The Thief is described as sneaky and flexible in their views on law and honor if it gets in the way of doing what they see as right. They are willing to use trickery to achieve their goals. Examples of Thief occupations include con artists, couriers, activists, gangsters, and thieves. The document provides an overview of Thief talents focused on stealth, trickery, escaping restraints, and using aliases to their advantage.
The Thief is described as sneaky and flexible in their views on law and honor if it gets in the way of doing what they see as right. They are willing to use trickery to achieve their goals. Examples of Thief occupations include con artists, couriers, activists, gangsters, and thieves. The document provides an overview of Thief talents focused on stealth, trickery, escaping restraints, and using aliases to their advantage.
The Thief is described as sneaky and flexible in their views on law and honor if it gets in the way of doing what they see as right. They are willing to use trickery to achieve their goals. Examples of Thief occupations include con artists, couriers, activists, gangsters, and thieves. The document provides an overview of Thief talents focused on stealth, trickery, escaping restraints, and using aliases to their advantage.
The Thief is described as sneaky and flexible in their views on law and honor if it gets in the way of doing what they see as right. They are willing to use trickery to achieve their goals. Examples of Thief occupations include con artists, couriers, activists, gangsters, and thieves. The document provides an overview of Thief talents focused on stealth, trickery, escaping restraints, and using aliases to their advantage.
The Thief is sneakier than most people. They aren’t
all criminals - though they certainly can be - but their First Occupation Gain these benefits if this is your first Occupation: views on things like “law” and “honour” tend to be flexible, especially when they get in the way of doing Choose one: A Fake ID, or Covert Armor. what’s right. If they have to use trickery to get what Choose one: A Safehouse, or Thieving Gear. they want, they can and will. Choose one Specialty: +1 Clever Defense, +1 Quick Examples: Con artists, couriers, direct-action Defense, or +1 Stealth. activists, ex-corp enforcers, gangsters, investigators, journalists, people living “off the grid”, thieves. Choose one Talent: Thief or Generic.
46 OccupationS The Thief
Thief Talents Muscle
You can briefly fight one foe without risking Stealth. Cat Burglar While you are under Stealth, if your opponent attempts You have Advantage on all rolls to climb, scale, to use a loud weapon, trigger an alarm, or make an squeeze through, abseil, low-gravity leap, etc. past an alerting noise, you may spend 1 Prep to immediately use obstacle. Once per fight, when an attack targets your the Silence attack. Quick Defense, you may immediately use Take Cover (p. ##) before the attack is resolved. Silence: Make a Melee or Silenced Ranged attack. If you hit, you silence/remove the source of noise before Destructive Entry anyone is alerted. If the source of the noise was a loud While under Stealth or Ghost, when you try to weapon being used, you cancel your opponent’s attack. bypass an obstacle with a Security or Network Level and fail, you may spend 1 Prep to replace the roll with Ninja a success. You still lose a chance. This method will The first time you Attack during a fight while you are leave evidence behind, but won’t incriminate you. hidden from sight, Boost it. You also have Advantage on all rolls to Disable Security if the security is active. With Mastermind Talent: You may do this with an ally’s action. 7+ Thief Talents: You may spend 1 Prep to remain hidden from sight after you make any Attack. Enterprising The first time you “find” or are rewarded Cash Parkour during a session of play, gain +1 Cash. If you roll a Critical success on any action involving movement, gain Advantage on your next action if it 5+ Thief Talents: Gain +2 Cash instead. also involves movement. Getaway Phantom Thief When you try to escape a scene or Run Away from You are infamous. Usually a bad thing for your a fight, you have Advantage on your roll. profession, but you’ve turned it to your advantage. 5+ Thief Talents: If you use any applicable Asset for Choose a thief alias - in-game this can be chosen by its normal cost (e.g. smoke grenade, a vehicle), you you or given by the police or media. may roll to let your entire group escape/Run Away. When you perform a criminal act against a target Larceny with a Security or Network level and roll a Critical, Whenever you or an ally try to Acquire an Illegal you can leave behind evidence or a calling card Asset (no larger than a wearable or carried piece implicating your alias. Gain Advantage on all Social rolls of equipment), you may grant Advantage on the roll. to use your alias to your advantage, hide your identity or On a Critical, in addition to the usual effects, you may mislead someone for this session and the next. choose to pay for it with Personal Prep instead of Slippery Cash on a one-for-one basis. When you are escaping any kind of restraint, cell, “Locksmith” hold, grab, tie, or similar situation, you may reroll all 1s. You have Advantage on any roll involving bypassing Smooth Criminal locks, safes, and similar devices. While you and your group are under Stealth or 7+ Thief Talents: You may reroll all 1s on these rolls. Ghost, you have +1 to your own rolls.
Mastermind Social Chameleon
When preparing for any Mission involving Stealth, Your Fake IDs are not expended at the end of a Mission. you can declare that you are taking over planning for You may make a new Fake ID at the start of each mission. those portions. During that Mission, whenever an ally Security Specialist is taking an action involving a Security Level or which You know the make, type, and basic functionality of risks Stealth, you may allow them to spend your most commonly used security alarms and systems, Personal Prep as if it were Group Prep. including drones. If you are around to give advice 7+ Thief Talents: The first time you roll for Personal and have time to explain it (i.e. not during a fight), an Prep for this mission, gain +1 Prep. ally taking an action involving an automated security system of any kind gains +1 to their roll.