Cloud Computing Security: Issues and Challenges: Tanvi Agrawal, Dr. Ambuj Kumar Agarwal, Prof. Dr. S.K. Singh
Cloud Computing Security: Issues and Challenges: Tanvi Agrawal, Dr. Ambuj Kumar Agarwal, Prof. Dr. S.K. Singh
Cloud Computing Security: Issues and Challenges: Tanvi Agrawal, Dr. Ambuj Kumar Agarwal, Prof. Dr. S.K. Singh
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad
3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad
SLA’s specification and objectives related to by the public availability of the cloud service
data locations, segregation and data recovery.[5] offering and on the other hand by the public
Kresimir et al, 2010 discussed high level security network that is used to communicate with the cloud
concerns in the cloud computing model such as service. Public clouds are less secure than the other
data integrity, payment and privacy of sensitive clouds because it produces an additional burden of
information.[6] Bernd et al, 2010 discuss the ensuring all applications and data accessed on the
security vulnerabilities existing in the cloud public clouds are not subjected to malicious attacks.
platform. The authors grouped the possible Private Cloud: Private cloud computing systems
vulnerabilities into technology-related, cloud emulate public cloud service offerings within an
characteristics-related, security controls organization’s boundaries to make services
related.[7] Subashini et al discuss the security accessible for one designated organization. Private
challenges of the cloud service delivery model, cloud computing systems make use of virtualization
focusing on the SaaS model.[8] Ragovind et al, solutions and focus on consolidating distributed IT
(2010) discussed the management of security in services often within data centers belonging to the
Cloud computing focusing on Gartner’s list on company. Utilization on the private cloud can be
cloud security issues and the findings from the much more secure than that of the public cloud
International Data Corporation enterprise.[9] because of its specified internal exposure.
Morsy et al, 2010 investigated cloud computing Hybrid Cloud: A hybrid cloud is a cloud
problems from the cloud architecture, cloud environment comprised of two or more different
offered characteristics, cloud stakeholders, and cloud deployment models. For example, a cloud
cloud service delivery models perspectives.[10] consumer may choose to deploy cloud services
A recent survey by Cloud Security Alliance processing sensitive data to a private cloud and
(CSA)&IEEE indicates that enterprises across other, less sensitive cloud services to a public cloud.
sectors are eager to adopt cloud computing but The result of this combination is a hybrid
that security are needed both to accelerate cloud deployment model. Hybrid deployment model can
adoption on a wide scale and to respond to be complex and challenging to create and maintain
regulatory drivers. It also details that cloud due to the potential disparity in cloud environment
computing is shaping the future of IT but the and the fact that management responsibilities are
absence of a compliance environment is having split between the public cloud provider and private
dramatic impact on cloud computing growth.[11] cloud provider.
Several studies have been carried out relating to
security issues in cloud computing but this work
presents a detailed analysis of the cloud
computing security issues and challenges
focusing on the cloud computing deployment
types and the service delivery types.
Cloud Deployment Models
Cloud services can be deployed in different ways,
depending on the organizational structure and the
provisioning location. Four deployment models are Fig. 1 Example of Cloud Deployment Models
3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad
the infrastructure layer are used to access essential Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): Software-as-a-
IT resources that are combined under the heading Service provides complete applications to a cloud’s
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). These essential end user. It is mainly accessed through a web portal
IT resources include services linked to computing and service oriented architectures based on web
resources, data storage resources, and the service technologies. SaaS is most often
communications channel. They enable existing implemented to provide business software
applications to be provisioned on cloud resources functionality to enterprise customers at a low cost
and new services implemented on the higher layers. while allowing those customers to obtain the same
The cloud has a compelling value proposition in benefits of commercially licensed, internally
terms of cost, but ‘out of box’ IaaS only provides operated software without the associated
basic security(perimeter firewall, load balancing etc) complexity of installation, management, support,
and applications moving into the cloud will need licensing, and high initial cost. The architecture of
higher levels of security provided at the host. SaaS-based applications is specifically designed to
Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS): PaaS comprises the support many concurrent users (multitenancy) at
environment for developing and provisioning cloud once. Software as a service applications are
applications. The principal users of this layer are accessed using web browsers over the Internet
developers seeking to develop and run a cloud therefore web browser security is vitally important
application for a particular platform. They are
supported by the platform operators with an open or
proprietary language, a set of essential basic
services to facilitate communication, monitoring, or Companies are increasingly aware of the
service billing, and various other components, for business value that cloud computing brings and are
instance to facilitate startup or ensure an taking steps towards transition to the cloud. Like
application’s scalability and/or elasticity. Clients any new technology, the adoption of cloud
computing is not free from issues. Some of the most
using PaaS service transfer even more cost from
important challenges are as follows:
capital investment to operational expenses but must
acknowledge the additional constraints. The use of A. Security and Privacy: The top most
Virtual machines act as a catalyst in PaaS layer concern that everybody seem to agree as
cloud computing. They must be protected against a challenge with cloud is security. The
malicious attacks such as cloud malware. data security and privacy concerns ranks
top on almost all of the surveys. The
main challenge to cloud computing is
how it addresses the security and privacy
concerns of businesses thinking of
3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad
adopting it. The fact that the valuable transferring an organization’s data to and
enterprise data will reside outside the from public and community cloud and
corporate firewall raises serious concerns. cost per unit of computing resource is
Hacking and various attacks to cloud likely to be higher. This problem is very
infrastructure would affect multiple high if we use hybrid cloud.
clients even if only one site is attacked.
E. Performance and Bandwidth Cost:
These risks can be mitigated by using
Businesses can save money on hardware
security applications, encrypted file
but they have to spend more for the
systems, data loss software, and buying
bandwidth. This can b a low cost for
security hardware to track unusual
smaller application but can be high for
behavior across servers. data-intensive application. Delivering
B. Service Delivery and Billing: It is intensive and complex data over the
difficult to assess the costs involved due network requires sufficient bandwidth.
to the on-demand nature of the services. Because of this, many businesses are
Budgeting and assessment of the cost waiting for a reduced cost before
will be very difficult unless the provider switching to the cloud.
has some good and comparable
F. Performance / Insufficient
benchmarks to offer. The service-level
responsiveness over network: Delivery of
agreements (SLAs) of the provider are
complex services through the network is
not adequate to guarantee the availability
clearly impossible if the network
and scalability. Businesses will be
bandwidth is not adequate. Many of the
reluctant to switch to cloud without a
businesses are waiting for improved
strong service quality guarantee.
bandwidth and lower costs before they
C. Service Quality: Service quality is one of consider moving into the cloud. Many
the biggest factors that the enterprises cloud applications are still too bandwidth
consider as a reason for not moving their intensive.
business applications to cloud. They feel
G. Integration: Many applications have
that the SLAs provided by the cloud
providers today are not sufficient to complex integration needs to connect to
guarantee the requirements for running a other cloud applications as well as other
production applications on cloud on-premise applications. These include
especially related to the availability, integrating existing cloud applications
performance and scalability. In most with existing enterprise applications and
cases, enterprises get refunded for the data structures. There is a need to
amount of time the service was down but connect the cloud application with the
most of the current SLAs down cover rest of the enterprise in a simple, quick
business loss. Without proper service and cost effective way.
quality guarantee enterprises are not H. Recoverability: Data stored in the cloud
going to host their business critical is subjected to regular integrity tests to
infrastructure in the cloud. guarantee its recoverability. Most cloud
D. Costing model: Cloud consumers must service providers replicate data three of
consider the tradeoffs amongst four times instead of making real
computation, communication and backups. This means they can recover
integration. While migrating to the cloud from disk crashes and major disasters.
can significantly reduce the infrastructure However, most service providers do not
cost, it raise the cost of data guarantee the backup and recovery of
communication i.e. the cost of data which is “accidentally” deleted by
3rd International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends (SMART)
College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology (CCSIT) ,Teerthanker Mahaveer University , Moradabad