Fighting For Our Future: College Republicans: Anything But "Astroturf "

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Fighting For Our Future

College Republicans: CRNC Programs
Anything but “Astroturf ” !
Justin Zatkoff gives us
an update from the field
! With over 1,200 chapters across the country Pages 2- 3
and 200,000 members to call on, College
Republicans have been a powerful force in
American elections since 1892. In fact, College
Republicans are the oldest and largest
conser vative organization in the countr y.
Brandon Greife
Building on past success, we always try to ask
discusses this years
the question: How can so many energetic, target races
informed conservatives possibly do more? Pages 4-5

President Obama and the Democrats in

Congress have shown a relentless desire to
Tommy Jardon change every aspect of American life. Health
Executive Director care, banking, immigration, and taxes are just
some of the areas where every American must Jeremy Hagen
now fight to defend what has made America the discusses our 117 year
greatest and most prosperous nation in history.
Page 6

College Republicans are joining the fight.

Beginning this Fall, College Republicans are going to show elected

officials of both parties the kind of energy we all saw come alive in ! Chairman Zach
August at town hall meetings across the country. We will go to their Howell gives an
offices, host rallies on campus, challenge them to debates, and protest update on Operation
every failed policy the Democrats try to shove down our throats. Waiting Game
Page 7
It doesn’t stop there. The Internet has completely revolutionized
politics in America. The letter writing campaigns of the past are the
Twitter and Facebook campaigns of today. By holding members of
Congress publicly accountable, we can show the world just how out of
touch and unpopular the Democrats have become. ! Finance Director
Tierra Warren asks
We love a challenge. Pushing back against big government takes the for your support
kind of numbers, reach, and energy only College Republicans can deliver. Page 8
Whether it’s 2009 or 2012, College Republicans will continue to be the
vanguard of the conservative movement in America.




Virginia Task Force

Justin Zatkoff
Less than one month ago, we had a goal to recruit 300 College
National Field Director
Republicans to come to Virginia during the 96 hour GOTV drive. We are
extremely proud to report that as of October 5th, there are more than 409
College Republicans signed up from 10 different states to deploy into
Virginia to participate in the crucial 96 hour Get Out The Vote effort. This deployment effort is
completely unprecedented, and clearly illustrates the ability of the College Republicans to mobilize on
behalf of candidates and causes. No other Republican organization has been able to put an effort like this

The Task Force is not only a bolstering force for a Republican victory in Virginia, it also gives these
hundreds of student activists an invaluable opportunity to experience state politics firsthand.  The
infusion of young volunteers will be a boon for the campaign as these future leaders of America get their
hands dirty knocking on doors to get the vote out for Bob McDonnell.  This election will see these
young adults start on a lifelong path championing fiscal responibility, morality, and patriotism. The
College Republicans are unique among Republican volunteer-oriented groups for putting this kind of
emphasis on the crucial off-year gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia. We’re proud of our
unprecedented deployment effort, and we are excited to report on our successes in Virginia following the
November, 3rd election.
Left: College Republican State Chair,
Kate Maxwell pictured with Chairman of
the Republican Party of Virginia Pat
Mullins and Molly Newcomb of UVA.
Below: Virginia Tech CRs phone banking
for Ken Cuccinelli.




In only one month’s time, College Republican Field Representatives
have recruited 1,200 new College Republicans. Out of those 1,200, 914
of the new recruits have committed to helping in some way during the
96 hour Get-Out-The-Vote drive. Field Reps. have been deployed to
every major campus in New Jersey and Virginia. Seven new chapters
have been created at smaller schools throughout those states. These
chapters will play an integral role, not only in this November’s election,
but also in the continuity of the state federation’s organization. All
reports coming in from the field show college students fired up and
ready to win in November!

Above: CRs tabling at

Rutgers University.

Left: Field Rep Kelcy

Brunner (center) leads a
student rally for Christie.

Right: New Jersey CRs

tabling on campus at Seton
Hall for candidate Chris


As the first statewide elections since taking office, the 2009 gubernatorial
elections in New Jersey and Virginia are poised to act as a referendum on
Obama and the Democratic led Congress. If history has taught us anything,
the stakes could be even higher.

Public polling for the Virginia and New Jersey races indicate that
Republicans have reason to be hopeful about the possibility of recapturing
both seats from the Democrats. The races appear to share much in
common with the 1993 elections, which served as an early bellwether for
Brandon Greife Republicans regaining control of Congress. In 1993, with Americans
Political Director outraged over tax increases and a host of welfare entitlement programs
passed under years of Democratic rule, conservative and independent
voters led a massive shift toward Republican leadership. The possibility of a
similar pendulum swing, which led to net gains of 54 seats in the House of Representatives and 8 seats in the
Senate, should create optimism amongst Republicans.

In New Jersey, the race between incumbent Democrat Jon Corzine and Republican challenger Chris
Christie provides reason for enthusiasm tempered by a word of caution. A September Rasmussen poll shows
that Christie holds a 7 point lead over Corzine by a margin of 48% to 41%. However, this represents a
smaller lead than he carried for much of the summer when Corzine’s approval ratings reached a low of 35%.

These numbers are promising considering Democrats’ recent success in New Jersey. Obama won the
Garden State by a 15 point margin over Senator John McCain, continuing a trend which has not seen the
state go Republican in a presidential race since 1988. As Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth
University Polling Institute put it, “a Republican holding a steady poll lead is unprecedented in recent New
Jersey elections and this shouldn’t be discounted.” Helping to spark the shift has been the youth vote, where
Christie’s favorability ratings have seen marked improvements over the course of the summer. Our
continued efforts to attract the 18-29 demographic will be key in maintaining Christie’s lead going into the
homestretch of the campaign.


*For consistency among

polls, the results
incorporate the “second
choice” response for those
who initially picked thrid
party candidate Chris



The Virginia gubernatorial race between Republican Bob McDonnell and Democrat Creigh Deeds
also carries intrigue as Republicans hope to recapture the traditionally red state. The 2008 presidential
election was the first time since 1964 that Virginia failed to cast its electoral votes for a Republican. But has
the state been painted permanently blue or can the conservative foundation of the Old Dominion be
revived? The answer from early polls appears promising.

The most recent Rasmussen survey has McDonnell taking 51% of the vote while Deeds picking up
42%. There are many factors that may explain the possibility of putting the brakes on recent Democratic
momentum. The growing discontent with the Democratic health care plan, the public’s innate desire to
balance the power of the White House, or Virginia’s fiscally conservative roots. However, the growing
conservatism of Virginia’s youth should not be discounted. In the latest Survey USA poll, McDonnell led the
youth demographic 48% to 47% over Deeds. Although the 1% margin doesn’t appear staggering, it
represents a sea change compared to the 2008 presidential election when Obama won the youth vote by a
staggering 60% to 39% margin. For McDonnell to have the lead among the group is an incredible shift from
less than a year ago and a positive sign for the future of the party in the state. Consider the following data
gathered from a Survey USA poll:


With the youth on their side and independents in their corner, Republicans are hopeful they can
translate their ideological momentum into electoral success in New Jersey and Virginia. Dissatisfied with the
liberal agenda and concerned with the size and direction of our government, youth are leading the drive
back to the Republican Party. With continued support they can make their first mark in 2009 and lay the
groundwork for the mid-term elections in 2010.- Brandon

Brandon is the new political director and can be reached via email at



FOR 117 YEARS were in the midst of: history. And

along the way some historical
figures not only called themselves
a part of our ranks, it’s where they
got their start. Newt Gingrich,
Grover Norquist and Lee Atwater:
all College Republicans.

Not unlike those campaigns of

old, this fall the College
Republicans will be in the thick of
things. We wil l be there, in
Virginia, making phone calls,
The College Republicans have a knocking on doors and cheering
tradition of political activism as loudly at rallies. We used to call it
rich as the Democratic Party is deployment, this year we’re calling
liberal. For 116 years we have it the College Republican Task
passionately dedicated ourselves Force, but while the name is
different, the purpose remains Jeremy Hagen
to the election of Republican National Co-Chairman
candidates at all levels of unchanged: to elect a Republican
government in all 50 states, to candidate.
recruiting and training millions of
f u t u r e m e m b e r s , v o te r s a n d
We understand that the only way With Ronald Reagan’s words as our
leaders of the Republican Party
to change policy is to change guide and in our hearts, we go into
and to aggressively advocating
those charged with developing it. o u r 1 1 7 t h y e a r, w i t h r e n e w e d
Republican principles in the most
That’s why this fall we are sending purpose, unmatched resolve and
radically liberal of climates: the
more than 300 volunteers from with one goal: to turn our party
American college campus.
more than 15 states to Virginia to around. Rest assured knowing one
elect Bob McDonnell the next thing in this unsure world: that your
This fall will be our 117th. Governor of that state. College support of the College Republicans
Republicans know that to win in is paying dividends for the future of
And this year, like in 1900 when 2010, we must win in 2009. And our party and our country.- Jeremy
w e w o r ke d t o e l e c t Te d d y we’re going to do it, because that
Roosevelt or in '52 for Dwight i s j u s t w h a t we d o . It ’s o u r
Eisenhower or in '64 for Barry purpose. Jeremy can be reached via email at
Goldwater or '80 for Ronald
Reagan or '04 for George Bush,
You know, Ronald Reagan once
we will be working toward
called the College Republicans “a
Republican Victory at the ballot
vital force in conser vative
box. This time in Virginia. This
politics.” “You are the vanguard of
time to elect a Governor: Bob
the Republican Party,” he said,
and continued, “I know that the
s t r e n g t h o f y o u n g p e o p l e 's
You see, College Republicans have
support for our Party will ensure
been there for 116 years. We've
the continued success of
been in the middle of some of
Republican goals as you begin to
America’s greatest campaigns,
assume leadership roles in the
helping to make the very thing we
Party and in our Nation.”




Early this Summer, one of the vast majority of young people use
most important legislative battles regularly and enables us to put
in a generation began. What was, them to use to spread our message
and is at stake, is nothing less than from a single, central online
the highest quality healthcare in location. Before we launched the
the world. effort, we believed that the most
effective way to harness the power
Along with much of the rest of of youth activism was by having
the Conservative movement, the them use the online tools they are
College Republican National already used to using, and we
Committee launched a believe the results of the program
comprehensive online and in-the- so far have vindicated this
field effort to fight a government approach. Zach Howe&
takeover of America’s healthcare
National Chairman
system. Our organization felt it With a single click, members of
was absolutely vital to come up the College Republicans are able Since
with a program for youth activism to send news articles, videos and was launched, College
regarding the healthcare issue that messages to hundreds of people Republicans have taken more
framed the debate in a way that they associate with online. Just as than 67,000 actions against a
young people could relate to, and easily, they are also able to send government takeover of our
to design the program in a way messages to members of Congress healthcare.
that would enable the maximum and other elected officials.
number of young people to Operation Waiting Game has
participate. When the most extreme version been a stunning success, with tens
of the Democrats healthcare bill of thousands of actions taken
To accomplish this, we launched was going through committee in against government run
Operation Waiting Game. The t h e Ho u s e , o u r m e m b e r s healthcare, and hundreds of
goal of the program is to draw a bombarded seven members of the thousands exposed to an
parallel between the long wait Congressional Blue Dog alternative, free market vision for
t i m e s t h a t a c co m p a n y m o s t Democrats with thousands of the American healthcare system.
p e o p l e ’s e n c o u n t e r s w i t h messages both encouraging them We believe that this is merely the
government bureaucracy such as to stand their ground against a beginning, and we are excited to
the post office or the Department government takeover, and for report on what we are able to
o f Mo t o r Ve h i c l e s . Mo r e those that did stand their ground, accomplish online and in the field
importantly, it also seeks to draw a thanking them for their courage. in the coming months.
parallel with the often deadly The immense pressure put on the
waiting times that patients in Blue Dog Democrats caused many
nations with government run of them to stand against the worst
healthcare face. versions of the bill, and forced a
mild compromise which cut costs,
The main component of this and served as a hit on the so called
effort is a cutting edge online “public option”. While we are still
activism tool called far from victorious in our efforts The to protect America’s dynamic
functionality of this online effort healthcare system, we are proud of
is literally unprecedented. It takes what the College Republican
social networking sites, such as National Committee has been
Facebook and Twitter, that the able to do so far to fight back.





The College Republican National successful in the past, something

Committee is the most cost effective much larger and more innovative is
and efficient volunteer movement on needed if we are to successfully
t h e g r o u n d . We a r e t h e o n l y capture the attention of youth voters
Republican organization that will in future elections.
make a dedicated effort to target
youth voters through a sophisticated We are asking you for $100, $250,
grassroots field operation, online $500, $1,000 or whatever you can
messaging, and activism. As a political afford to put towards the programs
527 nonprofit, nearly 100% of the outlined in the previous pages. I
money you give goes into our realize this is a substantial sum, and I
programs. Like other nonprofits, we do not ask for it lightly, but it is
too are frustrated with the economy necessary to invest in the youth of our
and College Republicans desperately party more than we ever have before.
need your help. Your tremendous investment will help Tierra Warren
us spur other donors into similarly Finance Director
Being uniquely positioned as an generous contributions, and will
already functioning volunteer ensure our success in the upcoming
organization, the College Republican elections. Thank you in advance for
National Committee has the history your support. -Tierra
behind it to ensure stability, and the
type of membership that allows for Tierra can be reached via email at
powerful grassroots mobilization.
Ho w e v e r, w h i l e w e h a v e b e e n

College Republican National Committee

Yes I will invest in the future of the Republican Party by
helping the College Republicans bring back America’s
youth with my gift of:

! $100" ! $250 ! ! $500 ! ! $1,000

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Please make checks payable to: College Republican National Committee,
600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste. 215, Washington, DC 20003

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