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First Anglo-Burmese War

by Ralph Zuljan (OnWar.Com)

State Entry Exit Combat Forces Population Losses

Britain 1823 1826 50000 20000000 20000
Burma 1823 1826 40000 8000000 10000


The First Anglo-Burmese War arose from friction between Arakan in western Burma and British-
held Chittagong to the north. After Burma's defeat of the kingdom of Arakan in 1784-85,
Arakanese refugees went north into British territory and from their sanctuaries in Bengal formed
armed contingents and recrossed the border, attacking Burmese garrisons in Arakan. At one
point, Arakanese patriots recaptured the provincial capital of Mrohaung. In retaliation, Burmese
forces crossed into Bengal, withdrawing only when challenged by Bengal authorities.

In 1823 Burmese forces again crossed the frontier; and the British responded in force, with a
large seaborne expedition that took Rangoon (1824) without a fight. The British hope of making
the Burmese submit by holding the delta region and threatening the capital failed as Burmese
resistance stiffened. In 1825 the British Indian forces advanced northward. In a skirmish south of
Ava, the Burmese general Bandula was killed and his armies routed. The Treaty of Yandabo
(February 1826) formally ended the First Anglo-Burmese War. The British victory had been
achieved mainly because India's superior resources had made possible a sustained campaign
running through two rainy seasons. But in the fighting the British-led Indian troops had suffered
more than 15,000 fatalities.


Myanmar then conquered Arakan and occupied the princely state of Assam to the northwest of
Manipur, thus coming face to face with British power in India. The result was the First Anglo-
Burmese War (1824-26), in which the Siamese fought on the British side. Myanmar eventually
had to sue for peace and lost Assam, Manipur, Arakan, and Tenasserim.


Barrackpore Mutiny

also spelled BARRACKPUR MUTINY (Nov. 2, 1824), incident during the First Anglo-Burmese
War (1824-26), generally regarded as a dress rehearsal for the Indian Mutiny of 1857 because of
its similar combination of Indian grievances against the British, caste feeling, and the ineptitude of
its handling. During the war, Indian forces of the 47th regiment were ordered to march to
Chittagong by land because caste taboo forbade high-caste men to go by sea. Under the
regulations they had to transport their personal effects, also subject to caste rules, but had no
bullocks available because the army had already engaged the supply. The men's complaints and
petitions were disregarded, and their grievances increased when camp followers were offered
higher pay than the troops themselves. When the regiment refused to march, it was surrounded
on the parade ground, bombarded by the artillery, and forced to flee under fire.

The regiment's name was erased from the army list, the ringleaders were hanged, and others
were imprisoned. The incident nearly led to the recall of the British governor-general, Lord
Amherst, and the military authorities were criticized for their rigidity and vindictive harshness.

1824-1826 : The First Anglo-Burmese War

1821-1822 Burmese conquered Assam
Aug 1823 Lord Amherst became the Governor-General
24 Feb 1824 Lord Amherst declared war on Burma
11 May 1824 Rangoon was captured by British
25 Apr 1825 Campbell captured Prome, the capital of Lower Burma
24 Feb 1826 The Burmese concluded a peace treaty

Lord Amherst became the Governor-General of India in August 1823. During his tenure
the most important event which took place was the First Anglo-Burmese War.

Causes for the Declaration of the War

The Burmese had already seized Tenasserim from Siam in 1766, subjugated the kingdom
of Arakan in 1784, and also conquered Manipur, near the Surma valley, in 1813. This
advance of the Burmese towards the eastern frontier of the Company's dominion made an
Anglo-Burmese conflict inevitable. The British were engaged in other parts of India and
so they first tried to avoid the direct conflict with the Burmese by sending envoys to
Burma - Captain Symes in 1795 and in 1802, Captain Cox in 1797 and Captain Canning
in 1803, 1809, 1811 - but it was unsuccessful. Then when the British were fighting with
the Pindaris, the King of Ava sent a letter to Lord Hastings demanding the surrender of
Chittagong, Dacca, Cassimbazar and Murshidabad. This letter was sent by the Hastings
to the Burmese Government stating it as a forged one.

Soon in 1821-1822, the Burmese conquered Assam and in September 1823 the Shahpuri
island near Chittagong which was belonging to the Company. The Burmese were then
making preparations for an attack on the territories in Bengal. All these events frustrated
the British and so finally on February 24, 1824 Lord Amherst declared war on Burma.

British Capture Rangoon

The British were successful in expelling the Burmese from Assam. However Bandula, the
ablest of the Burmese generals repelled a British detachment at Ramu on the Chittagong
frontier. On the other hand, the British sent an expedition of 11,000 men under General
Archibald Campbell and ships under Captain Marryat to attack Rangoon by sea. Rangoon
was captured on May 11, 1824. After these setbacks, the Burmese fled into jungles of

Conclusion of Peace of Treaty

Meanwhile, Bandula had been recalled and arrived before Rangoon on December 1 with
60,000 men. He was, however, defeated on December 15 and then retreated to Donabew,
where he fought bravely and in April 1825, he was killed. On April 25, Campbell
captured Prome, the capital of Lower Burma. The fighting continued till the end of 1825.
And on February 24, 1826 the Burmese concluded a peace treaty.

According to the treaty, the Burmese had to pay 1 crore as war indemnity, the absolute
surrender of the provinces of Arakan and Tenasserim and the recognition of Manipur as
an independent State. And on November 23, 1826, a commercial treaty was concluded.
The terms of this commercial treaty was based on the principles of reciprocal advantage -
the admission of a British Resident at Ava and a Burmese envoy being allowed to come
to Calcutta. However the British Resident was not accepted till 1830, when Major Burney
became the British Resident at Ava.

The First Anglo-Burmese War 1824-


A.) The Situation Preceding the War

Burma pursued a policy of expansion. In 1821-1822 the Burmese had
conquered ASSAM; they prepared for an attack on BENGAL, held by the
(British) EAST INDIA COMPANY (EIC).On February 24th 1824, Governor
General Lord Amherst declared war on Burma.

B.) The Cource of Events

Bengali troops in the garrison of BARAKHPUR mutinied when ordered to
fight in the Anglo-Burmese War.

British-Indian forces expelled the Burmese from Assam. At the Chittagong
front, the EIC tropops made little progress, meeting determined Burmese
resistance. A British-Indian naval expedition took RANGOON on May 11th
1824 (the city had been evacuated by the Burmese). In March 1824, a British
expedition took the capital of Arakan.
A Burmese force 60,000 strong was defeated outside Rangoon in December,
and in May 1825 a British force tool PROME, the capital of Lower Burma. A
peace treaty was signed at Yandabo on February 26th 1826.
EIC forces had suffered significant losses, the larger part due to disease.

C.) Legacy
Burma had to cede Assam, Arakan and Tenasserim to the EIC. A British
RESIDENT was to reside at Ava. MANIPUR was to be recognized as
independent; Burma had to pay war indemnity. However, only in 1830 was a
British resident accepted at Ava.

EXTERNAL The First Anglo-Burmese War 1824-1826, from Itihaas

FILES First Anglo-Burmese War 1824-1826, from
James Paul, The First Burma War, from British
Armed Conflict Events Data : Burma 1800-1999, from

Anglo-Burmese War

by Ralph Zuljan (OnWar.Com)

How to Stop a War... Burmese War

State Entry Exit Combat Forces Population Losses

Britain 1852 1853 50000 28000000 15000
Burma 1852 1853 50000 13000000 12000


The Second Anglo-Burmese War (1852) was provoked by the British, who wanted access to the
teak forests in and around Pegu and also wanted to secure the gap in their coastline stretching
from Calcutta to Singapore; it resulted in the British annexation of Pegu province, which they
renamed Lower Burma. As the British became increasingly interested in the legendary trade with

China through its back door--as well as in the teak, oil, and rubies of northern Myanmar--they
waited for a suitable pretext to attack.


After 25 years of peace, the British Indian government sent a naval officer, Commodore Lambert,
to Rangoon to investigate British merchants' complaints of extortion. When Lambert seized a ship
that belonged to the Burmese king, another war began.

By July 1852 the British had captured the ports of Lower Burma and had begun a march on the
capital. Slowly but steadily the British-Indian forces occupied the central teak forests of Burma.
The new king Mindon Min (ruled 1853-78) requested the dispersal of British forces. The British
were unreceptive but were hesitant to advance farther northward; with both sides at an impasse,
the fighting simply ceased. The British now occupied all Lower Burma but without formal
recognition of the Burmese court.


Second Anglo-Burmese war

1852 : The Second Anglo-Burmese War

Causes of the Second Anglo-Burmese War

After the treaty of Yandaboo 1826 (After first Anglo-

Burmese War), a large number of British merchants had
settled on the southern coast of Burma and Rangoon.
Tharrawady, the new king of Burma (1837-1845), refused to
consider the treaty of Yandaboo to be binding on him. The
British Residents also did not get proper treatment at the
court and so finally the Residency had to be withdrawn in

The British merchants often complained of ill-treatment at the hands of the Governor of
Rangoon. They sent a petition to Lord Dalhousie. Dalhousie was determined to
maintained British prestige and dignity at all the costs and so deputed Commodore
Lambert to Rangoon to negotiate the redress of grievances and demand compensation.

Declaration of War

At first the King of Burma was inclined to avoid war and so removed the old Governor
and appointed the new one. But when a deputation of some naval officers was refused
admission, Lambert adopted a very provocative line of action. He captured one of the
Burmese King's ships. With this incident, the Burmese did not resist and the war was

On April 1, 1852, British forces reached Rangoon. The famous Pagoda of Rangoon was
stormed on April 14, 1852. A month later Bassein, situated at Irrawaddy Delta was
captured. Prome was occupied in October and Pegu in November. Dalhousie wanted the
Burmese king to recognise the conquest of the Lower Burma. On the refusal of the king
to conclude the treaty, Dalhousie annexed Pegu by issuing a proclamation on December
20, 1852.

End of the War

By the annexation of Pegu the eastern frontier of the British Indian Empire was extended
upto the banks of Salween. Major Arthur Phayre was appointed Commissioner of the
newly acquired British province extending as far as Myede.

The Second Anglo-Burmese War

1852 by Alexander Ganse (World History at KMLA)

A.) The Situation Preceding the War

The EIC had a stretegic interest in closing the gap between its possessions at
Arakan and Tenasserim, and, more importantly, wanted to gain access to the
TEAK FORESTS of Lower Burma. At the complaint of a British merchant,
the EIC sent am officer, who confiscated a ship belonging to the Burmese
king; this triggered the war.

B.) The Cource of Events

EIC forces occupied the ports of Lower Burma (July 1852) and took control of
the Teak Forests within the region. Peace was signed later that year; the British
forces withdrew in 1853.

EIC forces suffered significant losses, mainly due to disease.

C.) Legacy
Burma had to cede Pegu (Lower Burma with the Irawaddy delta and Rangoon).
The British resident virtually controlled future Burmese foreign policy.

The Burma War of 1851

By George Dibley , by George Dibley (Victorian Military Society

During the year 1851 Captain Sheppard, the master and owner of a trading vessel, was
charged with throwing a man overboard and was fined 900 rupees and imprisoned by the
Burmese Governor of Rangoon. He accused the Governor of ill treatment and the
extortion of 900 rupees. Other acts of opression and insolence followed, and the
merchants of Rangoon and Moulmein applied to the Governor-General for protection.
This resulted in Commodore Lambert repairing to Rangoon with H.M.S. Fox and two
other shops to settle matters and restore confidence. The Commodore demanded the
removal of the Governor of Rangoon, and the payment of 9,000 rupees to Captain
Sheppard for the indignity he had been subjected to. The Burmese court agreed to these
terms - the Governor was relieved of his post and the money paid.

On the arrival of the new governor the Commodore requested him to receive a deputation
of British officers. He expressed a willingness to do so; but on the officers arriving at his
house at the agreed time, they were treated with the utmost insolence by his servants,
who said the governor was asleep and could not receive them. The Commodore was not
the main to stand for this kind of treatment. On the 6th January, 1852 he replied by
seizing the king's ships then in the Rangoon river, and declaring the rivers Rangoon,
Bassein and Salween to be in a state of blockade. On the 10th January having taken on
board the Hermes those inhabitants of Rangoon who sought the protection of the British
flag, the Commodore set sail with his prizes. The Burmese opened fire from their
stockades and the ships relied, quickly deciding the unequal contest. The flotilla
proceeded to Calcutta where Commodore Lambert reported to Lord Dalhousie all that
had occurred. The Governor-General approved the strong measures adopted: but hoped to
avoid war by negotiation. This was to no effect. War was inevitable, and on the 12th
February, 1852, it was decided to send a second expedition to Burma.

The beginning of April, 1852 witnessed the arrival of the following shops of war in
Rangoon waters, the Feroze, Mozuffer, Zenobia, Sesostris, Berenic, Medusa, Rockcliffe,
Sir Thomas Gresham, Hempsyche, and Atlanta, had come from Madras; while from
Calcutta had come the Hermes, Tenasserim, Enterprise, Fire Queen, Proserpine,
Salamander and Phiegethon. The new steamer Rattler had also arived from Penang with
Admiral Austen on boarde, the land force which had travelled by sea was under the
command of Major-General Godwin, C.B., and consisted of the following corps: 18th
Royal Irish; 35th Royal Sussex, 51st Light Infantry and Staffordshire Regiments; the 9th
and 35th Madras Native Infantry; 40th Bengal Native Infantry; six companeis of
European artillery, three from Madras and three from Bengal. Total force ofEuropeans,

2,725, Native Infantry 3,400, to which force, if we add the sailors who were available for
land service, 8000 men at least could be assembled for the attack on Rangoon.

Before commencing operations against Rangoon, General Godwin decided to strike a

decisive blow against the town of Martaban, which was immediatley opposite the British
town of Moulmein, the capital of the Tenasserim Provinces. Accordingly, he set out with
a wing of the Staffordshires, which was reinforced by the garrison of Moulmein - a wing
of the 18th Royal Irish - for the attack on the town. As soon as the British ships arrived
opposite the stockaades they were fired upon by the defenders. This fire was replied to by
the Rattler who had worked her way to within 200 yards of the wall and close to the
pagoda: a storming party was formed under the command of Colonel Reignolds, 18th
Royal Irish which stormed and captured Martaban very quickly and with few losses. This
first engagement was a complete success.

At about 9 o'clock on the morning of the 11th April the British warships opened fire on
Rangoon on the left bank and Dalla on the right. The enemy replied with some vigorous
and accurate fire, but it soon died away to an occasional shot. By 11 o'clock the fire from
the defences of Rangoon was silenced, with the stockade and part of the town in flames.
On the Dalla side the Burmese stuck to their defences. Sailors were sent in boats as a
storming party. After landing upon low mud banks they quickly formed up and rushed
the defenders. Their attack was so fierce that the enemy abandoned their works and fled.

Shortly after daybreak on the following morning, the ships once more opened fire from
Rangoon and at the same time the following two brigades landed:
First Brigade: 18th Royal Irish (right), 51st Light Infantry (left), 40th Bengal Native
Infantry (centre), the Sappers and Miners wree placed in rear of the left flank.
Second Brigade: 9th Madras Native Infantry (right), Staffordshires (centre), 35th Madras
Native Infantry (left).

When they were ready the General sent the First Brigade into action with the Second
Brigade in support. The road from the river led to a white building which was constructed
fo solid maasonry and had formed our principal redoubt in the First Burmese War, and it
was along this road the Burmese decided that the British assault would come. However,
the British commander chose another route, which was to the East of the white building.
The enemy, who were entrenched in the building which was defended by a stockade,
ramparts and ditches, had anticipated such an advance and were prepared. Four
companies of the 51st Light Infantry covered the British advance, accompanied by four
guns of the Bengal Artillery. After about a mile the British troops found themselves in
contact with the enemy and under direct enemy artillery firre from the defences signted
on the line of advance, while from the jungle the flanks were ambushed by skirmishers.
Major Reid, Bengal Artillery, supported by Major Oakes, Madras Artillery, opened fire
on the building with four guns at a range of eight hundred years; unfortunately they had
too little ammunition for a prolonged action, and had to cease firing.

It was decided that an assault on the building should be made immediately and a storming
party was formed consisting of the 51st Light Infantry and Sappers and Miners. The

troops advanced led by Major Fraser, Chief Engineer, closely followed by Captain
Rundall, Royal Engineers. The party advanced slowly, encumbered by five heavy scaling
ladders and under heavy fire from the skirmishers in the wood. As the enemy grew bolder
it was found necessary to ground ladders, unsling muskets and drive them off after which
the storming party again advanced. Despite heavy fire from the building they were able to
raise their ladders and scale the ramparts after which the enemy evacuated the building
and ran into the jungle. British losses were considerable, including, Lieutenant Donaldson
and Captain Blundal who were mortally wounded; and Major Griffiths, Brigade Major,
and Major Oakes, Royal Artillery who both died of sunstroke.

After camping overnight on the open plain the next day, the 14th January, was used to
prepare for the main attack on the Great Pagoda. The troops, despite the heat, dragged
four 8-inch howitzers up from the river. At daybreak the entire force advanced in two
brigades. The Staffordshires with four guns of Montgomery's battery formed the advance,
and soon reached the desired position a rise in the ground about 1,000 yards south-east of
the Pagoda defences. The troops following formed up under fire about 700 yards from the

Lieutenant Laurie, describes the Shwe Dagon Pagoda as it was at the time:

"The hill upon which the temple stands is divided into three terraces each defended by a brick and mud
rampart. There are four flights of steps up the centre of each terrace threeof which are covered over: the
east, the south, and the west. Their heavy guns were on the upper terrace, their light ones on the second and
third. The rampart of the upuper terrace being mostly of bricks and mortar if of a superior description."

The British guns continued to fire at the Pagoda with little apparent effect upon the
morale of Burmese defenders who showed little fear of the bombardment. It was decided
to assault the Pagoda using a wing of the Staffordshires undre Major Lockhart, two
companies of the 18 Royal Irish under Lieutenant Hewitt, and two companies of the 40th
Bengal Native Infantry; Colonel Coote, 18th Royal Irish to command. Over an open
space of 800 yards the force advanced exposed to fire form the Pagoda. The leading
company, led on by its officers, arrived at the foot of the stone steps, rushed up, followed
closely by the wholeattacking force. This caused panic among the neemy which, resulted
in a hedlong stampede northwards into the jungle, their chiefs at their head. British losses
in two days' fighting were 2 officers and 15 men killed, 14 officers and 118 men

After a lapse of nearly a month an expedition consisting of 500 men of the 18th Royal
Irish, and 500 of the 35th Madras Native Infantry under Colonel Abthorpe wa despatched
in search of the ex-Governor of Rangoon, who had fled northwards with his beaten
troops. On the 9th May the expedition returned to Rangoon not having found any enemy.
On the 12th May the force at Rangoon was reinforced by the 67th Bengal Native
Ianfantry from Arakan. The rains now set in and with them fever and dysentery. The
temporary hospitals were thronged with sick men and medical officers were at a
premium. Despite sickness it was decided to attack Bassein, an important settlement in
South Arakan. It was strongly fortified and estimated to be defended by a force of 7,000
men. The defences were about one mile in length, with a strongly built mud wall

occupying the left of the line, while in the centre was a huge padoda welll armed with
guns and jingals.

General Godwin conducted this expedition in person. The British troops consisted of a
total of 800 men, who were embarked on the Sesotris, Mozuffer, Tenasserim, and Pluto/
The ships anchored of Nigrais Island on the 17th May and on the following morning
steamed up the Bassein river. At 4 p.m. the flotilla arrived opposite the town.

The Burmese allowed the troops to land without interference, evidently fearing retaliation
from the ships. General Godwin in his despatch described the attack which followed:

"The contest that stamped the operations of this remarkable day with a brilliant conclusion was the atack on
the mud fort, most scientifically built and of great extent, which could only have been constructed under a
despotism that commanded the labour of its subjects in the short time they had been about it. It was not
entirely completed in its details within. The storming praty under Major Errington proceeded to the left of
the Burmese work accompanied by Lieutenant Rice of H.M. Frigate Fox and Lieutenant Ford of the
Madras Sappers, came upon the mud fort fully garrisoned and well armed. The attck was most determined
as was the defence obstinate. It was bravely stormed, but with the consequence of Major Errington and
several officers and men being severely wounded. The whole affair was over at a little after 6 o'clock."

Meanwhile a party of sailors had captured a stockade on the opposite bank of the river,
taking six guns. Bassein was garrisoned by two companies of the 51st Light Infantry and
300 of the 9th Madras Native Infantry, the remainder of the force returning to Rangoon.

In the intervening time a rebellion had broken out at Pegu. The Tailong portion of the
troops had mutinied and taken possession of the city, but were shortly afterwards driven
out, and order, to a certain extent, restored. The British authorities at Rangoon resolved to
take advantage of this mishap in order to get hold of the city. Major Cotton was sent there
with ordres to side with the Talaings and drive out the King's troops. He arrived to find
all in confusion, and had great difficulty in finding out which factin was which. He
succeeded, however, after some sharp fighting, in occupying the place and demolishing
its defences, after which he returned to Rangoon.

In the beginning of July an expedition proceeded up the Irrawaddy to Prome, at this time
a large and populous city. Captain Tarleton R.N., conducted this expedition, and finding
little sign of prepared defence he landed and took possession almost unopposed,
capturing twenty guns, many of them of large calibre, and many war boats, barges etc.
This operation may be said to have brought to a close the first phase of the Second
Burmese War.

The Coming of the Great Queen, by Major E.C. Browne,
Harrison & Sons, St Martin's Lane, London 1887

The Battles of the British Army by R.M. Blackwood.

Simkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., London c1910. Chaptre xxxvi The Battle of Martaban 1852

<<- Back to Features Page

Anglo-Burmese War
Wars of Pagan, 1044-1286
1084-1086 Pagan conquered Mon kingdom of Thaton
c.1112 Pagan's reconquest of south, defeat of Pegu
1180 Rebellion in Arakan
1277 Ceylonese expedition against Pagan
1283 War on Kaungai, a vassal of Yuan China
1286 Paganese invasion of Siam, conquest of Kaungsin
1289 Mongol invasion of Pagan
Mongol Invasion

Wars affecting Burma, 1286-1531

War with Siam

Wars of Burma, 1531-1886

1531-1539 Unification of Burma; conquest of the Irawaddy delta, Pegu
1538 War with Siam
1544 Burmese conquest of Pagan
1548-1549 War with Siam
1556-1559 submission of principalities in northern Thailand, Laos, including Chiangmai and Lan
1564 Xang
1569 Burmese invasion of Siam
1574 Burmese war on Siam, sack of Ayutthaya
1584-1592 War with Siam; Siamese occupation of Pegu
1593-1594 War with Siam
1599 War with Siam
1607-1618 Conquest of Pegu
1660-1662 War with Siam

1727 War with Siam
1739 Chiangmai Rebellion
1740 Rebellion of Shan state of Kengtung
1752 Pegu Rebellion
1753 Civil War; establishment of Konbaung Dynasty
1764-1769 Reunification of Burma
1766-1769 War with Siam; 1767 Burmese sack of Ayutthaya
1775-1776 Three Chinese invasions repelled
1785 War with Siam
1785-1792 Arakan conquered
1811-1815 War with Siam
1819 Arakan Rebellion
1822 Burmese conquest of Assam
1824-1826 Burmese invasion of Manipur
1838 First Anglo-Burmese War
1852 Mon Rebellion
1878 Second Anglo-Burmese War
1885-1886 Civil War over succession
Third Anglo-Burmese War

Wars of Burma, since 1886

1948- World War II; Burmese resistance against Japanese ocupation
1954- Burmese Civil War
1956 Karen Revolt
1988 Sino-Burmese War
Arakan refugees fled (military repression) to India (Mizoram)


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