White-box testing is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their code works as expected. Software engineers write white-box test cases to examine whether the unit is coded correctly. White-box tests can be used to identify defects before they are integrated into the code base.
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White-box testing is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their code works as expected. Software engineers write white-box test cases to examine whether the unit is coded correctly. White-box tests can be used to identify defects before they are integrated into the code base.
White-box testing is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their code works as expected. Software engineers write white-box test cases to examine whether the unit is coded correctly. White-box tests can be used to identify defects before they are integrated into the code base.
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White-box testing is a verification technique software engineers can use to examine if their code works as expected. Software engineers write white-box test cases to examine whether the unit is coded correctly. White-box tests can be used to identify defects before they are integrated into the code base.
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