Transformer Maintenance
Transformer Maintenance
Transformer Maintenance
The following physical inspections and tests can be carried out with the
transformer in service:
Checks on vibrations, change in sound, leakages etc.
Taking oil samples for BDV (Break down voltage) and DGA (dissolve gas
Check on hot and cold spots through thermovision Infrared scanning (IR
Physical inspection
S/N Tests Purpose Results
To determine the dielectric strength of the oil by indicating the Minimum acceptable value:
presence of contaminating agents in the oil, such as water, dirt, 30kV for < 72.5 kV
Oil Break Down Voltage carbon, or any other conducting particles. 40kV for 72.5 - 70kV
1. 50kV for > 170 kV
(BDV) 2.5mm gap.
To reveal the condition of insulation (i.e. degree of dryness of paper insulation), Minimum acceptable value at 300C are 300MΩ, 400MΩ
1. Insulation Resistance (IR). presence of any foreign contaminants in oil and also any gross defect inside the and 500MΩ for 11kV, 33kV and 66kV & above windings
transformer. ratings respectively.
To check for abnormities due to loose connection, broken strands of conductor, high The results are generally compared with historical or
2. Winding Resistance
contact resistance in tap changers, high voltage leads and bushings. original data measured in factory.
To determine the ratio between the primary and secondary of the transformer, to
confirm the proper alignment and operation of the tap changers, verify nameplate The results are generally compared with historical or
3. Transformer Turns Ratio. ratio, polarity and tap changer operation for both acceptance and maintenance original data measured in factory and must be within
testing. It can also be used as an investigative tool to check for shorted turns or open 0.5% of nameplate values to be acceptable.
No Load Current/ Open If values obtained are higher compared to factory test
4. This measurement can detect faults in winding and core.
Circuit. results, it indicates faulty condition.
Investigation of faults from relay indication
S/N Tests Purpose Results
To reveal the condition of insulation (i.e. degree of dryness of paper insulation), Minimum acceptable value at 300C are 300MΩ, 400MΩ
1. Insulation Resistance (IR). presence of any foreign contaminants in oil and also any gross defect inside the and 500MΩ for 11kV, 33kV and 66kV & above windings
transformer. ratings respectively.
To check for abnormities due to loose connection, broken strands of conductor, high The results are generally compared with historical or
2. Winding Resistance
contact resistance in tap changers, high voltage leads and bushings. original data measured in factory.
To determine the ratio between the primary and secondary of the transformer, to
confirm the proper alignment and operation of the tap changers, verify nameplate The results are generally compared with historical or
3. Transformer Turns Ratio. ratio, polarity and tap changer operation for both acceptance and maintenance original data measured in factory and must be within
testing. It can also be used as an investigative tool to check for shorted turns or 0.5% of nameplate values to be acceptable.
open windings.
No Load Current/ Open If values obtained are higher compared to factory test
4. This measurement can detect faults in winding and core.
Circuit. results, it indicates faulty condition.
SUMMARY of fault investigation in
The following are the recommended actions to be taken on transformers that are taken out of
service on fault:
Before investigation commences, ensure that the transformer is isolated from sources of supply.
Check any associated fault recorders for evidence of an electrical fault.
Check and record the operation of protective devices, alarm systems and winding-temperature
actual and maximum settings.
Make an external examination, paying particular attention to oil expulsion, oil-level gauges,
bulging of the tank, the state of the explosion vent or oil-pressure-relief device, any smell from
the oil indicating gas or burning, and the position of any on-load tap changer.
Oil samples should be taken from the transformer main tank and tap-changer diverter and
selector tanks for BDV, DGA, etc.
Check the insulation resistance between: each winding and earth; between windings (for a two-
winding transformer); and between core and earth.
Check the winding resistances and compare with the historical or commissioning results.
Carry out a magnetising-current, ratio and tap- changer continuity test and compare with the
commissioning results
Periodic tests are conducted after the transformer is installed and commissioned
in its permanent location. The main purpose of this test is to monitor the
condition of the transformer so that any potential trouble may be spotted early
before a failure occurs. Some of these tests are listed below:
Turns ratio
Insulation resistance test with polarization index
Power factor
Resistance (winding)
Oil tests (DGA, moisture, BDV, etc.)
Excitation current test
Visual inspection
An unscheduled outage and the potential of outright failure can be prevented by
following a periodic test schedule.
Tests after Failure
Close the head case cover and tighten the nuts.(Ensure the correct sequence
of the cover)
Fix back the driving shaft.
Ensure that the tap position on the head case corresponds with that on the
control cubicle.
Ensure no stiffness is felt during manual operation of the tap changer.
Carry out Insulation resistance and Ratio test before and after OLTC
Remove the temporary ground.
Surrender back permit to system operator for lifting isolation.
De-energized transformer inspection format
The following tests should be carried out on power transformer as part of the
annual preventive maintenance:
Voltage Ratio Test.
Magnetizing Current Test.
Short Circuit Test.
Magnetic Balance Test.
Transformer Turn Ratio (TTR) Test
Zero Sequence Impedance Test.
Cooling Fans Test
Transformer Guard Alarm and Trip Test.
Transformer Cooling Equipment Test
Ground Resistance Test
Voltage ratio test
Fan No.
Start Up Running
Instruments used for the test:
Current (A) Current (A)
Leakage Current Clamp Meter
1 1.92 0.57 Ok UNITEST CHB4.
2 2.05 0.58 Ok
The start up and running
3 1.92 0.56 Ok
current for each fan are
4 2.12 0.64 Ok
obtained and tabulated
5 2.12 0.60 Ok
6 2.18 0.64 Ok
Remarks: - Fans are in order.
7 2.12 0.63 Ok
8 1.98 0.59 Ok
9 2.00 0.62 Ok
10 2.04 0.61 Ok
Guard alarm and trip test
out by simulation
Buchholz In In Buchholz Protection
warning & trip came up and the CBs
Main order order In order.
Buchholz In In
Alarm and indication showing OLTC
Buchholz OLTC
(injecting 110VDC) on the
Buchholz trip came up and Tripped the
OLTC order order
Protection In order.
respective protective
PRV Main
Alarm and indication showing PRV Main
trip came up and tripped the CBs.
PVR Main Protection
In order.
devices on the
Alarm and indication showing PRV
PRV OLTC OLTC Trip came up and tripped the
order order Protection In order.
Oil Level
In In Alarm and indication showing Oil Level Oil level low main
order order Low main warning came in. warning In order.
Oil Level In In Alarm and indication showing Oil Oil level low OLTC
low OLTC order order Level Low OLTC warning came in. warning In order.
Cooling test
Fans Came
in at
Alarm Came
in at
CB Trip
Observation Remarks
The cooling tests were
carried out by dialing the
Winding and oil Temp
Alarm and indication
showing Winding
Relay indicator on the
750C 900C 1150C
temperature temperature warning & trip Protection In
came up. order.
HV Bus Isolator
and gantries on
8 HV Bus bar 0.7 Good transformer primary and
9 HV support structures 0.7 Good secondary Bays are
LV VT gantry
tabulated as shown
12 LV Secondary Circuit Breaker 0.7 Good
Operation and Observation
Operations and Observations cont.