDS Technique.
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