Part A: Diagnostic Program ...... 1 Part B: Software Update .14 Part C: Main Unit .. 22 FAQ .45
Part A: Diagnostic Program ...... 1 Part B: Software Update .14 Part C: Main Unit .. 22 FAQ .45
Part A: Diagnostic Program ...... 1 Part B: Software Update .14 Part C: Main Unit .. 22 FAQ .45
Part A: Diagnostic Program…………………......1
Part B: Software Update……………………….14
Part C: Main Unit……..…………………………22
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Introduction ...........................................................2
Features ...........................................................2
Advanced .....................................................2
Open ............................................................2
Integrative ....................................................2
Hardware Configuration....................................2
Ports and Indicators..........................................3
Printer Operation ..............................................4
Mounting Paper............................................4
Printing Test Result ......................................5
Explanation of Buttons......................................5
Button Descriptions ..........................................5
Conditions for Test............................................5
Select Diagnostic connector.............................5
Diagnostic Socket Location ..............................6
Pin Definitions...................................................6
Connection .......................................................6
Operation ..............................................................7
Entering Function Menu ...................................7
Read Fault Code ........................................10
Clear Fault Code ........................................10
Data Stream ...............................................10
Actuation Test.............................................12
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
be used independently.
The main unit itself is equal to a PDA,
Introduction which has the functions of personal
database, etc.
X431 is a newly developed automobile The SMARTBOX can be connected to PC
diagnostic computer. It is based on the to perform automobile diagnosis when it is
technology of open diagnostic platform, the demounted from the main unit. The
most advanced automobile diagnostic diagnostic software used by PC can even
technology brought forward by our company. be downloaded on the our website. That is,
the SMARTBOX can be sold independently.
The open diagnostic platform represents the This is an important feature of X431.
highest level of automobile diagnostic A standard RS232 interface is used to
technology, and is the developing trend of this connect the SMARTBOX and its upper unit.
field in the future. So more BOXes can be designed to
increase functions, such as SENSORBOX,
Features REMOTEBOX, etc. This feature increases
the value of X431.
Advanced MINIPRINTER is detachable. User can use
X431 is the most advanced automobile it to print out data.
diagnostic unit in the world at present. It is
designed compactly with modern outline and As described above, the independent use of the
large LCD touch screen. Demountable printer main unit and the SMARTBOX (or other
makes the operation easy. The product is a diagnostic box) is the extraordinary and creative
result of combination of the automobile industry feature of X431.
and the communication technology, which starts
the new development trend in the automobile Hardware Configuration
diagnosis field. This product not only provides a
new way of automotive diagnosis for vehicle The hardware configuration of X431-CHERY is
service station, but also becomes a favorable as shown in Figure 1-01.
choice for “DIYers”.
Open operating system. That is, X431 is
an open automobile diagnostic platform
with multifunction and multi-language
based on LINUX operation system.
X431 provides open interface to support
the third party’s development.
X431 has all functions of PDA.
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-02
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-03c
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Entering Function Menu
After connection, press [POWER] key to start
Figure 1-07
Button descriptions:
♦ [BACK]: to return to the previous
♦ [PAGE UP]: to display the previous
page, it is inactive if the current page is
the first page.
♦ [PAGE DOWN]: to display the next page,
it is inactive if the current page is the
last page.
♦ [HELP]: to display the help information.
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-08
Figure 1-09
Button descriptions:
[OK]: to go on test.
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-11
Figure 1-14
Figure 1-12
The following functions can be performed:
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-16
Figure 1-15
Button description:
♦ [HOME]: to return to the home page of
vehicle diagnosis.
♦ [BACK]: to go back to the previous Figure 1-17
♦ [PRINT]: to print out the test result. Click [OK] button to return to the function
Clear Fault Code
Click [Clear Fault Code] in the function menu Data Stream
shown in Figure 1-14. X431-CHERY starts to Click [Data stream] in the function menu
clear the fault code. The screen will display the shown in Figure 1-14. The screen will display
message as shown in Figure 1-16. the data stream menu of the tested system.
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-19
Button description:
♦ [GRAPHIC-1]: to display the waveform
Figure 1-18 of a data stream item.
♦ [HOME]: to return to the home page of
Button description: vehicle diagnosis.
♦ [PAGE DOWN]: to display the next page ♦ [BACK]: to go back to the previous
of data stream items. interface.
♦ [HOME]: to return to the home page of ♦ [PRINT]: to print the test result.
vehicle diagnosis.
♦ [BACK]: to go back to the previous In the interface of data stream display, click
interface. [GRAPHIC-1] to display the waveform of the
♦ [OK]: to display the live value of the data stream item. Figure 1-20 shows an
selected data stream items. example.
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-22
X431-CHERY Part A: Diagnostic Program
Figure 1-23
X431-CHERY Part B: Software Update
X431-CHERY Part B: Software Update
User Registration
Update of Diagnostic Log on www. x431. com. See Figure 2-02
The Internet update function of X431 can let
the user conveniently and quickly download
the software from our website for update.
Figure 2-01
1-CF card reader/writer 2-USB cable
3-USB Port 4-Computer 5-CF card
X431-CHERY Part B: Software Update
“product control” to register the newly invalid, the screen will display the message as
purchased product. Refer to the section shown in Figure 2-07. Click “OK” button to
“Member login”. return to the previous interface to re-fill the
correct numbers.
The terms of service is shown in the screen.
After reading and fully understand it, click “I
accept” button to enter the interface shown in
Figure 2-05.
Figure 2-05
After the information is filled, click “Next step” Fill in the username and password. Then click
to enter the next interface shown in Figure “OK” button to enter the interface shown in
2-06. Figure 2-09.
When a product is sold, the dealer will log
onto www. x431. com and enter the dealer
code in the “Dealer administration” area so
that the user can do effective registration Figure 2-09
later. User should contact the dealer if
registration can not be done effectively. Up to now, the registration is completed. Click
“Login“ to perform further operation or click
“Close” to exit.
Only the registered user can download and
update the software.
Member Login
Figure 2-06
The user becomes the registered member
after registration.
If the filled serial No. or registration No. is
Member can log in the website by filling
X431-CHERY Part B: Software Update
username and password in the interface The member can perform the following
shown in Figure 2-03. function:
Account administration
Click if you forget Product control
your password, and fill in necessary User’s information maintenance
information in the pop-up dialogue box shown Order management
in Figure 2-10. Logout
Account Administration
It is for changing password.
Product Control
The following tasks can be performed for
“Product Control” function:
Register newly purchased product.
Hand over the machine to other customer.
Figure 2-10 Click serial No. to see the currently
available software version.
The E-mail account is very important as User’s Information Maintenance
our webmaster will send the username and It is for renewing the user’s information.
password to the account.
Order Information
Member Area It is for checking the unpaid order.
Figure 2-13
Click here to enter
Click “OK” button to return to the hompage.
Figure 2-11
Software o
Newly registered user can download, free of
charge, the same software as that installed in
the purchased main unit, or the available later
version of the software.
The screen will show a list of software and Precaution on operation of the CF card
different versions for downloading. See Figure reader/writer:
2-15. If no later version is released, the item ˅Install the driver
will be marked “Not ready”. If it is the first time to use the CF card
reader/writer, you may have to install its driver.
Use CD-ROM or floppy disk which are bought
separately or delivered with the CF card
reader/writer to install the driver.
Figure 2-16
Figure 2-18
Software Update
Open the “X431 update” folder, and double
click the icon . Then install the update tool
Figure 2-19 according to the prompts on the screen.
6. When installation is finished, the screen When the installation is complete, the “X431
will display the information as shown in update tool” icon will appear on the
Figure 2-20. Click “Finish” to exit. desktop.
Figure 2-20
♦ Do not unplug the CF card reader/writer
from the USB port while its LED is Figure 2-21
blinking, otherwise data would be
damaged! Select the module for update in the interface
♦ Data on CF card cannot be restored from shown in Figure 2-21, and click “Update” icon
the “Recycle Bin” once deleted. to update. When the update is complete,
prompts will appear to notify successful
˅Pull out the CF card
2˅ update.
The CF card must not be pulled out when the
CF card reader/writer is being used. Otherwise, Description of icons at the lower left of the
the data in the CF card will be lost. interface:
♦ Source folder : to show the route
Procedure for pulling out the CF card: that the update program is from. The
On the desktop of Windows, open the window default one is where the last software
of “My computer”. Click the right mouse button from.
on “Removable disk” to pop up a menu. Select ♦ Target folder : to show the route that
X431-CHERY Part B: Software Update
the update program will be installed. It is X431 UPDATE TOOLS ---- for writing
CF card in this situation. It is necessary the program from computer to CF
to click this button to designate the card when doing X431 update
removable disc when laptop computer is DISPLAY PROGRAM---- for
used. displaying the X431 diagnostic
information and managing the X431
The required space and available space are diagnostic programs
listed at the lower left of the interface. If the SYSTEM DATA---- system data
available space is not enough to perform the used by X431 system
operation, click to show the installed
programs. See Figure 2-22. 2) Optional programs that can be selected
according to user's demand:
Diagnostic program for various vehicles
Figure 2-22
X431-CHERY Part B: Software Update
Select language
Click [Login]
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
To Do.............................................................. 34
Part C: X431 Main Unit Add New To Do.......................................... 35
View To Do................................................. 35
Contents Edit To Do .................................................. 35
Layout of Main Unit.............................................23 Delete To Do.............................................. 35
Introduction .........................................................24 Edit Type.................................................... 36
Interface..........................................................24 The Set of display...................................... 36
Input................................................................25 Schedule ........................................................ 36
Using the Soft Keyboard ............................25 Add New Schedule .................................... 37
Input by Keyboard......................................26 View Schedule........................................... 38
Input by Writing Board................................26 Edit Schedule............................................. 38
Control of App.................................................26 Delete Schedule ........................................ 38
Check Box..................................................26 System ............................................................... 39
Scrolling Bar...............................................27 Control Panel ................................................. 39
Common Button .........................................27 Application ................................................. 39
Help ................................................................27 Power Management................................... 40
Tool and Game....................................................27 Clock.......................................................... 41
Tools ...............................................................27 Contrast ..................................................... 42
Calculator ...................................................27 Language................................................... 42
World Time.................................................28 System Information ........................................ 43
Dictionary ...................................................29 Calibrate Touch screen.............................. 43
Picture View ...............................................29 User Register............................................. 43
Game..............................................................30 About ......................................................... 43
FIR .............................................................30 Shut Down ..................................................... 44
Reversi .......................................................30 Vehicle Maintaining............................................. 44
PIM......................................................................31 Vehicle Decoding Device ............................... 44
Memo..............................................................31 Sensor Testing and Simulating....................... 44
Add New Memo..........................................31 FAQ .................................................................... 45
View Memo ................................................31 About Update via Internet .............................. 45
Edit Memo ..................................................32 About Hardware ............................................. 46
Delete Memo..............................................32 About System Setting..................................... 47
Edit Type ....................................................32 About Operation............................................. 48
Browse By Types........................................32 Questions Related to Vehicle......................... 49
Address ..........................................................32
Add New Address.......................................33
View Address .............................................33
Edit Address ...............................................33
Delete Address...........................................34
Search Address..........................................34
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Serial Port 1
CF Card Slot
Power Button
Figure 3-01
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
An interface for User Register will be
Introduction displayed when the machine is started at
first time. Refer to the section “User
Interface Register” for detailed steps.
Turn on the power source, and then press
When you want to turn off the machine, press
[Power] key on the machine. The screen will
and hold [Power] key for at least 2 seconds.
display the prompts about touch screen
calibration. Press [Hot] key (refer to the
[Start] button: Its function is the same as that
section “Calibrate Touch screen” for detailed
in Windows. Click it to pop up the start menu.
steps) if you want to make calibration,
The items and their respective functions in the
otherwise, you can wait until it displays the
menu are shown in the following table.
start interface as shown in Figure 3-02.
[ ] Active Taskbar Icon: Click it by stylus to
display and switch the executed programs.
Figure 3-02
To record all kinds of important information and ideas, and make
corresponding classification.
To store the detailed information of relative, friends, colleagues
Address and business partners, which can be easily edited, retrieved and
PIM searched.
(Personal It is convenient for user to record the business to do or being
Information To Do done, to delete or add task records, to arrange the priority of
Management) tasks, and to browse the classified tasks.
To arrange the appointments, journeys and meetings in a whole
day; to check time schedule on business daily, weekly, monthly
and/or annually; and to describe the place, time and other
details for each schedule record.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-04
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-07
Scrolling Bar
Scrolling Bar is usually at the right side of the
touch screen. You can click or drag it to
operate. If the content can’t be displayed Figure 3-08
completely in one page, moving the Scrolling
Bar can turn to next page. (Refer to Figure 1) Click [Start] button.
3-07) 2) Select ‘Tools’ in the pop-up menu.
3) Select the function needed in the pop-up
Common Button submenu. (Refer to Figure 3-08)
[ ] Button at top right corner of the interface:
After clicking it, current interface will be closed. Calculator
When editing is being done, clicking of the This calculator can perform not only common
button will be treated as quitting the editing. calculations as a simple calculator, such as
addition and subtraction, but also the function
[ ] Button at top right corner of the operations as a scientific calculator, such as
interface˖After clicking it, the help information logarithm and factorial. (Refer to Figure 3-10).
will be shown.
1) In the pop-up menu of ‘Tools’, select
‘Calculator’ to open the Calculator
[Cancel] Button in the interface: After clicking it,
current interface will be closed.
2) Click the square overlap icon on upper
left of the screen to switch between
Help scientific calculator and simple
Click [ ] button at the top right corner of the
3) Click ‘Unit Conversion’ button to switch
interface to get helpful tips for current
between unit conversion calculator and
simple calculator.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-09
Figure 3-11
World Time
Figure 3-10
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
1) In the pop-up menu of ‘Tools’, select
‘Dictionary’ to open the Dictionary
interface. (See Figure 3-13)
2) Activate Soft Keyboard, and input words.
3) Select the word from the list on the left.
4) Click the word, and then you can find the
translation in the right list.
Figure 3-14
Figure 3-13
Picture View
1) Click [Start] button.
2) Select ‘Tools’ in the pop-up menu. (See
Figure 3-14)
3) In the pop-up ‘Tools’ list, select ‘Picview’ to
open the Picture interface.
4) In the Picture interface, click icon in Figure 3-15
the toolbar on the top. (See Figure 3-15)
5) Select directory from the left list interface. Browse the pictures in current directory
6) Select file from the right list interface. 1) In the Picture interface, click icon
7) Click [Parent Dir] button, and you can see on the top to browse the previous
the directory of current directory’s parent. picture.
8) You can see the directory of the picture at 2) In the Picture interface, click icon
the right side of ‘Path’. on the top to browse the next picture.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-17
Figure 3-16
1) In the pop-up submenu of ‘Game’,
select ‘FIR’ to open the Chess Board.
2) Click black or white chessman to begin
the game. The one who select the black Figure 3-18
chessman will start first. (See Figure
3-17) Reversi
1) In the pop-up menu of ‘Game’, select
Rules for the game: ‘Reversi’ to open the Chess Board. (See
You must try to make your five chessmen line Figure 3-18)
up and prevent your adversary from achieving 2) Click [New Game] button to start.
this goal in the process. The one whose 5 3) Click [Undo] button for pull back.
chessmen are lined up first is winner. You can 4) Click [Close] button to close the Chess
choose the black or white chessman at the Board.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
1) Click [Start] button.
2) Select ‘PIM ’ in the pop-up menu.
3) Select the function needed in the pop-up
list. See Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-20
Edit Memo 6) Select one type in the list box, and then
1) In the list box of the Memo interface, click [Delete] button to delete it.
click the memo that you want to edit. 7) Click [Close] button to close the Edit
2) Then you can edit the contents of the Group interface.
memo in the opened Memo Edit interface. The interface : It represents the Memo
See Figure 3-21. Interface, the New Memo interface and the
3) After editing, click [OK] button to save Memo Edit interface.
the edited contents and close the Memo
Edit interface.
Figure 3-22
Figure 3-21
Browse By Types
Delete Memo 1) Click the [ͩ] button on the top right of
1) In the list box of the Memo interface, click the Memo interface so that the type list
the memo that you want to delete. pops up.
2) Then you can delete the memo in the 2) Select the type in the list.
opened Memo Edit interface. 3) Then you can see the memo belonging
3) Click [Delete] button to delete the memo to the type in the list box.
and close the Memo Edit interface.
Note: Only the memo belonging to the type
Edit Type can be displayed here. If you want to
1) Click the [ͩ] button on the top right of browse all memos, please select ‘All’ in the
steps 1 and 2.
the interface so that the type list pops
2) In the type list, select the Edit Group to Address
open the Edit Group interface. The basic functions of Address Book include:
3) In the Edit Group interface, activate Soft add new address, view address, delete
Keyboard. address, to search address, etc.
4) In the text box at the bottom of the
interface, input the name of the type. 1) In the pop-up ‘PIM’ list, select ‘Address’
5) Click [Add] button to add a new type and to open the Address Book interface.
it will be displayed in the list box of the 2) It lists the name of persons whose
Edit Group interface. (See Figure 3-22)
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-24
View Address
1) In the list box of the Address Book
interface, click the name that you want to
2) Then the detailed information about the
person will be shown in the opened
Address Edit interface.
3) Click [OK] button to close the Address
Figure 3-23 Edit interface.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Delete Address To Do
1) In the list box of the Address Book
interface, click the name that you want to The basic functions of To Do include: add new
delete. To Do, view To Do, delete To Do and set To Do,
2) Then the information about the person etc.
will be shown in the opened Address Edit
3) Click [Delete] button to delete the
person’s information and close the
Address Edit interface.
Search Address
1) In the Address Book interface, click [Find]
button to pop up the Find People
interface. See Figure 3-26.
2) Activate Soft Keyboard, and input the
name you want to search.
3) Click [OK] button, and then you will see
that the name you search is highlighted
in the list box.
Figure 3-27
Add New To Do
Figure 3-29
View To Do
1) In the list box of the To Do interface, click
the to do that you want to view.
Figure 3-28 2) Then the contents of the To Do will be
shown in the opened To Do Edit
1) In the To Do interface, click [New] button 3) Click [OK] button to close the To Do Edit
to open the To Do New interface. See interface.
Figure 3-28.
2) Activate Soft Keyboard, and fill in the Edit To Do
subject and contents. 1) In the list box of the To Do interface, click
3) Click [Detail] button to open the To Do the memo that you want to edit.
Detail interface. See Figure 3-29. 2) Then the contents of the memo will be
4) In the To Do Detail interface, click the shown in the opened To Do Edit
button to the right of ‘Group’ to pop up interface.
the type list. 3) Click [Detail] button to open the To Do
5) Click the button to the right of ‘Expired’, Detail interface, please refer to step 4~8
and select the data in the pop-up list. in the section “Add New To Do”.
6) Click the number to the right of ‘Priority’ 4) After editing, click [OK] button to save
to set the priority of the To Do. the edited contents and close the To Do
7) If the To Do has been finished, please Edit interface.
click the box to the right of ‘Finished’.
When the function is selected, ‘X’ will be Delete To Do
marked in the box,. 1) In the list box of the To Do interface,
8) Click [OK] button to save and close the click the to do that you want to delete.
To Do Detail interface. 2) Then the contents will be shown in the
9) In the To Do Detail interface, click [OK] opened To Do Edit interface.
button to save and close the To Do New 3) Click [Delete] button to delete the To Do
interface. and close the To Do Edit interface.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-30 The basic functions of Schedule include: add
new schedule, view schedule, delete schedule,
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-32
View Schedule
2) In the Schedule interface, select the
date that has been scheduled. (Refer to
the section “Add New Schedule Set
the date of the schedule”)
3) In the list box of the Schedule interface,
click Scrolling Bar to turn to next page,
and click the schedule you want to view.
4) Then the contents of the schedule will
Figure 3-34 be shown in the opened Schedule View
5) Click [OK] button to close the Schedule
Set the content of the schedule:
View interface.
Edit Schedule
2) In the Schedule interface, select the
date that has been scheduled. (Refer to
the section “Add New Schedule Set
the date of the schedule”)
3) In the list box of the Schedule interface,
click Scrolling Bar to turn to next page,
and click the schedule you want to edit.
4) Then the contents of the schedule will
be shown in the opened Schedule View
5) If the edited affair is ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’,
‘Monthly’ or ‘Annual’, you can edit the
repeat time in the textbox on the bottom
of the interface.
6) After editing, click [OK] button to save
the edited contents and close the
Figure 3-35 Schedule View interface.
2) In the Schedule New interface, activate Delete Schedule
Soft Keyboard, and fill the subject and 1) In the Schedule interface, select the date
contents. that has been scheduled. (Refer to the
3) In the textbox on the top of the interface, section “Add New Schedule Set the
fill the time of the schedule. date of the schedule”)
4) If the selected cycle is ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’, 2) In the list box of the Schedule interface,
‘Monthly’ or ‘Annual’, you can input the click Scrolling Bar to turn to next page,
repeat time in the textbox on the bottom and click the schedule you want to edit.
of the interface. See Figure 3-35. 3) Then the schedule will be shown in the
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-37
It displays the application information
contained in the ‘Start’ menu, including the
Figure 3-36 group name, the submenu, etc.
Control Panel
The control panel includes all interrelated
software and hardware configurations. It
makes the software more custom-built for you
by configuring.
Figure 3-38
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
(See Figure 3-38) group or submenu from the list. Now you
can modify the item name, file path and
3) Insert a new group: so on followed by clicking [OK] button.
Click [Insert] button and input the item
name. Then choose “Start” as its parent 7) Save the information:
and click [OK] button. After editing the application, click [OK]
button. The modified information will be
saved in the corresponding file. If you
want to quit the modification, click
[Cancel] button.
Quit all other applications before saving
the modification.
Figure 3-39
Figure 3-41
User can set the time and the time zone of the
Figure 3-43
Set Date:
2) In the Date/Time interface, you can set
date directly.
3) Click [ ] icon to the left of the month or
year to select the previous month or
4) Click the [ ] icon to the right of the
month or year to select the next month or
year. (See Figure 3-42)
5) Click the date in the current month. It will
be highlighted when it is selected.
6) Click [Set Time] button to save the
Figure 3-42 7) Click [Quit] button to exit.
Figure 3-45
Figure 3-44 You can make selection among several
languages for convenient operation of the
After finishing all settings, click [OK] button in system.
the Date/Time interface to exit and close the
It is for adjusting the contrast of the screen to
make the interface clearer.
Figure 3-46
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
System Information
Calibrate Touch screen
It is for getting the desired accuracy of the
touch screen. Calibrating of touch screen can
be divided into two steps. The first step is to
detect noise automatically. If you click the
touch screen at this step, the noise value
would be affected. After detecting the noise,
the system will come to the calibration step.
Then the cross cursor will be displayed.
♦ Do not click the touch screen before
the cross cursor appears.
♦ In the calibration step, if you fail to
click the cross cursor accurately, the
cross cursor will be displayed on the
screen again and again until the
calibration is finished completely.
User Register
The user’s right can be well protected after
registration. Figure 3-48
1) Click [Start] button. About
2) Select ‘Information’ in the pop-up menu. In ‘Information’ list, click ‘About’ to display the
3) Select ‘User’ in the pop-up list to open information on system software and hardware,
the User Information interface. (See then click [OK] button to close it. (See Figure
Figure 3-47) 3-49)
4) In the User Information interface,
activate Soft Keyboard, and input the
user information. (See Figure 3-48)
Click [OK] button to save the information
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Figure 3-49
Shut Down
Click “Shut Down” in the Start menu when you
attempt to turn off the machine.
Vehicle Maintaining
Vehicle Decoding Device
Click [Start] button, select ‘Vehicle Maintaining’
in the pop-up menu, and then click ‘Vehicle
Diagnosing’ to open the Test interface.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
X431 UPDATE TOOLS---- for writing Question: Power can not be turned on with
the program from computer to CF the power button on the main unit after the
card when doing X431 update machine is connected to vehicle diagnostic
DISPLAY PROGRAM---- for socket through cables and connectors. What
displaying the X431 diagnostic can I do?
information and managing the X431
diagnostic programs Answer: Check the power pin of vehicle
SYSTEM DATA---- system data diagnostic socket with multimeter for power.
used by X431 system The power pin in diagnostic socket varies from
one vehicle to another. Please refer to the
3) Optional programs that can be selected User’s Manual of specific vehicle diagnostic
according to user's demand: program to find the power pin. If there is no
Diagnostic program for various vehicles power supply from the diagnostic socket,
please get power in other ways, such as from
5. Install the X431 UPDATE TOOLS into battery or cigarette lighter.
Question: There is no character on the backlit
6. Format the X431 CF card. screen. What should I do?
7. Run the X431 UPDATE TOOLS and write Answer: Check if the power is well connected.
the display program, system data and Turn off the machine, unplug the power
diagnostic programs onto CF card. connector and re-plug it. Turn on the machine
after it has been connected to the power for 1
About Hardware second.
Question: After X431 downloads the Question: Printer does not respond or its
diagnostic program from the CF card, it printed result is incomplete. What should I do?
prompts “Please contact your local dealer”.
What is the reason? Answer: Check if the printer is well connected
with the main unit. Unplug the printer
Answer: It is because the license No. in CF connector and re-plug it again to check the
card does not match the SMARTBOX. It can printed result.
be solved in the following way:
1. Download the software that is Question: Why can’t the diagnostic program
corresponding to the SMARTBOX so that the be downloaded to SMARTBOX?
CF card can match the SMARTBOX.
2. Use the UPDATE TOOL that is provided on Answer: Please make sure that the
http: // www. X431. com for update. Never use SMARTBOX is well connected with X431 main
WINZIP or other decompressing tool for unit.
Question: Why does X431 fail in
Question: Why does the LCD screen respond communication with ECU?
so slowly?
Answer: Please make sure that the diagnostic
Answer: It is because the ambient connector and diagnostic program are
temperature is close to the lower limit of matching vehicle make.
operating temperature range (0-50ć). In this
situation, it is necessary to warm up the Question: The screen keeps blank after
machine for 20 minutes before test. flashing when the machine is turned on. What
should I do?
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Answer: Take out the CF card and re-start the is calibrated. Refer to the section “Calibrate
machine to see if there is normal display. If the Touch Screen” in User’s Manual”.
display is normal when the CF card is taken
out, the CF card should be replaced. If the Question: Why does the saved data
screen is still blank, please contact the local disappear?
service engineer.
Answer: There are two possible causes:
Question: Why does the system prompt that 1. Your CF card is damaged.
no CF card is found when the machine is 2. You’ve changed language and the data is
turned on? related to language. You may find the data
after switching back to the former language.
Answer: The possible cause is that no CF
card is in the machine, or CF card is inserted Question: How to know what applications
improperly or damaged. If it is damaged, it is (interfaces) are opened.
necessary to make a new one.
Answer: Click the active taskbar icon, then
Question: What should I do if I can’t get into the pop-up list will display the applications
the diagnostic interface during test? (interfaces) opened.
Answer: The possible cause is that no CF Question: Why can’t I do operation in current
card is in the machine, or CF card is inserted interface?
improperly or damaged. If it is damaged, it is
necessary to make a new one. Answer: There are two possible causes:
1. Your current interface has exited illegally. In
Question: Program is not run or screen is this situation, you may not see the name of the
confused after glints. What should I do? application (interface) in the pop-up list when
you click the active taskbar icon.
Answer: Unplug the 9-pin connector on the 2. The system is busy, please wait patiently, or
main unit and re-plug it. click the active taskbar icon to switch to
another application.
Question: What can I do if the system halts or
fails during self-detection? Question: The listed icons of vehicle make
occupy more than one page of screen. I may
Answer: Please make sure that cables and have to turn several pages to find a specific
CF card are well connected. icon of vehicle make. How can it be simplified?
Question: Why can’t the data be inputted after Answer: X431 can test many vehicle makes
Soft Keyboard is activated? and the vehicle makes are still increasing. We
have considered the convenience when
Answer: The position where the cursor lies designing the software. The system will count
can’t be edited. Or you have not activated the the clicks and move the icon with more clicks
cursor on the input position. Please use the forward.
stylus to click the part to edit. When the cursor
twinkles, you can input the data. About System Setting
Question: The screen is inactive after the Question: The screen is too white and
cross cursor appears on the screen. Why? characters can not be seen. What is the
reason and what should I do?
Answer: The system is calibrating the touch
screen. The machine will work after the screen Answer: It may be caused by improper
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
contrast. Please refer to the section “Contrast” Answer: It is because the machine has been
to adjust the contrast. set for energy saving. Automatic shutdown will
take place if the machine is not operated for a
Question: The screen is inactive after the specified period of time. Refer to the section
cross cursor appears on the screen. Why? “Power management” in User’s Manual to set
the “Power off time” to “None” or select a
Answer: The system is calibrating the touch longer standby time.
screen. The machine will work after the screen
is calibrated. Refer to the section “Calibrate Question: Why can’t the tested result be
Touch Screen” in User’s Manual”. printed out?
Question: The screen does not respond or Answer: There may be no paper in the printer
responds wrongly when I click it with stylus. or the printer is not well connected. Please
What should I do? mount a roll of new paper. See the section
“Printer Operation” in the User’s Manual.
Answer: It is necessary to calibrate the screen.
Please refer to the section “Calibrate Touch Question: Why is there no character in the
Screen” in User’s Manual. printed paper?
Question: The time displayed in the lower Answer: The paper is mounted reversely.
right corner of the screen is incorrect. How to Please take out the paper and mount it again.
adjust it? See the section “Printer Operation” in the
User’s Manual.
Answer: It is because the time was set
incorrectly. Please refer to the section “Clock” Question: The displayed information can not
in the User’s Manual to set correct time. be seen clearly when the ambient light is not
good. What should I do?
About Operation
Answer: There is a [ ] icon at the lower
Question: System halts when reading data right corner of the screen. Click it to turn on
stream. What is the reason? the back light so as to see the displayed
information clearly. Click the icon again for
Answer: It may be caused by a slackened turning off the backlight.
connector. Please turn off the machine, firmly
connect the connector, and switch on the Question: Why can’t I input data after
machine again. activating Soft Keyboard?
Question: Why is the screen inactive when Answer: The position where the cursor lies
the cross cursor is clicked during screen can’t be edited. Or you have not activated the
calibration? cursor on the input position. Use the stylus to
click the part to edit. When the cursor twinkles,
Answer: You may have touched the screen you can input the data.
when the system is detecting noise before the
cross cursor appears. Please turn off the Question: What should I do if I am not able to
machine and then turn on. Calibrate the switch from Active Taskbar to the running
screen after the cross cursor appears. application interface?
Question: Why is the machine automatically Answer: Please close interfaces related to the
powered off during standby? application, such as the Help or Detail.
X431-CHERY Part C: Main unit
Question: Why does the saved data Question: Why is there no response from
disappear? vehicle ECU at communication?
Answer: There are two possible causes: Answer: Make sure that the voltage of vehicle
1. Your CF card is damaged. It is necessary to battery, ignition timer and idle speed are in
make a new CF card. standard range; the throttle is in the closed
2. You’ve changed language and the data is position; and all electric devices, such as A/C,
related to language. You may find the data headlight, stereos etc, are turned off. Refer to
after switching back to the former language. the section “Conditions for Test”.
Question: What can I do when the screen is Question: Some systems can not be
confused? diagnosed. Why?
Answer: Please quit the current application Answer: The diagnostic socket for the system
(interface), and run it again. If the problem still on some early vehicle may be separated.
exists, please restart the system. Refer to the vehicle instruction manual.
Question: How to know what applications Question: No trouble code is found. Why?
(interfaces) are opened.
Answer: It may be caused by the shared
Answer: Click the active taskbar icon, then circuit. Find the nearest trouble code and
the pop-up list will display the applications circuit for analysis.
(interfaces) opened.
Question: Why are there too many trouble
Question: Why can’t I do operation in current codes?
Answer: It may be caused by poor contact or
Answer: There are two possible causes: poor grounding. Make sure that the vehicle
1. Your current interface has exited illegally. In model/year is selected correctly and the
this situation, you may not see the name of the vehicle is equipped with the system.
application (interface) in the pop-up list when
you click the active taskbar icon.
2. The system is busy, please wait patiently, or
click the active taskbar icon to switch to
another application.
1. “Smartbox serial No.” label is attached by manufacturer before shipping.
2. Dealer should fill in the Dealer Code when selling the machine to
customer, and stamp on the code.
3. The “Smartbox serial No.” and “Dealer code” is useful when updating the
software. Refer to the section “Update of Diagnostic Software”. Keep the
user’s manual carefully.
4. Dealer should log on to fill in the Dealer Code and
other information in “Dealer administration” area when a product is sold so
that customer can do software updating.