3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4: 1:1 A4 1 (09) MAN B&W Diesel A/S
3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4: 1:1 A4 1 (09) MAN B&W Diesel A/S
3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4: 1:1 A4 1 (09) MAN B&W Diesel A/S
Please note that JCW replaces the text 'Jacket cooling water'.
For de-rated engines, the shop test and sea trial values
should be used.
Basic Standards (MBD SB) & Suppl. Drawing No.: EN21C Surf. roughness Material / Blank:
EN21F-m Tolerances
Mass (kg) Final User Matrial:
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Fuel oil system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8001 |I AL |Fuel oil pres. inlet engine after filter| bar| 305/ 7 - 8 | 306/ 6.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Fuel oil viscosity max. 700 cSt/50 °C | | | | | | | | |
| | | |measured at camshaft level. | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8002 |AL |Fuel oil pressure before filter | bar| ---/ --- - --- | 307/ 6.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Fuel oil viscosity max. 700 cSt/50 °C | | | | | | | | |
|PDI |8003 | |Pressure drop across fuel oil filter | bar| 308/ 0.2 - 0.5 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|VT |8004 |I AH AL |Fuel oil viscosity at inlet engine after| cSt| 302/ 10 - 15 | 303A/ 7 20 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |filter | | +303 | +304 | | | | | |
| | | |Or at the corresponding temperature | | | | | | | | |
| | | |according to chapter 705 of the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Instruction book, Volume 1 "Operation" | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8005 |I |Fuel oil, inlet engine | °C| 309/ t1 - t2 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |t1,t2 = temperature according to chapter| | | | | | | | |
| | | |705 of the Instruction book, Volume 1 | | | | | | | | |
| | | |"Operation" | | | | | | | | |
|LS |8006 |AH |Leakage from high pressure pipes | l| ---/ --- - --- | 301/ --- High |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Lubricating oil system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8103 |I AL | Lub. oil inlet to turbocharger | bar| 371/ 1.5 - 2.2 | 372/ 1.2 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8106 |I AH Y |Thrust bearing segment temperature | °C| 349/ 60 - 70 | 350/ --- 75 |6 - 8| 351/ --- 80 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TS |8107 |Z |Thrust bearing segment temperature | °C| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 352/ --- 90 |6 - 8|
|PT |8108 |I AL Y |Lub. oil inlet to main engine. | bar| 330/ 2.0 - 2.3 | 331/ 1.6 --- |6 - 8| 334/ 1.4 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Measured on pressure gauge placed | | | | | | | | |
| | | |1800 mm above crankshaft centre line | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8109 |Z |Lub. oil inlet to main engine. | bar| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 335/ 1.2 --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Measured on pressure gauge placed | | | | | | | | |
| | | |1800 mm above crankshaft centre line | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8112 |I AH AL Y |Lub. oil inlet temp. to eng. system oil | °C| 311/ 40 - 47 |312&13/ 35 55 |6 - 8| 314/ --- 60 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8113 |I AH Y |Piston cooling oil outlet/cyl. | °C| 317/ 50 - 65 | 318/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 319/ --- 75 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|FS |8114 |AL Y |Piston cooling oil outlet/cyl. | fl| ---/ --- - --- | 320/No flow |6 - 8| 321/No flow |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8117 |I AH Y |Lub. oil outlet from turbocharger/TC | | | | | | | | |
| | | | MAN/NA COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 90 | 370/ --- 95 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | MAN/TCA COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 90 | 370/ --- 95 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | MHI/MET COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 80 | 370/ --- 85 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | ABB/TPL COM | °C| 369/ 70 - 90 | 370/ --- 110 |6 - 8| 370A/ --- 120 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | ABB/VTR COM | °C| 369/ --- - --- | 370/ --- --- |6 - 8| 370A/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8118 |I AH |Lub. oil outlet from engine | °C| 315/ 50 - 60 | 316/ --- 65 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |( Inlet to lub. oil cooler ) | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8120 |I AH AL Y |Main bearing metal temperature | °C| 340/ 50 - 60 | 341/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 342/ --- max |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8121 |I AH AL Y |Crankpin bearing metal temperature | °C| 343/ 50 - 60 | 344/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 345/ --- max |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8122 |I AH AL Y |Crosshead bearing metal temperature | °C| 346/ 50 - 60 | 347/ --- 70 |6 - 8| 348/ --- max |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8123 |I AH AL Y |Main bearing oil outlet temperature. | °C| 340/ see note a) | 341/ --- 60 |6 - 8| 342/ --- 70 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | | | -5 +5 | | -7 +7 | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8124 |I AH AL Y |Crankpin bearing oil outlet temperature.| °C| 343/ see note a) | 344/ --- 60 |6 - 8| 345/ --- 70 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | | | -5 +5 | | -7 +7 | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8125 |I AH AL Y |Crosshead bearing oil outlet temperature| °C| 346/ see note a) | 347/ --- 60 |6 - 8| 348/ --- 70 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | | | -5 +5 | | -7 +7 | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|LS |8130 |AL Y |Lub. oil level in tank | l| ---/ --- - --- | 367/ Low level |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |For separate lubricating system of the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |turbochargers | | | | | | | | |
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Cylinder Lubricating Oil System
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8201 |C AH AL |Cylinder lubricating oil inlet pressure | bar| ---/ 40 - 50 | ---/ 35 60 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8202 |C AH |Cylinder lubricating oil temperature | °C| ---/ 40 - 60 | ---/ --- 70 | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 |
|ZT |8203 |C |Confirm cylinder lubricator piston | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |movement, each cylinder | | | | | | | | |
|EV |8204 |C |Activate cylinder lubricator, each | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |cylinder | | | | | | | | |
|PDI |8206 | |Pressure drop across filter | bar| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8210 |C |Start pump 1 | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8211 |C |Start pump 2 | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8220 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |MCU common alarm | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8221 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |BCU in control | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8222 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |MCU failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8223 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |BCU failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8224 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |MCU power failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8226 |A |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |BCU power failure | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8227 |Y |ALPHA cylinder lubrication system | -| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |slow down | | | | | | | | |
|LS |8250 |AL |Cylinder lubricators (build in switches)| l| ---/ --- - --- | 365/Low level |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |/lubricator | | | | | | | | |
|FS |8251 |AL Y |Cylinder lubricators (build in switches)| fl| ---/ --- - --- | 366/No flow |6 - 8| 366A/No flow |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |/lubricator | | | | | | | | |
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Cooling water systems
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8401 |I AL Y |JCW inlet pressure. | bar| 386/ 3.5 - 4.5b)| 383/ 2.0 --- |6 - 8| 384/ 1.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |b)If the expantion tank is located more | | | | | | | | |
| | | |than 5 m above the engine outlet, the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |resulting increase in the static pres- | | | | | | | | |
| | | |sure must be added to the "normal servi-| | | | | | | | |
| | | |ce value" indicated here. | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8402 |Z |JCW inlet pressure. | bar| ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| 384B/ 0.1c)--- |6 - 8|
| | | |c)With stopped cooling water pump, the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |set point for the sensor is the static | | | | | | | | |
| | | |pressure plus the stated value. | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8403 |I AL Y |JCW pressure loss accros engine. | bar| 390/ 0.8 - 1.4 | 391/ 0.2d) --- |6 - 8| 392/ 0.4d) --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |The set point for Normal service value | | | | | | | | |
| | | |to be stated on the sea trial | | | | | | | | |
| | | |d)Lower than Normal service value | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8407 |I AL |JCW inlet temperature | °C| 385/ 65 - 70 | 385A/ 57 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8408 |I AH Y |JCW outlet temperature / cylinder | °C| 387A/ 75 - 80 | 388/ --- 85 |6 - 8| 389/ --- 90 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8409 |I AH |JCW outlet temp. at turbocharger | °C| 393/ 75 - 80 | 394/ --- 85 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TI |8411 | |JCW outlet temperature, exhaust valve | °C| 387B/ 80 - 120 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|LS |8412 |AL |JCW, de-aerated | l| ---/ --- - --- | 395/low level |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PI |8413 | |JCW outlet common pipe | bar| 396/ 2.7 - 3.1e)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |e)If the expantion tank is located more | | | | | | | | |
| | | |than 5 m above the engine outlet, the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |resulting increase in the static pres- | | | | | | | | |
| | | |sure must be added to the "normal servi-| | | | | | | | |
| | | |ce value" indicated here. | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8421 |I AH AL |Cooling water inlet to air cooler(s) | | 382/ |378,77/ |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | bar| 2.0 - 2.5a)| 1.0 3.5 | | | | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | bar| 2.0 - 4.5a)| 1.0 5.5 | | | | | |
| | | |a)To be stated at seatrial | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8422 |I AH |Cooling water inlet to air cooler(s) | | 375/ | 376/ |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | °C| >10 - 32 | --- 40 | | | | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | °C| >10 - 36 | --- 40 | | | | | |
|TI |8423 | |Cooling water outlet from air cooler(s) | | 379/ | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | °C| >10 - 50 | | | | | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | °C| >10 - 63 | | | | | | |
|PDT |8424 |I |Pressure drop of cooling water across | bar| 398/ 0.25 - 0.5 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |air cooler/ air cooler | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8431 |I AL |Cooling water inlet to lub. oil cooler | °C| 380/ >10 - 32 | 381/ 10 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Compressed air system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8501 |I AL |Starting air inlet pressure | bar| 401/ --- - 30 | 402/ 15 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PT |8503 |I C AL |Control air inlet | bar| 403/ 6.5 - 7.5 | 404/ 5.5 0.5f)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |f)Finished with engine | | | +409 | | | | | |
|PT |8504 |I C AL |Safety air inlet | bar| 405/ 6.5 - 7.5 | 406/ 5.5 0.5g)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |g)Finished with engine | | | +410 | | | | | |
|PT |8505 |I AL |Air inlet to air cyl. for exhaust valve | bar| 407/ 6.5 - 7.5 | 408/ 5.5 --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Scavenge air system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|PT |8601 |I |Scavenge air pres. in receiver (bar abs)| bar| 417/ --- - 3.7 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |The set point of scavenge air pressure | | +417A | | | | | | |
| | | |depends on the engine load and shall be | | | | | | | | |
| | | |set during sea trial. | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8603 |C |Scavenge air receiver, auxiliary blower | bar| 418/ 0.45 - 0.7 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |control. | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Makes at normal minimum | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Breaks at normal maximum. | | | | | | | | |
|PS |8604 |C |Scavenge air receiver, auxiliary blower | bar| ---/ --- - --- | 419/ 0.39 0.50 | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 | ---/ --- --- | 5 |
| | | |failure. | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Alarm contact brakes at alarm minimum | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Alarm contact makes at alarm maximum | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8605 |I |Scavenge air temp. before each cooler. | °C| 411/ 170 - 210 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Value based on MCR, depending on engine | | | | | | | | |
| | | |load and ambient conditions | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8606 |I AH |Scavenge air pres. drop across each air | bar| 420/ see note h)| 421/ see note i)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |cooler. | | | | | | | | |
| | | |h) According to shop trial results | | | | | | | | |
| | | |i) At 50% increase | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8607 |I AH |Scavenge air pressure drop across filter| bar| 422/ see note h)| 423/ see note i)|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |h) According to shop trial results | | | | | | | | |
| | | |i) At 50% increase | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8608 |I |Scavenge air temperature after each air | °C| 412/ coolant in- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |cooler | | let + 12°C | | | | | | |
|TE |8609 |I AH Y |Scavenge air temperature in receiver | | 413/ | 414/ |6 - 8| 414A/ |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Conventional sea water cooling system | °C| >25 - 47 | --- 55j)| | --- 65j)| | | |
| | | |Central cooling water system | °C| >25 - 51 | --- 55j)| | --- 65j)| | | |
| | | |j) To be cut during stop. To remain cut | | | | | | | | |
| | | | out until 3-5 min. after start. | | | | | | | | |
|TE |8610 |AH Y |Scavenge air box - fire alarm/cylinder | °C| ---/ --- - --- | 415/ --- 80 |6 - 8| 416/ --- 120 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|LS |8611 |AH |Water mist catcher - water level | l| ---/ --- - --- | 434/ --- High |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|TE |8612 |I |Compressor inlet temp./turbocharger | °C| 336/ -10 - +45 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PT |8613 |I |Compressor scroll housing, pressure at | bar| 337/ 0 - 3.0 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |outlet for each turbocharger (NA type). | | | | | | | | |
|PDT |8614 |I |Differential pressure across compressor | bar| 338/ 0 - 0.3 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |scroll housing/each turbochar. (NA type)| | | | | | | | |
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
Exhaust gas system
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|TC |8701 |I AH Y |Exhaust gas temp. before turbocharger. | °C| 425/ 400 - 500 | 425A/ TC dependent|6 - 8|425B/ TC dependent|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Normal exhaust gas temperatures depend | | | | | | | | |
| | | |on the actual engine load and ambient | | | | | | | | |
| | | |condition. | | | | | | | | |
|TC |8702 |I AH AL Y |Exhaust gas temp. after valves. Average | °C| 426/ 370 - 430 | 427/ --- 450 |6 - 8| 428/ --- 470 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Deviation from average | °C| |429&30/ -50 +50 | | 431 -60 +60 | | | |
| | | |Normal exhaust gas temperatures depend | | | | | | | | |
| | | |on the actual engine load and ambient | | | | | | | | |
| | | |condition. | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | |When operating below 200°C average temp.| | | | | | | | |
| | | |deviation alarm is cut off. | | | | | | | | |
|TC |8704 |I |Exhaust gas temperature in receiver | °C| 363/ 100 - 500 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PT |8706 |I |Exhaust gas pres. in receiver (bar abs) | bar| 424/ 3.40 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |Normal exhaust gas pres. depends on the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |actual engine load and ambient condition| | | | | | | | |
|TC |8707 |I AH |Exhaust gas temp after each turbocharger| °C| 432/ 250 - 330k)| 433/ --- 350 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |k)The service values apply under the | | | | | | | | |
| | | |following conditions: | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Ambient temperature in engine room 25°C | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Scavenge air temp. in receiver 35°C | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8708 |I AH |Exhaust gas pres. after each T/C at MCR |mmWC| 433A/ 300 | 433A/ 450 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PDI |8709 | |Exh. gas pres. drop across boiler at MCR|mmWC| 441/ 150 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|ZT |8721 |Z |Exhaust gas by-pass valve angel position| °| 364/ 0 - 90 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.
|Symbol|Ident|Secondary |Description |Unit|Normal service value| Alarm |Delay| Slow down |Delay| Shut down |Delay|
| |No |letter | | | Pos./ Low - High | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. | Pos./ Low High |Sec. |
|ZT |8801 |I |Turbocharger over-speed, each unit r/min| 439/ See note l)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |l)according to the manufacture. | | | | | | | | |
|PT |8802 |I |Engine room pressure (bar abs.) | bar| 325/ 0.95 - 1.05 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PI |8803 | |Air inlet for dry cleaning, turbocharger| bar| 435A/ 4.5 - 10 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|PI |8804 | |Water for cleaning, inlet turbocharger | bar| 435B/ min. 0.5 m)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |m)Higher than exhaust gas pressure | | | | | | | | |
|WT |8805 |AH |Vibration of turbocharger, each unit | mm| ---/ --- - --- | 440/ --- high |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |(Not standard equipment) | | | | | | | | |
|PI |8806 | |Speed setting to governor(air pressure) | bar| 470/ 0.5 - 5.0 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8807 |I |Pmax. control pressure | bar| 476/ 0.0 - 5.0 | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8808 |I |Fuel injection pump index, each cylinder| | 477/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8809 |I |VIT index, each cylinder | | 478/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8810 |I |Governor index | | 479/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|XC |8811 |I |Engine torque | Nm| 480/ See note n)| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | |n)Engine and load dependent | | | | | | | | |
|WT |8812 |I AH Y |Crank shaft longitudinal vibration | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Axial vibration monitor | | | | | | | | |
| | | |Peak to peak | mm| | | | | | | |
| | | | 4S46MC-C | | 471/ 0.0 - 1.23 | 472/ --- 1.64 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 2.05 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 5S46MC-C Monitoring equipment required.| | 471/ 0.0 - 1.52 | 472/ --- 2.03 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 2.53 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 6S46MC-C Monitoring equipment required.| | 471/ 0.0 - 1.82 | 472/ --- 2.43 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 3.03 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 7S46MC-C | | 471/ 0.0 - 2.11 | 472/ --- 2.82 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 3.52 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | 8S46MC-C | | 471/ 0.0 - 2.50 | 472/ --- 3.34 |6 - 8| 473/ --- 4.17 |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
|XC |8813 |AH Y |Oil mist in crankcase, each cylinder | | ---/ --- - --- | 436/High density |6 - 8| 437/High density|6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
| | | | |mg/l| | or 0.5 | | or 0.5 | | | |
| | | |Oilmist detekter failure(no value)437A | | | | | | | | |
|GT |8830 |C |Fuel rack position | | ---/ --- - --- | ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8| ---/ --- --- |6 - 8|
This drawing is the property of MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is to be treated as confidential by the party to whom it has been submitted by 3 41 910 Guidance Values Automation 0789360-4
MAN B&W Diesel A/S and is not to be disclosed to any third party without the specific prior written permission of MAN B&W Diesel A/S Final User Info No. Final User Description Final User Ident. No.