Chemical Injection: Offshore Coshh Essentials

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Health and Safety


OCE Chemical injection

COSHH Control approach 3
essentials Containment

This information will help offshore What this sheet covers

dutyholders (owners, operators and This sheet describes good
contractors) to comply with the Control practice for chemical injection
of Substances Hazardous to Health systems. It covers the key points
Regulations 2002 (COSHH), as amended, to you need to follow to help reduce
protect workers’ health. exposure to an acceptable
level, as part of your COSHH
This guidance consolidates good control assessment.
practice and reinforces existing knowledge
The sheet does not cover breach
with additional information.
of containment.

It will help you carry out COSHH

assessments, review existing assessments,
deliver training and in supervising activities
3 Products include wax, scale
and corrosion inhibitors,
involving substances hazardous to health.
biocides, de-oiling and anti-
foaming agents, and oxygen and
It is aimed at staff whose responsibilities
hydrogen sulphide scavengers. Chemical injection skid
include the management of substances
These include substances such
hazardous to health on offshore
as alcohols, alkyl/butyl benzenes,
installations (eg occupational health
(poly) amines, aldehydes and anhydrides.
specialists, COSHH assessors, supervisors
etc). It is also useful for trade union and
3 Health effects include burns, dermatitis, eye and respiratory irritation
and asthma.
employee safety representatives.

Following this guidance is not compulsory
and you are free to take other action. But Storage
if you do follow this guidance, you will 3 Where appropriate, provide a well-ventilated, flameproof store with spill
normally be doing enough to comply with clean-up kits.
the law. Health and safety inspectors seek 3 Keep tanks and containers in defined, bunded areas.
to secure compliance with the law and may 3 Label tote tanks, containers and lines clearly.
refer to this guidance as illustrating good 3 Vent air displaced from bulk liquids to a safe place.
practice. 3 Segregate incompatible materials, and segregate waste.
3 Clearly display the labels on chemical containers.
Also see essential information on the back 3 Provide for drainage to appropriate drains, eg closed drains.
of the sheet. 3 Provide eyewash equipment and an emergency shower close to the
work site.
Chemical injection OCE10 Containment

Equipment and procedures

3 Ensure that connecting hoses are correctly rated, and that transfer
rates for pumped fluids are written and displayed.
3 Define procedures for start up, normal operation and shutdown. Include
maintenance shutdown and start up.
3 Prepare written procedures for the sequences of valve opening and
injection rates.

Control equipment
3 Install dedicated, labelled transfer lines between supply boats and tote
tanks, and to the injection point.
3 Provide bunds for chemical injection tanks.
3 Use dry-release couplings only.
3 Provide low-level and high-level alarms on tote tanks.
3 Where necessary, chemical pumps may need multiple heads to supply
multiple injection points.
3 Ensure that displaced vapours vent to a safe place or to a vapour
recovery system.

Control procedures
3 Activate each pump head and calibrate its flow rate. Set the volume to
be dispensed from each head.
3 For multi-head pumps, activate heads one by one. Don’t turn them all
on at once.

Emergency procedures
3 Ensure operators close down the transfer process if fluids are leaking.
3 In the event of a significant spillage contact the control room or follow
established spill procedure.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) – see OCM3

3 Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) is not normally needed.
Maintenance, examination and testing
Checking and maintenance
3 Make and follow schedules for preventative maintenance of plant and
monitoring equipment.
3 Follow the planned maintenance regime (PMR).
3 Check that the level alarms in tote tanks are working properly.
Exposure monitoring
3 Monitoring is not normally necessary.
3 Drain liquid residues to appropriate drains through hoses and valve
Chemical injection OCE10 Containment

Training and supervision Employee checklist

3 Provide supervision – ensure that safe work procedures are followed. Is the equipment in good
3 Hazardous substances used and their health effects. condition and working
3 Tell workers, including maintenance workers, what the hazards and properly?
risks are.
3 Training includes toolbox talks on: Do you know how to use
n how to use equipment properly; the control equipment
n how to use the right safe working procedures; properly?
n how to clean up spills correctly; and
Look for signs of leaks,
n what to do if something goes wrong.
wear and damage before
3 Involve managers and supervisors in health and safety training. every job.

Essential information If you find any problem,

OCE0 Advice for managers get it fixed. Don’t just
OCM5 Emergency planning carry on working.

Wash hands before

eating, drinking or using
the lavatory.

Other hazards

Substances harmful to the


marine environment

Further information
Tote tanks

Developing process safety

indicators: A step-by-step guide
for chemical and major hazard
industries HSG254 HSE Books
2006 ISBN 978 0 7176 6180 0

Workplace exposure limits EH40

You can find the full Offshore

COSHH essentials series at

This guidance was developed by representatives from the UK

offshore oil and gas industry and trade unions, with HSE.

© Crown copyright 2011 Published by the Health and Safety Executive 03/11

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