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3 authors:
Olaunji Fadeyi
Anchor University Lagos, Nigeria
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Chijioke Nwachukwu 1
are well documented in the literature productivity, as performance measures in
(Andrews 1971; Rumelt, 1984; Mintzberg, studies of international knowledge spill
1987; Chandler 1962; Porter, 1996). Many overs (Branstetter, 2006; MacGarvie, 2006;
authors have examined the connection Salomon & Shaver, 2005), strategic human
between the dimensions of strategy resource management relationship with
formulation and performance; mission innovation performance (Laursen & Foss,
(Gharleghi, et al., 2011; Desmidt, et al., 2003; Zehir et al, 2016). Very few studies
2011; Bartkus & Glassman, 2008), vision have examined the connection between
(Mutetei et al., 2016; Kantabutra & Avery, strategy formulation process and innovation
2011; Odita & Bello, 2015; Abu Bakar & performance. Some authors have explored
Zainol 2015); environmental scanning management practices in microfinance banks
(Odongo et al., 2016; Sandada, 2014; in the Nigerian context. For instance,
Kumar, 2015; Aremu & Oyinloye, 2014). veritable tool for reducing poverty and
Microfinance banks (MFBs) supports unemployment in developing economies
economic growth and development in (Onoyere, 2014); assessment of MFBs using
Nigeria. Individuals and small business in European foundation for quality
Nigeria benefit from microcredit made management excellence model (EFQM)
available by MFBs. Akangbe et al. (2012), (Nwachukwu et al., 2017b); MFBs and
notes that financial empowerment of rural development of small and medium
areas is important for achieving sustainable enterprises (SMEs) (Suberu et al., 2011);
economic growth and development. financial inclusion and the growth of MFBs
Arguably, large numbers of business in (Nwankwo & Ogbodo, 2017); human
Nigeria are small and medium enterprises resource practices and employee satisfaction
(SMEs). MFBs provide services to these (Nwachukwu & Chladkova, 2017).
small businesses to support their growth. To However, no study though has examined the
remain competitive, MFBs must articulate subject in the Nigeria context. In the light of
mission, long term objectives and evaluate these arguments, this study attempt to
their strength, weakness, opportunities, and contribute to a better understanding in this
the threats in the dynamic and challenging area of research by introducing innovation
Nigerian business environment. Nwachukwu performance as a measure of performance.
et al. (2017a), suggest that managers of The aim of this study is to expand the current
MFBs should implement policies that literature base on the strategy formulation
enhance performance and create value for process and innovation performance nexus in
various stakeholders. Developing effective MFBs in Nigeria. In specific terms, this
strategies can make MFBs achieve study evaluates the relationship between
sustainable innovation performance. Odongo strategy formulation and product, process
et al. (2016) suggest that other variables and marketing dimensions of innovation
associated with the strategy formulation and performance in microfinance banks in
performance relationship should be Nigeria.
examined in future studies. The authors
contend that the relationship between 2. Review of literature
strategic formulation and performance is
complex and needs to be examined by 2.1. Theoretical framework
considering all possible related performance
variables or factors. Mataradzija et al. (2013) In the light of Resource-Based Theory
assert that innovation drives firm (RBT), successful strategy formulation
development and competitiveness in today’s process can deliver superior innovation
knowledge-driven economy. Recent studies performance. Prior studies have used RBT in
use innovation performance, rather than explaining the competitive value of
appropriate alternative (Wheelen & Hunger, performance of medium-sized enterprises in
2008). Authors contend that strategy Nakuru Town using strategy formulation as
formulation is the responsibilities of one of the indicators of strategic planning.
employees at the corporate, business and the The results show a weak positive
functional levels of management in an relationship between strategy formulation
organisation. In their study of microfinance and firm performance. They add that strategy
institutions (MFIs) in Nairobi Kenya, formulation significantly influence the
Odongo et al. (2016) found a positive performance of medium size enterprises.
correlation between strategy formulation Evidence from the literature suggests that
phase and performance of MFIs. Similarly, strategy formulation exerts influence on firm
Woldie et al. ( 2012) argue that an effective performance.
strategy formulation mechanism could
enhance performance. Arguably, strategy 2.3. The concept of innovation
formulation is important for firms to achieve
superior performance and remain The last ten years have witnessed rapid
competitive. Thus, a systematic strategy social, political and technological change.
formulation process can enable firms During this period, different authors have
develop strategies that are aligned to their attempted to define the concept of
goals and aspirations. The strategy innovation. Innovation is the implementation
formulation process and strategic plan are of a new or significantly improved product
necessary for firms to achieve competitive (goods or services), or a process, a new
advantage. Grant (1991) propose a resource- marketing method, or a new organisational
based approach to strategy formulation method in business practices, workplace
which involves firm's identifying and organisation or external relations (OECD,
understanding their internal resources, 2005). According to Pitelis (2009),
capabilities, strengths and weaknesses innovation is a persuasive way firm create
relative to that of their competitors. Thus, value and competitive advantage. Robert &
strategies are formulated to achieve and Tucker (2008) contends that innovation
sustain competitive advantage. Arguably the involves generating ideas and bringing them
strategy formulated based on firm's internal to life. Technological facilities, trained
resources and capabilities can enhance firm's workforce and management support for
profitability. Katsvamutima and Jeevananda innovation are important drivers of
(2014), examined the relationship between innovative activities. Innovation is a
strategy formulation and implementation in comprehensive approach to renewing and
Zimbabwe’s food manufacturing industry. enlarging firm’s range of products, services
The results show that strategy formulation and markets by adopting new methods or
and implementation enhances profitability, modifying existing methods. It involves a
efficiency and is a source of competitive radical change in terms of speeding up idea
advantage in dynamic environments. In the generation, and developing new products,
same spirit, Aremu and Oyinloye (2014), services and industrial processes. Williams
using t-test and multiple regression (1999) focuses on the characteristics of
techniques investigated the relationship innovation that contribute positively to the
between strategic management and firms’ creation of new products, systems or
performance in Nigerian banking industry. processes. Some authors argue that
The results show a positive correlation innovation is an output of learning and
between strategy formulation and knowledge creation processes that are
organisational performance. In the same important for firms to sustain competitive
direction, Auka and Langat (2016), study the advantage in the current era of globalisation
effect of strategic planning on the (e.g. Dohse, 2007; Asheim & Coenen, 2005;
focussed on the relationships between According to OECD (2005), marketing
marketing innovations and the other innovations include changes in product
innovation dimensions. The third stream design and packaging, promotion and
tries to give insights on the characteristics of placement and in methods for pricing goods
firms that use marketing innovations. and services.
Marketing insight (Linoff, 2004; Roberts &
Eisenhardt, 2003) and marketing imagination 2.4. Strategy formulation process and
(Andrews & Smith, 1996) are two important innovation performance
antecedents that enable a firm effectively
develop, foster and implement marketing Prior studies on the interrelationship between
innovation. These internal antecedents are strategy process (Formulation and
difficult for firms to change because they are implementation) and product innovation
highly embedded in the firm, requiring performance show a significant positive
substantial effort and time to modify. correlation between the two variables (See
Altering marketing insight and marketing e.g, Ulwick, 2005; Acar & Acar, 2012). In
imagination may require the firm to change the same direction, Zhang et al. (2009) found
its corporate structure, top management, or that both the formulation and
mix of corporate capital. Authors argue that implementation processes through their
innovation is extremely necessary to influence on type of information needed, the
improve performance in a highly dynamic source of information and the interplay
and competitive business environment. among difference pieces of information are
Firms require innovation strategies to cope positively correlated to innovation
with changing customers demand and performance of organisations. A well
expectations. Namusonge (2016) examine formulated and implemented strategy
the role of innovation on the performance of facilitates information flow and reduces the
firms quoted on the Nigerian Stock cost of new product development. Arguably,
Exchange. The results indicate that a well-articulated strategy can contribute to
innovation has a negative relationship with innovation performance by increasing the
both returns on assets and returns on equity. rate of new product development and
The development and implementation of increase customer satisfaction. In the study
new ideas that have a commercial potential of the impact of national culture on the
influence organisational performance product innovation performance in Ethiopian
positively (Laursen & Salter, 2006). Firms manufacturing firms. Beyene et al. (2016)
invest a lot of money to product and process found that formulation and implementation
innovation which has a positive contribution process of innovation strategy are positively
on organisational performance (Kumar & Nti correlated to the project and commercial
1998; Stocka et al., 2001). Different authors performance of the innovation process.
conceptualise product innovation According to Lendel and Varmus (2011),
performance in various ways. Zakic et al. Innovation strategies give guide on how to
(2008), for instance, posit that product improve the innovative potential of the firm.
innovation performance is the market Previous studies suggest that innovation
success of newly introduced products. strategy has an impact on firm innovation
Menguc and Auh (2010) argue that performance indicators (e.g., Kalay & Lynn,
innovation performance measures the level 2015; Bessant & Tidd, 2007; Verhees &
of customer satisfaction and overall project Meulenberg, 2004). Thus, innovation
performance of the innovation process. Thus, performance can be understood as the ability
marketing innovation focus on adopting new to transform innovation inputs into outputs
marketing methods and effective use of which result to innovation market success.
marketing resources and capabilities. Innovation performance is mostly evaluated
technologies, and new features which are analysis and drawing conclusions. Out of the
embedded in the new products. We used two 80 questionnaires that were returned only 76
items to assess product innovation were found usable for the analysis. The
performance. Process innovation MFBs were selected based on their financial
performance measures positive contributions performance.
in terms of the degree of improvements in
reliability and efficiency in the service 3.4. Statistical analysis
process, use of information to optimise
decision-making process and the use of SPSS 17 (statistical package for the social
advanced technologies to support firm sciences software) statistical software is
strategy. Three items were used to assess employed in the analyses conducted.
process innovation performance. For Regression and Pearson correlation matrix
marketing innovation performance, authors could reveal the strength of association and
measure the market success of a new product relationship among the variables. Regression
related to its effect on the level of customer analyses technique was used in examining
loyalty and customer satisfaction. Five items the nature of the relationships of particular
were used to assess marketing innovation variables and for hypotheses testing. KMO
performance. For strategy formulation and Bartlett's test and Cronbach’s alpha were
process, the European foundation for quality used for testing the validity and reliability of
management (EFQM) excellence model self- the constructs.
assessment questionnaire was adapted and
modified to suit the purpose of this study. 4. Results
We used four items to assess strategy
formulation process. Five points Likert scale The author conducted an exploratory factor
ranging from 1 "strongly disagree" to 5 analysis (EFA) using principal component
"strongly agree" was used to collect data for analysis with varimax rotation to see if the
all the variables. observed variables loaded together as
expected, were adequately correlated, and
3.3. Sample and procedure met criteria of reliability. Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin and Bartlett’s tests are widely used in
A web-based survey was combined with making decision about the sample adequacy.
sending emails to individuals to participate Thus, that is the reason why these two tests
in the study. Andrews et al. (2003) argue that were used in this study. The KMO and
web-based surveys are better than to email Bartlett's test of sampling adequacy was
surveys, but when combined with email is a significant (KMO; 0.802) and the
good means for inviting individuals to communalities for each variable were high.
participate in web-based surveys. The This means that the chosen variables were
esurvey creator software was used to collect adequately correlated for a factor analysis.
data from respondents between January 2017 Hair et al. (2010) suggest that factor loadings
and April 2017. 100 employees of leading of at least 0.5 is considered adequate. We
microfinance banks were randomly selected dropped questions 3 and 5 in strategy
for this study. 80 questionnaires were formulation measurement because of low
returned accounting for 80% response rate. factor loading. Other variables are
A response rate of 50% is adequate for data distributed under the proposed factor
analysis and drawing conclusions (Mugenda structure. The final four factor model is
& Mugenda, 2009; Bryman & Bell, 2015). presented in Table 1 below.
Our response rate of 80% is well above the
recommended rate, thus adequate for data
Marketing Innovation
Eigen Values 5.932 2.272 1.445 1.085
Variance explained % 37.077 14.199 9.029 6.779
Source: authors own study
Notes: (i) Principal Component Analysis with Varimax Rotation
(ii) KMO =0.802, Bartlett Test; p<0.001
(iii) Total Variance Explained (%); 67.08
This model had a total variance explained of were above 0.70. strategy formulation (.687)
67.08%, with all extracted factors having and product innovation performance (.677)
eigenvalues above 1.0. The Cronbach’s are very close to the acceptable limit of 0.70.
alphas for the extracted factors are shown in The overall alpha for the 13 items is 0.853.
table 2 below. The alphas for process This show that factors are reliable and
innovation performance (.705) and internally consistent (Field, 2009).
marketing innovation performance (.922)
Durbin-Watson tests results are presented in range (1 less than or equal to 3)
table 3. The results show that the Durbin - recommended by Field (2009). This means
Watson values fall within the acceptable that there is no autocorrelation in the model.
The results presented in table 5, R2 = (.225) performance. Regression analysis was used
indicate that strategy formulation process to test the three hypotheses in this study. The
accounts for 22.5% of the variation in results show that strategy formulation
process innovation performance. Strategy process has a positive effect on process
formulation process R2 = (.156) account for innovation performance (β= 0.505 at p <
15.6% of the variation in product innovation 0.05). This finding support H1, that strategy
performance. Similarly, strategy formulation formulation is positively related to process
process R2 = (.141) account 14,1% of the innovation performance. In the same
variation in marketing innovation direction, strategy formulation process has a
and sustain competitive advantage. A policymakers, business executives, and
strategy that supports and promotes managers develop a systematic strategy
innovation is necessary for survival of firms. formulation process that links strategies to
The strategy formulation process is an innovation performance. The insight from
important phase in the strategic management this study can also help managers formulate
process. Formulating effective strategy can strategies that are aligned to firm's
make firms to achieve innovation innovation performance. The empirical
performance. A well-articulated strategy results suggest that managers and executives
enables firms to deliver business value. should give attention to strategy formulation
Strategy formulation process involves the process, if firms are to achieve superior
use of environmental scans and market innovation performance. This study is
analyses to identify problems based on core relevant for making strategic decisions in
business goals. Firms should focus on MFBs, other companies and public sector in
strategy formulation process to improve their Nigeria and other countries.
innovation performance. The strategy
development process should link the 6.2. Limitations and future research
organisation's mission and business goals to
innovation performance. The results show The limitations of this study are identified so
that strategy formulation process has a that the findings can be interpreted correctly
positive effect on innovation performance within the context of the study. The
dimensions (process, product and limitation of the study covers areas such as
marketing). The authors, therefore, sample and data. This study used a sample of
concludes that a systematic strategy 76 employees from selected microfinance
formulation process is necessary for firms to banks in Nigeria for the analysis conducted.
achieve and sustain process innovation Thus, one reason the researcher may not be
performance, product innovation able to generalise the results to all the MFBs
performance and marketing innovation within the country. This study used cross
performance. sectional data, care should be taken when
reporting cause and effect between variables
6.1. Study contribution in cross sectional studies. Despite the
limitation described above, the applicability
This study contributes to the industry and to of this study adds to the literature as it relates
the field of strategy and innovation to the strategy process and innovation
management by providing a better performance research from both theoretical
understanding of how strategy formulation and practical point of view. The authors
process affect innovation performance believe that these results provide interesting
indicators (process, product and marketing). basis for further debate and empirical study.
Through the theoretical lens of the resource- This study could be further developed by
based theory, this study underscores the including more dimensions of innovation
importance of strategy formulation process performance like organisational innovation
in enhancing innovation performance. This performance, service innovation
study adds to the limited research on strategy performance among others. Environmental
and innovation performance relationship dynamism and competitiveness can be
especially in the emerging markets, by introduced as moderating variables in the
exploring the link between strategy relationship between strategy formulation
formulation process and innovation process and innovation performance.
performance indicators. To the best of the Longitudinal study could improve the
authors knowledge, this is the first of such finding of the study by capturing changes in
attempt. This study will enable strategy formulation process and innovation
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