TFS Security Solutions
TFS Security Solutions
TFS Security Solutions
T co Security Solutions
Protecting people, property and assets
2 T co Security Solutions
Protecting people, property and assets
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T co Security Solutions
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Controlling Access
Preventing Intrusion
Observing Movement
Optimising Resources
Ouur access control systems provide the biometric read ders interfaced with barriers
ability to track employees throughout and turnstiles.. Most of our integrated
your facilities, record access, and change systems operaate over both local area
permissions based on events such as networks (LAN N) and wide area networks
me, seniority and activity. From a basic (WA
W N) using IP technology to give the
Keey Code and Lock system through to ability to contrrol and report to and from a
fully integrated installations that use number of diffferent locations.
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and large projects for many years and ■ Design & Engineering
pride ourselves on our ability to exceed ■ System Integration & FAT
our customers’ expectations.
■ Supply, Install, Te
T st &
We passionately believe in customer Commission
care and continuously invest in our ■ Operation & Maintenance
people to ensure we provide unrivalled
technical expertise complemented by
outstanding customer service.
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Protecting people, property and assets
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Standards of Excellence
A ard-winning accreditation, certification and approvals
“We invest significant sums of money on an annual basis to secure accreditation and certification from Civil
Defence Approval Authorities, Government Agencies and Fire TrT ade Associations. We do this not merely to gain
sales leverage against our competitors.
We do it to safeguard the key interests of our customers because it is fundamental to the exceptional service we
deliver. This commitment has enabled Ty T co Fire & Security to achieve ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and
OHSAS 18001:2007 Certification for its Abu Dhabi and Dubai Off f ices.
T ensure we retain our approval certificates, our employees are regularly and independently audited both
internally and externally to assess their performance and standards of excellence.”
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