Revised Magic of Kali 2007 PDF
Revised Magic of Kali 2007 PDF
Revised Magic of Kali 2007 PDF
For the last thirty three years my inner life has focused on the Hindu tËntrik tradition
and that has led me to explore a large number of obscure texts. More uncomfortably, it
led me to work with a number of practices which have aided this small attempt to
rescue some of the past and bring it into the present.
I make no pretence to be a scholar. No doubt there are others far better equipped to
The tantrik goddess is one, as many of its traditional texts state, although each has her
own attributes and place in a complex iconography. This itself conceals an inner
philosophy that is identical with the flame which burns without fuel in the heart of every
man and woman.
But if you’re a six year old child regularly watching cartoons on TV, or someone
even much older, you probably think you know who or what KËlÌ is. She appears in
various shows–almost invariably as an evil demoness who the badly animated superhero
has to conquer.
Almost alone amongst all the tËntrik deities, KËlÌ has captured the imagination of
the West because of her gruesome appearance and the rites associated with her. But
rather than reviled, she is revered by countless millions of people. Ramakrishna, the
famous Indian sage and saint, was one of her devotees; Rabindranath Tagore another.
It’s no coincidence that both these great men came from Bengal, for it is there that she
continues to receive oblations and offerings of flesh. Nevertheless, traces of her worship
are found throughout India and former territories of India.
Her bad reputation in the West probably sprang from her association with the cult
of the Thuggees, suppressed by the British during the days of empire. The Thuggees–
the word gave rise to our word thug–were actually Muslims who took the goddess KËlÌ
as their tutelary deity. They specialised in ensnaring and then robbing and murdering
travellers. Originally, they were only supposed to attack male travellers and in their
latter days attributed their downfall to the fact they had started to kill woman travellers
KËlÌ pre-dates the Thuggees, possibly by several thousands of years. Some have
associated her with the primordial goddess existing in India before the Aryan invaders
imposed their Vedic ways and manners on the native population. No one truly knows
her origin.
She does, however, have an uncanny and an ambiguous image. Modern pictures of
her show her standing on the dead body of her consort Éiva, with four arms, a necklace
of fifty human skulls, a girdle of human arms, holding an axe, a trident, a severed
human head and a bowl of blood.
Around her rages a battle–she herself is the colour of a thundercloud. Her
protruding tongue drips with the fresh blood of her enemies. But this image is simply
one of many, as we shall see. She is the goddess in her form as DakÛiÙË KËlikË–one of
the most popular Bengali images of the goddess. Her guises are many, and include
BhadrË (auspicious) KËlÌ, ÉmaÚanË (cremation ground) KËlÌ, and a host of others.
It is only in the great tËntrik traditions that we find the real meaning of the
gruesome images associated with KËlikË. Although Hinduism was much reviled by early
Western investigators for its idolatry and pantheistic practices, this was really a narrow
view. TËntrik texts repeatedly speak of the DevÌs or goddesses as being aspects of the
one goddess. The same holds true for the male aspects. As individual humans all reflect
the macrocosm, it’s fair to describe the gods and goddesses of tantra as specialised
aspects of ourselves–and, therefore, of life itself.
Yet life has its dark and its light sides. Death and love, in the tËntrik tradition, are
two sides of the same coin. As we look to the sky, we can see the Sun and Moon as
symbols of male and female, of Éiva and Éakti. In the tantras, the Moon is often taken
as a symbol of the DevÌ–whether in its dark or its bright fortnight. When She wanes,
her images and her iconography become progressively more dark and fearsome. But
when She waxes, so her images brighten. When She is full, She is DevÌ TripurË, a high
symbol of sexuality and life.
Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), writing in the Garland of Letters, says KËlÌ is
the deity in her aspect as withdrawing time into itself. “KËlÌ is so called because She
devours KËla (Time) and then resumes Her own dark formlessness.” Woodroffe says
some have speculated that KËlÌ was originally the Goddess of the Vindhya Hills,
conquered by the Aryans. The necklace of skulls which makes up her image, he adds,
are those of white people.
The texts give insight into the tËntrik idea of KËlÌ. In the KulacÍdËmaÙÌ Tantra
(KT), a nigama, Lord Éiva asks questions answered by DevÌ, the goddess. It is,
probably, one of the oldest tantras, according to Woodroffe, who published the Sanskrit
text in his TËntrik Texts series.
In seven short chapters, DevÌ expounds the essence of her worship, sometimes in
beautiful language. But the uncanny side of Kaula and KËlÌ worship is dwelt on in great
detail, with references to siddhis–magical powers–including a mysterious process
where the tËntrik adept leaves his body at night, apparently so he can engage in sexual
intercourse with Éaktis. Animal sacrifice also has a place in this tantra, including using
the bones of a dead black cat to make a magical powder.
The siddhis play a large part in the worship of the uncanny goddess KËlÌ. The main
tËntrik rites are called the six acts (satkarma) of pacifying, subjugating, paralysing,
obstructing, driving away, and death-dealing. But the KT includes others such as
ParapurapraveÚana, which is the power of reviving a corpse; Anjana, an ointment which
lets a sËdhaka see through solid walls; KhadgË which gives invulnerability to swords;
KhecarÌ, which gives the power of flying and PËduka Siddhi, magical sandals which take
you great distances, rather like seven league boots.
Certainly, the importance of having a suitable Éakti forms the essence of the
instructions DevÌ gives to Éiva. DevÌ here takes the form of MahiÛamardinÌ, more
popularly known as DurgË, who destroyed the two arch-demons Éumbha and NiÚumbha
in an epic battle between the goddess and the throng of demons.
It was at this time, according to legend, that DurgË created KËlÌ, emanating her out
of her third eye.
We learn more of DurgË’s legends and myths from the KËlikËpurËÙa (KP), an
influential source. The DevÌ, MahËmËyË, appeared as BhadrakËlÌ–identical with
MahiÛËmardinÌ–in order to slay the demon MahiÛË. He had fallen into a deep sleep on
a mountain and had a terrible dream in which BhadrakËlÌ cut asunder his head with her
sword and drank his blood.
The demon started to worship BhadrakËlÌ and when MahËmËyË appeared to him
again in a later age to slaughter him again, he asked a boon of her. DevÌ replied that he
could have his boon, and he asked her for the favour that he would never leave the
service of her feet again. DevÌ replied that his boon was granted. “When you have been
killed by me in the fight, O demon MahiÛa, you shall never leave my feet, there is no
doubt about it. In every place where worship of me takes place, there (will be worship)
of you; as regards your body, O DËnava, it is to be worshipped and meditated upon at
the same time.” For this reason, the image of MahiÛamardinÌ always has her trampling
the buffalo MahiÛa.
When She, the goddess, is dark, She is DevÌ KËlikË, an equally high symbol of
death and destruction. Throughout Her different manifestations and phases, She remains
the one true goddess, Éakti, energy itself. She is symbolised by the yoni and the female
cycle, which also shows waxing and waning throughout the month. Her spouse, Éiva, is
symbolised by the Sun, by the phallus, by sperm, and as an emblem of consciousness
without attributes. According to the tËntrik phraseology “Only when Éiva is united with
Éakti has Éiva power to act. Otherwise he is a corpse (Éava).”
Another black deity of the Indian sub-continent has a close connection with KËlÌ–
KÎÛÙa. According to the KËlÌvilËsa Tantra (KaT), he was born from the golden goddess
GaurÌ, who turned black after she was hit by an arrow from the Indian Cupid, KËma.
KËma is KÎÛÙa.
KËlÌ is Éakti, the great goddess, creating the three guÙas: sattvas, rajas and tamas.
These principles are the substance of she whose play (lila) is their modification. KËlÌ is
the first and foremost of the ten aspects of the goddess. She is pure sattvas, pure spirit.
Those that have the aim of worshipping the goddess are known as a sËdhaka (male)
or a sËdhvika (female) and can worship DevÌ in any of ten forms for the fruition of his
or her desires. DevÌ's ten major forms are KËlÌ, TËrË, Éodasi, BhuvaneÚvarÌ, BhairavÌ,
ChinnamastË, DhÍmËvatÌ, BagalË, MËtaÔgÌ and KamalË. To a sËdhaka, to know these is
to know the universe, as she is both space and time and beyond these categories. Each
form has its own dhyËna (meditation), yantra (diagram), mantra (sound form) and
sËdhana (actions).
MahËvidyË KËlÌ is the primordial DevÌ who is the root of all the Great Knowledges
(mahËvidyË). Worshipped by sËdhakas and sËdhvikas, her outer forms are fearful. She
destroys time, is time, and is the night of eternity. KËlÌ, certainly in the left hand tËntrik
tradition, requires sexual intercourse as part of her worship. According to Sir John
Woodroffe, in his introduction to the KarpÍrËdi Stotra (KS), for paÚus–those of a base
disposition–sexual sËdhana at night is forbidden. “The PaÚu is still bound by the paÚa
(bonds) of desire, etc., and he is, therefore, not adhikËri, for that which, if undertaken
by the unfit, will only make these bonds stronger.”
Verse 10 of the KS spells out the practice. “If by night, Thy devotee unclothed,
with dishevelled hair, recites whilst meditating on Thee, thy mantra, when with his Éakti
youthful, full-breasted, and heavy-hipped such an one makes all powers subject to him
and dwells on the earth ever a seer.”
The KËlÌ sËdhana takes place on a Tuesday, at midnight, in the cremation ground.
Here, surrounded by jackals, owls and other uncanny creatures of the night, the sËdhaka
and his Úakti select a newly dead male corpse, which should be, according to the texts,
of a young man–preferably a king, a hero or a warrior. If he has recently died in battle,
so much the better. Placing the corpse face downwards, the two draw the KËlÌyantra on
his back, offer each other food, wine and other good things, and then commence the act
of ritual sex. At the close of intercourse, the man offers his Éakti one of her public hairs
smeared with his semen and, if she is menstruating, blood.
Woodroffe says that the worship of KËlÌ in this way by paÚus is totally forbidden
by Éiva, quoting the influential Niruttara Tantra (NT) as his source. “By the worship of
KËlÌ without DivyabhËva and VÌrabhËva the worshipper suffers pain at every step and
goes to hell. If a man who is of the PaÚubhËva worships KËlÌ then he goes to the
Raurava Hell until the time of final dissolution.”
As to the matter of a suitable Úakti for the sexual rites of KËlÌ, the NT suggests that
when a sËdhaka has already achieved success with his own Úakti, he may then worship
another woman. But Woodroffe claims this other woman is the supreme Éakti in the
sËdhaka’s own body.
The cremation ground is often interpreted as the place where all desires are burnt
away. Before realising kaivalya (liberation), the sËdhaka must burn away all the taboos
and conditionings which prevent this liberation.
The cremation ground (ÚmaÚËna) is also the supreme nËdi or channel within the
human organism–the suÛumnË, the royal road of KuÙ×alinÌ. On the sËdhaka within the
ÚmaÚËna yantra is Éakti, both entwined in close sexual embrace. She is the human form
of KËlÌ, as he is the human form of Éiva. Both are forever united. The NT says (2, 27)
“The cremation ground is of two kinds, O DevÌ, the pyre and the renowned yoni. Éiva is
the phallus, KuleÚËni! So MahËkËla said.” Questioned later by ÉrÌ DevÌ in the same
tantra, Éiva says that the vagina is DakÛiÙË herself, in the form of the three guÙas, the
essence of BrahmË, ViÛÙu and Éiva. “When she has the semen of Éiva, she is Éiva-
The KS comments on animal sacrifice. Verse 19 says that worshippers of KËlÌ who
sacrifice the flesh of cats, camels, sheep, buffaloes, goats and men to her become
accomplished. A commentary by a Kaula, VimalËnanda SvËmÌ, claims these animals
represent the six enemies with the goat representing lust, the buffalo anger, the cat
greed, the sheep delusion, the camel envy. Man represents pride. However, according to
other sources, only a king may perform sacrifice of a man. At the great temple of the
DevÌ at KamËkhyË in Assam, archaeological evidence indicates that in the past kings did
perform such sacrifices. Animal sacrifice to KËlÌ continues in some parts of India to this
Who, then, is KËlÌ? DevÌ gives her own description in the KC.
“I am Great Nature, consciousness, bliss, the quintessence, devotedly praised.
Where I am, there are no BrahmË, Hara, Éambhu or other devas, nor is there creation,
maintenance or dissolution. Where I am, there is no attachment, happiness, sadness,
liberation, goodness, faith, atheism, guru or disciple.
“When I, desiring creation, cover myself with my MËyË and become triple and
ecstatic in my wanton love play, I am Vikarini, giving rise to the various things.
“The five elements and the 108 liÔgams` arise, while Brahma and the other devas,
the three worlds, Bhur-Bhuvah-Svah spontaneously come into manifestation.
“By mutual differences of Éiva and Éakti, the (three) guÙas originate. All things,
such as BrahmË and so forth, are my parts, born from my being. Dividing and blending,
the various tantras, mantras and kulas manifest. After withdrawing the five fold universe,
I, LalitË, become of the nature of nirvaÙa. Once more, men, great nature, egoism, the
five elements, sattvas, rajas and tamas become manifested. This universe of parts appears
and is then dissolved.
“O All-Knowing One, if I am known, what need is there for revealed scriptures and
sËdhana? If I am unknown, what use for pÍja and revealed text? I am the essence of
creation, manifested as woman, intoxicated with sexual desire, in order to know you as
guru, you with whom I am one. Even given this, MahËdeva, my true nature still remains
This compilation has been recast and re-written since the first edition, which was
available only in PDF format. I have chosen to include three translations of very
different tantras to cast different light on the tradition, while I have also added material
to the different sections to illustrate other aspects of KËlÌ. Other supplementary
information, and abstracts and translations of tantrik material can be found on the Hindu
Tantrik web site at
Mike Magee, London 2007
Death and sexuality are recurrent KËlÌ themes, and to this end her pÍja uses substances,
such as menstrual blood, bones, corpses and ashes as ritual accessories.
KËlÌ suspends all rules, all beliefs, all dogma and all strictures. In the
KaulËvalÌnirnaya (K), a digest of Kaula works, Sir John Woodroffe says in his
introduction: “..there is an attack against orthodox rigours; thus beef is forbidden yet
people do not realise that when they drink the milk of the cow they drink her blood;
referring to the rule that widows should not eat anything which has come in contact with
fish or any kind of animal food, it is said that the water the widow drinks was full of
fish before it came from the tank or river.
“The text goes on to say that there are people who regard semen and menstrual
fluid with disgust, but they forget that the body by which they hope to attain Liberation
is composed of these two forms of matter...It further says that there is no reason for
man’s disgust for excreta or urine, for these are nothing but food and drink which has
undergone some change and contains living creatures and the Brahman substance is not
absent therefrom.
“The purity that man ought to cultivate is that of the mind. All things are pure. It is
one’s mentality which is evil.” (KaulËvalÌ, pp19-20).
The KP chapter 62, 19-25, describes the way of worshipping KËlikË on the tenth
day in the last quarter of ÉravaÙa: “People should be engaged in amorous play with
single women, young girls, courtesans and dancers, amidst the sounds of horns and
instruments, and with drums and kettle-drums, with flags and various sorts of cloths
covered with a miscellany of parched gran and flowers; by throwing dust and mud; with
auspicious ceremonies for fun; by mentioning the female and male organs, with songs
on the male and female organs, and with words for the female and male organs, until
they have enough of it.”
Sanctifying a Éakti
ÉrÌ Bhairava said: DeveÚÌ, now listen to the highest purification of Éaktis. With this oral
doctrine, a man can become absorbed in supreme Éakti.
Sexual intercourse with those not initiated in Kaula brings lack of siddhi. I speak of
the oral doctrine now for those having sexual intercourse of that kind. ÉrÌ DevÌ said:
Deva, how should a Kulina wanting success in KulËcËra sËdhana worship a young Kula
ÉrÌ Bhairava said: A Kaulika should certainly purify woman and wine, in case of
lack of success. Otherwise, CaÙdikË becomes cruel. By lustration, pronunciation of a
mantra becomes fortunate, at the time of lovemaking and when initiating a young
maiden, O MaheÚËni. With great efforts, a wise person should ritually purify a maiden
using wine, semen or water.
In sexual union, ritually lustrate the woman, who can be a CaÙdË, an uninitiated
girl, one’s wife, another’s wife, or a maiden who is young and wanton.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Sublime lord god of gods, adept in the art of the Kaulas, how should
a Kulayogin purify a young Kula woman?
ÉrÌ Bhairava said: A lord of Kula, on seeing a young Kula-born woman should
bow, and while doing mental worship, at the same time utter a mantra.
Whether she is a girl, youthful and wanton, whether mature or beautiful, whether
contemptible or very wicked, one should bow and should meditate. Do not exhibit
violence, derision, deceit or coldness to them, or there is no success.
Women are divine, women are life, women are jewels. One should always be either
amongst hosts of women or with one’s own woman. When she is on the breast of a
sËdhaka in sexual intercourse, then speedily she becomes like the cow of plenty.
Through this method, a person knows dharma and is not bereft of dharma.
Afterwards, he becomes dissolved in the highest tattva of supremely slender women.
Actress, Kapaliki, whore, washer girl, barber’s wife, Brahmini, Sudra’s daughter,
cowherd’s daughter and the daughter of a garland maker are the nine maidens. One
should purify these.
O DevÌ, the Kaulika should worship according to the methods I outline. In the
mantra for purifying a Éakti, the ¿Ûi is SadËÚiva. The metre is Trstubh and the DevÌ is
ParËmbikË. Isani, AiÑ is the seed and Hsauh is the Éakti. KlÌÑ is the kÌlaka. O DevÌ,
the binding of the directions is PhaÖ. The application is achievement of success in the
enjoyment of the four aims of human existence, O MËheÚvarÌ.
On a great night, a Kaulika should gather together eight or nine or eleven maidens
and Bhairavas, O KaulikeÚvarÌ.
The best kind of Kaulika should worship and purify them using nine mantras. At
first, a sËdhaka should sprinkle and purify a handful of rushes. He should purify the
elements and do prËÙarpana. After making a resolution with regard to the mantra, he
should do Muni NyËsa. He should do hand and limb nyËsa, etc., and then place on his
body the MËtÎkË letters. He should do worship of the heart pÌtha and then worship the
ÉrÌ Cakra.
He should purify the deva wine, then KuÙ×agola and the other sorts of menstrual
blood. VÌra sËdhana, which is sexual intercourse with a beautiful heroine, is hard to get,
even for the gods.
DevÌ, he should worship ÉrÌ Parambika according to the rules. He should seat his
Éakti on his left and worship her accordingly.
Triangle, hexagon, outside this a triangle, Éiva’s triangle, Kama’s triangle and
Agni’s triangle, O ParameÚvari. Lastly, tracing Brahma’s triangle, he should complete
the Navayoni cakra, using vermilion.
Worship the actress first and the flower maiden last in the various lucky cakras.
A Kaulika should gather all these maidens together, drawing a yantra in front of
them and worshipping them. On the left of a Bhairava, seat his beloved maiden girl,
together in the ÉrÌ Cakra, all with dishevelled hair, wanton, adorned with every kind of
jewel, decorated with every kind of fine garment, young, passionate, proud, with blissful
pure hearts and of bedazzling beauty.
One should purify the amÎta with a pure mantra, and then pronounce AiÑ KlÌÑ
Sauh TripurËyai Namah, then uttering Make! Make this Éakti pure. Then say Make!
Make this Éakti mine! HrÌÑ. DeveÚÌ, lustrate the Kamini using this mantra.
One should lustrate and then do nyËsa on the body of the KÍmËrÌ, doing the
placing of the five forms of the God of Love’s arrows, O DevÌ formed from MËtÎkËs.
Space accordingly AiÑ and AiÑ on the mouth and forehead, KlÌÑ on the
shoulders, BlÍÑ on the heart, and Sauh in the yoni region, Dearest One! [These are] the
all agitating arrow, the all moistening arrow, the all attracting arrow, the all deluding
arrow and the all subjugating arrow, the five sugarcane arrows. When placing them,
show the arrow MudrË five times. In the region of the yoni, pronounce the nine mantras
which I now delineate.
OÑ Sah AiÑ KlÌÑ Sauh Natini, give! Give me great success! SvËhË.This is the
mantra of the beloved young actress.
KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ AiÑ KlÌÑ Kapalini, emit! Emit effusion! SvËhË. DevÌ, this
Kapaliki mantra is the subduer of the God of Love.
OÑ Hsaum ViÑ ViÑ ViÑ ViÑ ViÑ, O whore! O milk of love! Emit, emit
effusion! SvËhË. This whore purifying mantra is beloved of all Kaulikas.
OÑ AiÑ KlÌÑ Sauh ÉrÌÑ HrÌÑ, O washer-girl, give me great success! PhaÖ SvËhË.
This mantra purifying a washer-girl is the subduer of the Kula maiden.
OÑ OÑ OÑ Hsauh, O barber-girl! PhaÖ PhaÖ PhaÖ SvËhË. The purification mantra
of the barber-girl is the giver of great good fortune.
OÑ LaÑ OÑ HrÌÑ RaÑ, O Brahmini, expounder of Veda, always liberate! Liberate
semen! Give! Give me success! PhaÖ SvËhË. This mantra for purifying a Brahmini is the
giver of great success.
OÑ ÉrÌÑ ÉrÌÑ OÑ, O Sudra girl, fond of loving! Stop semen! Give, give me
siddhi! SvËhË. This purifying mantra of a Sudra maiden is the bewilderer of the Kamini.
OÑ HraÑ GlauÑ, O cow-girl, moisten! Moisten my siddhi staff! SvËhË.This is the
great mantra for purifying a cow girl.
OÑ OÑ DhraÑ, O flower-girl, make! Make love to me! PhaÖ SvËhË. This is
Malini’s mantra, Dearest One.
So I have declared the purification mantra for each in turn. A Kaulika should recite
these, making a garland in the yonis of the maidens. He should recite the mantra three
times in the Éakti’s right ear, and should utter the root mantra thrice. O Devesi, whether
initiated or uninitiated, he should still do this. The vÌra should worship an initiated and
purified Éakti, O giver of all success!
He should worship Éiva and recite the mantra OÑ HraÑ Namah Éivaya
Svayambhuvam and pay homage to the lingam. After reciting this, say it in front of
[each] lingam, showing the Tunda MudrË.
The vÌra’s blissful body and the charming girl libated by bliss should, by means of
sexual intercourse, offer libation in the assembly of the ÉrÌ Cakra. Recite the king of
OÑ, in the sacrifical fire of my own being, I offer dharma and adharma, by the
ladle of mind, via the path of SuÛumnË, the eternal action of the senses, SvËhË.
Then recite the root mantra. The mantrin should copulate and gains success in the
mantra. At the time of loving intercourse, he should recite the mantra and then should
say this:
OÑ. I offer in fire, the supreme cause of bliss, that bright thing from the agitated
ladle which is dharma, adharma and the entire kala of love, with both hands, SvËhË.
O PËrvatÌ, using this mantra, a sËdhaka should offer it. He should lustrate the DevÌ
in the ÉrÌ Cakra, and becomes successful by doing so. Then he should worship and
libate the charming girl, both having praised and bowed to one another.
Using the SaÑhara MudrË, a mantrin should lustrate the Éaktis and VÌras there
present. So ends this supreme celestial purification of a Éakti. Told because of my
affection for you, it should be concealed by sincere seekers.
Mantra, the sound form of a tËntrik deity, is an integral part of sËdhana. But before a
practitioner can begin to use a mantra for its purpose–be it simple devotion, acts of
magic or for other purposes–the root or basic mantra must be brought to life.
For these reasons, the tantras of KËlÌ prescribe a preparatory rite (puraÚcaraÙa, see
below), which has the effect of infusing life into a mantra.
Given the peculiarly left hand emphasis of KËlÌ and her tantras, it’s not surprising
to find that there are alternative methods to simply reciting her mantra 10,000 times
during the course of a day.
Her seed or bÌja mantra–KrÌÑ–has no recognisable meaning, although various
tËntrik definitions are forced on it by different commentators. For example, Sir John
Woodroffe in his Garland of Letters translates a verse from the VaradË Tantra saying Ka
is KËlÌ, Ra is BrahmË, is MahËmËyË, NËda is the mother of the universe, and the bindu
means the dispeller of sorrow. This hardly goes any distance to explaining why these
bÌja mantras of the different tËntrik devatËs have their particular forms. For example, the
same tantra breaks HrÌÑ down into its components–but the letter Ra here takes on the
meaning of PrakÎti.
Even Kashmir Éaivism–which delves deeply into the whole topic–fails, in my
view, to provide any coherent rationale behind the bÌja mantras.
The Queen of VidyËs is the 22 lettered mantra KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ
HrÌÑ DakÛiÙe KËlike KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. This 22 letter
mantra vidyË has no particular structure to it apart from its rythmic pattern. And KËlÌ
devotees would have it no other way. They say that the ÎÛi who first sounded the mantra
"gave birth" to it, and that’s good enough for them. It represents KËlikË in sound form,
in her entirety, and should not be expected to have any meaning beyond what it is in
It is possible, in very broad terms, to say that any DevÌ with a root mantra
including bÌjas such as HrÌÑ, HÍÑ, and PhaÖ must be alluring, powerful and forbidding.
On the other hand, DevÌs with mantras including ÉrÌÑ and KlÌÑ are beneficent and
ÉrÌ VimalËnanda ÉvËmÌ, who provides an introduction and a commentary to
Woodroffe’s Hymn to KËlÌ, goes too far in his correlations between KrÌÑ, KÎÛÙa, and
Christ. There are, however, strong connections between KÎÛÙa and KËlÌ. The
KaulËvalÌnirnayatantra says that worshipping KËlÌ, TËrË and UnmukhÌ in the Kali Yuga
is especially beneficial, while the ÉrÌmadbhËgavata–according to Woodroffe–says that
while ViÛÙu incarnated in other colours in previous Yugas, in the Kali Yuga he takes a
black form. See the illustration of KÎÛÙa as KËlÌ, as an example of this.
The subsidiary KËlÌ mantras–many of which appear in this chapter–are generally
variations of KËlÌ’s 22 syllable root mantra.
It’s worth explaining here the gloss which accompanies many such tËntrik mantras.
Each mantra, to be anything other than lifeless sound, needs to have been seen by a ÎÛi.
It must also have an application, a metre for pronouncing it, such as the GËyatrÌ form, a
bÌja, a Éakti and a peg or kÌlaka.
These last three need some explanation, and the inner view of the adepts seems to
be that the bÌja or seed impregnates the Éakti, while the peg is that which holds them
together. Unless a mantra has all of these components, it isn’t a mantra, it hasn’t been
conceived, born, or seen by a ÎÛi. The metre is straightforward enough–Sanskrit has a
strongly developed verse structure, much as Greek had Iambic pentameters and other
verse forms.
Preparation of mantra
DevÌ, now I declare the preparatory sËdhana (puraÚcaraÙa) which gives siddhi to a
As a jÌva is weak, and not capable of all acts, he should do this. Without the
preparatory actions, no mantra gives siddhi, this is for sure.
MaheÚvari, recite the mantra 15,000 or 10,000 times but never less than this. Under
a fig tree, in the wilderness, in the cremation ground, in a deserted place, or at a
crossroads, at midnight or at midday, do this puraÚcaraÙa.
After firstly meditating on one’s own guru, do the preparatory actions on a good
day, in a lucky nakÛatra and in a good muhurta.
The wise person should offer to his guru and after bathing should worship DevÌ,
drawing a square from north east to north east.
MahËdevÌ, anointing it with vermilion and the eight scents, draw a bindu, a triangle
and a hexagon surrounded by a circle.
Around this, draw an eight petalled lotus, surrounding this with a circle and a
beautiful bhupura. O mountain born one, this is the yantra for puraÚcaraÙa.
This is common to all, and all sËdhakas should worship thus. In the east, south
east, south, south west, west, north west, north and north east write the bÌjas la, ra, ya,
ksa, bhra, ya, sa, and ha. Worship these in the earth mandala with various things.
O DevÌ, worship BrËhmÌ, VaiÛÙavÌ, Raudri, KaumËrÌ, Narasimhika, VËrËhÌ and
Candika in the flower.
Seekers after truth should place these, with their Bhairavas, in the eight petals,
going anti-clockwise. PËrvatÌ, KubjikË, DurgË, CËmuÙ×Ë, NilatËriÙÌ and Katyayani
should be worshipped in the hexagon. Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati should be
worshipped in the triangle.
The wished-for devatË should be worshipped in the bindu with her Éiva using the
root mantra and with scent, arghya, flowers, incense and flame.
O MaheÚvari, place in the bindu the yantra of one’s own wished for DevÌ. On an
altar, in the four directions, the mantrin should place four pots.
DevÌ, for as long as a sËdhaka recites the root mantra, he should also offer
oblation, worshipping in the south east, south west, north, west and north east in order.
DeveÚi, using the root mantra, do pÍja to GaneÚa, Bharati, DurgË and KÛetrapala in
the pots.
Facing east, do puraÚcaraÙa. The wise person, after first worshipping the cakra,
should then do recitation.
For a mantra to become successful, reject lassitude, fraud or fickleness. Becoming a
brahmacari, the mantrin should meditate on DevÌ, the giver of boons.
The subjugator should recite the mantra 10,000 times controlledly. MahËdevÌ, then
the lord of sacrifice becomes successful.
The mantrin, after reciting the king of mantras, should sacrifice to the DevÌ with a
tenth part, should oblate with a tenth part and should sprinkle with a tenth part. Also
offer with a tenth part, then the mantra becomes successful, for sure. One may
accomplish the preparatory actions using other methods.
O Éive, the mantrin should bring a Parastri, a BËlË, a ÉyËma or a MadanËturË and
should worship her according to the declared rule.
Naked, dishevelled of hair, with madhu wine the chief thing, embrace the Éakti,
with her breasts against you, the while reciting the root mantra according to injunction.
Reciting the mantra 10,000 times, with homa and oblation of a tenth part, the
mantra becomes successful–this is hard to achieve even for gods.
One may do puraÚcaraÙa by another method. Starting on the festival day of the
birth of a son, in the lying in room of the kula, the mantrin should recite the root
mantra for a period of ten days. Preparing the mantra using a tenth part, the mantra
becomes successful.
PuraÚcaraÙa may be done another way. On the first day, on a pure corpse, the
sËdhaka should recite it.
Controlled of thought, by day and by night, the hero, having acted according to
rule, may ‘polish’ the mantra on the eleventh day.
Actions, mind, speech and mantra become like the wish fulfilling tree. The
puraÚcaraÙa may be done in another way.
Recite from dawn to sunset. After reciting for this period, free from cares, the
mantra becomes the wish fulfilling tree.
There is another way to do puraÚcaraÙa. MaheÚvari, recite the mantra during a solar
eclipse. After reciting, and doing homa and so forth, the mantra becomes successful,
most certainly. There is another way to do puraÚcaraÙa.
Devesi, recite the root mantra during a lunar eclipse, according to rule. Perfecting it
with a tenth part, the mantra becomes the wish fulfilling one instantly.
This, for mantras, is the core of the quintessence, the most supreme. Do not speak
of it. Isani, it is secret, to be concealed by seekers after truth.
The following series of mantras show just how elaborate ritual worship can be.
They are drawn from a number of tËntrik digests and describe various elements of the
daily rites that may be performed.
Mantras of KËlikË
King of mantras: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike KrÌÑ KrÌÑ
KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. KËlÌ GËyatrÌ: KËlikËyai vidmahe ÚmaÚËnavasinyai
dhimahi tanno ghore pracodayat.
KËlikË’s KullukË: KrÌÑ HÍÑ StrÌÑ HrÌÑ PhaÖ. KËlikË’s PÌtha mantra: AiÑ HrÌÑ
ÉrÌÑ AiÑ ParËyai AparËyai ParËparËyai ViruparËyai Hsauh SadËÚiva
MahËpretapadmasanaya Namah. KËlikË Door Protectors: SiÑhavyËghramukhÌ,
MÎgameÛamukhÌ, GajavËjimukhÌ, BidalamukhÌ, KrostramukhÌ, HrsvadirghamukhÌ,
LambodaramukhÌ, HrasvajanghËmukhÌ, Kakajangha LamboÛtÌ, PralamboÛtÌ.
MahËkËla mantra: OÑ HÍÑ MahËkËla praside praside HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË.
Jalagrahana mantra: OÑ vajrodake HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Two mantras for washing the feet:
OÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. OÑ HrÌÑ suvisuddha dharmagatri sarvapapani samaya sesa
vikalpanapanaya HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË.
Sprinkling the earth: OÑ raksa raksa HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Clearing obstacles: OÑ
sarvavighna utsaraya HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Encircling space: Om pavitra vajra bhume HÍÑ
PhaÖ SvËhË.
Seat mantra: Ah surekhe vajrarekhe HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Base of the seat mantra: OÑ
HrÌÑ adhara Éakti kamalasanaya Namah. Placing the flower: OÑ satabhiseke satabhiseke
Flower mantra: OÑ puspa keturajarhate sataye samyak samridaya puspe puspe
mahapuspe supuspe puspa sambhave puspa chayavakirne HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Purifying
hands, mouth and mind: OÑ AÑ HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Protecting the self: Raksa raksa
HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Kula gurus: PrahlËdËnanda NËtha, SanakËnanda NËtha, KumËrËnanda
NËtha, VasistËnanda NËtha, KrodhËnanda NËtha, SukhËnanda NËtha, DhyËnËnanda
NËtha, BodhËnananda NËtha, Kalananda NËtha. Line of gurus: ÉrÌguru, his guru, his
guru’s guru, his guru’s guru’s guru. Divyaugha line of gurus: MahËdevÌ, MahËdeva,
Sampradaya gurus: Vimala, Kusala, Bhimasena, Sukrakara, Mina, Goraksa,
Bhaumadeva, Prajapati, Muladeva, Rantideva, Vighnesavarahutasana, Santosa,
PÌtha Éaktis of KËlikË: Iccha, Jnana, Kriya, Kamini, Kamadayini, Rati,
Ratipriyananda, Manonmani. Single syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ. Triple syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ
Six syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ or AiÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HÍÑ
HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Ten syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike KrÌÑ SvËhË or HÍÑ HrÌÑ
KrÌÑ DakÛine HÍÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. Heart of KËlikË: OÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ SvËhË. Fourteen
syllable vidyË: OÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË.
Twenty one syllable vidyË: OÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ DakÛine
KËlike KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. Twenty three syllable vidyË: OÑ HrÌÑ
Twenty syllable vidyË: HrÌÑ HrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike KrÌÑ
KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ. Six syllable vidyË: OÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ me SvËhË. Three
syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ. Five syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ SvËhË. Eight
syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË.
Eleven syllable vidyË: AiÑ Namah KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KËlikËyai SvËhË or KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ
DakÛine KËlike SvËhË. Ten syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike PhaÖ.
Twenty syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike KrÌÑ
KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. Three syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ SvËhË. Five syllable
vidyË: KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. Eight syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KËlikËyai SvËhË. Nine
syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike SvËhË. Sixteen syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ
Eleven syllable vidyË: Namah AiÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KËlikËyai SvËhË. Nine syllable
vidyË: Namah OÑ OÑ KroÑ KroÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. Six syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ
PhaÖ SvËhË. Eight syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ SvËhË. Fourteen
Ten syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike PhaÖ. Eight syllable vidyË:
KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. Twenty syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ
Fifteen syllable vidyË: Namah AÑ KroÑ AÑ KroÑ PhaÖ SvËhË KËlikËlike HÍÑ.
Three syllable vidyË: HrÌÑ HÍÑ PhaÖ. Five syllables for subjugation: HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ
KrÌÑ KrÌÑ. Used in attraction: HÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ [root mantra] HÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ.
Used in attraction: HÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike SvËhË HÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ.
HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. GuhyËkËlikË fourteen syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ GuhyËkËlike
HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. DakÛiÙË KËlikË fifteen syllables: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ
HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike SvËhË.
GuhyËkËlikË nine syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ GuhyËkËlike KrÌÑ SvËhË. DakÛiÙË KËlikË
ten syllable vidyË: KrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike KrÌÑ SvËhË. Sixteen syllables: HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ
HrÌÑ DakÛine KËlike HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË.
DakÛiÙË KËlikË animal sacrifice mantra: AiÑ HrÌÑ come, come Paramesani, mother
of the world, giving birth to the world, take, take my animal sacrifice! Give, give me
success! Cause enemies to wane, make make! OÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ PhaÖ OÑ obeisance to
KËlikË PhaÖ SvËhË. GuhyËkËlikË animal sacrifice: HÍÑ Namah come, come O
GuhyËkËlikË! Take, take! Destroy my enemies! Destroy my enemies! Chew, chew!
Overpower, overpower! Cut, cut! Give siddhi, give siddhi! HÍÑ HÍÑ SvËhË.
Seat mantra of GuhyËkËlikË: OÑ HÍÑ to the great corpse of SadËÚiva which is the
seat of GuhyËkËlÌ, HÍÑ Namah. BhadrakËlÌ mantra: Haum KËlÌ MahËkËlÌ Kini Kini PhaÖ
SvËhË. BhadrakËlÌ mantra: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ BhadrËkËlyai KrÌÑ
KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. ÉmaÚËnakali mantra vidyË: KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ
HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. MahËkËlÌ mantra: OÑ ksrem ksrem krem krem, eat the
beast! PhaÖ SvËhË.
MahËkËlÌ mantra: Gridhrakarni 2 Virupaksi 2 Lambastani 2 Mahodari 2 Utpadaya 2
HÍÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. ÉmaÚËna KËlÌ mantra: AiÑ HrÌÑ ÉrÌÑ KlÌÑ KËlike KlÌÑ ÉrÌÑ HrÌÑ
KËlikË’s 1,000 syllable mantra: OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ OÑ
KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ (33)
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ
HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ HsauÑ (104)
AiÑ AiÑ AiÑ AiÑ AiÑ AiÑ AiÑ AiÑ (41)
SmaÚËna KËlikËyai GhorarÍpËyai ÉavËsanËyai Abhayakhadga MuÙadhËrinyai
DakÚiÙakËlike MuÙamali Caturbhujau NËgayajÕopavite
PrÌÑ PrÌÑ PrÌÑ PrÌÑ PrÌÑ (100)
KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ KlÌÑ (101) KroÑ (100)
TuÑ (100) GlauÑ (100) PhaÖ (17) SvËhË (7).
The word yantra means a machine, an instrument or a device, but has a particular
technical meaning in the tËntrik tradition. The DevÌ can be meditated on as sound
(mantra), as a geometrical shape (yantra) or using one of her images (mÍrtÌ).
The DevÌ yantras have certain elements in common. In the centre of the diagram
there is usually a downward pointing triangle. In the centre of this triangle there may be
a dot or bindu, representing her immanent nature. Each of the points of the central
triangle represents one of Her guÔas or qualities of active, passive and reconciling. The
triangle or group of triangles is surrounded by one or more rings of lotus petals, circles
and then an enclosing wall (the bhÍpura).
Unlike Tibetan maÙ×alas, yantras are nearly always worshipped flat, and represent
the generative organs of the goddess. They can be worshipped from the outside in or
from the inside out, depending on the nature of the Éakti. Unless a yantra is inscribed
with bÌja mantras, and infused with life, it remains merely a design. There are
thousands, probably tens of thousands of yantras, some of which relate to daily worship,
while others are specific to prayogas or specific applications or purposes.
The DakÛiÙË KËlÌ yantra conforms to the general pattern of all Éakti yantras but has
its own particular form (see diagram, facing title page). In the centre is a group of five
Each point represents one of the fifteen KËlÌ NityËs or eternities, one for each day
of the waning Moon.
In the eight petals are eight Bhairavas and eight BhairavÌs, coupling together.
Bhairava means terrifying, and these couples are particularised aspects of DakÛiÙË KËlikË
conforming to the eight tËntrik directions. This is also the Kaula circle where males and
females congregate on one of the dark days of the Moon to perform their uncanny rites.
Yantras can be drawn, engraved, painted or built on a variety of substances. The
classical eight surfaces are gold, silver, copper, crystal, birch (bhÍrja) bark, bone, hide
(which can include any kind of skin), and ViÚÙu stone (ÚËlagrËma). The Devirahasya
gives a rite for purifying each of these substances.
Yantra Purification
Éiva is the ÎÛi, tristubh the metre, ParËÚakti the devatË, ÉrÌÑ the bÌja, HrÌÑ the
Éakti and KlÌÑ the kÌlaka.
After doing hand and limb nyËsa, the sËdhaka should meditate on the throne of the
DevÌ as being in his heart. Then he should draw the yantra and place it on a gold-
coloured pedestal, installing breath into it. It can be smeared with kuÙ×a, gola or
udbhava menstrual blood, with the eight classical tËntrik perfumes or with a man’s
semen. The mantras differ for each of the eight materials.
Gold: AiÑ sauh AiÑ sauh cakreÚvari yantram sauvarnam ÚodhayaÚodhaya svËhË
Silver: OÑ ruÑ OÑ rajatam yantram Úodhaya Úodhaya. OÑ RuÑ OÑ. Purify,
purify the silver yantra.
Copper: OÑ kroÑ OÑ strÌÑ OÑ kroÑ tamreÚvari yantram me Úodhaya.
Crystal: OÑ ÉrÌÑ HrÌÑ OÑ kulambike Úodhaya Úodhaya.
Birch bark: OÑ HÍÑ ÚrÌÑ HrÌÑ prÌÑ RuddheÚvari parayantramÚodhaya.
Bone: OÑ AiÑ KlÌÑ sauh kapalamalini yantram Úodhaya svËhË.
Hide: OÑ ÉrÌÑ OÑ AiÑ KlÌÑ citasane yantram Úodhaya svËhË.
ÉËlagrËma: OÑ hsau AiÑ sauh KlÌÑ ÚrÌì ÚrÌÑ nitye viÚÙu sila yantramÚodhaya.
A yantra should receive ritual worship while the mantra is being recited. Then scent
and flowers should be offered and one should worship the appropriate DevÌ in the usual
form within it.
Before a yantra is used for pÍja or for particular magical actions, it must be given
life. Using the mËtÎkË letters, the sËdhaka creates a suitable vehicle in which the DevÌ
can indwell.
Kashmir Shaivism–which in many ways provides a framework and a philosophical
background to all the tËntrik schools of Hinduism–distinguishes thirteen or more
different forms of the AdyË Éakti KËlÌ. They are SÎÚti KËlÌ, SaÑhËra KËlÌ, Rakta KËlÌ,
Sva KËlÌ, Yama KËlÌ, MÎtyu KËlÌ, Rudra or BhadrË KËlÌ, ParamËrka KËlÌ, MËrtaÙda
KËlÌ, KËlËgni Rudra KËlÌ and MahË KËlÌ, with MahËbhairavaghoracaÙ×a KËlÌ being the
thirteenth, according to the TantrËloka of Abhinavagupta.
But whether these are identical with the other sets encountered is moot.
Abhinavagupta declares these twelve forms to be the ‘great cakra of the twelve rays’
which might well refer to a form of KËlÌ identified with the twelve signs of the zodiac.
Be that as it may, the form usually encountered in tËntrik literature is that of
DakÛiÙË KËlikË. In the KarpÍrËdistotra, she has dishevelled hair, a gaping mouth
trickling with blood, holding a sword in her upper left hand, a severed head in her lower
left hand, dispelling fears with her upper right hand and granting boons with her lower
left hand.
She is very youthful, has large rising breasts, wears a necklace of severed heads, a
girdle of dead men’s arms, and enjoys reverse sexual intercourse with MahËkËla in the
cremation ground. Around them are pyres, corpses, skulls, bones and jackals.
What then are we to make of this image? There are different ways of interpreting
this powerful scene. The rites DakÛiÙË KËlikË and MahËkËla engage in may hark back to
the days before Brahminism cast its Vedic rays upon the native aboriginal traditions of
the sub-continent. No one really knows.
We should not forget either that KËlikË is the DevÌ of the Kaula sect, which flouted
orthodoxy by engaging in practices not sanctioned by Veda including drinking alcohol,
having sex with the outcaste, and touching impure objects like dead bodies.
The antinomian Kaulas advised their disciples to look within, to a place where good
behaviour was determined not by etiquette but by what you really are.
The contrast between darkness and light is illustrated most graphically by KËlikË’s
fifteen NityËs, or eternities, each of which corresponds to one of the days of the waning
Moon. The beneficent side of the DevÌ is shown in the fifteen NityËs of LalitË, KËlÌ’s
counterpart. They represent the fifteen days of the waxing Moon. Although She changes
her form, just as the Moon waxes and wanes, She is one, not many. She is death (KËlÌ)
and sexuality (LalitË). And even though She destroys the universe, She also creates it.
Her spouse is Éiva in his form as MahËkËla, Great Time himself.
Mantra of MahËkËla: HÍÑ HÍÑ MahËkËla praside praside HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. Seer:
KËlikË. Metre: Virat. God: MahËkËla the form of all, without stain. Seed: HÍÑ. Éakti:
HrÌÑ. Linchpin: SvËhË. Meditation: With four arms and three eyes, the brilliance of
10,000,000 black fires of dissolution, in the midst of eight cremation grounds, adorned
with eight skulls, seated on five corpses, holding a trident, a damaru, a sword and a
kharpa in his left hand and in his right hands.
With a beautiful body adorned with ashes from the cremation ground, on various
corpses dallying with KËlikË, fondling her and making love with her and fiercely kissing
her, surrounded by numbers of loudly shrieking vultures and jackals, adorned with a
heap of braided hair, in a deserted place.
KËlikË is of the form of the void, ornamented with skulls, with a sweet and
charming face, in the midst of that five-fold love-yantra. Her yoni is known to be the
wheel of time (kalacakra).
Various Meditations
Meditate on GaÙapati in the MÍlËdhËra, in the liÔga on GaÙapati’s beloved one, in the
navel Vatuka NËtha, in the heart on Vatuka NËtha’s beloved one, in the throat OddÌyËna
PÌÖha, in the brow the auspicious blazing one, in the forehead Karavira, and in the lock
of hair KÛetrapala.
Meditate on DevÌ KËlikË in the triangle, in the six petals the six limbs, in the navel
the Éaktis of the directions, in the heart the twelve suns, in the throat the sixteen kalas
of the moon, in the two-petalled lotus Kala and KËlÌ together.
On the head KËlikË, the mother holding dominion over the void; in the forehead
the KhecarÌ; on the brow the Dikcari; in the heart the Gocari; in the navel the BhÍcari;
in the liÔga the Khaga; and in the MÍlËdhËra Vicitra.
In the forehead the sun, in the right eye the lord of time, in the left eye the lord of
fire, in the throat KËlikË, in the heart the demon-born, in the navel the demon Siddhas.
Meditate in the head on BrËhmÌ with Manthana-Bhairava; in the forehead
MËheÚvarÌ with ÊaÖcakra-Bhairava; in the throat KaumËrÌ with PhaÖkara Bhairava; in the
heart VaiÛÙavÌ with VibhakÛa Bhairava; in the navel VËrËhÌ with VireÚa Bhairava; in the
genitals IndrËnÌ with ÉrÌmanteÚvara Bhairava; in the MÍlËdhËra CËmuÙ×Ë with HaÑsa
Garbha Bhairava; in all the limbs MahËlakÛmÌ with CandikeÚvara Bhairava. The yantra
is: triangle, 6 petals, 10 petals, 12 petals, 16 petals, 2 petals, 1,000 petals.
The DevÌ KËlÌ has many forms. Kashmir Shaivism speaks of twelve KËlÌs, while in other
parts of India she is and was worshipped as MahaKËlÌ, DakÛiÙË KËlÌka, ShmashanaKËlÌ,
BhadraKËlÌ, KamaKËlÌ, and GuhyaKËlÌ, amongst many others.
The GuhyËkËlikË section (khanda) of MahËkËlasamhitË is a voluminous work,
comprising many thousands of Úlokas (verses) and with GuhyËkËlikË (Secret KËlÌka) as
its focus. But the work also covers a number of other tantrik topics in equally great
detail, and along the way also includes subjects rarely referred to in other published
The work follows the usual tantrik formula, with MahËkËla answering questions
posed to him by his spouse, KËlÌ. MahËkËla opens the GuhyËkËlikË section of the
MahËkËlasamhitË by saying he will reveal the mantra, yantras, meditation forms
(dhyËna) and rules of worship relating to GuhyËkËli, which, he says, have been
previously hidden. There are eighteen GuhyËkËli mantras, he says.
GuhyËkËli, he says, has forms with 100, 60, 36, 30, 20, 10, five, three, two and one
faces. Different mantras correspond to these different forms, which he then reveals,
using the usual codes for the different letters of the Sanskrit alphabet employed in other
MahËkËla starts to talk about GuhyËkËli when she is on her lion seat (simhasana),
and gives meditations for the guardians of the directions (dikpËla), and the five great
corpses, forms of Éiva, upon which she sits. There is a sixth piÖha, Bhairava. He is
described as black in colour, with four arms, terrifying and the cause of fear. He has
five faces, each with three eyes. In his left hands he holds a skull staff (khatvanga) and
scissors, and in his right a skull and the hour glass shaped damaru. He is adorned with a
garland of skulls, and is fanged. Lying, on an eight petalled lotus above Bhairava is a
two-armed form of Éiva, clothed in tiger skin and holding a skull-staff and a trident.
The four petals of the major directions represent dharma (duty), jÕËna (knowledge),
vairagya (dispassion) and aishvarya (dominion).
The 10-faced form of GuhyËkËli is then described. She has 27 eyes, with some
faces having two, and other three, eyes. Each of her faces represents a different female
animal aspect of GuhyËkËli and is of a different hue. For example, her upper face is
called Dvipika (a leopard or possibly a panther), then comes Keshari (a lion) which is
white, Pheru ( jackal) which is black, then Vanara (a monkey) which is red, Riksha (a
bear) which is purple, Nara (a woman) which is of a cochineal colour, Garuda which
tawny, Makara (a crocodile) which is turmeric colour (yellow), Gaja (elephant) which is
of a golden colour, and Haya (horse) which is of a dark or dusky (shyama) colour.
The human face is on GuhyËkËli’s shoulders. To the left of that face is the
crocodile, above that the horse and above that the bear. To the right of her face is the
Garuda, the elephant, and the monkey. On the top of her head is the monkey face,
above that the lioness face, and above that the leopardess.
GuhyËkËli’s human face has great, fierce sharp fangs, she laughs very loudly, while
streams of blood pour from her mouth. She has a rolling tongue and is adorned with
garlands of skulls, with earrings also of skulls. The mother of the universe
(jagadambika) has 54 arms each of which holds a weapon. Her right hands hold a
jewelled rosary, a skull, a shield, a noose, a Úakti missile, a skull-staff, a bhushundi
weapon, a bow, a discus, a bell, a young corpse, a mongoose (?), a rock, a man’s
skeleton, a bamboo stave, a serpent, a plough, a fire hearth, a damaru, an iron mace, a
small spear (bhindipala – it could mean a sling), a hammer, a spear, a barbed hook, a
club studded with metal nails (shataghni). Her right hands hold a jewelled rosary,
scissors, make the gestures (mudrË) of threatening, a goad, a danda, a jewelled pot, a
trident, five arrows and so forth.
In the same work there is a nyËsa specifically for the 10 faces of this form of the
goddess. Here, the faces are related to the 1,000 petalled lotus, the mouth, the right eye,
the left eye, the right nostril, the left nostril, the right cheek, the left cheek, the right ear
and the left ear.
GuhyËkËli has three major forms, corresponding to creation, maintenance and
destruction, a little like a very much darker form of Tripurasundari.
Chapter five of the GuhyËkËlikËkhanda describes 18 yantras of the DevÌ,
corresponding to the 18 separate mantras mentioned earlier.
The first consists of a bindu, a triangle, a hexagon, a pentagon, a circle, 16 petals,
eight petals and four doors, adorned with tridents and skulls. This relates to GuhyËkËli’s
one letter mantra, which is PhreÑ.
GuhyËkËli dwells within the centre of eight cremation grounds, whose names are
Mahaghora, Kaladanda, Jvalakula, Chandapasha, Kapalika, Dhumakula, Bhimangara, and
Bhutanatha. Her worship honours the Vetalas (vampires), eight tridents, vajras, jackals
and corpses, Bhairavas, dakinis, CËmuÙ×Ës, Kshetrapalas, Ganapatis and other denizens
of the cremation ground.
KËmakalËkËlÌ, MahËkËlÌ
According to Hindi book ÉrÌ ÉrÌkËlÌ Kalpataru, the nine forms of KËlÌ are DakÛiÙa
KËlÌ, BhadrakËlÌ, ÉmaÚËna KËlÌ, GuhyakËlÌ, KËmakalËkËlÌ, DhanakËlÌ, SiddhikËlÌ, and
Her mantra has 18 syllables and is KlÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ KroÑ SphroÑ KËmakalË KËlÌ
SphroÑ KroÑ HÍÑ KrÌÑ KlÌÑ SvËhË.
MahËkËlÌ, according to the same work, is jet black and tusked, with wide rolling
eyes and a slender waist, carrying in her four hands a staff, a cleaver, a bowl and a skull
KËlÌ HÎdËyam
ÉrÌ MahËkËla said: Listen, dearest, to DakÛiÙË’s supreme secret, very hidden and
difficult to obtain, her very marvellous hymn known as the Hrdaya. Unvocalised before,
I reveal it now because of your love. It should be concealed from others! This is true,
true, O Mountain Born One.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Éambhu MaheÚvara, ocean of compassion, in which yuga did my
hymn arise, and how was it created?
ÉrÌ MahËkËla said: A long time ago I decapitated Prajapati, and due to this evil act
of slaying a brahmana came to be Bhairava. I created this hymn to destroy the sin of
brahminicide, dearest. This hymn destroys the consequence of killing brahmins.
Application: OÑ. ÉrÌ MahËkËla is the ÎÛi of this heart mantra of ÉrÌ DakÛiÙË
KËlikË. UÛÙik is the metre. ÉrÌ DakÛiÙË KËlikË is the devatË. KrÌÑ is the bÌja. HrÌÑ is
the Éakti. Namah is the peg. Its application follows from its continual recitation.
Heart nyËsa etc.
OÑ. KrËÑ to the heart namah.
OÑ. KrÌÑ to the head svaha.
OÑ. KrÍÑ to the peak vasat.
OÑ. KraiÑ to the armour hum.
OÑ. KrauÑ to the three eyes vausat.
OÑ. Krah to the missile PhaÖ.
Meditate on KËlÌ MahËmËyË with three eyes, of different forms, with four arms, a
rolling tongue, bright as a full moon, the colour of a blue night lotus, dispeller of the
assembly of enemies, holding a man’s skull, a sword, a lotus, and giving boons.
Her mouth is bloody and fanged, she has a fear inspiring form, she is addicted to
very loud laughter and completely naked.
The DevÌ sits on a corpse and is adorned with a garland of skulls. After meditating
on MahËdevÌ like this, then read the Hrdaya.
OÑ KËlikË, primordial and terrifying form, bestower of the fruit of all desires,
hymned by all gods, destroy my enemies.
HrÌÑ, you who are the essence of HrÌÑ, the most excellent thing in the three
worlds, hard to obtain, out of love for me, deny anything whatsoever to he whom I
Now I speak of the meditation, O supreme self, the essence of night. Whoever
knows this becomes liberated while still living.
Meditate on her having dishevelled and matted hair, decorated with strings of
serpents, a half moon as her diadem, in union with MahËkËla.
Boon giver, visualising her like this causes all people to become liberated in every
way. This is true, true.
Now listen to the yantra of the supreme goddess, the giver of success in whatsoever
is desired. Hide this greatly quintessential secret of secrets with every effort.
The KËlÌ yantra, the giver of true siddhi, is made from five triangles, an eight petal
lotus, surrounded by a bhupura, and encompassed by skulls and funeral pyres.
The mantra, previously spoken of, should always be worn on the body dearest!
Now DevÌ DakÛiÙË KËlÌ’s garland of names is revealed: KËlÌ, DakÛiÙË KËlÌ, black
of body, the supreme self, wearing a garland of skulls, large eyed, cause of creation and
dissolution, self of maintenance, MahËmËyË, the power of yoga, the essence of good
fortune, the female serpent, intoxicated with wine, the sacrificial offering, with the
vagina as her banner, primordial one, always ninefold, terrifying, the greatly effulgent
one, formidable, with a corpse as her vehicle, Siddhi LakÛmÌ, Niruddha, Sarasvati.
Whoever recites this garland of names daily causes me to become their slave.
MËheÚvarÌ, this is true, true.
KËlÌ, destroyer of time, goddess of skeletal form, taking the form of a raven,
blacker than black, I worship you O DakÛiÙË KËlikË!
I bow to you KËlikË, MahËraudri, fond of the night, DevÌ liking kuÙ×a, gola and
svayambhÍ flowers.
I bow to you DÍtÌ, the DÍtÌ causing yoga to arise from sexual intercourse, you who
are the great DÍtÌ, fond of DÍtÌs, the supreme DÍtÌ, the Lady of Yoga.
Those who recite the mantra KrÌÑ seven times over water and then sprinkle
themselves with it destroy all disease. There is no question about this.
Those who seek any object who charge sandal paste with the great mantra KrÌÑ
SvËhË and then make a forehead mark of it become the most intelligent of people, and
always able to subjugate.
Dearest, those who offer unhusked rice while reciting the mantra KrÌÑ Hram HrÌÑ
seven times, destroy great worries and obstacles, there is no doubt of it.
Those who pronounce the mantra KrÌÑ HrÌÑ HrÍÑ SvËhË over the cremation pyre,
then encircle the house of their enemies with the ashes kill their enemies.
Those who offer seven flowers and pronounce the mantra HrÍÑ HrÌÑ KrÌÑ uproot
their foes, no doubt of it.
If, after reciting KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ, while offering unhusked rice, it causes the object
of attraction to swiftly come from a distance of even 1,000 yojanas.
Those who recite the mantra KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HrÍÑ HrÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ seven times,
purifying water and making a forehead mark of it, delude the whole world.
ParËmeÚanÌ, this HÎdaya is the destroyer of all evil, a million million times greater
than AÚvamedha and other sacrifices.
The fruit it gives is one million million times better than the offerings given to
Its results, it is said, are greater by one million million than those obtained from
offering to DÍtÌs.
It is a million times greater than the results obtained from bathing in the Ganges
and other sacred waters. Reciting it only once bestows these results. This is true, true, I
swear it.
The initiated person who, after worshipping a kumari of beautiful form, and then
recites this hymn, becomes liberated whilst living, O MaheÚËni
Worship of KËlÌ
Now I speak of the ritual injunction which is the all-nectar-giver of the DevÌ. Doing this,
the person becomes like Bhairava.
Firstly, I speak of yantra, the knowing of which conquers death. At first draw a
triangle. Outside, draw another. Then draw three more triangles. Draw a circle and then
a beautiful lotus. Then draw another circle and then a bhupura with four lines and four
doors. This is how the cakra should be drawn.
Worship the guru line, the six limbs, and the dikpËlas. Then the mantrin should
place his head at the feet of the guru.
O dearest one, after worshipping the pedestal, set down the offering. Place the
mantra in the six limbs. Then, within the heart lotus, the ultimate Kala blossoms.
Place her in the centre of the yantra by invoking her (via the breath). After
meditating on the great goddess, dedicate the ritual offerings. Bow to MahËdevÌ and then
worship the surrounding deities.
Worship KËlÌ, KapËlinÌ, KullË, KurukullË, VirodhinÌ, VipracittË in the six angles.
Then UgrË, UgraprabhË, DÌptË in the middle. Then NÌlË, GhanË and BalËkË in the inner
angle. Then MËtrË, MudrË and MitË within this triangle, and then the very dusky one
holding the sword, adorned with human skulls, with her left hand showing the
threatening mudrË and having a pure smile.
Worship the eight mothers BrËhmÌ, NËrËyaÙÌ, MËheÚvarÌ, CËmuÙdË, KaumËrÌ,
AparËjitË, VËrËhÌ and NËrasiÑhÌ.
In equal shares, give these devis animal sacrifice and worship them, smearing them
with scent and offering incense and flame. After doing the pÍja, worship using the root
Give food and so forth to the DevÌ again and again. The sËdhaka should offer
flame ten times. So also he should offer flower with mantra according to the rules of
After meditating on DevÌ, recite the mantra 1,008 times. The fruit of reciting,
which is light, place in the hands of the DevÌ.
Then, placing the flower on the head, do prostration. With supreme devotion, then
rub out (the yantra).
KËlÌ’s Attendants
DakÛiÙË KËlikË is worshipped in the centre of the yantra, while her attendants are
worshipped in the triangles and the petals of the diagram. This is the pÍja order for
KËlÌ’s attendants. OÑ KËlÌ ÉrÌpËdukËÑ pÍjayËmi namah. OÑ KapËlinÌ ÉrÌpËdukËÑ
pÍjayËmi namah. &c for the 15 NityËs. The eight mothers are worshipped in the eight
petals starting from the east.
As the KËlÌ yantra faces north, this is the petal on the right hand side of the yantra
with the apex of the triangle facing towards the sËdhaka. OÑ AÑ BrËhmÌ ÚrÌpËdukËÑ
pÍjayËmi namah; OÑ AÑ ÉrÌ NËrËyaÙÌ ÚrÌpËdukËÑ pÍjayËmi namah; OÑ AÑ MËheÚvarÌ
ÚrÌpËdukËÑ pÍjayËmi namah (south) and so forth for the rest of the mothers with their
appropriate mËtÎkË letters.
Then the eight Bhairavas are worshipped in an anti-clockwise direction. These are
AsitËÔga, Ruru, Canda, Krodha, Unmatta, KapËli, BhÌÛaÙa and SaÑhËra. Each name is
preceded by AiÑ HrÌÑ and the respective vowel letter, that is AÑ, IÑ and so forth and
followed by ÚrÌpËdukËÑ pÍjayËmi namah.
These are worshipped with the eight BhairavÌs enumerated as BhairavÌ,
MahËbhairavÌ, SiÑhabhairavÌ, DhÍmrabhairavÌ, BhÌmbhairavÌ, UnmattabhairavÌ,
VaÚÌkaraÙabhairavÌ and MohanabhairavÌ, followed by ÚrÌpËdukËÑ pÍjayËmi namah.
Then the eight guardians of the directions receive offerings. These are Indra, Vahni,
Yama, NiÎÎiti, VaruÙa, VËyu, Kubera. ÚËna, BrahmË, ViÚÙu. These are worshipped from
the east in an anti-clockwise direction.
Their bÌja mantras are LaÑ, RaÑ, YaÑ, KÛaÑ, VaÑ, YaÑ, IÑ, HoÑ, HrÌÑ
Then their appropriate weapons receive pÍja. These are the missile, the thunderbolt,
the dart, the staff, the sword, the noose, the hook, the goad, the trident, the lotus and the
Each is preceded by the appropriate vowel letter AÑ etc., followed by ÚrÌpËdukËÑ
pÍjayËmi namah.
KËlÌ’s weapons are then worshipped. These are the sword in her upper left hand,
the severed head in her lower left, the gesture dispelling fear with her upper right hand
and the gesture granting boons with her lower right hand.
When KËlÌ is installed within the yantra, and her pÍja means she is actually there as the
DevÌ who comes from the centre of your heart onto the diagram through a flower, she is
worshipped with all good things, including song, dance, love, wine and pleasure.
While those of a paÚu or herdlike disposition also sing, dance, love, drink and have
pleasure, they forget that she dwells in the centre of their spines in the form of ultimate
bliss and that all these pleasures are strong and earthly shapes of DevÌ.
Women and men bring her into being by chanting her names, her names which are
their own names and remind them of their oneness with the ultimate source of all,
beyond Time and Space. It is She who enjoys.
There are as many adjectives to describe KËlikË as there are couplings of one letter
of the alphabet with the other. But hymning her in her yantra reminds her devotees of
this and affirms their unity with the MËtÎkË DevÌ, the one source of all.
The 100 Names of KËlÌ
The ÎÛi is SadËÚiva, the metre is Anustubh, the DevÌ is MahËkËlÌ, its application is the
four aims of mankind.
MahËkËlÌ, supporter of the universe, mother of the universe, consisting of the
universe, world mother, quintessential one of the universe, cause of the bliss of the
universe, dissolver of the universe, golden one (Gauri), destructress of sorrow and
poverty, always in Bhairava’s thoughts.
Endless meditation, giver of poesy, giver of the four aims of mankind, virtuous,
most auspicious of all, BhadrakËlÌ, large eyed one, giver of sexuality, self of time, blue
goddess of speech, greatly golden in all limbs, beautiful, giver of all prosperity,
terrifying noise, high born woman who bestows boons.
Vararoha, seated on Éiva, killing the anti-god Mahisasura, worshipped by Éiva,
beloved of Éiva, worshipped by Danava Indra, consisting of all knowledge, giving the
fruit of every possible desire, soft limbed, who bears all, who gives birth to all and gives
boons, whose face is like the Full Moon, the colour of a dark blue raincloud, carrying
KurukullË, VipracittË, charming heart, intoxicated with wine, with wanton limbs,
beloved of the God of Love, whose eyes move with love, desirous of love, playful
goddess holding a sword and a human head, with a garland of human skulls, holding a
sword, instilling fear.
Laughing very much, lotus, adorned with red lotuses, bestowing boons and
dispelling fear, KËlÌ, true form of the night of time, Svadha, SvËhË, the mantra Vasat,
effulgent as the autumn Moon, autumn moonlight, cooling, engaged in reverse sexual
intercourse, with dishevelled hair, with playful braided locks, reigning over all.
Terrifying, greater than any king, situated in the cremation ground, praised by the
great Nandi, with flaming eyes, engaged in love making on a corpse, delightful, whose
feet are served by siddhas, fond of animal sacrifice, womb, true form of the three
worlds, GËyatrÌ, Savitri.
MahËnÌlasarasvatÌ, with the characteristics of LakÛmÌ, clothed in tiger skin, pure,
marked with three lines, praised by the Gandharvas, Moon, ultimately great, beneficent,
supreme, MËyË, MahËmËyË, great womb of all.
KËlÌ is powerful in her protection. If she wished and if she willed, she could catch an
injured sparrow as it fell from the sky and set it gently on the ground. So, wearing her
armour gives the utmost protection to her devotees and inspires self-remembering of
unity with her.
The armours or kavacas in this section are prescribed for those beset by anxiety or
who forget in the melee of life that she, the Supreme Mother, is always with them.
They may be written or recited. And if they are written on cloth or birch bark the
document created may be made into an amulet, sealed into a shape, and worn for
protection, so inspiring confidence and faith and banishing fears.
The first amulet is based on the root mantra of KËlÌ which runs OÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ
SvËhË. This 23-syllable mantra is known as the king of KËlÌ mantras and an entire hymn
is based on it–Hymn to KËlÌ, translated by Sir John Woodroffe.
The Éambhu MahËkËla Éani armour is of considerable interest as it aligns Éani
(Saturn) with MahËkËla and MÎtyunjaya, which is a form of Éiva as “conqueror of
death”. There were traditionally five schools of tantra - Éani became aligned with the
sun god. This particular armour relates this aspect to the different divisions of time and
KËlÌ Armour
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Bhagavan, Lord of all Devas, bowed to by all bhutas, you have told me
everything but you have not revealed the kavaca. Speak of that, best of gods, if you
have love for me.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Siddha KËlÌ protect my head! DakÛiÙË protect my forehead. KËlÌ,
always protect my mouth. KapËlÌ, protect my eyes. KullË, always protect my cheeks.
KurukullikË, protect my mouth.
VirodhinÌ, protect my base, VipracittË, protect my lips.
UgrË, always protect my ears. UgraprabhË, shield my nostrils. DÌptË, protect my
throat, NÌlË, be protective of my lower throat.
GhanË, shield my chest area, MËtrË, protect my back always. MudrË, always shield
my navel, MitË, guard my liÔga. RatipriyË, protect the root of my penis, SivapriyË,
guard my anus.
Nirrutara Tantra
Kaula UpaniÛad
May the Kaulika triumph! May Varuni triumph! May truth triumph! May fire triumph!
May all living things triumph!
Hail to the absolute. Hail to earth! hail to air! Hail to guru! You are like the
universe! You are that, self evidently!
I will speak of the divine law. I will speak the truth. That must protect me! That
source of speech must protect me! Protect my speech! Protect my speech. OÑ Úanti Úanti
Now the investigation into dharma. (It is) knowledge and mind. It is the unified
cause of both knowledge and liberation. The siddhi coming from oneself arises from
liberation. The five objects of the senses constitute the expanded cosmos. Knowledge is
the essence of all this. Yoga is liberation.
The absolute without parts (adharmË) is the creator. Ignorance is the same as
knowledge. IÚvara, the lord, is the cosmos. The eternal is the same as the transitory.
Knowledge is identical with ignorance. AdharmË is dharma. This is liberation. The five
bonds constitute the essence of real knowledge. The pinda is the producer of all. In that
is liberation.
This is real knowledge. Of all the senses, the eye is the chief. Behave in a way
opposite to that expected. Do not do this devoid of rightness. All this is the essence of
The amnËya is not to be found in knowledge. Guru is unity. All is oneness within
the mind. Siddhi does not exist in the uninitiated. Abandon pride and so forth.
One should not reveal this. Do not discuss this with paÚus. Even weak argument
may contain the truth. Do not make distinctions. Do not speak of the secret of self. One
may speak of it to a pupil (only).
Within, a ÉËkta; outwardly a Éaivite; in the world a VaiÛÙava. This is the rule.
Liberation comes from knowledge of self.
Condemn not others such as adhyatmika. Do not perform vows. Do not establish
yourself on restraint. Binding oneself is not liberation. A Kaula should not practice
outwardly. One becomes equal to all. One becomes liberated.
One may read these sutras at sunrise. One attains the siddhi of knowledge. This is
the knowledge of self or ParameÚvarÌ.
May the Kaula triumph! OÑ Úanti Úanti Úanti. The Kaula UpaniÛad is complete.
Second Patala
DevÌ said: Dear son, now I will speak of bathing, the vehicle of Kula happiness. I have
various forms (coloured) black, red, yellow and blue. Whichever pupil on the path of
Kula goes to bathe, attains my form. Everything, heaven and hell, originates on earth.
After sipping water, strew the Kula place with grass and Kula flowers and place durva
grass, sesame oil and water in the Kula vessel.
After satisfying the Kuladeva, bathe. At first performing resolution, then draw the Kula
Cakra on the (surface) of the water. Bow to the Kula trees, and using the Kula mudra
called AnkuÚa<$FThe hook gesture.>, the Kula should invoke the Kula tirthas (into the
water). After drinking the water three times, bathe body three times. Dedicate the
offering to the deva of the Kula tree three times.
Using the Kula water, oblate the devas, the ancestors and the ÎÛis. Again, after
meditating on the Kulas, offer water to the Kula devas again. In the BhairavÌ Tantra
there are verses relating to this knowledge: Bhairavaya devaya. Creation came from
Bhairava. Offer to Bhairava, pronouncing this mantra. After giving a suitable offering,
meditate on the being of Bhairava-BhairavÌ, offering the remainder.
Deva, by meditating in this manner, I bestow grace, whether the rite be that of
ancestors, Sakti, offering, bathing or limb pÍja, there is no doubt about this. After
satisfying (DevÌ), offer the remainder to the people pervading the world who have this
thing. Then rise, don the Kula robe, and envelop oneself in Kula.
Making a forehead mark of the Kula type, sip water again. Pay respect to the Kula pÌtha
and do worship of the Kuladeva.
After satisfying the guardian of the door by suitable song, dance, speech and so forth,
one should collect the Kula elements and purify the Kula seat. The Kula seat duly
prepared, then strew the area with suitable pleasant things. Sitting on the Kula seat, and
binding the hair, do the ritual of Guru pÍja.
A person should purify himself, the area of ritual work, and his own body. Sipping the
offering, the wise person should then worship the Kula istadevata. Do the pÍja with
initiates, with adepts, with young maidens, with Kula people, and with those devoted to
devatË and guru.
Various kinds of flowers and different sorts of scents should be present and one should
don clothes scented with camphor and incense, smeared with scented powder. Offer
tambula and various other pleasant substances, giving incense and fire first.
A Kaulika should wear all kinds of jewels and gems, and, reciting the root vidya, should
sprinkle the place with water. All the substances should be on the right, while the
offering (arghya) should be on the left. The Kula substances should be to the west of the
Making a yantra using different menstrual flowers such as svayambhu and different red
materials like rocana, lac, kumkuma, and red sandalwood, one should do the pÍja,
afterwards offering recitation. After reciting the Éakti mantra and praising her, then do
the dismissal. Circle, and then prostrate yourself in front of the young woman there
present. After previously offering the essence of the Kula nectar to the guru, one should
then eat food.
One should worship the young woman and she should worship you. Conceal the design
of the yantra in the secret place of the 1,000 petal lotus. Only impart this to a Kulina
and never to atheists, fools, paÚus or brahmanas, otherwise one meets with death.
Folk having gone at night to the cremation ground or to a Kula house and placing in the
centre of flowers and sweet scents the highest Kula thing, should, in the company of
Kulas, within the Kulacakra, draw a Kulayantra containing the name of the object to be
accomplished. After first writing one's own name, accomplish the sËdhana following the
rules of the Kulacara. The sËdhaka should do the sËdhana with his own and other Éaktis.
Dear son, now listen to the rules relating to unification with ParËÚakti. Embrace one's
own partner, who should be very beautiful and very alluring. One should act as the guru
to the Kula devotee, and should initiate her into the path of Kula.
(She should) show in her eyes the very blissful essence, be Kula born, be faithful and
very wise, inwardly protective of the guru, with her mouth full of tambula.
You should worship her as if she were your own daughter. Then draw on her forehead a
Éakti Cakra of three concentric circles, within this writing the KËmakalË
mantra<$FKËmakalË is the love digit. “In the place of KËma which is in the centre of
the place of KËma in the middle of KËma one should make a hole. By KËma one should
do KËma and should place KËma within KËma. After making yourself a lover by KËma,
in the place of KËma, one may agitate the world.” This verse from the VËmakeÚvarÌ
Tantra reveals the mantra HrÌÑ KlÌÑ AiÑ BlÍÑ StrÌÑ. These are the five arrows of the
goddess of love.>. In the centre, using mantra, write the name of the object to be
attained. Inside this, invoke DevÌ and after meditating on her, worship her.
Then pronounce the ÎÛi, metre and root mantra into the ear of your daughter, three times
in her left ear.
Son, now listen to the sexual embrace in Kula pÍja. A knower of Kula should worship
she who is wanton and free from shame, doing the actions according to the guidance of
the guru. After being initiated, prostrate yourself like a stick on the ground.
Say Save me! O Lord of Kula, who with your Padmini is on the path of Kula! May the
shadow of your lotus feet fall on my head, O Princely One! After giving daksina to the
guru with eyes full of love and tambula in his mouth, accomplish whatever you want
with your own Kula Éakti.
If, firstly, you do not do limb and avarana pÍja, then you are not a Kula. After first
meditating on one's own guru as being above one, the very essence of Kula nectar, and
after oblating that deva, then one may recite mantra.
Third Patala
Now I speak to you of worship at night in one's own Kula. The Éakti should be seated
on your left hand side on a mattress, adorned with red clothes, bejewelled with gold,
smeared with red scents, garlanded with flowers, perfumed, wearing bright things, very
beautiful, wearing lovely clothes, with eyes like shy blossoms, slender, with large full
On her forehead, draw a beautiful yantra and in this write the object to be accomplished.
Draw the same on her shoulders, arms, breasts and stomach. Her mouth should be filled
with tambula and Kula substances. After doing recitation of the Kulakula mantra, one
attains the desired for thing immediately.
She comes from a distance of 100 yojanas, across rivers and mountains, across 1,000
isles, free of restraint, with agitated eyes, shedding love juice profusely, trembling, the
circle of her beautiful buttocks swaying, her heart full of love for the sËdhaka, boldly
coming ever closer, coming to sit with the sËdhaka, moving like the devatË. Attracted to
him in this way, a sËdhaka achieves success and becomes a Kaulika.
Unless she is initiated and young, how is it possible to accomplish KulapÍja? There can
be no KulapÍja, dearest, unless she has previously obtained the Kula mantra. When other
than young, dear son, it is as if she were one with the guru (?).
In her left ear, recite the mantra while sprinkling her (with Kula nectar). MahËdeva, now
listen. I will expound this mantra to you. AiÑ KlÌÑ Sauh TripurËyai imam Éaktim
pavitram mama Éakti kuru SvËhË. This mantra has 26 syllables (?). O Deva, purify the
Éakti using this mantra.
Brahmin-girl, warrior-girl, merchant-girl, slave-girl, Kulini, daughter of a barber, washer-
girl, yogini; these are the eight girls.
Each woman is equivalent to a Kula maiden. Hold the Kula cakra at a crossroads, close
to a river, at the root of a bilva tree, actually within the cremation ground, during a
feast, in a palace or whatever, O Holder of the Trident!
Draw, dear son, a great yantra using powdered vermilion, and strew on it the names of
the object you want to accomplish!
Use couch grass. Worship according to the rule and enter the Kula using the essence of
Kula. Worship therein according to the due prescription and create the Kula using the
essence of Kula!
Offering wine within the Kula area, devoted souls should then worship beautiful young
women, duly initiated, wearing (silken) robes, garlands and so forth, giving them food,
good milk and all the rest.
To start, give (these maidens) food you have cooked yourself (dear son). (Examples
follow): different sorts of cake, curd, milk, ghee, buttertmilk, candies. Offer different
side-dishes flaboured [for example] with crushed saffron and essences of variegated
sources (drawn from) the art of cookery.
Try offering jackfruit, polished cardamoms, washed lemons, pomegranates and different
other pleasant fruits [all the while] smearing the maidens with a variety of scents and
Try offering them sandalwood, musk, saffron, fresh green sprouts of pallava, borax,
blossoms of the Lodhra tree, things from the water, items from the forest. Bring [your
beautiful Éaktis] different jewels, and decorate them – in turn – with very precious
jewels of different kinds.
Do the worship in a private place, and give offerings and also do purifications. Once [a
sËdhaka] has caused the Kula amrta to flow, he should bow in front of the Éaktis.
He should bow to each of the Éaktis, in turn, and should call out their names, starting
with the Brahmini. Asking each to take a seat, a sËdhaka should make sure each one has
a seat. Then he should give them offerings, water to drink, water for each [beautiful
goddess] to wash her toes, honey-flavoured water, and water yet again.
If they are uninitiated, [the sËdhaka] should say HrÌÑ to each. O truly beauteous One, he
should feed them in the centre of a pavilion using golden plates.Then he should recite
the hymn.
OÑ hail to you Mother DevÌ!
Stainless soul, the essence of BrahmË.
Through your compassion remove obstacles and bestow siddhi on me!
MËheÚÌ, giver of blessings!
DevÌ, the form of supreme bliss!
Through your compassion &c.
KaumËrÌ, who dallies with KumËra,
Lady of all Knowledge,
Through your compassion &c.
VaiÛÙavÌ, carried on Garuda's wings,
The very self of ViÚÙu,
Through your compassion &c.
VËrËhÌ DevÌ, giver of blessings,
Who lifted the earth on your tusks,
Through your compassion &c.
DevÌ, you are AindrÌ, worshipped by all the gods and Indra.
Through your compassion &c.
CËmuÙ~Ë, smeared with blood, dressed in a garland of severed heads,
You destroy fear!
Through your compassion &c.
MahËlakÚmÌ MahËmËyË, you destroy anxiety and sorrow.
Through your compassion &c.
DevÌ you are the goddess, father and mother both!
You take the place of our father and mother!
Although one, you are many, in the form of the cosmos!
Hail to you DevÌ, hail!
Fourth Patala
Dear son, my secret originates in simple practice. Those lacking this do not obtain
success even in one hundred koti of births. Folk following the path of Kula and the
KulaÚËstras are broad minded, from following the path of ViÛÙu, patient of insult, and
always doing good to others.
One should go to the temple of a deva, or to a deserted place, free of people, an empty
place, to a crossroads or to an island. There, one should recite the mantra and, having
bowed, become one with divinity and free from sorrow.
Bow to MahËkËlÌ if you see a vulture, a she-jackal, a raven, an osprey, a hawk, a crow
or a black cat, saying: “O Origin of all, greatly terrifying one, with dishevelled hair,
fond of flesh offering, charming one of Kulacara, I bow to you, Sankara's beloved!”
If you should see a cremation ground or a corpse, circumambulate. Bowing to them, and
reciting a mantra, a mantrin becomes happy: “O you with terrible fangs, cruel eyed one,
roaring like a raging sow! Destroyer of life! O mother of sweet and terrifying sound, I
bow to you, dweller in the cremation ground.”
If you should see a red flower or red clothes – the essence of TripurË – prostrate
yourself like a stick on the ground and recite the following mantra: “TripurË, destroyer
of fear, coloured red as a bandhuka blossom! Supremely beautiful one, hail to you, giver
of boons.”
If you should see a dark blue flower, a king, a prince, elephant, horse, chariot, swords,
blossoms, a vÌra, a buffalo, a Kuladeva, or an image of MahiÛamardinÌ – bow to
Jayadurga to become free of obstacles. Say: “Jaya DevÌ! Support of the universe! Mother
TripurË! Triple divinity!”
If you should see a wine jar, fish, meat or a beautiful woman, bow to BhairavÌ DevÌ,
saying this mantra: “O destructress of terrifying obstacles! Grace giver of the path of
Kula! I bow to you, boon giver adorned with a garland of skulls! O red clothed one!
One praised by all! All obstacle destroying DevÌ! I bow to you, the beloved of Hara.”
Dear son, if a person sees this things without bowing, the Éakti mantra does not give
I all of this I am the most important part, beloved of the Kula folk. All the Dakinis are
my parts. Listen Bhairava! One who has gained success in my simple yoga cannot be
harmed by a Dakini. My devotees abound in wealth and cannot be conquered by
Vatukas or Bhairavas.
Whichever Kaula is seen by a young girl or woman, whether he be in village, city,
festival, or at the crossroads, causes her to be filled with longing, her heart aching, her
eyes darting glances, like a line of bees mad for honey falls on a lotus flower, greedy
for nectar, like a female partridge for a cloud, like a cow for her recently born calf, like
a female gazelle eager for young shoots of grass, like jackals for flesh, like a person
tortured by thirst who sees water, like a dvamsi (?) at the sight of a lotus fibre, or like
an ant greedy for honey.
The sight of such a Kaula, enveloped by the Kulas, causes her lower garment to slip, she
becomes mad with lust, and of unsteady appearance.
Seeing her on a couch, her breasts and vagina exposed, one should fall to her feet, and,
rising, fall again. One should impart the oral lore to an alluring female companion – in
her feet resides the secret of the act of love. One attracts such female companions, with
beautiful hips and beautiful breasts, like a moon to the Kaula, free from greed or
modesty, devoted, patient of heart, sensuous, very inner of spirt.
In such a happy DÍtÌ, curiosity may suddenly arise, she asking “Dear son, what is to be
done or not to be done? Speak!” One should perform sacrifice to the indwelling MËyË
and offer the remainder to the ÉaktÌ. After this, one should excite her and then perform
the act of love.
On a Tuesday, in the cremation ground, smeared with Kula vermilion, using Kula wood,
one should draw a yantra. In the petals write the Canda Mantra, SphreÑ SphreÑ KiÖi
KiÖi twice, and then the ninefold mantra of MahiÛamardinÌ. Outside this, write the
mantras of Jayadurga and ÚmaÚËnabhairavÌ. After writing them, worship BhadralËlÌ at
night, meditating on KËmakhyË, the essence of KËmakalË.
The Kulakaulika, naked, with dishevelled hair, should meditate on the formidable KËlÌ,
with her terrifying fangs and appearance, Digambari, with her garlands of human arms,
seated on a corpse in VÌrasana, in sexual union with MahËkËla, her ears adorned with
bone ornaments, blood trickling from her mouth, roaring terrifyingly, wearing a garland
of skulls, her large and swelling breasts smeared with blood, intoxicated with wine,
trembling, holding in her left hand a sword, and in her right hand a human skull,
dispelling fear and granting boons, her face terrifying, her tongue rolling wildly, her left
ear adorned with a raven's feather, her jackal servants roaring loudly like the end of
time, she herself laughing terribly and pitilessly, surrounded by hordes of fearsome
Bhairavas, treading on human skeletons, wholly occupied with the sounds of victorious
battle, the supreme one, served by numberless hosts of powerful demons.
After meditating on KËlikË, the lord of Kula should then worship her. Unless one enters
the other city, Kulasiddhi cannot be achieved. Because this DevÌ gives all success as
soon as she is remembered, she is hymned in the three worlds as DakÚiÙË.
O Bhairava, by reciting her mantra 108 times, one can achieve whatever object is wished
for. After establishing oneself at the crossroads and meditating on the DevÌ in your
heart, one should enter the city adorned with the most beautiful sorts of jewels. After
meditating on DevÌ in the four directions, bow to the Kulaguru and, holding the name of
the object of siddhi in your left hand, pronounce the mantra.
By smearing the eyes with anjana, one may shatter iron locks barring doors, becoming
able to enter either stable, warrior's house, KËlikË temple, treasury or sacred place, and
may have sexual union according to will even 100 times. After meditating on Svapnavati
DevÌ, one should enter the pavilion of KËma.
Do pÍja with a yantra, writing the appropriate mantra on it, and reciting it at DevÌkuta,
OddÌyËna, KËmarÍpa, Tata (?) or at JËlandhara or PÍrna(giri) on pure ground. Establish
cakras in these places and, worshipping DevÌ, bow and recite her mantra eight, ten, 100
or 1,000 times.
Reciting and offering at such a pÌtha, one gains the wealth of a treasury. On a pure spot,
establish the siddha seat, preparing the protective pedestal and bowing to the pÌtha in a
pleasant way. Say: “Come, O great one of the form of the vagina! Siddhayoni! Give that
which is desired! I will perform KulapÍja with appropriate ritual accessories! Yield to
Becoming like her son, her feet on your head, she yields whatever is wished for.
Repeatedly offer her Kula flowers, scent and food. Dear son, prepare everything, and
after offering and cooking for her, give grain, rice, wine, fish, flesh, ghee, honey and the
other things which bestow success. A sËdhaka should install her in a jar, and then
worship the supreme. After meditating on the iÛÖtadevatË, the possessor of the path of
Kula should feed her.
Dividing a piece of fruit in half, give one to the Kula ÉaktÌ, take the other one yourself,
and then eat. If one does not have a young woman as a ÉaktÌ, perform the dismissal
using water. After performing the pÌtha pÍja, rub out the yantra, offering then to the
ancestors of the place.
Fifth Patala
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Deva, a sËdhaka travelling in dream can enter KËmarÍpa, which is
KËmakhyË, the yoni pavilion. After drawing the ultimate cakra, surrounding it with Kula
substances, a sËdhaka should write round it the named object of desire.
Making the place of KËma, in the centre of the place of KËma, fashioning it into a
funnel-shaped vessel, by KËma one should love KËma, turning KËma into KËma<$FSee
After meditating thus, and reciting a mantra, gazing at the pedestal and so forth, a
possessor of the correct rule should place the father-face into the mother-face. So,
offering cloth, saffron or tambula twice, one may take Kakini by force (?).
Doing ritual circling and so on according to the due rule, one may then go forth. If a
man should attempt to subjugate women of the circle or protected property, a sËdhaka
becomes a fallen sËdhaka. An act of black magic causes the destruction of a Kula. If he
does a bad deed, it kills him, no doubt. City shaking prompted by black magic causes
him to be bound by a superior power. The puravasini can be awoken using the sleep
awakening mantra.
O ÉaÔkara, a Kulina using this method who intends to steal creates obstacles for himself,
there is no doubt of it. BhÍtas, pretas, PiÛacas, raksasas, serpents, kinnari, naga maidens,
underworld maidens, fairies, bhairavas, vatukas, and Ganapa create obstacles for those
entering the place where protected women sleep. It causes the death of one's children,
creates delusion, disease, and uprooting.
They cause different obstacles such as poverty and great anxiety, and loss of grain to
one who emits his semen into a protected woman. Then they destroy sËdhakas. One
should protect oneself carefully, pegging all the gaps with vajra, Éakti. staff, sword,
noose and goad. To avoid obstructions, carefully worship the guardians of the directions.
O Deva, one should offer cake, plantain, sweetmeats, milk rice, food, crushed parched
grain and jackfruit, giving to ViÛÙu the supreme food and to Ganesa the pithaka (?). A
vÌra should offer sweetmeats, jackfruit, plantain and black goat flesh to the Ksetresa, and
then recite the mantra.
After reciting, offer a clump of earth and sprinkle water to the ten directions. Just as a
horse sprinkled in sacrifice<$FThis refers to the aÚvamedha sacrifice, where a horse was
set free to wander over various territories. Kings fought wars for the right to capture it.
It culminated in the immolation of the horse in a great sacrifice involving sexuality.>, as
Sakra<$FIndra, the mightiest of the gods.> to the gods, so obstacle worship is for Kula.
In the sleeping place, in the north east, place a Kula conch.
Around it, make a square of twelve fingerbreadths. A sËdhaka, after making this king of
yantras, should worship there at night. At night, roaming about, at night, doing Kula
pÍja, there is nothing which cannot be done. A sËdhaka becomes a Kaulika.
At night, establishing Tribhuvanesvari, and bowing, recite her mantra. Bathing in the
morning, and bowing to guru, devas, ancestors and ÎÛis, offering oblation to the ÉaktÌ,
worship in a devoted way.
O Bhairava, by serving a young woman who resembles a prostitute, one gains wealth,
becomes all protected, beloved of all, and able to enslave. She bestows her grace. Kula
sËdhakas will know the different meditations by appeal to the KulacÍËmaÙÌ, previously
spoken of.
After offering in a gold, copper or a Kula vessel, and drawing the nijayantra or
Kulayantra or the ÉrÌyantra or the gandharvayantra, made of various things, and with in
the centre the name of the Kula target, strewn with nija names and the KËmakalË bÌja,
all encircled with the nijamantra, the best of sËdhakas should worship the essence of
With Kula pÍja and the like, using lingas, one may attain the highest core of ViÛÙu,
saying Jaya ViÛÙu, Hare Brahma and so forth, offering various things, and doing the
Kula pÍja in a forest or near a lake.
Using the previously declared rule, one may accomplish Kula agitation etc. One should
bring the Kula born DevÌ at night to a deserted garden, house or temple, and initiate her
using the root mantra. Then, using the rule previously spoken of, one may achieve Kula
agitation. Both should recite the root mantra which gives siddhi.
Of all pÌthas, the supreme pÌtha is KËmarÍpa, the great giver of results. O MaheÚvara,
whoever does pÍja there is accomplished.
Son, I live in this best of all pÌthas. Therefore the KËmakhyË yoni mandala is spoken of
100 times. MahËdeva, what can be said of the fruit gained thereby? There dwell millions
of ÉaktÌs and MahiÛamardinÌ herself. This pÌtha is the image of the absolute, the hidden
vehicle of all happiness.
Bhairava said: DeveÚÌ, if I am truly your son, speak of the methods of attraction, you
the cause of creation and dissolution.
DevÌ said: Dear Son, I will speak of the mahËvidyË, the supremely great attraction
maker, through which pÍja method a man can attract even the devas. After reciting the
KËlÌ mantra of one, two or three types, one can attract the moveable, the fixed and
everything else, according to will. This is revealed clearly, as if from the mouths of
BrahmË and SarasvatÌ.
This MahËkËlÌ vidyË is said to be the ultimate secret of all secrets, causing sleep,
wakefulness, delusion, confusion and bewilderment. One may go anywhere, whether in
the night, the day, or the twilight. One should strew the name of the object to be
accomplished (with the letters of the) bÌja mantra.
The guru should perform an act to enlighten the vÌra in this matter. Whatever the
subject whatsoever, this method always bestows that which is wished for. Yoga
meditation on a young woman causes people to become siddhas, there is no doubt of it.
Just as grain is the secret essence of an ear of corn, or as the Sun's brightness manifests
by its rays, or as the Moon's beauty is shown in falling rain, or as the earth becomes full
of nectar by being watered, or as by seeing a flower one becomes filled with devotion,
or through Mahadurga's prasad makes one a Lord of Siddhas, or as by the grace of Kula
flower pleasure arises, or as remembering the Ganges frees from sin, so by this method
of attraction one becomes like Éiva, and so meditating on a young woman gives boons.
Therefore, always initiate the Nija Kauliki.
Bhairava is the ÎÛi, UÛÙik is the metre, the devatË is DevÌ DakÚiÙË KËlikË, it gives the
fruit of the four aims of mankind. Purva is the bÌja, para is the ÉaktÌ.
Do limb (nyËsa) and so forth using six long bÌjas, and the fourteen matrika vowels, each
separately. Place them in the heart, on the hands and on the feet. Do the diffusion
(nyËsa) using the fifteen syllables of the root mantra. Meditate five ways as previously
Inside the lotuses and in the fifteen angles do pÌtha pÍja. There indraw and worship
DevÌ DakÚiÙË, adorned with Kula. Afterwards, worship MahËkËla, then the pÌtha ÉaktÌs
KËlÌ, KapËlinÌ, KullË in the first triangle; KurukullË, VirodhinÌ and VipracittË;
Ugramukhi, UgraprabhË and Pradipta; NÌlË, GhanË and BalËkË; MËtrË, MitË and
MudrikË. Outside this, from the east petal in order, worship Brahmani and the rest.
After doing thus, a pure person should recite the mantra and sacrifice daily. Reciting a
lakh (times) at night is the essence of great purification.
One need have no other thought in this pÍja than that of a young woman. Reciting at
night gives siddhi and one becomes DakÚiÙË. Do limb nyËsa, and after meditating on
DevÌ, the wise man should recite the mantra. After worshipping the body of the cosmos
using this method, one may attract heavenly, underworld and Naga maidens.
Worship MahËkËlÌ in a forest, performing pÍja, meditation, application and recitation of
the mantra. The DevÌ dwells equally in all these places. Daily recitation and the like has
already been spoken of. When a person does forest pÍja of great maidens, it bestows
Place a conch in the north east and draw a yantra there. Offer and practice on the eighth
or fourteenth night (of the dark Moon). Initiated mortals should recite the mantra 108
times, naked, with their mouths full of tambula, with dishevelled hair, controlled of
senses, eyes rolling with intoxication, in sexual intercourse with the supreme woman.
Worshipping at night, naked, using scent and flowers. adorned with Kula gems, she who
is named in the strewn yantra, being the vÌra's beloved, is she who ought to be
worshipped. After giving her wine, meat and the other substances of Kula sËdhana, one
should meditate on and offer to the guru.
Asking leave to dismiss her, (placing a flower) on the head, one should do the
remaining actions. Dearest son! Do not do Kula pÍja without wine and flesh, else it
destroys the good actions of 1,000 births.
Brahmins, in acts of subjugation, may offer honey in copper vessels instead of wine.
Others should worship using Kula wine. This wine is drunk by yogis, this wine is the
most excellent thing for yogis. For those for whom wine drinking is unsuitable, honey
and sweet cakes may be offered.
Sixth Patala
DevÌ said: Dear son, now I speak to you of the rules of nyËsa. One should invoke DevÌ
as being diffused in the body, then doing nyËsa. The best of sËdhakas should first place
DevÌkuta at the top of the head. Draw a yantra using the previously declared rule,
following the Kula path. Bow to the various pÌthas and using scent and blossoms
worship DevÌ as Mahabhaga, the root DevÌ, with her attendants.
After reciting the mantra 100,000 times, then establish OddÌyËna, then worship the pÌtha
known as Yoganidra, where one should do pÍja to the indwelling istadevata 100,000
times. After going to KËmarÍpa, one should then worship Katyayani.
At night, reciting a mantra 100,000 times, one should then perform worship to
KËmakhyË. Going then to JËlandhara, firstly worship Purnesi. Reciting the mantra
100,000 times there too, then go to PÍrnagiri and again do pÍja and recite the mantra to
Candi. Entering KËmarÍpa, firstly worship KËmakhyË. At the close, worship the
MahËdevÌ Dikkaravasini.
At night, after reciting mantra to each of the PÌtheÚvaris<$FThe Éaktis of the sacred sites
or pÌthas.> in the seven pÌthas, then worship the istadevata. On completing the requisite
number, then bow, saying “DevÌ, highest of the Kulas, in this act I, named such and
such, of the gotra such and such and family such and such ask you, the desired goddess,
to bestow the highest boon.” If unsuccessful, one should do the previous actions again.
Otherwise, one may worship MahiÛamardinÌ in all the pÌthas. Then she becomes pleased,
and bestows the Kula boon. On reciting the root mantra, one becomes a lord of all
siddhi. One should go to a Rajavrksa tree, and worship the istadevata at its root, starting
worship on a great night. The recitation should continue over the next three days. Deva,
the best of sËdhakas gains the fruit of 100,000 pÌthas by doing this.
Bhairava Mahesvara, if a sËdhaka should recite the secret MahiÛamardinÌ root vidyË, he
may gain at will the siddhis Vetala, Khadga, Anjana and Tilaka<$FVetala – power over
vampires; Khadga – a magical sword; Anjana – a magical unguent; Tilaka – a
magical forehead mark which enables the sËdhaka to see through walls and observe what
is happening at a great distance.>.
Bhairava said: O DeveÚÌ Candika, if you love me, tell me how to obtain the great siddhi
Vetala and the rest.
DevÌ said: The best of sËdhakas, using Nimba wood should, on a Tuesday, at midnight,
sit in sexual intercourse on a corpse. After digging a pit, he should recite the
MahiÛamardinÌ (vidyË) 800,000 times, then offering 1,000 times in the cremation ground.
Taking the ash, smear it on a staff and padukas<$FWooden sandals.>, going to the
cremation ground on a DÍrgË eighth<$FDay of the waning moon.> and offering libation
Doing pÍja according to rule on the corpse, a vÌra should then sit on the corpse and
recite the mantra 1,008 times. O NËtha, after giving animal sacrifice to the mother, he
should then recite a mantra over the wood: “SphreÑ SphreÑ MahËbhagË Yogini, be
lovingly pleased! Protect me with this staff I hold.”
Whenever a Kaulika displays the staff and recites the mantra, he can pulverise whatever
he wants and can conquer over and over again.
“MahËbhagË. boon giver, may these padukas go, go! May they travel 100 yojanas
whenever I wear them!”
Taking copper and making a sword of 50 angulas length, and drawing a yantra on it, a
person should recite the mantra. Sitting on a great corpse during a KËlÌ day and reciting
the mantra 1,000 times, (a sËdhaka) should dig a pit in front of a Bija tree and do the
binding and protection, reciting on a Kula eighth in the cremation ground at midnight.
Firstly pleasing (the DevÌ), he should then do sacrifice in the cremation ground, using
the three madhus with bilva leaf.
After the sacrifice, he should offer animal sacrifice to supreme MËyËdevÌ MahiÛamardinÌ.
Whosoever gives complete animal sacrifice to the great UnmukhÌ gains her favour. Dear
son, say: “Take, wielder of the sword! Terrifying and fanged MahËkËlÌ, true one of
formidable form, Kam Im Um make! Kalyani, cut through my enemy!”
If a man should raise and strike with the sword, at the same time reciting the mantra,
having cut, having cut and again having cut, he may achieve the act of sËdhana.
Otherwise, he should sever the head of a male black cut with one blow, on a Tuesday,
at the crossroads, at night, and should bury it with a mantra. Eating sacrificial food and
emitting into a vessel, he should recite the mantra every night. Concentratedly reciting
1,008 times in the darkness, he should gaze at the dug-up vessel. Eating sacrificial food
during the day, on a river bank, and immersing himself, he should wash it, reciting a
Dear son, I have spoken to you of opposition, through which a man can conquer. One
should install and worship screaming KËlikË, reciting the inimical KËlÌ mantra 1,000
times. A mantrin then attains success in Anjana – there is no doubt about this. A
sËdhaka, on making a powder of crushed bone, sandal, aguru and copper, worshipping
according to rule, conquers all.
Kulesvara, a man, worshipping DevÌ most attentitively at a Kula place, giving her Kula
fish, Kula food and Kula wine. Reciting 1,008 times, a man may conquer all on earth
using the Phut mantra. Even if the target is 100 yojanas distant, he may gain it. It comes
to him from wherever it is on earth.
A man can contract his body, entering instantly a cleft, a small window, or a cavity.
Dear son, Lord of KulanËthas, unless a man has the DurgË or KËlÌ mantra, the siddhis
are concealed, there is no doubt of it.
$%$%&!'( ) (
Seventh PaÖala
Bhairava said: Speak to me of MËtamahiÛamardinÌ and of KulËcara in its totality, O
Giver of Enjoyment and Liberation [1]
* +
,$-.!$/0/ * 1 23
456 +&7/ 0,8 ! ( 9 (
DevÌ said: MaheÚvarÌ is the primordial basis of creation, maintenance and destruction.
This should be hidden by every effort. Listen! I will speak of it to you [2]
5;<=> 1 ?<5@/*
,$-A 8B $C * /=( D (
OÑ mahiÛamardinÌ svËhË is the vidya (explicated) [3]
E!4F ./G ,$-.!$@!/=
+* +!$' = 1
( ) //=( H(
This is the highest eternal secret of she who creates and destroys. It is all giving,
victorious, eternal [4]
EG4I % 0' * J
*-8K %+ / <=> /$ @/ L ( M(
If it is pronounced purely with inner devotion to the guru, then the eight syllables
without the bija also no sadhana(?)
@8= &8$C NOP !$'45
Q1L +. * = 4I!$'$/!0/=( R (
Carefully pronounced with OÑ HrÌÑ, it is the SiddhigocharË. This previously placed
DevÌ is the destroyer of guru siddhi (?) [6]
$0 !4 !'ST*!/=
4I8 // 0 &*!/=( U(
Specifically, in the Kali Yuga, it is the giver of MahËsiddhaugha. It is the great giver of
pacification of GurukulanËthas [7]
> *4
&5% !/=
5;<=> 1 V /= L ( W (
JayË DurgËbhayË is declared, the ultimate with a lion as her vehicle. With the
trailokyabija at the end, she is the supreme Slayer [8]
X$& * / * /
*Y $C Z N*.( [ (
+: 0\] 0&*!/=
L &7/ 45+ /^_( ) ` (
Everywhere known to the KulaÚastra as the Great Giver of Peace. Therefore, by every
effort, one should conceal the nine syllabled mantra. [10]
E-^ >: V00 /
/*5a b$ &5% cd*5 4: =3 L ( ) ) (
You should recite the mantra eight lakhs, giving homa of a tenth part of that. NËrada is
the ÎÛi, gayatri is the metre. [11]
* e/= +f <=>
L *
G '4 5P= L ( ) 9 (
The devatË is MahiÛaghnÌ, the bija is purva (?). One should meditate on KËlÌ fond of
war with the great demons, the Great UnmukhÌ [12]
*.^8 gPh4S <8 01
Ph4 ?f @/>/ ( ) D (
In her right hands she holds cakra and kha×ga, and arrow and trident and in her left
hands she holds a kha×ga, shield, bow and makes the threatening gesture. [13]
$i= =j=Ik4!/*=
=?<@ * = =/5/l L ( ) H(
The DevÌ is dressed in yellow, with large, rising swelling breasts, and is on the body of
the black buffalo MahiÛa. [14]
* +
5:|8} &=.
c 1$Y / #/5z P L ( D R (
DevÌ said: You have heard the stotra because of my fondness for you Bhairava. Now is
the dhyËna rule, my vehicle of happiness. [36]
Q 1$Y &@ / =$Y
=1$YC 3A$Y( D U(
My chief form is the KËlÌ form, then comes TripurËbhairavÌ, She is the AdyÌ, renowned
-? Vc $0
5!4/=1>/ : &@/ 1>/ L ( D W (
In a kula place, on a kula eighth or on a fourteenth especially, one should do YoginÌ
pÍja, the foremost kulapÍja. [38]
$}8!= $}8 1.>5 .k~d&*
!= *4
1.> *!/=( D [ (
So in a ViÛÙu tithÌ, after worshipping the renowned ViÛÙu, then in a DurgË kula tithÌ
after worshipping the Boon Giver [39]
$<O1 & c0/ $ @
&@/ /
C # $@=( H` (
The sËdhaka should at the root of a bilva tree, in a desolate place, or in the cremation
ground should worship with meat as the main offering, at a twilight time. [40]
= =! %+ /5 !0$/=
0 ! 348
( H) (
KËlÌ KËlÌ one should say, then Uma, the ÉivarÍpinÌ
;G _! *
0 P Y5O P L
* 4 / 18( H9 (
Ec /*// !/ 5 .~d L
!/G|' #*/ $,8 L ( HD (
* =/ !/G 1>/
0 !0 * = 5 /~! !/>/( HH(
!08 0 +f /c! !/.x L
>1> $@/!/ .k
L ,!/ ( HM(
4,G 0 C !0 5*! !/>/
Q : !0 *
( HR (
+0%A/ &=! *
00$% /0$% .^0$%
( HU(
1.> $48 ? 48 Y
/ qL+&7/ Y+ 1>/ L ( HW (
>* / * 0 *
0 0 !/ ?!/ $!G <! L ( H[ (
4, * $ 4 !0 .z/$.8
0 c o +% u1 <! ( M` (
Q~ *+5 <! >/$&
* / 4, qL G * /
L ( M) (
Yoni Tantra
This translation of the Yoni Tantra is a revised version of the edition published in 1980.
Many Western commentators have alleged that the “secret sËdhana” was veiled
by a twilight language, but the Yoni Tantra explodes this myth. Kaulas were the
unlikeliest folk to mince words and the consumption of the yoni tattva–a mixture of
menses and semen–is here described in the clearest of terms.
While ritual sexual intercourse is often alluded to in Kaula and ÉrÌ tantras, there are
only a few of these in which the yoni tattva is mentioned. Yoni Tantra could be
described as a eulogy of the yoni and the yoni tattva. It does rather go over the top.
As long ago as 1913, quite a few details relating to this matter were published in
Arthur Avalon’s Hymn to KËlÌ (Luzac, 1913). The matter was obviously held to be
highly sensitive and parts of a commentary relating to consumption of the yoni tattva are
left untranslated.
The first direct English reference to the consumption of menses and semen seems
to have been published in the Indian magazine Values, Vol XIX No 5. In an article
called The Occult World of a Tantrik Guru, by Mahendranath, an Englishman claiming
initiation in the Uttara Kaula sampradaya, this matter is discussed clearly and
Other English books have been discovered relating to this subject. The first is
Elizabeth Sharpe’s Secrets of the Kaula Circle (Luzac 1936), a factional account, which,
while not spelling out the dark details, nevertheless showers hints and tips on the
Kenneth Grant, in his Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (Muller Ltd) refers to
the process in oblique and mysterious ways, relating the process to Aleister Crowley’s
membership of the masonic group Ordo Templi Orientis. Crowley, in his Confessions
(Cape, 1968) alludes to this matter, saying: “The OTO is in possession of one supreme
From Crowley’s diaries, it is evident that the secret he refers to is the consumption
of the yoni tattva. The German founders of the Ordo Templi Orientis claimed to have
Indian or tantrik gurus, but it is impossible to prove this.
It is, however, not impossible that the works of Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur
Avalon) were the main inspiration of Crowley’s “supreme secret”. It is certainly quite
extraordinary that Crowley never mentions the books of John Woodroffe, although it is
certain he must have known of them.
The earliest reference to yoni tattva in Kaula tantra seems to be in the
Kaulajnananirnaya of Matsyendranath (Prachya Prakashan, Benares, 1986):- “In Kaula
Agama, the five pure and eternal substances are ash, wife’s nectar, semen, menstrual
blood and ghee mixed together. In occasional rites and in acts of Kama Siddhi, the
great discharge is without doubt and most certainly what one should do in
Kaula Agama. One should always consume the physical blood and semen. Dearest One,
this is the oblation of the Yoginis and the Siddhas”. (KJN, PaÖala 8)
“A brahmin goes to heaven by endless washing of the feet and mouth, whereas a
person repeatedly making a forehead mark of Kunda, Gola or Udbhava menses destroys
various ailments such as leprosy and smallpox and is free from all disease in the same
way that a serpent sloughs its skin.” (ibid, PaÖala 8)
“Blood is the female (Vama) elixir. Mixed with wine and semen, it is the
Absolute.” (ibid, PaÖala 18)
Other Kaula tantras deal with the subject of menstrual blood in very plain terms.
Matrikabheda Tantra describes the different types:–
“ÉrÌ Éankara said: The first menses appearing in a woman who has lost
her virginity is Svayambhu blood. In a maiden born of a married woman and begotten
by another man, that which arises is Kunda menses, the substance causing the
granting of any desire. DeveÚÌ, a maiden begotten by a widow gives rise to Gola
menses, which subdues gods. The menses arising in the first period after a virgin
becomes a married woman is the all bewildering Svapushpa.” (MT, PaÖala 8)
The very first chapter of the MT mentions a substance called sambal, described in
the commentary as a woman’s menstrual discharge. This substance allows the
tantrik adept to perform various sorts of alchemical operations.
Vajrayana is a cult of Tibetan lamaism. In the Candamaharosana Tantra (Harvard
Oriental Series, 1976), the Lord Chandamaharoshana says:–
“Optionally, the yogin may secrete or not secrete, having his mind solely on
pleasure. If he does, he should lick the Lotus, on his knees. And he should eat with his
tongue the white and red of the Lotus. And he should inhale it through a pipe in the
nose, to increase his power.” (CT, 6, 150)
Many points of contact exist between the texts of the Vajrayana and Indian Kaula
cults. Matsyendranath, author of the KJN, is also, according to some accounts, the
founder of both Vajrayana and Kaula traditions. He is also the human progenitor of the
NËtha traditions.
The Kaulavali Nirnaya (Agamanusandhana Samiti, Calcutta nd), edited by Sir John
Woodroffe, is a digest of other Kaula tantras. Summarising chapter 18, Sir John
paraphrases the tantra:-
“There are people who regard semen and menstrual fluid with disgust, but they
forget that the body by which they hope to attain Liberation is composed of these two
forms of matter, that the marrow, bone and tendons have come from the father and the
skin, flesh and blood from the mother. It further says that there is no reason for man’s
disgust for excreta or urine, for these are nothing but food or drink which has undergone
some change and contains living creatures and the Brahman substance is not absent
therefrom. All things are pure. It is one’s mentality which is evil.” (KN, introduction,
This Sanskrit word means a spiritual state in which an individual may act according to
her or his own will. As she or he is Éiva incarnate, there can be no morality, but only
freedom from the rules of the pasu or herd-person who is fettered by the mind:–
Bhairava said: Listen, VÌra CËmuÙdË, to the characteristics of vessels and the way
of acting. One may be like a child, a madman, a king, like one in a swoon, like an
independent spirit, like a Lord Hero, a Gandharva, a naked person, a Tridandin or like
one teaching knowledge for gain. The way to be is to act however one wills.” (KJN,
PaÖala 8)
The Yoni Tantra advocates Svecchachara in PaÖala 7, stating that the ordinary rules
for worship are suspended for one following Mahachina practice. This “Mahachina” is
often encountered in tantrik texts-it seems to refer to the regions bordering Tibet and
China. A person following this path is free of all distinctions, as she or he is one with
Éiva and Éakti, acting according to will.
Svecchachara is the way of the Avadhuta, a spiritual person beyond any
qualifications or distinctions. The type and symbol of the Avadhuta is the guru figure of
India, Shri Dattatreya. The Avadhuta is always in a blissful state, one with the Absolute.
According to Sir John Woodroffe in his introduction to the KN:– “It is very difficult
for anyone to know his true nature. When alone he is like one mad, dumb or paralysed
and when in the society of men he sometimes behaves like a good man, sometimes like
a wicked one, and on occasions he behaves like a demon. But the Yogi is always pure
whatever he may do and by his touch everything becomes pure.”(introduction, p22)
These descriptions echo the mala or chain mantra of Dattatreya, in which he is
described as “Madman, Child, Devil”. In the Avadhuta Upanishad (Sannyasa
Upanishads, Adyar 1978), Dattatreya is questioned by Samkriti–
“Venerable Lord, who is an Avadhuta? What is his condition? What is his
characteristic? What is his worldly existence? (Dattatreya then replies) The Avadhuta is
so called as he has discarded worldly ties, and he is the essence of the sentence ‘Thou
art That’. His worldly existence consists in moving about freely, with or without clothes.
For them there is nothing righteous or unrighteous, nothing holy or unholy.” (pp 1-3)
“For him there is no such thing as sin or virtue. The ethical system of sin and
virtue is to protect the minds of the worldly, since the mind is the measure of all things
and all things last only a moment.”(CT 8,60)
Again in the text of the NËtha Siddhas– “Bad smells and perfumes one should
sense as equal. Just as a lotus petal in water is without stain, so a Yogi is unmarred by
merit or sin. In one in whom this mental disposition has blossomed there is no
difference between killing a Brahmin or the Ashvamedha sacrifice, nor is there any
difference between bathing in all the sacred waters or contact with barbarians.” (KJN,
PaÖala 8)
Reverence for Women
The Kaulas regarded female gurus very highly and there were many examples of
yoginis or female tantriks. In Yoni Tantra PaÖala 7 we find:-
“Women are divinity, women are life, women are truly jewels.”
This sentiment is echoed in many other tantras such as Éakti Sangama Tantra,
DevÌrahasya and elsewhere. A woman is the goddess:-
“Worship carefully a woman or a maiden as she is Éakti, sheltered by the Kulas.
One should never speak harshly to maidens or women.” (KJN, PaÖala 23)
“In Kaula every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the Goddess. No man
may raise his hand, strike or threaten a woman. When she is naked, men must kneel and
worship her as the Goddess. She has equal rights with men on all levels.” (Occult
World of a Tantrik Guru, Values Vol.IX)
In both Kulachudamani Tantra and the Brihad Nila Tantra, the Kaula is instructed
to recite a mantra inwardly whenever he sees a woman. “Women are heaven; women are
dharma; and women are the highest penance. Women are Buddha; women are the
Sangha; and women are the perfection of Wisdom.” (CT 8,30)
The Yoni Tantra hails from Cooch Bihar (Kocha), but many of the Kaula Tantras
originate from KËmarÍpa. In Puranic legend, this is the place where the yoni of DevÌ fell
to earth after the Goddess’ body was sliced into 50 segments by the discus of ViÚÙu.
MatsyendranËth–founder of Kaula and NËtha schools–expounded the Kaula
Shastra at KËmarÍpa. The famous temple at Gauhati is celebrated. The KamarupÌ is
hymned in the KËlÌka Purana and in very many other Vama and Kaula tantras.
“It is said that female sadhvikas knowing yoga dwell at KËmakhyË PÌtha. If one
joins with one of these, one obtains Yogini Siddhi.” (KJN, PaÖala 16)
The Ten MahËvidyËs
These are listed in the third paÖalas of Yoni Tantra as KËlÌ, TËrË, Sodasi,
Chinnamastaka, Bhagalamukhi, Matangi, Bhuvaneshvari, MahËlakÛmÌ and associated
with the different parts of the yoni. This list of the Mahavidyas differs from that in
To×ala Tantra.
First PaÖala
Seated on the peak of Mount Kailasha, the god of gods, the guru of all creation, was
questioned by DÍrgË-of-theSmiling-Face, Naganandini.
Lord, 64 tantras have been created. Tell me, Ocean of Compassion, about the chief
of these.
MahËdeva said: Listen, dearest PËrvatÌ, to this great secret. You have asked to
hear this 10 million times. Beauteous One, it is because of your feminine nature that
you continually ask me.
You should conceal this by every effort. PËrvatÌ, there is mantra pÌtha, yantra pÌÖha
and yoni pÌÖha. Amongst these, the chief is certainly the yoni pÌtha, revealed to you
from affection.
Naganandini, listen closely! Hari, Hara and BrahmË–the gods of creation,
maintenance and destruction-all originate in the yoni.
A person should not worship the yoni if he does not have the Éakti mantra. This
initiation and mantra is the deliverer from hell.
I am MÎtyunjaya, beloved of your yoni. Surasundari, I always worship DÍrgË in my
heart lotus. This liberates the mind from distinctions such as Divya and vÌra. O Lady
Goddess! worshipping in this manner, liberation is placed within a person’s reach.
A yoni worshipper should prepare the Éakti mantra. He gains wealth, poesy,
wisdom and omniscience. He becomes the four-faced BrahmË for one hundred million
What is the use of talking! To speak of this avails naught. If a person worships
with menstrual flowers, he also has power over fate. Doing much pÍja in this way, he
may become liberated.
The devotee should place a Éakti in a circle. She should be wanton, beautiful,
devoid of shame and disgust, charming by nature, supremely alluring and beautiful.
After giving her vijaya, the devotee should worship her with utmost devotion.
He should place her on his left, and should worship her hair-adorned yoni. At the
edges of the yoni, the devotee should place sandal and beautiful blossoms. There,
indrawing the goddess, he should do jiva nyËsa using mantra, having given her wine and
drawing a half-moon using vermilion. After smearing sandal on her forehead, the
devotee should caress her breasts.
After reciting the mantra for 108 times, while in her arms, the devotee should
caress the breasts, having previously kissed her on the cheek. The mantra should be
recited 108 or 1008 times in the yoni circle.
After reciting the mighty mantra, he should recite the hymn very devotedly.
At the time of worship, the guru should not be present. I am the worshipper. If the
guru is present, there is no fruit, there is absolutely no doubt of it.
The worshipper, using great efforts, should make the results of the pÍja over to the
guru. After making three offerings of hands full with flowers, he should bow again to
his own guru. The wise man should, by every means, offer to his guru-putting the hands
together in the sign of obeisance. After performing yoni pÍja using these methods, the
devotee attains whatever is desired–there is no doubt of it. The fruit of doing pÍja to
the great yoni, deliverer from the ocean of misery, is life and enhanced vitality.
Second PaÖala
DevÌ said: God of Gods, NËtha of all the cosmos, cause of creation, maintenance and
destruction, without you there is no father, just as without me there is no mother. You
have spoken of the ultimate way of yoni pÍja through sexual intercourse. Which types of
yoni should be worshipped and which bring good fortune?
The devotee should worship the mother’s yoni and have intercourse with all yonis.
He may have intercourse with any woman between the ages of twelve and sixty.
He should worship the yoni daily, using the five tattvas. By seeing the yoni, he
gains the merit of bathing at ten thousand tÌrthas.
The forehead mark should be made from yoni tattva, and dress should be of the
Kaula type. The type of material used for sitting and the worship itself should be of the
Kula form.
Firstly, in intercourse, the purified worshipper should draw the Éakti to himself by
her hair and should place his liÔga into her hand. The liÔga pÍja and the yoni pÍja
should be performed according to the injunctions. Beloved One, red powder and sandal
should be smeared on the liÔga.
The liÔga should be inserted into the yoni and there should be vigorous intercourse.
He who uses this method attains the highest essence. A devotee should worship with the
yoni tattva, of the form of yoni, the deluder of the world, at night when it is full moon,
at a crossroads.
After going to a cremation ground, offering cooked fish, milk, food and meat, he
becomes like Kubera, the god of wealth.
A yantra of yoni shape should be drawn on the ground and the mantra recited. O
DevÌ, after reading the kavaca, a person should recite the 1000 names. He becomes a
son to KËlikË and liberated. Offering meat in a deserted place and repeating the mantra
and the stotra, a man becomes a lord of yoga.
Having seen the yoni full of menses, after bathing and reciting the mantra 108
times, a person becomes a Éiva on earth. One should recite the mantra after offering
both one’s own semen and the yoni flowers.
Cooked fish, egg, mouse flesh, buffalo flesh, human flesh, wine, meat and ground
cereal should be offered at night.
Wherever this great place (of offering) is, therein plays the great essence. One
should be naked, with dishevelled hair, sitting in the pratyalidha posture. At all times
and everywhere, the mantra should be recited when in the great yoni. One should
worship the essence of DevÌ, the Éakti in the form of a Éakti. Doing thus, a man attains
the four aims of mankind-dharma, artha, kama and mokÛa.
SËdhakas, together at night, should offer using wine and meat. By all means a
sËdhaka should have intercourse in the yoni, previously caressing the Éakti’s breasts.
If intercourse is performed in viparita mode, the Éakti becomes the Goddess. The
sËdhaka becomes instantly regenerated and fully alive by using the water from
washing yoni and liÔga.
After worshipping the great yoni according to injunction, one should make an
offering. The water of the yoni is of three types and one should offer it to the Éakti.
MahËdevÌ, after mixing the water with wine, a purified sËdhaka should drink it.
The supreme woman will be pleased by offering her clothes, perfumes and
jewels. Whilst in the yoni, one should worship the vidya, at night, according to the
ritual rule.
The best of sËdhakas should mix the effusion from yoni and liÔga in water, sipping
this amrita, he should nourish himself with it.
Third PaÖala
Great Lady, listen very attentively. This should be concealed with every effort. Never
reveal it! Revealing it causes loss of siddhi, revealing it causes death. Revealing it
destroys mantra. Revealing it may cause one to be torn to pieces.
The miraculous Yoni Tattva Tantra is the best of all tantras. Because of love for
you, this very hidden tantra is revealed. The only evil in sexual intercourse is disgust for
blood and semen. He who mixes them with wine is discriminating in worship.
How can one be wicked on account of the Éakti mantra? Having worshipped the
great yoni, the sËdhaka should do pÍja with the flesh of goats, sheep, men, deer,
mongoose, buffalo, elephants, cows, jackals, lions, horses and tortoises, in a devotional
frame of mind.
What point is there of many words? The yoni which has bled is suitable for
worship. Do not worship a yoni which has never bled. Worshipping a yoni which has
never bled causes loss of siddhi on every occasion.
What can be achieved by men without the five tattvas? All is without result and
one may fall into hell and be baked in pots until the end of time.
The sin acquired in a myriad of births is instantly destroyed if one should
worship, offering into the yoni aperture. Combining semen with menses or svayambhÍ
menses and taking this in the hand, carefully offer it into the Yoni.
One becomes KËlikË’s son and renowned. DevÌ is at the base of the yoni and
Naganandini is in the yoni. KËlÌ and TËrË are in the yoni cakra and CchinnamastËka in
the hair. Bagalamukhi and Matangi are on the rim of the yoni. MahËlakÛmÌ, Shodashi
and Bhuvaneshvari are within the yoni. By worshipping the yoni one certainly
worships Éakti.
Worship giving bali of birds and other living creatures and with blood. For the
sËdhaka who says AiÑ AiÑ at the time of worship, the yoni is fortunate and gives
both enjoyment and liberation. A yogin is not a bhogin and a bhogin is not a yogin, but
if one worships the yoni one is a Kaula, a person who has both yoga and bhoga. All
worship is pointless without worship of the yoni, O DÍrgË.
Candali, Lady of Hosts, the foremost one, is the centre of the yoni. By worshipping
in this way, one becomes my equal, most certainly.
What use are meditations, reciting mantras, giving gifts or kula nectars? O DÍrgË,
without yoni worship, all are fruitless.
If one is incapable of giving that which should be offered in my sËdhana, one may,
instead, be exclusively devoted to yoni pÍja. A sËdhaka should worship with jewels and
clothes. After worshipping the great yoni, then he should enter the circle.
Prostrating himself like a stick on earth, he should then display the yoni mudrË.
DÍrgË becomes pleased with a sËdhaka who is devoted to the yoni.
What point is there of many words? The yoni which has bled is suitable for
worship. Do not worship a yoni which has never bled. Worshipping a yoni which has
never bled causes loss of siddhi on every occasion.
Fourth PaÖala
All japa and the like is to be done according to the rules of MahËcina. The nature of
yoni worship is thus declared to you, O DevÌ.
Although to be kept secret, it is revealed from love for you. In the country of
Kocha, near Yonigarta, on the west bank of the Ganges is the renowned Madhavi. Going
there, one may gain the yoni darshana, O MËheÚvarÌ.
O DevÌ, there I became exclusively devoted to yoni worship each night. Practising
religious mendicancy, I always go there.
There is no yoni on earth resembling the beautifully rounded yoni of Madhavi and
the firmness of her breasts.
Worshipping this causes Shivoham. Listen, PËrvatÌ!
KÎÛÙa, after worshipping RadhË’s yoni, became God KÎÛÙa. ÉrÌ Rama Janaki Nath
worshipped Sita’s yoni. Killing Ravana and his clan, he then went to Ayodhya City and
lived in a beautiful palace there. ViÚÙu, BrahmË, the saints and I myself all were born
from a yoni.
What knowledge in the three worlds can match the magnificence of the yoni
tattva? DevÌ, without the five tattvas of wine, meat, fish, grain and intercourse, all is
Veda is the highest of all things and better than Veda is Vaishnava. Better than
Vaishnava is Shaiva and better than Shaiva is DakÛiÙË. Greater than DakÛiÙË is Vama
and better than Vama is Siddhanta. Higher than Siddhanta is the Kaula who desires the
yoni-like a sun shining in the sky or a veritable Meru to a mustard seed.
The pre-eminence of the Kula is lauded in all tantras. By the power of good
fortune, one is a knower of Kula. Giving appropriate foods, one should please and
worship by every means. The best of sËdhakas is exclusively devoted to yoni pÍja.
One becomes siddha by using this revealed doctrine, there is no doubt. While paÚus
speak only of the sexual intercourse of beasts, in the divya temperament there is
exclusive devotion to the doctrine of the yoni. One becomes pure by making a
forehead mark of yoni tattva.
In this text, feeding KÍmËrÌs and feeding Kulinas are the two chief things. DÍrgË,
there is no doubt of this.
Within a Éakta, outwardly a Éaiva, in gatherings a VaiÚÙava-in various
forms the Kaulas wander on earth. O Nagandandini, within the family lineage of a
thousand generations, only a Kulina is pure.
Whoever washes the feet of a Kulina purifies home and body. In whichever country
a Kulina lusting after the yoni is born-that place is worshipped by the gods BrahmË,
ViÚÙu and Éiva. Giving to a Kulina brings endless gifts in return. Offering into the
hands of a paÚu is fruitless in every way.
It is impossible for me to speak of the greatness of the Kulina! Whoever satisfies a
Kulina is liberated by ten millions Kulas. I bestow grace only through Kula Yoga, this is
without doubt. DevÌ, the state of being an Avadhuta is the greatest of the four ashramas
of humankind.
I achieved my status of MahËdeva by Kula Yoga and through exclusive devotion to
yoni worship. The demon Tripura was obliterated in times past by your yoni’s grace.
The Pandavas succeeded in battle by worshipping Draupadi’s yoni.
In the absence of the yoni of a maiden or a beautiful woman, worship the yoni of a
sister or of a female pupil. Worship the yoni daily, otherwise pronounce the mantra. Do
not perform useless pÍja without yoni pÍja.
Fifth PaÖala
The mahËvidyË, mantra and preparation of the mantra do not bestow siddhi without
worship of the yoni. One should bow thrice before the yoni with a flower, MËheÚvarÌ,
else the pÍja of a man is useless even in 1000 lifetimes.
Guru is clearly Éiva and his partner is the true form (of the goddess). A Kaulika
goes to hell if he has sexual intercourse with her. The best sort of sËdhaka should have
intercourse with all other yonis. On whoever’s forehead is placed the yoni tattva, there
too are devas, demons, yakÛas and the fourteen worlds.
If the twice-born Kulina should recite her mantra during the shraddha, his
ancestors dwelling in heaven bestow siddhi. Intoxicated, they laud and hymn his
If a sËdhaka should perform sËdhana in a woman’s yoni, all born in her family
become knowers of Kaula. A sËdhaka should always meditate on the pure yoni. O
MahËdevÌ, one should always smear the yoni tattva on the body. If one should place
one’s liÔga next to her vagina and then penetrate, one becomes liberated by ten
million Kulas and gains all results.
In the mutual friction of the liÔga and yoni is great sËdhana. The greatest thing
in mantra recitation and sËdhana is the outflow of semen and vaginal emission.
The powerful sËdhaka, following the rule, should offer the augmented substance to
the yoni region after mixing the semen and yoni tattva together.
From Her lotus feet, (grace) showers down. At the time of sËdhana, abandon any
other method.
The wise man, following the rules of KaulaÚastra, should caress that yoni. If one
should do pÍja of a mother’s yoni, one should prepare it. After worshipping according to
rule, one should not have intercourse. One should only couple with the yoni that bleeds.
Dearest, if by good fortune one is partner to a Brahmin girl, one should worship
her yoni tattva. Otherwise, worship other yonis. In paÚu initiation without five tattvas,
all is fruitless. Resort to a Kulaguru initiating into Éakti by every effort.
If a sËdhaka should consume (yoni tattva) whilst only paÚu initiated, his initiation
and his methods cause black magic. Therefore, by every effort, resort to a Kulina Guru.
If desiring to do pÍja, resort to a Kulina Guru. Only then does a yoni bestow grace-
like Sita’s vagina for Ramachandra and your yoni for me. If one should worship a
hair-adorned yoni, one becomes like a king. All acts become fruitful, no doubt of it.
One becomes very wealthy if marking oneself with a forehead mark of yoni
flowers. DevÌ, smeared with red, one dwells in DÍrgË’s paradise.
PËrvatÌ said: Ocean of Compassion, by what method should the yoni, which is the
essence of the cosmos, to be worshipped? If you or a sËdhaka should worship a yoni,
how does it bestow grace? Speak of this to me! I want to hear all of this because of my
great curiosity.
MahËdeva said: A sËdhaka wishing to worship a yoni, which is the form of the
cosmos, should cause an erection and insert it into that thing which is Éakti Herself.
The vagina is MahËmËyË and the penis is SadaÚiva. Worshipping them, one
becomes liberated while still alive, there is no doubt of it. One should offer bali, flowers
and so forth. If incapable of this, worship with wine, O DÍrgË.
One should do prËÙËyËma and my six limbed pÍja in the yoni region. After reciting
the mantra 100 times at the base of the yoni, one should rub the liÔga and the yoni
I have thereby declared the manner of proceeding for all sËdhakas. DeveÚÌ, never
reveal this tantra! Do not give it to the disciple of another or to the undevoted.
MahËdevÌ, the Yoni Tantra is revealed from love for you.
Sixth PaÖala
If a person should gaze at a yoni while ritually bathing, his life becomes fruitful. There
is no doubt of this. One should look at one’s partner’s yoni, at another woman’s yoni,
the yoni of a maiden–in the absence of a maiden’s yoni one should gaze reverentially
at the yoni of a pupil.
Never worship the yoni in front of paÚus. Using the yoni sËdhana method, one
definitely becomes like ViÚÙu, of this there is no doubt. Whosoever does this is praised
by the Suras and Asuras in heaven and the underworld. Only one acting with vÌra
SËdhana is liberated from sorrow.
This well-balanced sËdhana is revealed from love for you. If a worshipper of the
yoni tattva enters a dispute, after conquering all enemies he becomes ultimately
victorious, DÍrgË. What is the point of bathing in the Ganges? What need is there to
resort to sacred places? There is nothing equalling devotion to the yoni. Acting
otherwise is useless.
DeveÚÌ, even with my five mouths I am unable to speak of the yoni’s greatness!
Listen Naganandini, by grace of your yoni I became MahËdeva!
Whichsoever sËdhaka should have intercourse in a woman’s yoni becomes
liberated from the great misery which is the terrible Ocean of SaÑsËra. What need of
many words in this matter? PËrvatÌ-SundarÌ, listen! There is nothing praised in the
world more worthy of praise than the yoni tattva.
DevÌ, without it, how could it be possible for ViÚÙu or Éiva to speak? How could I
be capable of anything, O Mother DÍrgË? How is it possible for me to describe your
great receptacle of riches?
DevÌ said: MahËdeva, NËtha of the whole cosmos, cause of creation, maintenance
and destruction, you have spoken of the acts relating to VÌrasËdhana. Deva, how can a
person be an unbeliever if he has heard this declared by you?
MahËdeva, share this sacred trust. Remove any doubts I may have.
MahËdeva said: Listen, most beautiful PËrvatÌ Naganandini! Listen very
devotedly. Listen attentively to that which should never be revealed, even at the risk of
your own life. DeveÚÌ, you should always conceal this as if it were your own yoni.
The secret I reveal is true, true, there is no doubt of it. Practising it, one never
becomes immersed in the Ocean of Life. The yoni is MahËmËyË herself, the liÔga is the
form of SadaÚiva. SundarÌ, offering should be with their effusion and with wine and
SundarÌ, one should bring together the yoni and the liÔga and worship the tattva.
One should place oneself in this certain thing and give everything to Éakti. One should
satisfy using the five tattvas in the shape of the vagina, which is the whole universe.
DeveÚÌ, if this is revealed, one commits brahmicide.
DÍrgË, this sacred trust is known to be of very great merit. This sacred trust
bestows siddhi and liberation. DeveÚÌ, not knowing this sacred trust, one certainly
goes to hell. Yoni sËdhana is the greatest of all sËdhana.
If one should worship the yoni after enjoying and drinking, one is freed
from the sins of ten million births, which are instantly destroyed.
Liberation is achieved through enjoyment. Happiness is gained through enjoyment.
Therefore, by every effort, a sËdhaka should become an enjoyer. The wise man should
always avoid blame, disgust or shame of the yoni. Unless the yoni is worshipped using
the KulËcËra method, even one hundred thousand sËdhanas are useless. If one should
lick the elixir at the edge of the yoni, evil in one’s body or dwelling place is certainly
destroyed. What point is there to bathing in the Ganges or in other tÌrthas? Dearest, in
this matter relating to a powerful sËdhaka always worshipping the vagina, what use
is there of many words?
Listen, O One-dear-to-me-as-life-itself, this sËdhana of sËdhakas is the best of all
methods. Unless one uses all five tattvas and not just four, all is fruitless. Unless the
fifth is included, one is not a Éakta having both happiness and liberation. Unless one
uses the wine of Éakti, all becomes fruitless.
The leftovers of both the Éakti and the vÌra should be drunk. After doing thus,
and always worshipping the Mahayoni, having enjoyed and having drunk, one should
eat within the circle. One should take a tulsi rosary and recite mantra in a Hari temple
After reciting mantra and various legends and lesser stories, one should then recite
the great stories of ÉrÌ Hari. Hari is described as being the sum-total of all existence.
One should slay beasts in that place. (?)
This is the quintessential secret of sËdhana, by practising it one becomes wealthy.
PËrvatÌ, never perform this most excellent sËdhana in front of paÚus.
If one should worship the yoni, bowing thrice with a flower, all karmas are
destroyed and nothing in the three worlds becomes unattainable.
Seventh PaÖala
MaheÚËni, now I will speak of the ultimate vÌra sËdhana. Whichever sËdhaka knows this
becomes liberated whilst still living. The essence of the Divya is divinity, the chief
element in a vÌra is strong-mindedness.
Wherever a vÌra lives, that country is worshipped by the gods. By seeing a vÌra,
one gains the fruit of bathing in ten million tÌrthas. Offering water into a vÌra’s hand,
one becomes liberated by a host of Kulas.
If one should please a vÌra, what is there which cannot be attained in the three
worlds? The time when VÌras recite mantra is better than any other time.
The best sËdhakas should recite mantra within the yoni at a place where there is a
Éiva LiÔga, at the root of a bilva, in the cremation ground, at an isolated spot or in a
house. The best of all food to use for worship is that filling the Éakti’s womb. DevÌ,
unless wine and flesh are used, one dies swiftly.
Therefore, after eating and drinking, one should then consume (yoni tattva). Of all
food, this is the food which should be worshipped fearlessly. MaheÚËni, sexual
intercourse in every kind of yoni is widely praised. One should always smear a line of
menstrual blood or sandal paste or semen on the forehead. For VÌras, this is the core of
true bliss.
Now I speak of the sËdhana giving results above every other kind of sËdhana.
When bathing and so forth, for purification, summons, recitation, pÍja, mental worship
and oblation any time is good. There is no such thing as an inauspicious time. It makes
no difference whether it be night or day, the 14th day of the waning moon or the
twilight time. In the matter of robes, seat, place, house, bodily contact and so forth,
maintain internal purity. One should not be dualistic here.
There are no rules relating to direction, time or place. There are no restrictions on
the best time for recitation of a mantra, the time for worship or rules relating to bali.
One should never make distinctions relating to women and should refrain from
dualism in the sËdhana of women. A sËdhaka should go to a woman and should touch
and look at her. After feeding her, one should recite the mantra and consume the
substance according to one’s desire. Thus are declared the characteristics in acts of
vÌra SËdhana according to Svecchachara.
Women are divine, women are life, women are truly jewels. Always have
intercourse with a woman and meditate, whether she be one’s own woman or not.
That which has been revealed to you is the whole essence hidden in all tantra. The
injunction relating to vÌra Siddhi has been revealed from love for you.
At the time of consuming the substance, one should firstly offer it to one’s Éakti.
Otherwise, one may first cast water into the vagina. The sËdhaka, going to a deserted
cremation ground, should have sexual intercourse with his Éakti after enjoying food and
reciting the mantra.
Parvati, now listen to the time when the semen-menses is emitted. If one should
worship the yoni tattva, making a forehead mark with it, all defects and evils of a
hundred births are immediately destroyed.
A mantrin should recite in an old house, in a place where ghosts abound or in a
deserted place. At the risk of one’s life, never reveal it to paÚus! VÌra SËdhana is vain
without wine and useless without sexual union. DÍrgË, if a vÌra does not use the five
tattvas, he fails on this planet. For this reason, after eating and drinking, the mantrin
should recite the great mantra. Dearest Goddess, this VÌra SËdhana is the best of all
What point is there of 100,000 acts of divya or vÌra SËdhana? What point to 100
million recitations of mantra or 100 ritual preparations of the mantra? What use is there
in resorting to 100,000 tÌrthas? What point is there to gifts or self mortification?
MaheÚËni, without yoni, all these are equally fruitless! Employing Yoni PÍja, one
attains a share of all sËdhana. By yoni tattva oblation, the ancestors reside in paradise.
One should always caress a nubile yoni. If one should divert oneself in the urgent dance
after preparing the cavity of the great yoni, then one is freed from all defects and stains
of all births by the hosts of Kulas.
If a devoted person of contemplative mind should specifically worship the
virgin yoni of a beautiful female pupil with scent and flower, having enjoyed happiness
here on earth, afterwards he dwells in DevÌ Loka.
In the absence of scent and flower, one should do the sËdhana with wine. DeveÚÌ,
at the pÍja time he should do ViÚÙu sËdhana, ViÚÙu nyËsa and then recite praise.
Eighth PaÖala
The Kaulika NËtha, at the time of worship, knows (his Éakti) to be Urvashi, who is
woman kind in the three worlds. Without sexual union there is never liberation, whether
from shastras, shrutis, smriti, puranas etc created by me. Listen, O one-dear-to-me-as-
life, of the destruction of the mental predisposition of paÚus. Worship a nubile yoni in a
highly ecstatic way.
Whosoever in this Kali Yuga recites mantra in a supremely devoted way
specifically to the yoni, the core of the universe, is within reach of liberation.
Amongst thousands of sËdhakas and tens of millions of worshippers, fortunate are
they who do KËlÌ sËdhana. KËlÌ is the Mother of the Universe and of all shastra, quite
certainly. Remembering KËlÌ frees one from the fetters of a paÚu.
After reciting KËlÌ’s great mantra, one becomes KËlÌ’s son, there is no doubt. This
is true, true, true, true without question.
Just as for KËlÌ, so also for the vidyas and rules of TripurË, Shodashi,
Bhuvaneshvari, China-TËrË, MahËlakÛmÌ, Matangi, Sundari, Bhairavi, DakÛiÙË and
Success cannot be achieved save with the method of Chinachara. Whatever
mantra one is initiated into, this is the best method. Devoid of this sacred trust, one
becomes unsuccessful and therefore is reborn again. That which is written in this Yoni
Tantra all sËdhakas should accomplish according to their own wills.
MaheÚËni, meditate as being absorbed in the yoni cakra, with yoni on the tongue,
yoni in the mind, yoni in the ears and yoni in the eyes. Mighty Lady, all sËdhana is vain
unless with the yoni. Therefore, reject other pÍjas and do Yoni PÍja. MaheÚËni, there is
no siddhi without devotion to the Guru.
The MËtÎkËbheda Tantra is an alchemical Hindu tantra. The Sanskrit edition on which
the translation is based was published by the University of Calcutta in the 1930s, with
Bagchi as editor. It cannot be said that the Sanskrit was untarnished. In particular, the
seventh chapter is very badly corrupted.
Bagchi states in an English summary to his edition that this work seems to be
anterior to the fourth century AD. This date seems far too early for many, and modern
scholarship will not accept it. Other tantras are referred to, such as To××ala Tantra, which
is probably a very late tantra, and VËmakeÚvara Tantra, which seems to date from the
eleventh or twelfth centuries AD.
This tantra has evidently some connection with the Raseshvaras, or NËtha Siddhas.
Aside from the frequent alchemical references, and the salutation of Éiva as NËtha, the
work itself has a distinctly Éaivite slant, indicated by the frequent references to
worshipping Éiva, the use of rudrËkÛa berries, the pre-eminence of ash and other
A brief article called MËtÎkËbhedatantram & its Alchemical Ideas, by
B.Subbarayappa and Mira Roy (Indian Journal of the History of Science, Vol 3 No 1,
page 42) explores in some detail the content of this tantra. Presumably the interest of the
authors was drawn to the MËtÎkËbheda because of possible references to chemical or
alchemical processes. An excerpt from this article will be of interest to readers:
“The text deals succinctly with the cakras, the KuÙdalinÌ and the pancamakaras
(mudrË, maithuna, madya, mamsa and matsya). It says that by the application of the
supreme VidyË of goddess CËmuÙdË KËlikË everything is achieved in this world.
“The effect of gold obtained by transmuting pure copper using the spiritualised
mercury-sulphur composition, according to the text, is that it cures all diseases, increases
virility, and enables the body to attain a beautiful form like that of Madana, the Indian
god of worldly enjoyment.
“In other words, perfection of the body and satisfying of carnal desires are
considered to be important so as to make the body immutable and attain the highest
state (jivanmukti or mahËmokÛa). These are also the notable characteristics of the NËtha-
Siddha cult of Indian tantrism. The NËtha Siddha cult believed in the use of mercurial
preparations and transmuted gold to become immortal and live at will in this very world.
This cult had intimate connections with the Rasavadins or the Rasasiddhas.
“The NËtha Siddha school which represents a particular phase of the Siddha cult
flourished in different parts of India probably from the eleventh century onwards. On the
basis of various literary and inscriptional evidences (sic), it is very likely that
Gorakhnath, the celebrated master of this school, lived not later than AD 1200 and
probably early in the eleventh century.
“The physical body is considered to be of karma, kËma, chandra (moon), surya
(sun) and agni (fire). But for all practical purposes it is regarded as the combination of
sun and moon principles. The word NËtha means master and the NËtha school has a
hierarchical order of a number of masters, among whom Gorakhnath is the most
These are the views of our two scientist scholars. As far as can be gathered, they
made no attempt to consult the living masters of the various NËtha sampradËyas.
It is evident from the text of this tantra that mercury and sulphur were used as
symbols of a psycho-sexual process. Only in recent years has the subject of tantra
become a respectable study, and it seems that both the Kaula and the NËtha schools have
a contain point of origin – possibly in some earlier Siddha cult. This unity of essential
belief and praxis is evident in the work KaulajÕËnËnirÙaya, ascribed to MatsyendranËtha,
the guru of GorakhnËtha.
The KaulajÕËnËnirÙaya is an obviously earlier work than the MËtÎkËbheda, yet
contains many references to the sacramental use of sexuality. MËtÎkËbheda Tantra is
frequently quoted in later, Kaula works, which testifies to its authority.
We can briefly summarise significant points in the various chapters of the tantra.
Chapter 1 is important because the alchemical substance shambhal is mentioned therein.
The commentary to the Sanskrit version explains this as being shed monthly by a
woman. Also of note is the link with KËlikË, whose guru sampradËya mentions both
Minanath and GorakhnËtha. The power of mantra is essential for the preparation of the
Chapter 2 deals briefly with the significance of birth, and shows quite clearly that
the NËthas and TËntriks were not ignorant of human physiology. In the third chapter, the
importance of both pleasure and liberation are discussed. Anything that gives pleasure
may be worshipfully given to the goddess. This includes the five senses.
The worship of pÍja of CËmuÙdË KËlikË, who destroyed the great Asuras in a
mighty war, is the topic of chapter 4. This chapter relies heavily on CËÙdÌ, from the
MËrkaÙdeya PurËÙa–itself evidence that this tantra cannot be as early as Bagchi
suggested. In the fifth chapter is discussed the preparation of ash, the medicine of
Following, in chapter six, Éiva is made to show that sun and moon in the sky are
the representatives of Éiva and Éakti, just as man and woman are the representatives on
earth. The aim is to become free from time in all its forms, and realise one’s state as a
The seventh chapter was badly mutilated in the Bagchi edition. A large part of it is
concerned with the kavaca, the armour or amulet of the guru. This is constructed from
the mantras of the guru and his Éakti. The importance of the guru is repeatedly stressed
in this work.
Chapter eight talks about the preparation of a liÔga for worship of Éiva, fashioned
from quicksilver (pËrada). Such a liÔga is greater even than the ViÚveÚvara LiÔga of
KaÚi (Varanasi). Chapter nine gives more rules relating to the preparation of ash.
In the tenth chapter is shown the essential unity of guru, guru parampara, god,
goddess, mantra and disciple, and extols the greatness of the tantra.
The 11th chapter is devoted to the installation of lakes, reservoirs, temples and so
forth, for religious merit. There is a side swipe at the caste system and Vedic orthodoxy,
when it is suggested that anyone who wishes may don the Brahminical thread. In
another place the true meaning of Brahmin is said to be one who knows BrahmËn or the
absolute. It is elsewhere said that anyone may attain to this, irrespective of circumstances
of birth.
Chapter 12 gives some optional rules for worship, whilst the 13th chapter deals
with the rosary or mala of NËtha, which varies according to the aspect of the divinity
worshipped. The rosary made of human skull bone is said to be the best by the text. In
the fourteenth chapter, there are section on the importance of guru, the types of pupil
such as divya (divine), vÌra (heroic), and paÚu (beastly). At the end of the chapter is a
hymn extolling the greatness of the guru’s padukas or sandals.
First Chapter
OÑ namo devyai. On KailËsa peak, in a pleasant spot, amidst various beautiful jewels,
the supreme lord Bhairava was, in a devoted way, questioned. [1]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said – NËtha! Lord god, speak to me of the worship of TripurË, the
alchemy of gold, silver and various gems at the KËlikË time, the method of obtaining
gold, silver and so forth. O giver of wealth, tell me of that which is spoken of in all
tantras. [2-4]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said – O goddess, listen! I will speak of the various jewels. Using my
fire, quicksilver, salt, and the beautiful sambal, there is no jewel which cannot be
obtained. O goddess, listen attentively to the nature of sambal.1 [5-6]
Following the CinË Tantra2, one should worship Siddha KËlikË or the supreme
goddess DakÛiÙË KËlikË. The methods spoken of in KËlÌ Tantra3 enjoin seven days of
mantra. For one born in the Kali Yuga mantra is the whole, in Dvapara (Yuga) three
quarters, in Treta (Yuga) one half, and in Satya (Yuga) one quarter. [7-8]
By every effort one should gather together two tolas4 of sambal. One should recite
over the sambal the three mantra bÌjas KlÌÑ HrÌÑ KlÌÑ 108 times. Very carefully one
should collect 80 tolas of milk from a black cow, and should recite the mantra 108
times. [9-10]
The wise person should cast sewn cloth5 into the centre of the milk and very
gradually bring it to a great heat over a fire. When reduced by heat to 40 tolas, the
dravya6 should then be cast into the middle of water. Very carefully one should bring it
closer to the fire. [11-13]
If not overheated, the dravya should rise. Over this one should recite the nine-fold
mantra worshipped by all. Proceeding carefully, beautiful pure copper should be
obtained. Half a tolaka of copper should be cast into the centre of the fire. Depending
on the heat, the copper should rise. [14-15]
Mountain Born one, if one uses a gunja weight the dravya immediately becomes
silver. This is most certainly true, there is no doubt. [16]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–O ÉaÔkara, how does wine become milk? O MahËdeva ÉaÔkara,
from compassion speak of this technique! [17]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–A wise person should procure four tolas of borax7. Mountain
Born, using heat it should be converted to the form of parched grain. Grinding mango
flowers, one should mix the two parts. [18-19]
O CËÙdikË, over this one should recite the mantra HrÌÑ. Once made into a hall, if
one should mix it with wine then it becomes milk, most certainly. [20]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–How may wine be freed from odour, O ÉaÔkara? I want to hear
all this if you love me. [21]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Recite HrÌÑ for the removal of smells. If the highest sËdhaka
should recite this 108 times devotedly, bad smells and so forth are destroyed. [22-23]
Second Chapter
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–Lord, all knowing one, giver of boons, NËtha who enjoys me in sexual
intercourse, all is revealed by you. Speak now! How do children arise from semen?
Where is it placed? How is it a liÔgam always becomes erect? How does penetration
come about? NËtha, I am full of doubts. Release me from this sad confusion. [1-3}
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–The great lotus of the navel centre is situated in the centre of the
suÛumnË8. O DeveÚÌ, the alluring navel lotus stems from this channel. It is always
adorned with semen in three ways. [4-5]
Above, the channel goes to the thousand petalled lotus, adorned with semen. From
this the breasts arise. Within the central suÛumnË travel is a very cool fibre. Auspicious
one, the channel below extends from the front of the yoni, and has the nature of real
bliss. [6-7]
One beautiful in all limbs, listen! Supreme bliss comes from the liÔga striking the
centre of this, the likes of which does not exist (elsewhere) in the three worlds. [8]
Listen now to the form of the navel lotus. The bindu is always situated in the
centre of the lotus. Outside this are eight petals, and beyond this a square with four
doors, as lustrous as pure gold, surrounded by a circle.[9-10]
Three stems unite with the stalk of this flower. On the outside of these three stems
is blood. MaheÚËni, if the semen produced from the action of the liÔga comes to be in
the centre of this lotus offspring are produced. [11-12]
DevÌ, should the proportion of the Éakti’s blood be greater than the semen of the
man then a girl is born. Reversed, men are born. When both are equal a eunuch is born,
there is no doubt. [13-14]
Beautiful one, listen to the magnificence of this great flower. The conjunction of
semen in the centre causes growth within a day. In a month and day the flower is joined
with the stalk. [15-16]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–In pregnancy there are sometimes certain diseases, worms and
parasites. They cause death to the foetus. How may a female give birth (under these
circumstances)? [17]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–For me to speak of the greatness of this flower avails naught. In
the centre of the thousand petalled flower is the place of the bindu. DeveÚÌ. When this
bubble exists birth proceeds in due order. Even if there are a thousand parturitions the
great growing flower may not be damaged. [18-19]
MaheÚËni, my other half, make love to me now! Our renowned son GaÙeÚa9 may be
born from our pleasure! ParameÚËni, in the future there will be born from you the
blessing of an earthly son, via our unimpeded creation! [20-21]
Having heard this, O goddess, Éiva’s love channel is perturbed, Éiva embraces you,
and Éiva (the erect penis) becomes evident. [22]
Third Chapter
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–NËtha, everywhere pleasure and the satisfaction of the senses is
discussed. Lord of Yoga, how may liberation be gained through enjoyment? [1]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Yoga is gained through enjoyment, kula worship is through
pleasure. Siddhi is achieved through enjoyment, and from enjoyment liberation is
achieved. [2]
External worship should always be done in a pleasurable way according to one’s
desire. O Sweet Speaking One, listen to the characteristics of pleasure. [3]
Éakti is in the mÍlËdhËra10 in the form of a serpent. ParameÚËni, the jÌva always
resides in this centre. A jÌva is unaffected by the desired pleasure, which clearly has
qualities. [4-5]
The jÌva is devoid of qualities. O goddess, for a jÌva, pleasure is a delusion. There
is no doubt about this. KuÙdalinÌ, the form of sun, moon and fire, is endowed with
qualities. [6]
A person should offer pleasure to the tongue of the goddess within the mÍlËdhËra.
An intelligent person should offer purified fish, meat and so forth into that mouth. The
sËdhaka should pronounce the basic mantra: “I sacrifice this in the mouth of KuÙdalÌ.”
Goddess, bearing this thought in mind one may then consume anything.
ParameÚËni, when eating one should contemplate thus. Through this method one
becomes the absolute. O Goddess of Wine, this is true, true. [9]
Certainly when one meditates in this way it is KuÙdalÌ DevÌ who enjoys. From this
comes mantra siddhi and perfect knowledge, and in no other way. [10]
Acting thus, the self becomes BrahmË, ViÛÙu and Hari. By it one gains
accomplishment in yoga and the eight siddhis. O goddess, acting thus, highly poisonous
substances given by enemies immediately become nectar. [11-12]
Wine purified by mantra becomes the drinking of nectar. Dearest, it is like the
poison in the churning of the ocean. Contemplating thus it is instantly consumed by me.
DevÌ, the supreme Kala, the serpentine KuÙdalinÌ, eats the deadly poison. [13-15]
Charming One, the characteristics of pleasure have been spoken of. MaheÚËni, all
this is to be concealed from the eyes of paÚus. [16]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–NËtha, supremely blissful one, highest of the high, essence of kula,
listen! O Supreme lord, speak to me of the characteristics of the fire pit of sacrifice. [17]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–On the outside of the alluring maÙipÍra navel lotus are eight petals
and a circle. In the centre is a fire-pit, not easy to attain. O goddess, the fire pit of four
lines and so forth is the KËmarÍpa11. Lady of the gods, the twice-born know all the
various fire-pits relating to the various divisions of birth–the circle of the kÛatriyas, the
half-moon of the vaiÚyas, the triangle of the ÚÍdras12. [18-20]
O Suresvari, the various fire-pits for the sacrifice of differently born folk are thus
declared. MaheÚËni, I have also spoken of the fire-pit adorned with three channels. The
highest channel goes to the lotus of one thousand petals, adorned with the supreme
nectar. Beauteous one, the middle channel is in the navel lotus, and in the mÍlËdhËra is
the lowest channel consisting of true bliss. [21-22]
This fire-pit for sacrifice is expounded in all tantras, O goddess. Through the grace
of sacrifice one becomes full of the absolute. Sacrifice of the twice-born is fourfold, of
the warrior threefold, of the vaiÚya twofold, and of the ÚÍdra onefold. [23-25]
Similarly, liberation is of four types–for brËhmaÙËs, mahËmokÛa13, for kÛatriyas,
intimate union, for vaiÚyas, identity with the god, and for ÚÍdras, residence in the same
heavenly world. [26]
SurËvandita, these are the external hearths in external sacrifice. The best sort of
sËdhakas should do sacrifice according to the distinctions of birth. In external sacrifice
there is siddhi for specific purposes, no doubt.
In inner sacrifice the siddhi of ultimate liberation is achieved, without question. O
Sweet One, I have thus spoken to you of the highest essence of the tantras. It should not
be shown to paÚus, this is my oath to you, dearest one. [27-29]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–In all tantras, wine is said to be of supreme merit. The divisions of
birth are not mentioned. Tell me about this. [30]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–PËrvatÌ, the twice-born is the lord of all sacrificial rites, there is
no doubt of it. A brËhmaÙË is the foremost of the four in the path of kula belonging to
Indra. [31]
Soft-Voiced one, brËhmaÙËs gain mahËmokÛa by drinking wine. ParameÚËni, if
brËhmaÙËs take wine, they become like Éiva immediately. Mountain Born One, this is
most certainly true! [32-33]
As water merges in water, as fire merges in fire, as (the void within) a broken pot
dissolves in aether, and as air merges with air, so too the brËhmaÙË and brËhmaÙÌ
dissolve in the supreme essence by drinking wine. Mountain Born One, there is no
doubt about it! [34-35]
The state of intimate union without mahËmokÛa is for kÛatriyas. The goddess exists
in wine, DevÌ, of this there is no doubt. Just as a subtle thread exists in the centre of a
flame, so too sËdhana is the great thread in the flame of real work (tapas). [36-37]
O goddess, without knowledge of wine a person gains nothing. For this reason the
vipra should always take wine. [38]
A person does not become a brËhmaÙË by the recitation of the doctrine of the
Vedas. O goddess, a person becomes a brËhmaÙË when there is knowledge of BrahmËn
(the absolute). Ordinary wine is called nectar of Lord BrahmË. Wine is called SurË, as it
gives divinity (sura) when enjoyed. [39-40]
To remove the curses of BrahmË and others on wine, one should always recite three
mantras15. A twice-born, having done this, ensures that the wine becomes the essence of
BrahmË. [41]
As by the putting on of oblation a sacrificial fire is lit, so by the removal of curses,
wine becomes the giver of liberation. O DeveÚÌ, for this reason the brËhmaÙË should
drink wine. He alone is the absolute, he a knower of veda, he a sacrificer, he an initiate.
DevÌ, in short – he is like the very essence of the three Gunas. [42-44]
DevÌ, this pathway of liberation should be concealed from the sight of paÚus.
Whosoever reveals it becomes ruined and condemned for sure. [45]
Fourth Chapter
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–SureÚvara, by using wine and the leftovers16 of Éiva ensues
mahËmokÛa, spoken of in Veda and PurËÙa and from your mouth. Lord, your leftovers
are incomprehensible, as is wine! MahËdeva, words are pointless. What do you say,
Support of Yoga? [1-2]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Listen DevÌ, I will tell you that which you ask of me. All this I
will speak of. Be attentive! [3]
A person wanders through 32 million wombs before being entitled to liberation. O
Viravandita, if one gains great knowledge in the midst of this (roving), then one may
attain liberation or perhaps continue to wander. MaheÚËni, because of this I have created
the secret meditation. [4-5]
How may one who has not had many rebirths be entitled to liberation? DevÌ, how
may one who is not above sin be entitled to Heaven? MaheÚËni, because of this, I have
created the secret meditation. Using my leftovers one attains Heaven. Drinking wine one
obtains NirvËÙa. [6-7]
When leftovers are taken by a sinful person, even he be the lowest of the low, he
achieves liberation, and becomes like Éiva, most certainly. [8]
Even a great sinner, if he drinks wine, gains knowledge and liberation, regardless
of distinctions of birth and so forth. [9]
ParameÚvarÌ, through this knowledge one achieves liberation, whatever one’s caste.
MaheÚËni, because of this I have created the secret meditation. [10]
The essence of the secret method seems like a joke. Supreme Goddess, this essence
should not be spoken of falsely. DevÌ, in matters relating to NirvËÙa, wine is the
supreme cause. Unless there is wine, mahËmokÛa is not achieved. [11-12]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–NËtha, it is said that if one dies near the Ganges one gains
knowledge and liberation. Wine is better than the Ganges, supremely hard to obtain [13]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–DevÌ, the Wine DevÌ consists of the complete absolute, and
nothing else. SurËpujita, one sixteenth part of it is the Ganges. Tulsi17 is one hundredth
part. If one has the essence of liberation, one need not resort to sacred waters on earth.
DevÌ, just as the rosary of human skull bone is the giver of emancipation, so too
wine always bestows liberation. [16]
DevÌ, there is no liberation, knowledge and so forth unless with wine. DevÌ,
without a rosary of human skull bone a mantra does not bestow siddhi. [17]
Evidently a rosary made of human skull bone is the essence of the absolute.
SurËpujita, contact with the great skullbone rosary is dissimilar to that of yantras, tulsi,
and Ganges. Should one touch it, one becomes like wood. [18]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Rosaries are certainly purified by contact with the Ganges, wine,
water, liquor, or the ultimate wine. How comes a rosary of wood from contact with the
Ganges? Speak to me, supreme lord. There is doubt in my heart. [19-20]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Lady goddess of all goddesses, wine bestows liberation on all
living creatures. Ganges water gives rebirth in heaven and so forth without question.
DevÌ, in wine dwells MahËkËlÌ, the ultimate tattva. This mahËvidyË dwells eternally
in wine, O ParameÚvarÌ. [22]
DevÌ, in the form of the fifty letters of the alphabet, resides always in the rosary of
human skullbone. This mahËvidyË dwells eternally in the skullbone rosary, which gives
all. [23]
Just as by the practice of touching the water of the Ganges one is dissolved in
Ganges, so, dear one, putting wood in a fire causes that wood to be burnt like straw.
Just as by the contact with Ganges one is dissolved, so too by touching the rosary of
human skullbone one becomes like wood. [24-25]
The highest sËdhaka who recites a mantra whilst holding the rosary of human
skullbone holds in his hand the eight siddhis, and is like the imperishable Éambhu. [26]
As the Ganges is situated at the top of one’s head, what need is there to bathe in
the (external) Ganges? Whosoever is devoted to the great rosary of human skullbone
gains the merit of bathing in all sacred waters such as Varanasi, KËmarÍpa, Haridvara,
Prayaga, River Gandaki, Vadarika and the Ganges Delta. There is no doubt about this.
Sweetheart, everything has been revealed to you, very hard to obtain by any means.
O ParameÚvarÌ, one should not speak of it to paÚus at the risk of one’s life. [30]
Fifth Chapter
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–How is mercury converted into ashes, O ÉaÔkara? I want to hear this,
if you have compassion for me. [1]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–O PËrvatÌ, when preparing ashes of mercury there are various
obstacles. For this reason the twice-born ones should firstly do ÉËnti18. [2]
The doer should choose the following rules to observe. O Parvata Atmaja, he
should worship sixteen earthen liÔgas using the sixteen ritual accessories of the kind
declared in To× ×ala Tantra. 19 [3]
SureÚvarÌ, give suitable food and madhuparka20 according to one’s means. He
should besprinkle using the five amÎtas with water. [4]
He should offer two male garments according to his means. He should give a silver
pedestal four angulas in width, and gems of Purusha as he is able. [5-6]
Auspicious one, he should offer sandal or red lac. Again and again he should do
six limbed worship. He should give a ghee lamp and various beautiful and pleasant food,
fruits and other things. [7-8]
Having dissolved sugar in milk he should offer it. He should give pure water and
hemp, dearest one. [9]
He should recite the six-syllabled great mantra one thousand times. If the highest
sËdhaka should recite this, he become successful, most certainly. [10]
Then he should worship DevÌ DhanadË21, who gives wealth, using sixteen ritual
accessories. The wise man should worship for 12 days, and should recite the mantra
100,000 times. MaheÚËni, he should do sacrifice of a tenth part of this. [11-12]
If he should do sacrifice once or twice with recitation and if DevÌ is satisfied, then
what is there that he cannot do? Supreme Lady, Kubera showers gold daily. [13-14]
DevÌ, you ask of the various ways to prepare ashes. A person should give
dakshina22 to the guru according to the amount of wealth he has. Then a mantrin
becomes successful. He should not doubt this. [15]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Lord god of gods, what is the rule in preparing the ashes? O
Powerful one, by which acts and methods does one get ash? [16]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–DevÌ, one should procure mercury and should place it on a
prastara. Over it one should recite the mantra of nine syllables worshipped by all. Over
it the alchemist should recite the mantra 1008 times, O DeveÚÌ. [17-18]
DevÌ, he should place the mercury in one of a pair of clay vessels. On the other he
should place svayambhÍ menstrual blood23 in a red piece of cloth. [19]
He should unite the mercury with the menstrual blood in the cloth most carefully.
Using paddy water, he should mix it carefully with the blood, and should then dry it
over a fire. [20]
Once again the alchemist should mix it and place it over the fire. He should so
place it on an eighth or ninth night of the waning moon, O SureÚvarÌ. [21]
Supreme lady, he should then place the rasa on a clay plate. Using the essence of
vallÌ he should purify the substance most carefully. [22]
Then he should purify it with ghÎtanËrÌ24. If he acts thus, a glutinous ball appears.
He should obtain a thorn apple, together with black tulsi and GhÎtakumËrÌ. He should
place the ball in the centre of the thorn apple. [23-24]
Heating this he obtain the best kind of ash, most certainly. Mixed in with the ashes
there should be gold, from DhanadË DevÌ, the gift giver. If the substance is colourless he
should not do alchemy. [25-26]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–What is svayambhÍ, NËtha? What is the nature of kuÔda and
gola? NËtha, what is svapuÛpa? What is the nature of vajrapuÛpa? NËtha, what is the
nature of SarvakËlodbhava? [27]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–MaheÚËni, the first menstrual blood appearing in a woman who
has lost her virginity is svayambhÍ, there is no doubt. [28]
Auspicious one, in a maiden born of a married woman and begotten by another
man that which arises is kuÙ×a menses–the substance which causes any desire sought
for to be granted. [29]
DeveÚÌ, in a maiden begotten by a widow, that which arises is gola menses, which
subdues Devas. [30]
MaheÚËni, the menstrual blood arising in the first period after a virgin becomes
deflowered is the all-bewildering svapuÛpa. [31]
If blood arises from the breaking of a virgin’s hymen who is newly married that is
vajra, it is said. [32]
O goddess worshipped by heroes, that which comes from a partner or girl every
month is known as sarvakËlodbhava menses. [33]
At seven earshot’s25 distance one should put the dravya which has arisen in a
golden vessel, over a fire. [34]
ParameÚËni, one should worship using the great PrËsËda26 mantra, it is said by me.
Doing this the alchemist becomes successful, and not otherwise. [35]
MaheÚËni, recite this mantra 1,008 times. Having thus recited it, one should
worship an earthen Éiva liÔga. Then one should do a test. Goddess, dear to me as life
itself, listen! [36-37]
One should place a tolaka weight of pure copper on a clay plate over a fire.
Supreme lady, if one should cast a gunja weight of the dravya on the copper it
immediately becomes gold – there is no doubt. [38]
If one consumes as food a gunja weight of dravya all disease disappears and one
becomes like the god of love. One becomes siddhi in mantra and long-lived. [39]
O, ParameÚËni, if one should sexually desire one hundred women every day one
has no lack of virility, and is full of energy. [40]
If one acts in this way, then similarly there is no death, I am sure of it. From this
comes visible wealth, and invisible treasure hidden by Kubera. [41]
The person is hymned as Éiva, and offered gifts like Indra. He is like MaheÚa,
becomes a powerful yogi, irresistible, and just like the goddess of Death. [42]
He becomes very strong, very virile, courageous and pure. Very bright, he is
compassionate and noble, delighting in all which exists. DevÌ, what need is there of
much talk? He is like the lord of hosts. [43]
Sixth Chapter
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Speak, O lord, knower of all, boon giver! Lord God, by which
method does one become liberated from great sorrow, great unhappiness, great poverty,
various disease and afflictions, destruction by a king, anxiety caused by the state, prison,
justice of the state, and planetary afflictions? Speak, ÉaÔkara! [1-3]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Listen, one beauteous in all limbs, to that which you ask me. I
will relate all of this to you, listen attentively! [4]
The ¼dyË who is the ultimate vidyË, CËmuÙdË KËlikË–what may one not achieve
on earth using her methods? [5]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–ParameÚvara, the eclipse is famous everywhere. Deva, why is a
solar or lunar eclipse a meritorious time? NËtha, in this matter there is doubt in my
heart. Speak from your core, supremely blissful one! Illumine me on this point. [6-7]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Listen, beautiful limbed one! An eclipse is a very great thing.
DevÌ, eclipses are of three kinds–the conjunction of moon, sun and fire. Fire always
exists in the Éakti’s third eye. The moon is her left eye, and the sun has its place in her
right eye. [8-9]
DeveÚÌ, when Éambhu is engaged in love-pleasure this is similar to an eclipse, at
which time Éiva is in union with Éakti. [10]
In left eye contact there is a lunar eclipse, and in right eye contact a solar eclipse.
O supreme lady, in contact with the forehead (eye), there is a fiery eclipse, which is
Éiva’s sperm. O SureÚvarÌ, that is why the fiery conjunction is invisible. [11-12]
Éiva and the eclipse are the same as Éakti, who produced the three Gunas27. O
ParameÚvarÌ, an eclipse is the sexual union of Éiva and Éakti. [13]
Dearest one, when Éiva and Éakti unite in intercourse, that is the moment of the
MaheÚËni, because of it, constellations stop still. Just as the constellations and so
forth cease, so too do the lunar days and the nakÛatras. From the sexual union of Éiva
and Éakti proceeds all that moves, the very essence of the absolute. [14-16]
If one should recite a mantra using this method, then one become siddha, most
certainly. O Viravandita, this time should be known as the best of all times. One who
has done this gains limitless results. What point is there of many words in this matter?
This truly occult doctrine is revealed because of affection for you. It should not be
spoken of in front of paÚus, it should not be spoken of, O SureÚvarÌ! Using this tattva
very carefully a son of man becomes like the absolute. Mountain born one, it should be
as secret as your own yoni. [19-20]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–What is the nature of CËmuÙdË’s28 great mantra, supreme lord?
What is the manner of worship? Speak of this, compassionate one! [21]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Fair one, listen to the quintessential CËmuÙdË mantra, by which
doctrine one is never reborn. [22]
DevÌ, KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HuÑ is the trisyllabic supreme vidyË which is the very self of
CËmuÙdË KËlikË.
O VarËnana, for one week one should worship DevÌ using sixteen ritual accessories.
During the worship one should recite the mantra 3000 times. [24]
At night, using the five things29, one should worship ParameÚvarÌ. At night, recite
the mantra whilst in sexual union with the Kula Éakti. [25]
Making the yantra30 and the pedestal, one should offer very lavishly according to
one’s means. According to one’s ability one should give suitable pleasant things and
madhuparka. ParameÚvarÌ, one should offer accordingly to the Éakti or to the young
woman. Garments should be given, and various sorts of gems. [26-27]
According to one’s means one should offer gems along with various types of food
and various pleasant substances. One should give meat, the best sort of food, and
candies. Devotedly one should worship the supreme goddess giving animal sacrifice.
ParameÚËni, every day one should give animal sacrifice in its entirety. Otherwise
one should not offer animal sacrifice. [30]
Acting in this way one gains great siddhi, there is no doubt. Desiring wealth, one
gains wealth. Wanting sons, one becomes a father. In any dispute one wins. In a king’s
service one becomes victorious. Having become victorious everywhere, one seems like a
son of the goddess on earth. Having worshipped in this way, one is released from
disease and terror. Desiring siddhi one becomes siddha, there is no doubt. [31-33]
DevÌ, if one is thrown in prison, one becomes free, there is no question.
ParameÚvarÌ, this is the quintessential application, very hard to get. [34]
DeveÚÌ, because of great love for you it is now revealed. ParameÚËni, one should
recite the CËÙdÌ texts31 continually. SureÚvarÌ, one should worship CËÙdikË DevÌ using
sweet smelling flowers, incense, perfume and food. [35-36]
Certainly one should worship CËÙdikË using the five things. One should bring
together the five things and purify them by the appropriate methods. [37]
Then, having done oblation, one should put offerings in a vessel. One should
sprinkle the offering with water, and should worship the divinities of the pedestal. [38-
One should pronounce OÑ HrÌÑ, and then should worship the givers of all siddhis
who are Prabha, MËyË, Jaya, SukÛmË, Vishuddha, Nandini, Suprabha and VijayË with ‘to
the adamantine nails, fangs and weapons HuÑ Phat’ in due order. [40-41]
One should say namah last, O DeveÚÌ! Then one should worship the seat. Having
worshipped the line of gurus, one should meditate. Then one should show the invocation
mudrË, and do jÌva nyËsa. One should worship using the six limbs, and do the pÍja of
the attendant DevÌs.[42-43]
Then one should worship BrahmÌ32 and so forth using a conch shell or a lotus
shaped vessel. The best worshipper should do pÍja to Indra with Vajra and so forth.[44]
The best sËdhaka should do the sËdhana saying ‘OÑ such and such’ with ‘namah’
at the end. Once again one should worship DevÌ using the five things. [45]
Having done prËÙayama33, one should meditate once on the iÛÖadevatË34 mantra
given by the guru. O DeveÚÌ, one should then recite the root mantra one hundred times.
Doing prËÙayama again, then both should eat. Having offered that to the Éakti, and
having drunk wine oneself, one should recite the CËÙdÌ text, SureÚvarÌ. At the wondrous
time of sexual union both should again take wine. The wise person should recite the
mantra accordingly, and should again take wine. [47-48]
Once again one should repeat the mantra one hundred times, but in reverse order.
DevÌ, if fate so decrees, a man gains union with Éakti. All siddhi is placed within
his reach from his partner. [50]
Doing all this one should read the text. What use are my words to describe the
greatness of this text? Even had I one hundred mouths to speak would still be useless.
DevÌ, what point then with my five faces? Reading this text one instantly becomes
nothing but the absolute. [51-52]
O ParameÚvarÌ, one certainly achieves limitless peace. If a person does not achieve
peace, then what I have said is pointless! Firstly one should do the pÍja using the
sixteen ritual accessories35. Secondly one should worship CËÙdikË with the five things.
A man, reciting the text one thousand times, gains the fruit of being liberated from
the sixteen Kalas36. [55]
Now I tell you of her dhyËna37: After meditating in this way a man should then
read the text. [56]
OÑ that CËÙdÌ who is the destructress of the demons Madhu and KaiÖabha, who
destroyed the buffalo MahiÛË, who is the Destructress of DhÍmrekÛana, CaÙdË and
Munda, who struck RaktabÌja with a thunderbolt, that Éakti who ground up the demons
Éumbha and NiÚumbha, who is Siddhi-LakÛmÌ, that DevÌ who has nine hundred million
aspects, she, the lady of the universe, must protect me ! [57]
This is the meditation form of CËÙdikË. Listen, O Viravandita! I now tell you of a
mantra difficult to get in the three worlds – OÑ AiÑ HrÌÑ KlÌÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ KlÌÑ
Namah. Firstly one should recite this great mantra of nine syllables one hundred times,
then one should recite this great mantra one hundred times in reverse order. [58-60]
Listen DevÌ! I declare to you the ¿Ûi and the metre, very hard to obtain. OÑ.
Medha Tithi is the ¿Ûi of this great hymn called 700 Verses (Saptasati). The metres are
GËyatrÌ-Anushtubh-Brihati-Pankti-Trishtubh. The DevÌs of the hymn are MahËkËlÌ-
MahËlakÛmÌ-MahËsarasvatÌ. The bÌjas are AiÑ HrÌÑ KlÌÑ. The Éakti is KÚrauÑ. The
application is achievement of whatever object is desired38. [61-62]
O great lady, one should do the six limb nyËsa39 using OÑ. Charming one, thus are
declared the characteristics of the CËÙdÌ text. [63]
This text consists of all, the sun and his family, and is the mantra of everything.
DevÌ, one who recites this certainly becomes a lord of everything. One should recite it
thrice, and do recitation of the mantra thrice. [64-65]
DeveÚÌ, this text liberates from great disease, unhappiness, ailments and afflictions
caused by the king, all kinds of illnesses, a king’s wrath, fear, various planetary
afflictions one is born with, the sin of killing a brËhmaÙË and so forth–there is no
doubt of this. [66-67]
DevÌ, what point is there of many words? A person achieves all peace. Liberated
from all fear he becomes like the god of love. MaheÚËni, if, after having acted thus one
does not become accomplished one should do it again–then one becomes Siddha for
sure. [68-69]
Seventh Chapter
ÉrÌ Éiva said–Now I declare the high TripurË40 mantra. One who knows this never
knows rebirth. TripurË is of three types, declared long ago in the NityË Tantra–BËlË,
SundarÌ, and Bhairavi DevÌ. O PËrvatÌ, now listen reverentially. [1-2]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said – NËtha, now speak of the great mantra heard in the VËmakeÚvara
YËmala, of morning acts, and the order of pÍja. [3]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–At morning time the knower of the mantra should first worship and
meditate on the guru in the thousand petal lotus very carefully. That ÉrÌ Guru meditation
is contained in the Gupta SËdhana Tantra. I first of all declare the mantra. Listen, O
Boon Giver! [4-5]
AiÑ HrÌÑ ÉrÌm Ha Sa Kha PhreÑ Ha Sa KÛa Ma La Va Ra YuÑ Ananda
Bhairavaya Vashat. Ha Sa KÛa Ma La Va Ra YiÑ SurË Devyai Vashat. [6-7]
AiÑ HrÌÑ I worship the lotus feet of such and such ananda NËtha Namah. [8]
Now the Éakti Mantra: AiÑ HrÌÑ ÉrÌm I worship the lotus feet of such and such
DevÌ Amba Namah. Dearest, I have thus declared the characteristics of pÍja. [9-10]
The eight syllable mantra should then be recited 108 times. After completing the
recitation one should fold the hands together. [11]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–NËtha, I want to hear the praise and the armour, that ÉrÌ Guru
armour and hymn revealed by you long ago! Now relate to me the ÉrÌ Guru hymn and
armour, by which doctrine of gnosis rebirth is unknown. [12-13]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–Listen,DevÌ, I speak of the very secret hymn, which hidden method
liberates a person from saÑsËra. 41 [14]
Eighth Chapter
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–Listen, NËtha, supremely blissful one, ultimate essence of kula! Without
your protection I know nothing! O Deva, speak of Éiva’s sperm, the form of Éiva, and
the nature of a LiÔga. [1-3]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–My liÔga on the summit of Mount KailËsa consists of effulgence.
The ViÚveÚvara LiÔga of KaÚi is only one sixteenth of it. [4]
MaheÚËni, the whole liÔga is made only of quicksilver. In the centre of the
mountain is the cakra of LakÛmÌ-Narayan. LakÛmÌ-Narayan are not one hundredth part
of the quicksilver (pËrada) Linga. 45 [5-6]
The letter Pa is ViÛÙu, the letter A is KËlikË, the letter Ra is Éiva, and the letter D
is BrahmË. ParameÚËni, pËrada (quicksilver) is the very self of BrahmË, ViÛÙu and Éiva.
He who should worship a quicksilver liÔga is identical to Éambhu. O DeveÚÌ, he is
wealth itself, he is a knower, he possesses the ultimate tattva. He knows the absolute, he
has grain in abundance, he is a king, he is worshipped. He is the lord of AÙimË and the
other siddhis, the highest sËdhaka. [8-9]
Women, because of their restless nature, are unable to keep this secret. That is why
this is now concluded. [10]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–Lord of Compassion, if there be compassion in you, speak! O
Deva, unless you speak, how can there be liberation or goodness? [11]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–Quicksilver is certainly Éiva’s sperm. One should not hammer it.
From striking it comes poverty, from striking it comes childlessness, from striking it
comes disease, and possibly, from striking it comes death. [12]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–NËtha, there are obstacles, this is certainly true. Lord,
Giver of Wealth, speak of these various obstacles. [13]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–Auspicious one, in the preparation of Éiva’s quicksilver are several
obstacles. For this reason one should firstly accomplish Santi and Svasti. 46 [14]
One should worship using 12 earthen lingas and sixteen ritual accessories.
Fashioning strips of cloth from white thread, according to the skill of the person, one
should offer a set of clothing. [15-16]
O SureÚvarÌ, suitable enjoyment and madhuparka should be given. The sËdhaka
should give jewels and various pleasant things to the Éakti. O PËrvatÌ, very carefully one
should worship with bilva leaf. [17]
According to the rule of the To×ala Tantra one should recite a mantra for each
single leaf. One should recite the five-syllable mantra 108 times. [18]
During the pÍja one should recite the five syllable mantra and afterwards the great
mantra called Prasada. A subduer of the senses should worship with the dakÚiÙË
prepared for the offering. One should never exclude tambula and fish. In this tantra the
foods prepared for the offering are tambula and the best fish. [19-20]
High lady, one should do sacrifice with a tenth or one hundredth part of this. One
should give dakshina of the sacrifice, then one is unsullied by obstacles. [21]
The wise man should, at the same time, honour the quicksilver and over it recite
the all-worshipful nine-fold mantra. Dearest, the mantra is Ham Ksham Kam Yam Yam
Yam Ham Ram Ham. [22-23]
MaheÚËni, one should recite this mantra over the medicine. One should recite the
mantra 108 times over the quicksilver. Only by this method is the medicine bonded. [24-
O one-dear-to-me-as-life-itself, the doer wards off disease that very day. According
to the ritual injunction one should offer gold earrings and a very beautiful gold necklace.
MaheÚËni, on the hands one should place bracelets, and give silver anklets. One
should offer a ring and yellow cloth and linen. After proceeding thus, one should then
meditate on Éiva’s form. [28-29]
Now I declare the mode of action. Listen, PËrvatÌ! Place tamarind leaf and the
quicksilver together on a prastara. Mix these together on the prastara so the mixture
resembles mud. [30]
O SurËsundari, moulding it suitably, one should make a liÔga, again making it firm.
One should place it on a piece of cloth with Svapuspa on a cow-dung fire. One should
gently warm it so it is hard. [31-32]
Then, once again, fashion the liÔga, making it firm, and once again using Svapuspa
place it over the fire. One should gently warm it until it is hard. Only with herbs is ash
made, and not in any other way. [33-34]
Ninth Chapter
ÉrÌ Éiva said–DeveÚÌ, dear to me as life itself, listen to how ashes are made. The doer
should at first select a gift, according to the declared rules. He should give a pair of
pearl earrings inset in gold, a bracelet, anklet or ring, made from tested pure gold. He
should give a beautiful golden square neck ornament. [1~3]
He should give a very beautiful set of clothes fashioned from white material, and a
white and a yellow turban. This is what a person should give, DevÌ. One should
meditate suitably for the rite, meditating on Éiva’s form, the very self of the three
Gunas. [4-5]
On the same day one should do ÉËnti and Svasti. Worship twelve earthen lingas
using sixteen ritual accessories, white cloth, and worked gold and bilva leaves, one
thousand in number. One should worship the supreme lord by offering various sorts of
jewels. One should give suitable enjoyment, and should offer madhuparka. [6-8]
Daily one should do nyËsa and worship on a gold seat. The pure man should recite
the mantra 108 times during the worship. The great mantra of six syllables is known as
PrËsËda Mantra. One should recite this mantra 10,000 times, and sacrifice a tenth part of
it, dearest one. 48 [9-10]
O DeveÚÌ, dear to me as life itself, listen to the substance used in the sacrifice,
which is to be accomplished on sand or in a fire-pit. This should measure 32 finger
breadths by sixteen finger breadths. 24 finger measures above this, ParameÚËni, one
should place suitable gold and copper pots. [11-12]
Both of these pots should be placed beyond the fire-pit. One should entwine both
together using two strips of cloth, very carefully. SureÚvarÌ, one should do the sacrifice
with bilva leaf, 49 employing the technique previously declared. [13-14]
Using the three madhus50 according to ritual prescription one becomes siddha. Then
one should give dakshina according to the oral rule. Once or twice one should offer
everything. Worship does not give siddhi or liberation if there is no dakshina of wealth
to one’s limit. Sundari, it should be as large a gift for oblation as one’s circumstances
allow. [15-18]
Very carefully one should consume a tolaka of mercury and after this a tolaka of
‘Mother’s Milk’. The wise man should once again eat, and then drink the milk.
O Lady of the Gods, very carefully, using the methods of yoga, one should close
the nine doors (of the body). Then one should recite the Helaki Mantra 108 times.
DeveÚÌ, it is Gaja pramanam Dirgha prastha Khatakam. [20-21]
DeveÚÌ, the discerning should make a fire pit using cowdung. In the centre of this
one should place the ‘produce of the cow’, which one should heat vigorously. [22]
One should not cast water into the fire. Creation occurs in the cool fire-pit. One
should recite the all-illuming mantra 108 times. PËrvatÌ, I speak here of the Visvesvara
mantra. 51 Listen attentively! [23-24]
One should smear a tolaka of mercury on a copper plate. MaheÚËni, from this one
may obtain half a tolaka of powder. Carefully one should cover the powder. O
ParameÚvarÌ, very gradually and very slowly one should heat it over the fire. Once one
has observed that dust of a black powder has been produced, one should eat this
substance, which is the weight of a gunja berry. [25-27]
All ailments are destroyed from eating it. This is true, most certainly true! Just as a
fish flees from hot water, so do ailments flee from one. O DeveÚÌ, thus ends the
application. A householder with children should not perform it. (If he does so), on the
first day he loses sons, on the second wealth, on the third Éakti, on the fourth his house,
and on the fifth day experiences disease and destruction, most certainly. [28-30]
MaheÚËni, for these reasons one should do Svasti rites for oneself. A mantrin, using
the method previously spoken of, should do it four times. [31]
Tenth Chapter
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–What is the state of unity between a person, guru, mantra, alphabet,
suitable meditation and the Deva? Speak, NËtha! [1]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–The best sorts of sËdhakas obtain the great mantra from the guru’s
lips, from which seed arises the body of the goddess, it is evident. [2]
The body of the devatË is born from the bÌja, and following the guru’s guidance the
other form becomes known. From meditating on the guru and so forth arises
accomplishment in meditation. MaheÚËni, that is why it is described as unity. [3-4]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–One may meditate on a visible image, O MahËdeva. What is the
nature of meditation on the invisible? [5]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–DevÌ, sound, uttered by my mouth, is the absolute. By
pronouncing a mantra with a devoted mind there is invisible meditation and so forth.
MaheÚËni, this is true, true, self-evident, undoubtedly. [6-7]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–Which type of animals should one sacrifice? Speak, ÉaÔkara! Lord
God, which types of animal truly satisfy the goddess? [8]
ÉrÌ Éiva said–The types of animals one should offer are deer, bulls, camels, and
male goats. One should not offer lions or tigers, O ParameÚvarÌ. After sacrificing an
animal one should offer it to MahËdevÌ. The mantrin becomes a paÚu himself if he gives
what a king should offer. [9-10]
A person should sacrifice an animal, and not merely give meat. Unless he acts thus
he does not gain even one tenth part of the results. [11]
One who is of divine or heroic temperament should give a bull and so forth. Sweet
speaker, acting this way he gains the fruit of success, there is no doubt. DevÌ, one
should never do worship unless there is animal sacrifice. If a person wishes to become
powerful he should always act thus in worship. ParameÚËni, only by giving animal
sacrifice does one become successful, and not otherwise. If one should do worship and
so forth without it one becomes poverty stricken. [13-14]
O SureÚvarÌ, one should give animal sacrifice annually. If one does otherwise no
success comes from worship. Animal sacrifice is the great sacrifice in the Kali Yuga, O
CËÙdikË. O SureÚvarÌ, there should be no aÚvamedha53 sacrifice in the Kali Yuga. [15-16]
One only gains the results of aÚvamedha by animal sacrifice. In all cases one
should consume the remains of the sacrifice. One is a real sacrificer if one consumes the
remains of the sacrifice, no doubt of it. DevÌ, one should abandon the food for oneself,
and offer it to MahËdevÌ. [17-18]
This great tantra revealed by me is of the nature of the absolute. If one has heard
only one of its syllables one becomes purified of all sin. If one should listen to a chapter
in a devoted way, what need is there for meditation, worship, and bathing in sacred
waters? O CËÙdikË, if one should hear the whole tantra it is like hearing the
Sabdabrahma. 54 [19-21]
Only by hearing this is one a siddha, and not otherwise. The fruit of hearing the
eighteen PurËÙas and the four Vedas with their limbs does not equal the fruit of hearing
this. O DeveÚÌ, hearing this tantra liberates folk from the sixteen kalas (of time). This is
the tantra which is like the absolute, the quintessence and the ultimate. [22-24]
Eleventh Chapter
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–O ParameÚvara, relate to me the magnificent rule for dedicating
palaces, pavilions, wells or anything else to DevÌ. [1-2]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Listen DevÌ, I speak of the method which one should employ to
dedicate a palace to you. In the west, make a square area for worship. Very carefully
one should encircle it in cloth. MaheÚËni, strew sacrificial grass around the perimeter.
Putting down a pair of pots, one should entwine them by cloths. In the pot on
one’s left hand side one should worship the goddess. In the pot on one’s right one
should worship the god of fire. Using sixty four ritual accessories one should do worship
of the iÛÖadevatË. [5-6]
Otherwise one may do worship to the goddess using half of these, or with the
(usual sixteen) ritual accessories of Éakti. [7]
One should worship very carefully, and then do sacrifice by the method declared in
the agama. O DeveÚÌ, one should sacrifice using the three madhus previously spoken of,
and by bilva leaf. The mantrin should do sacrifice one thousand times, and not less than
one hundred times. [8-9]
Having given full sacrifice, one should then do the dedication. One should say
‘On the the solar month......on the lunar day....., I, of the family........., for
the attainment of dharma, artha and kama offer...... ‘.
Then one should pronounce the root mantra and say æto the goddess namahÆ.
Afterwards one should give dakÚiÙË to the guru. [10-11]
One should bathe the instigator of the sacrifice with the water from the pots. One
should say “Consisting of wine” and so forth, and then the guru should do a ÉËnti rite.
Firstly, the wise person should do all necessary worship of the guru. He should give
earrings made of pure yellow gold, a square gold necklace ornament, and a headband.
He should put a rosary round ( the guru’s neck. [14-15]
Then he should give armlets inset with gems, rings for fingers and toes, and lovely
clothing. After giving these gifts he should perform the necessary actions. The wise
person should give offerings also to the guru’s partner and the guru’s son. One should
not have a brËhmaÙË perform this, one should offer to the guru oneself. MaheÚËni, after
satisfying the guru one becomes like Bhairava, no doubt. [16-18]
One should satisfy oneself by giving a personal garment. Having sacrificed thus,
one becomes a brËhmaÙË by grace of the guru. [19]
One should purify the sacrificial spot with the mantra “HrÌÑ to the Adhara Éakti
namah”. Using the mantra ‘Bhurasi’55 and so forth one should purify the two pots. Using
the root mantra ending in Phat one should offer the head band. [20-21]
A wise person should not worship using a vedic or smarta56 mantra. One should act
in the above manner in gifts of wells and so forth, ParameÚvarÌ, and in all other similar
gifts such as palaces, land, etc. [22-23]
When sinking wells one should give a flag staff and pennant. The flag should
measure four hands width in its broadest section. One should pronounce the root mantra
and the wise person should then say “Svaha, I purify this flag staff”. The wise man
should not do this in dedication of a bridge or a cow, else he loses the fruit of the
offering. [24-25]
One should give gold, silver and coral dakshina (to the guru). After bathing, using
the water in the pot, the guru should do a ÉËnti rite. With this method one may offer
wells and so forth. One should give gifts of lakes, wells, tanks etc. One should also
devotedly offer to MahËdevÌ such things as oblong tanks, ponds covered with lotuses,
and reservoirs. [26-29]
Through the grace of the goddess, seven generations in father and mother’s lines
dwell eternally on Mount KailËsa. Each one is the form of a devata, and liberated whilst
living, there is no doubt. [30]
The fruit one may gain by doing one thousand asvamedha or Soma sacrifices is
multiplied 100,000 times, goddess. DevÌ, the fruit gained by a brËhmaÙË expert in the
Vedas who has offered a mountain of gold is multiplied 100,000 fold. [31-33]
ParameÚvarÌ, the offerings given carefully by a brËhmaÙË, expert in the Vedas who
has offered all the fruit of the seven islands and the earth is multiplied 100,000 fold by
the merit of this offering. Supreme Goddess, one gains 100,000 times the fruit of all
offerings, vows and gifts according to the vedic doctrine by the (above) good works.
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Wearing a sacrificial thread entitles one to do worship on earth
– of this there is no doubt. Now relate to me the rule regarding the sacrificial thread.
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–VarËnana, listen to the dimensions of the sacrificial thread The
Rigvedi57 should wear a thread between the navel and the breast. The Yajusha’s58
sacrificial thread is marvellous, Mountain Born One! The sacrificial thread has many
different lengths for the vipra. He should never wear only one length. [37-38]
O Varavarnita, the sacrificial thread of a chanter of the Sama (Veda) 59 is of three
types. One sacrificial thread extends from the one thousand petal lotus to the navel
region Another is worn from the throat to the navel, extending from the re to the spine.
Now, ParameÚËni, listen to the third type. The sacrificial thread extends from the throat
to the right hand. [39-41]
One may wear a sacrificial thread according to the Yajusha doctrine, or a sacrificial
thread of the dimensions of the chanter of Sama. An Atharvin60 should wear a most
beautiful sacrificial thread extending from the AjÕa cakra to the navel region. [42-43]
One wearing a sacrificial thread without knowing its dimensions becomes a
Candala, 61 even be he as (great a brËhmaÙË) as Vyasa. [44]
Twelfth Chapter
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Now I declare the bases for pÍja, very hard to get: on a ÚËlagrËma62,
in a gem, in a yantra, in images, in a pot, on water, on books, in Ganges water, on a
Éiva liÔga, and in a flower. [1-2]
The fruit one gains on a ÚËlagrËma or a gem is one hundred fold. O Beautiful Eyed
one, the fruit is 100,000 fold in a yantra or a beautiful image. Dear one, the fruit
[gained from doing pÍja] in a pot or in pure water is one-fold. On a book it is one
thousand fold, and in Ganges water the same amount. The fruit is endless on a Éiva
liÔga, unless it be earthen. [3-4]
MaheÚËni, doing pÍja in a flower yantra causes all illuminating siddhi. When
worshipping with a ÚËlagrËma one should not draw the great yantra. MaheÚËni, one
should not draw the great yantra when using jewel or image. [5-6]
Very carefully one should place a pot in front of an image. O ParameÚvarÌ, one
should worship the attendants in the pot. A yantra is the seat of the Devas. One may do
pÍja in a yantra with a pot. One should meditate in the pot on the collective form of the
devatËs. Supreme Lady, this pot is certainly the true form of the tree of the gods. [7-8]
A sËdhaka should worship the great yantra which is the yoni. 63 To avoid delusion,
one should not worship an image at the same time. If one prepares an image, one should
not make a yantra. If, through error, one should so do, worship twice. The wise man
should worship twice, give food offering twice, recite the mantra twice and do sacrifice
twice. [9-11]
Otherwise, this pÍja is useless and the food offering without result. All is certainly
fruitless. For this reason, do not make a yantra [as well as an image]. [12]
O Charming One, the bases for pÍja, very hard to get, are thus declared to You.
Now I speak of the characteristics of a Éiva liÔga. When worshipping Éiva in clay
one obtains all siddhi. By worshipping Éiva in stone, double the fruit is obtained, and
from worshipping with a gold liÔga comes destruction of enemies. [14-15]
On silver there is fourfold fruit, and one becomes lord of all siddhi. With copper
comes healing, and on brass the accumulation of wealth. The greatness of quicksilver
has already been declared by Me. [16]
Worshipping with Ganges water gives fruit 100,000 fold, and using lac resin one
becomes free from disease. Dear One, on emerald and on crystal there is every kind of
siddhi. Worship with an iron linga destroys afflictions, and on an ash liÔga gives
whatever is desired. [17-18]
Optional siddhis come from worshipping sand liÔgas. With a gomaya liÔga, enemies
are slain. The magnificence of the liÔgam is that it gives dharma, artha, kËma and
mokÛa. 64 [19]
To you have been declared the qualities of the exceedingly meritorious bases.
Any other bases than these are completely empty of result, 0 Beautiful Eyed One.
Goddess, using Éiva pÍja, one becomes lord of the four aims. Mortals achieve all
dominion from the worship of Éambhu NËtha. If one should worship Éambhu it is said
that one is Narayana. By worshipping Éambhu NËtha one is eternally a Deva in heaven,
on earth, and in the underworld. [21-22]
The man who gets results by offering 1,000 golden flowers gets 100,000 times the
merit by offering one broken bilva leaf. The holy person who offers with 1,000 broken
bilva leaves gains more gold than is equal to the weight of Mount Meru. In Éiva pÍja
there are no rules relating to purity or impurity. He who should worship in this manner
using bilva leaves, after becoming all-accomplished, becomes siddha as well, most
certainly. [23-25]
The Devas in the heart of the macrocosm and the Devas on the perimeter all obtain
refreshment from Éiva PÌja. One should offer flower, scent, water and dravya on the
liÔga. In the heart of the liÔga is a great fire, the renowned Rudra. That which is thrown
upon Rudra becomes like ash. [26-28]
Evidently, by worshipping Éiva one becomes a great lord of sacrifice in the world
of mortals. If one should worship by offering a drop of water on the point of a blade of
Kushi grass the water becomes like an ocean, O Girija. [29-30]
One should offer a mountain of flowers upon the liÔga. Whatsoever food is placed
on the head of the liÔga causes one to obtain all the fruit the earth can give. If one
should worship the Éiva liÔga with one grain of rice, one obtains the gift of all the food
on the plate of the macrocosm. [31-33]
So also, if one should worship the Éiva liÔga with one millet grain one may gain
the gift-offering of the highest of the gods. [34]
If one should bathe the MaheÚvara with ordinary water, one gains the merit of
bathing in 30,500,000 sacred waters. [35]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Why are there various goddesses such as TËriÙÌ, BrahmËni,
Éakti-TripurË, VaiÛÙavÌ, Shakambhari, TËrË, TripurË and Sambhavi? [36]
ÉrÌ Shankas said–When Savitri, the Mother of Veda, was born from the body of
KËlÌ, she became giver of the three Vedas, and the brËhmaÙË-Éakti. From the secret
mahËvidyË known as Shaivi-Ekajata originated LakÛmÌ-VaiÛÙavÌ, who also bestows the
three Vedas. The secret mahËvidyË, ÉrÌ TripurËsundari, is ÉËmbhavÌ, the ultimate one,
MËyË, TripurË, the Giver of Liberation. [37-39]
In reality the mahËvidyË is one with various names. So too the primeval god is one,
with various names. [40]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Concentrating on mantra causes one’s self to become like
mantra. How may madness or disease come from this? [41]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Defects of mantra cause madness and physical ailments. Listen
DevÌ, I will declare the various types of mantra defect. [41]
The eight types are Abhakti, Varna, Bhranti, Lupta, Cchinna, Hrasva, Dirgha,
Kathana and Svapna. Due to Abhakti there is no siddhi in 100 thousand million Kalpas.
Madness arises from a Bhranti mantra. 66 [43-44] Lupta and Varna cause destruction of
mind. Cchinna causes destruction, most surely. When pronouncing Hrasva (short vowels
instead of long), ailments arise. In Dirgha (long instead of short vowels) recitation
wealth diminishes. In (the states of) Kathana and Svapna one dies. [45-46]
Mountain Born one, Listen! (If these defects exist) one is burnt up by KËlikË’s and
TËrË’s mantras. If a devoted Twice Born should master a mantra (with these defects) the
following things occur. He has fever to the core of his being, and in all his limbs.
Neither water nor medicine cools him. Always mad, he is clearly in a state of
stupefaction. He dies within six months to three years, there is no doubt. [47-49]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–You have said that mantra defects are of eight kinds. O Deva,
tell me how a mantra becomes divine? [50]
(ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–) O goddess, if one is devoted there is enduring siddhi and
release from the many bodily ailments accruing from (defective) recitation and sacrifice.
Lupta and Varna may be destroyed by the sËdhaka’s guru or his son, and the
mantra may, once again, cause enlightenment. [52]
The defect of Cchinna is destroyed by the guru or his son piercing the six cakras,
and by Yoni Mudra. O Boon Giver, one should then recite the mantra 100,000 times.
The defects of Hrasva and Dirgha are removed by the guru reciting the mantra
100,000 times on three occasions–of this there is no doubt. [55]
Mountain Born, if the sËdhaka’s guru or his son should recite a mantra by the
declared methods 400,000 times, afterwards doing sacrifice of one tenth part of that, and
doing oblation, then the various defects of a pupil are destroyed. As death comes from
this (mantra), so also from this mantra arises liberation. The defect of Kathana is
alleviated, no doubt. [56-59]
Mountain Born One, when a mantra is Svapna or Kathana, one should recite the
mantra 400,000 times in a cremation ground, according to the rules. One should sacrifice
by one tenth of it, and then do oblation and so forth, but only if the sËdhaka is resolute.
Four things should be done. One should do the worship previously spoken of. On a
Tuesday, a Saturday or on the first day of the Waning moon one should have sexual
intercourse. For seven days one should worship thus. One should worship DevÌ on a first
or fourth day (of the Lunar fortnight). I speak of pÍja in the cremation ground. Listen
with real concentration. Having given gold, silver and clothing, one should worship the
Giver of Boons. [62-63]
A gold pedestal of four fingers breadth should be given. Suitable enjoyment should
be offered, and madhuparka, as far as one is able. One should satisfy DevÌ with the kind
of clothes which would satisfy a queen. [64-65]
One should always offer a gem appropriate to one’s means. One should give
various kinds of pleasant foods, and various substances, sugar candies, mutton, and cake
made with milk and wine. [66]
One should give suitable dravya in water if one is unsatisfied. Thus one should
conclude this pÍja. Then one should do Éiva pÍja using sixteen ritual accessories and
worshipping 21 lingas with bilva leaves and sandal. [67-68]
Daily one should recite the mantra 1,008 times. Afterwards one should do sacrifice
1,000 times using bilva leaves. O Boon Giver, by these actions one gains peace and long
life, for sure. [69-70]
Thirteenth Chapter
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Listen, NËtha, supremely blissful one, Supreme Lord of the Universe!
Now I wish to hear about rosaries for mantra recitation. Which rosary is appropriate to
which Deva? Speak of these things. [1]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–A sËdhaka should recite a mantra with a rudrËkÛa67 rosary for
KËlikË. A VaiÛÙavÌ68 should use a tulsi rosary, and a worshipper of Lord GaÙeÚa should
use ivory. [2]
A mantrin may recite TËrË’s mantra using the great rosary of human skullbone. A
wise person may recite all vidyËs using the rosary made of human bone. Siddhi comes
swiftly using the great rosary of human bone. Knowledge, in all its parts, always dwells
in the rosary of human bone. [3-4]
A sËdhaka may recite the mantras of all Devas using crystal or coral. All DevÌs
may be worshipped using gold or silver. [5]
KËlikË and SundarÌ should always be worshipped using rudrËkÛas. Dearest, the
mantrin should recite that (Vidya) of Bhairavi using bone. In a cremation ground the
sËdhaka should recite DhÍmËvatÌ’s mantra, using a rosary of thorn apple. Charming one,
the characteristics of great rosaries have been declared to you. [6-7]
Now I speak of knots. Listen, Charming One, to all this. The rosary of a sËdhaka is
truly powerful, and the bestower of all fruit. The foremost type of knot in a rosary of
the fifty (letters) is a single knot, the giver of results, ParameÚvarÌ. DevÌ, a BrahmË knot
in a rosary is entwined two and a half times. Entwined one and a half times it is the
beautiful Naga knot. ParameÚvarÌ, one should always fashion the BrahmË or the
Nagapasha for the rosaries of all gods. [8-11]
DevÌ, one should tie one knot for great rosaries. One should tie the knot using the
root mantra or Om. One should form a symmetrical ball in the centre of the knot. Then
one should bind the two ends, and should fashion the meru knot above that knot. 69[12-
Thus ends the fashioning of a rosary. In this matter one should not do shaking,
agitating, mispronouncing the mantra, or dropping the rosary. Cutting the cord causes
great obstacles. [14-15]
Shaking (the rosary) causes deficiency of siddhi. Should one agitate it there may be
much sorrow. Disease and misfortune arises from mispronouncing the mantra. Dropping
(the rosary) causes destruction. Cutting the cord may cause death, so one should proceed
carefully. MaheÚËni, being aware of all this one should do ÉËnti and Svasti rites. [16-17]
If one desires siddhi, and there is shaking, one should recite a mantra. Carefully
one should worship the guru using 22 ritual accessories. Having set down a pot, one
should worship the iÛÖtadevatË. Then one should offer 108 bilva leaves. [18-19]
If agitating or mispronouncing, one should worship with the CËÙdÌ hymn, using the
three madhus and the method already mentioned. If dropping (the rosary) or cutting (the
cord) one should do puraÚcaraÙara. 70 When worshipping, one should sacrifice to the
goddess employing sixteen ritual accessories. [20-21]
Daily one should recite the mantra and give animal sacrifice. One should do
everything according to the rules given in a manual. O great lady, if obstacles and great
poverty are to depart one should recite the great mantra 10,000 times at the beginning
and end of the worship. [22]
Afterwards one should sacrifice one thousand times to pacify all obstacles. Having
washed (the rosary) using the water in the pot, one should, once again, knot the rosary.
Acting in this way the water removes the stain of the obstacles. [23-25]
Fourteenth Chapter
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–A jÌva, by concentrating on a mantra, immediately becomes like the
flame of KËlikË in the centre of KuÙdalÌ. KuÙdalÌ is the iÛÖadevatË, without origin,
situated in the body. How should a sËdhaka meditate and worship within the body?
MahËdeva, declare this to me, I am your beloved! [1-2]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–O goddess, enjoyment is of three types–heavenly (divya), heroic
(vÌra) and herd-like (paÚu) 71 respectively. If one who is of heavenly disposition enjoys
on the tongue of KuÙdalÌ then KuÙdalÌ is stainless. If a hero (consumes in this way)
MahËdevÌ is pleased, and if one who is herd-like enjoys, she bestows her favour. [3-4]
She always bestows NirvËÙa to those of the heavenly disposition and the twice
born. To kÛatriyas She gives intimate union and so forth, but not mahËmokÛa. If a
devoted paÚu enjoys, she bestows favours. On dying he becomes an enjoyer in heaven,
not being prepared. In other births (to come) he gains MahadevÌ’s favour. [5-7]
In the heavenly and heroic dispositions, vision of the goddess is achieved, of this
there is no doubt. Through her grace the divyas and vÌras achieve NirvËÙa, no doubt. He
who is a paÚu enjoys her favour, most certainly. When dying in the herd-like state one
is unprepared. Therefore there is no liberation, and one become reborn, it is certain. [8-
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–Speak to me, ultimate lord, of the characteristics of vÌra and
divya. Which acts of the divya and the vÌra bring full emancipation? [11]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Liquor, which is under a curse, is the form of the absolute.
Freeing it from this curse it becomes the absolute itself, the supreme ambrosia. DevÌ, it
becomes like this by offering it to MahËdevÌ. [12]
One should meditate on the tongue of KuÙdalÌ within the mÍlËdhËra. A sËdhaka
becomes a possessor of real knowledge by sacrificing into that mouth. [13-14]
Just as VËrÍÙÌ is the coiled devata in the KalËÔga region, so one should meditate
that KuÙdalÌ is situated in the centre of the body. Meditating on KuÙdalÌ, one should
sacrifice into the mouth of Éakti. VarËnana, one should always consume identifying this
way. [15-16]
ÉrÌ DevÌ said–Sometimes there are rules regarding the leftovers. What is Ganges
water consisting of the supreme absolute? Speak! What is prasad72 or the ocean of
Ganges water? [17-18]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Listen DevÌ, I declare the method of bathing in this water. One
gains a share of emancipation in the world of mortals by immersion and bathing, there
is no doubt. One should immerse oneself at bathing time feet first and head last. Feet
contact is not a fault here, supreme BrahmËnÌ. One becomes dissolved in the supreme
being. [19-20]
The characteristics of vÌra and divya are thus declared to you. Beloved of my life,
their greatness is spoken of in the VÌra Tantra. [21]
Listen, DevÌ, I now declare the qualities of a female sËdhaka. (They are) divya and
vÌra Éaktis, Kula Éakti, KËminÌ, and the nine KumËrÌ Éaktis. She should devotedly
worship ÉrÌ Guru, firstly giving her own body. Otherwise her body is punished, most
certainly. DevÌ, for seven lives she is a pukkasÌ, 73 without a partner. [22-24]
Having worshipped Éiva and her own beloved one, she should do sËdhana.
ParameÚvarÌ, she should certainly not worship any other man. If she worships in any
other way CËÙdÌ becomes all-destroying, most certainly. her loved one’s life is
destroyed, and she becomes bereft of her partner forever. [25-26]
Wealth is destroyed completely, and she knows the anger of the goddess. She
should always worship the eternal gurudeva. She who discusses as to whether the guru is
auspicious or inauspicious, for her the mantra becomes cruel, and she loses her man on
every occasion. Better that people revile her, better that she renounce life. Despite all,
she should worship the god, who plainly is the giver of NirvËÙa. [27-29]
When worshipping the guru she should always abandon fear and deceit. If,
devotedly, she should concentrate on the effulgent ÉrÌ Guru, she becomes illuminated.
This is true, true and again true, there is no question of it. [30-31]
ParameÚvarÌ, if she should concentrate non-devotedly her recitation of mantra and
sËdhana brings danger from this effulgence. [32]
ÉrÌ CËÙdikË said–One should worship the gurudeva, the bestower of NirvËÙa, with
his lady. How are these two to be worshipped? What is the rule? [33]
ÉrÌ ÉaÔkara said–Listen DevÌ, I speak of this in accordance with the instructions
of the guru. One should meditate devotedly on them as one with oneself, effulgent, free
from desire. [34]
Guru’s lady and guru’s sons are plainly identical with guru, there is no doubt.
Beloved, by worshipping one, one worships both. The guru’s sons are GaÙeÚa and the
six faced one (Skanda). 74 [35]
When worshipping, one should always offer to only one of the guru’s sons, and he
is then pleased. One should never worship the other son of the guru. One should never
worship both the divya and the vÌra form. By worshipping one, DevÌ, one becomes a
great lord of Siddhi. [36-38]
Whosoever should worship both, three, or four collectively does not gain results
from meditation, recitation of mantra, or sËdhana. [39]
DevÌ, if by the power of good fortune one should attain to one of the guru’s sons,
one becomes charming, a knower of ÚËstra, able to both favour and punish, beautiful,
young, wanton, equal to the guru, controlled of the senses. From this sËdhana one also
obtains liberation at the end of life. If from delusion one should not so worship, then
one becomes full of demerit. [40-42]
1. The commentary to the text has here “sambhal – shed by the wife”.
2. The Cina or MahËcina pÍja alludes to the ritual with an initiated Éakti. In such a
case, the sËdhaka or practitioner is a svecchacari, that is he acts according to his own
will, and the ordinary rules are suspended. See Brihadnilatantra.
3. In the commentary is given the relevant passage from the KËlÌ Tantra, which is here
translated: Now I speak of the ritual injunction relating to worship, which is the all
nectar giver of the DevÌ, by doing which the self becomes of the form of Bhairava. First
I speak of yantra, the knowing of which conquers death. At first draw a triangle.
Outside this put another. Then the mantrin should draw three more triangles. Draw a
circle, and then a beautiful lotus. Then another circle should be drawn, and a bhupura
with four lines and four doors. Thus the circle should be drawn.
Then one should worship the guru line, the six limbs, and the guardians of the
directions. Then the mantrin should place his head at the guru's feet. Dearest one, having
done worship of the pedestal, one should set down the offering. One should place the
mantra in the six limbs. Then, within the heart lotus, the ultimate kala blossoms.
She (the DevÌ) should be placed in the centre of the yantra by drawing her out (via the
breath). Having meditated on the great goddess, the devotee should dedicate the ritual
offerings. He should bow to MahËdevÌ, and then worship the surrounding devatas.
One should worship KËlÌ, KapËlinÌ, KullË, KurukullË, VirodhinÌ and VipracittË in the
outer six angles, UgrË, UgraprabhË and DÌpta in the middle, and NÌlË, GhanË and Balaka
in the inner triangle. Within this triangle (one should worship) MËtrË, MudrË and MitË,
and within this the very dusky one holding the cleaver, adorned with human skulls, her
left hand threatening, smiling sweetly.
One should then worship the eight mËtÎkËs BrËhmÌ, NËrËyaÙÌ, MaheÚvari, CËmuÙdË,
KaumËrÌ, AparËjitË, VËrËhÌ and NËrasiÑhÌ. One should give these DevÌs animal sacrifice
in equal measure, and worship them, smearing them with scent and offering incense and
flame. Having accomplished this worship (pÍja), one should worship using the root
Then one should give food and so forth to the DevÌ again and again. The sËdhaka
should give flame 10 times. Similarly, he should offer flower with mantra according to
the ritual injunction. Having meditated on DevÌ, he should then recite the mantra 1,008
times. He should place the fruit of this recitation, which consists of effulgence, into the
hand of the DevÌ. Then, having placed the flower on his own head, he should prostrate
himself. With supreme devotion, he should then rub out (the yantra).
4. Tola, an Indian measure of weight.
5. Inside the sewn cloth is the sambal. The commentary says the cloth should be red.
6. Dravya, the mixture of quicksilver and sulphur.
7. The commentary says that borax means soma offering.
8. The SuÛumnË is the central channel of bioenergy (nË×Ì), which exists subtly within
the spine, extending from the base to the top of the head.
9. GaÙeÚa (Lord of Hosts), is one of the sons of Éiva and Éakti. The other is Skanda,
known as KÛetrapËla or variously as Subrahmanya, Kartikkeya, or Vatuka.
10. The mÍlËdhËra is the spiritual centre, cakra, at the base of the spine.
11. KËmarÍpa means, literally, form of desire. But in the Kaula context it has a special
meaning. For example, the Kaulavali Nirnaya, a digest of KaulaÚËstra, states that
KËmarÍpa is of two kinds, one the area in Assam, and the other to be found in every
home, i.e. the yoni of the Éakti.
12. The four varnas, incorrectly described as castes, are the brËhmaÙË, kÛatriya (warrior),
vaiÚya (farmer) and ÚÍdra. This tantra tries to dissolve the orthodox division into varna.
13. MahËmokÛa–great liberation, the supreme emancipation from the wheel of birth and
14. Vipra, twice-born, is another name for a brËhmaÙË, alluding to the second birth or
initiation at the age of 11 or 12, when a young man is given the sacred thread.
15. The commentary gives these as OÑ yaÑ viÑ vuÑ vaiÑ vauÑ yah brahma
shapavimochitayai suradevyai namah. OÑ sham shim shum shaim shaum shah shukra
shapavimochitayai sudhadevyai namah: HrÌÑ ÉrÌm kram krim krum kraim kraum krah
krishna shapam vimochaya amritam sravaya svaha.
16. The leftovers (nirmalya), are those elements used in the ritual worship of Éiva which
remain at the close of the ceremony.
17. Species of basil plant, held sacred to ViÛÙu, and considered as his Éakti or female
18. A ritual intended to cause peace (ÉËnti).
19. The section referred to is in the fifth paÖalas of the tantra.
20. A mixture of butter and honey.
21. The commentary says: DhanadË &c. The prayoga (application) of DhanadË is in the
ninth chapter of the GuptasËdhana Tantra. ÉrÌ Éiva said: Now I speak to you of
DhanadË, who gives all success.
Worshipping the MËhadevÌ one becomes like Kubera, the god of wealth. Ds with bindu,
MahËmËyË, Haripriya, Ratipriya and Vahnijaya (is the mantra). This great nine syllable
(?) mantra immediately confers success. Kubera is the ¿Ûi of this mantra, and Pankti is
the metre (for pronunciation) it is said. The DevÌ is DhanadË DevÌ, giver of all success,
bestower of the fruits of the 4 aims of dharma, artha, kËma and mokÛa. Using six long
HrÌÑs one should do the six limb nyËsa.
I declare to you her image by which a person may become successful. OÑ I worship the
pure and golden DevÌ of beautiful appearance, wearing red garments, carrying two
golden lotuses, a goad, a beautiful chalice adorned with gems, and making the gestures
of granting all desires and allaying fear, with three eyes, splendid as the King of Snakes,
the DevÌ who releases one from fear, mother of the three worlds, the supreme
destructress of sin.
One should meditate on this DevÌ, who is the true form of consciousness, as being one
with one's self. After meditating thus, one should do mental pÍja. MaheÚËni, after
placing a pot for the offerings, one should show the Dhenu and Yoni mudrËs. Then,
having worshipped the pedestal, one should recite the pedestal mantra. Beginning with
the adhara Éakti, one should worship the lotus-seat, dearest. Beforehand, the sËdhaka
should do pÍja using OÑ first and Namah last.
MaheÚËni, having meditated once more, one should do invocation using the root mantra.
One should worship using the six limbs, and should do jÌva nyËsa. Pronounce the root
mantra, and should then utter the root mantra over the wine. Then one should recite the
mantra, which is the very essence of yoga, (offering it) to the DevÌ. One should then
worship the DevÌ with water for washing her feet and so forth, according to one's
I speak to you of her yantra, after knowing which one becomes full of amÎta. One
should draw a figure with nine triangles within the pericarp of a lotus. One should draw
the lotus with 2 petals, and outside this place an earth square. In the triangles one should
write the Vahni Bija, and in the centre the bÌja (of the DevÌ). MaheÚËni, this yantra is
exactly the same as the DevÌ. Using OÑ first and Namah last, one should worship
LakÛmÌ, Padma, Padmalaya, ÉrÌ, Haripriya, Shava, Kamala, Abja, Chanchala and Lola.
The best sort of sËdhaka should then, once more, worship DevÌ in the centre.
After prËÙayama, one should do reciting of the mantra to the Éakti. One should place
the very secret results of meditation in the hands of the DevÌ. Doing prËÙayama once
more, one should fully prostrate oneself. MaheÚËni, having arisen, one should offer the
remaining ritual offerings. Having given oneself. one should then indraw (the DevÌ) by
22. Gift given to the guru.
23. See later in this paÖalas for a discussion of the term svayambhÍ. Prastara means
stone, but may here refer to the Éakti.
24. Ghritanari or Ghritakumari is the plant aloe indica, but has a hidden meaning, like
many Tantric terms, and may refer to ghee (Ghrita) of a woman (Nari).
25. A krosha (earshot) is roughly equivalent to two and one quarter miles.
26. The commentary states that the mantra is Haum.
27. The three well known guÙas are sattvas, rajas and tamas, referring to reconciling,
active and passive principles.
28. CËmuÙdË KËlikË is one of the eight forms of KËlÌ.
29. The five things, or panchatattva, are meat, wine, grain, sexual intercourse and fish.
30. A yantra is a geometrical design, either two or three dimensional, which is
considered to represent the goddess, and acts as base for her pÍja.
31. CËÙdÌ is the hymn known as DevÌ Mahatmya from the Markendeya PurËÙa, used to
this day in the nine nights of DÍrgË festival.
32. The eight MËtÎkË DevÌs, starting with BrËhmÌ and mentioned in note three, above.
33. PrËÙayama is restraint of breath.
34. The favourite or indwelling DevÌ of an individual sËdhaka.
35. Various pleasant substances are to be given to DevÌ during her pÍja, such as flame,
incense, flowers, scent, food, and so forth. These are the ritual accessories or upacaras.
36. The sixteen kalas are those of the moon, implying that the sËdhaka becomes free of
the influence of time. These are the fifteen days of a lunar fortnight plus the DevÌ who
comprises them all.
37. This word is here used to describe the meditation image of the goddess.
38. Every mantra has a ¿Ûi (seer) who first perceived its essence, a metre for
pronouncing the mantra, an aspect of divinity which it represents, and an application, or
use to which it is put. Verses 61-62 reveal the greatness of the CËÙdÌ text as it embodies
the three Éaktis of the Hindu trinity–MahakËlÌ for MaheÚa, MahËlakÛmÌ for ViÛÙu, and
MahËsarasvatÌ for BrahmË.
39. NyËsa is a tËntrik method of divinising or purifying the body. As the fingers touch
particular points of the body, mantras or images are visualised as residing there. There
are many different types of nyËsa, but the six limb nyËsa usually relating to heart,
forelock, head, armour (region of the chest), genitals and feet is the most basic and
40. TripurË or Shodashi, the third of the ten Mahavidyas or great aspects of the goddess.
41. SaÑsËra is the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth. To become free of this
wheel is the aim of the tËntrik sËdhaka.
42. The three twilight times or SËÑdhyas are common to both Vedic and Tantric
ritual–dawn, midday and sunset. Some tËntrik texts add the fourth twilight as midnight.
Rituals at these times are obligatory for sËdhakas.
43. These three terms refer to the vidya or mantra of TripurË. Her mantra is Aim
KlÌÑ Sauh–AiÑ is the VËgbhava, KlÌÑ the Madana, and Sauh the Éakti.
44. Tryambaka mantra is the well known OÑ tryambaka yajamahe sugandhim
pushtivardanam &c.
45. Worshipping the pËrada liÔgam is a particular feature of the Rasesvaras or
Rasavadins–followers of the path of rasa or mercury, i.e. alchemists. Here the pËrada
liÔgam is extolled above all other religious symbols.
46. Pacifying (ÉËnti) and fortune-enhancing (Svasti) rites.
47. See note 26. The five syllable mantra of Éiva is the well-known OÑ namah Éivaya.
48. The commentary gives this mantra as being OÑ namah Éivaya haum.
49. Bilva leaves are sacred to lord Éiva, and used when worshipping the lingam. They
come from the Bel tree.
50. Milk, butter and honey, representing nectar, mead and soma.
51. No details of this mantra are given.
52. The bÌja mantra is the seed mantra given to the disciple at initiation,
from which seed the DevÌ grows within the body of the pupil.
53. This is the vedic sacrifice of a horse, the ashvamedha rite. A horse was set free,
frequently straying into other kings' territories. Bloody wars were fought for the honour
of sacrificing it.
54. The absolute as sound, the essence of mantra.
55. A vedic mantra.
56. The Smartas are followers of the orthodox Brahminical tradition.
57. A BrËhmaÙË following the Rig Veda.
58. A BrËhmaÙË following the Yajur Veda.
59. A BrËhmaÙË following the Sama Veda.
60. One following the Atharva Veda.
61. One born very low, beyond the pale of the orthodox. This is an attack against
Brahmin orthodoxy. See the third paÖalas of this tantra, where a brËhmaÙË is said to be
one who knows the BrahmËn, or the absolute.
62. This is a particular kind of vitrified stone, the major feature of which is that it
shows natural spirals, and is used in pÍja of ViÛÙu.
63. The womb of the Éakti.
64. Four aims, or duties of a human being are described in many Hindu texts. Dharma is
following one's way, artha the acquisition of wealth, kËma legitimate sexuality, and
mokÛa liberation. All are valid duties for a human being.
65. A type of grass used in sacrifice.
66. The various defects of mantras have the following meanings. Abhakti comes from
considering the guru to be a mere human. Bhranti occurs when letters of the mantra are
reversed. Lupta is caused by a mantra being incomplete. Cchinna is the defect due to
incomplete instructions. Hrasva is caused by substituting the short vowels of Sanskrit for
the long vowels. Dirgha is the opposite, when what should be long vowels are
substituted for short vowels. Kathana is caused by revealing the mantra to one not
initiated, and Svapna is the effect caused to the mantra by considering it inferior to
another. The following shlokas in this chapter prescribe remedies for these defects.
67. The red or brown seed of the bush Eleocarpus Ganitus. The name is formed from
Rudra + Aksha (eye)–rudrËkÛa.
68. Devotee of ViÛÙu.
69. There are 108 beads in a mala or rosary, plus a 109th bead not used in the counting,
but only to mark the beginning and the end, when using the rosary for japa or recitation.
This is called the meru.
70. PuraÚcaraÙa is the course a sËdhaka must take after receiving the appropriate mantra
from the guru. If the rosary is dropped or the cord is cut, this process must be carried
out again. It involves the recitation, a very large number of times, of the received
mantra, accompanied with many ritual offerings. There are other methods.
71. The three bhËvas or dispositions are divya–heavenly, vÌra–heroic, and paÚu, beastly
or herd-like.
72. Prasad–anything offered to the devatË becomes imbued with holiness.
73. A female member of a group considered to be a very low sort of birth, produced by
the mating of a ÚÍdra and one of the aboriginal tribes.
74. Skanda is known in the tantras as Vatuka (the little BrËhmaÙË), said here to be a
æson of Éiva, but really one of his aspects.
PaÖala Three
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Devadeva, MahËdeva, who ferries across the ocean of saÑsËra17, speak
now about the great MudrË called the bound yoni.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: DevÌ, listen, I shall speak concisely of the bound yoni. A mantrin should
sit in upavidya Ësana facing east or west. He should insert the tip of his liÔga into the
anus. A wise person should put his thumbs and fingers into his ears, eyes, nostrils and
He should, using great efforts, cause the vital breath to be placed between his eyes. He
should fill himself with that certain thing without allowing any to escape.
After causing the BrahmË-as-sound to appear, he should meditate on the garland of
letters. A wise person will recite the root mantra one hundred and eight times.
DeveÚÌ, using the so-aham mantra, he should lead it upwards by the [central] path and
give oblation of nectar to the devatËs of the six cakras. MaheÚËni, I tell you that the
fruit of this action is sinlessness.
ÉrÌ PËrvatÌ said: Speak, O all-knowing lord, aware of all things, of KËlikË's mantra path,
very hard to get.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: DevÌ, truly blissful, listen to the ultimate KËlikË mantra, which liberates a
man. KrÌÑ is the siddhavidyË, the queen of vidyËs very hard to obtain. Firstly, say three
KrÌÑs, then two HÍÑs and two HrÌÑs followed by DakÛine KËlÌke.
Again, pronounce three KrÌÑs then HÍÑ HÍÑ HrÌÑ HrÌÑ SvËhË. This is the twenty two
syllable mantra-vidya, hard to get even for the god of fire.
Preceding it with Aim, it is the mahËvidyË of DevÌ ÉrÌ KËlÌ, it is said. Preceding it with
OÑ it is the mahËvidyË of DevÌ SiddhakËlikË. O ParameÚvarÌ, KrÌÑ KrÌÑ HÍÑ is the
three syllable supreme vidya of CËmuÙdË KËlikË, it is said.
KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ ÚmaÚËna KËlikË KrÌÑ KrÌÑ KrÌÑ SvËhË is the vidya [of ÉmaÚËna
KËlikË] which one should pronounce.
DevÌ, her eight forms are DakÛiÙË KËlikË, SiddhË KËlikË, Guhya KËlikË, ÉrÌ KËlikË,
Bhadra KËlÌ, CËmuÙdË KËlikË and ÉmaÚËna KËlikË. OÑ Aim KrÌÑ HrÌÑ is the eightfold
mantra hidden in all tantras.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: MahËkËlÌ's very secret mantra has been spoken of. Now I want to hear
TËrË's royal mantra, by whose grace one is not sunk in the ocean of saÑsËra. Lord,
speak of that mantra, if you have love for me.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: AiÑ is the royal mantra, dearest one. This single syllable mahËvidyË AiÑ
is worshipped in the three worlds. The second single syllabled mahËvidyË, which is a
king amongst mantras, is Éiva bÌja joined with ÌÑ and the bindu.
Pronounce the first bÌja followed by PhaÖ. When preceded with OÑ, it is the famous
vidya of UgrË TËrË. TËrË Ekajata, the giver of great liberation, is thus declared.
When TËrË has three syllables she becomes the Great-blue-Sarasvati. When preceded
with AiÑ, she is the vidyË bestowing eloquence. When preceded with ÉrÌm, she is the
mahËvidyË giving wealth. When preceded by HÍÑ, she is the illuminator of the mass of
words. When preceded by HauÑ, she is the mahËvidyË giving equivalence to Éiva.
When preceded with OÑ, she gives whatever one desires. AdyË KËlÌ is the mahËvidyË
giving liberation and success at all times. Propitiation of KËlikË and TËrË is now spoken
At daybreak, the knower of the mantra should worship the guru in the thousand petalled
lotus. After piercing the six cakras, he should recite [the root mantra] one hundred and
eight times.
Then he should bow, according to rule, and should bathe. He should say OÑ and then
Namah. After pleasing devatË, he should bathe in pure water.
He should say OÑ gange yamune godavari sarasvati narmade sindhu kaveri over the
water and should say: “Make this an ocean of water.”
He should display the Hook MudrË and should indraw the sun from its sphere.
DevÌ, he should then display four MudrËs very carefully, and pronounce the mantra
eleven times. He should cover it using the Fish MudrË.
Then he should cast the water towards the sun twelve times. He should pronounce the
root mantra and should wash his feet, and then immerse his feet in the water thrice
whilst reciting the mantra.
After repeating the root mantra three times, he should show the Pot MudrË. DeveÚÌ, he
should take some water and make a forehead mark according to the path of the Kaulas.
He should offer water to Atma Vidya and to Éiva, then sipping the water. He should
pronounce the mantra OÑ HrÌÑ gange etc., and should indraw all the tÌrthas there.
A wise man, using the root mantra, should cast the water on the ground thrice. He
should bathe seven times in the water.
Having done sixfold nyËsa on the left hand, O Goddess of Wine, he should recite the
mantras HaÑ VaÑ YaÑ LaÑ RaÑ three times. DevÌ, this purifies the water.
He should pronounce the root mantra seven times, showing the Tattva MudrË. Bathing
using this mantra liberates from all sins. MaheÚËni, he should place the remainder of the
water in his right hand. He should then pour the water by the idË and wash the middle
of the body. Then he should empty the water over the piÔgalË side.
Then he should meditate on the malefic creature coloured black. He should hurl him
onto the adamantine stone using PhaÖ!
Firstly doing prËÙËyËma, he should sprinkle the hand and then sip the water. He should
give oblation to the Kuladeva and offer to the sun. He should then give offerings to the
devatË and afterwards recite the GËyatrÌ, O ParameÚvarÌ.
He should say OÑ KËlikËyai Vidmahe ÉmaÚËna Vasinyai Dhimahi Tanno Ghore
Pracodayat. A wise person recites the GËyatrÌ three times and throws water three times.
Then he should recite the Mahamantra GËyatrÌ, the supreme syllable.
DeveÚÌ, after doing limb nyËsa, he should recite one hundred and eight times, using a
rosary. Now I speak of the pÍja rule.
Making an oral resolution, carefully put down a pot. Sip using the mantra and then place
the ordinary offering. Using that water, sprinkle the doors and worship them. Cast out
obstacles and banish the elements thrice.
The wise person should then prepare the seat and bow to the Gurudeva, afterwards
purifying the hands and binding the directions three times.
He should encircle himself with fire and then do purification of the bhutas in his own
body. Afterwards do mËtÎkË nyËsa, six limb nyËsa and nyËsa of the inner mËtÎkËs. He
should meditate on the mËtÎkËs and place them on himself.
After doing pÌtha nyËsa, he should do prËÙËyËma. He should place ÎÛis, hands, limbs and
mËtÎkËs. Then doing six limb nyËsa, he should afterwards perform diffusion nyËsa.
Meditate, reciting the root mantra seven times, and do mental pÍja. Prepare the special
offering and perform pÌtha pÍja, again meditating with the mantra.
Displaying a mudrË, he should invoke and then do six limb nyËsa. Using the Cow and
other MudrËs, he should install [the DevÌ] with vital breath and perform the basic rite.
Begging for forgiveness for his ignorance, he should then worship KËlÌ and her
attendants. He should worship BrËhmÌ and the others, AsitËÔga and the other [Bhairavas]
and then worship MahËkËla.
He should worship the sword and the other weapons, the line of Gurus and then once
again worship DevÌ. He should then give bali, afterwards sacrificing other things and
then, doing prËÙËyËma, he should recite [the mantra].
The wise man should offer the recitation of the mantra and then do prËÙËyËma. DevÌ, in
a similar way, he should give wine and the like. MaheÚËni, after giving these offerings,
he should then give himself. After repeating a hymn and the armour, a wise person
should prostrate himself using the eight limb method.
Then he should meditate Éivoham and by the process of dissolution should do the
dismissal. Making a circle in the north east, he should worship UcchiÛÖa CaÙdËlÌ18, place
the water on his head and sandal on his forehead. Then he should give away the food
and consume the remainder.
A mantrin should perform pÍja in the following way: Firstly, he should do ÎÛi nyËsa
etc., and then purification of the hands; using his thumbs he should do diffusion nyËsa
and heart nyËsa etc.; then he should clap the hands thrice, bind the directions and do
Then, doing meditation and mental offering, he should place the offerings. Doing pÌtha
pÍja once more, he should meditate and then perform the invocation. After doing jÌva
nyËsa, then he should worship the supreme devatË, doing worship of the limbs including
KËlÌ, BrËhmÌ and so forth, and the eight Bhairavas.
After worshipping MahËkËla, then he should worship the line of gurus. Worshipping the
sword etc., he should then worship DevÌ. The best of sËdhakas should then do
prËÙËyËma and once again do the pÍja. Giving the fruit of mantra recitation into DevÌ's
hand, he should then sacrifice and give all. Doing prËÙËyËma, a wise person should then
perform the eight limb prostration.
Reciting the hymn and the armour, he should offer the leftovers. Giving himself, he
should then perform dissolution and rub out [the yantra]. Making a circle in the north
east, he should worship UcchiÛÖa CaÙdËlÌ, then give away and eat the food which
PaÖala Four
DevÌ said: KËlikË's pÍja has been declared. Now speak of TËrË, by whose grace the
speech of men is dissolved in their minds.
Isvara said–Listen, beauteous one, to TËrË's great pÍja. Sipping with mantra, a man
should bow to the Gurudeva. He should purify his hands with water and then wash his
feet. Sipping with the mantra, he should then meditate on the pÌtha.
Binding his forelock, he should destroy obstacles using the triple method. He should
purify the seat on the ground and knot the cloth. Purifying body and speech, he should
then purify the flowers. Constructing a yantra, the self-controlled sËdhaka should place
the ordinary offerings. He should worship the guardians of the doors and then the pÌtha.
The Éaktis of the pÌtha are LakÛmÌ and so forth. He should recite the pÌtha mantra for
Now I speak of the purification of the bodily elements, by which one becomes HaÑsa.
A person should breathe using HÍÑ HaÑsa and arouse KuÙdalinÌ using twenty four
bÌjas. A sËdhaka dissolves into the absolute (Brahman) by doing this, O DeveÚÌ.
He should burn the man of sin, of black effulgence, using HrÌÑ. Retaining the breath,
he should burn him into ashes. Using the vadhu bÌja mantra, he should scatter the ashes.
Inhaling using HÍÑ, he should accumulate the nectar in the region of the forehead. A
wise person should meditate on the nectar whilst retaining the breath, O Paramesani.
He should recite AÑ HrÌÑ KroÑ HrÌÑ eleven times in the heart region, and then
meditate on OÑ as bringing forth a red lotus. On that, he should meditate on HÍÑ,
resembling a blue lotus. Then he should turn that into an eye of knowledge, in the midst
of the jewelled island, surrounded by golden sand.
A mantrin should meditate on this alluring circle of knowledge. In the centre is the wish
fulfilling tree. Under this, he should meditate on himself as being one with TËriÙÌ, as
bright as the rising sun, the utmost sphere of light, in a place surrounded by beautiful
maidens with fans and bells, wafted by a gentle breeze bearing the odour of scent and
In the centre, he should meditate on a four square dais, adorned with different kinds of
jewels. Above that hangs a parasol, made of golden cloth. A mantrin should visualise
the jewelled lion throne below this, dearest one. There he should imagine DevÌ,
according to the previously spoken of meditation form mentioned in the Yogasara.
Doing prËÙËyËma, he should then do ÎÛi nyËsa and so forth, including mËtÎkË nyËsa and
hand and limb nyËsa. He should clap the hands thrice and, snapping his fingers, should
bind the directions.
Doing the sixfold nyËsa, he should then perform diffusion [nyËsa]. Set down the special
offering and purify the five tattvas. Then invoke SurËdevÌ19 and drink the wine five
times. Offer a flower into the pot and worship the three in the triangle. Reciting the
mantra three times on the left, recite Ha Sa Ka PhreÑ ten times.
A wise person should recite the Ananda GËyatrÌ verse three times and recite the mantras
removing the curses of BrahmË, Éukra and KÎÛÙa. Then prepare Curika's nectar (?) and
please Samraksani. Reciting the purifying mantras three times, do drying up and so
O DevÌ, he should then recite VaÑ three times and the Nectar Mantra seven times.
Display the Cow MudrË over the wine and recite the root mantra eight times.
Then awaken KuÙdalinÌ and meditate Éivoham. Purify the mudrË, previously purifying
the meat and the fish. The best type of sËdhaka should then purify the Éakti and the
kula flowers. He should offer oblation to his own particular DevÌ and the other devatËs,
and to ancestors and ÎÛis. Then he should mix the wine in with the special offering.
Meditating on himself as one with the absolute, he should do pÍja meditation. He should
outdraw the DevÌ from the left nostril and place the flower on the pÌtha. After invoking
her, he should show five mudrËs, then worshipping by the six limbs. Once again he
should show mudrË.
Doing jÌva nyËsa, he should worship her with the ritual accessories. Again he should
worship the six limbs, and after this should worship AkÛobhya.
Worshipping the line of gurus, he should then worship the ten [Kula] trees. Worshipping
KËlÌ and so forth, he should then worship Vairocana and the other attendants. Once
again he should worship DevÌ and then sacrifice an animal as bali.
Doing prËÙËyËma, he should then perform the mantra meditation. After reciting the
mantra, O MaheÚËni, he should then offer it to Her. Again doing prËÙËyËma, he should
offer the other things.
After the sËdhaka has offered himself to her, and drinking, he should then worship her.
Having drunk, having drunk and having drunk again, he is liberated from 10,000,000
rebirths. A wise man should recite the mantra one hundred and eight times over the
Reciting praise and the armour, a wise person prostrates, using the eight limb method.
He should give the special offering and then offer himself. After becoming like Rudra,
he should disperse the pÍja using the dissolution method.
Showing the Yoni MudrË according to his ability, he should dismiss DevÌ. Then he
should perform six limbed nyËsa, O MaheÚËni, afterwards doing prËÙËyËma.
Drawing a circle in the north east, he should worship using the leftovers and the mantra
“Hail, hail to CaÙdeÚvarÌ, who lives in the leftovers.” Place the leftovers on the head and
mark the forehead with sandal.
He should draw a yantra at the feet of the guru and give as he would to Bhairava–
giving the entire worship, O DevÌ, after abandoning ego.
The wise man should perform everything as prescribed here, and not do anything else. O
DevÌ, if worshipped differently, TËriÙÌ becomes cruel. This is the measure of the
knowledge of the absolute and the doctrine of Éakti, without doubt. O DevÌ, I have
revealed all you asked of me.
PaÖala Five
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: MahËdeva, I am only purified by your grace. Now I want to hear about
Éambhu NËtha's pÍja.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Listen PËrvatÌ! I will tell you what you ask. The great mantra known as
the Bestower of Grace is HauÑ.
I declared the greatness of this mantra with my upper mouth. One should then say
namah Éivaya. This five syllable mantra gives the results of all my five mouths. O DevÌ,
preceded with OÑ it becomes the six syllable mantra known as the grace giver. If one
should add ArdhanËrÌÚvaraya20 it becomes the grace giving supremely secret mantra. So
it is known as the multifold mantra.
DevÌ, one should never meditate on the deva with poison in his throat in the KËlÌ yuga.
If you want to perish, if you desire madness, you gain it by worshipping NÌlakaÙÖha. If
someone does the pÍja or actions of NÌlakaÙÖha, it is like slaying me. MaheÚËni, if a
fool should commit the sin of performing this prohibited action, he is a very wicked
person. His son, wife and wealth are destroyed, no doubt, if he should do pÍja of the
deva with poison in his throat.
In this world, he becomes poverty-stricken and after death is reborn as a pig. If he
should do purascarana of NÌlakaÙÖha's mantra, he most certainly will die within a
DevÌ, listen! I speak of Éiva pÍja with an earthen liÔga. Firstly, Paramesani, a wise
person should bow to his Gurudeva. He should take a piece of clay and should say OÑ
Haraya Namah. Very carefully moulding it, he should say OÑ Mahesvaraya Namah.
Then he should add, Sulapane Iha. Using this mantra is the right placing [of the liÔga].
By joining the syllable Éam with the long vowels, he should do the six limb nyËsa. Now
I speak of his dhyËna. Listen very carefully!
OÑ. Meditate always on MaheÚa as resembling a mountain of silver; with a beautiful
moon as his crest gem; whose body is as effulgent as a jewel; gracious of appearance;
his hands holding an axe, a deer, bestowing boons and banishing fear; seated in the lotus
position; surrounded and praised on all sides by immortals; wearing a tiger skin; seed
and sprout of the universe; entirely destroying fear; with five faces and three eyes [in
One should place a flower on the head and do mental pÍja. MaheÚËni, meditating again,
place the flower on the liÔga. Say, Staff Bearer, enter herein! Indwell in this. Live here!
Live here! May happiness be here! May happiness be here! O Rudra, I do your pÍja!
He should bathe the liÔga, saying OÑ, hail to PaÚupati! Then the best sort of sËdhaka
who is a BrËhmaÙa should perform the pÍja, O DevÌ. He should say, Here is water. OÑ,
hail to Éiva. Then he should offer all the rest in a similar way.
After pÍja, he should then worship the eight forms Sarva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima,
Pasupati, MahËdeva and IÚËna, together with their forms which are earth, water, fire, air,
aether, sËdhaka, sun, and moon. Prefixing OÑ first and putting Namah last, he should
worship these eight Éiva forms from the east in an anti-clockwise direction, ending with
the south east.
Then he should worship the Éiva LiÔga using the root mantra. He should recite it one
hundred or 1,080 times. After this say, You are the quintessentially secret and hidden
one! Pray, take myself with all my actions and my recitations. O MËheÚvara, be
gracious! Lord, give me siddhi!
After, he should offer water and offer recitation. After praise, a wise man should then
prostrate himself using the eight limb method. Then, using the SaÑhara MudrË, he
should carefully dismiss MahËdeva.
This is the way to perform Éiva pÍja, if one wants to do pÍja with Éakti mantras.
Initiated into the great grace bestowing mantras, he becomes initiated in all else. Those
initiated into Éakti [mantras] should not proceed without it.
He becomes like Éiva, it is said, and Lord of all Tantra. Now I declare the very secret
verse in its due order. Hara, MËheÚvara, Éulapani, Pinakadhrik, PaÚupati, Éiva,
O DevÌ, the best kind of sËdhaka should worship the eight forms, then recite the mantra
and again do praise. One initiated into Éakti mantra should not diverge from this rule. A
man performing prohibited pÍja is a doer of evil, O DevÌ. MahËdevÌ, if he should do
[prohibited] worship, Éiva slays both pupil and guru, as he has received too little. If he
should recite merely one syllable of the mantra not having given enough, he becomes
like a murderer of BrËhmaÙas. O Wine DevÌ, through this he is a very wicked person,
most certainly. Firstly, perform the pÍja as described, then one may do the rest.
Only having worshipped Éiva can one then do Éakti pÍja. He should offer the
appropriate ritual accessories [upacaras]. If he does otherwise, then all–even if it be
water from the Ganges–becomes like urine. O MaheÚËni, for this reason, he should first
worship a liÔga. One putting the water used to libate Éiva on his own head becomes
equal to Éiva, O MaheÚËni! This is true, true, without doubt.
His own self having become like Éiva, only then may he worship DevÌ. Whether
initiated into Éiva, ViÛÙu, DurgË, GaÙapati or Indra, firstly one should worship a liÔga.
Otherwise, do not worship. Results from this are multiplied ten koÖi fold, this is most
certainly true, there is no doubt of it.
If a person should worship Éiva after worshipping another deva, the fruit of the pÍja is
consumed by YakÛas and RËkÛasas. So, O Charming One, I have told you the
quintessence and core of the tantras. What point is there of many words, O DevÌ? What
else do you wish to hear?
PaÖala Six
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: I have heard MahËkËlÌ's supreme mantra. O NËtha, now tell me of the
collective body [of the mantras].
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Listen DevÌ, to the inner meaning [vËsanË] of the MahËmantra, giving all
siddhi. Knowing this oral lore, mantras certainly become perfected [siddha].
O PËrvatÌ, hear of the bÌja which is the essence of KËlikË's internal logic. The letter Ka,
which is the form of the absolute, is situated in all the limbs of the body – in the ears,
the mouth, the shoulders, the throat, the four arms, the trunk, the breasts, the hips, the
heart, the belly, the feet and in all the toes. There is no doubt about this.
The letter i is the essence of KËma, the god of love, and the yoni, for sure. The letter r
is the very self of moon, sun and fire, most difficult to grasp. Effulgent in all its parts, it
is the very essence of cosmic bliss. Bindu is the bestower of liberation, while the NËda
always bestows great liberation [mahamoksa].
Ka, identical with water, destroys all obstacles. The letter r, destroying all sin, is fiery
without doubt. The letter i, Supreme DevÌ, is Éakti and the essence of Air. Thus it is the
renowned bestower of great liberation, known as MËyË.
Ka is BrahmË, m is ViÛÙu, r is Éiva, cause of dissolution. Clearly, the letter ka is
BrahmË, ViÛÙu and Éiva. Auspicious One, do not pronounce this unless it is combined
with HrÌÑ. When united with HrÌÑ it bestows liberation and is the Absolute itself. O
MaheÚËni, that is why MËyË Éakti is hard to understand.
The letter ka gives dharma, the letter i artha, the letter r kËma and, O Charming One,
the letter Ñ gives liberation. Pronouncing it as one syllable, it is the bestower of nirvana
and liberation.
O DevadeveÚÌ, it is impossible for me to speak of its magnificence! I would still be
unable to describe it even if I had 100 million mouths [to say it] in 1,000 births!
The rule relating to preparation is to recite the mantra 100,000 times, it is said. This is
the essence of HrÌÑ and the bÌja HÍÑ, SundarÌ. O DevÌ, it is AiÑ and OÑ, there is no
doubt about it. It is the self of the mahËvidyË SvËhË, most certainly. The supreme
mantra is the vidyË SvËhË, the giver of success in alchemy, the all enlightener, and the
cause of all great wealth.
PaÖala Seven
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: The DevÌ KhecarÌ is the ultimate kala, the essence of great yoga. O
Suresvara, there can be no siddhi without knowledge of yoga, this is true. Lord god of
gods, teach me about the centre of the microcosm. In which adhara are placed the seven
islands, earth and so forth, O NËtha? In which adharas are the seven oceans? Where is
the great steady thing? What is their visible form in the microcosm, which exists in all
people? Relating these things to your own finger-measure (angula), explain what prËÙË
ÉrÌ Éiva said: O DevÌ, earth and the seven islands are situated in the MÍlËdhËra. These
seven are surrounded by the seven oceans. Jambu Island is in the centre, and outside this
is the salt ocean. Beyond this is Salmali Island, surrounded by the watery ocean. All
living creatures on earth are placed in the MÍlËdhËra. Nine angulas above this is prËÙa.
Twelve angulas above this is the chief thing.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Where are BhÍtala and so forth in the macrocosm? O Wealth Giver,
reveal their extent using the finger measure.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: DeveÚÌ, the 1,000 petal lotus consisting of 900,000,000 angulas is above
BhÍtala. There are 1,000 angulas between the tip of the great toe and the ankle. Between
the ankle and the knee joint are 12,000 angulas. Between the knee and the anus are
20,000 angulas.
Between the MÍlËdhËra and the liÔga are 4,000 angulas. Between the liÔgam and the
navel centre are 7,000 angulas. Between the navel and the heart centre are 8,000
angulas. Between the heart and the throat centre are 7,000 angulas. Between the
ViÚuddha and the AjÕa are 11,000 angulas. Between the AjÕa and the place where Éiva
dwells are 10,000 angulas, O Goddess of the Gods. It is said that 12,000 angulas above
this is the place of cessation.
The place of creation and dissolution is 1,000 angulas above that. At the time of
intercourse, the prËÙË extends to six angulas, while at the time of eating it extends to
three angulas. If a person breathes out only to one angula extent, he lives for 1,000
years. In due order, he becomes the possessor of Sama, and having conquered death he
dwells on earth like Éambhu. O MaheÚËni, for this purpose I have revealed the Yoni
If a person steadily practices yoga using prËÙËyËma and Yoni MudrË, he achieves
equality (Sama) of vital breath, O DeveÚÌ. MaheÚËni, conquering death, he is long lived
and Éiva himself (Khecara). I have spoken of the measures relating to all mankind. By
equalising exhalation and inhalation, a person goes to the realm of KuÙdalÌ.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: O ParameÚvara, now relate to me the measures of the earthly realm. If
you love me, I want to hear all about the positions of the seven heavens and where
Éakti always dwells.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: All beings dwell in the great cakra called the MÍlËdhËra. The 72,000
(nËdis) which radiate from this proceed two measures at a time. SundarÌ, BrahmË dwells
with DËkinÌ in the MÍlËdhËra and RËkiÙÌ with ViÛÙu in the SvËdhiÛÖhËna. Rudra and
LËkinÌ are together in the MaÙipÍra, O Suresvari. Kakini and Hara are both situated in
the place of great sacrifice called the AnËhata. In the ViÚuddha, SadËÚiva and Sakini
eternally dwell, while Hakini and ParaÚiva are in the AjÕa cakra. In the great lotus
called the SahasrËra is supreme Éiva, whose body is the cosmos, always united with
great KuÙdalinÌ.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Where in the MÍlËdhËra is the great pÌtha, O ParameÚvara? Below the
MÍlËdhËra are the various underworlds. Lord, what are these? Dear One, KËmarÍpa is in
the MÍlËdhËra, JËlandhara is in the heart, and PÍrnagiri is in the place above. Where,
then, is OddÌyËna?
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Varanasi is in the centre of the brow, Jvalanti is in the three yes, Mayavati
is on the mouth and Astapuri is in the throat. O MaheÚËni, Ayodhya City is in the navel.
Kanci pÌtha is in the region of the hips, ÉrÌ HaÖÖa is in the area of the back.
Below the MÍlËdhËra, at a distance of 400 angulas, is the famous Atala and 400 angulas
below this is Sutala. Talatala is 400 angulas below that, and 400 angulas below that is
Mahatala. Patala is 200 angulas below, and so too with Rasatala. DeveÚÌ, in the centre of
the underworlds, yet above them, is the MÍlËdhËra.
All relating to the essence of yoga has been related to you, O Charming One. Never
speak of this in front of paÚus at the risk of losing your life.
PaÖala Eight
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: NËdis numbering 350,000,000 are spread throughout the body. In due
order, I wish to hear of them. Speak to me, O Lord!
ÉrÌ Éiva said: In the hairs and the pores are the 350,000,000 nËdis, O SundarÌ. NËdis are
also situated in the heart and in the feet. There are 500,000 in the belly and in the anus.
Within the heart, and spreading throughout the limbs, there are 900,000. Dearest, on the
sides, in the skin, and in all the joints of the body are 1,100,000 nËdis.
There are five famous nËdis called IdË, PiÔgalË, SuÛumnË, Citrini. The BrahmË NËdi, the
fifth, is in the centre of Citrini. (Adding) Kuhu, Sankhini, Gandhari, Hastijihvaka,
Nardini (?) and Nidra makes them eleven. These are called the nËdis of the SuÛumnË, O
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: O ParameÚvara, in which of the eight holes, which are the seats of prËÙË,
are the five oceans. In which adharËs, and the the centre of which lotuses, are they
ÉrÌ Éiva said: I am unable to speak of the full magnificence of the yoga lotuses! In the
centre of the MÍlËdhËra lotus is the very alluring bÌja LaÑ. The seven oceans surround
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: MahËdeva, tell me of the extent of the bindu. O Éankara, in due order,
relating it to the yoga lotuses, tell me of it.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: The bindu, an infinitesimal atom, although one, has three parts and is all-
extensive. It resides in the centre of the seven oceans, the seven islands, and earth. The
bindu is imperishable, the ultimate, subtle, supreme Éiva itself. I am unable to speak of
the vast extent of this divine thing!
Meditate on Brahmaloka, resting on sound. Within, BrahmË and DËkinÌ live eternally.
The letter La, the bÌja of earth, is there, and the body of the Éakti. In the centre of the
earth cakra is the marvellous Svayambhu LiÔga. It is always encircled by KuÙdalinÌ,
coiled three and a half times. The mouth of KuÙdalÌ rests on the aperture of the liÔga
and the prËÙË flows through IdË and PiÔgalË and always resides here.
By attaining the 1,000 petal lotus, one becomes united with the universe, if one has risen
to the 1,000 petals through the path of the absolute. This is like expiration and
inspiration, creation and dissolution, in the centre of the tips of the four petals. Here,
eternally, dwell DurgË and Éambhu, borne on the body of Ananta. They divert
themselves pleasurably in different ways, always making love.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: How may KuÙdalinÌ be placed within the aperture of the liÔga? Tell me
all of this knowledge relating to pure bliss, O Suresvara!
ÉrÌ Éiva said: O SundarÌ, in the centre of the liÔga is a great effulgence in the form of
fire. The yoga of the vital airs causes the cosmic egg (macrocosm) too burn, SundarÌ.
When she, KuÙdalÌ DevÌ, puts her mouth in the aperture of the earthly liÔga, she should
be worshipped as bindu Éakti. Cause bindu Éakti to rise using the renowned liÔga pÍja.
PaÖala Nine
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: I have heard already of TripurË's great mantra in the NityË Tantra. Now I
wish to hear of the nine letters and their inner logic.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Bhumi, candra, Éiva, MËyË, Éakti, Krishanu, half-moon and bindu is the
nine-syllable meru. Pronouncing the Bhumi bÌja makes one a king on earth, and long-
Pronouncing the Candra bÌja bestows great beauty. Reciting the Éiva bÌja causes one to
become like Éiva on earth. Reciting all, truly gives the fruit of the four aims of
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: NËtha, tell me, Lord of the Cosmos, how a person becomes long-lived.
You have already spoken of dissolution through yoga knowledge. Explain how one
becomes a MahËyogi through the upper semen, and the Éakti yoga below.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: DevÌ, listen. I speak of the method for obtaining a long life. After hearing
this, conceal and never reveal it. PËrvatÌ, worship KËlikË DevÌ, TËriÙÌ or SundarÌ, using
the sixteen ritual accessories and the pancatattva. After worshipping thus for a period of
three days, meditate on the six cakras. ParameÚani, then recite the rosary mantra.
Recite in the mahapurva lotus sixteen times, and eight times in the four petalled lotus.
Recite twelve times in the six petalled lotus and twenty times in the ten petalled lotus.
Recite twenty four times in the twelve petal lotus and ten times thirty two (?) in the
sixteen petal lotus.
Goddess of gods, using retention of breath, recite the mantras in the six rosaries. DeveÚÌ,
so I have spoken of the rule giving one a long life. Reciting using the rosary of letters
makes a person MÎtyunjaya.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Between the MÍlËdhËra and the top of the head lies the renowned
SuÛumnË. In this womb-like location lives she, the DevÌ, who is the form of KuÙdË.
KuÙdalinÌ DevÌ is always adorned with the fifty letters. O Deva, tell me of this rosary
form, I have doubts in my heart.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Lead (her) using HaÑsa, inhalation, and the yoga of the vital breath to the
great 1,000 petalled lotus, the treasury of bÌja, the temple of Éiva. After seeing the
Kamini, a person reaches Éiva in the 1,000 petals. Using the rosary, always entwine
KuÙdalÌ round that liÔga. Kamini lives in the letters A to La. The last letter, KÛa, is in
the fontanelle.
If someone then repeats the mantra, he attains the state of immortality. When the vital
breath is expelled, Kamini DevÌ leaves the body. Therefore never recite the mantra in
this state, because recitation then means death. When breath is expelled, the rosary is
cut. This is true, O Suravandita. I have said before that death comes from the thread
being cut. So, Charming One, I have told you the method called MÎtyunjaya21.
Otherwise, a person may fix his attention on the point at the root of his nose
concentratedly, drawing together the vital breath and expelling it with one exhalation.
PËrvatÌ, if he then recites the rosary mantra, the sixteen syllable mantra or the eighteen
syllable mantra 1,000 times daily, having conquered death, fever and disease, he lives a
long time. Doing other than this, one become greatly diseased, and the object of
enjoyment is not achieved.
Supreme DevÌ, the rules relating to another method are declared in the Damara (Tantra).
A person should worship DevÌ BhÍtakËtyËyanÌ carefully. Doing so, he lives for 5,000
years, there is no doubt about it. So I have spoken of everything relating to the
protection of the body.
An enjoyer (bhogin) does not attain yoga, and a yogi does not attain enjoyment (bhoga).
But, DeveÚÌ, using this tattva, a person achieves both enjoyment (bhoga) and yoga.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: What results happen when a man recites each of the rosaries. MahËdeva,
speak separately about each of the fruits arising from the six lotus rosaries.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: Reciting in the four-fold MÍlËdhËra makes one a lover on earth. From
reciting in the SvËdhiÛÖhËna, one becomes greater than Mahendra and long-lived. By
reciting in the MaÙipÍra, one becomes hymned in heaven. From reciting in the great
anahata lotus, one achieves equality with Brahma. By reciting in the ViÚuddha, one
dwells in ViÛÙu's heaven, most certainly. If reciting in the AjÕa cakra, one dwells
always in the Tattva Island.
O Supreme DevÌ, the exoteric rosaries are the famous six rosaries. The esoteric rosary is
the great rosary, in the form of the fifty letters. DeveÚÌ, how could I describe its
greatness? By steadily reciting 108 times in the 1,000 petals, the result is in the ratio of
one to 10,000,000, obtaining an earthly imperishable body, without doubt. PËrvatÌ, I
have described the results of reciting in the six rosaries to you. Through them, a man
achieves longevity.
Supreme DevÌ, now listen to BhÍtakËtyËyanÌ. Listen! The seven syllable supreme mantra
is OÑ YaÑ HrÌÑ PhaÖ SvËhË. ÉrÌ Éiva is the ÎÛi, Virat is the metre, BhÍtakËtyËyanÌ is
the DevÌ, and it gives dharma, artha and kËma. SundarÌ, do the six limb (nyËsa) using
OÑ and then do prËÙËyËma. Listen attentively, I will describe the meditation.
Golden in colour, dishevelled hair, adorned with all gems, wearing a cotton garment,
with eyes rolling (with intoxication), in her left hand holding a vessel full of blood, in
her right hand a gold vessel filled with liquor, her throat adorned with pearls, bright as
the autumn Moon, with radiant feet and toes. To become successful, meditate on the
boon giving NityË in this way.
Place on your left the ordinary offering. After doing jÌva nyËsa and so forth, worship
ParameÚvarÌ, using sixteen ritual accessories and the paÕcatattva. Worship her most
carefully in the middle of a house for three days, then recite the great mantra 1,000
Then worship DevÌ in a desolate place for three days, daily reciting the mantra 4,000
times. MaheÚËni, if not performed in this way, no siddhi is achieved. After, recite the
mantra on ancestral ground for three days. This brings success, O DevÌ. This is true,
true, Most Beloved One! I spoke of the method of offering previously in the Damara
PaÖala Ten
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: DeveÚa, Ocean of Mercy, tell me of the great Kakicancu MudrË, through
which steadiness of the body is achieved.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: DeveÚÌ, detachedly and persistently, place the tongue at the root of the
palate, then drinking slowly of the vital breath. Practice the Kakicancu by squeezing this
between the teeth. It allows you to achieve every kind of creation and action.
Now I speak of everything relating to the abbreviated Yoni, listen, Dear One. Place the
right ankle next to the anus, putting the liÔga in the interstice. Using the left hand, place
the other ankle near to the navel. All types of acts of creation are then possible. I have
spoken of the mudrË's magnificence in the Caitanya Tantra.
DevÌ, just like the greatness of a mountain of gold, or like the Vegavati river, or like the
Moon (in the heavens) and so forth, so too this brings equal greatness of longevity.
ÉrÌ DevÌ said: Lord of gods, guru of the universe, tell me of the ten avatars. Now I want
to hear of this, tell me of their true nature. ParameÚvara, reveal to me which avatar goes
with which DevÌ.
ÉrÌ Éiva said: TËrË DevÌ is the blue form, BagalË is the tortoise incarnation, DhÍmËvatÌ
is the boar, ChinnamastË is NÎsiÑha, BhuvaneÚvarÌ is VËmana, MËtaÔgÌ is the RËma
form, TripurË is JËmadagni, BhairavÌ is Balabhadra, MahËlakÛmÌ is Buddha, and DÍrgË
is the Kalki form. BhagavatÌ KËlÌ is the KÎÛÙa mÍrti.
DevÌ, the ten DevÌ AvatËrs are thus declared. Worshipping them gives equality with
MahËdeva. I have told you before about the meditation details and so forth of each.
1.The mahËvidyËs are dealt with in chapter 10 of this tantra. They are KËlÌ, TËrË,
SundarÌ, BhuvaneÚvarÌ, ChinnamastË, BhairavÌ, DhÍmËvatÌ, BagalË, MËtangÌ, and KamalË
2. The letter Ha is Éiva while the letter Sa is Éakti. According to ancient texts, breath is
time. An individual inhales once every four seconds and exhales once every four
seconds. One is a solar breath and one a lunar breath.
3. The four tËntrik twilights of dawn, midday, sunset and midnight, when the currents of
prËÙËyËma change direction and the sËdhaka can do his pÍja knowing he is close to the
in-betweenness which is the essence of tantra.
4. An aspect of Éiva. At the churning of the milk ocean, at the beginning of time, Éiva
swallowed the poison which stained his throat a deep blue. It is unclear, however, why
this tantra prohibits his worship.
5. The 51 letters of the alphabet are the sacred pÌthas within the body, each associated
with one of the parts of the DevÌ which fell to earth when sliced by the discus of ViÚÙu.
6. The last of the avatars of ViÚÙu. He is yet to come, and when he does he will be
born in Shambhala. He will ride a white horse and hold a sword which blazes like fire,
bringing back to the planet harmony, according to the Agni and other PurËÙas.
7. This was the poison swallowed by Éiva in his aspect as NÌlakaÙÖha (see above).
AkÛobhya and TËrË are also Buddhist tËntrik forms.
8. She is the DevÌ in her form as the five elements.
9. The primordial DevÌ.
10. This verse enunciates the philosophical basis of the Éakti cult. Éiva is the observer,
pure awareness itself, consciousness. Éakti is the manifest universe. Only when the two
are in conjunction can Éiva act through the triple Éaktis. Éiva is thus the bindu at the
centre of the triangle in a yantra, as inseparate from Éakti as heat from a flame.
11. Sacred bathing spots, tanks, wells and springs
12. This is Mount Meru, considered to be at the centre of this mythical view of the
universe. However, Hindu astronomers knew the earth rotated around the sun, and this
mythocentrical cosmos described here is regarded as solely for meditation.
13. A description of the DevÌ as the Éakti KuÙdalinÌ.
14. Coiled around the central nËdi which is Sun-Moon are two other nËdis. The idË is
the lunar nËdi while the piÔgalË is the solar nË×Ì. When breath enters the central
channel, the SuÛumnË, time stops. So this channel is the DevÌ as KuÙdalinÌ.
15. HaÑsa, see above. The union of Ha breath and Sa breath means the Sun and the
Moon unite together in orgasm to become that which is beyond time and space, DevÌ
16. Éiva has five heads, corresponding to the five elements. From each mouth in his five
heads, he uttered separate tantras, suitable for different souls.
17. This word means, literally, everything together flowing. That is, the universe in its
different aspects of creation, maintenance and dissolution.
18. UcchiÛÖË is the DevÌ of the leavings. After orgasm and pÍja, the leavings must be
disposed of carefully by sËdhakas.
19. DevÌ of wine.
20. ArdhanËrÌÚvara is the form of Éiva where he is half man and half woman. This form
is the essence of HaÑsa.
21. Éiva in his aspect as conqueror of death.
In the second chapter, Parvati says she wants to know about sËdhana, and breaks into a
eulogy of the guru. She says the guru is Brahma, ViÛÙu and Rudra and is the refuge.
Guru is sacred bathing places (tÌrtha), guru is tapas, guru is fire, guru is the sun and
consists of the whole universe. She asks by which mantra and in which ways the guru
should be served and worshipped. She asks what his meditation image is.
Éiva says that women, because of their emotional nature, should not have secrets
revealed to them. Nevertheless, out of love for her, he will tell her of the meditation
image and the nature of the guru. It should not be revealed to paÚus, he warns.
He says that just as Kula represents Éakti, so Akula represents Éiva. A person who is
dissolved in Éakti is called a Kulina. This is a reference to the idea that Éiva is the
witness, inert, a corpse, and it is Éakti, Kula, who creates, maintains and destroys the
The guru is the Kula circle, and one should bow to the guru seated in the centre of a
great lotus which has the colour of an autumnal moon. He has a face like the full moon,
and wears celestial clothes, and is scented with heavenly perfumes. He is united with the
greatly alluring SuradevÌ, on his left, and his hands show the mudrËs giving boons and
dispelling fear. He is marked with every auspicious sign, and is situated in the great
1,000 petal lotus on the head.
Shri Parvati wants to hear more. She wants to know about the meditation image of the
guru's Úakti. Éiva replies that she is like the red lotus, wearing beautiful red clothes, she
has a slender waist, and is adorned with red jewels and a red diadem. She resembles the
brightness of the autumn moon, wears beautiful shining earrings, and sits on the left of
her own lord (nËtha). She shows the signs giving boons and dispelling fear and holds a
lotus in one of her hands.
In chapter four, Parvati asks IÚvara, whom she addresses as the giver of liberation, the
lord of breath and MahËdeva, about preparatory acts (puraÚcaraÙa) sËdhakas must
As in the Kankalamalini Tantra, Éiva says that the way to accomplish sËdhana of the
great mantra is through one's own will, here described as sveshtacara rather than
svecchacharya. The usual defects and rules applying to whether worship is during the
day or night do not apply. At morning, and at midday the sËdhaka should recite the
mantra and having performed pÍja should once more recite the mantra at the evening
twilight. In the evening, the sËdhaka is to offer food and other offerings according to his
will. After doing so, the best of sadhakas should also recite the mantra at the dead of
Together with his own Úakti, he should recite the mantra. Joined with his Úakti, the
mantra gives siddhi, and not otherwise, Éiva says. There is no siddhi without a
KulaÚakti, even in thousands of millions of years. After worshipping the princess, a
sËdhaka should give her offerings of food and the like and recite the mantra 108 times.
After doing so, one should give a gift to the guru, such as gold and clothes. Unless the
guru is satisfied, success in the mantra cannot be obtained. Success means that one
becomes like Bhairava or Éiva himself.
Chapter four deals with the Úakti and her characteristics. Shankara says that she may be
one's own Úakti or another's. She should be youthful and intelligent, and should be free
of shame (lajja) and disgust (ghrna). After using the five elements according to the rule,
the sËdhaka should recite the mantraplacing it 100 times on the head, 100 times on the
forehead, 100 times where the hair is parted in the centre (sinduramandala or simanta),
100 times on the mouth, 100 times on the throat, 100 times in the region of the heart,
100 times for each of her breasts, 100 times for the navel, and 100 times at the yoni.
After doing so, the sËdhaka should think of himself as one with Éiva, and using the Éiva
mantra should worship his own lingam. Chewing tambula (pan), and with bliss or
excitement in his heart, he should place his lingam in the yoni of Úakti. He should offer
his atma, together with dharma and adharma, and everything else in his nature as a
sacrificer offers to fire in the susumna nË×Ì using a mantra ending with Svaha. Then,
while still joined with his Úakti, he should utter the mantra 100 or 1,000 times. The full
sacrifice, which here implies orgasm, he should then offer using the prakashakasha
mantra, again ending with Svaha. The semen which flows from this orgasm should then
be offered to the DevÌ. It may be noted here that this whole process, though couched in
explicitly sexual terms, can also refer to the bliss when Kundalini rises through the
sushumna nË×Ì and the cakras. Whoever worships according to the previous method,
says Éiva, becomes free from illness, wealthy, and equal to the god of love Kama
himself. His enemies are all destroyed, and he becomes successful on earth, gaining all
dominion, and equal to Éiva himself.
Amidst all this excitement, Parvati wants to know in chapter five about preparatory acts,
and how many times the mantra given to the disciple by the guru should be recited in
the months after initiation. Éiva says that during the first month, the mantra should be
recited 600,000 times, in month two 1,200,000 times, and in the third month 1,600,000
times. In months four and five, the number is 3,000,000 times for each. In month six,
the mantra has to be recited 3,600,000 times, and in the seventh month, 4,200,000 times.
In the eighth month, japa is 4,400,000 times, and in month nine 4,500,000 (or could be
5,400,000) times. Month ten needs recitation 6,000,000 times, while month 11 the
number creeps up to 6,500,000 times. By the time the last month of the year is reached,
the mantra has to be recited 10,000,000 times.
Éiva says that only be reciting the mantra this many times, does it become successful.
As well as worshipping the Úakti in the manner described in chapter four, a sËdhaka
must also worship the KÍmËrÌs, or virgins, feeding them and so forth. The
Kulachudamanitantra goes into some detail about this process. Éiva says here that
without Úakti, he has the form of a corpse, while when he is joined with the DevÌ, he is
In chapter six, the goddess says she wants to know about the DakÛiÙË form of KËlikË,
who she describes as the giver of siddhi, and very hard to get knowledge of in the three
worlds. Éiva says he will reveal this information, which, he says is also spoken of in the
KËlÌtantra and in Yamala. He says that knowing the essence of DakÛiÙË KËlÌ liberates an
individual from the ocean of being and says that Bhairava is the ÎÛi who revealed the
mantra, and it should be pronounced in the Ushnik metre.
He gives the linchpin (kilaka), Úakti and other details and says that the application of the
mantra is the four ends or aims of all human beings, dharma, artha, kama and mokÛa.
He tells the DevÌ that he has already given the complete mantra in the KËlÌtantra. DevÌ
then responds by asking about different elements in pÍja including meditation, the place
of worship the different asanas (positions, seats) called Alidha and Pratyalidha, the
cremation ground, and the nights when she should be worshipped.
He answers that a candidate should be an adhikari, that is competent or entitled to
worship KËlikË, and should do the daily pÍja dedicated to his or her guru, or the guru's
son or the guru's Úakti. Without this, the fruit of a sËdhaka's pÍja is taken by the rakÛas
and the yakÛas. The guru and his or her family are to be offered the fruit of the pÍja
and satisfied in every way.
The Alidha and Pratyalidha postures are the form of KËlÌ as the destroyer and deluder of
the universe, the form of KËlÌ as fire itself, and so situated in the cremation ground. By
performing these according to the injunctions of the guru, one obtains the four aims of
mankind. One should do the pÍja, by implication in the cremation ground, at night at a
time which appears to be in the second ghatika (a ghatika=24 minutes) after midnight.
On a great night of KËlÌ, one should perform pÍja at midnight, using the five bhËvas,
here meaning the five makaras, as part of vÌra sËdhana. Worshipping at different times,
and in the different velas, gives different results. Those of the divine and heroic
dispositions (bhËvas), should worship using the five tattvas, at midnight, to achieve the
highest results and become free from time.
Chapter seven opens with something of a tiff between Éiva and Éakti. The goddess
wants to know about the tattva, and entreats Éiva, if he has love for her, to reveal these
details. Éiva replies that she herself is the supreme tattva, while he is a scatterbrain, and
got it from her. DevÌ entreats him to speak, and he says that he has spoken of these
matters in many tantras of old. He asks her why she keeps asking again and again. After
another short exchange, Éiva launches into the matter in hand. He reveals a five
syllabled purifying mantra which he says is hidden in all the tantras and which refers to
the five elements of the hidden ritual. He then describes how this affects the different
worshippers. Brahmins, he says dissolve into the supreme tattva, just as water flows into
water; KÛatriya achieve oneness (sahayoga); Vaishyas gain equality with the DevÌ,
ÉÍdras dwell eternally in the DevÌ's heaven; while others achieve equality with the
(supreme) tattva. More details, he says, may be found in the Nilatantra, which may be
the Brihadnilatantra, and in other places such as yamalas.
In chapter eight there's a description of a cakra which may be used to decide whether a
given Mantra will produce success. There then follows a description of the bases used
for pÍja. These may be yantras, gems, images, or a Éiva lingam. Unlike some other
tantras, this work recommends the pÍja using the lingam should be performed only
when the lingam is made of a permanent substance. The Todala Tantra recommends that
Éiva lingams should be made of clay. This chapter only has 22 verses.
The whole of chapter nine is devoted to the worship of DhanadË LakÛmÌ. It includes
her Mantra, Yantra, pÍja, Kavaca, and other ritual details. DhanadË bestows wealth to a
In chapter 10 it is said that worship of the Goddess known as Matangi. It contains the
hymn of Matangi, Kavaca and the Mantra. She bestows the four aims of mankind.
Chapter 11 covers the garland of letters, of 50 letters of the alphabet which make up the
body of the goddess. It also deals with the physical rosary and describes the different
substances from which it may be fashioned. These include crystal, red sandalwood, and
beads of the Rudraksha plant. The best rosary is made of human skulls, and as also
described as the great conch rosary. Inner recitation of the mantra is more powerful than
external japa.
The Mantra known as GËyatrÌ is described in chapter 12. The fifteen verses describe the
GËyatrÌ as the greatest of all mantras. having this tantra in one's house protects from all
misfortunes, and brings liberation.
KËÑkËlamËlinÌ Tantra
The KËÑkËlamËlinÌ is a relatively short work of only five paÖalas (chapters). Like many
tantras, each is of uneven length. Chapter five is probably longer than the previous four
chapters put together. In the colophon at the end of each chapter, the tantra is ascribed
to the DakÛiÙËmnaya, or southern tantrik current.
The first chapter opens with BhairavÌ asking Bhairava to tell her about the letters of the
alphabet. He says that the letters A to KÛa form the absolute as sound (Éabdabrahma),
and then proceeds to enumerate the female Úaktis associated with these letters. Bhairava
says that the letters A to KÛa consist of Éiva and Éakti, and without knowledge of their
true meaning, it is not possible to be successful practising the left path. The letters are
made up of the three guÙas. This chapter, shorter than the others, then discusses the
major bÌja or seed mantras, including OM, shrii.m (LakÛmÌ bÌja), krii.m, klii.m, hrii.m ,
hu.m, huu.m, hrau.m, ai.m, krau.m, svaahaa, drii.m and duu.m, prii.m, Tha.m Tha.m and
In chapter two, BhairavÌ addresses Bhairava as NÌlakaÙÖha (the blue throated) MahËdeva
and asks him to explain to her the meaning of yoni mudrË and the three tattvas. He says
that yoni mudrË is very secret and should not be revealed. It is the very form of the
absolute, representing the caitanya or consciousness of mantra and bestows liberation. By
grace of the yoni mudrË, Bhairava says he was able to conquer death. Semen, blood and
their conjunction are the temple of Manmatha (the god of love). The yoni bÌja mantra
should be recited 108 times and the yoni itself is the true form of the supreme absolute.
The yoni should be encircled with three threads, which are the I×a, the pingala and the
sushumna. The yoni of DevÌ is the primordial (¼dyË) form of Prakriti (nature). It is
KuÙ×alinÌ and MahËkuÙ×alinÌ, says Éiva.
Bhairava then speaks of the nË×Ìs or channels of energy in the body. There are 3.5 koti
(a koti=10 million) nË×Ìs, but the three nË×Ìs mentioned above are the chief, and
represent the moon, the sun and fire. Bhairava then goes on to describe the six well
known cakras through which runs the thread of the sushumna or central nË×Ì in the
spine. Details are given of the DËkinÌs, the gods and goddesses, and the bÌjas of each of
these cakras, with very similar details to those published by Sir John Woodroffe in The
Serpent Power. Above the Ajna cakra, says Bhairava, is a lotus of 1,000 petals, which is
the place of the seventeenth kala.
KuÙ×alÌ Éakti is the form of mantra, dwelling in the muladhara cakra and rising through
the Chitrini to the Brahmanda or 1,000 petal lotus, is the rosary of letters, says Bhairava.
There then follows a Yoni Kavaca which is of some interest. IÚvara says that by holding
it and reading it, it causes all Úaktis to give boons.
The ÎÛi of the kavaca is Sadashiva, the metre for it to be pronounced in is GËyatrÌ, the
devata is the Eternal Yoni form, while it gives the four aims of mankind.
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> mm izrae r]Ntu Svaha,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> ` ma< `
Aakªqa< mm r]Ntu Svaha m< ma<,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> ùdyaid d] b÷< r]Ntu,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> ùdyaid vam b÷< r]Ntu,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> d] pad< r]Ntu mm,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> vam pad< r]Ntu mm sda Svaha Svaha,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> ùdaid;u nasa< r]Ntu Svaha,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> %pSw< r]Ntu mm sda Svaha,
` m< ma< im< mI– mu< mU< me< mE< mae< maE< m> #d< ih yaein kvc< rhSy< prmaÑ‚t<,
nmae yaeNyE nmae yaeNyE k…{filNyE nmae nm>
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH mama
shiro raxantu svaahaa .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH OM maa.m
OM aakuuTaa.m mama raxantu svaahaa ma.m maa.m .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH
hR^idayaadi daxa bahu.m raxantu .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH
hR^idayaadi vaama bahu.m raxantu .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH daxa
paada.m raxantu mama .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH vaama
paada.m raxantu mama sadaa svaahaa svaahaa .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH
hR^idaadiSu naasaa.m raxantu svaahaa .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH upastha.m
raxantu mama sadaa svaahaa .
OM ma.m maa.m mi.m mii.m mu.m muu.m me.m mai.m mo.m mau.m maH ida.m hi
yoni kavaca.m rahasya.m paramaad.hbhuta.m .
The kavaca should be recited in the MÍlËdhËra, before the eternal yoni. It gives equality
with the sun and the moon, and through the grace of DevÌ causes success in the yoni
mudrË. The text says it should be recited with one's own woman or with another
woman, following which there should be intercourse. This is an example of tantrik code.
The "other woman", according to tantrik insiders, is one's wife or woman, while one's
own woman here refers to the DevÌ within. From this point of view, sex with one's own
woman is adultery. On the other hand, this tantra may well be speaking literally.
The kavaca, continues IÚvara, should be written on bhurja leaf (birch) and written with
svayambhÍ flowers (menstrual blood), and semen, and with other scents such as
gorochana. It should be placed inside a gold ball and worn on the body. Reciting the
kavaca 108 times gives success in whatever is desired. The chapter closes with the
mantra namo yonyai namo yonyai kuNDalinyai namo namaH.
Chapter three returns to comparatively more sedate matters, including guru pÍja, the
guru mantra and a guru gÌta (song).
IÚvara says the two syllables of the word guru represent that which is without qualities
and the supreme absolute, respectively. This mantra, he says, is the mahamantra, and
should be concealed.
He follows by giving a dhyËna of the guru, situated in the 1,000 petal lotus. He is
seated in the vÌrasana, with his two hands showing the mudrËs dispelling fear and giving
boons. On his left thigh sits his Úakti, whose face shows compassion. She wears red
clothes and jewels.
The guru and his Úakti should be worshipped with mental offerings (upachara). After
reciting the mantra of the Úakti, the kavaca of the guru should then be read. This kavaca
differs from that given in the Matrikabhedatantra. Wearing the kavaca on different parts
of the body washes away demerit in the same way as the Ganges river washes it away.
The chapter closes with a brief song (gÌta) extolling the virtues of the guru.
Chapter four centres around the worship of MahËkËlÌ. Parvati asks Éiva to give the KËlÌ
mantra, and describe her pÍja. IÚvara (Éiva) says that the mantra of MahËkËlÌ bestows
every type of success. All the gods and rishis achieved what they did through her
worship. It gives both liberation and enjoyment and bestows liberation through
enjoyment, when heard from the mouth of the guru.
Éiva gives the mantras of MahËkËlÌ and and says her one syllable mantra is the gives
siddhi in the Kali age. He then gives a three syllable mantra of DakÛiÙË KËlikË, followed
by other three syllable mantras producing different results.
Conventional rules in the worship of MahËkËlÌ are suspended, says Éiva. There is no
rule as to time, as to the woman who is the Úakti, or to defects of the mantra. Similarly,
one need not pay attention to bodily defects. The sËdhana may be done during the day
or at night, and the recitation (japa) of the mantra may be done anywhere.
By pleasure one gains liberation, Éiva says. He says: "This is true, true, true and again
true, I say."
PÍja is of three types, he says: daily, every so often, and according to desire (kamya).
Here he says he will speak of the daily pÍja of MahËkËlÌ. Bhairava is the ÎÛi, Ushnik is
the metre, and the devata is MahËkËlÌ, who gives the four aims of mankind.
Without five fold purification, any pÍja undertaken is black magic (abhichara). Those
five purifications are of the atma, bath, the materials, the mantra and the devata.
Following the placing of the materials, one should bow to the gurus on the left and to
Ganapati on the right, and should then perform bhutashuddhi, the purification of the
elements. (This is a meditation in which the different elements within a sËdhaka are
purified. There is a complete explanation and translation of this process in Woodroffe's
edition of the Mahanirvanatantra).
Different nyËsas are then performed, and the text follows with a meditation image of
MahËkËlÌ. One should meditate on ¼dyË MahËkËlÌ as being in a celestial spot, on the
central peak of the Himalaya range, under a jewelled pavilion which is the great pitha,
her lotus feet served by Narada and the best of saints, worshipped by Bhairava. She is
the colour of sapphire, with two large high breasts, wears variegated colour clothes, and
has four arms and three eyes.
The text then follows with a description of her inner meditation, where she has limbs the
colour of thunderclouds, dishevelled clothing, three eyes and is seated on Éiva's corpse.
She is ornamented with a chain of skulls. In her left upper hand she holds a man's
severed head, and with the lower hand holds a cleaver. She has dishevelled hair.
Éiva then gives a further dhyËna of MahËkËlÌ, where she has a fierce, fanged mouth, is
completely naked, and has three eyes. She sits in virasana on MahËkËla and makes a
terrifying noise, wears a garland of skulls (mundamala) and has streams of blood
pouring over her full breasts. She sways backwards and forwards, as if intoxicated. In
her left hands she holds a cleaver and a severed head, and in her right shows the mudrËs
giving boons and dispelling fear. She has a terrifying face and her tongue rolls wildly.
She has earrings made up of a bird's wing and an arrow. She is served by terrifying,
roaring jackals in the cremation ground and by Bhairavas making fearful laughing
noises, and who dance over men's skeletons, making their victory cries.
Whew. The text then follows with a description of KËlÌ's fifteen attendants, the KËlÌ
NityËs. This leads up to the left-hand worship with the panchatattva or panchamakara.
Éiva says whoever does Kula pÍja without wine or flesh loses the merit of 1,000 good
incarnations. "Without wine, there is no mantra, there is no mantra except with wine,"
Éiva says. After performing the rite of the five makaras (see vÌrasadhana, elsewhere on
this site), one should bow again to MahËkËlÌ before doing the dismissal and cleansing
Chapter five is concerned with puraÚcaraÙa, the rites to be performed by an initiated
tantrika to make a mantra successful. The Kankalamalini, in a similar matter to the
Devirahasya and the Brihadnilatantra seems to suspend complex rules for puraÚcaraÙa.
Parvati is told by IÚvara that in the Kali Yuga, folk are short lived and unable to
perform rites in the way they were able to do in previous times. He says that for this
worship there is no bad time, no special day or night, no need to do the pÍja on "great
nights", such as the eighth or fourteenth of a dark fortnight, nor is there a necessity for
worship at the twilights (sËÑdhya). There are no rules about directions, places,
recitation of mantra, time to do the worship. "Here, svecchacharya (doing the rite
according to will) is the rule for the mahamantra in sËdhana," IÚvara says.
Performing worship in the Kali Yuga in this fashion brings siddhi in six months,
according to the text. Éiva says: "DevÌ, in the Kali Yuga, there are no tÌrthas (bathing
spots), no vows to undertake, no homa, no bath, and no twilight worship (sËÑdhya). "
Those rites belong to the previous eras of the Satya, Dvapara and Treta Yugas, he says.
However, puraÚcaraÙa is still necessary, he adds, and proceeds to give the rite suitable
for tantriks during the Kali Yuga. There then follows a lengthy rite which includes the
giving of substances including ghee, milk, and sugar, and the recitation of many
mantras, the performance of many nyËsas. The importance of the rudraksha rosary is
stressed at great length. The sËdhaka should smear himself with ash, and put three lines
on his forehead as well as a tilak.
Rules are given about the use of the GËyatrÌ mantra, and towards the end of chapter
five, there is a lengthy discourse on the DevÌs of the bodily dhatus, such as DËkinÌ,
LËkiÙÌ, RËkiÙÌ and so forth, along with their bÌja mantras and their various meditation
images. These DevÌs are situated in the different cakras.
Abbreviations: CSS Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series. KMP Kalyana Mandir Prakashan. PP Prachya
Prakashan. KSS Krishnadas Sanskrit Series. KSTS. Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies. AZ Azoth
Publishing. AS Agamanusandhana Samiti. MB Motilal Banarsidas. TPH Theosophical Publishing House.
Cakrapuja ke Stotra, KMP, Prayag. Hymns used during Cakra PÌja, including material about the vessels in
which wine is drunk.
Candikya Mahatmya, KMP, Prayag. Skt and Hindi. The greatness of Chandi. Includes hymns to Ganesha,
Mahadeva, Krishna, Rama, Sitala, &c.
Cchinnamasta Nityarchana, KMP, Prayag, Samvat 2035. Collection of pÍja details related to this
Mahavidya. Skt and Hindi.
Cid Gagana Candrika, attributed to Kalidasa, AS. Skt with English introduction. Important work on the
Trika tradition.
Classical Marathi Literature, Shankargopal Tulpule, nd
Cult of Gorakshanatha, S.C.Mitra, Journal of Anthropological Society of Bombay, XIV, 1
Cult of the Adinatha, HH Shri Gurudeva Mahendranatha (Dadaji), Values Magazine (2 parts). This
magazine, now defunct, contained masses of articles by Dadaji as well as other material more or less
related to the tantrik tradition.
Cult of the Jagganath and the Regional Tradition of Orissa, The. Edited by Eschmann, Kulke and Tripathi.
Manohar 1978. An examination, at least in part, of how so-called primitive Hindu traditions were
brahminised, and latterly, turned into profit centres by the Raj. This scholarly work is well worth reading
for the mass of readable detail it contains.
Cultural History of India, The, Vol IV, Ramakrishna Mission Institute, 1956. Yes, tantrika is a most
important part of India's cultural history.
Dakshinamurti Samhita, edited by M.D. Shastri. Sarasvati Bhavana Texts No.61, Benares 1937. Skt. with
brief English introduction. Large work covering every aspect of Shri Vidya and giving alternative dhyanas
and mantras for the Nitya Shaktis.
Damara Tantra. PP, 1988. English translation with Devanagari text. Magical rites.
Dattapurana, KSS, Varanai, Samvat 2040.
Dattatreya Tantra, Thakur Prasad, nd. Skt. Skt with Hindi commentary. Despite having the name of the
saint, this tantra is full of prayogas aimed at fulfilling desires.
Dattatreyasahasranamavali, Thakar Ani Company, Bombay, nd. Skt. The 1,000 names of the saint.
Deha Dhaatu Vijnanam, edited Dr A Laksmi Pathi, Dhanvantari Press, Bezwada, nd. Ayurvedic text.
Devimahatmyam, translated Swami JagadIÚvarananda, Shri Ramakrishna Math, 1972. This is the famous
Shri Durga Saptashati, from the Markandeya Purana.
Devinamavilasa by Sahib Kaul, KSTS, Lahore 1942. The 1,000 names of Bhavani, rendered into poetic
form. Skt.
Devirahasya. KSTS, 1937. Skt. Very large compilation of panchangas, mantras, yantras and other material
relating to the five different tantrik schools.
Devisahasranamavali, Thakar Ani Company, Bombay, nd. Skt. The 1,000 names of DevÌ, or the goddess.
Dhanada Tantra, PP, Varanasi, Skt. Dhanada is a yakshini, a female yaksha. The lord of the tribe of
yakshas and yakshinis is Kubera, who rules the northern direction and is the lord of wealth. The yakshinis
are similar to the faery folk. There are 36 yakshinis in the tradition, Dhanada Ratiprya being the subject of
this work.
Dictionaries of Tantrasastra, 1984. Translated by R.K. Rai. This is a translation of Arthur Avalon's
Tantrabhidanam (qv). Contains synonyms of bÌja mantras, meanings of bÌja mantras and some material on
Doctrine of Vibration, The. Mark Dyczkowski. State University of New York, 1987. An excellent
examination of the doctrines and practices of Kashmir Shaivism.
Dust & Bones, Dadaji. 1982. AZ.
Gandharva Tantra, KSTS, 1944, edited by M.S. Kaul. Skt. text with English introduction. An important
work of Shri Vidya, dealing amongst many other things, with KËmakalË.
Ganesha: a monograph on the Elephant-Faced God, by Alice Getty. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1936 and
republished by Munshiram 1971. A highly important English work on the Ganesha phenomenon full of
sound scholarship, excellent photographs and a bibliography.
Ganeshasahasranamavali, Thakar Ani Company, Bombay, nd. Skt. The 1,000 names of Ganesha.
Garland of Letters, Sir John Woodroffe, Ganesh & Co, 1974. This English work covers the mantra
shastra, mostly in a philosophical way. Valuable if you can wade through the terminology.
Gayatri Tantra, CSS. 1946 Skt. Greatness of the Gayatri mantra.
Gorakhnath & Mediaeval Hindu Mysticism, M.Singh, Lahore 1937
Gorakhnath & the Kanphata Yogis, G.W. Briggs, MCA Publishing House, Calcutta, 1939. Briggs collected
legends, history and other material about the many Natha panths in this book.
Gorakhnath Temple & the Natha Sampradaya, Banerjea, nd. Describes the history of the temple in
Guptasadhanatantra, CSS,1996-2006. Small tantra often quoted in other tantras dealing with the five
makaras. Skt.
Iconography of Shri Vidyarnava Tantra, Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1,
Indian Sadhus, Gods and Men, G.S.Ghurye, Bombay, 1962.
Ishopanishad with Wave of Bliss and The Greatness of Shiva, translated Sir John Woodroffe, Ganesh &
Co, 1971.
Kabir: Maverick & Mystic, D.Scott, University Microfilms, Michigan, 1976.
KËlÌ Tantra, KMP Samvat 2042. Skt. A brief tantra of 12 paÖalass detailing Kaula practices including
Kalikapuranam, tr B.N. Shastri. Sanskrit and English in two volumes, Nag Publishers 1992. A very
important work rendered here into excellent English from the Sanskrit. Apart from containing legends
relating to KamËkhyË, KËlÌ, Tripura, Shiva, Brahma, ViÛÙu et al, this very readable translation also
contains information about how Shiva and Shakti decided they were so inseparable they should assume the
half male-half female form. The latter part of this purana contains pÍjas of the usual suspects in the Kaula
tantrik school. (See also Worship of the Goddess according to the Kalikapurana, below.
Kalirahasyam, Krishnadas Academy, nd. Collection of pÍjas and other material related to KËlÌ.
Kalivilasa Tantra, edited Parvati Charana, Tarkatirtha, Luzac & Co. Skt. with English introduction by
Arthur Avalon. Identifies KËlÌ with Krishna.
Kama-Kala-Vilasa, translated Arthur Avalon, Ganesh & Co, Madras, 1953. Work of the Hadi school of
Shri Vidya. Describes the creation of the yantra from KËmakalË.
Kamadhenu Tantra, KMP, Varanasi, nd. A tantra of 24 chapters. Covers the 50 letters of the Sanskrit
alphabet, the root of mantra and considered to be the Absolute as Sound (Éabdabrahma) in great detail.
Kamaratna Tantra, ed. Pt. Hemchandra Goswami Tattabhusam, Assam Government Press, Shillong 1928.
A magical tantra which contains many yantras and spells for warding off all sorts of trouble and causing
Kankalamalinitantra, KMP, Prayag, nd. Skt. Deals with the 50 letters of the alphabet and also includes
much material about the DËkinÌs, Shakinis, etc.
Karunamaya, the Cult of Avalokiteshvara-Matsyendranath in the Valley of Nepal, by John K.Locke SJ,
Sahayogi Prakashan, Katmandu, 1980.
Kaula and other Upanishads, edited Arthur Avalon, Agamanusandhana Samhiti, 1922.
Kaulajnananirnaya of the School of Matsyendranath, text with introduction by Bagchi and English tr by
Michael Magee, PP, Varanasi, 1986. One of the most important source texts for the Kaula and Natha
Kaulavali Nirnaya, edited Arthur Avalon, AS, Calcutta. Skt. with English introduction. Important digest of
many Kaula tantras, which even refers to the Buddhistic Chandamaharoshana as one of its sources.
Kauva Tantra, by Triveni Prasad Avastha. Durga Pustak Bhandar, Allahabad. Skt and Hindi. A work
containing prayogas (magical applications).
Kulachudamani Tantra, edited G. C. Vedantatirtha, Luzac 1915. A nigama, in which DevÌ answers Shiva's
questions. Probably one of the oldest tantras available. A translation of seven out of its eight chapters was
published in Azoth magazine (qv).
Kularnava Tantra. Text with English tr by Ram Kumar Rai, PP, Varanasi, 1983. A very important tantra
of the Kaula tradition, dedicated to the upper amnËya or face of Shiva.
Kundalini: Aghora II, Robert Svoboda, Brotherhood of Life, 1993. ISBN 0- 914732-31-5. Svoboda is a
follower of Aghori Vimalananda. This book contains a lot of first hand information about the Naths, the
Siddhas and the Aghoris.
Lalita Sahasranam, translated by R. Ananthakrishna Sastry, TPH, Adyar, 1970. The 1,000 names of LËlitË
from the Brahmanda Purana but with an invaluable commentary (also translated) by Bhaskararaya Machin.
Includes many references to texts which now seem to have vanished completely.
Mahamrtyunjaya Panchangam. CSS, Samvat 2019. A manual of the aspect of Shiva conquering death.
Mahanirvana Tantra, translated Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe), Dover, 1972. Some allege that this
tantra was composed in the 19th century.
Mahartha Manjari. Shri Krishnanda Sagara, 1985. Skt with Hindi tika. Important philosophical text. This
edition includes an extensive commentary, the Parimala.
Mahavidya Stotra, CSS, nd.
Maheshvara Tantra, CSS, 1940.
Mahesvari Tantra, Khemaraj Krishnadas, Bombay Samvat 2040. Skt with Hindi commentary. Collection of
prayogas (magical applications), including the goddess of lucid dreaming, Svapnavati.
Mahishamardini, V. Mishra, Rajesh Publications 1984. Mahishamardini is a form of Durga as the killer
(mardini) of the bull-demon Mahisha. She is found in this form in the Kulachudamani Tantra and also in
this form throughout south east Asia, including the different Indonesian Hindu kingdoms. This work is a
compilation of her different statuary images, an important collocation which is still in print.
Malinivijaya Uttara Tantra, ed. Pt. Madhusudan Kaul, KSTS, Bombay 1922. Skt. Brief English
introduction. This work, attributed to Kashmir Shaivism, covers many topics including mastery of the five
elements or bhutas.
Matri Upasana, KMP, nd. Worship of the goddess.
Matrikabheda Tantra, ed. Ram Kumar Rai, PP, Benares, 1983. Sanskrit edition.
Matrikabhedatantra, translated by Michael Magee, Indological Book House, Varanasi, 1989.
Matrikabhedatantram & its Alchemical Ideas, Subharayapa & Roy, Indian Journal of the History of
Science, III, 1
Matrika Chakra Viveka, by Svatantrananda Natha. Edited by Vyakaranacharya. Skt. with English
introduction. by Gopinath Kaviraj. Benares, 1934. The philosophy of the matrikas (letters of the alphabet),
applied to the Shri Yantra. Much interesting information about the states of deep sleep, dream, waking and
the fourth.
Mediaeval Mysticism of India, K.Sen, London 1935.
Meru Tantra. Khemaraj Shrikrishnadas, 1993. Skt. A large text which has intrigued many because of its
reference to tantriks born in London who will become lords of the earth (!)
Mysticism in Maharashtra, Ranade, Poona 1953
Mystics, Saints and Ascetics of India, The, J.C. Oman, Delhi, 1973
Nath Sect and the Yugi Caste, Journal of Anthropological Society of Bombay, XIV, 1.
Netra Tantra, KSTS, 1926. Skt. This is not, as Aghenanda Bharati says, a tantra about curing eye
ailments. Instead, it is an important Shaiva Agama which deals with Mrityunjaya, Amriteshvari the
Uttaramnya and the Kulamnaya.
Navagraha Stotra, Vani Vilasa Prakashan, Varanasi, Samvat 2038. Hymn to the nine planets.
Niruttara Tantra, KMP, Varanasi, nd. A Kaula work. It covers the usual topics including the well known
five makaras.
Nirvanatantra, KMP, Prayag, nd. Skt.
Nityotsava, by Umanandanath. Gaekwaed Oriental Series, Baroda. Skt. Umanandanatha was a disciple of
Bhaskararaya. This is an extended commentary on the Parashuram Kalpasutras, and includes most of the
ritualistic practices related to the Shri Vidya tradition in an easy-to-digest form. Some of this material is
translated on this site.
Obscure Religious Cults, Dasgupta, Mukhopadhyaya, Calcutta, 1969. Includes useful material on the Bauls,
the Buddhist Sahajiyas, the Dharma cult and the Nathas.
Origins and Development of Dattatreya Worship in India, Hariprasad Shivprasad Joshi, Univ. of Baroda,
Panchamakara, Kalyanamandira Prakashan, Varanasi. The five makaras: maithuna (sexual intercourse),
mamsa (flesh), madya (mead or liquor), mudrË (grain) and matsya (fish). The central elements of the
Kaula rite.
Pancharatraraksha of Shri Vedanta Deshika, Adyar Library 1967. Skt with English introduction. A work of
the South Indian Pancaratra tantrik school.
Philosophy of Gorakhnath, Banerjea, Gorakshanath Temple, nd
Post Chaitanya Sahajiya Cult, Bose, 1930.
Pranatoshini Tantra. KMP, two volumes. Skt. Important and often referred to digest of other tantrik
Prapanchasara Tantra, edited Arthur Avalon and Atalananda Sarasvati, MB 1981. English introduction,
Skt. An important digest of different tantrik deities and philosophy.
Pratyabhijnahrdayam, by Kshemaraja. Translated by Jaideva Singh, MB, 1982.
Presence of Shiva, The. Stella Kramrisch, Princeton University Press, 1981. An excellent exploration of
the significance of Rudra Shiva in all of his various forms and legends.
Principles of Tantra, edited Arthur Avalon, Ganesh & Co, 1969.
Rituals of Kalika, Mike Magee. AZ 1985. A compilation of tantrik rites to the goddess KËlÌ. This has
been much revised and updated in the Magic of KËlÌ, some chapters of which are available here.
Rudrayamala Uttara Tantra, printed at Vacaspati Publishers, nd. Skt. Probably not the real thing, which
appears to be lost forever apart from quotations.
Rudrayamala. Sanskrit with Hindi commentary. Khemaraj Shrikrishnadas. Extracts dealing with magical
applications (prayogas).
Uddamareshvara Tantra, ed. Pt. Jagad Dhar Zhadoo, Normal Press, 1947. Skt. A tantra mostly related to
magical practices, including much material on the yakshinis.
Uddishatantra, Thakurprasad Indian Booksellers, Varanasi, nd. Skt.
Ullu Tantra, Dehati Pustak Bhandar, nd. Skt and Hindi. Collection of material relating to Ullu (Owl), an
aspect of KËlÌ.
Vamakeshvara Tantra, translated by Michael Magee. PP, Varanasi, 1989. This tantra forms part of the
Nityasodashikarnava (Ocean of the Sixteen Nityas).
Varahi Panchanga, Varanasi Sanskrit Sthana, Samvat 2039. Skt. Manual of VËrËhÌ DevÌ.
Varivasya-Rahasya, Bhaskararaya Makhin, translated S. Subhramanya Sastri. Adyar Library 1968.
Bhaskararaya was an 18th century Kaula. This work and his commentary explore the significance of the
Shri Vidya Kadi root mantra.
Vijnanabhairava Tantra, translated Jaideva Singh. MB, 1989. Important practical text. Skt and English.
Vinashikatantra, translated Teun Goudriaan, MB 1985. A Shaiva tantra of the left current. Transliterated
text and translation.
Vishnusahasranamavali, Thakar Ani Company, Bombay, nd. Skt. The 1,000 names of ViÛÙu.
Yantra, Madhu Khanna, Thames & Hudson, 1979. English. Beautiful illustrations and some good textual
Yoga, the Technology of Ecstasy, Georg Feuerstein. Tarcher LA, 1989. An excellent work on yoga in all
of its aspects, including much information on the Nathas and the tantrik traditions.
Yoga Bija of Gorakhnath. Swami Keshwananda Yoga Institute, Delhi. Ascribed to the famous Natha. Skt
with English translation.
Yogini Hridaya, edited by Gopinath Kaviraj, Sarasvati Bhavan Granthamala, Varanasi, 1963. Skt with
English foreword. Describes how the Shri Yantra evolved, the meaning of the mantra and its pÍja. (See
Vamakeshvara Tantra)
Yantrachintamani. Khemaraj Shrikrishnadas, 1993. Skt/Hindi. Collection of yantras and magical rites.
Yoginitantra, Kalyana Publishing House, Bombay, 1984. Skt. Important work which includes much
geographical information on the tradition, as well as a collection of rites and practices related mostly to
left-hand aspects of the Goddess. Svapnavati, the goddess of lucid dream, is much discussed. A part
abstract is available on this site.
Yogis of Bengal, The, R.G.Nath, Calcutta 1909
Yoni Tantra, The. Critically edited by J.A. Schoterman, Manohar 1980, Transliterated. Skt. with excellent
English introduction.
Yoni Tantra, The. Translated by Lokanath Maharaj, London 1984. A PDF of this is on our site.