3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4: 1:1 A4 1 (09) MAN B&W Diesel A/S

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The values stated in this list refer to layout point L1 and

are for engines running on UNI-lubricating oil system without

lubricating oil booster pump and with common turbocharger lubricating.

The values are for guidance only in connection with

'List of Capacities of Auxiliary Machinery' for the
dimensioning of auxiliary systems, and for determining the
extend of alarms or actions.

The item numbers refer to the drawing showing the extend

and placement of sensors for standard alarms and indications
on the engine, if the signal equipment is fitted.

If the engine is provided with special equipment, some values

may differ from this list. The correct values are in such a
case to be obtained from the engine instruction book.

The engine slow down correspond to 40% of the MCR[r/min]

Unless otherwise specified, the pressures are stated in bar gauge.

Please note that JCW replaces the text 'Jacket cooling water'.

For de-rated engines, the shop test and sea trial values
should be used.

For Identification of instruments and signal-related functions

see separate drawing:

'Codes for Instruments and Functions'

Ident No. 0788933-9

Basic Standards (MBD SB) & Suppl. Drawing No.: EN21C Surf. roughness Material / Blank:
EN21F-m Tolerances
Mass (kg) Final User Matrial:

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1:1 A4 1 (09)
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This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Fuel oil system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8001 |I AL |Fuel oil pres. inlet engine after filter| bar| 305/ 7 - 8 | 306/ 6.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Fuel oil viscosity max. 700 cSt/50 °C | | | | | | | | |
| | | |measured at camshaft level. | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8002 |AL |Fuel oil pressure before filter | bar| ---/ --- - --- | 307/ 6.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Fuel oil viscosity max. 700 cSt/50 °C | | | | | | | | |
|PDI |8003 | |Pressure drop across fuel oil filter | bar| 308/ 0.2 - 0.5 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|VT |8004 |I AH AL |Fuel oil viscosity at inlet engine after| cSt| 302/ 10 - 15 | 303A/ 7 20 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |filter | | +303 | +304 | | | | | |
| | | |Or at the corresponding temperature | | | | | | | | |
| | | |according to chapter 705 of the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Instruction book, Volume 1 "Operation" | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8005 |I |Fuel oil, inlet engine | °C| 309/ t1 - t2 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |t1,t2 = temperature according to chapter| | | | | | | | |
| | | |705 of the Instruction book, Volume 1 | | | | | | | | |
| | | |"Operation" | | | | | | | | |
|LS |8006 |AH |Leakage from high pressure pipes | l| ---/ --- - --- | 301/ --- High |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|

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1:1 A4 2 (09)
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This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Lubricating oil system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8103 |I AL | Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger | bar| 371/ 1.5 - 2.2 | 372/ 1.2 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8106 |I AH Y |Thrust bearing segment temperature | °C| 349/ 60 - 70 | 350/ --- 75 |6 - 8| 351/ --- 80 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TS |8107 |Z |Thrust bearing segment temperature | °C| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 352/ --- 90 |6 - 8|
|PT |8108 |I AL Y |Lub. oil inlet to main engine. | bar| 330/ 2.0 - 2.3 | 331/ 1.6 --- |6 - 8| 334/ 1.4 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Measured on pressure gauge placed | | | | | | | | |
| | | |1800 mm above crankshaft centre line | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8109 |Z |Lub. oil inlet to main engine. | bar| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 335/ 1.2 --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Measured on pressure gauge placed | | | | | | | | |
| | | |1800 mm above crankshaft centre line | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8112 |I AH AL Y |Lub. oil inlet temp. to eng. system oil | °C| 311/ 40 - 47 |312&13/ 35 55 |6 - 8| 314/ --- 60 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8113 |I AH Y |Piston cooling oil outlet/cyl. | °C| 317/ 50 - 65 | 318/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 319/ --- 75 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|FS |8114 |AL Y |Piston cooling oil outlet/cyl. | fl| ---/ --- - --- | 320/No flow |6 - 8| 321/No flow |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8117 |I AH Y |Lub. oil outlet from turbocharger/TC | | | | | | | | |
| | | | MAN/NA COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 90 | 370/ --- 95 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | MAN/TCA COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 90 | 370/ --- 95 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | MHI/MET COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 80 | 370/ --- 85 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | ABB/TPL COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 90 | 370/ --- 110 |6 - 8| 370A/ --- 120 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | ABB/VTR COM | °C| 369/ --- - --- | 370/ --- --- |6 - 8| 370A/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8118 |I AH |Lub. oil outlet from engine | °C| 315/ 50 - 60 | 316/ --- 65 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |( Inlet to lub. oil cooler ) | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8120 |I AH AL Y |Main bearing metal temperature | °C| 340/ 50 - 60 | 341/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 342/ --- max |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8121 |I AH AL Y |Crankpin bearing metal temperature | °C| 343/ 50 - 60 | 344/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 345/ --- max |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8122 |I AH AL Y |Crosshead bearing metal temperature | °C| 346/ 50 - 60 | 347/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 348/ --- max |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8123 |I AH AL Y |Main bearing oil outlet temperature. | °C| 340/ see note a) | 341/ --- 60 |6 - 8| 342/ --- 70 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | | | -5 +5 | | -7 +7 | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8124 |I AH AL Y |Crankpin bearing oil outlet temperature.| °C| 343/ see note a) | 344/ --- 60 |6 - 8| 345/ --- 70 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | | | -5 +5 | | -7 +7 | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8125 |I AH AL Y |Crosshead bearing oil outlet temperature| °C| 346/ see note a) | 347/ --- 60 |6 - 8| 348/ --- 70 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | | | -5 +5 | | -7 +7 | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|LS |8130 |AL Y |Lub. oil level in tank | l| ---/ --- - --- | 367/ Low level |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |For separate lubricating system of the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |turbochargers | | | | | | | | |

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1:1 A4 3 (09)
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This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Cylinder Lubricating Oil System
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8201 |C AH AL |Cylinder lubricating oil inlet pressure | bar| ---/ 40 - 50 | ---/ 35 60 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8202 |C AH |Cylinder lubricating oil temperature | °C| ---/ 40 - 60 | ---/ --- 70 | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 |
|ZT |8203 |C |Confirm cylinder lubricator piston | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |movement, each cylinder | | | | | | | | |
|EV |8204 |C |Activate cylinder lubricator, each | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |cylinder | | | | | | | | |
|PDI |8206 | |Pressure drop across filter | bar| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8210 |C |Start pump 1 | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8211 |C |Start pump 2 | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8220 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |MCU common alarm | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8221 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |BCU in control | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8222 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |MCU failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8223 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |BCU failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8224 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |MCU power failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8226 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |BCU power failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8227 |Y |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |slow down | | | | | | | | |
|LS |8250 |AL |Cylinder lubricators (build in switches)| l| ---/ --- - --- | 365/Low level |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |/lubricator | | | | | | | | |
|FS |8251 |AL Y |Cylinder lubricators (build in switches)| fl| ---/ --- - --- | 366/No flow |6 - 8| 366A/No flow |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |/lubricator | | | | | | | | |

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1:1 A4 4 (09)
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This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Cooling water systems
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8401 |I AL Y |JCW inlet pressure. | bar| 386/ 3.5 - 4.5b)| 383/ 2.0 --- |6 - 8| 384/ 1.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |b)If the expantion tank is located more | | | | | | | | |
| | | |than 5 m above the engine outlet, the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |resulting increase in the static pres- | | | | | | | | |
| | | |sure must be added to the "normal servi-| | | | | | | | |
| | | |ce value" indicated here. | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8402 |Z |JCW inlet pressure. | bar| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 384B/ 0.1c)--- |6 - 8|
| | | |c)With stopped cooling water pump, the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |set point for the sensor is the static | | | | | | | | |
| | | |pressure plus the stated value. | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8403 |I AL Y |JCW pressure loss accros engine. | bar| 390/ 0.8 - 1.4 | 391/ 0.2d) --- |6 - 8| 392/ 0.4d) --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |The set point for Normal service value | | | | | | | | |
| | | |to be stated on the sea trial | | | | | | | | |
| | | |d)Lower than Normal service value | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8407 |I AL |JCW inlet temperature | °C| 385/ 65 - 70 | 385A/ 57 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8408 |I AH Y |JCW outlet temperature / cylinder | °C| 387A/ 75 - 80 | 388/ --- 85 |6 - 8| 389/ --- 90 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8409 |I AH |JCW outlet temp. at turbocharger | °C| 393/ 75 - 80 | 394/ --- 85 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TI |8411 | |JCW outlet temperature, exhaust valve | °C| 387B/ 80 - 120 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|LS |8412 |AL |JCW, de-aerated | l| ---/ --- - --- | 395/low level |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PI |8413 | |JCW outlet common pipe | bar| 396/ 2.7 - 3.1e)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |e)If the expantion tank is located more | | | | | | | | |
| | | |than 5 m above the engine outlet, the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |resulting increase in the static pres- | | | | | | | | |
| | | |sure must be added to the "normal servi-| | | | | | | | |
| | | |ce value" indicated here. | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8421 |I AH AL |Cooling water inlet to air cooler(s) | | 382/ |378,77/ |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | bar| 2.0 - 2.5a)| 1.0 3.5 | | | | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | bar| 2.0 - 4.5a)| 1.0 5.5 | | | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8422 |I AH |Cooling water inlet to air cooler(s) | | 375/ | 376/ |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | °C| >10 - 32 | --- 40 | | | | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | °C| >10 - 36 | --- 40 | | | | | |
|TI |8423 | |Cooling water outlet from air cooler(s) | | 379/ | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | °C| >10 - 50 | | | | | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | °C| >10 - 63 | | | | | | |
|PDT |8424 |I |Pressure drop of cooling water across | bar| 398/ 0.25 - 0.5 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |air cooler/ air cooler | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8431 |I AL |Cooling water inlet to lub. oil cooler | °C| 380/ >10 - 32 | 381/ 10 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|

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1:1 A4 5 (09)
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This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Compressed air system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8501 |I AL |Starting air inlet pressure | bar| 401/ --- - 30 | 402/ 15 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PT |8503 |I C AL |Control air inlet | bar| 403/ 6.5 - 7.5 | 404/ 5.5 0.5f)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |f)Finished with engine | | | +409 | | | | | |
|PT |8504 |I C AL |Safety air inlet | bar| 405/ 6.5 - 7.5 | 406/ 5.5 0.5g)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |g)Finished with engine | | | +410 | | | | | |
|PT |8505 |I AL |Air inlet to air cyl. for exhaust valve | bar| 407/ 6.5 - 7.5 | 408/ 5.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|

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1:1 A4 6 (09)
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This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Scavenge air system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8601 |I |Scavenge air pres. in receiver (bar abs)| bar| 417/ --- - 3.7 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |The set point of scavenge air pressure | | +417A | | | | | | |
| | | |depends on the engine load and shall be | | | | | | | | |
| | | |set during sea trial. | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8603 |C |Scavenge air receiver, auxiliary blower | bar| 418/ 0.45 - 0.7 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |control. | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Makes at normal minimum | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Breaks at normal maximum. | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8604 |C |Scavenge air receiver, auxiliary blower | bar| ---/ --- - --- | 419/ 0.39 0.50 | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 |
| | | |failure. | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Alarm contact brakes at alarm minimum | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Alarm contact makes at alarm maximum | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8605 |I |Scavenge air temp. before each cooler. | °C| 411/ 170 - 210 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Value based on MCR, depending on engine | | | | | | | | |
| | | |load and ambient conditions | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8606 |I AH |Scavenge air pres. drop across each air | bar| 420/ see note h)| 421/ see note i)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |cooler. | | | | | | | | |
| | | |h) According to shop trial results | | | | | | | | |
| | | |i) At 50% increase | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8607 |I AH |Scavenge air pressure drop across filter| bar| 422/ see note h)| 423/ see note i)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |h) According to shop trial results | | | | | | | | |
| | | |i) At 50% increase | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8608 |I |Scavenge air temperature after each air | °C| 412/ coolant in- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |cooler | | let + 12°C | | | | | | |
|TE |8609 |I AH Y |Scavenge air temperature in receiver | | 413/ | 414/ |6 - 8| 414A/ |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | °C| >25 - 47 | --- 55j)| | --- 65j)| | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | °C| >25 - 51 | --- 55j)| | --- 65j)| | | |
| | | |j) To be cut during stop. To remain cut | | | | | | | | |
| | | | out until 3-5 min. after start. | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8610 |AH Y |Scavenge air box - fire alarm/cylinder | °C| ---/ --- - --- | 415/ --- 80 |6 - 8| 416/ --- 120 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|LS |8611 |AH |Water mist catcher - water level | l| ---/ --- - --- | 434/ --- High |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8612 |I |Compressor inlet temp./turbocharger | °C| 336/ -10 - +45 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PT |8613 |I |Compressor scroll housing, pressure at | bar| 337/ 0 - 3.0 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |outlet for each turbocharger (NA type). | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8614 |I |Differential pressure across compressor | bar| 338/ 0 - 0.3 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |scroll housing/each turbochar. (NA type)| | | | | | | | |

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20021019 DFA CEJ JHV * TCA T/C ADDED. 0
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S46MC-C MAN B&W Diesel A/S
1:1 A4 7 (09)
Info No. Description Ident. No.

This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Exhaust gas system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|TC |8701 |I AH Y |Exhaust gas temp. before turbocharger. | °C| 425/ 400 - 500 | 425A/ TC dependent|6 - 8|425B/ TC dependent|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Normal exhaust gas temperatures depend | | | | | | | | |
| | | |on the actual engine load and ambient | | | | | | | | |
| | | |condition. | | | | | | | | |
|TC |8702 |I AH AL Y |Exhaust gas temp. after valves. Average | °C| 426/ 370 - 430 | 427/ --- 450 |6 - 8| 428/ --- 470 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | °C| |429&30/ -50 +50 | | 431 -60 +60 | | | |
| | | |Normal exhaust gas temperatures depend | | | | | | | | |
| | | |on the actual engine load and ambient | | | | | | | | |
| | | |condition. | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | |When operating below 200°C average temp.| | | | | | | | |
| | | |deviation alarm is cut off. | | | | | | | | |
|TC |8704 |I |Exhaust gas temperature in receiver | °C| 363/ 100 - 500 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PT |8706 |I |Exhaust gas pres. in receiver (bar abs) | bar| 424/ 3.40 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Normal exhaust gas pres. depends on the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |actual engine load and ambient condition| | | | | | | | |
|TC |8707 |I AH |Exhaust gas temp after each turbocharger| °C| 432/ 250 - 330k)| 433/ --- 350 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |k)The service values apply under the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |following conditions: | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Ambient temperature in engine room 25°C | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Scavenge air temp. in receiver 35°C | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8708 |I AH |Exhaust gas pres. after each T/C at MCR |mmWC| 433A/ 300 | 433A/ 450 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PDI |8709 | |Exh. gas pres. drop across boiler at MCR|mmWC| 441/ 150 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|ZT |8721 |Z |Exhaust gas by-pass valve angel position| °| 364/ 0 - 90 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|

Tacho/Crankshaft Position System

|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|ZT |4020 |Z |Tacho for safety r/min| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 438/ MCR x 1.09| 0 |

Date Des. Chk. Appd. A.C. Change / Replacement

20021019 DFA CEJ JHV * TCA T/C ADDED. 0
Similar Drawing no.: Replacement for Ident no.:

Scale: Size: Type Page No.:

S46MC-C MAN B&W Diesel A/S
1:1 A4 8 (09)
Info No. Description Ident. No.

This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|ZT |8801 |I |Turbocharger over-speed, each unit r/min| 439/ See note l)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |l)according to the manufacture. | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8802 |I |Engine room pressure (bar abs.) | bar| 325/ 0.95 - 1.05 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PI |8803 | |Air inlet for dry cleaning, turbocharger| bar| 435A/ 4.5 - 10 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PI |8804 | |Water for cleaning, inlet turbocharger | bar| 435B/ min. 0.5 m)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |m)Higher than exhaust gas pressure | | | | | | | | |
|WT |8805 |AH |Vibration of turbocharger, each unit | mm| ---/ --- - --- | 440/ --- high |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |(Not standard equipment) | | | | | | | | |
|PI |8806 | |Speed setting to governor(air pressure) | bar| 470/ 0.5 - 5.0 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8807 |I |Pmax. control pressure | bar| 476/ 0.0 - 5.0 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8808 |I |Fuel injection pump index, each cylinder| | 477/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8809 |I |VIT index, each cylinder | | 478/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8810 |I |Governor index | | 479/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8811 |I |Engine torque | Nm| 480/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|WT |8812 |I AH Y |Crank shaft longitudinal vibration | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Axial vibration monitor | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Peak to peak | mm| | | | | | | |
| | | | 4S46MC-C | | 471/ 0.0 - 1.23 | 472/ --- 1.64 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 2.05 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 5S46MC-C Monitoring equipment required.| | 471/ 0.0 - 1.52 | 472/ --- 2.03 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 2.53 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 6S46MC-C Monitoring equipment required.| | 471/ 0.0 - 1.82 | 472/ --- 2.43 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 3.03 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 7S46MC-C | | 471/ 0.0 - 2.11 | 472/ --- 2.82 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 3.52 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 8S46MC-C | | 471/ 0.0 - 2.50 | 472/ --- 3.34 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 4.17 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8813 |AH Y |Oil mist in crankcase, each cylinder | | ---/ --- - --- | 436/High density |6 - 8| 437/High density|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | |mg/l| | or 0.5 | | or 0.5 | | | |
| | | |Oilmist detekter failure(no value)437A | | | | | | | | |
|GT |8830 |C |Fuel rack position | | ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|

Date Des. Chk. Appd. A.C. Change / Replacement

20021019 DFA CEJ JHV * TCA T/C ADDED. 0
Similar Drawing no.: Replacement for Ident no.:

Scale: Size: Type Page No.:

S46MC-C MAN B&W Diesel A/S
1:1 A4 9 (09)
Info No. Description Ident. No.

This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.

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