Activity 9 Conditionals

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If you

If it rains, If you come back

study, you
If you water the the come at 8 pm,
will pass
plants, the plants backyard the exam. you will miss your
grow. gets wet. favourite TV

If I were rich, I
would travel
If you had
around the looked at the
world. GPS, they
wouldn’t be
lost now.
If you eat If you come for
too much, If you scare a the weekend, we
you get fat  snake, it bites will go to the
you  cinema
It's true, I'm
If I won the If you park sorry
lottery, I would here, you
spend my life will get a
travelling fine
If you didn’t live so
far away, I would
If I had a bigger
visit you more
salary, I would buy
a house

If I had her number, I

If I were If I were you, I would phone her right
younger, I would quit my now
would travel job


If I hadn’t
If I had stayed in my taken the
hometown, I would risk, I would
have never found my have lost a
 Dictoonary Spanish- inglish

 Condicionales en inglés: Resumen, ejemplos y ejercicios.

Recovered from:


 Condicionales en inglés. Recovered from: https://www.really-learn-

 El uso de los condicionales en inglés. Recovered from:

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