Da40 Poh
Da40 Poh
Da40 Poh
Skillful operation of an airplane increases both safety and the enjoyment of flying. Please
take the time therefore, to familiarize yourself with your new DIAMOND STAR.
This airplane may only be operated in accordance with the procedures and operating
limitations of this Airplane Flight Manual.
Before this airplane is operated for the first time, the pilot must familiarize himself with
the complete contents of this Airplane Flight Manual.
In the event that you have obtained your DIAMOND STAR second-hand, please let us
know your address, so that we can supply you with the publications necessary for the
safe operation of your airplane.
The new or amended text is indicated by a vertical black line at the left hand side of the
revised page, with the revision number and date appearing at the bottom of the page.
If pages are revised which contain information valid for your
particular serial number (modification level of the airplane,
weighing data, Equipment Inventory, List of Supplements),
then this information must be transferred to the new pages
in hand-writing.
% Temporary Revisions, if applicable, are inserted into this manual. Temporary Revisions
are used to provide information on systems or equipment until the next 'permanent'
Revision of the Airplane Flight Manual. When a 'permanent' Revision covers a Mandatory
or Optional Design Change Advisory (MÄM or OÄM), then the corresponding Temporary
% Revision is superseded. For example: Revision 5 covers OÄM-40-061, therefore the
% Temporary Revision TR-OÄM-40-061 is superseded by the 'permanent' Revision 5.
Rev. Reason Chap- Page(s) Date of Approval Date of Date Inserted Signature
No. ter Revision Approval
MÄM 40-039/a
7-13, 7-14, 7-33,
(VM 1000) 7
MÄM 40-048
(RH emerg. 8 8-10
% 2-1 15-Jul-2006
% appr. 2-2 15-Jul-2006
% appr. 2-3 15-Jul-2006
% appr. 2-4 15-Jul-2006
% appr. 2-5 15-Jul-2006
% 1-1 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-6 15-Jul-2006
% 1-2 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-7 15-Jul-2006
% 1-3 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-8 15-Jul-2006
% 1-4 15-Jul-2006 % 2 appr. 2-9 15-Jul-2006
% 1-5 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-10 15-Jul-2006
% 1-6 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-11 15-Jul-2006
% 1-7 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-12 15-Jul-2006
% 1-8 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-13 15-Jul-2006
% 1-9 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-14 15-Jul-2006
% 1-10 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-15 15-Jul-2006
% 1-11 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-16 15-Jul-2006
% 1-12 15-Jul-2006 % appr. 2-17 15-Jul-2006
% 8-1 15-Jul-2006
% 8-2 15-Jul-2006
% 8-3 15-Jul-2006
% 8-4 15-Jul-2006
% 8-5 15-Jul-2006
% 8-6 15-Jul-2006
% 8-7 15-Jul-2006
% 8-8 15-Jul-2006
% 8 8-9 15-Jul-2006
% 8-10 15-Jul-2006
% 8-11 15-Jul-2006
% 8-12 15-Jul-2006
% 9-1 15-Jul-2006
% 9-2 15-Jul-2006
% 9-3 15-Jul-2006
% 9-4 15-Jul-2006
% 9-5 15-Jul-2006
% 9-6 15-Jul-2006
% 9-7 15-Jul-2006
% 9-8 15-Jul-2006
(a non-approved chapter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
(an approved chapter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
(a non-approved chapter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
(a non-approved chapter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
SUPPLEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
This Airplane Flight Manual has been prepared in order to provide pilots and instructors
with all the information required for the safe and efficient operation of the airplane.
The Airplane Flight Manual includes all the data which must be made available to the pilot
according to the JAR-23 requirement. Beyond this, it contains further data and operating
instructions which, in the manufacturer’s opinion, could be of value to the pilot.
This Airplane Flight Manual is valid for all serial numbers. Equipment and modification
level (design details) of the airplane may vary from serial number to serial number.
Therefore, some of the information contained in this manual is applicable depending on
the respective equipment and modification level. The exact equipment of your serial
number is recorded in the Equipment Inventory in Section 6.5. The modification level is
recorded in the following table (as far as necessary for this manual).
% *For installation of the Baggage Tray the Baggage Extension must be installed.
This Airplane Flight Manual must be kept on board the airplane at all times. Its designated
place is the side bag of the forward left seat.
This Airplane Flight Manual constitutes an FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual for US
registered airplanes in accordance with FAA regulation 14 CFR, Part 21.29.
The DA 40 is a single engine airplane. When the operating
limitations and maintenance requirements are complied with,
it has the high degree of reliability which is required by the
certification basis. Nevertheless, an engine failure is not
completely impossible. For this reason, flights during the
night, on top, under instrument meteorological conditions
(IMC), or above terrain which is unsuitable for a landing,
constitute a risk. It is therefore highly recommended to select
flight times and flight routes such that this risk is minimized.
This airplane has been type certified in accordance with the JAA JC/VP procedure. The
certification basis is JAR-23, published on 11-Mar-1994.
Special statements in the Airplane Flight Manual concerning the safety or operation of
the airplane are highlighted by being prefixed by one of the following terms:
means that the non-observation of the corresponding
procedure leads to an immediate or important degradation
in flight safety.
means that the non-observation of the corresponding
procedure leads to a minor or to a more or less long term
degradation in flight safety.
draws the attention to any special item not directly related to
safety but which is important or unusual.
Overall dimensions
Wing flaps
Horizontal tail
Vertical tail
Landing gear
% The tire dimension 15 x 6.0-6, 6 PR, is only approved in
% combination with the modified MLG strut (18 mm or 0.71
% inches thick; MÄM 40-123).
(a) Airspeeds
TAS: True Airspeed. The speed of the airplane relative to the air. TAS is CAS
corrected for errors due to altitude and temperature.
vA: Maneuvering Speed. Full or abrupt control surface movement is not permissible
above this speed.
vFE: Max. Flaps Extended Speed. This speed must not be exceeded with the given
flap setting.
vNE: Never Exceed Speed in smooth air. This speed must not be exceeded in any
% vNO Maximum Structural Cruising Speed. This speed may be exceeded only in
smooth air, and then only with caution.
vS: Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable in the given configuration.
vS0: Stalling Speed, or the minimum continuous speed at which the airplane is still
controllable in the landing configuration.
Pressure Altitude: Altitude above MSL, indicated by a barometric altimeter which is set
to 1013.25 hPa (29.92 inHg). The Pressure Altitude is the Indicated
Pressure Altitude corrected for installation and instrument errors.
Density Altitude: Altitude in ISA conditions at which the air density is equal to the
current air density.
Wind: The wind speeds which are shown as variables in the diagrams in
this manual should be regarded as headwind or downwind
components of the measured wind.
DP: Datum Plane; an imaginary vertical plane from which all horizontal
distances for center of gravity calculations are measured.
Moment Arm: The horizontal distance from the Datum Plane to the Center of Gravity
of a component.
CG: Center of Gravity, also called 'center of mass'. Imaginary point in which
the airplane mass is assumed to be concentrated for mass and balance
calculations. Its distance from the Datum Plane is equal to the Center
of Gravity Moment Arm.
Unusable Fuel: The quantity of fuel remaining in the tank which cannot be used for flight.
Empty Mass: The mass of the airplane including unusable fuel, all operating
consumables and the maximum quantity of oil.
Useful Load: The difference between take-off mass and empty mass.
(e) Engine
Take-off Power:
Maximum permissible engine output power for take-off.
INST. 1 Engine Instrument VM 1000
START Starter
ALT. Alternator
ALT. CONT. Alternator Control
ALT. PROT. Alternator Protection
BATT. Battery
ESSENTIAL TIE Bus Interconnection
MAIN TIE Bus Interconnection
MASTER CONTROL Master Control (avionic master switch, essential bus
switch, essential avionics relay, bus interconnection
relay, avionics master relay).
% ALT. Alternator
% ALT. CONT. Alternator Control
% ALT. PROT. Alternator Protection
% AV. BUS Avionic Bus
% DG Directional Gyro
% FAN/OAT Fan/Outside Air Temperature Indicator
% FUEL PUMP Fuel Pump
% IGNITION Ignition
% INST. Instrument Lights
% MAIN TIE Bus Interconnection
% POSITION Position Lights
% START Starter
% STROBE Strobe Lights (Anti Collision Lights, ACL's)
% T&B Turn & Bank Indicator
% TAXI/MAP Taxi Light/Map Light
% COM1 Communication #1
% COM/NAV1 Communication/Navigation #1
% GPS1 Global Positioning System #1
% GPS/NAV1 Global Positioning System/Navigation #1
% XPDR Transponder
(g) Equipment
(i) Miscellaneous
ACG: Austro Control GmbH (formerly BAZ, Federal Office of Civil Aviation).
This section lists documents, manuals and other literature that were used as sources for
the Airplane Flight Manual, and indicates the respective publisher. However, only the
information given in the Airplane Flight Manual is valid.
1.8.1 ENGINE
Phone: +1-570-323-6181
% Webpage: www.lycoming.textron.com
Address: mt-propeller
Airport Straubing Wallmühle
D-94348 ATTING
Phone: +49-9429-9409-0
E-mail: sales@mt-propeller.com
Webpage: www.mt-propeller.de
Phone: +1-360-714-8203
Phone: +1-904-739-4066
Webpage: www.unisonindustries.com
Documents: L-1502
LASAR Installation, Operation, and Troubleshooting Manual
Operation of the airplane outside of the approved operating
limitations is not permissible.
(780 kg / 1720 lb
up to 980 kg / 2161 lb)
vFE Max. flaps ex- LDG: 91 KIAS Do not exceed these speeds
tended speed with the given flap setting.
T/O: 108 KIAS
vNO Max. structural 129 KIAS Do not exceed this speed
= cruising speed except in smooth air, and
vC then only with caution.
vNE Never exceed 178 KIAS Do not exceed this speed in
speed in smooth any operation.
White arc 49 KIAS - 91 KIAS Operating range with flaps fully extended.
Yellow arc 129 KIAS - 178 KIAS ‘Caution’ range - “Only in smooth air”.
Red line 178 KIAS Maximum speed for all operations - vNE.
c) RPM limitations
Max. take-off RPM : 2700 RPM
Max. continuous RPM : 2400 RPM
e) Oil pressure
Minimum (IDLE) : 25 psi / 1.72 bar
Maximum : 98 psi / 6.76 bar
Normal operating range : 55 to 95 psi / 3.8 to 6.55 bar
f) Oil quantity
Minimum : 4 qts
Maximum : 8 qts
g) Oil temperature
Maximum : 245 °F (118 °C)
h) Fuel pressure
Minimum : 14 psi / 0.97 bar
Maximum : 35 psi / 2.4 bar
n) Oil specification:
Airplane engine oil should be used which meets SAEJ1899 (MIL-L-22851) Standard
(ashless dispersant type). During the first 50 hours of operation of a new or newly
overhauled engine, or after replacement of a cylinder, airplane engine oil should be used
which meets SAEJ1966 (MIL-L-6082) Standard (straight mineral type). The viscosity
should be selected according to the recommendation given in the following table:
Engine instrument markings and their color code significance are shown in the table below:
When an indication lies in the upper or lower prohibited range,
the numerical indication will begin flashing as well.
' up to and including serial number 40.054
' serial number 40.055 and subsequent
' numerical indication of the additional (auxiliary) fuel quantity, for a total fuel quantity
' on one side in the range between 16 and 25 US gal
The following tables show the color and significance of the warning, caution and status
lights on the annunciator panel. There are two variants of the annunciator panel, 'DAI'
and 'White Wire' (see Section 7.11).
Section 7.11 includes a detailed description of the lights on
the annunciator panel.
Exceeding the mass limits will lead to an overstressing of the
airplane as well as to a degradation of flight characteristics
and flight performance.
The maximum landing mass is the highest mass for landing
conditions at the maximum descent velocity. This velocity was
used in the strength calculations to determine the landing gear
loads during a particularly hard landing.
' In some countries the beginning of a flight is defined by
' starting the engine. In those countries a maximum ramp mass
' of 1154 kg/2544 lb ("Normal" category), or 984 kg/2169 lb
' ("Utility" category) is approved. At the time of lift-off the
' maximum permitted take-off mass must not be exceeded.
Datum Plane
The Datum Plane (DP) is a plane which is normal to the airplane’s longitudinal axis and
in front of the airplane as seen from the direction of flight. The airplane’s longitudinal axis
is parallel with the upper surface of a 600:31 wedge which is placed on top of the rear
fuselage in front of the vertical stabilizer. When the upper surface of the wedge is aligned
horizontally, the Datum Plane is vertical. The Datum Plane is located 2.194 meters (86.38
in) forward of the most forward point of the root rib on the stub wing.
The center of gravity (CG) for flight conditions must lie between the following limits:
2.40 m (94.5 in) aft of DP from 780 kg to 980 kg (1720 lb to 2161 lb)
2.46 m (96.9 in) aft of DP at 1150 kg (2535 lb)
Exceeding the center of gravity limitations reduces the
controllability and stability of the airplane.
The airplane is certified in the Normal Category and in the Utility Category in accordance
with JAR-23.
Approved maneuvers
a) Normal Category:
Aerobatics, spinning, and flight maneuvers with more than
60° of bank are not permitted in the Normal Category.
b) Utility Category:
Aerobatics, spinning, and flight maneuvers with more than
90° of bank are not permitted in the Utility Category.
The accuracy of the attitude gyro (artificial horizon) and the
directional gyro is affected by the maneuvers approved under
item 3 if the bank angle exceeds 60°. Such maneuvers may
therefore only be flown when the above mentioned
instruments are not required for the present kind of operation.
Normal Category
Utility Category
Exceeding the maximum load factors will lead to an
overstressing of the airplane.
The maximum approved operating altitude for US registered airplanes is 14,000 ft MSL
unless an approved supplemental oxygen system is installed.
Provided that national operational requirements are met, the following kinds of operation
are approved:
* with the appropriate equipment: night flights according to Visual Flight Rules
' (NVFR)
The following table lists the minimum serviceable equipment required by JAR-23. Additional
minimum equipment for the intended operation may be required by national operating
rules and also depends on the route to be flown.
A list of approved equipment can be found in Chapter 6.
For the upgrade of an airplane for Night VFR or IFR operation
it is not sufficient to install the required equipment. The retrofit
must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of
' the manufacturer (see Service Bulletins) and the national
airworthiness authority. Any additional equipment (equipment
which is not listed in the Equipment List in Section 6.5) must
also be approved for the intended kind of operation by the
national airworthiness authority.
2.14 FUEL
Fuel Quantity
' Max. indicated fuel quantity : 16 US gal (app. 61 liters) per tank
' If a fuel indicator shows 16 US gal and the aux. fuel indicator
' reads 0 US gal on the same side, then 19 US gal must be
' assumed for the calculation of the difference between right
' and left tank.
All limitation placards are shown below. A list of all placards is included in the Airplane
Maintenance Manual (Doc. No. 6.02.01), Chapter 11.
Maneuvering speed:
This airplane may only be operated in accordance with the Airplane Flight
Manual. It can be operated in the “Normal” and “Utility” categories in non-
icing conditions. Provided that national operational requirements are met
and the appropriate equipment is installed, this airplane is approved for the
following kinds of operation: day VFR, night VFR and IFR. All aerobatic
maneuvers including spinning are prohibited.
No smoking.
76 l / 20 US gal.
' 94 l / 25 US gal.
' Fuel qty. indication: 16 + 9 US gal
' max. difference LH/RH tank: 8 US gal
AUX FUEL QTY switch for LH/RH auxiliary fuel quantity
NOTE: See AFM for more information on AUX FUEL
l Se l e c
F ue r
25 US gal. 25 US gal.
94 l 94 l
SAE 15W50
ashless dispersant aviation
grade oil (SAE Standard J-1899)
or see AFM Chapter 2
' VFR Min./Max.: 4/8 qts
' IFR Min./Max.: 6/8 qts
108 KIAS
30 kg /
66 lbs
' MAX. 45 kg [100 lb] MAX. 18 kg [40 lb]
ARM: 3.89 m [153.1"] ARM: 4.54 m [178.7"]
' MAX. BAGGAGE TOTAL 45 kg [100 lb]
MAX. SURFACE LOAD: 75 kg/m² [15 lb/sq.ft.]
The keylock must be
unlocked during flight!
' The airplane must not be operated when its temperature is less than -40 °C (-40 °F).
' For cold weather starting of the engine refer to the latest
' instructions given by the engine manufacturer.
Taking off for a Night VFR or IFR flight with an empty battery is not permitted.
The use of an external power supply for engine starting with an empty airplane battery
is not permitted if the subsequent flight is intended to be an IFR flight. In this case the
airplane battery must first be charged.
IFR flights are not permitted when the seal on the emergency switch is broken.
Following an alternator failure and with the Essential Bus (if installed) switched ON, it can
be expected that the systems listed under 3.7.2 FAILURES IN THE ELECTRICAL
SYSTEM are supplied with power for half an hour. After this, electrical power is available
for the attitude gyro (artificial horizon) and flood light for another 1.5 hours when the
emergency power pack (if installed) is used.
The canopy and the passenger door must not be blocked by the door locking device during
operation of the airplane.
The use and switching on of electronic equipment other than that which is part of the
equipment of the airplane is not permitted, as it could lead to interference with the
airplane’s avionics.
- Mobile telephones
- Remote radio controls
- Video screens employing CRTs
- MiniDisc recorders when in the record mode.
The use of laptop computers, including those with CD-ROM drives, CD and minidisc
players in the replay mode, cassette players and video cameras is permitted. All this
equipment however should be switched off for take-off and landing.
Procedures for uncritical system faults are given in Chapter
If, nonetheless, an emergency does arise, the guidelines given here should be followed
and applied in order to clear the problem.
As it is impossible to foresee all kinds of emergencies and cover them in this Airplane
Flight Manual, a thorough understanding of the airplane by the pilot is, in addition to his
knowledge and experience, an essential factor in the solution of any problems which may
In each emergency, control over the flight attitude and the
preparation of a possible emergency landing have priority
over attempts to solve the current problem ("first fly the
aircraft"). Prior to the flight the pilot must consider the
suitability of the terrain for an emergency landing for each
phase of the flight. For a safe flight the pilot must constantly
keep a safe minimum flight altitude. Solutions for various
adverse scenarios should be thought over in advance. Thus
it should be guaranteed that the pilot is at no time shocked
by an engine failure and that he can act calmly and with
1. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
2. Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
3. Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . switch off, if considered
necessary; otherwise
establish the cause of the
problem and re-establish
engine performance
If the oil pressure is below the green sector, the engine must
be switched off immediately.
If the problem cannot be cleared, the airplane must not be
1. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
on the ground:
2. Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
If sufficient time is remaining, the risk of fire in the event of
a collision can be reduced as follows:
If, in the event of an engine problem occurring during take-off,
the take-off can no longer be abandoned and a safe height
has not been reached, then a straight-ahead emergency
landing should be carried out. Turning back can be fatal.
if time allows:
If the problem does not clear itself immediately, and the
engine is no longer producing sufficient power, then an
emergency landing must be carried out.
An engine which is running very roughly can lead to the loss
of the propeller. Only if there is no other alternative should
an engine which is running roughly continue to be used.
If the problem does not clear itself immediately, and the
engine is no longer producing sufficient power, then an
emergency landing should be carried out.
2a. If the oil pressure indication drops below the green sector and the oil temperature
is normal (oil pressure warning light does not illuminate or flash):
* Monitor the oil pressure warning light: it is probable that the oil pressure
indication is defective.
2b. If the oil pressure indication drops below the green sector while the oil or cylinder
head temperature is rising, or
* If the oil temperature is normal, it is probable that the fault lies in the oil
pressure indication, which should thus be ignored (the airplane should be
* If neither of these is high, it is probable that the fault lies in the oil temperature
indication. The airplane should be serviced. A stable oil temperature
indication of 26 °F or 317 °F suggests a failure of the oil temperature sensor.
- Check oil pressure. If the oil pressure is low, proceed as in 3.2.3 (b) -
Loss of oil pressure.
- Check oil pressure. If the oil pressure is low, proceed as in 3.2.3 (b) -
Loss of oil pressure.
RPM moves on its own into the yellow sector, or is in the red sector:
2. Check oil pressure: Following a loss of oil or oil pressure, the propeller
governor sets a high RPM. In this case the RPM should be regulated using
the throttle. Proceed as in 3.2.3 (b) - Loss of oil pressure.
* Pull RPM lever back and listen for an associated drop in RPM:
% * If the fuel pressure is low, refer to paragraph (i), Low fuel pressure with the
% electrical fuel pump set to ON.
% * If the fuel pressure is in the green sector, or the fuel pressure warning light
% is not illuminated, the likely cause is a defective fuel flow indication, which
should thus be ignored (the airplane should be serviced). Fuel flow data
should be taken from the engine performance table in Chapter 5.
3. Check fuel quantity. A rapid reduction in fuel quantity confirms a high fuel
% (i) Low fuel pressure with the electrical fuel pump set to ON
% Fuel pressure warning light illuminates, or fuel pressure indication below the green sector:
% * If the fuel flow is in the green sector and the engine is running smoothly, the
% likely cause is a defective fuel pressure indication, which should thus be
% ignored (the airplane should be serviced).
% Monitor engine for power loss and rough operation that could indicate fuel
% starvation. If the engine is no longer producing sufficient power, then an
% emergency landing should be carried out.
Restarting the engine is possible at all airspeeds above
70 KIAS up to vNE and up to the maximum demonstrated
operating altitude.
As long as an airspeed of at least 65 KIAS is maintained, and
there is no major engine failure, the propeller will continue
to windmill.
1. Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 KIAS
2. Fuel tank selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fullest tank
3. Ignition switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check BOTH
4. Mixture control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check appropriate position
5. Electrical fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check ON
6. Alternate air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN
If it is not possible to start the engine:
- adopt glide configuration as in 3.4 - GLIDING
- carry out emergency landing as in 3.5.1 - EMERGENCY
Go-around may become impossible with the remaining power.
Go-around may become impossible with the remaining power.
Restarting the engine is possible at all airspeeds above
80 KIAS up to vNE and up to the maximum demonstrated
operating altitude.
1. Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 KIAS
2. Electrical equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
3. Avionics master switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
4. Master switch (BAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check ON
5. Mixture control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check
6. Fuel tank selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check
7. Electrical fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check ON
8. Alternate air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN
9. Ignition switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . START
By increasing the airspeed above approximately 130 KIAS,
the propeller will begin to rotate and the engine can thus be
started. For this, the ignition switch should be set at BOTH
WINDMILLING PROPELLER). An altitude loss of at least
1000 ft (300 meters) must be allowed for.
Engine restart following an engine fire should only be
attempted if it is unlikely that a safe emergency landing can
be made. It must be expected that engine restart is impossible
after an engine fire.
after standstill:
2. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
3. Mixture control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEAN - shut off engine
1. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
2. Cabin heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
3. Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . apply - bring the airplane to
a stop
4. After stopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . proceed as in 3.3.1 -
If, in the event of an engine problem occurring during take-off,
the take-off can no longer be abandoned and a safe height
has not been reached, then a straight-ahead emergency
landing should be carried out. Turning back can be fatal.
after climbing to a height from which the selected landing area can be reached safely:
In case of extreme smoke development, the front canopy may
be unlatched during flight. This allows it to partially open, in
order to improve ventilation. The canopy will remain open in
this position. Flight characteristics will not be affected
% In the event of smoke or fire, prepare to land the airplane
% without delay while completing fire suppression and/or smoke
% evacuation procedures. If it cannot be visually verified that
% the fire has been completely extinguished, whether the smoke
% has cleared or not, land immediately at the nearest suitable
% airfield or landing site.
In case of extreme smoke development, the front canopy may
be unlatched during flight. This allows it to partially open, in
order to improve ventilation. The canopy will remain open in
this position. Flight characteristics will not be affected
Switching OFF the master switch (BAT) will lead to total
failure of all electronic and electric equipment. Also affected
from this are - if installed - the attitude gyro (artificial horizon)
and the directional gyro.
In case of extreme smoke development, the front canopy may
be unlatched during flight. This allows it to partially open, in
order to improve ventilation. The canopy will remain open in
this position. Flight characteristics will not be affected
1. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP
2. Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 KIAS (1150 kg, 2535 lb)
68 KIAS (1000 kg, 2205 lb)
60 KIAS (850 kg, 1874 lb)
The glide ratio is 8.8; i.e., for every 1000 ft (305 meters) of
altitude loss the maximum horizontal distance traveled in still
air is 1.45 NM (2.68 km). During this the propeller will continue
to windmill.
7. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LDG
8. Safety harnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tighten
If sufficient time is remaining, the risk of fire in the event of
a collision with obstacles can be reduced as follows:
A defective (e.g. burst) tire is not usually easy to detect. The
damage normally occurs during take-off or landing, and is
hardly noticeable during fast taxiing. It is only during the roll-
out after landing or at lower taxiing speeds that a tendency
to swerve occurs. Rapid and determined action is then
1. Advise ATC.
2. Land the airplane at the edge of the runway that is located on the side of
the intact tire, so that changes in direction which must be expected during
roll-out due to the braking action of the defective tire can be corrected on
the runway.
3. Land with one wing low. The wing on the side of the intact tire should be
held low.
In general, a landing on grass is recommended in order to reduce the landing run by virtue
of the greater rolling resistance.
If sufficient time is remaining, the risk of fire in the event of
a collision can be reduced as follows:
Steps 1 to 4 must be carried out immediately and
1. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
2. Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . full deflection against
direction of spin
3. Elevator (control stick) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fully forward
4. Ailerons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . neutral
5. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP
6. Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . neutral
7. Elevator (control stick) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pull carefully
8. Return the airplane from a descending into a normal flight attitude. In so
doing do not exceed the 'never exceed speed', vNE.
3.7.1 ICING
1. Leave the icing area (by changing altitude or turning back, in order to
reach zones with a higher ambient temperature).
2. Pitot heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
3. Cabin heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
4. Air distributor lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • (up)
5. RPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . increase, in order to prevent
ice build-up on the propeller
6. Alternate Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPEN
7. Emergency window(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . open if required
Ice build-up increases the stalling speed. If required for safety
reasons, engine speeds up to 2700 RPM are admissible
without time limit.
When the Pitot heating fails, and the alternate static valve is
Due to the strong mechanical design as well as due to the required check of the system
during scheduled inspections, a total failure of the electrical system is extremely unlikely.
If, nevertheless, a total failure should occur, all circuit breakers should be checked, pulled
and re-set. If this does not help:
- When necessary, use the flood light for lighting the instruments as well as levers
and switches, etc.
Those items of equipment which are not needed for the safe
operation and secure landing of the airplane can be switched
off with the Essential Bus Switch (if installed). When the
Essential Bus is switched ON, only the following items of
equipment are supplied with power:
- transponder (XPDR)
- flood light
- attitude gyro (artificial horizon)
- VM 1000 engine instrument
- annunciator panel
- GPS (if installed)
- landing light
- Pitot heating system
- flaps
If the starter does not disengage from the engine after starting (starter warning light
(START) on the annunciator panel remains illuminated or flashing after the engine has
1. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
2. Mixture control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEAN - shut off engine
3. Ignition switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
4. Master switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
(d) Overvoltage
Leave master switch (BAT) ON!
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas which is developed during the combustion process. It
is poisonous and without smell. Since it occurs however usually together with flue gases,
it can be detected. Increased concentration of carbon monoxide in closed spaces can
be fatal. The occurrence of CO in the cabin is possible only due to a defect. If a smell
similar to exhaust gases is noticed in the cabin, the following measures should be taken:
In case of suspicion of carbon monoxide contamination in the
cabin, the front canopy may be unlatched during flight. This
allows it to partially open, in order to improve ventilation. The
canopy will remain open in this position. Flight characteristics
will not be affected significantly.
% 1. Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reduce
% 2. Canopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check visually if closed
% 3. Rear passenger door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check visually if closed
% Never unlock the rear passenger door during flight. It may
% break away.
% 4. If it is not possible to lock the canopy or the rear passenger door, land on
% the nearest suitable airfield.
% In case of a roll-over of the airplane on ground, it can be evacuated through the rear door.
% For this purpose release the front hinge of the rear door. The function is displayed on a
% placard next to the hinge.
Chapter 4A contains checklists and describes extended procedures for the normal
operation of the airplane.
I. Cabin check
% Standard Tank:
% Long Range Tank:
A visual inspection means: examination for damage, cracks,
delamination, excessive play, load transmission, correct
attachment and general condition. In addition control surfaces
should be checked for freedom of movement.
% In low ambient temperatures the airplane must be completely
% cleared of ice, snow and similar accumulations. For approved
% de-icing fluids refer to Section 8.6 DE-ICING ON THE
Prior to flight, remove such items as control surfaces gust
lock, Pitot cover, tow bar, etc.
2. Left Wing:
4. Empennage:
6. Right wing:
8. Front fuselage:
Never move the propeller by hand while the ignition is
switched on, as it may result in serious personal injury.
The exhaust can cause burns when it is hot.
% When operating the canopy, ensure that there are no
% obstructions between the canopy and the mating frame, for
% example seat belts, clothing, etc. When operating the locking
% handle do NOT apply undue force.
When the essential bus is switched ON, the battery will not
% be charged unless the essential tie relay bypass (OÄM
% 40-126) is installed.
Never move the propeller by hand while the ignition is
switched on, as it may result in serious personal injury.
Before starting the engine the pilot must ensure that the
propeller area is free, and no persons can be endangered.
Do not overheat the starter motor. Do not operate the starter
motor for more than 10 seconds. After operating the starter
motor, let it cool off for 20 seconds. After 6 attempts to start
the engine, let the starter cool off for half an hour.
The use of an external pre-heater and external power source
is recommended whenever possible, in particular at ambient
temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F), to reduce wear and abuse
to the engine and electrical system. Pre-heat will thaw the
oil trapped in the oil cooler, which can be congealed in
extremely cold temperatures. After a warm-up period of
approximately 2 to 5 minutes (depending on the ambient
temperature) at 1500 RPM, the engine is ready for take-off
if it accelerates smoothly and the oil pressure is normal and
If the oil pressure has not moved into the green sector within
15 seconds after starting, SWITCH OFF ENGINE and
investigate problem.
Before starting the engine the pilot must ensure that the
propeller area is free and no persons can be endangered.
Do not overheat the starter motor. Do not operate the starter
motor for more than 10 seconds. After operating the starter
motor, let it cool off for 20 seconds. After 6 attempts to start
the engine, let the starter cool off for half an hour.
If the oil pressure has not moved into the green sector within
15 seconds after starting, SWITCH OFF ENGINE and
investigate problem.
Before starting the engine the pilot must ensure that the
propeller area is free and no persons can be endangered.
Do not overheat the starter motor. Do not operate the starter
motor for more than 10 seconds. After operating the starter
motor, let it cool off for 20 seconds. After 6 attempts to start
the engine, let the starter cool off for half an hour.
If the oil pressure has not moved into the green sector within
15 seconds after starting, SWITCH OFF ENGINE and
investigate problem.
When taxiing at close range to other aircraft, or during night
flight in clouds, fog or haze, the strobe lights should be
switched OFF. The position lights must always be switched
ON during night flight.
When taxiing on a poor surface select the lowest possible
RPM to avoid damage to the propeller from stones or similar
Following extended operation on the ground, or at high
ambient temperatures, the following indications of fuel vapor
lock may appear:
Vapor lock can be avoided if the engine is run at speeds of
1800 RPM or more. This results in lower fuel temperatures.
Before take-off, the engine must run on each tank for at least
% 1 minute at 1500 RPM.
% When operating the canopy, ensure that there are no
% obstructions in between the canopy and the mating frame,
% for example seat belts, clothing, etc. When operating the
% locking handle do NOT apply undue force.
At a density altitude of 5000 ft or above or at high ambient
temperatures a fully rich mixture can cause rough running
of the engine or a loss of performance. The mixture should
be set for smooth running of the engine.
The lack of an RPM drop suggests a faulty grounding or
incorrect ignition timing. In case of doubt the magneto check
can be repeated with a leaner mixture, in order to confirm a
problem. Even when running on only one magneto the engine
should not run unduly roughly.
1. Transponder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON/ALT
2. RPM lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . check HIGH RPM
3. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAX PWR (not abruptly)
The proper performance of the engine at full throttle should
be checked early in the take-off procedure, so that the take-off
can be abandoned if necessary.
4. Elevator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . neutral
5. Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maintain direction
In strong crosswinds steering can be augmented by use of
the toe brakes. It should be noted, however, that this method
increases the take-off roll, and should not generally be used.
4A.3.8 CLIMB
1. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T/O
2. Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 KIAS (1150 kg, 2535 lb)
60 KIAS (1000 kg, 2205 lb)
54 KIAS (850 kg, 1874 lb)
3. RPM lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2400 RPM
4. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAX PWR
5. Mixture control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RICH, above 5000 ft hold
EGT constant
6. Engine instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in green sector
7. Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
% 8. Electrical fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON at high altitudes
% Operation at high altitudes with the electrical fuel pump OFF
% may cause vapor bubbles, resulting in intermittent low fuel
% pressure indications, sometimes followed by high fuel flow
% indications.
Cruise climb
1. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP
2. Airspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 KIAS (1150 kg, 2535 lb)
68 KIAS (1000 kg, 2205 lb)
60 KIAS (850 kg, 1874 lb)
3. RPM lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2400 RPM
4. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAX PWR
5. Mixture control lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RICH, above 5000 ft hold
EGT constant
6. Engine instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in green sector
7. Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
% 8. Electrical fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON at high altitudes
% Operation at high altitudes with the electrical fuel pump OFF
% may cause vapor bubbles, resulting in intermittent low fuel
% pressure indications, sometimes followed by high fuel flow
% indications.
1. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP
2. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set performance according
to table
3. RPM lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800 - 2400 RPM
Favorable combinations of manifold pressure and RPM are
given in Chapter 5.
To optimize engine life the cylinder head temperature (CHT)
should lie between 150 °F and 400 °F in continuous operation,
and not rise above 435 °F in fast cruise.
The oil temperature in continuous operation should lie
between 165 °F and 220 °F. If possible, the oil temperature
should not remain under 180 °F for long periods, so as to
avoid accumulation of condensation water.
5. Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
6. Fuel tank selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
% (max. difference 10 US gal
% with Standard Tank, 8 US
% gal with Long Range-Tank)
% 7. Electrical fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON at high altitudes
% Operation at high altitudes with the electrical fuel pump OFF
% may cause vapor bubbles, resulting in intermittent low fuel
% pressure indications, sometimes followed by high fuel flow
% indications.
While switching from one tank to the other, the electrical fuel
pump should be switched ON.
1. The maximum permissible cylinder head temperature
(500 °F) must never be exceeded.
The best economy mixture setting may only be used up to a power setting of 75 %. In
order to obtain the lowest specific fuel consumption at a particular power setting proceed
as follows: Slowly pull the mixture control lever back towards LEAN until the engine starts
to run roughly. Then push the mixture control lever forward just far enough to restore
smooth running. At the same time the exhaust gas temperature (EGT) should reach a
The exact value of EGT can be obtained by pressing the far left button on the engine
instrument unit VM 1000. In the “lean” mode one bar represents 10 °F.
The mixture can be set for maximum performance at all power settings. The mixture should
first be set as for ‘best economy’. The mixture should then be enriched until the exhaust
gas temperature is approximately 100 °F lower.
This mixture setting produces the maximum performance for a given manifold pressure
and is mainly used for high power settings (approximately 75 %).
When reducing power, the change in cylinder head
temperature should not exceed 50 °F per minute. This is
normally guaranteed by the 'self adapting inlet'. An excessive
cooling rate may occur however, when the engine is very hot
and the throttle is reduced abruptly in a fast descent. This will
be indicated by a flashing cylinder head temperature
% Operation at high altitudes with the electrical fuel pump OFF
% may cause vapor bubbles, resulting in intermittent low fuel
% pressure indications, sometimes followed by high fuel flow
% indications.
before landing:
% In case of airplanes with a maximum landing mass of 1092 kg
% (2407 lb), a landing with a higher mass constitutes an
% abnormal operating procedure. Refer to Sections 2.7 and
% 4B.6.
1. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
2. Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
3. Electrical fuel pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
4. Transponder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF / SBY
5. Pitot heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
6. Avionics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
7. Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as required
8. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP
If the airplane is not operated for more than 5 days, the long-
term parking procedure should be applied. If the airplane is
not operated for more than 30 days, the storage procedure
should be applied. Both procedures are described in the
Airplane Maintenance Manual (Doc. No. 6.02.01) in
Chapter 10.
Performance deteriorates in rain; this applies particularly to
the take-off distance and to the maximum horizontal speed.
The effect on the flight characteristics is minimal. Flight
through very heavy rain should be avoided because of the
associated visibility problems.
Before refueling, the airplane must be connected to electrical
% ground. Grounding points: unpainted areas (latches) on steps,
left and right.
At high altitudes the provision of oxygen for the occupants is necessary. Legal
requirements for the provision of oxygen should be adhered to.
A landing of this type is only necessary when there is a
reasonable suspicion that due to fuel shortage, weather
conditions, or at nightfall the possibility of endangering the
airplane and its occupants by continuing the flight cannot be
excluded. The pilot is required to decide whether or not a
controlled landing in a field represents a lower risk than the
attempt to reach the target airfield under all circumstances.
If no level landing area is available, a landing on an upward
slope should be sought.
2. Consider wind.
5. ATC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . advise
on final approach:
6. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LDG
7. Safety harnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tighten
8. Touchdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with the lowest possible
If sufficient time is remaining, the risk in the event of a
collision with obstacles can be reduced as follows:
- If on reducing the RPM the indicated oil pressure does not change, it is probable that
the fault lies in the oil pressure indication. Terminate flight preparation.
If the manifold pressure indicator is clearly above the green range, the reading is faulty.
In this case the performance settings should be undertaken by means of the lever settings.
The airplane should be serviced.
A very low reading of CHT or EGT for a single cylinder may be the result of a loose sensor.
In this case the reading will indicate the temperature of the engine compartment. The
airplane should be serviced.
This caution is indicated when the normal on-board voltage (28 V) drops below 24 V.
If the electronic ignition control unit is installed but inoperative, the white status light for
the ignition (IGN or IGNITION) will be illuminated, and the conventional magneto ignition
will take over the ignition control.
The flight can be continued normally. However, fuel consumption will slightly increase,
and engine starting will become difficult.
1. Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . apply
2. Flaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T/O
3. Throttle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAX PWR
4. Elevator (control stick) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fully aft
5. Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . release
6. Hold direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . using rudder
In strong crosswinds steering can be augmented by use of
the toe brakes. It should be noted, however, that this method
increases the take-off roll, and should not generally be used.
% This Section only applies to airplanes with a maximum landing
% mass of 1092 kg (2407 lb). In case of airplanes with a
% maximum landing mass of 1150 kg (2535 lb) a landing with
% a mass between 1092 kg and 1150 kg (2407 and 2535 lb)
% constitutes a normal operating procedure. Refer to Sections
% 2.7 and 4A.3.12.
The maximum landing mass given in Chapter 2 is the highest
mass for landing conditions at the maximum descent velocity.
This velocity was used in the strength calculations to
determine the landing gear loads during a particularly hard
Perform landing approach and landing according to Chapter 4A, but maintain an increased
airspeed during landing approach.
Damage of the landing gear can result from a hard landing
with a flight mass above the maximum landing mass.
The performance tables and diagrams on the following pages are presented so that, on
the one hand, you can see what performance you can expect from your airplane, while
on the other they allow comprehensive and sufficiently accurate flight planning. The values
in the tables and the diagrams were obtained in the framework of the flight trials using
an airplane and power-plant in good condition, and corrected to the conditions of the
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA = 15 EC/59 °F and 1013.25 hPa/29.92 inHg at
sea level).
The performance diagrams do not take into account variations in pilot experience or a
poorly maintained airplane. The performances given can be attained if the procedures
quoted in this manual are applied, and the airplane has been well maintained.
In order to illustrate the influence of a number of different variables, the performance data
is reproduced in the form of tables or diagrams. These contain sufficiently detailed
information so that conservative values can be selected and used for the determination
of adequate performance data for the planned flight.
% Where appropriate, any flight performance degradation resulting from the absence of wheel
% fairings is given as a percentage.
% The installation of the optional fairings on the main landing gear struts and/or nose landing
% gear strut has only minor effects on the flight performance of the DA 40. Therefore, no
% change applies to the performance tables and diagrams.
% If the Long Range Tank is installed:
The areas shaded grey under each RPM heading are the recommended bands.
2000 10000
4000 2000
1000 6000
500 4000
0 0 2000
-500 0 0
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 [°C]
-4 14 32 50 68 86 [°F]
Example: 1. Set 1013.25 hPa on altimeter and read pressure altitude (900 ft).
2. Establish ambient temperature (+21 EC).
3. Read off density altitude (1800 ft).
Airspeeds in KIAS
Bank Angle
980 kg
0° 30° 45° 60°
UP 47 52 58 73
Flaps T/O 44 51 58 72
LDG 42 49 57 71
Airspeeds in KIAS
Bank Angle
1150 kg
0° 30° 45° 60°
UP 52 57 66 79
Flaps T/O 51 55 64 78
LDG 49 55 62 76
% Poor maintenance condition of the airplane, deviation from
% the given procedures as well as unfavorable external factors
% (high temperature, rain, unfavorable wind conditions, including
% cross-wind) will increase the take-off distance.
% For a safe take-off the take-off run available (TORA) should
be at least equal to the take-off distance over a 50 ft (15 m)
% The figures in the following NOTE are typical values. On wet
% ground or wet soft grass covered runways the take-off roll
% may become significantly longer than stated below. In any
% case the pilot must allow for the condition of the runway to
% ensure a safe take-off.
% For take-off from dry, short-cut grass covered runways, the
% following corrections must be taken into account, compared
% to paved runways (typical values, see CAUTION above):
% An uphill slope of 2 % (2 m per 100 m, or 2 ft per 100 ft)
results in an increase in the take-off distance of approximately
10 %. The effect on the take-off roll can be greater.
Page 5 - 12
Revision 7
Example: Result:
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
In case of operation without wheel fairings the cruising speed
reduces by approximately 5 %.
% Poor maintenance condition of the airplane, deviation from
% the given procedures as well as unfavorable external factors
% (high temperature, rain, unfavorable wind conditions, including
% cross-wind, etc.) will increase the landing distance.
% For a safe landing the landing distance available (LDA) should
be at least equal to the landing distance over a 50 ft (15 m)
% The figures in the following NOTE are typical values. On wet
% ground or wet soft grass covered runways the landing
% distance may become significantly longer than stated below.
% In any case the pilot must allow for the condition of the runway
% to ensure a safe landing.
% For landings on dry, short-cut grass covered runways, the
% following corrections must be taken into account, compared
% to paved runways (typical values, see CAUTION above):
% A downhill slope of 2 % (2 m per 100 m, or 2 ft per 100 ft)
results in an increase in the landing distance of approximately
10 %. The effect on the landing roll can be greater.
Page 5 - 18
Revision 7
Example: Result:
Pressure altitude : 4000 ft Landing distance over 50 ft obstacle : approx. 480 m (1575 ft)
OAT : 8 °C (46 °F) Ground roll : approx. 230 m (755 ft)
Mass : 1000 kg (2205 lb)
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
% Poor maintenance condition of the airplane, deviation from
% the given procedures as well as unfavorable external factors
% (high temperature, rain, unfavorable wind conditions, including
% cross-wind) will increase the landing distance.
% For a safe landing the landing distance available (LDA) should
be at least equal to the landing distance over a 50 ft (15 m)
% The figures in the following NOTE are typical values. On wet
% ground or wet soft grass covered runways the landing
% distance may become significantly longer than stated below.
% In any case the pilot must allow for the condition of the runway
% to ensure a safe landing.
% For landings on dry, short-cut grass covered runways, the
% following corrections must be taken into account, compared
% to paved runways (typical values, see CAUTION above):
% A downhill slope of 2 % (2 m per 100m or 2 ft per 100 ft)
results in an increase in the landing distance of approximately
10 %. The effect on the landing roll can be greater.
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
Revision 7
Example: Result:
Pressure altitude : 4000 ft Landing distance over 50 ft obstacle : approx. 580 m (1903 ft)
OAT : 8 °C (46 °F) Ground roll : approx. 270 m (886 ft)
Mass : 1000 kg (2205 lb)
Page 5 - 21
6.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6.2 DATUM PLANE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.3 MASS AND BALANCE REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6.4 FLIGHT MASS AND CENTER OF GRAVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6.4.1 MOMENT ARMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6.4.2 LOADING DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6.4.3 CALCULATION OF LOADING CONDITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
6.4.4 PERMISSIBLE CENTER OF GRAVITY RANGE . . . . . . . . . 6-13
6.4.5 PERMISSIBLE MOMENT RANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14
6.5 EQUIPMENT LIST AND EQUIPMENT INVENTORY . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
In order to achieve the performance and flight characteristics described in this Airplane
Flight Manual and for safe flight operation, the airplane must be operated within the
permissible mass and balance envelope.
The pilot is responsible for adhering to the permissible values for loading and center of
gravity (CG). In this, he should note the movement of the CG due to fuel consumption.
The permissible CG range during flight is given in Chapter 2.
The procedure for determining the flight mass CG position at any point in time is described
in this Chapter. Over and above this there is a comprehensive list of the equipment
approved for this airplane (Equipment List), as also a list of that equipment installed when
the airplane was weighed (Equipment Inventory).
Before the airplane is delivered the empty mass and the corresponding CG position are
determined, and entered in Section 6.3 MASS AND BALANCE REPORT.
Following equipment changes the new empty mass and the
corresponding CG position must be determined by calculation
or by weighing.
Refer to Section 1.6 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT for
conversion of SI units to US units and vice versa.
The Datum Plane (DP) is a plane which is normal to the airplane’s longitudinal axis and
in front of the airplane as seen from the direction of flight. The airplane’s longitudinal axis
is parallel with the upper surface of a 600:31 wedge which is placed on top of the rear
fuselage in front of the vertical stabilizer. When the upper surface of the wedge is aligned
horizontally, the Datum Plane is vertical. The Datum Plane is located 2.194 meters
(86.38 in) forward of the most forward point of the root rib on the stub wing.
The empty mass and the corresponding CG position established before delivery are the
first entries in the Mass and Balance Report. Every change in permanently installed
equipment, and every repair to the airplane which affects the empty mass or the empty
mass CG must be recorded in the Mass and Balance Report.
For the calculation of flight mass and corresponding CG position (or moment), the current
empty mass and the corresponding CG position (or moment) in accordance with the Mass
and Balance Report must always be used.
- Including brake fluid, lubricant (7.6 liters = 8 qts), plus unusable fuel (4 liters = approx.
1 US gal).
Changes in mass
Page 6 - 4
Addition (+) Subtraction (-) Current Empty Mass
Mass & Balance
Revision 7
Description of [kg] [m] [kg m] [kg] [m] [kg m] [kg] [m] [kg m]
IN OUT Part or [lb] [in] [in lb] [lb] [in] [in lb] [lb] [in] [in lb]
Date Modification
Upon delivery
(Continuous report on structural or equipment changes)
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
DA 40 AFM Mass & Balance
The following information enables you to operate your DA 40 within the permissible mass
and balance limits. For the calculation of the flight mass and the corresponding CG position
the following tables and diagrams are required:
% The diagrams should be used as follows, taking the fuel tank size into account:
% Empty mass
Take the empty mass and the empty mass moment of your airplane from the Mass and
Balance Report, and enter the figures in the appropriate boxes under the column marked
% Oil
The difference between the actual amount of oil in the engine (check with dipstick) and
the maximum oil quantity is called ‘Oil not added’; this mass and its related moment are
counted as negative. The empty mass of the airplane is established with the maximum
amount of oil in the engine, thus the ‘missing’ oil must be subtracted. If the airplane is
flown with maximum oil, the ‘Oil not added’ entry should be zero.
In our example 6.0 qts have been measured on the dip-stick. We are thus 2.0 qts short
of the maximum, which equates to 1.9 liters. Multiplying this quantity by the mass density
of 0.89 kilograms per liter gives a mass of ‘Oil not added’ of 1.7 kg. (in US units: 2.0 qts
multiplied by the mass density of 1.86 lb/qts gives a mass of 3.7 lb).
% Baggage
% The DA 40 may be equipped with one of the following baggage compartment variants:
% For variants (a) and (b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . use row 5 of the table; row 6 is filled with '0'
% For variant (c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . use row 6 of the table; row 5 is filled with '0'
% Fuel
% a) Standard tank:
% Depending on the type of fuel probes installed, the indicator
% can read a maximum of 15 US gal or 17 US gal (refer to
% Section 7.10 for details). When the fuel quantity indicator
% reads the maximum amount of fuel detectable, a fuel quantity
% up to 20 US gal can be in the fuel tank. In this case the fuel
% quantity must be measured with the fuel quantity measuring
% device (see Section 7.10 FUEL SYSTEM).
% At an indication of 16 US gal the amount of auxiliary fuel can
% be determined by switching the AUX FUEL QTY switch to the
% respective position (LH or RH). The indicated auxiliary fuel
% quantity is added to the 16 US gal.
% The correct indication of the fuel quantity takes 2 minutes after
% actuation of the switch.
% Moments
Multiply the individual masses by the moment arms quoted to obtain the moment for every
item of loading, and enter these moments in the appropriate boxes in Table 6.4.3 -
Add up the masses and moments in the respective columns. The CG position is calculated
by dividing the total moment by the total mass (using row 7 for the condition with empty
fuel tanks, and row 9 for the pre take-off condition). The resulting CG position must be
within the limits.
% For airplanes equipped with the optional Long Range Tank,
% a restricted range of permitted CG positions applies.
As an illustration the total mass and the CG position are entered on Diagram 6.4.4
'PERMISSIBLE CENTER OF GRAVITY RANGE'. This checks graphically that the current
configuration of the airplane is within the permissible range.
Graphical method
Diagram 6.4.2 'LOADING DIAGRAM' is used to determine the moments. The masses
and moments for the individual items of loading are added. Then Diagram 6.4.5
'PERMISSIBLE MOMENT RANGE' is used to check whether the total moment associated
with the total mass is in the admissible range.
The result found with the graphical method is however inaccurate. In doubtful cases the
result must be verified using the exact method given above.
600 mm
(23.62 in)
500 225
Page 6 - 10
Mass & Balance
Fuel Quantity 175
Revision 7
50 300
40 150
100 75
10 25
100 200 300 400 500
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
Load Moment
DA 40 AFM Mass & Balance
% For airplanes equipped with the optional Long Range Tank,
% a restricted range of permitted CG positions applies.
% For the mass (weight) of the fuel, a density of 0.72 kg/liter
% (6.01 lb/US gal) is assumed. For the mass (weight) of the
% engine oil, a density of 0.89 kg/liter (1.86 lb/US qt,
% 0.84 kg/US qt) is assumed.
% In the following example it is assumed that the fuel tank is
% not full at take-off.
DA 40 (Example) Your DA 40
Mass Moment Mass Moment
[kg] [kg m] [kg] [kg m]
[lb] [in lb] [lb] [in lb]
% 5 Standard baggage compt. 0 0
% Lever arm: 3.65 m (143.7 in) 0 0
% Baggage Tube 0 0
% Lever arm: 4.32 m (170.1 in) 0 0
% 10 The total moments from rows 7 and 9 (2533.8 and 2795.2 kgm) (220,047 and 242,714
% in.lb) must be divided by the related total mass (1003.3 and 1102.7 kg respectively)
% (2212 and 2431 lb) and then located in Diagram 6.4.4 'PERMISSIBLE CENTER OF
% As in our example CG positions (2.525 m and 2.535 m respectively) (99.48 and 99.84 in)
% and masses fall into the permitted area, this loading condition is allowable.
1150 2500
1150 kg / 2535 lb
% 1100
% 1050 2300
% 980 kg / 2161 lb
950 2100
% Utility & Normal
850 1900
The CG´s shown in the diagram are those that from the example in Table 6.4.3
2.40 m (94.5 in) aft of Datum Plane at 780 to 980 kg (1720 to 2161 lb)
2.46 m (96.9 in) aft of Datum Plane at 1150 kg (2535 lb)
linear variation between these values
Page 6 - 14
160,000 180,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000
Mass & Balance
Revision 7
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
DA 40 AFM Mass & Balance
The items of equipment installed in your particular airplane are indicated in the appropriate
column. The set of items marked as 'installed' constitutes the Equipment Inventory.
% The equipment listed below cannot be installed in any
% arbitrary combination. The airplane manufacturer must be
% contacted before removing or installing equipment, with the
% exception of replacing a unit by an identical unit.
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
Cooling fan Cyclone 21-3 Port CRB122253 Lone Star Aviation
% Cooling fan ACF 328 ACF 328 Sandia Aerospace
COMM 1 antenna DMC63-1/A DM
COMM 2 antenna DMC63-2 DM
COMM #1 KX 125 069-01028-1101 Bendix/King
% COMM #1 KX 155A 069-01032-0201 Bendix/King
% COMM #1 KX 165 069-01025-0025 Bendix/King
COMM #1 KX 165A 069-01033-0101 Bendix/King
% COMM #1 KX 165A / 8.33 kHz 069-01033-0201 Bendix/King
% COMM #1 GNS 430 011-00280-00 Garmin
% COMM #1 GNS 430 011-00280-10 Garmin
% COMM #1 GNS 530 011-00550-00 Garmin
% COMM #1 GNS 530 011-00550-10 Garmin
COMM #2 KX 155A 069-01032-0201 Bendix/King
% COMM #2 GNS 430 011-00280-00 Garmin
% COMM #2 GNS 430 011-00280-10 Garmin
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
Audio Panel / Marker / ICS KMA 28 066-01176-0101 Bendix/King
% Audio Panel / Marker / ICS GMA 340 011-00401-10 Garmin
ICS PM1000 II 11922 PS Engineering
Headset, pilot Echelon 100 Telex
Headset, co-pilot Echelon 100 Telex
Headset, LH pax Echelon 100 Telex
Headset, RH pax Echelon 100 Telex
Speaker FRS8 /4 Ohms Visaton
Handmic 100TRA 62800-001 Telex
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
Battery CB24-11M (G243) Concorde (Gill)
% Battery RG24-11M Concorde
% Battery RG24-15M Concorde
Emergency Battery (28 pcs.) MN 1500 AA Duracell
% Emergency Battery (Lithium) D41-2560-93-00 Excell
Ammeter VM1000 4010050 Vision Microsyst.
Ammeter current sensor VM1000 3010022 Vision Microsyst.
Voltmeter VM1000 4010050 Vision Microsyst.
Voltage regulator VR2000-28-1 (D) Electrosyst., Inc.
External power connector DAI
Alternator ALU-8521LS ALU-8521LS Electrosyst., Inc.
% DC-AC Inverter MD 26 MD 26-28 Mid Continent
Safety belts, pilot 5-01-1C0701 Schroth
Safety belts, co-pilot 5-01-1C5701 Schroth
Safety belts, RH pax 5-01-1B0701 Schroth
Safety belts, LH pax 5-01-1B5701 Schroth
ELT unit E-01 ACK
ELT remote switch E0105 ACK
ELT antenna E0109 ACK
% ELT Unit JE2-NG JE-1978-1NG Jolliet
% ELT remote switch JE-1978-16 Jolliet
% ELT antenna JE-1978-73 Jolliet
% Winter Baffle DA4-2157-00-00 DAI
% Armrest DA4-5210-50-91 DAI
% Baggage Extension (OÄM 40-163)
% Baggage Net (OÄM 40-163)
% Baggage Tray (OÄM 40-164)
Stall horn DAI-9031-00-00 DAI
Flaps control unit (inst. panel) 430550 DAI
Flaps actuator assy 430555 DAI
Fire extinguisher, portable HAL1 AIR Total
% Fire extinguisher, portable 1) A 620 T Amerex
First aid kit
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
Fuel qty indicator VM1000 4010028 Vision Microsyst.
Fuel qty sensor LH VM1000 30100-11 Vision Microsyst.
Fuel qty sensor RH VM1000 30100-11 Vision Microsyst.
% Fuel qty. sensor LH (auxiliary fuel) VM1000 30100-50 Vision Microsyst.
% Fuel qty. sensor RH (auxiliary fuel) VM1000 30100-50 Vision Microsyst.
Master cylinder 10-54 Cleveland
Parking valve 60-5B Cleveland
Brake assembly 30-239 Cleveland
% MLG Wheel Fairing Inst. DA4-3215-00-00 DAI
% MLG Speed Kit LH DA4-3219-01-00 DAI
% MLG Speed Kit RH DA4-3219-02-00 DAI
% NLG Wheel Fairing Inst. DA4-3225-00-00 DAI
% NLG Speed Kit DA4-3229-00-00 DAI
% NLG Strut Fairing Inst. DA4-3227-00-00 DAI
% NLG tie-down DA4-1001-00-00 DAI
Map/Reading light assy crew W1461.0.010 Rivoret
Cabin light W1461.0.010 Rivoret
Instr./Radio lights dimmer assy WW-LCM-002 White Wire
Glareshield lamp assy DA4-3311-10-01 DAI
Glareshield light inverter APVL328-8-3-L-18QF Quantaflex
Strobe/Pos. light assy LH A600-PR-D-28 01-0790006-05 Whelen
Strobe/Pos. light assy RH A600-PG-D-28 01-0790006-07 Whelen
Strobe light power supply LH/RH A490ATS-CF-14/28 01-0770062-05 Whelen
Taxi light 70346 01-0770346-05 Whelen
Landing light 70346 01-0770346-03 Whelen
Electroluminescent lamps Quantaflex 1600 Quantaflex
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
Pitot/Static probe, heated DAI-9034-57-00 DAI
P/S probe HTR fail sensor DA4-3031-01-00 DAI
Altimeter inHg/mbar, primary 5934PD-3 United In.
Altimeter inHg/mbar, primary LUN 1128 1128-14B6 Mikrotechna
Altimeter inHg/mbar, secondary 5934PD-3 United In.
Altimeter inHg/mbar, secondary LUN 1128 1128-14B6 Mikrotechna
Vertical speed indicator 7000 United In.
Vertical speed indicator LUN 1144 1144-A4B4 Mikrotechna
Airspeed indicator 8025 United In.
Airspeed indicator LUN 1116 1116-B4B3 Mikrotechna
Outside air temp. indic. 301F (C) Davtron
Magnetic compass C2400L4P Airpath
Compass system C/O KCS 55A Bendix/King
Slaved gyro KG 102 A 060-00015-0000 Bendix/King
HSI KI 525A 066-03046-0007 Bendix/King
% Slaving unit (vertical) KA 51B 071-01242-0001 Bendix/King
% Slaving unit (horizontal) KA 51B 071-01242-06 Bendix/King
Flux valve KMT 112 071-01052-0000 Bendix/King
Dir. gyro, free AIM2051BLD 505-0031-931 BF-Goodrich
Attitude indicator AIM1100-28L(0F) 504-0111-936 BF-Goodrich
% Attitude indicator AIM1100-28LK(0F) 504-0111-938 BF-Goodrich
% Attitude índicator AIM1100-28LK(2F) 504-0111-941 BF-Goodrich
Turn coordinator w/o AP pickup 1394T100-(3Z) Mid Continent Instr.
% Turn coordinator 1394T100-(12RZ) Mid Continent Instr.
% Turn coordinator 1394T100-(12RA) Mid Continent Instr.
Marker antenna CI102 Comant
DME KN 62A 066-01068-0004 Bendix/King
DME antenna KA60 071-01174-0000 Bendix/King
% DME antenna KA60 071-01591-0001 Bendix/King
% DME antenna KA61 071-00221-0010 Bendix/King
Transponder KT 76A 066-1062-10 Bendix/King
Transponder KT 76C 066-01156-0101 Bendix/King
% Transponder GTX 327 011-00490-00 Garmin
% Transponder GTX 330 011-00455-00 Garmin
% XPDR antenna KA60 071-01174-0000 Bendix/King
XPDR antenna KA60 071-01591-0001 Bendix/King
% XPDR antenna KA61 071-00221-0010 Bendix/King
Altitude digitizer D120-P2-T TCI
% Altitude Data System SAE5-35 305154-00 Sandia Aerospace
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
NAVIGATION (continued)
ADF KR87 066-01072-0004 Bendix/King
ADF antenna KA44B 071-01234-0000 Bendix/King
ADF indicator KI227 066-03063-0001 Bendix/King
% ADF indicator KI227 066-03063-00 Bendix/King
NAV antenna coupler CI505 Comant
% NAV/GS antenna coupler CI507 Comant
% dual NAV/dual GS antenna coupler CI 1125 Comant
VOR/LOC/GS antenna CI157P Comant
NAV/COM #1 KX125 069-01028-1101 Bendix/King
NAV/COM #1 volt conv. KA39 071-01041-0001 Bendix/King
% NAV/COM #1 KX155A 069-01032-0201 Bendix/King
% NAV/COM #1 KX 165 069-01025-0025 Bendix/King
% NAV/COM #1 KX165A 069-01033-0101 Bendix/King
% NAV/COM #1 KX165A, 8.33 kHz 069-01033-0201 Bendix/King
% NAV/COM #2 KX155A 069-01032-0201 Bendix/King
% NAV/COM/GPS #1 GNS 430 011-00280-00 Garmin
% NAV/COM/GPS #1 GNS 430 011-00280-10 Garmin
% NAV/COM/GPS #1 GNS 530 011-00550-00 Garmin
% NAV/COM/GPS #1 GNS 530 011-00550-10 Garmin
% NAV/COM/GPS #2 GNS 430 011-00280-00 Garmin
% NAV/COM/GPS #2 GNS 430 011-00280-10 Garmin
CDI, VOR/LOC #1 KI 208 066-03056-0000 Bendix/King
CDI, VOR/LOC #2 KI 208 066-03056-0000 Bendix/King
% CDI, VOR/LOC/GS #1 GI 106A 013-00049-01 Garmin
% CDI, VOR/LOC/GS #2 GI 106A 013-00049-01 Garmin
GPS KLN 89B 066-01148-0102 Bendix/King
GPS KLN 94 069-01034-0101 Bendix/King
% GPS antenna KA 92 071-01553-0200 Bendix/King
% GPS antenna #1 GA 56 011-00134-00 Garmin
% GPS antenna #2 GA 56 011-00134-00 Garmin
% GPS annunciaton unit MD41-1488 Mid Continent
GPS/AP switch assy MD41-528 Mid Continent
% Multifunction Display / GPS KMD 150 066-01174-0101 Bendix/King
% Stormscope WX-500 805-11500-001 Goodrich
% Stormscope Antenna NY-163 805-10930-001 Goodrich
% Strike Finder Display SF 2000 2000-009 Insight
% Strike Finder Sensor SF 2000 2000-022 Insight
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
ENGINE IO-360 M1A Textron Lycoming
RPM sensor VM1000 3010005 Vision Microsyst.
Manifold pressure sensor VM1000 3010016 Vision Microsyst.
Cyl. head temp. probes (4 each) VM1000 1020061 Vision Microsyst.
EGT probes VM1000 1020060 Vision Microsyst.
Data processing unit DPU 4010067 Vision Microsyst.
Data processing unit DPU 4010081 Vision Microsyst.
Intergr. engine data display VM1000 4010050 Vision Microsyst.
I/O board assy. 3020003 Vision Microsyst.
% I/O board assy. 3020018 Vision Microsyst.
Oil temperature sensor VM1000 3010021 Vision Microsyst.
Oil pressure transducer VM1000 3010018 Vision Microsyst.
Starter 149-24LS SKYTEC
Description Type Part No. Manufacturer S/N
Propeller MTV-12-B/180-17 mt-Propeller
% Propeller MTV-12-B/180-17f mt-Propeller
% Propeller Governor C-210776 Woodward
% Propeller Governor MT-P420-10 P-420-010 mt-Propeller
% 1) The Amerex A 620 T fire extinguisher is UL approved and can be used in airplanes
% registered in Canada and the USA. For airplanes registered in other countries, refer
% to the national airworthiness authority.
Chapter 7 contains a description of the airplane and its systems, together with operating
The GFRP fuselage is of semi monocoque molded construction. The fire protection on
the firewall is of a special fire-resistant matting, which is covered on the engine side by
stainless steel cladding. The two main bulkheads are GFRP/CFRP items.
The wings have a front and rear spar; each wing has a top shell and a bottom shell - a
'fail safe' concept. The wings, as well as the aileron and flaps, are made of GFRP/CFRP,
and are principally of sandwich construction. An aluminum fuel tank is installed in each
of the wings.
The airplane has a ‘T’ tail of GFRP semi monocoque construction. Both the stabilizers
have twin spars and a skin with no sandwich. Rudder and elevator are of sandwich
The ailerons, elevator and wing flaps are operated through control rods, while the rudder
is controlled by cable. The flaps are electrically operated. Elevator forces can be balanced
by a trim tab on the elevator, which is operated by a Bowden cable.
Hinges: There are 4 hinges, which are hinge pins mounted in an aluminum
bracket. They are secured in position by a roll pin. The absence of this
roll pin can lead to the loss of the hinge pin and a consequent loss of flight
Operation: A rod-end bearing is screwed into a steel push rod and locked by means
of a nut which has locking varnish applied to it. Damage to this varnish
can indicate a twisting and thus a change to the adjustment. The
connection between the rod-end bearing and the control horn is a bolt,
the nut of which is likewise sealed with locking varnish.
Hinges: There are 6 hinges, which are hinge pins mounted in an aluminum
bracket. They are secured in position by a roll pin. The absence of this
roll pin can lead to the loss of the hinge pin and a consequent loss of flight
safety. Another aluminum fitting is located at the fuselage and is attached
to a torsion tube. The torsion tube is located in the fuselage, creating a
connection between the left and right flaps.
Operation: A rod-end bearing is screwed into a steel push rod and locked by means
of a nut which has locking varnish applied to it. Damage to this varnish
can indicate a twisting and thus a change to the adjustment. The
connection between the rod-end bearing and the control horn is a bolt,
the nut of which is likewise sealed with locking varnish.
The flaps are operated by means of a 3-position flap selector switch on the instrument
panel. The positions of the switch correspond to the positions of the flaps, the Cruise
position of the switch being at the top. If the switch is moved to another position, the flaps
continue to travel automatically until they have reached the position selected on the switch.
The UP and LDG positions are additionally protected by a limit switch to guard against
over-running the end positions.
The electrical flap drive has an automatic circuit breaker which can also be operated
The current flap position is indicated by means of three lights beside the flap selector
When the upper light (green) is illuminated, the flaps are in the Cruise position (UP);
when the center light (white) is illuminated, the flaps are in Take-off position (T/O);
when the lower light (white) is illuminated, the flaps are in Landing position (LDG).
When two lights are illuminated simultaneously, the flaps are between the two indicated
positions. This is the case only when the flaps are traveling.
Hinges: 5 hinges
Operation: Steel cables, the eyes of which are connected to the bolts on the bracket.
Elevator Trim
The trim control is a black wheel in the center console to the rear of the engine controls.
To guard against over-rotating, the trim wheel incorporates a friction device. A mark on
the wheel shows the take-off (T/O) position.
Pedal adjustment
The pedals may only be adjusted on the ground!
The pedals are unlocked by pulling the black handle which is located behind the rear
Forward adjustment:
Whilst keeping the handle pulled, push the pedals forward with your feet. Release the
handle and allow the pedals to lock into place.
Rearward adjustment:
Using the unlocking handle, pull the pedals back to the desired position. Release the
handle and push the pedals forward with your feet until they lock into place.
% The DA 40 can be equipped with one of numerous instrument panel variants. Therefore
% only two example variants (VFR and IFR) are described in this section. The equipment
% that is actually installed in a particular airplane is listed in the Equipment Inventory in
% Section 6.5. The airplane manufacturer must be contacted before removing or installing
% equipment, with the exception of replacing a unit by an identical unit.
*) Designations and abbreviations used to identify the circuit breakers are explained in
Cockpit ventilation
Ventilation in the front is provided by the movable ventilation nozzles (17) in the instrument
panel. Furthermore there are spherical nozzles in the roll bar on the left and right side
next to the front seats as well as on the central console above the passengers’ heads.
The spherical nozzles are opened and closed by twisting.
The landing gear consists of a main landing gear of sprung steel struts, and a free-
castering nose wheel which is sprung by an elastomer package.
The wheel fairings are removable. When flying without wheel fairings, it should be noted
that there is a reduction in some areas of performance (see Chapter 5).
Wheel brakes
Hydraulically operating disk brakes act on the wheels of the main landing gear. The wheel
brakes are individually operated by means of toe pedals.
Parking brake
The lever is located on the small center console under the instrument panel, and is in
the upper position when the brakes are released. To operate the parking brake pull the
lever downwards until it catches. Brake pressure is built up by multiple operation of the
toe brake pedals, and is maintained until the parking brake is released. To release, the
lever is pushed upwards.
parking brake
To increase passive safety, the seats are constructed using a carbon fiber/Kevlar hybrid
material and GFRP. The seats are removable to facilitate the maintenance and inspection
of the underlying controls. Covers on the control sticks prevent loose objects from falling
into the area of the controls.
The seats have removable furnishings and are equipped with energy-absorbing foam
The seats are fitted with three-part safety harnesses. The harnesses are fastened by
inserting the end of the belts in the belt lock, and are opened by pressing the red release
on the belt lock.
The backs of the rear seats can be laid forward after pulling upwards on the knob of the
locking bolt.
% The DA 40 may be equipped with one of the following baggage compartment variants:
% On the back side of the standard baggage compartment the baggage tube may be
% installed. It is separated by a cloth cover.
% The Baggage Extension has a door that may be hinged up to keep items from sliding aft
% or hinged down to carry long items.
% The Baggage Tray may be installed in the bottom of the standard baggage compartment.
% The lid of the Baggage Tray and the bottom of the Baggage Extension form a flat loading
% surface. The lid has mounting provisions for the tow bar. The space under the lid may
% be used to carry small items such as the gust lock and the fuel quantity measuring device.
Front canopy
The front canopy is closed by pulling down on the canopy frame, following which it is locked
by means of a handle on the left hand side of the frame. On locking, steel bolts lock into
mating holes in polyethylene blocks.
“Cooling Gap” position: A second setting allows the bolts to lock in, leaving a gap under
% the front canopy.
% The front canopy can be blocked by a locking device (optional) on the left side near the
canopy opening lever by turning the key clockwise. The closed and blocked canopy can
be opened from inside by pulling the lever inside the opening handle.
The airplane may be operated with the front canopy in the
“cooling gap” position on the ground only. Before take-off the
front canopy must be completely closed and locked, but not
blocked with the locking device.
A window on the left hand side of the canopy can be opened for additional ventilation or
as an emergency window. Some serial numbers have another window on the right hand
side of the canopy.
Rear door
% The rear door is closed in the same way, by pulling down on the frame or on the handle
% (if installed) and locking it with the handle. A gas pressure damper prevents the door from
dropping; in strong winds the assembly must be held. The rear door is protected against
unintentional opening by an additional lever.
The door can be blocked by a locking device (optional) on the left side near the door
opening lever by turning the key clockwise. The closed and blocked door can be opened
from inside by pulling the lever inside the opening handle.
The rear door must be closed and locked, but not blocked
with the locking device before the engine is started.
Heating and ventilation are operated using two levers located on the small center console
under the instrument panel.
Max. power: 180 HP (134.2 kW) at 2700 RPM at sea level and ISA
Max. continuous power: 160 HP (119.3 kW) at 2400 RPM at sea level and ISA
The principal engine accessories at the front of the engine are the propeller governor,
the starter motor, and the alternator. The ignition (optionally controlled by an electronic
control unit), the twin magneto system and the mechanical fuel pump are at the rear of
the engine. Fuel is supplied via a fuel injection system.
The engine instruments are on the right hand side of the instrument panel.
The engine performance is controlled by means of three levers: throttle, RPM lever and
mixture control lever, situated together as a group on the large center console (also
referred to as the throttle quadrant).'Front' and 'rear' are defined in relation to the direction
of flight.
This lever is used to set the manifold pressure (MP). When the throttle is furthest forward,
the engine is being provided with extra fuel for high performance settings.
High manifold pressure means that a large quantity of fuel-air mixture is being supplied
to the engine, while low manifold pressure means a lesser quantity of fuel-air mixture is
being supplied.
RPM lever
By means of this lever the propeller governor controls the propeller pitch and thus engine
RPM (= propeller RPM). A selected RPM is held constant by the governor independent
of the airspeed and the throttle setting ('Constant Speed').
The propeller governor is flanged onto the front of the engine. It regulates the supply of
engine oil to the propeller. The propeller governor oil circulation is an integral part of the
engine oil circulation system. Following a defect in governor or oil system, the blades go
the finest possible pitch (maximum RPM), thus allowing continuation of the flight.
Following failure of the governor or a serious drop in oil
pressure, the RPM should be adjusted using the throttle.
Every effort should be made not to exceed 2700 RPM.
The throttle and RPM lever should be moved slowly, in order
to avoid over-speeding and excessively rapid RPM changes.
The light wooden propeller blades produce more rapid RPM
changes than metal blades.
- right hand lever with red handle and lock to avoid inadvertent operation.
This lever is used to set the proportions in the fuel-air mixture which is supplied to the
If the lever is at the forward stop, extra fuel is being supplied to the engine which at higher
performance settings contributes to engine cooling.
In cruise, the mixture should be made leaner in order to reach the appropriate fuel-air
mixture. The leaning procedure is given in Chapter 4.
To shut off the engine the mixture control lever is pulled to the rear stop. Air without fuel
is thus drawn into the cylinders and the engine dies. When the engine is stationary there
is thus no fuel in the cylinders.
Alternate Air
In the event of the loss of manifold pressure because of icing or blocking of the air filter,
there is the possibility of drawing air from the engine compartment. The operating lever
for Alternate Air is located under the instrument panel to the left of the center console.
To open Alternate Air the lever is pulled to the rear. Normally, Alternate Air is closed, with
the lever in the forward position.
Operation on the ground at high RPM should be avoided as
far as possible, as the blades could suffer stone damage. For
this reason a suitable site for engine runs (magneto and
propeller checks) should be selected, where there are no
loose stones or similar items.
Never move the propeller by hand while the ignition is
switched ON, as it may result in serious personal injury.
If on switch-on button 3 is kept pressed until the display transfers from activating all
bars/pointers to indicating the actual values, the type of presentation can be selected.
In the one case the circular instruments show the values with a pointer as in conventional
analog instruments, whilst in the other case the circular instruments fill with pointers/bars
up to the current value. It remains for the pilot to select his preferred presentation.
VOLT Voltage V
Upon powering up the unit the normal mode is shown. Between the colored sector
markings the cylinder head temperatures of the individual cylinders are shown by bars.
Above those are bars showing the exhaust gas temperatures of the individual cylinders.
In the event of the failure of a sensor the relevant indication remains empty. A flashing
cylinder head temperature indication means either that the cylinder is too hot, or that it
is being cooled too rapidly (shock-cooling).
The operation of button 1 causes the display to move to 'lean' mode. This is confirmed
by 2 half-bars appearing to the left and right of the bar blocks. In this mode all bars which
previously showed cylinder head and exhaust gas temperature are used for exhaust gas
temperature only. One bar represents 10 °F. If the columns are completely filled with bars
before the mixture is lean, button 1 should be pressed twice so that the bars start again
at the base of the indicator.
A flashing bar column indicates that the relevant cylinder has reached the hottest exhaust
gas temperature. This point will be marked with a single bar, which can be used as a
reference for enriching the mixture. As an option, the numerical indication can be used
additionally for this purpose.
Using this button, the numerical indication for exhaust gas and cylinder head temperature
underneath the graphical representation of these figures is set. Following each sequential
operation of the button the exhaust gas and cylinder head temperatures of an individual
cylinder are displayed. In this, the display jumps automatically from the number of the
current cylinder to its current temperature. After the fourth cylinder the display goes into
the automatic mode, which gives both the number of the cylinder with the highest exhaust
gas temperature as well as (beside it) the number of the hottest cylinder. Alternating with
this, the associated temperatures are displayed.
In the autotrack mode changes in the engine values are shown. If button 3 is operated
in flight, variations from the current values will be displayed, in that the relevant circular
instrument and the annotation AUTOTRACK will start to flash.
In order to leave the mode, button 3 must be operated. The mode is left automatically
if there is a critical value to be indicated.
By operating button 4 the display is switched from fuel flow (FUEL FLW) to a numerical
indication underneath it. There are 4 modes, which are called up by pressing button 4
in sequence. The modes are:
REM: The remaining fuel is shown is US gal. The steps in this are 0.1 US gal. This mode
is only available if the “ADD” mode - add up fuel - has previously been activated.
HRS: This mode shows the remaining flight time (in hours) on the basis of the current
fuel flow. The steps in this indication are tenths of hours. This mode is also only
available if the “ADD” mode - add up fuel - has previously been activated.
BRN: This mode shows the amount of fuel used (in US gal) since the equipment was
switched on. The steps in this are 0.1 US gal.
ADD: This mode can be used after refueling to bring the fuel quantity, which the
equipment uses for its calculations, up to date. In order to utilize the REM and HRS
modes, the computer needs to be told how much fuel has been taken on. 10 US
gal are added by pressing button 3, while pressing button 5 adds one US gal to
the total. The quantity is confirmed by pressing button 4. In doing this, the quantity
which has been entered in ADD is added to the previous total under REM. To check
the fuel quantity button 4 should be pressed until REM is shown.
If too much has been added, button 4 should not be pressed for confirmation. After
approx. 20 seconds the computer automatically leaves the ADD mode.
Incorrect use of the computer in the fuel-computer mode will
result in false statements in the “REM - remaining fuel” and
the “HRS - remaining flight time” modes. Before using the fuel
computer mode in flight the pilot must be certain that he has
understood the operation and use of the equipment. Beyond
this, use of the fuel computer must not be regarded as a
substitute for fuel planning for a flight.
Operating button 5 will activate the engine data recorder. The digital values shown are
the minimum values recorded by the engine instrument unit during operation, such as
lowest voltage, lowest fuel pressure, etc. The numerical RPM indicator will indicate the
total operating hours.
Pressing button 5 again will show the maximum values encountered. Pressing button
5 still another time will turn off the engine data recorder and the display will return to the
original mode. If button 5 is not pressed for approximately 20 seconds, the display will
automatically return to the original mode.
Data of the engine data recorder can be called during or immediately after flight only. With
each new flight the old data will be overwritten.
Page 7 - 28
to cylinders
to cylinders
Revision 7
fuel distributor bleed line
intake air bleed line
fuel pressure indication
fuel flow indication check valve
mechanical pump
injection timing device
pump bleed line with screen
capillary FIREWALL
filler neck electrical
check tank (with sensor)
filter/screen RIGHT-HAND TANK
drain drain fuel tank
finger filter
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
Doc. # 6.01.01-E
fuel distributor
b) Long Range-Tank:
to cylinders to cylinders
fuel distributor bleed line intake air
fuel pressure indication bleed line
Revision 7
fuel flow indication check valve
mechanical pump
injection timing device
pump bleed line with screen
filler neck electrical
se pump
au nso fuel
check qty x fu r fo
. el r sens qty. RIGHT-HAND
valve or filter/screen
drain drain fuel tank (symmetrical)
fuel tank finger filter selector
Page 7 - 29
Fuel pumps
The fuel system is equipped with a mechanical and an electrical fuel pump. The
mechanical pump provides for the normal fuel supply.
The electrical fuel pump is provided as an auxiliary and emergency pump, which does
not operate under normal circumstances. It is operated with the FUEL PUMP switch on
the row of switches on the instrument panel. It is checked during engine start, and is used
as a safety back-up during take-off and landing, as well as when switching fuel tanks.
It is also switched on for safety in the event of a decrease in fuel pressure.
The fuel tank selector is situated on the center console. Its positions are LEFT (tank),
RIGHT (tank) and OFF. The OFF position is reached by turning the selector to the right
while pulling up the safety catch of the fuel tank selector. This is to ensure that an OFF
selection is not made unintentionally.
% a) Standard-Tank
l Se l e c
F ue r
20 US gal. 20 US gal.
76 l 76 l
% b) Long Range-Tank
Fuel tanks
% Each of the two wing tanks consists of two (standard tank) or three (long range tank)
aluminum chambers which are joined by a piece of flexible hose and two independent
vent hoses. There are two separate vents per tank. The hose terminations are situated
on the underside of the wing, approx. 2 meters (7 ft) from the wing tip. One vent acts as
a capillary, both to equalize the air pressure, and to provide a safety factor in the event
of a failure of the other vent. The second vent is a check valve, to allow air to enter the
tank, but prevent flow to the outside.
A coarse filter (finger filter) is fitted before the outlet. To allow draining of the tank, there
is an outlet valve at its lowest point. A gascolator sits at the lowest point in the fuel system.
A drain valve is fitted to the gascolator, which can be used to remove water and sediment
which has collected in the fuel system. This valve is fitted centrally on the underside of
the fuselage, approximately 30 cm (1 ft) forward of the wing leading edge.
% a) Standard Tank
A capacity probe ascertains fuel quantity in the tank. When the fuel quantity indicator reads
zero, only the unusable fuel remains in the tank. The total capacity of each tank is 20 US
% gal (approximately 76 liters). The maximum quantity that can be indicated is either 15
% US gal (up to serial number 40.054) or 17 US gal (serial number 40.055 and subsequent).
% The indication up to this quantity is correct. At an actual quantity above 15 US gal / 17
% US gal the indication remains at 15 US gal / 17 US gal.
% When the fuel quantity indicator reads 15 US gal / 17 US gal,
the correct fuel quantity must be determined with the fuel
quantity measuring device. If this measurement is not carried
out, the fuel quantity available for flight planning is 15 US gal /
% 17 US gal.
% For ascertaining fuel quantity in the enlarged tanks an additional capacitive probe is used
% on each side (LH/RH). When the fuel quantity indicator reads zero, only the unusable
% fuel remains in the tank. The usable capacity of each tank is 25 US gal (approximately
% 94 liters).
% Up to an actual fuel quantity of 16 US gal the fuel quantity is measured by the standard
% probes and is brought to indication on the left and right side of the instrument in increments
% of 1 US gal.
% A fuel quantity between 16 US gal and 25 US gal is ascertained by the additional probes
% and is brought to indication in the central area of the fuel quantity indicator. The indication
% is numerical in 3 US gal steps (in the range from 0 to 3 US gal) and 1 US gal steps (in
% the range above 3 US gal up to max. 9 US gal). The side to be indicated can be selected
% by the AUX FUEL QTY switch (see figure below) which is located next to the indicator.
% The indication on the left and right side of the instrument (0 US gal to max. 16 US gal)
% is not affected by the switch.
% The actual fuel quantity in the respective tank (LH/RH) is the sum of the central indication
% and the corresponding indication on the left or right side.
% The correct indication of the fuel quantity takes 2 minutes after
% actuation of the AUX FUEL QTY switch.
% Additional fuel quantity indication
% between 16 US gal and 25 US gal
% of the tank selected with the AUX
% FUEL QTY switch.
The fuel quantity measuring device allows the fuel quantity in the tank to be determined
during the pre-flight inspection. It functions according to the principle of communicating
containers. The fuel quantity measuring device has a recess which fits the airfoil of the
wing. With this recess the device is held against the stall strip at the leading edge of the
wing. The exact position is marked by a bore in the stall strip. Then the metal connector
is pressed against the drain of the tank. The amount of fuel in the tank can now be read
off from the vertical ascending pipe.
% For a correct indication the airplane must be placed on a horizontal ground and the fuel
% filler must have been opened before.
The designated place for the fuel quantity measuring device is the bag on the rear side
of the pilot seat.
% Different fuel quantity measuring devices are used for the
% standard tank and the long range tank. The use of the wrong
% device results in a wrong indication.
% 22
% 21
% 19
% 18
% 16
% 14
% 13
aeroplane on level ground
unit in u.s. gallons
% 7
% 5
% 4
% 3
% unusable
% a) Standard Tank b) Long Range Tank
7.11.1 GENERAL
- Power generation
- Storage
- Distribution
- Consumers
Power generation
The 70 ampère alternator (generator) is mounted on the front of the engine. It is driven
by a V-belt, and charges the battery. In the event of alternator failure, the battery provides
the system with electrical energy. Given the provision of these two independent sources
of electrical power, the complete failure of the electrical system is extremely unlikely.
Power is stored in a lead-acid battery which is mounted in the right-hand side of the engine
% compartment. It has a capacity of 10 ampère-hours or more, depending on the battery
% type. The battery is connected to the airplane electrical system via the main (70 ampère)
circuit breaker.
% In addition, a non-rechargeable dry battery or a lithium battery pack is installed in the IFR
model as a further source of power for the attitude gyro (artificial horizon) and the flood
light. When the emergency switch is set to ON, these two systems are supplied with power
for 1 hour and 30 minutes, independent of all other electrical consumers.
Electrical power is distributed via the 'Main Bus' and - if installed - the 'Essential Bus'.
The 'Master Switch' is divided into a 'Master Switch (ALT)' on the left and a 'Master Switch
(BAT)' on the right. Both switches together are known as the 'Master Switch'.
The individual consumers (e.g. radio, electrical fuel pump, position lights, etc.) are
connected to the main bus via automatic circuit breakers.
Designations and abbreviations used to identify the circuit breakers are explained in
The basic version of the DA 40 is equipped with the electric start boost system
SlickSTART. This system improves the start characteristics by delivering more spark
energy during the engine start sequence. After engine starting the ignition is controlled
by the conventional retard breaker magneto system.
As an option, the LASAR electronic ignition control unit can be installed instead of the
SlickSTART system. This unit measures manifold pressure and RPM and uses these
parameters to optimize the ignition timing. This provides for smooth engine running and
improved starting behavior. If the electronic ignition control is not in operation, the status
light for the ignition illuminates and the conventional magneto ignition takes over the
ignition control. Also, during operation of the engine on only one magneto, for example
during the magneto check, the ignition is not controlled electronically and the status light
for the ignition should illuminate. For engine restart in flight without the electronic ignition
control being operative an engine speed of more than 500 RPM is necessary. The magneto
ignition is independent of the electrical network, therefore providing safe engine operation
even in the event of a power failure.
The voltmeter displays the potential on the main bus. If the alternator is operating, the
alternator voltage is shown, otherwise it is that provided by the battery.
The ammeter displays the current with which the alternator is being loaded.
Landing and taxi lights are built into the left wing, and are each operated by means of
a switch (LANDING, TAXI) on the row of switches on the instrument panel.
Combined position and strobe lights (anti collision lights) are installed on both wing tips.
Each system is operated by a switch (POSITION, STROBE) on the row of switches on
the instrument panel.
Flood light
A two-dimensional light emitter is mounted above the instrument panel. It illuminates the
instrument panel as well as all levers, switches, etc. With a rotary button (FLOOD) in the
left-hand section of the instrument panel the flood light is switched on and its brightness
is adjusted.
Instrument lighting
With a rotary button (INSTRUMENT) in the left-hand section of the instrument panel the
internal lighting of the instruments is switched on and its brightness is adjusted.
Pitot heating
The Pitot probe, which provides measurement for the Pitot-static system, is electrically
heated. The heating is activated with a switch (PITOT) on the row of switches on the
instrument panel. The temperature is automatically kept constant by means of a thermal
switch on the Pitot probe, and as an additional safety measure a thermal fuse is built in.
If this thermal fuse is activated, the Pitot heating can no longer be switched on, and the
Pitot heating caution will be displayed. In this case the system should be serviced.
The Pitot heating caution will also be displayed whenever the
Pitot heating system is switched OFF.
There are two variants of the annunciator panel ('DAI' and 'White Wire'). The 'DAI' variant,
which is described below, can be identified by the lights in the shape of a square.
In the process of the pre-flight check the lights of the annunciator panel must be checked
by operating the test switch. This is to check that the lights have not failed. All lights must
be serviceable.
The alternator warning light illuminates on alternator failure. The only remaining source
of electrical power is the battery. The color is red.
The procedure to be followed upon alternator warning is given in 3.7.2 FAILURES IN THE
This caution light illuminates when the on-board voltage drops below 24 volts. It goes
out again when the voltage exceeds 25 volts. The color is amber.
The procedure to be followed upon low voltage caution is given in 4B.3 FAILURES IN
The fuel pressure warning light illuminates when the fuel pressure drops below 14 psi.
The color is red.
Each tank has its own caution light. It starts to flash when the fuel quantity becomes low,
and illuminates permanently when the quantity of usable fuel in the respective tank drops
below 3 US gal (±1 US gal). The indication is calibrated for straight and level flight. The
light may illuminate during turns which are flown with slip, or while taxiing in curves. The
color is amber.
The oil pressure warning light illuminates when the oil pressure drops below 25 psi. The
color is red.
The procedure to be followed upon oil pressure warning is given in 3.2.3 ENGINE
The door warning light illuminates when the front canopy and/or the rear door is not closed
and locked. The color is red.
This light is only used when the electronic ignition control unit is installed.
The status light for the ignition illuminates when the electronic ignition control is not
operating. In this case the conventional magneto ignition will be in use. The color is white.
The procedure to be followed upon illumination of the ignition status light is given in 4B.3
The starter warning light illuminates when the starter is being operated or when the
connection between the starter motor and the engine has not been broken. This occurs
when the pinion of the starter motor remains engaged with the propeller flywheel. The
color is red.
The procedure to be followed upon starter warning is given in 3.7.2 FAILURES IN THE
The Pitot heating caution light is illuminated when the Pitot heating is not switched on,
or when there is a failure of the Pitot heating system. The color is amber.
Prolonged operation of the Pitot heating on the ground can also cause the Pitot heating
caution light to illuminate. In this case it indicates the activation of the thermal switch, which
prevents overheating of the Pitot heating system on the ground. This is a normal function
of the system. After a cooling period, the heating system will be switched on again
There are two variants of the annunciator panel ('DAI' and 'White Wire'). The 'White Wire'
variant, which is described below, can be identified by the flat front panel and the 'White
Wire' logo on the display in the upper left corner.
In the process of the pre-flight check, proper functioning of the annunciator panel must
be verified. This functional check is automatically started after switching the battery master
switch ON. All lights are flashed, and the aural alert is muted. By pressing the
'acknowledge' button, the lights are extinguished, and a momentary aural alert is sounded.
This test verifies functionality of the microprocessor, the lights, and the aural signal.
The pilot may initiate additional system tests by holding the 'acknowledge' button for 2
seconds. All lights will begin flashing, and the aural alert will sound continuously.
Warning messages
By pressing the 'acknowledge' button, which is now illuminated green, the aural alert will
be terminated, and the WARNING light will be extinguished. The warning light associated
with the affected system will change from flashing to solid illumination.
Caution messages
By pressing the 'acknowledge' button, which is now illuminated green, the CAUTION light
will be extinguished. The caution light associated with the affected system will change
from flashing to solid illumination.
The LOW FUEL caution message is displayed in a slightly different manner (extended
functionality), which is described below.
The alternator warning message is displayed on alternator failure. The only remaining
source of electrical power is the battery.
The procedure to be followed upon alternator warning is given in 3.7.2 FAILURES IN THE
The low voltage caution message is displayed when the on-board voltage drops below
24 volts. It is terminated when the voltage exceeds 25 volts again.
% The procedure to be followed upon low voltage caution is given in 4B.3 FAILURES IN
The fuel pressure warning message is displayed when the fuel pressure drops below
14 psi.
As soon as the amount of usable fuel in one tank is less than 3 US gal (±1 US gal), a
caution message is displayed in the usual manner (momentary aural alert, flashing
CAUTION light, flashing LOW FUEL caution light). Termination of the message is also
done as usual ('acknowledge', CAUTION light is extinguished, LOW FUEL caution light
changes to solid illumination).
As soon as the amount of usable fuel in the second tank is also less than 3 US gal
(±1 US gal), a caution message is displayed in a different manner. A continuous aural
alert is sounded in the airplane's intercom system, the amber CAUTION light is flashed,
and the amber LOW FUEL caution light is flashed.
By pressing the 'acknowledge' button, which is now illuminated green, the aural alert will
be terminated, and the CAUTION light will be extinguished. The LOW FUEL caution light
will continue to be flashed.
The indication is calibrated for straight and level flight. The caution message may be
triggered during turns which are flown with slip, or while taxiing in curves.
The oil pressure warning message is displayed when the oil pressure drops below 25 psi.
The procedure to be followed upon oil pressure warning is given in 3.2.3 ENGINE
The door warning message is displayed when the front canopy and/or the rear door is
not closed and locked.
This light is only used when the electronic ignition control unit is installed.
The status light for the ignition is illuminated when the electronic ignition control is not
operating. In this case the conventional magneto ignition will be in use. The color is white.
The WARNING light, the CAUTION light, and the aural alert will not be activated.
The procedure to be followed upon illumination of the ignition status light is given in 4B.3
The starter warning message is displayed when the connection between the starter motor
and the engine has not been broken. This occurs when the pinion of the starter motor
remains engaged with the propeller flywheel.
Furthermore, the START warning light is illuminated continuously as long as the starter
is being operated. In this case the WARNING light and the aural alert will not be activated.
The procedure to be followed upon starter warning is given in 3.7.2 FAILURES IN THE
The Pitot heating caution message is displayed when the Pitot heating is not switched
on, or when there is a failure of the Pitot heating system.
Prolonged operation of the Pitot heating on the ground can also cause the Pitot heating
caution message to be displayed. In this case it indicates the activation of the thermal
switch, which prevents overheating of the Pitot heating system on the ground. This is a
normal function of the system. After a cooling period, the heating system will be switched
on again automatically.
The White Wire annunciator panel is prepared for the installation of an autopilot in the
DA 40. When the autopilot is installed and ready for operation, this warning message
indicates a failure of the automatic trim system of the autopilot. For further details, refer
to the Supplement to the AFM for the autopilot (if installed).
Unused lights
The White Wire annunciator panel has two lights for possible future use. These lights are
currently unused.
Total pressure is measured at the leading edge of a Pitot probe under the left wing. Static
pressure is measured at two orifices at lower and rear edges of the same probe. To protect
against dirt and condensation there are filters in the system, which are accessible from
the wing root. The Pitot probe is electrically heated.
In addition, some serial numbers have an alternate static valve installed on the underside
of the instrument panel. With this valve, the static pressure in the cabin can be used as
static pressure source in the event of a failure of the Pitot-static system.
If airspeed drops below approximately 1.1 times the stalling speed, the stall warning horn,
located in the instrument panel, will sound. The horn becomes progressively louder the
closer one gets to stalling speed. Suction at an orifice on the left wing leading edge
activates the horn via a hose. The orifice for the stall warning in the left wing is marked
by a red ring.
The radio and navigation equipment is located in the central part of the instrument panel.
A transmit switch for the radio is mounted on the end of each control stick. There are
connection facilities for up to 4 headsets between the front seats.
For maintenance work on engine and propeller, the currently effective Operator's Manuals,
Service Instructions, Service Letters and Service Bulletins of Lycoming and mt-Propeller
must be followed. For airframe inspections, the currently effective checklists/manuals of
the manufacturer must be followed.
Unscheduled maintenance checks are required after:
- hard landings
- propeller strike
- engine fire
- lighting strike
- occurrence of other malfunctions and damage
Alterations or repairs of the airplane may be carried out only according to the Airplane
Maintenance Manual, Doc. No. 6.02.01, and only by authorized personnel.
During forward traversing the nose wheel will follow the movement of the airplane. Change
in direction is achieved by pulling on the propeller near the spinner. To traverse in the
rear direction, the tail section of the airplane should be pushed down until the nose wheel
is clear of the ground. This method can also be used to turn the airplane around its main
landing gear.
For pushing or pulling the airplane on the ground, it is recommended to use the tow bar
which is available from the manufacturer. The tow bar is bent apart and engaged in the
appropriate holes in the nose wheel fairing as shown on the picture below. The arresting
knob must be fully engaged.
The tow bar must be removed before starting the engine.
The tow bar may only be used for moving the airplane on the
ground by hand. After moving the airplane, the tow bar must
be removed.
When moving the airplane rearward, the tow bar must be held
firmly to prevent abrupt sideward deflection of the nose wheel.
For short term parking, the airplane must be positioned into the wind, the parking brake
must be engaged and the wing flaps must be in the retracted position. For extended and
unattended parking, as well as in unpredictable wind conditions, the airplane must be
anchored to the ground or placed in a hangar. Parking in a hangar is recommended.
The manufacturer offers a control surfaces gust lock which can be used to block the
primary controls. It is recommended that the control surfaces gust lock be used when
parking outdoors, because otherwise the control surfaces can hit the stops in strong tail
wind. This can lead to excessive wear or damage.
The control surfaces gust lock must be removed before flight.
The tail fin of the airplane has a hole which can be used to tie-down the airplane to the
ground. Also on each wing near the wing tip, an eyelet with a metric M8 thread can be
installed and used as tie-down points.
The DA 40 can be jacked at the two jackpoints located on the lower side of the fuselage's
LH and RH root ribs as well as at the tail fin.
For alignment push down on the tail section at the fuselage/vertical tail junction until the
nose wheel is clear of the ground. With the nose wheel free, the DA 40 can be turned
around the main landing gear. After turning the airplane into the correct position, release
the tail section until the nose wheel is back on the ground.
For transporting the airplane on the road it is recommended that an open trailer be used.
All airplane components must be stored on a cushioned surface and secured to avoid
any movement during transportation.
1. Fuselage:
The fuselage should stand on the main and nose landing gear. It must be ensured that
the fuselage will not move in a forward, backward or upward direction. Furthermore, it
must be ensured that the propeller has sufficient clearance so that it cannot be damaged
due to fuselage movement during transportation.
2. Wings:
For transportation, both wings must be removed from the fuselage. To avoid any damage,
the wings are stored in an upright position on the leading edge with the root rib area
positioned on an upholstered profiled surface with a width of at least 400 mm (1.3 ft). The
outside wing area (approximately 3 m (10 ft) from the root rib area) is placed on an
upholstered profiled surface with a minimum width of 300 mm (1 ft).
The wings must be secured to avoid any sliding movement to the rear.
3. Horizontal stabilizer:
The horizontal stabilizer is stored flat on the trailer and secured with straps, or in an upright
position sitting on the leading edge on a profiled surface. All storing surfaces must be
upholstered with felt or cellular rubber.
The airplane must be kept clean. The bright surface prevents
the structure from overheating.
Excessive dirt deteriorates the flight performance.
The entire surface of the airplane is painted with a white weatherproof two component
% paint. Nevertheless, it is advantageous to protect the airplane against moisture and
% dampness. It is recommended to park the airplane in a hangar for prolonged storage.
Moisture that has penetrated must be removed by storing the affected parts in a dry place
and turning them over several times.
Dirt, insects, etc. can be removed with water alone and if necessary with a mild detergent.
An automotive paint cleaner can be used for stubborn spots. For best results, clean the
airplane after the day's flying is ended, so that the dirt will not become ingrained.
Oil stains, exhaust stains, etc. on the lower fuselage skin can be removed with a cold
detergent. Before starting, ensure that the detergent does not affect the surface finish.
Use commercial automotive preservatives without silicone additives to conserve the paint
The canopy and rear door should be cleaned with 'Plexiklar' or any other acrylic glass
detergent if available; otherwise use lukewarm water. Final cleaning should be done with
a clean piece of chamois-leather or soft cloth. Never rub or polish dry acrylic glass.
The manufacturer uses PU paint or acrylic paint which is resistant to almost any solvent.
The blades may be treated with commercial automotive cleaning agents or preservatives.
The penetration of moisture into the wooden core must be avoided by all means. Should
doubts arise, an appropriately rated inspector must be consulted.
8.5.4 ENGINE
% Do not use acidic detergents (e.g. automotive wheel cleaners)
% for cleaning the exhaust system.
The interior should be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. All loose items (pens, bags etc.)
should be removed or properly stored and secured.
All instruments can be cleaned using a soft dry cloth, plastic surfaces should be wiped
clean using a damp cloth without any cleaning agents.
% The leather interior should be treated with leather sealer within 3 months since new, and
% then at intervals of 3 to 6 months. Clean the leather interior with an appropriate mild leather
% cleaning agent and a soft cleaning brush for leather.
% Note that the acrylic glass windows transmit the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
% 2. Spray de-icing fluid onto ice-covered surfaces using a suitable spray bottle.
Unless otherwise stated, the procedures given in the Supplements must be applied in
addition to the procedures given in the main part of the Airplane Flight Manual.
All approved supplements are listed in the List of Supplements in this Chapter.
The Airplane Flight Manual contains exactly those Supplements which correspond to the
installed equipment according to the Equipment Inventory of Section 6.5.
Intercom System,
% A2 Model PM 1000 II 2 15-Mar-2005 9 9
PS Engineering, Inc.
Transponder, KT 76A
A3 1 20-Apr-2001 9 9
VHF Communication/Navigation
% A8 2 03-Oct-2001 9 9
KX 155A and KX 165A
Transponder, KT 76C
% A12 2 15-Mar-2005 9 9
% Strike Finder,
% A22 0 10-Oct-2001 9 9
% SF 2000, Insight
% Stormscope,
% A24 2 28-Feb-2003 9 9
% WX-500, Goodrich
Attitude Indicator,
% E2 AIM 1100-28L(0F) 2 15-Mar-2005 9 9
BF Goodrich
Attitude Indicator,
% E3 AIM 1100-28LK(0F) DIA 2 15-Mar-2005 9 9
BF Goodrich
% Digital Chronometer,
% E4 1 15-Mar-2005 9 9
% Model 803, Davtron
% Operation of the DA 40
% O2 0 26-Nov-2001 9 9
% with Winter Kit