School of Information Technology& Engineering M.Tech Software Engineering

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School of Information Technology& Engineering

M.Tech Software Engineering

Software Engineering Economics (SWE2028)

Slot: F2+TF2




Submitted to:
Thippa Reddy.G

WIN SEM: 2019-20

Q) Discuss in detail about IBM-FSD Model for software cost estimation
with suitable case study.

 This model is developed by Walston and Flexi in 1977 by taking the

database of 60 projects from IBM Federal Systems Division (FSD) and
analyses different features.

 It shows the metric in delivered lines of source code.

 This model consists of participation, customer oriented changes,

memory constraints etc.

 The function for estimating effort is

Effort= 5.2 (KLOC) 0.91
Duration d= 4.1 (KLOC) 0.36

 IBM FSD is able to systematically compare a large number of projects

on a number of factors regarding cost, delays and methods used.

 This enables them to spot methods or environments which are more

or less productive, and to take management action to weed out the
bad and to nurture the good.

A significant part of IBM's operations were FSD's contracts with the U.S.
Federal Government for a wide range of projects ranging from the
Department of Defence to the National Security Agency. These projects
spanned mundane administrative processing to top secret supercomputing.
In NASA's Apollo Program, the "brains" of each Saturn rocket was the
Instrument Unit built by the IBM Space Systems Center in Huntsville,
Alabama. Founded in 1957, FSD was sold to Loral in 1994.

Estimation has always been one of the riskiest aspects of project or

program planning. This is not because estimators are regularly unqualified
or poorly informed -- it is primarily because of the large and growing
number of complexities and dependencies that must be factored into
software project estimates. Inevitably, as software projects, software
products, and IT environments all become more and more complex, so, too,
does the task of estimating what they will cost and how long they will take.
To compound the challenge, established parameters that form the basis for
many estimation techniques are not as universally applicable, or as
straightforward to calculate, as they once were. Many estimators are thus
left searching for methods that can yield more accurate results.

In this, Part 1 of a two-part article, I'll examine approaches, techniques,

models, and tools that have gained momentum and support among
estimation experts, as well as some intriguing innovations that seem to
have bright futures. In Part 2 I will discuss different estimation scenarios,
what methods are best under what circumstances, and how to most
efficaciously apply them.

In case studies techniques, estimators apply lessons and heuristics learned

from examining specific examples that resemble the system that is being
built. The process consists of several basic steps that should result in an

 In Step 1, the principle characteristics of the solution are agreed

upon. These can include essential solution features and key actions to
be taken to deliver it.
 In Step 2, a reference solution is selected from the organization's
knowledge database (or elsewhere), whose core characteristics
match or come close to those agreed to in Step 1.
 In Step 3, unique characteristics of the new solution are determined
by comparing the planned and existing solution architectures.
 In Step 4, all necessary adjustments are made to the estimating
model to account for the unique properties of the solution.
 In Step 5, an estimate is produced using the adjusted model
developed in Step 4.

Algorithmic methods use mathematical models. They take historical,

calculated, or statistical metrics -- such as lines of code and the number of
functions -- as well as known environmental factors -- such as the
programming platform, framework, hardware platform, and design
methodology -- as their inputs to produce an estimate with a known degree
or range of accuracy. For their ability to accept various metrics these
methods are also sometimes called metric-based.

Unlike non-algorithmic techniques, algorithmic methods may produce

repeatable estimates, and they are comparatively easy to fine-tune. These
methods, however, are also more sensitive to inaccurate input data and
may produce very poor estimates if not calibrated and validated properly.
Also, these methods cannot efficiently deal with exceptional conditions,
such as highly creative or lazy staff or exceptionally strong or poor

Cost is, arguably, the most important factor in any enterprise decision.
Therefore, many algorithmic methods are geared for cost estimation. Cost
itself may be a product of other factors, including the project duration,
resources, and environment.

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