Example of A Daily Prison Schedule
Example of A Daily Prison Schedule
Example of A Daily Prison Schedule
Prisoners’ daily life takes place according to a daily schedule. This will prescribe the wake-
up, roll-calls, morning exercises, times for meals, times for escorting the prisoners to work
and school and times for studying and working, as well as the times prescribed for sports
events, telephone calls and walks. Below you will find an example of daily schedule –
according to the organization of work of a specific prison there may be certain differences
in the actual daily schedule.
06:30 Wake-up
06:30–06:45 Morning exercises, personal hygiene and making the beds
06:30–07:15 Leisure time for prisoners who are not engaged in work during that period
06:30–07:15 Telephone calls
07:15–07:45 Breakfast (food is served in cells)
07:45–08:00 Leisure time for prisoners who are not engaged in work during that period
07:45–08:00 Telephone calls
08:00–08:30 Morning roll-call (roll-call takes place in cells)
08:20–08:30 Escorting the prisoners to work and school
08:30–19:00 Walks by prison wards
08:30–12:30 Leisure time for prisoners who are not engaged in work or studies during
that period
11:45–12:00 Arrival from school
12:30–13:00 Lunch (food is served in cells)
13:00–17:00 Leisure time for prisoners who are not engaged in work or studies during
that period
13:20–13:30 Escorting the prisoners to school
14:00–17:00 Telephone calls
16:20–16:30 Escorting the prisoners from work to prison ward
16:30–16:45 Escorting the prisoners from school to prison ward
17:00–17:30 Supper (food is served in cells)
17:30–20:00 Leisure time for prisoners who are not engaged in work during that period
17:30–20:00 Telephone calls
20:00–20:30 Evening roll-call (roll-call takes place in cells)
20:30–06:30 Time of retiring.