Course: 141 Tig Welding of Stainless Steel
Course: 141 Tig Welding of Stainless Steel
Course: 141 Tig Welding of Stainless Steel
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Module 7
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List of content
MODULE 7..........................................................................................................................................4
Inspection and testing......................................................................................................................4
Survey of specific weld imperfections and their cause (B5)..........................................................6
111 SMAW troubleshooting..........................................................................................................6
141 TIG welding............................................................................................................................7
Problems and corrections.................................................................................................................7
131/135 MIG/MAG........................................................................................................................8
Weld Discontinuities........................................................................................................................9
Flux Cored Arc Welding (136 FCAW) Troubleshooting...........................................................12
111 SMAW .................................................................................................................................14
Electroslag troubleshooting...........................................................................................................15
Oxyfuel gas welding......................................................................................................................16
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Inspection and testing
In order to guarantee the application of all the fabrication procedures and the required properties for
the product, appropriate inspections and tests shall be implemented during the manufacturing
Location and frequency of such inspections and/or tests will depend on the contract and/or product
standard, on the welding process and on the type of construction. As a general rule the state of
inspection and testing of the welded product have to be indicated in some way. Such a means shall
be adequate to the type of product; as an example, a Fabrication and Control Plan may be required
for big products (on which the testing activities are marked); while routing cards or confined space
inside the manufacturing plant shall be sufficient for small series product to indicate the inspection
and testing status. Table 5 reports a typical chart for tests to be carried out before, during and after
welding operations.
In some situations, the signature of the inspector1 shall be required in order to enhance the
traceability of the welding and related process activities. Moreover, the reference number of the
relevant test report shall be included, if required.
All the procedures or instructions relevant to inspection and testing shall be made available to the
inspection personnel, and properly controlled.
As to NDT, testing activities (method, technique and extension) shall be carried out in consideration
of and in accordance with the quality level of the product. Some of those parameters are reported in
the manufacturing codes, where the designer chooses the class of the weld taking into consideration
all of the above mentioned factors. All these aspects should be considered during the design review
phase by the welding coordinator.
For some tests or checks (e.g. welding parameters, dimensional checks, visual testing, etc.) the welder or welding
operator itself shall be considered as inspector.
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Checked Signature of the Reference
Tests before welding operations Reference procedure (date) inspector report
Suitability and validity of welders
qualification certificates
Suitability of welding procedure
Identity of parent material
Identity of welding consumables
Joint preparation (e.g. Shape and
Fitup, jigging and tacking
Special requirements in the welding
procedure specification (e.g. Prevention
of distortion)
Arrangement for any production test
Suitability of working conditions for
welding, including environment
Tests during welding operations
Preheating / interpass temperature
Welding parameters
Cleaning and shape of runs and
layers of weld metal;
Back gouging;
Welding sequence;
Correct use and handling of welding
Control of distortion;
Dimensional check
Tests after welding operations
Compliance with acceptance criteria
for Visual Testing
Compliance with acceptance criteria
for other NDT examinations (e.g.
Radiographic or Ultrasonic Testing)
Compliance for destructive testing
(when applicable)
Results and records of postwelding
operations (e.g. PWHT)
Dimensional checking.
Template for testing and inspection chart.
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Survey of specific weld imperfections and their cause (B5)
The main national and European norms and standards that can be applied for establishing the level
of acceptance of the imperfections, depending on the used control process, are synthetically
presented below.
Following will be presented the possible causes of imperfections’ appearance, in relation with the
welding process that was used:
111 SMAW troubleshooting
z. Use only dry and clean electrodes
10. Excess spatter aa. Excessive amperage (fine aa. Lower amp setting
sized spatter) bb. Maintain 1/16in. arc length
bb. Excessive arc length (large
sized spatter)
11. Rough cc. Oscillations spaced too far cc. Use more oscillations per inch of
appearance apart travel
dd. Improper travel angle dd. Reduce travel angle
12. Arc blow ee. Work (ground) clamp ee. Move clamp to different place
improperly located relative to weld
ff. Direct current ff. Use ac if possible
13. Finger nailing gg. Flux coating cracked or gg. Use undamaged electrode
(of flux) chipped hh. Exchange for quality electrode
hh. Flux coating not concentric
with rod
141 TIG welding
Discontinuities and defects
Discontinuities are interruptions in the typical structure of a weldment, and they may occur in the
base metal, weld metal, and heataffected zones. Discontinuities in a weldment that do not satisfy
the requirements of an applicable fabrication code or specification are classified as defects, and are
required to be removed because they could impair the performance of that weldment in service.
Problems and corrections
Tungsten Inclusions
One discontinuity found only in gas tungsten arc welds is tungsten inclusions. Particles of tungsten
from the electrode can be embedded in weld when improper welding procedure is used with 141
TIG process. Typical causes are the following:
•contact of electrode tip with molten weld pool
•contact of filler metal wit hot tip of electrode
•contamination of electrode tip by spatter from the weld pool
•exceeding the current limit for a given electrode size or type
•extension of electrodes beyond their normal distances from the collet (as with long nozzles)
resulting in overheating of the electrode
•inadequate tightening of the holding collet or electrode chuck
•inadequate shielding gas flow rates or excessive wind drafts resulting in oxidation of the electrode
•defects such as splits or cracks in the electrode
•use of improper shielding gases such as argonoxygen or argonCO2 mixtures that are used for gas
metal arc welding
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•corrective steps are obvious once the causes are recognized and the welder is adequately trained.
Lack of Shielding
Discontinuities related to the loss of inert gas shielding are tungsten inclusions previously
described, porosity, oxide films and inclusions, incomplete fusion, and cracking. The extent to
which they occur is strongly related to the characteristics of the metal being welded. In addition, the
mechanical properties of titanium, aluminum, nickel, and highstrength alloys can be seriously
impaired with loss of inert gas shielding. Gas shielding effectiveness can often be evaluated prior
to production welding by making a spot weld and continuing gas flow until the weld has cooled to a
low temperature. A bright, silvery spot will be evident if shielding is effective.
Welding Problems and Remedies
Numerous welding problems may develop while setting up or operating a 141 TIG operation.
Their solution will require careful evaluation of the material, the fixturing, the welding equipment,
and the procedures. Some problems that may be encountered and possible remedies are listed in the
following table:
131/135 MIG/MAG
Hydrogen Embrittlement
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An awareness of the potential problems of hydrogen embrittlement is important, even though it is
less likely to occur with 131/135 MIG/MAG, since no hygroscopic flux or coating is used.
However other hydrogen sources must be considered. For example, shielding gas must be
sufficiently low in moisture content. This should be well controlled by the gas supplier, but may
need to be checked. Oil, grease, and drawing compounds on the electrode or the base metal may
become potential sources for hydrogen pickup in the weld metal. Electrode manufacturers are
aware of the need for cleanliness and normally take special care to provide a clean electrode.
Contaminants may be introduced during handling in the user’s facility. Users who are aware of
such possibilities take steps to avoid serous problems, particularly in welding hardenable steels. The
same awareness is necessary in welding aluminum, except that the potential problem is porosity
caused by relatively low solubility of hydrogen in solidified aluminum, rather than hydrogen
Oxygen and Nitrogen Contamination
Oxygen and Nitrogen Contamination are potentially greater problems than hydrogen in the 131/135
MIG/MAG process. If the shielding gas is not completely inert or adequately protective, these
elements may be readily absorbed from the atmosphere. Both oxides and nitrides can reduce weld
metal notch toughness. Weld metal deposited by 131/135 MIG/MAG is not tough as weld metal
deposited by gas tungsten arc welding. It should be noted here, however, that oxygen in percentages
of up to 5 percent and more can be added to the shielding gas without adversely affecting weld
Base metal cleanliness when using 131/135 MIG/MAG is more critical than with 111 SMAW or
submerged arc welding (121 SAW). The fluxing compounds present is 111 SMAW and 121 SAW
scavenge and cleanse the molten weld deposit of oxides and gasforming compounds. Such fluxing
slags are not present in 131/135 MIG/MAG. This places a premium on doing a thorough job of
preweld and interpass cleaning. This is particularly true for aluminum, where elaborate procedures
for chemical cleaning or mechanical removal of metallic oxides, or both, are applied.
Incomplete fusion
The reduced heat input common to the shortcircuiting mode of 131/135 MIG/MAG results in low
penetration into the base metal. This desirable on thin gauge materials and for outofposition
welding. However, an improper welding technique may result in incomplete fusion, especially in
root areas or longer groove faces.
Weld Discontinuities
Some of the more common weld discontinuities that may occur with the 131/135 MIG/MAG
process are listed in the following paragraphs.
The following are possible causes of undercutting and their corrective actions:
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1. Travel speed to high Use slower travel speed
2. Welding voltage too high Reduce the voltage
3. Excessive welding Reduce wire feed speed
4. Insufficient dwell Increase dwell at edge of molten weld puddle
5. Torch angle Change angle so arc force can aid in metal
The following are the possible causes of porosity and their corrective actions:
1. Inadequate shielding gas coverage Optimize the gas flow. Increase gas flow to
displace all air from the weld zone. Decrease
excessive gas flow to avoid turbulence and the
entrapment of air in the weld zone. Eliminate any
leaks in the gas line. Eliminate drafts (from fans,
open doors, etc.) blowing into the welding arc.
Eliminate frozen (clogged) regulators in CO2
welding by using heaters. Reduce travel speed.
Reduce nozzletowork distance. Hold gun at the
end of weld until molten metal solidifies.
2. Gas contamination Use welding grade shielding gas.
3. Electrode contamination Use only clean and dry electrode.
4. Workpiece contamination Remove all grease, oil, moisture, rust, paint, and
dirt from work surface before welding. Use more
highly deoxidizing electrode.
5. Arc voltage too high Reduce voltage
6. Excess contact tubetowork Reduce stickout
Incomplete fusion
The following are the possible causes of incomplete fusion and their corrective actions:
1. Weld zone surfaces not free of film Clean all groove faces and weld zone surfaces of
or excessive oxides any mill scale impurities prior to welding.
2. Insufficient heat input Increase the wire feed speed and the arc voltage.
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Reduce electrode extension.
3. Too large a weld puddle Minimize excessive weaving to produce a more
controllable weld puddle. Increase the travel
4. Improper weld technique When using a weaving technique, dwell
momentarily on the sidewalls of the groove.
Provide improved access at root of joints. Keep
electrode directed at the leading edge of puddle.
5. Improper joint design Use angle groove large enough to allow access to
bottom of the groove and sidewalls with proper
electrode extension, or use a “J” or “U” groove.
6. Excessive travel speed Reduce travel speed.
Incomplete joint penetration
Possible causes of incomplete joint penetration and their corrective actions are:
1. Improper joint preparation Joint design must provide proper access to the
bottom of the groove while maintaining proper
electrode extension. Reduce excessively large root
gap in butt joints, and increase depth of back
2. Improper weld technique Maintain electrode angle normal to work surface
to achieve maximum penetration. Keep arc on
leading edge of the puddle.
3. Inadequate welding current Increase the wire feed speed (welding current).
Excessive MeltThrough
The following are possible causes of excessive meltthrough and their corrective actions:
1. Excessive heat input Reduce wire feed speed (welding current) and the
voltage. Increase the travel speed.
2. Improper joint penetration Reduce root opening. Increase root face
Weld Metal Cracks
The following are possible causes of weld metal cracks and their corrective actions:
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1. Improper joint design Maintain proper groove dimensions to allow
deposition of adequate filler metal or weld cross
section to overcome restraint conditions.
2. Too high a weld depthto width ratio Either increase arc voltage or decrease the current
or both to widen the weld bead or decrease the
3. Too small a weld bead (particularly Decrease travel speed to increase cross section of
fillet and root beads) deposit.
4. Heat input too high, causing Reduce either current or voltage, or both. Increase
excessive shrinkage and distortion travel speed.
5. Hotshortness Use electrode with higher manganese content (use
shorter arc length to minimize loss of manganese
across the arc). Adjust the groove angle to allow
adequate percentage of filler metal addition.
Adjust pass sequence to reduce restrain on weld
during cooling. Change to another filler metal
providing desired characteristics.
6. High restraint of the joint members Use preheat to reduce magnitude of residual
stresses. Adjust welding sequence to reduce
restraint conditions.
7. Rapid cooling in the crater at the en Eliminate craters by backstepping technique.
of the joint
HeatAffected Zone Cracks
Cracking in HAZ is almost always associated with hardenable steels.
1. Hardening in the heataffected zone Preheat to retard cooling rate.
2. Residual stresses too high Use stress relief heat treatment.
3. Hydrogen embrittlement Use clean electrode and dry shielding gas. Remove
contaminants from the base metal. Hold weld at
elevated temperatures for several hours before
cooling (temperature and time required to diffuse
hydrogen are dependent on base metal type).
Flux Cored Arc Welding (136 FCAW) Troubleshooting
b. High gas flow Decrease to eliminate turbulence
c. Excessive wind drafts Shield weld zone from draft/wind
d. Contaminated gas Check gas source
Check for leak in hoses/fittings
e. Contaminated base metal Clean weld joint faces
f. Contaminated filler wire Remove drawing compound on wire
Clean oil from rollers
Avoid shop dirt
Rebake filler wire
g. Insufficient flux in core Change electrode
h. Excessive voltage Reset voltage
i. Excess electrode stick out Reset stickout & balance current
j. Insufficient electrode stick Reset stickout & balance current
out (selfshielded electrodes)
k. Excessive travel speed Adjust speed
2. Incomplete l. Improper manipulation Direct electrode to the joint root
fusion or
m. Improper parameters Increase current
Reduce travel speed
Decrease stickout
Reduce wire size
Increase travel speed (selfshielded
n. Improper joint design Increase root opening
Increase root face
3. Cracking o. Excessive joint restrain Reduce restraint
Use more ductile weld metal
Employ peening
p. Improper electrode Check formulation and content of the
q. Insufficient deoxidizers or Check formulation and content of the
inconsistent flux fill in core flux
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111 SMAW
Porosity problems
Submerged arc deposited weld metal is usually clean and free of injurious porosity because of the
excellent protection offered by the blanket of molten slag. When porosity does occur, it may be
found on the weld bead surface or beneath a sound surface. Various factors that may cause porosity
are the following:
•contaminants in the joint
•electrode contamination
•contaminants in the flux
•insufficient flux coverage
•entrapped flux at the bottom of the joint
•segregation of constituents in the weld metal
•excessive travel speed
•slag residue from tack welds made with covered electrodes
As with other welding processes, the base metal and electrode must be clean and dry. High travel
speeds and associated fast weld metal solidification do not provide time for gas to escape from the
molten weld metal. The travel speed can be reduced, but other solutions should be investigated first
to avoid higher welding costs. Porosity from covered electrode tack welds can be avoided by using
electrodes that will not leave a porositycausing residue.
Cracking Problems
Cracking of welds in steel is usually associated with liquid metal cracking (hot cracking). This
cause may be traced to the joint geometry, welding variables, or stresses at the point where the weld
metal is solidifying. This problem can occur in both butt welds and fillet welds, including grooves
and fillet welds simultaneously welded from two sides.
One solution to this problem is to keep the depth of the weld bead less than or equal to the width of
the face of the weld. Weld bead dimensions may best be measured by sectioning and etching a
sample weld. To correct the problem, the welding variables or the joint geometry must be changed.
To decrease the depth of penetration compared to the width of the face of the joint, the welding
travel speed as well as the welding current can be reduced.
Cracking in the weld metal or the heataffected zone may be caused by diffusible hydrogen in the
weld metal. The hydrogen may enter the molten weld pool from the following sources: flux, grease
or dirt on the electrode or base metal. Cracking due to diffusible hydrogen in the weld metal is
usually associated with low alloy steels and with increasing tensile and yield strengths. It sometimes
can occur in carbon steels. There is always some hydrogen present in deposited weld metal, but it
must be limited to relatively small amounts. As tensile strength increases, the amount of diffusible
hydrogen that can be tolerated in the deposited weld decreases.
Cracking due to excessive hydrogen in the weld is called delayed cracking; it usually occurs several
hours, up to approximately 72 hours, after the weld has cooled to ambient temperature. It is at
ambient temperatures that hydrogen accumulated at small defects in the weld metal or base metal
results in cracking.
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To keep the hydrogen content of the weld metal low:
•remove moisture from the flux by baking in an oven (follow the manufacturer’s
•remove oil, grease, or dirt from the electrode and base material.
•increase the work temperature to allow more hydrogen to escape during the welding operation.
This may be done by preheating or by post heating the weld joint.
Electroslag troubleshooting
Oxyfuel gas welding
Weld quality
The appearance of a weld does not necessarily indicate its quality. It discontinuities exist in a weld,
they can be grouped into two broad classifications: those that are apparent to visual inspection and
those that are not. Visual examination of the underside of a weld will determine whether there is
complete penetration and whether there are excessive globules of metal. Inadequate joint
penetration may be due to insufficient beveling of the edges, too thick a root face, too high a
welding speed, or poor torch and welding rod manipulation.
Oversized and undersized welds can be observed readily. Weld gages are available to determine
whether a weld has excessive or insufficient reinforcement. Undercut or overlap at the sides of the
welds can usually be detected by visual examination.
Although other discontinuities, such as incomplete fusion, porosity, and cracking, may not be
externally apparent, excessive grain growth and the presence of hard spots cannot be determined
visually. Incomplete fusion may be caused by insufficient heating of the base metal, too rapid weld
travel, or gas or dirt inclusions. Porosity is a result of entrapped gases, usually carbon monoxide,
which may be avoided by careful flame manipulation and adequate fluxing where needed. Hard
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spots and cracking are result of metallurgical characteristics of the weldment.