Certificate of Analysis: Benzoic Acid
Certificate of Analysis: Benzoic Acid
Certificate of Analysis: Benzoic Acid
Benzoic acid
This material is intended for Laboratory Use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. Read Safety Data Sheet
before using. All chemical reference materials should be considered potentially hazardous and should be used only
by qualified laboratory personnel.
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Chromatographic Impurity Analysis by GCMS (Modified from Benzoic Acid Current Compendial Monograph)
Column: RXI-5MS W/Integra-guard
Carrier gas: He
Flow Rate: 1.7mL/min
Split Ratio: 11:1
Injection: 1ul/230°C
Temperature: 70°C for 2min, 8°C/min to 220°C
Residual Solvents Impurity Analysis by GC-FID Headspace (Modified from Residual Solvents USP34 <467>)
Column: RTX-624
Carrier gas: He
Flow Rate: 1.2mL/min
Split Ratio: 10:1
Injection: 1ul/250°C
Temperature: 40°C for 20min, 15°C/min to 230°C, hold 5min
Water Determination Imputity Analysis by Karl Fisher Titration (Current Compendial Monograph)
Mean of three measurements - Water Content = 0.0150%
Identification Tests:
Comparative identification analysis demonstrates direct traceability to Pharmacopeial standards
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Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
Melting Point
Mean of three measurements = 122.8°C
Results are consistant with Current Compendial Monograph, NIST Standard Reference
Database or comparative analysis of USP Standard.
Homogeneity Assessment :
This compound is guaranteed homogenous. Homogeneity was assessed in accordance with ISO Guide 35.
Completed units were sampled using a random sampling protocol.
Uncertainty Statement:
Uncertainty values in this document are expressed as Expanded Uncertainty (Ucrm) corresponding to the 95%
confidence interval. Ucrm is derived from the combined standard uncertainty multiplied by the coverage factor k,
which is obtained from a distribution and degrees of freedom. The components of combined standard uncertainty
include the uncertainties due to characterization, homogeneity, long term stability, and short term stability (transport).
The components due to stability are generally considered to be negligible unless otherwise indicated by stability
Stability Assessment:
Significance of the stability assessment will be demonstrated if the analytical result of the study and the range of
values represented by the Expanded Uncertainty do not overlap the result of the original assay and the range of its
values represented by the Expanded Uncertainty. The method employed will usually be the same method used to
characterize the assay value in the initial evaluation.
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Long Term Stability Evaluation - An assessment, or re-test, versus a Compendial Reference Standard may be
scheduled, within the 3 year anniversary date of a release of a Secondary Standard. The re-test interval will be
determined on a case-by-case basis.
Short Term Stability Study - It is useful to assess stability under reasonably anticipated, short term transport conditions
by simulating exposure of the product to humidity and temperature stress. This type of study is conducted under
controlled conditions of elevated temperature and humidity.
Kenneth Grzybowski
Kenneth Grzybowski, Organics Department Manager
Mark Hammersla
Mark Hammersla, President
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