Managing Massive Hemoptysis

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[ Critical Care CHEST Reviews ]

Managing Massive Hemoptysis

Kevin Davidson, MD; and Samira Shojaee, MD, MPH

Massive hemoptysis is a medical emergency with high mortality presenting several difficult
diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. The origin of bleeding and underlying etiology often is
not immediately apparent, and techniques for management of this dangerous condition
necessitate an expedient response. Unlike hemorrhage in other circumstances, a small amount
of blood can rapidly flood the airways, thereby impairing oxygenation and ventilation, leading to
asphyxia and consequent cardiovascular collapse. Of paramount importance is early control of
the patient’s airway and immediate isolation of hemorrhage in an attempt to localize and control
bleeding. A coordinated team response is essential to guarantee the best chances of patient
survival. Prompt control of the airway and steps to limit the spread of hemorrhage take pre-
cedence. Bronchial artery embolization, rigid and flexible bronchoscopy, and surgery all serve
as potential treatment options to provide definitive control of hemorrhage. Several adjunctive
therapies described in recent years may also assist in the control of bleeding; however, their
role is less defined in life-threatening hemoptysis and warrants additional studies. In this
concise review, we emphasize the steps necessary for a systematic approach in the manage-
ment of life-threatening hemoptysis. CHEST 2020; 157(1):77-88

KEY WORDS: bronchial artery embolization; bronchoscopy; hemoptysis; life-threatening

hemoptysis; massive hemoptysis

Massive or life-threatening hemoptysis is demonstrating an improvement in mortality

among the most ominous clinical to 17% with early operative intervention.
presentations in medicine and was feared
Over the last 50 years, advances in medical
since antiquity as a harbinger of impending
imaging, fiberoptic technology, and
demise because of TB or cancer.1 Patients
interventional radiology have improved
presenting with massive hemoptysis present
patient outcomes and reduced mortality.
an immediate diagnostic and therapeutic
Whereas historical management was
challenge. Historically, few therapeutic
conservative with an emphasis on emergent
options were available, with mortality >
surgery, bronchial artery embolization (BAE)
75% with conservative management alone;
has emerged as an effective minimally
therefore, surgery gained a prominent life-
invasive means to control massive
saving role.2,3 In 1978, Garzon and Gourin3
hemoptysis.4,5 The literature reveals an
published outcomes for a series of patients
improvement in mortality for massive
with massive hemoptysis over a decade
hemoptysis to 13% to 17.8%.6-8 Critical to

ABBREVIATIONS: BAE = bronchial artery embolization; ETT = Pulmonology, Virginia Commonwealth University Health Center,
endotracheal tube; TXA = tranexamic acid 1200 E Broad St, PO Box 980050, Richmond, VA 23298; e-mail:
AFFILIATIONS: From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, Rich- Copyright Ó 2019 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
mond, VA. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Samira Shojaee, MD, MPH, Department of DOI:
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Division of Interventional 77
the successful management of patients with hemoptysis most studies in this area. This, in addition to the
is a knowledge of the precipitating causes of hemoptysis changing prevalence of hemoptysis in different regions
and the importance of a prompt and coordinated of the world, should be taken into account when
response to synchronize efficient care for these patients. reviewing the literature on massive hemoptysis.
Massive hemoptysis was previously defined as a specific
volume of expectorated blood within a particular period Epidemiology and Prognostic Factors
of time. However, approximating the amount of Although hemoptysis is a common cause of outpatient
hemoptysis is challenging, and frequently over- or pulmonary clinic visits and hospital admissions, massive
underestimated. Prior definitions for massive hemoptysis is relatively uncommon.11 TB,
hemoptysis ranged quite widely from 200 to 1,000 mL/ bronchiectasis, mycetoma, and cancer are the leading
24 h and were an ongoing source of debate.9,10 Instead, etiologies of massive hemoptysis.11,14 Among regions of
additional clinical factors such as the briskness of the world with a high endemic burden of TB, it is the
bleeding, ability of a patient to maintain a patent airway dominant cause of hemoptysis and remains the most
and expectorate blood, the swiftness of available common cause of massive hemoptysis worldwide.15
therapeutic options, and the patient’s underlying Iatrogenic hemoptysis occurring from procedures is
physiological reserve are far more important. These reported in 0.26% to 5% of diagnostic bronchoscopies;
more significant variables underscore the concept of the however, massive hemoptysis complicates only a minute
magnitude of effect definition for massive hemoptysis. fraction of these procedures.16 Although 20% of patients
Within this context, any degree of hemoptysis causing with lung cancer are estimated to experience hemoptysis
clinical consequences such as respiratory failure from at some point in their clinical course, massive
airway obstruction or hypotension is considered life- hemoptysis affects only 3% of this population.17,18 Up to
threatening hemoptysis.1 This definition relies on the 80% of patients with malignancy-related massive
main clinical consequence of hemoptysis—hemoptysis hemoptysis present with episodes of sentinel bleeding
resulting in aspiration of blood to the contralateral lung, during the weeks prior to their event.19 Table 1 lists
airway obstruction, hypoxemia requiring mechanical etiologies of life-threatening hemoptysis.
ventilation, transfusion, and death1,11,12 One limitation
Mortality in patients with hemoptysis is higher in several
of this definition is that it excludes a population with
groups. In a study of 1,087 patients with hemoptysis, a
optimal respiratory reserve who can efficiently
mortality risk score was developed based on factors
expectorate large volumes of blood, and remain
independently associated with increased mortality.12
clinically stable during the initial stages of life-
One point was assigned for chronic alcoholism,
threatening hemoptysis. Such instances should be
pulmonary artery involvement, or hemorrhage affecting
managed with equal efficiency, assuming that clinical
two or more quadrants on chest radiograph, whereas 2
instability will follow if management is not expedited.
points were assigned for aspergillosis, cancer, or need for
Among cases of fatal hemoptysis, the inciting cause of mechanical ventilation. The cumulative total score
death is not hemorrhagic shock, but asphyxiation from predicted increasing mortality ranging from 1 point
inability to oxygenate or ventilate because of (2% mortality) to 7 points (91% mortality). Additionally,
hemorrhage flooding the airways. The total volume of baseline medical conditions including reserve
the conducting airways averages 150 mL in adults.13 pulmonary function and presence of underlying organ
Therefore, a given hemorrhage that may be regarded as failure have a substantial impact on mortality from life-
mild from another location can briskly become life threatening hemoptysis.20 Conditions such as
threatening in the airways. aspergilloma, bronchiectasis, and cancer also carry a
higher hemoptysis-related mortality because of
The existing literature on hemoptysis spans over a
increased risks of recurrent hemoptysis.21
century. Most studies are retrospective, single-centered,
and include a heterogeneous population of patients,
including combinations of different etiologies and Procedural Preparedness and Prevention
different categories of hemoptysis while often including Life-threatening hemoptysis may occur either as a new
both minor and massive hemoptysis in the same cohort. presentation or as an iatrogenic complication during an
Selection bias, small sample size, and limited internal invasive procedure. Procedural risks of hemoptysis can
and external validity are among the major limitations of be decreased by carefully selecting patients for invasive

78 CHEST Reviews [ 157#1 CHEST JANUARY 2020 ]

TABLE 1 ] Etiologies of Life-Threatening Hemoptysis blood into adjacent lung segments. Continuation of low-
Cardiac dose aspirin prior to most bronchoscopic procedures is
Congenital heart disease acceptable and safe. However, we recommend against
Congestive heart failure the use of clopidogrel and warfarin, alone or in
Mitral stenosis
combination, prior to transbronchial lung biopsy. In a
Iatrogenic comparative prospective study of 1,217 patients, Herth
Aortobronchial fistula from erosion of an aortic graft or
et al22 demonstrated that low-dose aspirin did not
Endobronchial brachytherapy increase risk of bleeding during transbronchial lung
Erosion of airway stent biopsy. A prospective study by Ernst et al23 showed
Lung transplantation significantly higher risk of bleeding in 18 patients on
Mediastinal or lung radiation therapy
Pulmonary artery rupture from right-sided heart clopidogrel undergoing transbronchial lung biopsies—
catheterization 89% compared with only 3.4% in control subjects. A
Pulmonary laceration from chest tube placement or combination of aspirin with clopidogrel was associated
Pulmonary vein stenosis after radiofrequency ablation
with either moderate or severe hemorrhage in every
Thrombolytic therapy instance. The study was stopped early because of serious
Tracheoinnominate artery fistula after tracheostomy bleeding complications.
Transbronchial lung biopsy or cryobiopsy
Transthoracic needle aspiration Uremia from renal failure is also recognized as a risk
factor for coagulopathy because of uremic platelet
Aspergillosis and other mycetomas dysfunction.24 However, there are limited data on the
Bacterial and viral bronchitis and pneumonia risks uremia poses specifically for procedural
Lung flukes and parasites
hemoptysis. Some recommend desmopressin as an
Necrotizing pneumonia and lung abscess
TB adjunct to mitigate this risk because it has been proven
to decrease bleeding time in patients with uremia in
Anticoagulants (ie, heparin, warfarin, dabigatran,
small studies.25,26 Limited data exist on the safe
enoxaparin, apixaban) minimum threshold for platelet count when performing
Antiplatelets (ie, clopidogrel, ticagrelor, prasugrel) endobronchial or transbronchial lung biopsies.27 Papin
et al28 reported a series of 24 patients with
Miscellaneous thrombocytopenia (mean platelet count, 30,000/mm3 
Blast injury 16,500/mm3) undergoing transbronchial lung biopsies
Cocaine abuse
Foreign body aspiration
wherein 20.8% had bleeding complications. Pulmonary
Idiopathic/cryptogenic hypertension is also regarded as a relative
Trauma contraindication for transbronchial biopsies. However,
Pulmonary in a retrospective study of 107 patients with pulmonary
Bronchiectasis hypertension suggested by elevated right ventricular
Broncholithiasis systolic pressure on echocardiography, no increased
risk of bleeding with transbronchial biopsy or
Pulmonary embolism and infarction endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle
aspiration was noted, compared with 83 patients in a
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage from vasculitis: control group with nonelevated right ventricular
granulomatous polyangiitis, Goodpasture syndrome, systolic pressure.29
Behçet disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and
cryoglobulinemia Transbronchial cryobiopsy has emerged as an alternative
to surgical lung biopsy in the diagnosis of diffuse
Arteriovenous malformations, including hereditary parenchymal lung disease.30,31 However, because of the
hemorrhagic telangiectasia elevated risk of major hemorrhage, expert consensus
Pulmonary artery aneurysm suggests routine use of a bronchial blocker or Fogarty
Ruptured thoracic aneurysm
balloon to isolate procedural bleeding in patients who
are intubated.30 In addition, some protocols recommend
procedures such as bronchoscopic lung biopsies and by performing this procedure with rigid bronchoscopy to
performing lung biopsies in dependent lung regions allow for immediate control of any significant
when feasible to facilitate hemostasis without spillage of hemorrhage.31 79
TABLE 2 ] Massive Hemoptysis Toolkit and anatomy is required. The lungs are perfused with twin
Management Plan Checklist blood supplies: deoxygenated blood in the pulmonary
Intubation tray with range of endotracheal tubes arteries at lower pulmonary pressures (mean pulmonary
including sizes $ 8.5 mm artery pressure, 12-16 mm Hg) and oxygenated blood
Therapeutic flexible bronchoscope with large working flowing within the bronchial arteries at systemic
channel, diagnostic and pediatric flexible bronchoscope
to aid with bronchial blocker placement, rigid
pressures (mean arterial pressure, 100 mm Hg).33 Over
bronchoscope when skills and expertise are available time, inflammation, hypoxia, and neoplasia can incite
Bronchial blocker and ice-cold saline proliferation of bronchial vasculature via secretion of
Prompt transfer to ICU proangiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial
Large-volume IV to allow rapid volume resuscitation and growth factor and angiopoietin-1.34 New vessels are
radiocontrast injection usually thin-walled and fragile, are exposed to increased
Patient coagulation parameters including type and screen systemic arterial pressures, and are prone to rupture into
Prompt page to pulmonology/interventional pulmonology the airways resulting in hemoptysis. It is estimated that
for airways stabilization and management, 90% of cases of massive hemoptysis emanate from the
interventional radiology for bronchial artery
embolization, and thoracic surgery for potential
bronchial vasculature.35 Therefore, BAE has emerged as
surgical evaluation an exceedingly useful minimally invasive tool in the
Prompt availability of CT scan management of hemoptysis. Additional recruitment of
Cryotherapy probe for blood clot extraction nonbronchial collateral vessels can occur from ectopic
Electrocautery or argon plasma coagulation for ablation
sites such as adjacent intercostal arteries, inferior
of endobronchial lesions phrenic arteries, the thyrocervical trunk, internal
mammary arteries, and subclavian arteries among other
sites.36 Multidetector CT scan has been proven to be
highly effective in localizing bleeding from normal or
A standardized algorithm for response to hemoptysis
ectopic bronchial arteries.35-37
includes readily available iced saline for local control of
hemorrhage, a bronchial blocker for prevention of blood
spillage to contralateral airways, balloon tamponade, Initial Evaluation
and intubation supplies with larger-sized endotracheal When a complete history and physical examination is
tubes (ETTs) immediately accessible and confirmed. permitted, the clinical time line and coexistent
Table 2 shows a checklist of tools required and symptoms may provide valuable clues for the origin of
important actions necessary to improve emergency hemoptysis. The diagnostic workup should follow
preparedness and rapid response to bleeding immediately after airway and hemodynamic
emergencies. stabilization. The presence of infectious symptoms,
recent surgical procedures, administration of
Many of the advanced techniques to control hemoptysis
anticoagulant or antiplatelet medications, and history of
require expertise and specialized equipment.32
malignancy, TB, or underlying pulmonary disease could
Management of massive hemoptysis should be
be very revealing as to suspect causes. Additionally,
approached in a multidisciplinary fashion. A group of
epistaxis and hematemesis should be considered and
respiratory therapists, interventional radiologists,
ruled out as other potential sources of blood.
intensivists, pulmonologists, and surgeons should
comprise a hemoptysis response team. Because massive Distinguishing the side of culprit bleed is vital in life-
hemoptysis is uncommon and often encountered threatening hemoptysis because the decision to
unexpectedly, we suggest that life-threatening lateralize, placing the bleeding side into a dependent
hemoptysis management algorithm simulations and position, is one of the most important first steps in
drills be implemented in every institution that cares for stabilization. To determine the side of bleeding, chest
patients with massive hemoptysis, and in any procedural radiograph is known to have limited sensitivity.37-39 In a
unit, where risk of hemoptysis exists. study of 80 patients with large or massive hemoptysis,
chest radiograph was able to discern the location of
hemorrhage in only 46% of cases and suggested the
Pathophysiology specific cause of bleeding in only 35%.37 In a separate
To understand the management of massive hemoptysis, study of 722 patients with minor and massive
an in-depth knowledge of the pulmonary vascular hemoptysis, a new diagnosis of malignancy was made in

80 CHEST Reviews [ 157#1 CHEST JANUARY 2020 ]

Figure 1 – A-D, Airway control in massive hemoptysis. A, A large (> 8.5 mm inner diameter) endotracheal tube (ETT) used to secure the left-sided
mainstem. The diameter of the ETT accommodates a therapeutic flexible bronchoscope with a large working channel that can effectively suction any
spilled blood on the left side, as depicted in the image. B, A double lumen tube (DLT) is the least optimal choice for massive hemoptysis. As illustrated in
the image, the small lumens of the tube afford only passage of a smaller pediatric bronchoscope that is inefficient in clot extraction. As a result, in this
image of right-sided hemorrhage with spillage of blood to the contralateral lung, the lumens of the DLT are occluded with clot and clot evacuation from
either side is suboptimal. C, A bronchial blocker can be positioned to prevent spillage of blood to the contralateral side. As illustrated, the patient can be
intubated with a large ($ 8.5 mm inner diameter) ETT and bronchial blocker can secure the right-sided mainstem bronchus. This option is of
particular value in the setting of left-sided hemorrhage because right-sided mainstem intubation with an ETT often leads to obstruction of the right
upper lobe origin by the ETT’s inflated cuff, minimizing ventilation and oxygenation only to the right side of the middle and lower lung. D, Left-sided
mainstem is intubated with rigid bronchoscope in the case of left-sided hemorrhage. The bevel of the rigid bronchoscope safeguards the right-sided
airways, whereas blood can be suctioned efficiently with the use of a rigid suction catheter and therapeutic flexible bronchoscope simultaneously. As
illustrated, this technique is superior in control of hemorrhage in the bleeding side, while securing the unaffected lung. Ventilation of the right side of the
lung is maintained through the rigid tube’s side ports, whereas ventilation also continues in the left-sided airways that are free of clots. The lumen of the
rigid bronchoscope accommodates tools for therapeutic interventions such as tumor debulking, thermal ablation, and flexible bronchoscopy.

144 patients; of these, 35 patients (24%) had normal retrospective study of 400 patients with hemoptysis,
chest radiograph findings.40 Khalil et al43 observed that patients who underwent
multiple detector CT angiography prior to BAE were
Multidetector CT scan is superior to chest radiograph in
more likely to have successful resolution of hemorrhage
ability to identify both the anatomic origin and
from embolization and were also less likely to need
underlying cause of hemorrhage and to define the course
emergent surgery.
of both bronchial and nonbronchial collateral
arteries.37,38,41,42 In a retrospective study, CT scan A prospective study of 606 patients with any degree of
identified the location and cause of bleeding in 70% and hemoptysis found CT scan more likely to diagnose the
77% of cases, respectively.37 In a comparative underlying cause of hemorrhage (77.3% of cases) in 81
comparison with bronchoscopy (48.7% of cases).14 The
combination of both CT scan and bronchoscopy was
diagnostic of the etiology of hemorrhage in 83.9% of
cases. However, the study population was of a
combination of both minor and massive hemoptysis,
thereby underestimating the true diagnostic ability for
bronchoscopy to lateralize the side of culprit bleeding in
cases of massive hemoptysis. The choice of
bronchoscopy vs CT scan depends on the equipment
availability, institutional practice, and patient
population. Although bronchoscopy is invaluable in
diagnosis and stabilization, it is not readily available in
all institutions and should not delay care to a patient
who is clinically stable for transfer to CT scan for
efficient hemorrhage localization and a speedy transition
to definitive therapies such as BAE.

Airway Stabilization and Isolation of

Figure 2 – Cryoprobe used to freeze and extract a large clot occluding the
Hemorrhage right- and left-sided mainstem bronchi and the trachea.
Immediate airway control and isolation of the bleeding
airway is very important. There are several strategies for
isolation of hemorrhage. If the side of bleeding is known, role in massive hemoptysis is obsolete because their
immediate lateralization by moving the patient into the narrow individual lumens do not permit efficient
decubitus position with bleeding side down is the first evacuation of clots or use of standard-sized flexible
step to prevent hemorrhage from flooding into other bronchoscopes with working channels large enough to
regions of lung.44 For massive hemoptysis, intubation evacuate hemorrhage and blood clots from airways (Fig
with larger diameter ETTs of $ 8.5 mm inner diameter 1B).46,47 Immediate transfer to an ICU should be
is recommended when possible to enable passage of arranged for ongoing monitoring and treatment.
therapeutic flexible bronchoscopes with large working
channels that allow extraction of obstructing blood clots Flexible Bronchoscopy
and placement of bronchial blockers.45 Several strategies
Flexible bronchoscopy has multiple different roles in the
for placement of inflatable bronchial blockers or Fogarty
setting of massive hemoptysis. Whether it is used for
balloons either coaxially through an ETT or in parallel to
lateralization, selective intubation, bronchial blocker
the tube have been described (Fig 1C).32,46 In the
placement, clot extraction, or therapeutic purposes, its
absence of balloon occlusion, selective intubation into
versatility and mobility make flexible bronchoscopy a
the left- or right-sided mainstem with an ETT can
valuable tool. Although the timing of flexible
isolate the lung from hemorrhage on the contralateral
bronchoscopy in the management of patients who are
side. The left-sided mainstem bronchus, given its longer
stable with minor hemoptysis remains controversial,
anatomy, is better suited to accommodate an ETT
among patients who are unstable, early bronchoscopy is
balloon cuff than the shorter right-sided mainstem
preferred to localize hemorrhage, isolate bleeding with a
bronchus, where the right side upper lobe aperture is at
bronchial blocker, or for selective intubation and
high risk of occlusion (Fig 1A). Nasotracheal intubation
evacuating blood from the airways.11,44,48 Both CT scan
is discouraged given the inability to perform selective
and bronchoscopy are complementary in localization
bronchial intubation with the foreshortened length of
and diagnosis of hemoptysis.38 In patients who are
the ETT and limitations on the ETT size permitted via
unstable where transfer is unsafe and intubation and
this method. Flexible bronchoscopy should be used to
lung isolation is of the utmost importance, flexible
direct and confirm placement of bronchial blockers
bronchoscopy is the procedure of choice and can be
while performing selective intubation.46
performed at the bedside, if available. When removal of
Dual lumen ETTs are designed to isolate each lung and large obstructing blood clots cannot be efficiently
are commonly used in thoracic surgery; however, their performed through the channel of the flexible

82 CHEST Reviews [ 157#1 CHEST JANUARY 2020 ]

TABLE 3 ] Bronchoscopic Interventions in Management of Hemoptysisa

Intervention Study/Year Location Hemoptysis Study Design Result

TXA Wand et al /2018 Israel Submassive 47 patients, prospective RCT Patients randomized to nebulized TXA
hemoptysis vs placebo after 24 h of
hemoptysis. TXA group was more
likely to have decrease in volume of
expectorated blood and less likely
to need interventional
bronchoscopy or BAE than placebo
group. Patients with MH defined as
hemorrhage of > 200 mL/24 h were
TXA Bellam et al61/2016 India Submassive 66 patients, Patients with submassive hemoptysis
hemoptysis single blinded randomized randomized to IV TXA or placebo.
prospective trial TXA group had decrease in
hemoptysis by day 2, based on
visual analog score. Patients with
MH were excluded.
Gel and thrombin Peralta et al56/2018 United States Mild, moderate, or 13 patients, retrospective Hemostasis attained in 10 of cases
slurry severe (77%).
Temporary silicone Bylicki et al57/2012 France Moderate hemoptysis 9 patients, retrospective Spigots were definitive in only a
spigot single case but temporized
bleeding and afforded time for BAE
or surgery in each other case.
Temporary airway Lee et al60/2012 Korea Not stated 3 patients, retrospective Report of 3 cases with obstructive
stenting lung cancer and hemoptysis
successfully treated with airways
Nd:YAG laser Han et al54/2007 Australia Not stated 52 patients, retrospective Nd:YAG laser was able to stop
bleeding in 77% of cases and
reduce bleeding in an additional
rFVIIa Heslet et al63/2006 Denmark Diffuse alveolar 6 patients, retrospective Hemostasis and PaO2/FIO2 ratio
hemorrhage improved in all 6 patients after
treatment with rFVIIa given
bronchoscopically as a lavage into
bilateral mainstem bronchi.
Oxidized Valipour et al53/2005 Austria Massive hemoptysis 57 patients, retrospective 56 of 57 patients (98%) had
regenerated resolution of hemoptysis at 48 h;
cellulose 9% developed postobstructive

bronchoscope, clot extraction using a cryoprobe is
highly effective by embedding the probe within the clot
Endoscopic glue stopped hemoptysis

hemoptysis in all cases; 6 patients

thrombin-fibrinogen was effective

hemoptysis in 6 cases (60%) and
Endobronchial thrombin application

APC ¼ argon plasma coagulation; BAE ¼ bronchial artery embolization; MH ¼ massive hemoptysis; RCT ¼ randomized controlled trial; rFVIIa ¼ recombinant activated factor VII; TXA ¼ tranexamic acid.
had hemoptysis > 200 mL/24 h.
to extract the frozen adherent clot with the
in all 6 cases, 1 with recurrent

APC was effective in controlling

bronchoscope in one unit (Fig 2).49

was effective in stopping

Bronchoscopy also allows direct instillation of
hemoptysis within 24 h.

medications into bleeding segments. Historically, both


in 9 cases (64%).
ice cold saline and dilutions of epinephrine have been
used. Both therapies are thought to cause local
vasoconstriction and have been used widely without
rigorous evidence. Conlan and Hurwitz50 described a
series of 12 patients with massive hemoptysis treated
with 50 mL aliquots of 4 C iced saline (300-750 mL per
patient) with resolution of hemorrhage. Although
Conlan and Hurwitz50 noted transient sinus bradycardia
each modality, retrospective
19 of 33 patients treated with

in a single patient, there was control of hemorrhage in

31 patients, retrospective
6 patients, retrospective

all patients undergoing treatment. No rigorous

Study Design

controlled trial has been performed to evaluate the

efficacy of iced saline for control of hemorrhage. Use of
iced saline has become common practice; however,
instilled volumes of iced saline are typically smaller.

Endobronchial epinephrine and norepinephrine are also

commonly used; however, safe dosage and concentration
vary quite widely in the literature.51 In contrast to iced
or mild hemoptysis
Moderate and severe

saline, the safety of endobronchial epinephrine has been

Any hemoptysis

questioned given reports of coronary vasospasm and

lasting > 7 d.
lasting > 7 d

All hemoptysis

arrhythmia.51,52 If used, lower concentrations of

epinephrine 1:100,000 in 2 mL aliquots, not exceeding
Chronological listing of literature with MH in the studied population. Case reports are excluded.

0.6 mg, are suggested.51 Close cardiac monitoring and

avoidance in patients with coronary artery disease or
arrhythmia is recommended. Additionally, instilled
epinephrine is quickly diluted and washed immediately
away from bleeding segments by active hemorrhage. For
United States

this reason, the utility of endobronchial epinephrine in

cases of life-threatening hemoptysis is questionable at

best. Despite adhering to fundamental airway

management principles and use of conservative
measures such as iced saline lavage, most cases require
Morice et al55/2001

Tsukamoto et al59/

additional therapy for hemostasis. Valipour et al53

et al58/2002

studied 76 patients with massive hemoptysis and found

that only 13 cases (17%) had resolution of hemoptysis

with such conservative measures alone.

In addition to the steps previously mentioned, flexible
] (Continued)

bronchoscopy offers other benefits whether hemorrhage

N-butyl cyanoacrylate

is emanating from larger central airways or smaller

fibrinogen glue

inaccessible peripheral airways. In distal airway

hemorrhage, the bronchoscope can identify the
Thrombin or

segmental bleeding airway and then be wedged into the


bleeding segment to provide local tamponade until a


blood clot is formed. This technique is often used in the


84 CHEST Reviews [ 157#1 CHEST JANUARY 2020 ]

Rigid Bronchoscopy
Rigid bronchoscopy is a highly effective tool offering
several benefits over flexible bronchoscopy in the
management of massive hemoptysis.64 The rigid
bronchoscope provides superior airway stabilization by
permitting immediate selective isolation of either
mainstem bronchus while also providing ventilation.50
Large obstructing blood clots can be quickly evacuated
from the airways. Additionally, the larger channel can
accommodate specialized instruments for concurrent
use, such as a flexible bronchoscope, bronchial blockers,
thermal ablation fibers, cautery instruments, or tools for
debulking and tamponade (Figs 1D, 3). Flexible
bronchoscopy is used in tandem with rigid
Figure 3 – Left-sided airways is secured, ventilation is maintained bronchoscopy to better evaluate the upper lobes and
through the side ports of the rigid bronchoscope, and right-sided hem-
orrhage is controlled. more distal airways. Rigid bronchoscopy may not be
available universally given the need for specialized
setting of procedure-related hemorrhage, such as equipment and training.
transbronchial lung biopsies, when the exact site of
bleeding is known.
In instances where hemorrhage originates from the After successful stabilization of the airway and initial
proximal airways, commonly because of malignant hemostasis, most patients with massive hemoptysis
central airway disease, local thermoablative therapies require definitive therapy, often in the form of
such as electrocautery, argon plasma coagulation, or percutaneous BAE. First introduced in 1972, BAE is
Nd:YAG laser all have demonstrated utility to provide both minimally invasive and highly effective in
hemostasis.54,55 It is noteworthy however that most controlling hemoptysis.65 Using a percutaneous
causes of massive hemoptysis do not occur in the approach, an arteriogram reveals the bronchial arteries
immediately accessible central airways. that typically originate at the level of T5 and T6 from the
thoracic aorta; however, collateral bronchial arteries may
Other techniques of local hemoptysis control using
originate from ectopic sites. Active extravasation is
substrates to promote hemostasis or tamponade
found in only a minority of cases (10%-15%); however,
including oxidized regenerated cellulose, gelatin-
other visible abnormalities such as tortuosity,
thrombin, silicone spigots, airway stents, and polymer
arteriovenous malformations, aneurysms, dilation, and
surgical sealants have been described.53,56-60 Tranexamic
hypertrophy of bronchial arteries may also suggest a
acid (TXA), an antifibrinolytic medication that
culprit source of bleeding. A variety of embolization
competitively inhibits plasminogen activation, has been
agents can be used such as 300 to 600 mm polyvinyl
prospectively studied in groups of submassive
alcohol particles, trisacryl gelatin microspheres, N-butyl
hemoptysis in both IV and nebulized form. Although
cyanoacrylate glue, gelatin sponges, and metallic coils to
patients with massive hemoptysis were not included,
occlude the bronchial vascular supply.5,65-67
TXA was associated with a decrease in hemoptysis and
need for interventional procedures.61,62 Additionally, In a systematic review of BAE, Panda et al67 examined
recombinant activated factor VII has also been used in 22 studies totaling 3,265 patients and defined the initial
cases of hemoptysis because of diffuse alveolar success rate of BAE from 70% to 99%. However, the
hemorrhage.63 Table 3 lists various endobronchial recurrence rate for bleeding is high, estimated up to
techniques used in the management of massive 58% within 30 days.68 Interestingly, although the
hemoptysis. However, most available literature on technologies to perform BAE have evolved, the rate of
massive hemoptysis is limited for several reasons recurrent hemoptysis has remained unchanged.67 Risk
including the following: small sample sizes, lack of factors for recurrence post-BAE include bleeding from
control groups for comparison, inclusion of aspergillomas, TB, bronchiectasis, nonbronchial
heterogeneous populations, and simultaneous utilization systemic collateral circulation, and bronchopulmonary
of several different therapeutic measures. shunting.4,67 BAE failure can be caused by recanalization 85
of embolized arteries, incomplete embolization of preservation of lung regions from becoming
existing arteries, and development of new collateral overwhelmed by hemorrhage take precedence. Although
blood supply.5,69 Although uncommon, the most feared minor to moderate hemoptysis is a frequent clinical
complication of embolization is spinal cord ischemia presentation, massive hemoptysis may occur with little
because of embolism of anterior spinal arteries, warning and always constitutes an emergency.
estimated to occur in 1.4% to 6.5% of cases.35 With Therefore, successful management requires careful
improvements in imaging and highly selective implementation of simulations, drills, and preparedness
embolization techniques, this complication has become practices in a designated response team that includes
less common.4 Other rare complications include respiratory therapists, pulmonologists, interventional
esophageal ischemia or subintimal dissection of the radiologists, and thoracic surgeons.
aorta or bronchial arteries.
Surgical Management Author contributions: K. D. and S. S. participated in data collection,
manuscript writing, and manuscript review. S. S. is the guarantor of the
Although surgery was once regarded as the only manuscript.
available therapy for life-threatening hemoptysis, with Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: None declared.
improvements in flexible bronchoscopy, CT scan, and Other contributions: We thank Lauren J. Hugdahl for her assistance
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