CMT of MG To Al
CMT of MG To Al
CMT of MG To Al
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Automotive manufacturers are faced with increasing pressure to reduce vehicle weight, improve fuel
Received 3 August 2012 economy, reduce emissions, and enhance vehicle safety and performance. Therefore, an increasing
Received in revised form number of vehicle structures are built using a combination of dissimilar materials such as steel,
1 September 2012
aluminum and magnesium. Though the advantages are potentially huge, this hybrid fabrication
Accepted 19 September 2012
approach raises substantial technical challenges to the design of vehicle structures and the associated
Available online 28 September 2012
joining processes. Once two elements (e.g., magnesium–aluminum, aluminum–steel) are mixed in a
Keywords: high temperature welding pool, brittle intermetallic phases (IMP) can be easily formed. Experimental
Magnesium AZ31B observations showed that a series of intermetallic phases will greatly reduce the mechanical
Aluminum A6061-T6
performance of the welded dissimilar materials.
In this study, welding of 1 mm thick magnesium AZ31B-to-1 mm thick aluminum A6061-T6 using a
Mg-rich intermetallic c-Al12Mg17
Al-rich intermetallic b-Al3Mg2 1.6 mm diameter aluminum filler wire 4047 was investigated. Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) arc welding
technique was adopted. The key feature of this process is that the motion of the wire has been
integrated into the overall control of the process. The wire retraction motion assists droplet detachment
during the short circuit, thus the metal can transfer into the welding pool without the aid of the
electromagnetic force. In this way the heat input and spatter can be controlled and the IMP formation
minimized thereby improving the joint strength. Extensive experiments were performed and analyzed.
It was found that although extensive efforts have been exercised to control the heat input, Mg-rich
intermetallic c-Al12Mg17 and Al-rich intermetallic b-Al3Mg2 were still produced in the weld. Fracture
surfaces of CMT welded AZ31B–Al6061-T6 joints exhibited the Mg-rich intermetallic (c-Al12Mg17)
which contributes to the weld strength degradation. To improve the joint, minimizing the content of
the intermetallics especially Mg-rich intermetallics (c-Al12Mg17) is essential.
& 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0921-5093/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266 257
distribution, static strength and fracture of CMT welded Mg AZ31B- were etched by 5 g picricþ10 ml distilled waterþ50 ml ethanolþ5 g
to-Al A6061-T6 joints. Finally, we discuss the correlation between the acetic acid for Mg alloy sheet and Nital’s for Al alloy sheet. The etched
joint strength and weld area, location of the brittle zone and fracture specimens were observed and analyzed by scanning electron micro-
modes of CMT welded Mg AZ31B-to-Al A6061-T6 joints. scope (SEM 6700F) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectro-
meter (EDS). The element distribution analyses of the joints were
carried out by Electron Probe Micro-Analysis (EPMA).
2. Experimental procedure
1 mm thick Mg AZ31B and 1 mm thick Al A6061-T6 sheets Specimens in Fig. 2 machined from the weldment were
were used in this study. Typical physical properties and chemical subjected to quasi-static tensile loading on a CSS-2205 testing
composition of these materials are provided in Table 1 and
Table 2, respectively. Welding wire Al4047 having a diameter of
Table 3
1.6 mm was used in this study. Table 3 provides the chemical Nominal chemical composition of filler wire Al 4047 (in wt%).
composition of Al4047.
Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Al
2.2. Sample fabrication
12 0.80 0.03 0.15 0.10 0.20 Balance
Table 2
Nominal chemical composition of AZ31B Mg alloy and A6061-T6 Al alloys sheets (in wt%).
Alloys Al Zn Mn Fe Si Cu Mg Ni Ti Cr
Fig. 2. Specimens machined from the welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 sheets The fracture location and fracture surface of CMT welded joints
(dimensions in mm). were analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM 6700F).
Al 6061
Mg AZ31 20mm
Al 6061
Mg AZ31 20mm
Fig. 3. Weld appearance of a welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joint fabricated with a voltage of 10 V, a wire feed speed of 3.0 m/min and a weld speed of 8.8 mm/s
(specimen ]1): (a) top view, and (b) bottom view.
Al 6061
Mg AZ31
Al 6061
Mg AZ31 20mm
Fig. 4. Weld appearance of a welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joint fabricated with a voltage of 10 V, a wire feed speed of 1.8 m/min, and a weld speed of 5.0 mm/s
(specimen ]9): (a) top, and (b) bottom view.
A H-11
Al Weld metal
Mg B
D Mg
Fig. 5. Microstructure of a welded Mg AZ31–Al A6061-T6 with fully melted through Mg sheet (specimen ]1) under a weld voltage of 10 V, a wire speed of 3.0 m/min;
a weld speed 8.8 mm/s.
R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266 259
Table 5 Table 6
Microstructures of various Mg, Al and Si compositions from Fig. 1. EPMA analysis results for a welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 (Specimen ]1) (at%).
Dendrite crystal 6 5
Fig. 6. Microstructures of a welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joint fabricated with a weld voltage of 10 V, a wire feed speed of 3.0 m/min and a weld speed of 8.8 mm/s
(specimen ]1) at the weld metal: zone (a) A, (b) B, and (c) D shown in Fig. 5.
260 R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266
3. Results and discussion respectively. As shown in Figs. 4 and 5, while the weld metal
melted through the thickness of the Mg AZ31B sheet in specimen
3.1. Appearance of welded Mg AZ31B-to-Al A6061-T6 joints ]1, it only extended partially through the bottom Mg AZ31B
sheet. Besides the difference in the depth of the weld metal,
To examine the effect of the process variables on the weld specimen ]1 has a smoother surface appearance than specimen
appearance and the strength of CMT welded 1.0 mm thick Mg ]9. The apparent difference in the weld penetration and weld
AZ31B to 1.0 mm thick Al A6061-T6 joints, extensive tests have width shown in Figs. 3 and 4 is attributed to the heat generation
been conducted. Table 4 provides the process variables used in in CMT welding. Apparently, this heat variation influenced the
the experiments. For the purpose of comparison, specimens ]1 microstructure and weld properties. Therefore, we will present
and ]9 made with two different welding conditions were selected. the results on the effect of the heat on the microstructure and
Figs. 3 and 4 show the weld appearance for specimens ]1 and ]9, properties in the following sections.
R Mg AZ31
Weld Metal
(rich-Al intermetallics(β-Al3Mg2))
Fig. 7. (a) Macro cross-section, (b) magnified view of an area shown in (a) for a welded Mg AZ31B-to-Al A6061-T6 joint with partially melted through the Mg sheet
(Specimen ]9), and (c) schematic phase distribution.
R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266 261
3.2. Microstructure of CMT welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joints center, B—weld near the Mg sheet, and D— Mg sheet-weld
boundary) were selected and analyzed by Electron Probe Micro-
Prior to the description of the microstructure of CMT welded Mg Analysis (EPMA). Fig. 6 and Table 6 show the microstructures and
AZ31-to-Al 6061 T6, we briefly describe the Mg–Al–Si phase diagram EPMA results, respectively. The details of zones A, B and D, refer
shown in Ref. [20]. The microstructures of various compositions are to Fig. 6, are described below.
listed in Table 5. As the aluminum content reaches 81.4–100 at%, the
microstructure of the weld metal is mainly composed of Al solid
solution. When the Al content is in the range of 41.8–47.9 at%, Mg
content is in the range of 47.1–49.6 at%, and Si content is in the range Table 7
of 2.5–7.5 at%, the microstructure of the weld metal is mainly EPMA analysis results of various zones for a welded joint (specimen ]9) in Fig. 10
composed of b-Al3Mg2, c-Al12Mg17, and Mg2Si intermetallic com- (at%).
pounds. When the Al content is in the range of 47.9–48.4 at%, the Mg
Region in Mg Al Si O Zn Composition
content is in the range of 49.6–50.1 at%, and Si content is in the range Fig. 10
of 1.5–2.5 at%, the microstructure of the weld metal is mainly
composed of c-Al12Mg17 and Mg2Si intermetallic compounds. When 1 02.88 76.63 20.55 0 0 a-Al solid solution and
the Al content is in the range of 48.4–49.1 at%, Mg content is in the Mg2Si
2 02.29 97.71 0 0 0 a-Al solid solution
range of 50.1–51.0 at%, and Si content is in the range of 0–1.5 at%, the
3 03.97 96.03 0 0 a-Al solid solution
microstructure of the weld metal is mainly composed of c-Al12Mg17 4 11.19 88.81 0 0 0 a-Al solid solution
intermetallic compound. When the Al content is in the range of 49.1– 5 16.36 83.64 0 0 0 a-Al solid solution
63.4 at%, Mg content is in the range of 51.0–61.8 at%, and Si content is 6 08.08 11.32 36.72 43.09 0 SiO2 and small Al2O3, MgO
in the range of 7.5–27.9 at%, the microstructure of the weld metal is 7 29.86 70.14 0 0 0 b-Al3Mg2
8 12.98 18.16 31.85 37.01 0 SiO2 and small Al2O3, MgO
mainly composed of c-Al12Mg17, and Mg2Si intermetallic compounds 9 18.95 81.05 0 0 0 a-Al solid solution
and Al solid solution. When the Mg content reaches 89–100 at%, the 10 37.13 62.87 0 0 0 b-Al3Mg2
microstructure of the weld metal is mainly composed of Mg solid 11 43.00 57.00 0 0 0 b-Al3Mg2
solution. Moreover, because the high Si content in filler wire Al 4047, 12 40.55 59.45 0 0 0 b-Al3Mg2
13 39.15 60.85 0 0 0 b-Al3Mg2
it is expected that brittle silicides would form in the weld metal.
14 50.30 21.77 0 18.93 0 Al2O3, MgO
Oxides would also develop due to the fact that the Al and Mg are very 15 57.60 42.40 0 0 0 c-Al12Mg17
active elements. The aforementioned is the basis for our discussion of 16 45.69 28.88 0 24.51 0.92 c-Al12Mg17 and some
the resulting microstructures from CMT welding 1 mm thick Mg Al2O3, MgO
AZ31B and 1 mm thick Al A6061-T6 joints. 17 50.55 34.35 0 15.10 0 c-Al12Mg17 and some
Al2O3, MgO
Fig. 5 shows the cross-section of a specimen ]1. To analyze 18 92.33 4.55 0 2.94 00.88 a-Mg solid solutions
the microstructures of this specimen, three zones (i.e., A—weld
O Mg
Element content (at%)
80 Al
20 Zn
Si O
80 Mg
Element content (at%)
40 Zn
Fig. 8. Line analysis of connected zone for a welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 specimen ]9:element content along a line (a) PQ, and (b) QR shown in Fig. 8 (b).
262 R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266
Zone A—Enlarged features of zone A are shown in Fig. 6(a) and (c-Al12Mg17) denoted by regions 16 and 17 shown in Fig. 9(g).
the composition is shown in Table 6, it is most likely that the weld Finally, zone H in Fig. 7(b) is mainly composed of Mg AZ31B base
metal shown by (A) in Fig. 5 has the hypoeutectic microstructure metal based a-Mg solid solutions.
containing a Al solid solution (denoted by region 1 in Fig. 6(a))
and the oxides and silicides composed of Mg2Si, SiO2 and Al2O3
(denoted by region 2 in Fig. 6(a)).
Zone B—Examination of zone B in the weld metal shown in
Fig. 6(b) and the results in Table 5 showed that it was mainly
Equiaxed Crystal
composed of dendritic crystals, which were eutectic in the
structure. Based on the EPMA element analysis results of the
regions of 3, 4 and 5 in zone B (in Table 6), it was found that zone
B in the weld metal is likely composed of a large amount of
intermetallic compounds (b-Al3Mg2 denoted by regions 4 and 5),
a-Al solid solution (denoted by region 6), and small oxides and
silicides (Mg2Si, Al2O3, etc., denoted by region 3).
Zone D—Based on the analysis results shown in Table 6, Zone
D in the weld metal in Fig. 5 is likely composed of Mg-rich
intermetallics (c-Al12Mg17) and small a-Mg solid solution
denoted by region 7 in Fig. 6(c) and c-Al12Mg17 and small oxides
produced in the polishing process denoted by region 8 in Fig. 6(c). 7
Fusion zone
Microhardness (HV)
300 base
250 metal
Weld metal
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
H11 H22
Distance (mm)
Fig. 10. Micro-hardness along the line H11–H22 shown in Fig. 5 for a welded Mg AZ31B-to-AlA6061-T6 joint (Specimen ]1).
Al sheet
Mg sheet
Fusion zone
Microhardness (HV)
200 Mg
Weld metal
150 metal
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
H33 H44
Fig. 11. Micro-hardness along the line H33–H44 shown in Fig. 8 (a) for a welded Mg AZ31B-to-Al A6061-T6 joint (Specimen ]9).
264 R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266
Usually, the molten metal solidifies along the maximum 3.5. Strength and fracture of welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joints
negative-temperature gradient from base metal into the middle of
the weld pool [25]. However, the results shown in Fig. 9(e) indicated In this study, although an extensive effort was made via
that the grains grew along the opposite direction, i.e. from the process control to minimize the heat input, intermetallics still
middle of the weld metal to magnesium base metal. This is formed in the weld metal. To evaluate the effect of these
primarily attributed to the fact that the thermal conductivity of intermetallics on the joint strength, mechanical testing of the
the aluminum is higher than that of the magnesium, and conse- specimens ]1 and 9 were conducted and the results are shown in
quently, this induces the grains in zone F (near zone G) to grow Table 8. From this, two different fracture modes, shown in Figs. 12
along the maximum temperature gradient (i.e., the fastest cooling and 13, were observed. One (i.e., specimen ]1) was fractured at
speed) direction, i.e. from the weld metal to Mg base metal. Similar the fusion zone near the Mg AZ31B substrate, which is shown in
phenomena were also reported in Ref [26]. Based on the results zone D in Figs. 5 and 6(c) and 12 and the other (specimen ] 9) was
shown in Figs. 7–9 and Table 7, the microstructure and phases of fractured at the interface between the weld metal and Mg AZ31B
each region shown in Fig. 7(b) can be summarized as follows, and sheet, which is shown by boundary (white) zone G in Figs. 7 and
shown in Fig. 7(c): 9(g) and 13. These results are consistent with the findings shown
Along the transition regions (i.e., A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H), in Figs. 10 and 11 where the specimens fractured along the
the composition and content of the Mg and Al varied from
Table 8
Strength and fracture locations of the welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joints.
maximum hardness zones (zones D and G in Fig. 5 and 7(b), shown in Figs. 14 and 15(b), Tables 9 and 10. The results indicated
respectively) which contain significant amounts of brittle inter- that the large brittle cleavage surface denoted by region 1 shown
metallic c-Al12Mg17. in Fig. 14(b) is composed of a large amount of Mg-rich brittle
As shown in Table 8, although the joints (specimen ]1) have a intermetallic compound c-Al12Mg17 shown in Table 9. Local
complete melting of the magnesium, their strength is lower than brittle cleavage region 2 with tear ridge shown in Fig. 14(b) is
that of the joints (i.e., specimen ]9) which have a partial melt also composed of more c-Al12Mg17 intermetallic. The feature and
through. The difference in joint strength between the specimens composition of the region 3 in Fig. 15(b) are similar to the region
] 9 and ] 1 is likely attributed to the difference in the weld area, 1 shown in Fig. 14(b). However, the local region denoted by
location of the brittle zone and fracture modes of two welded region 4 is composed of rich-Al intermetallic compound b-Al3Mg2
joints. We will analyze the strength variation of two welded and small oxides and silicon shown in Table 9. By comparison of
joints next. these macro fracture surfaces shown in Figs. 14 and 15, and
Figs. 14 and 15 show the fracture surfaces of the specimens ]1 fracture locations shown in Figs. 12 and 13, it was found that
and ]9, respectively. As shown, the fracture surfaces of both these two fracture surfaces are mainly composed of a large
welded joints were primarily dominated by the coarse quasi- amount of Mg-rich intermetallic compound c-Al12Mg17. These
cleavage fracture. While the fractography shown in Fig. 14 shows intermetallics may introduce the local stresses raiser under an
consistent quasi-cleavage features, uneven features were applied load. The other factors which may attribute the difference
observed on the fracture surface shown in Fig. 15(a). EPMA point in the strength between the specimens ] 9 and ] 1 are the area
analysis of the fracture surface was performed and the results are and location of the intermetallics. For the specimen ]1, more
Fig. 14. Fracture surface of a welded Mg AZ31B–Al A6061-T6 joint (]1) with completely melted Mg AZ31B sheet: (a) macro fracture feature, and (b) local brittle fracture
Fig. 15. Fracture surface and EPMA point analysis of the specimen ] 9 with partly melted Mg sheet: (a) macro fracture feature and (b) local tear fracture surface.
266 R. Cao et al. / Materials Science & Engineering A 560 (2013) 256–266
Table 9 1B-to-Al A6061-T6. Based on this study, the followed ideas are
EPMA analysis results of fracture surface for a welded specimen ]1. obtained.
Element (at%) Region 1 Region 2
1. CMT welding of 1 mm thick Mg AZ31B and 1 mm thick Al
Mg 65.4 77.85 A6061-T6 with a diameter of 1.6 mm aluminum 4047 wire
Al 34.6 22.15 was performed. Significant amounts of the Mg-rich interme-
Composition c-Al12Mg17 c-Al12Mg17 and small tallic c-Al12Mg17 and b-Al3Mg2 were produced in the weld.
a-Mg solid solution
2. The boundary between the weld metal and Mg alloy base
metal is mainly composed of brittle Mg-rich intermetallic
(c-Al12Mg17) which led to a weak joint. The Mg-rich inter-
Table 10 metallic (c-Al12Mg17) was the main culprit in degrading the
EPMA analysis results of fracture surface for a welded specimen ]9. weld strength. To improve the joint, minimizing the content
of the intermetallics especially Mg-rich intermetallics (c-
Element (at%) Region C Region D
Al12Mg17) is essential.
Mg 56.82 33.76
Al 43.18 56.36
Si 0 5.12 Acknowledgments
O 0 4.76
Composition c-Al12Mg17 b-Al3Mg2 and small This work was financially supported by National Nature
SiO2, Al2O3, MgO
Science Foundation of China (No. 51265028 and 51035004), the
Fundamental Research Funds for high school of Gansu Province,
brittle intermetallics were found at the location D shown in GM-Research and Development Center. The authors gratefully
Figs. 12 and 5(b). The normal stress induces the joint fracture acknowledge Blair Carlson for his thorough review of this paper.
along the brittle zone D with small area under the tensile mode,
and the shear stress fractured the welded joint along the brittle
zone E shown in Fig. 5 and resulted in the fracture location shown References
in Fig. 12(a). Therefore, the fracture surface is dominated by
brittle cleavage fracture at the action of normal stress for the
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