Sensors: Funblocks. A Modular Framework For Ami System Development

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Sensors 2012, 12, 10259-10291; doi:10.


ISSN 1424-8220

FunBlocks. A Modular Framework for AmI System Development

Rafael Baquero 1,*, José Rodríguez 1, Sonia Mendoza 1, Dominique Decouchant 2,3 and
Alfredo Piero Mateos Papis 2
Department of Computer Science, CINVESTAV-IPN, Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508,
San Pedro Zacatenco, Del. Gustavo A. Madero, DF 07360, Mexico;
E-Mails: (J.R.); (S.M.)
Department of Information Technologies, UAM Cuajimalpa, Av. Constituyentes 1000 Lomas Altas,
Del. Miguel Hidalgo, DF 11950, Mexico; E-Mails: (D.D.); (A.P.M.P.)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire LIG, 681 Rue de la Passerelle,
38400 St Martin d’Hères, France

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed;

E-Mail:; Tel.: +5255-5747-3800 (ext. 3758);
Fax: +5255-5747-3757.

Received: 6 June 2012; in revised form: 12 July 2012 / Accepted: 27 July 2012 /
Published: 30 July 2012

Abstract: The last decade has seen explosive growth in the technologies required to
implement Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems. Technologies such as facial and speech
recognition, home networks, household cleaning robots, to name a few, have become
commonplace. However, due to the multidisciplinary nature of AmI systems and the
distinct requirements of different user groups, integrating these developments into
full-scale systems is not an easy task. In this paper we propose FunBlocks, a minimalist
modular framework for the development of AmI systems based on the function module
abstraction used in the IEC 61499 standard for distributed control systems. FunBlocks
provides a framework for the development of AmI systems through the integration of
modules loosely joined by means of an event-driven middleware and a module and
sensor/actuator catalog. The modular design of the FunBlocks framework allows the
development of AmI systems which can be customized to a wide variety of usage
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Keywords: Ambient Intelligence; AmI frameworks; modular schemes; distributed control

systems; domotics

1. Introduction

Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a vision of smart environments that are reactive to people and able to
make our actions safer, more efficient, more informed, more comfortable or simply more enticing. In
this vision our environments will be embedded with different types of sensing systems, pervasive
devices, and networks that can perceive and react to people [1]. Ambient Intelligence has been
described by researchers in different ways, but two characteristics that an AmI system must possess are
to be sensitive and responsive [2]. Through sensors, AmI systems gather information about the
environment, process that information in some manner and finally through actuators modify the
environment in a form that will benefit users in the environment [3].
A control system is a device or set of devices to manage, command, direct or regulate the behavior
of other devices or systems [4]. As such, an AmI system can be viewed as a type of control system.
Furthermore, AmI systems can be viewed as an evolution of Home Automation (HA) and Building
Automation (BA) systems.
Despite the many advantages for everyday living offered by AmI and HA technologies there has not
been a widespread offer or demand of AmI or HA products. Although HA has been available to
consumers since the 1970s, it has not been adopted in such a wide scale as, for example, cellular
phones. Probably the main reason why HA technology has not enjoyed wider demand are the
difficulties users encounter when trying to bring this technology to their daily lives and the lack of a
standardized means of interaction with the devices. In [5] Bernheim et al. surveyed 14 households
which employed HA. They found four major challenges people face when deploying and using such
systems: high cost of ownership, inflexibility, poor manageability, and difficulty achieving security. In
other words, HA systems are not currently “user friendly”.
Current AmI systems are also not “researcher friendly”. After more than a decade of considerable
research the field has not yet matured to the point of enabling incremental research. Much of the
research effort still seems devoted to the creation, very often from scratch, of new technologies and
systems [1]. Ambient Intelligence is a highly multi-disciplinary field which involves communications,
control systems, electronics, artificial intelligence, human-computer interfaces, distributed systems and
others. However there is not a common set of tools which researchers from different disciplines can
use to contribute to the field of AmI research.
To address these issues we are developing FunBlocks, a minimalist modular framework for the
development of AmI systems. FunBlocks is based on the function module abstraction used in the IEC
61499 standard for distributed control systems. Through the use of function modules FunBlocks
promotes component reuse which allows researchers from different fields to easily apply previous
results in new developments.
FunBlocks is also targeted at the development of commercially viable AmI systems. Using
FunBlocks system integrators can develop highly customizable AmI systems where end users can add
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new functions with a degree of difficulty analogous to hooking up a common home appliance or
installing a new program on a computer.
As mentioned previously, AmI systems require the use of sensors and actuators both to obtain
information about the environment and to adjust this environment to the user’s needs. There are many
different sensor and actuator communications protocols available for AmI systems. It is a desirable
feature for an AmI system to be able to handle many different types of sensor and actuator
communication protocols since this provides added flexibility to the system and also because in many
instances such sensors and actuators may already be installed in a given environment. To provide a
rough idea of the differences in currently available sensor and actuator communication protocols, in
Section 2 we provide a brief description of some of these protocols.
Building Automation (BA) and Home Automation (HA) products have been available for several
years. Although not in widespread use in personal residences, there are many BA systems currently
installed in modern office buildings. Since the investment in BA systems can be relatively high, it
would be unreasonable to expect those systems to be discarded and simply replaced by new AmI
systems. As a result AmI systems will have to coexist and interact with existing BA and HA systems.
In Section 3 we provide a brief description of some of the most commonly used communication
standards in the building automation industry.
The development of frameworks for AmI and related fields, such as AAL and UbiComp, has been
an area of intense research in the last years. As a result several frameworks have been proposed. In
Section 4 we provide a brief description of some of these frameworks.
To provide some background on the use of function modules in distributed control systems, the
fundamental concepts of IEC 61499 are described in Section 5. In Section 6 we describe the FunBlocks
framework and a brief features comparison of the frameworks described is provided in Section 7.
Finally, in Section 8, we describe future work that we have planned for the development of FunBlocks.

2. Sensor and Actuator Communications Protocols

A sensor is a device that receives a stimulus and responds with an electrical signal. The purpose of a
sensor is to respond to some kind of an input physical property (stimulus) and to convert it into an
electrical signal that is compatible with electronic circuits [6]. There is a wide array of communication
protocols developed for use with sensors and actuators. In this section we describe some commonly
used protocols.

2.1. X-10

X-10 is a domotics communication standard introduced in the 1970s. The original X-10 protocol
was intended to control devices and thus did not incorporate any means of receiving data from sensors.
The protocol was later expanded with the introduction of extended commands to allow its use in
sensors. Due to the low cost and wide availability of X-10 based devices this standard still enjoys
widespread use.
X-10 is a power line based communication standard which employs 120 kHz bursts synchronized
with the zero crossing of the power line’s alternating current waveform. A binary ‘1’ is represented by
a 1 ms burst near the zero crossing while a binary ‘0’ is represented by the absence of such a burst [7].
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Standard X-10 messages are composed by a Start Code, followed by a House Code and finally a
Key Code. The Start Code is represented by the unique sequence ‘1110’, while House Codes and Key
Codes employ complementary pairs for each bit.
The House Code is a 4-bit identifier intended to avoid commands destined for one house from
activating sensors or actuators in another house. The 5-bit Key Code can either indicate the address of
an X-10 module, a standard command, or can indicate the beginning of an extended command.
Addresses and commands are distinguished from each other by means of the Key Code’s LSB. If the
LSB is ‘1’ then the Key Code in question is a command, while if the LSB is a ‘0’ the Key Code is an
address. When an X-10 module is addressed through an appropriate Key Code, it will continue to respond
to X-10 commands until either a new address is issued or an “All Units Off” command is issued [8].
Standard commands are X-10 commands which allow a system to interact with actuators and
perform functions such as turning lights or devices on or off, but do not provide a means to obtain
readings from sensors. Obtaining data from sensors or sending more complex commands to actuators
requires the use of extended commands. After the beginning of an extended command is signaled by
an appropriate Key Code, the rest of the extended command is made up of a 4-bit address, an 8-bit data
field and an 8-bit command.
In order to avoid collisions, before using the medium an X-10 transmitter must wait for a random
interval between 8 and 10 zero-crossings. If during this interval there have not been any data ‘1’ bits
transmitted, the device can begin transmission. During the transmission of each ‘0’ bit (no 120 kHz
burst) the transmitter must monitor the medium for 120 KHz bursts to detect a collision. If a collision
is detected, the transmitter must abort its transmission and recommence the transmission process.

2.2. IEEE 802.15.4

IEEE 802.15.4 wireless technology is a short-range communication system intended for Low-Rate
Wireless Personal Areas Networks (WPANs) [9]. The key features of the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless
technology are low complexity, low cost, low power consumption and low data rate transmissions to
be supported by cheap, fixed or moving devices [10]. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides
specifications for the MAC and PHY layers. For a definition of the upper layers other standards,
such as the ZigBee stack specified by the industrial consortia ZigBee Alliance [11] and the IPv6 over
Low-power PAN (6LowPAN) [12], have been developed. The IEEE 802.15.4 PHY operates using
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum in three different unlicensed bands according to the geographical
area where the system is deployed [10]:
• The 868 MHz band in the European area with a raised-cosine-shaped Binary Phase Shift
Keying (BPSK) modulation format. The ideal transmission range is approximately 1 km.
• The 915 MHz band in the North America and Pacific area with a raised-cosine-shaped
Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation format. The ideal transmission range is
approximately 1 km.
• The 2.4 Ghz ISM band with a half-sine-shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
(O-QPSK) modulation format. The ideal transmission range is approximately 200 m.
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Transmission is organized in frames which are designated as a Physical Protocol Data Unit (PPDU).
There are four types of PPDUs: a beacon frame, a data frame, an ACK frame and a MAC command
frame. All are formed with a Synchronization Header (SHR), a Physical Header (PHR) and a Physical
Service Data Unit (PSDU) which is composed of a MAC Payload Data Unit (MPDU). The MPDU is
composed of a MAC Header (MHR), a MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) and a MAC Footer (MFR),
except for the ACK frame who’s MPDU is composed only of an MHR and an MFR.
To improve the transmission range IEEE 802.15.4 devices can self-organize into either star or
multi-hop peer-to-peer topologies. Star topologies are preferable for small area low-latency
applications whereas peer-to-peer topologies are better suited when a large area has to be covered and
latency is not an issue. To support these topologies IEEE 802.15.4 defines two types of devices:
• Full Function Device (FFD). FFDs contain the complete set of MAC services and can operate
either as a WPAN coordinator, or as a simple device. FFDs are the only nodes allowed to form
links with other devices.
• Reduced Function Device (RFD). RFDs contain a subset of MAC services and can only operate
as a network device.

2.3. ZigBee

The ZigBee architecture is made up of a set of blocks called layers. Each layer performs a specific
set of services for the layer above. The IEEE 802.15.4-2004 standard defines the two lower layers: the
PHY layer and the MAC sub-layer. On top of this the ZigBee standard defines the Network (NWK)
layer and the application (APL) layer [13]. The NWK layer performs the following operations [14]:
• Configuring a new device. A new device can begin operation as a ZigBee coordinator or try to
join an existing network.
• Starting a new network.
• Joining and leaving a network.
• NWK layer security.
• Routing frames to their destination. Only ZigBee coordinators and routers can relay messages.
• Discovering and maintaining routes.
• Discovering one-hop neighbors and storing one-hop neighbor information.
• Assigning addresses to devices joining the network. Only ZigBee coordinators and routers can
assign addresses.
The APL layer consists of the application support sub-layer (APS), the ZigBee device objects
(ZDO) and the manufacturer-defined application objects. Manufacturer-defined application objects use
the application framework and share APS and security services with the ZDO. The APS provides an
interface between the NWK layer and the rest of the APL layer components. The APS performs the
following functions [14]:
• Maintain binding tables.
• Forward messages between bound devices.
• Manage group addresses.
• Map 64-bit IEEE address to 16-bit network address, and vice versa.
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• Support reliable data transport.

While the ZDO performs the following functions:
• Define the role of the device (ZigBee coordinator, router, or device).
• Discover the devices on the network and their application. Initiate or respond to binding
• Perform security-related tasks.

3. Building Automation Systems

Building automation system (BAS) is an umbrella term used to refer to a wide range of
computerized building control systems. From special-purpose controllers to standalone remote
stations, to larger systems including central computer stations and printers, a BAS comprises several
subsystems which are connected in various ways to form a complete system. The system has to be
designed and engineered around the building itself to serve the services systems for which it is
intended. Consequently, although the component parts used may be identical, no two systems are the
same, unless they are applied to identical buildings with identical services and identical uses [15].
Building services include HVAC systems, electrical systems, lighting systems, fire and security
systems and lift systems. In industrial buildings they may also include the compressed air, steam and
hot water systems used for the manufacturing process. A BAS may be used to monitor, control and
manage all or just some of these services. In the following sub-sections we briefly describe some of the
most commonly used communication standards in the BA industry.

3.1. BACnet

BACnet is a data communication protocol for BA and control networks. BACnet has been developed
under the endorsement of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE). It is an American national standard, a European standard, an ISO global standard and the
national standard in more than 30 countries. It is the only open protocol that was designed originally
for BA and supports functions such as scheduling, alarming and trending [15].
To achieve interoperability across a wide spectrum of equipment, the BACnet specification consists
of three major parts. The first part describes a method for representing any type of BA equipment in a
standard way. The second part defines messages that can be sent across a computer network to monitor
and control such equipment. And the third part defines a set of acceptable LAN architectures that can
be used to convey BACnet communications.
BACnet provides a standard way of representing the functions of any device, such as analogue and
binary inputs and outputs, schedules, control loops, and alarms, by defining collections of related
information called ‘objects’, each of which has a set of ‘properties’ that further characterize it. Each
analogue input, for instance, is represented by a BACnet ‘analogue input object’ which has a set of
standard properties such as present value, sensor type, location, alarm limits and so on. One of the
object’s most important properties is its identifier, a numerical name that allows BACnet to
unambiguously access it. BACnet defines 25 standard object types. A BACnet device does not need to
support all object types, but if an object type is supported, it must comply with the standard object
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model for that object type. BACnet employs the OSI Model as its reference model. The BACnet
protocol defines a number of data link/physical layers, including Ethernet, BACnet/IP, Point-To-Point
over RS-232, Master-Slave/Token-Passing over RS-485, ZigBee and LonTalk [15].

3.2. LonWorks

LON technology is used primarily for the decentralized processing of automation functions in room
automation. LON can carry out monitoring, controlling and regulating functions for building services
such as heating and ventilation systems. The focus of using LON technology at the automation level is
not to decentralize individual functions, but to provide a standardized integrated bus system [16].
The heart of the LonWorks system is an integrated circuit called Neuron Chip. The Neuron
Chip was developed by Echelon Corporation and comprises three processors that provide both
communication and application processing capabilities. The Neuron Chip has to be used in conjunction
with a transceiver for a specific medium; twisted pair, power line, radio frequency and fiber-optics.
The most common medium employed in LonWorks is the twisted pair while the types of Neuron Chip
most commonly used are the 3120 and the 3150 made by Toshiba and Cypress. The Neuron Chip type
3120 is usually used in simple devices that do not carry out complex functions, while the type 3150 is
intended for more sophisticated applications [16]. Both types of Neuron Chips have three internal
processors where each processor carries out different functions:
• CPU 1 is responsible for physical accessing the transmission medium. A network interface
provides access to the transceiver. This represents layer one and two of the ISO/OSI model.
• CPU 2 is responsible for transmitting network variables and represents layers three to six of the
ISO/OSI model.
• CPU 3 processes application programs but does not access the network. This is done by the
other two CPUs.
The Neuron Chip 3120 has read-only memory which stores the LonTalk protocol, the Neuron
operating system and the predefined operating routines for input/output (I/O) conditioning. On the
other hand the Neuron Chip 3150 does not have internal ROM, but relies instead on external memory
to store the aforementioned functions and the application program.

3.3. KNX

The KNX standard describes an open system concept for distributed home and building automation
and control. KNX covers the full scope of home and building automation and control including
lighting, shading, shutters and blinds, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and remote
meter reading. KNX emerged in 2002 as a merger between the European Installation Bus (EIB),
Batibus and the European Home System (EHS) standards. The aim of this merger was to create a
single European home and building electronic control systems standard [17,18].
The KNX standard defines the network protocol specification, rules and definitions of how a KNX
system is managed and how devices implemented by different vendors have to behave to achieve
internetworking. The KNX protocol stack is based on the ISO/OSI reference model. Since different
communication media are supported, the KNX protocol stack is divided into a medium-dependent and
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medium-independent parts. The medium-dependent part of the protocol stack consists of the physical
layer and the lower level of the data link layer (DL) while the medium-independent part includes the
upper level of the DL, the network layer (NL), the transport layer (TL), and the application layer (AL).
For physical media KNX provides a choice of dedicated twisted-pair cabling, power line
transmission, and RF communication. Communication over IP networks as a first class medium is
currently in the draft stage.
The main KNX medium is the twisted-pair cabling variant known as KNX TP1. The single twisted
pair carries the signal as well as 29VDC link power. Data is transferred in a character oriented manner
via half-duplex bidirectional communication at a transmission rate of 9,600 bps. TP1 allows free topology
wiring with cable lengths of up to 1,000 m per physical segment. Up to four segments can be
concatenated using bridges, called line repeaters, forming a line. A line can contain up to 256 devices
and up to 16 lines can be interconnected by main lines to form an area. Finally, up to 15 main lines can
be interconnected by a common backbone line using routers called backbone couplers. Medium access
on TP1 is controlled using CSMA with bit-wise arbitration on message priority and station address.
Four priority levels are provided.
KNX Powerline 110 (PL110) uses the 230V/50Hz electrical power supply network for data and
power transmission (in compliance with EN 50065-1). Half-duplex bidirectional communication is
supported. KNX data is modulated using spread frequency shift keying (SFSK) with a center
frequency of 110 kHz and a maximum transmission rate of 1,200 bps. The signal is injected between
phase and neutral and is superimposed on the sinusoidal oscillation of the mains. Repeaters can be
installed in three-phase networks if passive phase coupling is no sufficient. Medium access control is
based on a slotted technique to reduce the probability of collisions: After the minimum silence period
between two frames has elapsed, two time slots are reserved for pending high-priority transmissions,
followed by seven more from which nodes with pending standard priority transmissions choose one at
random as their starting time.
KNX RF uses a sub-band in the 868 MHz frequency band reserved for short-range devices by
European regulatory bodies. Data is transmitted at a rate of 16.4 kbps using frequency shift keying
(FSK) modulation and Manchester encoding. The KNX RF frame format is based on FT3 as specified
in IEC 60870-5. To minimize hardware requirements KNX RF not only supports bidirectional
communication but unidirectional transmit-only devices are also supported. KNX RF devices
communicate peer-to-peer.
KNXnet/IP currently focuses on scenarios for enhancing central and/or remote management. The
KNXnet/IP Core Services define the packet structure and methods required for discovery and
self-description of a KNXnet/IP server and for setting up and maintaining a communication channel
between the client and the server. KNXnet/IP specifies several service protocols. KNXnet/IP tunneling
describes the point-to-point exchange of KNX data over the IP network. Its main purpose is to replace
USB or EIA-232 connections between KNX network interfaces and PC workstations or servers by
tunneling L_Data frames. Acknowledgements, sequence counters and a heartbeat mechanism are used
to ensure robustness. KNXnet/IP routing is a point-to-multipoint protocol for routing messages
between KNX lines over a high-speed IP backbone. KNXnet/IP routers send UDP/IP multicast
messages to other KNXnet/IP routers on the same IP network, which in turn filter the messages
according to their destination or group address and pass them to the native KNX segment. KNXnet/IP
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device management allows configuration and diagnostic of KNXnet/IP tunneling interfaces or routing
devices via the IP network. While KNXnet/IP is designed for devices with one IP and one traditional
KNX network interface, the upcoming KNX IP is also intended for end devices that are solely
connected to the IP medium.
The DL defines services to send and receive frames over the network. Acknowledgement is
available as an option for some network media. The two most important services defined are L_Data
for peer-to-peer data frame transfer and L_Poll_Data for a master collecting data from slaves in a
so-called polling group. Furthermore, the DL defines a generic addressing scheme that is common to
all available network media.
The NL uses the services provided by the DL and offers four different NL services: a unicast
service, a multicast service, a domain-wide broadcast service, and a system broadcast service. For all
four services, the individual address of the sender is used as the source address while the destination
address depends on the used service. Additionally the NL introduces a hop count which is decremented and
examined by routers and repeaters to perform filtering based on the amount of elapsed hops of a packet.
The TL uses the NL services and adds a connection-oriented unicast service. Using this service a
device can establish a reliable unicast connection to another device. The state machine used for this
service implements an acknowledgement mechanism such that data packets are retransmitted in case of
a negative of absent acknowledgement. The four NL services are also present unchanged in the TL.
The AL layer on top of the stack provides several AL services which can be broadly classified in
two different classes: data process exchange (process data communication) and configuration and
maintenance tasks (management communication).
The internet working and application model specifies how data is represented in KNX and how it is
accessible via the network. Datapoints associated with functional blocks (FBs) are a central concept in
this model. A KNX datapoint may be related to a sensor value/actuator state or it may be a parameter
that controls the behavior of the user application. The necessary association between datapoints is
established via bindings. KNX also specifies the application interface that is presented to user
applications for interacting with remote datapoints. Finally, profiles define which parts of the KNX
specification have to be implemented and ensure interworking of devices with the same profile that are
provided by different manufacturers [17,18].

4. Ambient Intelligence Frameworks

Due to the multidisciplinary nature of Ambient Intelligence systems and the diversity of problems
approached, several frameworks have been developed. In this section we provide a brief description of
some of these frameworks.

4.1. AMIGO

The AMIGO Project was a project developed by fifteen European companies and research
organizations [19–24]. The project was concluded in 2008. The aim of the AMIGO Project was to
develop a middleware that dynamically integrates heterogeneous systems to achieve interoperability
between services and devices. Through this middleware devices such as home appliances, multimedia
players that communicate through UPnP, and personal devices are connected in the home network to
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work in an interoperable way. This interoperability across different domains can also be extended
across different homes and locations. AMIGO focused on four application domains: Personal
Computing, Mobile Computing, Consumer Electronics and Home Automation.
The AMIGO architecture follows the paradigm of Service orientation, which allows developing
software as services delivered and consumed on demand. Discovery mechanisms can be used to find
and select the functionality that a client is looking for. The AMIGO architecture is formed by the
following three main components:
1. Base Middleware Layer. The Base Middleware layer contains the functionality necessary to
integrate a networked environment such as discovery, interoperability, security, quality of
service, content distribution, billing, etc. This solution is based on the semantics that are used to
communicate and discover available services and devices in the network, including those based
on existing communication and discovery standards. Existing hardware and software and new
services can be discovered and composed independently. Supported service discovery protocols are
UPnP, SLP and WS-Discovery while supported service interaction protocols are SOAP and RMI.
AMIGO’s Middleware layer is further subdivided into the following components:
a. Interoperable Service Discovery and Interaction (SD&I) middleware.
b. Semantic service discovery.
c. Service composition, adaptation and execution.
d. Domotic Infrastructure.
e. Content discovery & adaptation.
f. Content storage & distribution.
g. Security.
h. Accounting and billing.
2. Intelligent User Services Layer. The Intelligent User Services layer contains the functionality
needed to facilitate an ambient in-home network. This layer brokers between users and service
providers, provides context information, combines multiple sources of information and makes
pattern-based predictions. Information is tailored to user profiles and adapts to the user’s
situation and changes in context. The Intelligent User Services layer of the AMIGO Project is
formed by the following components:
a. Context Management.
b. User modeling and profiling.
c. Awareness and notification.
d. User interface services.
e. User privacy.
3. Programming and Deployment Framework. The Programming and Deployment framework
contains the resources necessary for programmers to develop AMIGO aware services. This
NET/OSGi based programming framework contains libraries for service description,
encryption, etc.
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SOPRANO’s goal is to build an Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) system for elderly people with
functional impairments [25–28]. SOPRANO seeks to provide flexible and personalized IT services that
maximize the independence of elderly people with functional impairments and help them in retaining
their dignity. Examples of such services are medication reminding, home automation, coping with
increasing frailty, home safety and security, activity monitoring, keeping healthy and active, coping
with cognitive ageing and forgetfulness, combating social isolation, and countering boredom.
The core of the SOPRANO system is the SOPRANO Ambient Middleware (SAM), which provides
its intelligence by receiving user commands and data from sensors, enriches them semantically and
provides appropriate reactions via actuators in the house. Planned sensors are, for example, smoke,
temperature, door status, location of the user by Radar or RFID, its health status and so on. Planned
actuators are speech synthesizers, digital TVs with avatars, device regulators (for switching devices
on/off or modifying their behavior), emergency calls to a central and more. Additionally the more
static context of the house and the user shall be taken into consideration when performing concrete
actions. SAM can is divided into the following three main components:
1. Context Manager. The Context Manager constantly analyzes incoming sensor events as well as
the status of networked devices and appliances and tries to deduce higher-level context
information. The results of this analysis are context parameters change events of a high
semantic level. Context is defined as the user’s situation in terms of all the temporal, personal,
organizational, environmental, and even global conditions surrounding the user at a certain
instant in time. Examples are the user’s current activity and long lasting profile, the user’s
environment like lighting and temperature, connectivity parameters and so on. The context
parameters change events are the input of the Procedural Manager.
2. Procedural Manager. The Procedural Manager provides meaningful reactions to contextual
changes or explicit user requests. Explicit user requests are handled by a subcomponent called
the User Input Analyzer or UIA. By analyzing the new situation, the Procedural Manager
compiles an abstract process description based on a repository of process templates. The
abstract process description is a standard workflow description which contains abstract service
requests instead of concrete service bindings. It can be parameterized with contextual variables,
is based on pre-defined templates and is annotated with context-aware metadata. The procedural
manager can obtain state information by invoking ad-hoc queries to the context manager. The result
from this second step is a “plan of goals” which serves as input for the composer.
3. Composer. The Composer has two objectives. First it serves as SAM’s interface to the “real
world” through sensor information. All incoming and outgoing service calls are handled by the
Composer. Second, it receives the “plan of goals” from the Procedural Manager, intelligently
searches, compares, composes and parameterizes adequate concrete services in order carry out
the process in a concrete manner and execute it through actuators.
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The MPOWER project developed a middleware platform to support the rapid development and
deployment of integrated services for the elderly and cognitively disabled [29–33]. MPOWER
provides a domain specific architecture that facilitates interoperable, integrated, secure and
standardized solutions that speed up the development process and create market possibilities for
interested parties. Work was aligned with the standardization activities within the HL7 (Health Level 7)
organization which was a key prerequisite for exchanging messages between different health providers.
The MPOWER SOA architecture consists of five layers:
1. Application Layer. Provides graphical user interfaces and serves as an entry point for using the
2. Business Process Layer. Defines the business rules of the applications that are created using the
MPOWER middleware.
3. Services Layer. Contains the implementations of the services that are created within the
MPOWER platform.
4. Service Components Layer. Service components expose the functionality of the components
and databases in the Resource layer.
5. Resource Layer. This layer consists of existing custom built applications, such as databases
storing patient-administrative, medication, and management information. Other relevant
resources in this layer are smart sensors such as physiological monitoring devices, temperature
sensors and burglar alarm systems.
The services provided are grouped into the following five categories:
1. Information (Medical and Social) Services. These services enable management of social
information and events of the patient. For instance, these services handle information regarding
patients’ schedules, personal information, and social contacts.
2. Interoperability Services. These services enable interoperability of MPOWER platform with
the other platforms that are relevant for health-care application. Primarily these services enable
integration of medical services with existing medical systems of hospitals or particular state
medication systems.
3. Sensor Services. Sensor services provide functionality to add, remove, and adjust devices as
well as retrieve sensor information. The services expose both a management mechanism and
data access thorough an easy to use and standardized interface.
4. Contextual Services. These are services related to the monitoring and management of the
context of a patient. For instance, these services provide information about location of the
patient in his house. The context services are realized through a set of sensors and actuators
located in the patient’s premises.
5. Security Services. Ensure sufficient protection for any of the MPOWER enabled services when
they are used. This implies that security middleware is orthogonal to the other services in a way
that is an implicit part of each service, ensuring a satisfactory security level of any combination
of services in the MPOWER platform.
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4.4. universAAL

The universAAL project seeks to combine the advantages and strengths of still ongoing or already
finished research projects to create a universally applicable AAL platform [34–38]. universAAL reuses
components and concepts from the AMIGO, GENESYS, OASIS, MPOWER, PERSONA and
SOPRANO projects. universAAL seeks to achieve its goals through the development of an open
source middleware targeted towards health, home automation, entertainment, and energy efficiency
applications and services. universAAL will also provide reference use cases and a tool chain for
extending platform capabilities. Support for the creation of AAL services and applications will be
provided through the universAAL Developer Depot and uStore. Based on the GENESYS and
PERSONA projects universAAL makes use of a layered design. The layers that make up the
universAAL platform are the following:
1. Middleware. The Middleware extends the native system layer of the different physical nodes
participating in an AAL system. It hides the distribution of these nodes as well as the possible
heterogeneity of their native system layers. Additionally this layer acts as a container for the
integration of the components from the above layers and facilitates the communication among them.
2. Generic Platform Services. The Generic Platform Services layer provides basic platform
services like context management, service management, and a framework for supporting
complex user interactions.
3. AAL Platform Plug-Ins. On this layer special platform services can be introduced to extend the
basic functionality of the framework. This might be needed in case high-level services have
specific demands on, for example, data-mining of context reasoning.
4. AAL Applications and Services. The AAL Applications and Services layer encapsulates all
applications and services that directly provide support and assistance to the end user.
The list of frameworks presented in this section is by no means exhaustive. The frameworks
presented here are some of the largest and best funded projects but many others, such as DOBS [39],
GAIA [40], [41], PCOM [42], and TinySEP [43] exist.

5. Control Systems and Function Blocks

A control system is a device or set of devices to manage, command, direct or regulate the behavior
of other devices or systems. Although control systems of various types date back to antiquity, a more
formal analysis of the field began with a dynamics analysis of the centrifugal governor, conducted by
Maxwell in 1868 entitled “On Governors” [4].
Many industrial control systems fall into one of two categories, either based on traditional
distributed control systems (DCSs) or on programmable logic controllers (PLCs). DCSs like the ones
commonly found in petrochemical plants and refineries are structured around a few large processors
that provide supervisory control and data acquisition communicating via local networks with
controllers, instruments, sensors and actuators located out in the plant. These types of systems may
have both discrete instruments and out-stations with clusters of instruments with local controllers. In a
DCS the main supervisory control comes from one or more of the central processors while instruments
positioned out in the plant typically provide local closed loop control such as PID control.
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On the other hand, many machine control and production processes such as those found in
automotive production lines have generally been designed using PLCs. A large PLC system will
generally have a number of PLCs communicating via one or more proprietary high-speed networks.
PLCs will generally be connected to a large number of input and output (I/O) signals for handling
sensors and actuators. In some cases discrete instruments, for example for temperature and pressure
control, are also connected to PLCs.
With both design approaches systems have tended to be developed by writing large monolithic
software packages which are generally difficult to re-use in new applications and are notably difficult
to integrate with each other. The data and functions of one application are not easily available to
other applications even if they are written in the same programming language and are running in the
same machine.
In order to promote the development of flexible solutions the concept of function blocks was
introduced in industrial systems. A function block is a robust, re-usable software component. The
function block is an abstract model representing a function that can be implemented by software and/or
hardware. A function block can provide a software solution to a small problem such as the control of a
valve, or control a major unit of a plant, such as a complete production line. Function blocks allow
industrial algorithms to be encapsulated in a form that can be readily understood and applied by people
who are not software specialists. Each block has a defined set of input parameters, which are read by
the internal algorithm when it executes. The results from the algorithm are written to the block’s
outputs. Complete applications can be built from networks of function blocks formed by
interconnecting block inputs and outputs [44,45].

5.1. IEC 61499 Standard

The function block concept was standardized for programmable logic controllers in the
International Electrotechnical Commission’s IEC 61131 standard [46]. To extend the concept of
function block outside the realm of PLCs the IEC 61499 standard was developed. The IEC 61499 built
upon the function block concept defined in IEC 61131-3 to develop a generic standard that can also be
applied in other industrial sectors, such as in building management systems [47].
IEC 61499 defines a general model and methodology for describing function blocks in a format that
is independent of implementation. It allows a system to be defined in terms of logically connected
function blocks that run on different processing resources. IEC 61499 provides terminology, models
and concepts to allow the implementation of a function block oriented distributed control system to be
described in an unambiguous and formal manner. Having a formal and standard approach to describing
systems allows such systems to be validated, compared and understood [44,45].
While previous standards employ a data or signal based communication among the constructs and
assume a cyclic execution, IEC 61499 introduces an event driven approach of interaction among the
function blocks. This means that algorithms are executed only if an input event activates the block. As
a result functions are separated from the execution control. Writing a program with function blocks
involves drawing a network of function blocks and allocating them to devices for execution [44,45,48].
As the trend to use component based software continues, it is foreseen that industrial controllers and
instruments will either provide function blocks as part of the device firmware or provide function
Sensors 2012, 12 10273

block libraries from which blocks can be selected and downloaded. System design will become the
process of software component selection, configuration and interconnection, just as much of electronic
hardware design is now primarily concerned with the selection and interconnection of IC chips. In a
function block world, the system designer’s main focus is to take standard proven encapsulated
functionality and link it together in the quickest and most intuitive way possible. The use of function
blocks is nearer to the mind-set of the industrial system designer who is familiar with connecting
physical devices together in different ways to provide a particular system solution [44,45].
The Function Block (FB), the basic construct of IEC61499, consists of a head and a body as shown
in Figure 1. The head is connected to the event flows and the body to the data flows, while the
functionality of the function block is provided by means of algorithms, which process inputs and
internal data and generate output data. The sequencing of algorithm invocations is defined in the FB
type specification using a variant of state charts called Execution Control Chart (ECC).

Figure 1. IEC 61499 function block.

An ECC consists of EC states, EC transitions and EC actions. An EC state may have zero or more
associated EC actions, except from the initial state that shall have no associated EC actions. An EC
action may have an associated algorithm and an event that will be issued after the execution of the
algorithm. EC transitions are directed links that represent the transition of the FB instance from one
state to another. An EC transition has an associated Boolean expression that may contain event inputs,
data inputs, and internal variables. As soon as this expression becomes true the EC transition fires [48].
FB instances are interconnected to form a Function Block Network (FBN), as shown in Figure 2. A
FBN may be executed on a single device or on a network of interconnected devices. A device may
contain zero or more resources, where a resource is considered to be a functional unit, contained in a
device which has independent control of its operation and may be created, configured, parameterized,
started-up, deleted, etc., without affecting other resources within a device. The event connections and
behavior of every single block completely determines the behavior of the network. An application in
IEC 61499 is composed by one or more FBNs.
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Figure 2. Function block network.

Composite function blocks (Figure 3) provide a means for building up more complex blocks from
basic and other smaller composite blocks in a hierarchical fashion.

Figure 3. Composite function block.

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The type definition for a composite function block contains declarations of function block instances
of selected types that are linked by data and event connections. The standard regards blocks that are
used within a composite block as component function blocks. The data connections between
component blocks define the transfer of data values between block outputs to inputs while the event
connections define the order of execution of algorithms within the blocks. A composite function block
is just a container for a network of other function blocks. The container as such performs no specific
actions except for setting input-output variables and for the activities of its components. The network
can include basic and composite function block types [44,45].

6. FunBlocks Framework Description

FunBlocks is an event-driven, minimalist, modular framework for the development of Ambient

Intelligence systems [3,49]. FunBlocks approaches the development of AmI systems from the point of
view of distributed control system using the function block abstraction described in the IEC 61499
standard. FunBlocks also makes use of a publish/subscribe, store and forward interaction scheme
which is a well-established mechanism for the development of loosely coupled event-based distributed
systems [50,51]. Developing an AmI system using the FunBlocks framework consists of developing or
reusing function blocks which provide the desired functionality, and afterwards joining these blocks
through the services provided by the framework.

6.1. FunBlocks Components

To begin with an overall view of FunBlocks, in this section we provide a brief description of the
components that constitute the framework. In later sections we will describe with more detail some of
these components. FunBlocks is formed by the following components (Figure 4):
• Controller (CTRL). The main functions performed by the Controller are the following:
(a) Maintains information of the SAs and modules installed in the system and makes this
information available to new modules.
(b) Notifies modules when new SAs are installed.
(c) Performs communication with external components, such as Automated Repair Services.
(d) Prevents the installation of modules which could generate conflicts, such as multiple
Gesture Recognition modules in the same area.
• Middleware (MDLW). The Middleware provides the communication mechanism through
which the components of the system interact. FunBlocks middleware also performs supervisory
activities generating failure events in case a component exceeds its Maximum Event Interval
without generating any events. This middleware can be expanded through the use of
Middleware Communications Interface components.
• Middleware Communications Interface (MCI). In order to provide AmI systems with the
flexibility of integrating a wide array of different devices and modules, the MDLW can be
extended through Middleware Communications Interfaces. Some of these MCIs may be formed
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both by software and hardware components to allow operation with different device types, such
as X 10 sensors and actuators.

Figure 4. FunBlocks diagram.

• Sensors/Actuators (SAs). As previously described SAs provide a means to obtain information

from and interact with the environment.
• Human/Computer Interaction (HCI). HCI components allow users to perform explicit
interaction with the AmI system. As explained later on HCIs are considered as a special type of
SAs. HCIs include touch panel interfaces and computing devices such as laptops or smart phones.
• Module and Sensor/Actuator Catalog (MSAC). The Module and Sensor/Actuator Catalog
allows the storage and retrieval of Module and Sensor/Actuator Description (MSAD) records.
These records contain a description of the services provided by the component, for example a
door entry sensor, a camera, or a speech recognition module, and also contain a description of
the components requirements. The MSAC is meant to be housed in a location external to the
AmI system such as a manufacturers Internet site, however, once a record is obtained from the
MSAC it is stored locally, which means that a connection to the MSAC has to be established
only when adding or removing components to the system.
• Function Modules (FM). Function Modules communicate with sensors either directly or
through the MDLW depending upon the data encoding format used. FMs perform specialized
services such as speech recognition and media streaming.
• Function Module Repositories (FMRs). FMRs house the modules themselves and allow
downloading modules for installation on the system.
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• External Communications Modules (ECM). These modules provide a link to external

communications networks such as the Internet or telephone services.

6.2. Sensors and Actuators

Through sensors AmI systems gather information about physical environmental parameters such as
heat, humidity, temperature, ambient light intensity, etc. and information about the activities currently
being performed by people. Through actuators, AmI systems adjust environmental parameters in order
to assist users in their activities. As a result, sensors and actuators (SAs) are the fundamental means of
interaction of an AmI system. In order to allow FunBlocks to handle many different sensors and
actuators in an easy and consistent manner, we broadly classify SAs into three major categories:
1. Binary SAs (BSAs). As the name implies, binary sensors and actuators have two states, such as
a smoke detector or a garage door open-close actuator.
2. Multi-valued SAs (MVSAs). Multi-valued sensors and actuators can provide more than two
states. Examples of these types of sensors are temperature sensors and shade positioning actuators.
3. Special Function SAs (SFSAs). Sensors and actuators in this category provide a richer and more
complex means of interaction with the environment. Examples of devices in this category are
Kinect devices, keyboard-display interfaces, and speech synthesis units.
Each category of sensors contains different types of sensors. BSAs include smoke detectors,
presence detectors, gas leakage detectors, etc. MVSAs include water level sensors, temperature
sensors, humidity sensors, light intensity sensors, etc. Our design does not assume a priori knowledge
of all the types of SAs. We simply assume that any device which allows an AmI system to interact
with the environment will fall into one of the previously described categories and that a module to
handle the data from, or to send commands to, the SA is available.
A smart transducer is obtained by combining a transducer, an analog interface circuit, an analog to
digital and/or digital to analog converter, a microcontroller, a power supply and a communications
interface [52]. We consider that all SAs handled by FunBlocks are smart transducers (see Figure 5) [3].

Figure 5. Smart sensor block diagram.

This results in an extremely flexible design. Any SA communications protocol can be integrated
into the system through an MCI and entire foreign systems can be treated as SAs if wrapped by an
appropriate gateway. Consider for example the case of an AmI system developed with FunBlocks that
has to operate with an existing security system. Depending on the facilities provided by the security
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system, it can be used as a simple intruder alarm by FunBlocks or, with the development of an
appropriate gateway, it can be activated and deactivated through FunBlocks.
An important concern during the design of FunBlocks was that of reliability. Devices will fail.
Depending on the purpose of the device its failure can lead to a potentially hazardous or even lethal
situation. Consider for example the case of a smoke detector or LP gas detector. Failure of such a
device can lead to injury or death in case of a fire or a gas leak and therefore should be notified immediately.
As a result, these types of devices must be queried frequently enough to insure that they are “alive”.
The use of wireless media such as 802.11 and 802.15.4 coupled with the use of batteries as a power
supply has become rather common for sensors in recent years. Wireless sensors include a transceiver
as part of their communications interface. This transceiver is the part of the sensor responsible for the
consumption of most of the energy and therefore the transceiver is the component that drains more
current from the battery in wireless battery powered sensors [10]. Both transmit and receive states are
highly energy consuming and as a result the sensor should remain in these states for the shortest
possible percentage of time.
This leads to a contradictory situation in which sensors must be queried frequently in order to
assure their responsiveness and simultaneously should only transmit when a change in the environment
occurs to avoid draining their batteries quickly. To solve this, the SAs and other components of
FunBlocks must generate an event periodically either as a result of their operation or as a form of
notification. BSAs generate an event when a change in state occurs, for example, when a door is
opened or when a person enters an area. If a time interval has been exceeded without any change of
state, then the BSA must generate a heartbeat event. The exact time interval between heartbeat or state
change events must be configurable and depends on the type of parameter being sensed. MVSAs on
the other hand generate events periodically. The exact time interval between the events generated by
an MVSA must be configurable and depends on the type of parameter being sensed. For example, a
time interval of 5 or 10 min between events for a temperature sensing SA might be adequate since the
temperature variation in a room will not be very severe during this time interval. Both BSAs and
MVSAs must also be able to return their current value when polled and, if possible, will also generate
an event in case of a malfunction.
SFSAs must also generate periodic events. Although failure of certain types of SFSAs such as
display-keyboard units are unlikely to represent a threatening situation, detection of such a failure is
important in order for users to have confidence in AmI systems.
Frequently environments are divided into different units each with individual control requirements.
Consider for example a typical house. A house is divided into distinct areas for sleeping, socializing,
cooking, etc., and each of these areas have to be controlled separately. To provide a means for
segmenting an environment into controllable units FunBlocks groups SAs into areas. An area is simply
a way to group sensors in a functionally related form. For example, if the lights in a room are to be
turned on when presence is detected, the presence sensor and the light actuator have to be assigned to
the same area.
In order to uniformly handle different types of sensors FunBlocks establishes a minimum set of
parameters which can be obtained from all sensors regardless of its type. This minimum set of
parameters is enough to allow an AmI system to perform the following operations:
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• Presence. An AmI system must be able to detect the removal of a sensor. This allows
components whose operation relies on data from the sensor to take adequate action.
• Failure. Sensors with self-diagnosing capabilities must be able to notify the AmI system in the
event of a failure.
• Grouping. SAs require some form of grouping scheme. This is required in order to assure
proper evaluation of stimulus by the AmI system and that a correspondence can be established
between stimulus and action.
• Interpretation. An AmI system must be able to adequately interpret data coming from sensors.
In particular there must be an unequivocal way to relate sensor readings with ambient
To achieve these operations FunBlocks uses a simple message scheme in which event notification
and data are transmitted simultaneously in the same message. In this scheme both the event and the
data associated with the event are transmitted simultaneously through XML event messages which
contain the following fields:
• SENSOR ID. This is a unique identifier assigned to each sensor by the system when the device
is installed. This allows to keep track of sensors and to generate a system malfunction event in
case a sensor stops generating events.
• AREA. As mentioned before, SAs are assigned to areas. This field indicates the area this sensor
belongs to.
• TYPE. A numerical identifier assigned to this class of devices by the manufacturer or system
• DATA. This is the data obtained by this sensor.
With this simple message format an AmI system developed with FunBlocks can perform the
operations described previously:
• Presence. Presence is detected by event messages generated by the sensors. Since each sensor
can be uniquely identified through its SENSOR ID, if a sensor has failed to generate an event
after its assigned maximum time interval then the AmI system can assume that the sensor
has failed. For sensors that are either critical or unable to report failures, absence or failure of
a sensor should be treated in the same manner. This is particularly important for critical
sensors since the inability of the AmI system to receive sensor data can lead to potentially
hazardous situations.
• Failure. Sensor failure is detected either through absence of sensor messages or by an explicit
message from sensors with self-diagnosing capabilities.
• Grouping. Grouping is achieved by means of the AREA field. All sensors which have the same
AREA identifier belong to the same group.
• Interpretation. Interpretation of sensor data is achieved through the TYPE field. The value in
the TYPE field corresponds to the identifier of the MSAD record of the sensor. The MSAD
record contains the information necessary to interpret the sensor’s data.
Care should be exercised when implementing the TYPE and DATA fields in a particular system. If
sensors made by different manufacturers share the same TYPE identifier then these sensors should be
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interchangeable. Since the structure of the DATA field is given by the sensor’s MSAD record, the
DATA field can be customized for any sensor. However, if a high degree of customization is chosen
for a particular TYPE of sensor then the use of very sensor specific FMs will be required. This results
in a loss of flexibility.

6.3. Middleware

A middleware is a software layer which allows the components of a distributed system to interact [53].
A common type of middleware is the publish/subscribe middleware. In a publish/subscribe middleware
producers publish information on a software bus (an event manager) and consumers subscribe to the
information they want to receive from that bus. This information is typically denoted by the term event
and the act of delivering it by the term notification [50,51]. The strength of this event-based interaction
style lies in the full decoupling in time, space and synchronization between publishers and subscribers [50].
Due to the need of integrating different devices such as SAs, HCIs, existing HA and BA systems,
etc., AmI systems are inherently distributed systems. As a result AmI systems middleware has been a
topic of great interest. The full decoupling in time, space and synchronization achieved through the use
of the event driven paradigm makes this type of middleware an excellent candidate to integrate the
components of an AmI system. For example, in [54–56] the use of a publish/subscribe event-based
mechanism for AmI systems called FamiWare is described. FamiWare is a middleware family based
on a reduced implementation of the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard. Through the use
of the Software Product Line (SPL) engineering approach, FamiWare provides customized device- and
application-specific configurations of the middleware.
Other approaches to integrating the components of an AmI system include the use of distributed
object middleware. PicoObjects provide a toolset for the automated generation of code which allows
embedded systems to interact with object-oriented middleware such as CORBA [57–60].
In order to provide reliable operation, an AmI system must be able to supervise its components and
warn users in the event of a malfunction. The need to supervise the components of a system is nothing
new and has frequently arisen in diverse settings. A frequent solution to the problem has been to
introduce supervisory capabilities to the communications scheme employed by a system. Two
examples of this type of solution are the pneumatic control systems used in early building automation
and the popular 4–20 mA current-loop (Figure 6) used in industrial measurement and control systems.

Figure 6. 4–20 mA current-loop.

In early building automation systems hoses with compressed air were used to transmit information
from, and power to, the sensors, actuators and controllers in the system. 3–15 psi was the modulation
standard, with 3 psi being a live zero and 15 psi for 100% [61]. Any pressure below 3 psi is a dead
zero and an alarm condition. The 4–20 mA current-loop works in exactly the same way with 4 mA
Sensors 2012, 12 10281

being a live zero and 20 mA 100%. Any current above or below this range signals a malfunction either
in the device or in the wiring [61,62].
The role of a publish/subscribe system is to permit the exchange of events between producers and
consumers in an asynchronous manner. Asynchrony can be implemented by having producers send
messages to a specific entity that stores them and forwards them to consumers [50]. In FunBlocks, we
employ this store and forward entity to additionally perform component supervision tasks.

Figure 7. FunBlocks middleware.

Event messages arriving from producers are received by the Message Receiver (MR) where they are
stamped with a set of configurable Time-To-Live (TTL) fields, one TTL field for each consumer.
Afterwards the messages are inserted into the Message Queue (MQ). Messages are retrieved from the
MQ by the Message Dispatcher (MD) on a FIFO basis and delivered to the consumers of the event. If
the message is delivered successfully then it is marked as delivered to the consumer, otherwise the
TTL for that particular consumer is decremented by one. If one of the message’s TTL fields reaches
zero then no further attempts will be made to deliver the message to the corresponding consumer, and
the message will be marked as undeliverable for that consumer.
The Component Supervisor (CS) scans the MQ for the arrival of event messages from the system’s
components and for messages marked as undeliverable. If a component has exceeded its maximum
time interval between events the CS generates a failure event for the consumers that have subscribed to
failure events from this component. On the other hand, if the CS finds a message marked as
undeliverable it will also generate a failure event notifying the failure of the consumer and will mark
the message as processed for that particular consumer. Finally, the Garbage Collector (GC) deletes all
messages from the MQ that have been marked as delivered or processed for all of its consumers.
This mechanism allows FunBlocks to supervise the modules that form an AmI system without the
need of a separate heartbeat event. Furthermore, by notifying other modules in the system in case one
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of them fails, an AmI system might take corrective actions in case of a module failure. Consider for
example the failure of a smoke sensor. If a smoke sensor fails an AmI system might shutdown the
main gas valve and part of the electrical system to reduce any fire hazards. Simultaneously, the system
might use a temperature sensor so that if the temperature in a room rises beyond a given threshold then
the fire alarm is sounded as a precautionary measure.

6.4. Function Modules and Function Modules Repository

When an application is installed in certain operating systems, such as many Linux distributions, a
sequence of actions takes place:
(1) A package which contains the application is downloaded. The package also contains a list of
packages required for this package to operate and an installation procedure.
(2) The system verifies that each of the required packages listed in the requirements is installed. If
any are missing the package is downloaded and installed using this same procedure.
(3) Once the requirements are installed the installation procedure is carried out and the package is
This installation method can be viewed as a form of composing an application from a group of modules.
In IEC 61499 an application is a network of function blocks. To compose an application with IEC
61499 the function blocks that constitute the application have to be installed in different devices and
the event and data links between the modules have to be established. FunBlocks performs this action
through the Middleware, the Module and Sensor/Actuator Catalog and the Function Module
Repository. Through its MSAD record in the MSAC an application (which is itself an FM) describes
the FMs required for it to operate. The connections between the FMs that form the application are
established through the publish/subscribe method provided by the MDLW and any missing FMs can
be obtained from one or more Functional Module Repositories.
This scheme allows applications to be composed with minimum effort on behalf of the AmI system
user or integrator. Furthermore, as new FMs are created as part of the development process of a new
AmI system or as a result of a research project, such FMs can be reused either as part of commercial
AmI systems or in new research projects.

6.5. Component Interaction

As mentioned in the introduction an Ambient Intelligence system can be viewed as a particular case
of an event driven distributed control system. Specifically we consider that any type of activity that is
carried out by the AmI system is triggered by an action performed by the user, by a change in the
environment or by an internal time event.
The CTRL, MDLW, MSAC and FMRs form the basic platform upon which an Ambient Intelligent
system is integrated. The CTRL and MDLW by themselves do not contain any AmI functions. AmI
functions are performed by the FMs and SAs.
When a new FM is installed, the CTRL obtains the MSAD for the FM from the MSAC. MSAD
records describe, among other things, the SA types required by this FM to operate, the events
generated and the services provided by this FM. For example, a Facial Recognition FM requires a
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Presence BSA and a Video Stream SFSA, and generates USERID-INAREA events. An Emergency
Assistance Module requires some type of hazard sensor, e.g., a Smoke Detector BSA or Gas Leakage
BSA and some type of warning SA, such as a Siren BSA. When a new FM is installed it obtains from
the CTRL a list of the areas, SAs and other FMs installed on the system. Next it subscribes to events
generated by the types of SAs it can handle and, in case further configuration is required, notifies the
user. The notification and configuration is carried out through the CTRL on the HCI employed by the
user to request the installation of the FM.
The use of Function Modules to provide services, Function Module Repositories to house the
modules, and the Module and Sensor/Actuator Catalog to obtain the services/requirements of each
component gives AmI systems developed with FunBlocks a high degree of adaptability for different
scenarios. Modules such as Voice Recognition, Facial Recognition, Gesture Recognition, Media
Streaming, Message Retrieval, Automated Grocery Request, etc. can be installed depending on the
user’s needs. These modules will usually be installed without the need of specialized personnel,
notifying the user and automatically ordering or installing any additional SAs and modules required for
their operation in much the same way as modern operating systems, such as Ubuntu Linux, can install
new software. The need for such a system customization mechanism has been described by Bernheim
et al. and is being introduced into other frameworks such as universAAL.

6.6. Usage Scenario

To illustrate the flexibility offered by FunBlocks we describe a simple usage scenario. Consider a
user who lives alone and has a simple Ambient Intelligence System consisting of a Presence BSA, a
Message Retrieval Module (MRM), and a Display Enabled Mirror HCI (DEM HCI) near the entrance
of his home. Every morning when he is leaving for work the MRM obtains his messages and displays
them on the DEM HCI. Such a setup was easily hooked up by the user by assigning the Presence BSA
and the DEM HCI to the same area, and configuring the MRM to activate from Monday to Friday
between 7:30 and 8:00 am. The MRM was designed to respond to user presence events and display
messages on any HCI available in the same area from which the presence event originated.
Later on the user’s girlfriend moves in and she also wants to have her messages displayed before
she leaves for work. The user instructs the CTRL through a Smartphone HCI to install a Facial
Recognition Module (FaRM). The CTRL obtains the MSAD record for the FaRM and determines that
a camera is required. Through the MSAC, the CTRL determines that there is a camera accessory for
the DEM HCI, warns the user through the Smartphone HCI that the FaRM requires a camera and
requests authorization to order the camera accessory. The user grants authorization and the CTRL
orders the camera.
When the camera arrives, the user snaps it in the accessory receptacle of the DEM HCI and the
camera is detected. The CTRL then proceeds to download and install the FaRM from the
manufacturers FMR. During the installation procedure the FaRM requests that nicknames of the users
be entered and pictures be taken using the camera accessory. Afterwards it notifies the CTRL of its
ability to generate USERID-INAREA events for each user. The CTRL notifies the MRM of the new
events and the module requests that the information required to retrieve the messages of each user be
Sensors 2012, 12 10284

entered. After the information is entered, the MRM unsubscribes to presence events and subscribes to
This simple usage scenario illustrates some key benefits of the FunBlocks framework:
• User interaction is kept to a minimum and does not require any specialized skills.
• By notifying the modules of the changes in the system, a module can adapt its behavior to the
new resources available.
• Through the use of the MSAC the system was able to assist the user in obtaining the missing
components needed to satisfy the requirements of the new system.

7. Features Comparison

Ambient Intelligence is a currently a field of intense research (see for example [63,64]) but as of yet
there is not an AmI systems development framework that enjoys widespread use. Unfortunately,
nowadays most of the effort in AmI applications concentrates itself on developing the most
sophisticated applications in order to corner the market, and the profits [65]. Consequently, current
proposals tend to be rather complex, which means that a research or development team has to invest
significant effort in order to be able to use the framework. Ease of use has been one of our main goals
during the development of FunBlocks.
The problems that have been approached by the developers of different frameworks are varied, and
as a result the characteristics of the frameworks are also diverse. In [66] Becker describes a set of
system and service qualities that an Ambient Assisted Living system should possess. This set of
system and service qualities are valid in general for any Ambient Intelligence system. The system and
service qualities that should be achieved by AmI systems are the following:
1. Affordability. The services and the required technical installation and resources must be
2. Usability and User Experience. If the system requires some explicit interaction with the user,
the system should perform the interaction accordingly with the user´s capabilities and the user
should have a positive experience during such interaction.3.
3. Suitability. The services provided by the system must meet the demands of the user and the
user must benefit from the services, otherwise acceptance of the system will decline over time.
4. Dependability. The system must be robust against misuse, errors, hardware component crashes
and shortage of resources. Furthermore the system must guarantee a minimum of privacy and
security for the users. Finally the system must be safe to use and not pose a risk to its users.
5. Adaptivity. Systems must be able to adapt themselves at runtime. Systems must monitor
themselves, users and the environment and based on the information gathered perform one of
the following:
a. Self-Configuration. Integrate dynamically new components and remove existing
components not required any more.
b. Self-Healing. Denotes the ability of detecting component problems and taking
appropriate measures.
Sensors 2012, 12 10285

c. Self-Optimization. The ability of the system to adapt its algorithmic behavior to

application requirements changes.
d. Self-Protection. Denotes the ability of the system to protect itself against misuse.
6. Extensibility. In order to adapt to new demands the system must be able to extend itself with
new devices and services.
7. Resource Efficiency. Available resources such as processors, memory, communications
bandwidth and energy have to be used as efficiently as possible.
8. Heterogeneity. The system will typically consist of several subsystems provided by different
In Table 1 we provide a brief list of some of the features of the frameworks described previously
along with the corresponding features of FunBlocks. The criteria used for the comparison are the
1. Purpose. As mentioned before frameworks tend to be targeted toward the solution of specific
problems such as AAL.
2. Architecture. Current frameworks are based on different paradigms being SOA the most
popular. The architecture selected for the framework will have a strong impact on its system
and service qualities. Particularly affordability, adaptivity, extensibility, and heterogeneity are
influenced by the choice of architecture.
3. Platform. The platform selected for the implementation of the system will have a direct impact
on affordability and heterogeneity and is therefore an important consideration in the selection
of a framework.
4. Component Supervision. Component supervision is an important feature which helps improve
the dependability of a system.
5. Module Repository. The use of a Module Repository allows end user customization of the
system hence improving usability and user experience.
6. Sensor Handling. AmI systems have to interact with a vast array of existing sensor
technologies. The choice of the sensor handling scheme in the framework will have a direct
impact on the affordability and heterogeneity of the system.

Table 1. Framework features.

Amigo MPOWER SOPRANO universAAL FunBlocks
Dynamic General
Interoperability Purpose
Architecture SOA SOA SOA SOA
Web Services, Platform
Platform NET/OSGi OSGi OSGi
HTTP, SOAP Independent
No No Yes No Yes
No No No Yes Yes
Sensor Through Network As OSGi Networked Native prot.
Handling wrappers enabled bundles enabled support
Sensors 2012, 12 10286

8. Conclusions and Future Work

FunBlocks provides an extremely flexible framework for the development of Ambient Intelligence
systems. Contrary to other AmI frameworks, FunBlocks makes no assumption about the types of
environments or devices that can be handled in an AmI system. As a result FunBlocks can be used
transparently with existing systems such as home/building automation systems, security systems, etc.
By considering AmI systems as a type of distributed control systems, and by making use of the IEC
61499 function block abstraction, FunBlocks can be used to develop AmI systems which can be
customized to a wide range of different usage scenarios. FunBlocks is also language and hardware
independent, which means that the framework can be used with a vast variety of devices ranging from
8 bit microcontrollers to servers. Language and hardware independence along with the function block
abstraction also promotes the reuse of research efforts.
The use of a middleware with supervising capabilities allows AmI systems developed with
FunBlocks to monitor the operational state of their components and, whenever possible, to take
corrective actions in case of component failure. This feature helps to improve the dependability of an
AmI system. Since the middleware makes use of a publish/subscribe paradigm with a store and
forward entity for component interaction it can easily be reused in other event-based systems which
require component monitoring [67].
There is still much work to do developing FunBlocks. The current design of FunBlocks does not
allow the use of redundancy in components such as the controller and the message queue. As a result
these components represent single points of failure. The use of redundant controllers and redundant
message queues must be addressed in order to provide a higher degree of reliability. Once the issue of
redundancy has been addressed self-healing and service composition capabilities must be introduced in
FunBlocks. This is particularly important for wide area systems where communications links could fail
leading to a fragmented system. It would be desirable for each fragment to reconfigure itself into an
independent AmI system perhaps with limited capabilities.
Finally further testing is required. Current tests with FunBlocks have been carried out with small
scale implementations mainly testing different parts of the framework. The next stage in the
development of FunBlocks is the implementation of full-scale systems. We will be focusing on the
implementation of previously developed systems to test and further refine the features offered by
FunBlocks. Simultaneously implementing such full-scale systems in FunBlocks and in some of the
previously mentioned platforms will allow a comparison of the features offered by the diverse
proposed approaches. Once the framework reaches a minimum state of stability it should be release
under some license, preferably open source, to allow other interested parties to develop AmI systems
based on FunBlocks.


The work of Rafael Baquero S. is supported by CONACyT, México.

Sensors 2012, 12 10287


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