The Importance of Slow Canopy Wilting in Drought Tolerance in Soybean
The Importance of Slow Canopy Wilting in Drought Tolerance in Soybean
The Importance of Slow Canopy Wilting in Drought Tolerance in Soybean
642–652, 2020
doi:10.1093/jxb/erz150 Advance Access Publication April 13, 2019
This paper is available online free of all access charges (see for further details)
Received 19 December 2018; Editorial decision 19 March 2019; Accepted 8 April 2019
Slow canopy wilting (SW) is a water conservation trait controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in late maturity group
soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Recently, two exotic (landraces) plant introductions (PI 567690 and PI 567731) were
identified as new SW lines in early maturity groups. Here, we show that the two PIs share the same water conserva-
tion strategy of limited maximum transpiration rates as PI 416937. However, in contrast to PI 416937, the transpiration
rates of these PIs were sensitive to an aquaporin inhibitor, indicating an independence between limited maximum
transpiration and the lack of silver-sensitive aquaporins. Yield tests of selected recombinant inbred lines from two
elite/exotic crosses provide direct evidence to support the benefit of SW in drought tolerance. Four SW QTLs mapped
in a Pana×PI 567690 cross at multiple environments were found to be co-located with previous reports. Moreover, two
new SW QTLs were mapped on chromosomes 6 and 10 from a Magellan×PI 567731 cross. These two QTLs explain the
observed relatively large contributions of 20–30% and were confirmed in a near-isogenic background. These findings
demonstrate the importance of SW in yield protection under drought and provide genetic resources for improving
drought tolerance in early maturity group soybeans.
Keywords: Drought, QTL mapping, slow canopy wilting, soybean, transpiration, water use efficiency.
Climate changes increase the occurrence of extreme weather yield losses of major crops keep increasing, despite the pro-
patterns, including irregular rainfall patterns, higher tempera- gressive increase in yield through breeding and management
ture, and the consequent drought stress, which cause signifi- practices since the 1960s (Boyer, 2013; Lobell et al., 2014;
cant reductions in crop production (Lesk et al., 2016). These Rosenzweig et al., 2014). A decline of 30–82% in crop yields
has been projected by the end of the century under the current the SW trait in soybean. In addition, other mechanisms, such as
warming scenarios (Hatfield et al., 2011). more water resource exploration by roots, could also result in
Soybean has been estimated to have an ~40% reduction the SW phenotype. PI 416937 was found to have a much larger
in yield as a result of drought (Specht et al., 1999). To over- root system in the field than other FW lines, which might
come the negative impacts of drought stress in soybean, many be one factor to enhance the SW phenotype under drought
strategies have been developed and adopted, mainly including (Hudak and Patterson, 1995).
agricultural practices and genetic improvement of soybean Many quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping efforts have
cultivars (Turner, 2000). Rainfall and irrigation water are been conducted to identify genomic regions associated with
being used more efficiently; however, adaptation of irriga- the SW trait (Valliyodan et al., 2017). Initial QTL mapping
tion systems is region limited and would substantially increase work was conducted in a recombinant inbred line (RIL)
the costs of soybean production (Kebede et al., 2014). Clearly, population derived from the Benning and PI 416937 cross.
improving drought tolerance of soybean varieties is strategic- Seven QTLs were mapped in that population and the one
ally crucial to protect yield gain (Devi et al., 2014; Ye et al., on chromosome (Chr.) 12 was identified as a major QTL
2018a). Drought tolerance in soybean should be translated across all five independent environments with a phenotypic
Plant cultivation and SW evaluation in the field
The parental lines and RIL populations were evaluated for the SW trait at
Salina BREC Delta Center
the Bradford Research and Education Center (BREC), Columbia, MO,
the DC, and Salina, KS, USA in 2013, 2014, and 2015. In Salina, KS, C 25
10 cm
Soil moisture (w/w) %
these RILs were planted in plots 3 m long and 0.75 m row space with
60 seeds per row. In Missouri, hill plots were planted with 0.75 m be- Irrigated
20 40 cm
tween rows and 0.75 m between hills. Ten seeds were sown per hill and,
3 weeks after germination, plants were thinned to four plants per hill.
Hill plot was previously approved as an effective plot design to evaluate 15 Drought
the SW phenotype, as the designed plant density (four plants per hill)
can result in enough competition for water imposing stress on the plants 10
under rain-fed conditions (Sloane et al., 1990). To develop NILs, seeds
were sown in plots 3 m long and 0.75 m row space with 60 seeds per row 5
at BREC. At the DC, water available to the plants was monitored using
a Delta-T moisture PR2 probe (Delta-T instruments, Cambridge, UK) 0
at depths of 10 cm and 40 cm. In all the fields, scoring for leaf wilting
started when the plants were from R2 to R5 growth stages, when the
canopy was fully developed (Fehr et al., 1971; Pathan et al., 2014). Canopy
wilt scoring (WS) was rated when any of the FW check (Pana) showed
obvious canopy wilting at late morning or mid-day. Data were recorded
for leaf wilting using a 1–5 scale (1=no wilting, 2=few top leaves showed
wilting, 3=half of the leaves showed wilting, 4=severe wilting, ~75% of Fig. 1. Canopy wilting and water use of the parental lines in the field.
the leaves showed wilting, and 5=severely wilted) (Fig. 1A). (A) Field phenotyping for canopy wilting using the canopy wilting score
In data analysis, the model for the WS trait was: (WS). WSs were used to represent canopy wilting levels from 1 to 5. (B)
Canopy wilting of the parental lines under drought conditions. Data were
yijmk = µ + gi + lj + (gl)ij + (gt)im + (glt)ijm + bk ( j) = eijmk (1) recorded for the lines at three locations for 2–3 years. Significant genotypic
differences were observed with P<0.0001, explaining 57% of phenotypic
variations based on ANOVA across the three locations. (C) Soil moisture
where µ is the grand mean, gi is the genetic effect of the ith genotype, underneath the parental lines. Soil moisture was measured at 10 cm
lj is the effect of the jth location, tm is the effect of the mth year, (gl)ij is and 40 cm underneath the soil surface of the parental lines planted in
the interaction between the ith genotype and the jth location, (gt)im is the sandy soil at Delta Center, MO in 2014. Measurements were taken 3
the interaction between the ith genotype and the mth year, (glt)ijm is the weeks after the last rain. Columns and bars represent the mean and SDs
interaction among the ith genotype, the jth location, and the mth year, of 10 replicates.
bk(j) is the block (kth) effect within the jth location, and eijmk is a random
error following N (0, σ2e). Estimation of variance components was per-
formed by the GLM procedure in SAS version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Inc., Once four fully expanded leaves had been attained, plants were placed
Cary, NC, USA). in individual chambers, in which VPD was varied. Three VPD exposures
on two consecutive days were imposed in the following sequence: low
(0.5–1.5 kPa), medium (1.5–2.5 kPa), and high (2.5 and higher kPa). The
Evaluation of transpiration responses to VPD and silver nitrate TR for the plant was expressed as water loss rate per unit of leaf area.
Transpiration responses of the four parental lines (Pana, Magellan, PI The TR for each genotype was regressed against the VPD for each
567690, and PI 567731) were determined as previously described genotype. For statistical analysis, two regression equations were ap-
(Fletcher et al., 2007). Plants were grown for 4 weeks at 30/26 °C day/ plied using least-squares regression in Graphpad prism 2.01 (Graphpad
night temperature in a greenhouse at the North Carolina State University. Software Inc., San Diego, CA, USA). A key output of the regression
Slow canopy wilting improves drought tolerance in soybean | 645
analysis was the VPD value for the breakpoint (BP) where the two linear Results
segments intersected.
Canopy wilting and water usage of parental lines in
If VPD < X0 , TR + S1 (VPD) + C1 (line1) the field
The four parental lines were planted at three locations over
If VPD ≥ X0 , TR + S2 (VPD) + C2 (line2)
(2) multiple years to evaluate canopy WSs (Fig. 1A). The two
where X0 is the BP between the two line-segments, S1 and S2 the slopes exotic parents, PI 567731 and PI 567690, showed almost
of the first and second line segments, respectively, and C1 and C2 are the no canopy wilting (WS <1.2) compared with the two elite
constants of the first and second line segments, respectively. The slopes parents, Magellan and Pana, across all of the three locations of
of the two linear regressions (S1 and S2) were statistically compared to both hill pots and row plots (Fig. 1B). Significant genotypic
determine if they differed significantly (P<0.05). If the slopes differed,
the double-linear regression was retained. When the slopes were not sig-
differences in WS were identified between the exotic and elite
nificantly different, a simple linear regression was applied to all the data parents, explaining 57% of phenotypic variances across envir-
for that genotype. onments (locations and years) (Fig. 1B). Under the irrigation
Silver nitrate (AgNO3) treatment and subsequent data analysis were condition (non-stress), the FW line showed significantly less
Fig. 2. Differences in transpiration rates of the parental lines under increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and silver nitrate treatments. (A) Transpiration
rates of the parental lines under increasing VPD. The transpiration rates were calculated according to Equation 2. X0 is the breakpoint between the
two-line segments and R2 represents the portion of variations explained by the model. (B) Responses of transpiration rates of the parental lines to an
aquaporin inhibitor. AgNO3 was applied to the detached shoots (4 weeks after germination) and the percentage reduction in transpiration rate for each
individual plant due to the inhibitor treatment was calculated using Equation 3. At 4 weeks after emergence, the transpiration response of detached
shoots fed with silver ions was measured. Columns and bars represent the mean and SDs of 10 replicates. Duncan multiple comparison was performed
to compare the means and categorize the data into ‘a,’ ‘b,’ and ‘c’ at P<0.001.
WSs were rated for these RIL populations at three locations suggesting WS as a quantitative trait in these populations and
for 1–3 years (Fig. 1A). The WSs of the two RIL popula- no need for data normalization. Transgressive segregations in
tions were quantitatively and normally distributed (Fig. 3), WSs were observed in both mapping populations for all the
Slow canopy wilting improves drought tolerance in soybean | 647
three locations (Fig. 3). These results indicated that both elite associated with canopy WSs from each year and location
and exotic parents should have a donor locus or loci for SW. (Table 2). From the Pana×PI 567690 population, eight QTLs
Broad-sense heritability was detected as 0.42 and 0.47 for the were identified to locate at similar chromosomal positions to
Pana×PI 567690 and Magellan×PI 567731 populations, re- those previously reported by Abdel-Haleem et al. (2012) and
spectively, across all environments (years and locations) (Fig. 3). Hwang et al. (2015) (Table 2). From the Magellan×PI 567731
The evaluation of a possible relationship between canopy population, two new QTLs, named as qSW_Gm06 and qSW_
wilting and yield was carried out using 46 RILs from the two Gm10, were mapped as being distinct from those previously
populations. These RILs were selected for extreme perform- reported (Table 2).
ance in WS with <1.5 (23 SW RILs) and >3 (23 FW RILs) Among the 10 QTLs from the present mapping work, six
(Supplementary Table S1). These 46 RILs have similar agro- were identified from two to three environments (either dif-
nomic traits, including maturity, plant height, lodging (low), ferent year or different location) (Table 2; Fig. 5). Four of them
and determinant growth habit (Supplementary Table S1). were consistently mapped in two environments with favorable
Under non-stress (irrigated) conditions, the FW RILs showed a alleles from PI 567690 for SW, with each explaining 7.8% to
yield advantage over the SW RILs of 7.8–10.3% at both tested 10.4% of total phenotypic variations (Fig. 5). The other two
Linkage maps of the two RIL populations were constructed Isolation and confirmation of the major QTLs qSW_
using 1601 and 2516 polymorphic SNP markers acquired from Gm06 and qSW_Gm10
BARCSoySNP6K Illumina Infinium BeadChips genotyping
with an average genetic interval of 1.5 cM (Table 1). Subsequent Previously, none of the SW QTLs was confirmed in the same
QTL analyses in the two RIL populations identified 10 QTLs genetic background, such as a near-isogenic background. As
80 DC 80 DC
60 60 H2 = 0.47
40 40
20 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Canopy wilting score
Fig. 3. Phenotypic distributions of canopy wilting scores (WSs) of the two recombinant inbred line mapping populations. The means of WSs from
multiple years for each location were used to calculate the phenotypic distributions. The arrows with solid lines or dashed lines point to the performance
of the exotic or cultivated parents, respectively. The performance of canopy wilting was averaged for all environments (locations and years) for the
parental lines. Broad-sense heritability (H2) was calculated for WSs across all environments (locations and years) using Equation 1.
648 | Ye et al.
Yield (t/ha)
P = 0.055
2.5 2.5 7.8%
P = 0.018 P = 0.009
2 2 12.8%
1.5 1.5
1 1
Irrigated Rain-fed Irrigated Rain-fed
Table 1. Information of the constructed linkage maps for the two recombinant inbred line populations
the two major SW QTLs (qSW_Gm06 and qSW_Gm10) were (Supplementary Fig. S1). ‘aa’ or ‘AA’ stands for the NILs with
identified in the present study, efforts were made to isolate and the donor allele for FW or SW at qSW_Gm06; while ‘bb’ or
confirm these two QTLs at a near-isogenic background. One ‘BB’ stands for the NILs with the donor allele for FW or SW at
RIL (RIL#049) in the F7:8 generation was identified to be het- qSW_Gm10. Line aabb showed an obvious wilting phenotype
erozygous at the both qSW_Gm06 and qSW_Gm10 regions by under drought (3 weeks without rainfall) (Fig. 6A). Adding
genotyping of the QTL flanking markers: Gm06_43235059/ SW alleles of either QTL significantly suppressed the canopy
Gm06_47338142 and Gm10_43894668/Gm10_44744804, wilting from score 3.3 to <1.9 (Fig. 2B). The line AABB has
respectively (Supplementary Fig. S1). The progenies of the lightest appearance of canopy wilting; however, the dif-
RIL#049 with homozygous genotypes at the two loci were ferences among AAbb, aaBB, and AABB are not statistically
selected as NILs for qSW_Gm06 and qSW_Gm10. These significant, possibly due to small sample sizes and inadequate
four selected NILs were named aabb, AAbb, aaBB, and AABB drought stress or the effects of undetected minor loci that are
Slow canopy wilting improves drought tolerance in soybean | 649
Table 2. Summary of QTLs detected in previous and present genetic mapping
QTL Donor line Abdel-Haleem et al. (2012) Hwang et al. (2015) This research
qSW_Gm02-1 Benning, Jackson, PI 567690 – 2 populationsa 1 environmenta
qSW_Gm02-2 A5959, PI 416937, PI 567690 2 environmentsa 1 population 1 environment
qSW_Gm02-3 PI 416937 – 2 populations –
qSW_Gm04 PI 416937, PI 567690 2 environments – 1 environment
qSW_Gm05 PI 416937, Jackson, PI 567690 2 environments 1 population 2 environment
qSW_Gm06 Magellan – – 3 environments
qSW_Gm08 Jackson, Nannong 1138-2 – 2 populations –
qSW_Gm09 Jackson, A5959, PI 567690 – 2 populations 2 environments
qSW_Gm10 PI 567731 – – 3 environments
qSW_Gm11 PI 416937, Jackson, PI 424140 – 3 populations –
qSW_Gm12 PI 416937, PI 567690 5 environments – 2 environments
Numbers of environments or populations in which the QTL was detected in the corresponding study.
PI 567690
R2: 9.3%
PI 567731 PI 567690 2014_DC
R2: 20.0% R2: 7.8% 2015_DC
Gm10_44445941 Gm12_37803362
2013_SA 2014_BREC
2015_SA 2015_BREC
Fig. 5. Chromosomal locations and genetic components of the two QTLs associated with canopy wilting score (WS) detected at multiple environments.
The linkage maps were constructed based on genotyping results from Illumina 6K SNP arrays using JoinMap 4.0 (Table 1). The annotations of each
QTL show the lines having the donor alleles for the slow wilting trait, the largest percentage contributions of the QTL to the total phenotypic variations at
multiple environments, the nearest markers of the QTL, and environments detecting the QTL, respectively. Only QTLs detected in ≥2 environments are
650 | Ye et al.
aabb AAbb 4
still segregating in the NILs (Fig. 6B).Yield test of these NILs is these lines was shown to be sensitive to the AgNO3 treatment
needed to confirm the yield benefit of these two QTLs under and the three BP lines even showed greater sensitivity than the
well-controlled drought in future studies. These efforts suc- non-BP line (Fig. 2B). These results indicate that the mech-
cessfully isolated the two novel QTLs from a complex genetic anism for the limited maximum transpiration in SW genotypes
background into a near-isogenic background using marker- could be independent of the previously hypothesized lack of
assisted selection (MAS) and confirmed the effects of the SW silver-sensitive aquaporins.
QTLs for the first time. Previously, PI 416937 was reported to have a much larger
root system in the field than other FW lines, indicating the ex-
istence of other mechanisms enhancing the SW phenotype in
Discussion addition to water conservation ability through limited transpir-
Physiological mechanisms of SW ation responses (Hudak and Patterson, 1995). Therefore, other
mechanisms, such as a larger and/or deeper root system, could
The SW phenotype is a complex trait that could be involved also be present in the new SW lines in this research, which
in water conservation strategies in leaves and water resource have not been identified yet. Dissecting the SW traits into indi-
exploration by roots (Valliyodan et al., 2017). Modification vidual genetic loci is needed to allow more in-depth mechan-
in transpiration was considered one important strategy for istic studies for a full understanding of this complex trait. The
plants to adapt to water-limited conditions. Transpiration of development of NILs for SW QTLs enabled zooming in on
plants increases with increasing atmospheric VPD, but, in some specific loci/genes and conducting more extensive mechan-
genotypes, the TR becomes limited when a certain VPD is istic studies towards better understanding of physiological and
reached (Sinclair and Bennett, 1998). This limited transpir- molecular mechanisms for SW.
ation response may be important in conserving soil water for
water deficit conditions. A visual consequence of the limited Impact of SW on yield
transpiration response can be delayed wilting (i.e. SW) under
drought conditions (Fletcher et al., 2007). Previously, lack of a The SW trait was considered to be especially desirable in en-
specific silver-sensitive population of aquaporins was hypothe- vironments of low humidity/high VPD for water conservation
sized to explain the limited maximum TR of PI 416937 under (Fletcher et al., 2007). In a simulation analysis, the imposition
increasing VPD (Sadok and Sinclair, 2010). In the present study, of the trait of limited maximum TRs was predicted to improve
three lines (PI 567690, PI 567731, and Magellan) showed BPs yield under drought by >75% (Sinclair et al., 2010). Previous
in TR at a VPD of 1.38–2.00 kPa (Fig. 2A). PI 567690 was analysis of soybean production in the USA indicated that those
particularly interesting, because the slope above the BP was genotypes expressing the limited maximum TRs were likely
essentially horizontal, similar to that found in PI 416937 (Fig. to yield more due to significant water savings under non-
2A), suggesting that this PI should have stronger suppression irrigated and high VPD conditions (Sinclair et al., 2010). In the
in transpiration under drought. These four parental lines were present study, we found that RILs with the SW trait showed a
subjected to AgNO3 treatment to determine if this test could significantly greater yield under non-irrigated and high VPD
confirm the previous hypothesis with PI 416937. However, conditions as compared with RILs with the FW phenotype
unlike the findings in PI 416937, the transpiration of all of (Fig. 4). These results offered experimental evidence for the
Slow canopy wilting improves drought tolerance in soybean | 651
first time to support the previous hypothesis that the SW trait QTLs in different genetic backgrounds (Table 2). More inter-
is associated with drought tolerance in soybean. estingly, two new SW QTLs (qSW_Gm06 and qSW_Gm10)
However, when water supply is not limiting, a limiting max- were mapped in the Magellan×PI 567731 population and each
imum TR may result in yield penalty (Sinclair et al., 2005). PI parent contributes to SW at one locus (Fig. 5). Although these
416937 was found to have a low yield potential (Cho et al., two QTLs have relatively larger effects on SW and are more
2003). The low yield of PI 416937 was thought to be con- stable across different environments compared with the others
sistent with a limiting maximum TR (Fletcher et al., 2007). (Fig. 5), further confirmation of these QTLs in a similar gen-
However, the low yield of this PI line could also be due to its etic background is still necessary. Therefore, these two QTLs
exotic genetic background, as the exotic germplasms tend to were isolated into a near-isogenic background by MAS in the
have much lower yield potentials compared with cultivars. In heterogeneous inbred families (see Supplementary Fig. S1). As
the present study, we tested the yield potentials of both SW expected, preliminary field evaluations of the NILs successfully
and FW RILs and found that the SW trait had yield penalties confirmed these two QTLs for the SW phenotype (Fig. 6).
of 7.8–10.3% in irrigated environments, where water supply The confirmation of the two SW QTLs in the NILs developed
is sufficient (Fig. 4). In this experiment, the 46 tested RILs by MAS indicates that it is feasible and recommended to use