Forces Acting On Particle: Van Der Waals Electrostatic

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Particle-Substrate Interactions:

Microscopic Aspects of Adhesion

Don Rimai
NexPress Solutions LLC.
Rochester, NY 14653-6402
(Edited for course presentation by G. Ahmadi)

Part 2

Role of Electrostatic Interactions

in Particle Adhesion

Consider a spherical toner particle of radius

R = 6 µm and q/m = 15 µC/g.

⇒ q = 1.4 x 10-14 C.

⇒ σ = 3 x 10-5 C/m2.

Electrostatic Van Der Waals

Forces Acting on Particle

ME437/537 1 G. Ahmadi
For a single, dielectric, spherical particle with a uniform charge distribution

2 2
1  q  1  4π R 2σ 
FIm =   =  
4π ε 0  2 R  4π ε 0  2 R 

π R2 σ 2
FIm =
4π ε 0
(4π R σ ) = ε
2 2 2

FIm = 12 nN

Van der Waals attraction:

6 z 02
FVW = 625 nN

Define Rcrit by FVW = FIm

Aε 0
Rcrit =
6 π z 02 σ 2
If: A = 10-19 J z0 = 4 Å

⇒ Rcrit = 0.5 mm

For R < Rcrit: van der Waals dominated

For R > Rcrit: electrostatic dominated

However: Both forces contribute to adhesion.

ME437/537 2 G. Ahmadi

Spacer d
Particle D

Chrome cermet receiver

Schematic illustration of experimental setup. The larger toner particles fix the size of the air gap
while the applied electric field cause the smaller particle to transfer from the photoconductor
(top) to the receiver (bottom).

ME437/537 3 G. Ahmadi

Force (nN)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Toner Diameter (microns)

Thus far, it would appear that the JKR contact mechanics assumption is valid.

However, if electrostatic forces become more significant, long-range interactions would

have to be taken into account.

ME437/537 4 G. Ahmadi
What can make electrostatic interactions
more significant?

Aε 0
Rcrit =
6 π z 02 σ 2
1. Increase the size of the particle. Electrostatic forces as R2 whereas van der
Waals forces vary linearly with R.

2. Increase the surface-charge density. The critical radius varies as 1/σ2.

3. Decrease the surface energy/Hamaker constant. Examples include coating a

surface with Teflon or zinc stearate.

4. Add asperities to the particle. These serve as physical separations that reduce
adhesion (Tabor and Fuller (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 345, 327 (1975); Schaefer et
al. J. Adhesion Sci. Technol. 9, 1049 (1995))

5. Add neighboring particles having a similar charge (Goel and Spencer, in

Adhesion Science and Technology Part B, L. H. Lee (ed.)).

6. Localize charge to specific areas on surface of the particle rather than uniformly
distributing it – the so-called “charged patch model” (D.A. Hays, in
Fundamentals of Adhesion and Interfaces, D. S. Rimai, L. P. DeMejo, and K. L.
Mittal (eds.))

+ + +

- - -
F neigh =40 nN F elect = σ2 Ac / 2ε0
F = 40 nN
ME437/537 5 G. Ahmadi
Charged-Patch Model

Assume that the particle charge is localized to a discreet section of the particle

Electrostatic contribution to attractive force FE is given by

σ 2 AC
FE =
2ε 0
AC is the contact area
σ is the charge density

Estimate of FVW

Note: These particles are irregularly-shaped

No silica:

Particle radius = 4µm

WA = 0.05 J/m2
q/m = 37 + 3 µC/g
ρ = 1.2 g/cm3

From JKR theory:

FS = w Aπ R = 943 nN
Measured value: FS = 970 nN

2% Silica:

Assume JKR contact radius = 196 nm

rsilica = 30 nm
ρsilica = 1.75 g/cm3.

⇒have about 10 silica particles within the contact zone.

Approximate JKR removal force by

ME437/537 6 G. Ahmadi
′ 3
FS = n w Aπ r = 39 nN.
Measured: FS’ = 70 nN

Estimate of FIm:

FIm = α
4π ε 0 (2 R )

⇒ FIm = 20 – 40 nN

Estimate of FE:

Patch charge density limited by dielectric strength of air.

⇒ FE ≈ 30 nN

Key feature to note: If the particle has sufficient irregularity, van der Waals forces,
electrostatic image forces, and charged-patch forces all predict about the same size force,
which is comparable to experimentally determined detachment force.

For small, spherical particles, adhesion appears to be dominated by van der Waals

As the particles become bigger or more irregular, electrostatics become more important.

Van der Waals interactions can be reduced, even for small, spherical particles, to the
point where electrostatic forces can become dominant.

The electric charge contribution increases rapidly with increasing charge and the
presence of neighboring particles.

These results hold for macroscopic systems as well as microscopic ones.

ME437/537 7 G. Ahmadi
Electrostatic interactions are long-range.

JKR theory should be extended to allow for long-range interactions.

Methods of Measuring Particle Adhesion

1. Centrifugation.
A. Better on large (R>20 µm)
B. Slow
C. Well established technique
D. Minimal interactions
E. Good statistics

2. Electrostatic Detachment
A. Medium to large particles (R>5 µm)
B. Interaction with electric field
C. Good statistics

3. Hydrodynamic detachment
A. Small particles (R<0.5 µm)
B. Good statistics
C. Introduces a fluid

4. Atomic force techniques

A. Measures attractive as well as removal force
B. Can exert precise loads on particles
C. Short and variable time scales
D. Can distinguish force mechanisms
E. Poor statistics

5. Contact area technique

A. Good statistics
B. Forces not directly measured.
C. Equilibrium measurement
D. Need spherical particles
E. Wide range of particle sizes

6. Nanoindentor
A. Easy to interpret measurements
B. Readily repeatable
C. Simulation of particle adhesion rather than actual measurement.

ME437/537 8 G. Ahmadi
7. Israelachvili Surface Force Apparatus
A. Uses crossed cylinders rather than particles
B. Cylinders can be coated with materials of interest
C. Simulation of particle adhesion


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