02 - 23 To 29 May 20 PDF
02 - 23 To 29 May 20 PDF
02 - 23 To 29 May 20 PDF
V eterinarians are basically those doctors who diagnose and prescribe treatment for
animals. Veterinarians care for the health of animals and work to improve public
health. They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets,
livestock, and other animals.
Aim of veterinary education
The aim of veterinary education is to provide veterinarians with skills to reinforce
association of humans and animal by making the later free from their suffering and
disease. The job of veterinarian is extremely daunting, keeping in sight the fact that
animals, are unable to express their suffering. He's the one who takes care of pet
animals like dog, cat, birds etc. He is the person who helps to make sure production of
safe and hygienic milk, meat, egg and other animal products. This makes the veterinary
science a wide and interesting subject.
Role of veterinarian in Human safety
Veterinarian play a vital role in diagnosis and treatment of different zoonotic
diseases like Bird flu in poultry, swine flu, anthrax, Tuberculosis, brucellosis in
cow/buffaloes, rabies in dog etc
Veterinarian diagnoses the diseases which spread through meat, milk and egg The total sheep within the country is 74.26 Million in 2019, increased by 14.1% over
previous Census.
Veterinarian also detects the synthetic or adulterated milk by checking it in lab.
The Goat population within the country in 2019 is 148.88 Million showing a rise of
Veterinarian also helps in environmental hygiene by reducing the methane emission
10.1% over the previous census.
from livestock by providing good quality roughages and balanced diet.
The total Pigs within the country is 9.06 Million within the present Census, declined
Scenario of Livestock and Poultry in India
by 12.03% over the previous Census.
The total Livestock population is 535.78 million within the country showing a rise of The total Mithun within the country is 3.9 Lakhs in 2019, increased by 30.0% over
4.6% over Livestock Census2012. previous Census.
The total number of cattle within the country is 192.49 million in 2019 showing a rise The total Yak within the country is Fifty Eight Thousand in 2019, decreased by
of 0.8 % over previous Census. 24.67% over previous Census.
The total buffaloes within the country is 109.85 Million showing a rise of about 1.0%
over previous Census. Continued on page 3
2 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 23 - 29 May 2020
ADDITIONAL ... been raised to Rs. 1 crore (from be linked to specific reforms a. A revenue sharing c. Joint Auction of Bauxite and
Rs. 1 lakh, which largely (including recommendations of mechanism instead of regime Coal mineral blocks to
Continued from page 1
insulates MSMEs). Special the Finance Commission). of fixed Rupee/tonne. Any enhance Aluminum Industry's
pulses has been dispatched to insolvency resolution framework Reform linkage will be in four party can bid for a coal block competitiveness will be
various States. And for this, Smt. for MSMEs under Section 240A areas: universalisation of 'One and sell in the open market. introduced to help Aluminum
Sitharaman appreciated the of the Code will be notified soon. Nation One Ration card', Ease of b. Entry norms will be industry reduce electricity
concerted efforts of FCI, NAFED Suspension of fresh initiation Doing Business, Power liberalised. Nearly 50 Blocks costs.
and States, giving pulses and of insolvency proceedings up to distribution and Urban Local will be offered immediately. 2. Policy reforms in Mineral
grains in huge quantities, despite one year, depending upon the Body revenues. A specific There will not be any eligibility Sector
logistical challenges. pandemic situation. Empowering scheme will be notified by conditions, only upfront The distinction between
Announcing the 5th and last Central Government to exclude Department of Expenditure on payment with a ceiling will be captive and non-captive mines to
Tranche of measures towards COVID 19 related debt from the the following pattern: provided. allow transfer of mining leases
Government Reforms and definition of "default" under the Unconditional increase of c. There will be exploration- and sale of surplus unused
Enablers, Smt. Sitharaman Code for the purpose of 0.50% cum-production regime for minerals, leading to better
detailed seven measures for triggering insolvency 1% in 4 tranches of 0.25%, partially explored blocks efficiency in mining and
providing employment, support proceedings. with each tranche linked to against earlier provision of production shall be removed.
to businesses, Ease of Doing 5. Decriminalisation of clearly specified, measurable auction of fully explored coal Ministry of Mines is in the
Business, and State Companies Act defaults and feasible reform actions blocks. This will allow private process of developing a Mineral
Governments as well sectors Decriminalisation of Comp- Further 0.50% if milestones sector participation in Index for different minerals.
such as Education and Health. anies Act violations involving are achieved in at least three exploration. There will be rationalisation of
1. Rs 40,000 crore increase minor technical and procedural out of four reform areas d. Production earlier than stamp duty payable at the time of
in allocation for MGNREGS to defaults such as shortcomings in The Finance Minister scheduled will be incentivized award of mining leases.
provide employment boost CSR reporting, inadequacies in concluded by providing a through rebate in revenue- C. DEFENCE SECTOR
The Government will now Board report, filing defaults, breakup of the stimulus share. 1. Enhancing Self Reliance in
allocate an additional Rs 40,000 delay in holding of AGM. The measures provided so far in 2. Diversified Opportunities Defence Production
crore under MGNREGS. It will Amendments will de-clog the order to become Aatma Nirbhar in Coal Sector a. 'Make in India' for Self-
help generate nearly 300 crore criminal courts and NCLT. 7 Bharat. a. Coal Gasification / Reliance in Defence
person days in total addressing compoundable offences The Finance Minister earlier Liquefication will be Production will be promoted
need for more work including altogether dropped and 5 to be announced following policy incentivised through rebate in by notifying a list of
returning migrant workers in dealt with under alternative reforms to fast track investment revenue share. This will result weapons/platforms for ban on
Monsoon season as well. framework. in an effort towards Aatma in significantly lower import with year wise
Creation of larger number of 6. Ease of Doing Business Nirbhar Bharat: environment impact and also timelines, Indigenisation of
durable and livelihood assets for Corporates a. There will be fast tracking of assist India in switching to a imported spares, and
including water conservation Key reforms include: investment clearance through gas-based economy. separate budget provisioning
assets will boost the rural Direct listing of securities by Empowered Group of b. Infrastructure development of for domestic capital
economy through higher Indian public companies in Secretaries. Rs. 50,000 crore will be done procurement. This will help
production. permissible foreign b. Project Development Cell will for evacuation of enhanced reduce huge Defence import
2. Health Reforms & jurisdictions. be constituted in each Coal India Limited's (CIL) bill.
Initiatives Private companies which list Ministry to prepare investible target of 1 billion tons coal b. Improve autonomy,
Public Expenditure on Health NCDs on stock exchanges projects, coordinate with production by 2023-24 plus accountability and efficiency
will be increased by investing in not to be regarded as listed investors and Central/State coal production from private in Ordnance Supplies by
grass root health institutions and companies. Governments. blocks. This will include Rs Corporatisation of Ordnance
ramping up Health and Wellness Including the provisions of c. There will be ranking of States 18,000 crore worth of Factory Board.
Centres in rural and urban areas. Part IXA (Producer on investment attractiveness investment in mechanised 2. Policy Reforms in
Setting up of Infectious Diseases Companies) of Companies to compete for new transfer of coal (conveyor Defence Production
Hospital Blocks in all districts Act, 1956 in Companies Act, investment. belts) from mines to railway a. FDI limit in the Defence
and strengthening of lab network 2013. d. Incentive schemes for sidings. This measure will manufacturing under
and surveillance by Integrated Power to create additional/ promotion of new champion also help reduce automatic route will be raised
Public Health Labs in all districts specialized benches for sectors will be launched in environmental impact. from 49% to 74%.
& block level Labs & Public NCLAT sectors such as solar PV 2. Liberalised Regime in b. There will be time-bound
Health Unit to manage Lower penalties for all manufacturing; advanced cell Coal Sector defence procurement process
pandemics. Further, National defaults for Small Companies, battery storage etc. a. Coal Bed Methane (CBM) and faster decision making
Institutional Platform for One One-person Companies, Smt. Sitharaman also extraction rights will be will be ushered in by setting
health by ICMR will encourage Producer Companies & Start announced that a scheme will be auctioned from Coal India up of a Project Management
research. And implementation of Ups. implemented in States through Limited's (CIL) coal mines. Unit (PMU) to support
National Digital Health Blueprint 7. Public Sector challenge mode for Industrial b. Ease of Doing Business contract management;
under the National Digital Health Enterprise Policy for a New, Cluster Upgradation of common measures, such as Mining Realistic setting of General
Mission. Self-reliant India infrastructure facilities and Plan simplification, will be Staff Qualitative Require-
3. Technology Driven Government will announce a connectivity. There will be taken. This will allow for ments (GSQRs) of weapons/
Education with Equity post- new policy whereby - availability of industrial land/land automatic 40% increase in platforms and overhauling
COVID List of strategic sectors banks for promoting new annual production. Trial and Testing procedures.
PM eVIDYA, a programme for requiring presence of PSEs in investments and making c. Concessions in commercial D. CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR
multi-mode access to digital/ public interest will be notified information available on terms given to CIL's 1. Efficient Airspace
online education to be launched In strategic sectors, at least Industrial Information System consumers (relief worth Rs Management for Civil Aviation
immediately. Manodarpan, an one enterprise will remain in (IIS) with GIS mapping. 3376 5,000 crore offered). Reserve Restrictions on utilisation of
initiative for psycho-social the public sector but private Industrial Parks/ Estates/SEZs in price in auctions for non- the Indian Air Space will be
support for students, teachers sector will also be allowed five lakh hectares are mapped power consumers reduced, eased so that civilian flying
and families for mental health In other sectors, PSEs will be on IIS. All Industrial Parks will be credit terms eased, and lifting becomes more efficient. This will
and emotional well-being to be privatized (timing to be based ranked during 2020-21. period has been enhanced. bring a total benefit of about Rs
launched immediately as well. on feasibility etc.) The Finance Minister today B. MINERAL SECTOR 1,000 crore per year for the
New National Curriculum and To minimise wasteful announced the following 1. Enhancing Private aviation sector. This will lead to
Pedagogical framework for administrative costs, number structural reforms in the eight Investments in the Mineral optimal utilization of airspace;
school, early childhood and of enterprises in strategic sectors of Coal, Minerals, Sector reduction in fuel use, time and
teachers will also be launched. sectors will ordinarily be only Defence production, Civil There will be structural will have positive environmental
National Foundational Literacy one to four; others will be Aviation, Power Sector, Social reforms to boost growth, impact.
and Numeracy Mission for privatised/ merged/ brought Infrastructure, Space and Atomic employment and bring state-of- 2. More World-Class
ensuring that every child attains under holding companies energy. The details are as the-art technology especially in Airports through PPP
Learning levels and outcomes in 8. Support to State follows: exploration through: 6 more airports have been
grade 5 by 2025 will be launched Governments A. COAL SECTOR a. Introduction of a seamless identified for 2nd round bidding
by December 2020. Centre has decided to 1. Introduction of Comm- composite exploration-cum- for Operation and Maintenance
4. Further enhancement of increase borrowing limits of ercial Mining in Coal Sector mining-cum-production on Public-Private Partnership
Ease of Doing Business States from 3% to 5% for 2020- The Government will introduce regime. (PPP) basis. Additional
through IBC related measures 21 only. This will give States competition, transparency and b. 500 mining blocks would be Investment by private players in
Minimum threshold to initiate extra resources of Rs. 4.28 lakh private sector participation in the offered through an open and 12 airports in 1st and 2nd rounds
insolvency proceedings has crore. Part of the borrowing will Coal Sector through: transparent auction process. Continued on page 4
Employment News 23 - 29 May 2020 www.employmentnews.gov.in 3
HARYANA. PRIVATE COLLEGE Continued on page 5
4 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 23 - 29 May 2020
ADDITIONAL ... c. DISCOMs to ensure Centre and State/Statutory promote welfare of humanity Support to fishermen (during the
adequate power; load- Bodies. For other sectors, VGF through affordable treatment for period fishing is not permitted),
Continued from page 2
shedding to be penalized existing support of 20 % each cancer and other diseases. Personal & Boat Insurance.This
is expected to bring around Rs. (ii) Promote Industry from Government of India and Facilities in PPP mode to use will lead to Additional Fish
13,000 crore. Another 6 airports a. Progressive reduction in States/Statutory Bodies shall irradiation technology for food Production of 70 lakh tones over
will be put out for the third round cross subsidies continue. Total outlay is Rs. preservation - to compliment 5 years, Employment to over 55
of bidding. b. Time bound grant of open 8,100 crore. Projects shall be agricultural reforms and assist lakh persons and double the
3. India to become a global access proposed by Central Ministries/ farmers shall also be exports to Rs 1,00,000 crore.
hub for Aircraft Maintenance, c. Generation and transmission State Government/ Statutory established. India's robust start- The focus will be on Islands,
Repair and Overhaul (MRO) project developers to be entities. up ecosystem will be linked to Himalayan States, North-east
Tax regime for MRO selected competitively G. SPACE SECTOR: nuclear sector and for this, and Aspirational Districts.
ecosystem has been (iii) Sustainability of Sector BOOSTING PRIVATE Technology Development-cum- 4. National Animal Disease
rationalized. Aircraft component a. No Regulatory Assets PARTICIPATION IN SPACE Incubation Centres will be set up Control Programme
repairs and airframe b. Timely payment of Gencos ACTIVITIES for fostering synergy between National Animal Disease
maintenance to increase from c. DBT for subsidy; Smart There shall be level playing research facilities and tech- Control Programme for Foot and
Rs 800 crore to Rs 2,000 crore in prepaid meters field provided to private entrepreneurs. Mouth Disease (FMD) and
three years. It is expected that 2. Privatization of Distri- companies in satellites, launches The Finance Minister Brucellosis launched with total
major engine manufacturers in bution in UTs and space-based services. announced the following outlay of Rs. 13,343 crore to
the world would set up engine Power Departments / Utilities Predictable policy and regulatory measures to strengthen ensure 100% vaccination of
repair facilities in India in the in Union Territories will be environment to private players Infrastructure Logistics and cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and
coming year. Convergence privatised. This will lead to better will be provided. Private sector Capacity Building for pig population (total 53 crore
between Defence sector and the service to consumers and will be allowed to use ISRO Agriculture, Fisheries and animals) for Foot and Mouth
civil MROs will be established to improvement in operational and facilities and other relevant Food Processing Sectors: - Disease (FMD) and for
create economies of scale. This financial efficiency in assets to improve their 1. Rs. 1 lakh crore Agri brucellosis. Till date, 1.5 crore
will lead to maintenance cost of Distribution. This will also capacities. Future projects for Infrastructure Fund for farm- cows & buffaloes tagged and
airlines to come down. provide a model for emulation by planetary exploration, outer gate infrastructure for farmers vaccinated.
E. POWER SECTOR other Utilities across the country. space travel etc shall also be Financing facility of Rs. 5. Animal Husbandry
1. Tariff Policy Reform F. SOCIAL INFRASTR- open for private sector. There 1,00,000 crore will be provided Infrastructure Development
Tariff Policy laying out the UCTURE: BOOSTING PRIVATE will be liberal geo-spatial data for funding Agriculture Fund - Rs. 15,000 crore
following reforms will be SECTOR INVESTMENT policy for providing remote- Infrastructure Projects at farm- An Animal Husbandry
released: THROUGH REVAMPED sensing data to tech- gate & aggregation points Infrastructure Development
(i) Consumer Rights VIABILITY GAP FUNDING entrepreneurs. (Primary Agricultural Cooper- Fund of Rs. 15,000 crore will be
a. DISCOM inefficiencies not to SCHEME - Rs 8,100 CRORE H. ATOMIC ENERGY ative Societies, Farmers set up, with an aim to support
burden consumers The Government will enhance RELATED REFORMS Producer Organizations, private investment in Dairy
b. Standards of Service and the quantum of Viability Gap Research reactor in PPP Agriculture entrepreneurs, Start- Processing, value addition and
associated penalties for Funding (VGF) upto 30% each of mode for production of medical ups, etc.). Impetus for cattle feed infrastructure.
DISCOMs Total Project Cost as VGF by the isotopes shall be established to development of farm-gate & Incentives will be given for
aggregation point, affordable establishing plants for export of
and financially viable Post niche products.
Harvest Management 6. Promotion of Herbal
infrastructure. Fund will be Cultivation: Outlay of Rs. 4,000
created immediately. crore
2. Rs 10,000 crore scheme The National Medicinal Plants
for Formalisation of Micro Board (NMPB) has supported
Food Enterprises (MFE) 2.25 lakh hectare area under
A Scheme promoting vision of cultivation of medicinal plants.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra 10,00,000 hectare will be
Modi: 'Vocal for Local with covered under Herbal cultivation
Global outreach' will be launched in next two years with outlay of
to help 2 lakh MFEs who need Rs. 4,000 crore. This will lead to
technical upgradation to attain Rs. 5,000 crore income
FSSAI food standards, build generation for farmers. There
brands and marketing. Existing will be network of regional
micro food enterprises, Farmer Mandis for Medicinal Plants.
Producer Organisations, Self NMPB will bring 800-hectare
Help Groups and Cooperatives area by developing a corridor of
to be supported. The focus will medicinal plants along the banks
be on women and SC/ST owned of Ganga.
units and those in Aspirational 7. Beekeeping initiatives -
districts and a Cluster based Rs 500 crore
approach (e.g. Mango in UP, Government will implement a
Tomato in Karnataka, Chilli in scheme for:
Andhra Pradesh, Orange in a. Infrastructure development
Maharashtra etc.) will be related to Integrated Beekee-
followed. ping Development Centres,
3. Rs 20,000 crore for Collection, Marketing and
fisherman through Pradhan Storage Centres, Post
Mantri Matsya Sampada Harvest & value Addition
Yojana (PMMSY) facilities etc;
The Government will launch b. Implementation of standards
the PMMSY for integrated, & Developing traceability
sustainable, inclusive system
development of marine and c. Capacity building with thrust
inland fisheries. Rs 11,000 crore on women;
for activities in Marine, Inland d. Development of quality
fisheries and Aquaculture and nucleus stock and bee
Rs. 9000 crore for Infrastructure breeders.
- Fishing Harbours, Cold chain, This will lead to increase in
Markets etc shall be provided. income for 2 lakh beekeepers
Cage Culture, Seaweed farming, and quality honey to consumers.
Ornamental Fisheries as well as 8. From 'TOP' to TOTAL - Rs
New Fishing Vessels, 500 crore
Traceability, Laboratory Network "Operation Greens" run by
etc. will be key activities. There Ministry of Food Processing
EN 2/18 will be provisions of Ban Period Continued on page 5
Employment News 23 - 29 May 2020 www.employmentnews.gov.in 5
CAREERS IN VETERINARY ... ADDITIONAL ... under very exceptional circumstances like
Continued from page 3 Continued from page 4 national calamities, famine with surge in
prices. Further, No such stock limit shall
S. NAME OF NAME OF VETY COLLEGE NAME OF THE Industries (MOFPI) will be extended from
apply to processors or value chain
No. THE STATE UNIVERSITY tomatoes, onion and potatoes to ALL fruit
and vegetables. The Scheme would participant, subject to their installed
33. RAJASTHAN COLLEGE OF VETERINARY & RAJASTHAN UNIVERSITY capacity or to any exporter subject to the
provide 50% subsidy on transportation
ANIMAL SCIENCE, BIKANER - OF VETERINARY AND from surplus to deficient markets, 50% export demand.
334 002, RAJASTHAN ANIMAL SCIENCES, NEAR subsidy on storage, including cold 2. Agriculture Marketing Reforms to
34. RAJASTHAN ARAWALI VETERINARY DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY storages and will be launched as pilot for provide marketing choices to farmers
COLLEGE, SIKAR, RAJASTHAN CIRCLE, BIKANER the next 6 months and will be extended A Central law will be formulated to
PRIVATE COLLEGE (RAJASTHAN) and expanded.This will lead to better provide -
price realisation to farmers, reduced adequate choices to the farmer to sell
35. RAJASTHAN COLLEGE OF VETERINARY & wastages, affordability of products for their produce at remunerative price;
barrier free Inter-State Trade;
UDAIPUR-313601, RAJASTHAN During the press conference, the Union
A framework for e-trading of agriculture
36. RAJASTHAN ARAWALI VETERINARY Finance Minister also announced
COLLEGE, SIKAR332001, following measures for Governance and
3. Agriculture Produce Pricing and
RAJASTHAN Administrative Reforms for Agriculture
Quality Assurance:
The Government will finalise a
1. Amendments to Essential
37. TAMIL NADU MADRAS VETERINARY COLLEGE, TAMIL NADU VETERINARY facilitative legal framework to enable
Commodities Act to enable better price
VEPERY HIGH ROAD, CHENNAI - AND ANIMAL SCIENCES farmers to engage with processors,
realisation for farmers
600 007, TAMIL NADU UNIVERSITY, MADHA- aggregators, large retailers, exporters etc.
The Government will amend Essential
in a fair and transparent manner. Risk
38. TAMIL NADU VETERINARY COLLEGE & VARAM MILK COLONY Commodities Act. Agriculture food stuffs
mitigation for farmers, assured returns
RESEARCH INSTITUTE, CAMPUS, CHENNAI- including cereals, edible oils, oilseeds,
and quality standardisation shall form
NAMMAKKAL - 637001, 600051, TAMIL NADU pulses, onions and potato shall be
integral part of the framework.
TAMIL NADU deregulated. Stock limit will be imposed (Source-PIB)
RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Amul, Mother and Lotus etc
ORTHANADU-614625, They are working as a nutrition expert in different dairy cattle feed
TAMIL NADU Post graduates work as a Assistant professor in different state and central veterinary
Post graduates work as a Teaching associate in different state universities
Post graduates work as a Research associate, Senior research fellow and junior
research fellow in many project which is funded by state and central government like
41. TELANGANA COLLEGE OF VETERINARY PV NARSIMHA RAO Post graduates work as a Instructor and Subject matter specialist in universities
SCIENCE, HYDERABAD -500030, TELANGANA VETERINARY Post graduates work as a expert in Krishi vigyan kendras (KVK) centre of state and
NAGAR - 500030, They also work as a expert in different immunological lab which is produce the
HYDERABAD. vaccine
42. TRIPURA COLLEGE OF VETERINARY TRIPURA UNIVERSITY, They also work as a expert in different livestock breeding farm of state and central
HUSBANDRY, R.K. NAGAR, They also work as a extension field officer in different nationalized bank
AGARTALA, TRIPURA They also work as a captain post in Remount veterinary corps (RVC) in army,
assistant commandant post in Border security force(BSF) and Indo-Tibetan border
police (ITBP)
In Private sector
Work in a feed manufacturing industries as a nutritionist
Work in a pharmaceutical industries as a pharmacologist
Work in a vaccine producing industries
Work as a Veterinary technician
PRADESH SCIENCE & ANIMAL HUSBA- DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAYA Work as a Canine and feline keeping in cosmopolitan cities
NDRY, MATHURA - 281 001, PASHU CHIKITSA VIGYAN Establishment of dairy and poultry industries, meat and milk processing ventures,
UTTAR PRADESH VISHWAVIDYALAYA EVAM establishment of livestock business and marketing etc are gaining momentum
GOANUSANDHAN (The author is Teaching Associate Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary
SANSTHAN, MATHURA- Education & Research, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Science,
281001, UTTAR PRADESH Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, Email: rajeshkumarmahla46@gmail.com)
45. UTTAR COLLEGE OF VETERINARY NARENDRA DEVA Views expressed are personal
Employment News
KUMARGANJ, FAIZABAD- The views expressed by the
authors in the articles V.K. Meena General Manager
published in the Employment Hasan Zia, Senior Editor
46. BENGAL FACULTY OF VETERINARY & WEST BENGAL UNIVER- News are their own. They do Shikha Baraily, Editor
ANIMAL SCIENCES, 37, SITY OF ANIMAL & not necessarily reflect the Ikra Khan, Editor (Advt.)
KSHUDIRAM BOSE SARANI, FISHERY SCIENCES, 68, views of the government or P.K. Mandal, Sr. Artist
BELGACHIA, KOLKATA-700037. KSHUDIRAM BOSE the organisations they work
for. The contents of the
Employment News
WEST BENGAL SARANI, BELGACHIA, 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex
advertisements published in
KOLKATA-700 037, WEST Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
the Employment News
BENGAL. e-mail: director.employmentnews @gmail.com
belong to the organisation or
Source Veterinary council of india their representatives. The Advertisement : enewsadvt@yahoo.com
Scope of Veterinary Profession Employment News is in no Editorial : 24369443
In government sector way responsible for any Advertisement : 24369429/30
Graduates work as a veterinary officer which is appointed by state public service liability arising out of the Tele Fax : 24369430
commission contents/text of these Circulation : 24365610
They are working as a veterinarian in Different state dairy corporation like Saras, advertisements. Accounts (Advt.) : 24369419
6 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 23 - 29 May 2020
News Digest
NATIONAL subsidy of about Rs. 2,982 crore. The Cabinet
The Centre has announced 1,000 crore rupees also decided to bear the expenditure towards
advance financial assistance to West Bengal intra-state transportation and handling charges
for post-Amphan restoration work. The Prime and dealer's margin about Rs. 127.25 crore
Minister Narendra Modi said this at Bashirhat which will borne fully by Central government.
in North 24 Paraganas District of West Bengal Accordingly, the total subsidy from the Govern-
soon after an administrative meeting to assess ment of India is estimated at about of Rs. 3,109
the extent of damages caused by the supper crore. The allocation will ease the hardships
cyclonic storm. Prime Minister also announced faced by migrant and stranded migrants due to economic disruption caused by
two lakh rupees compensation to the families of the each victims killed in the COVID-19
storm-related incidents. He also informed that a Central team will also arrive in the India has fared better than other countries in containment of COVID-19. This is
state at the earliest to assess the damages. Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra mainly because the country pursued a pre-emptive and pro-active approach for
Modi and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee jointly made an aerial prevention, containment and management of COVID-19. Health Ministry said,
survey at cyclone-ravaged areas in North and South 24 Paraganas districts of Corona management efforts are being regularly reviewed and monitored at the
West Bengal . In about 45 minutes long aerial survey both the leaders witnessed highest level. Aggressive and early measures so far have shown encouraging
large scale devastation at Minakha, Namkhana, Hingalgunj, Gosaba, Bashirhat results. The recovery rate has improved to 38.29 percent. India has about 7.1
and vast areas of Sundarbans caused by Amphen. Later at the administrative cases per lakh population vis a vis approximately 60 cases per lakh population for
meeting at Bashirhat in North 24 Paraganas District the West Bengal Chief Min- the world as a whole.
ister Mamata Banerjee submitted a preliminary report to the Prime Minister on the Government has said that Biometric attendance will
extent of damages and demanded appropriate Cental help for reconstruction continue to be suspended during the fourth phase of
work. The Prime Minister assured Ms Banerjee all kinds of Central helps to the the lockdown. Ministry of Personnel, Public Griev-
state as demanded. The President Ramnath Kovind also expressed sorrow over ances and Pensions has issued guidelines on regula-
huge loss of lives and properties in the state. tion of attendance in government offices to contain
Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri has the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). It said that all
announced that domestic civil Aviation opera- officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above
tions will restart from 25 May, 2020 in a cali- shall attend office on all working days. The Ministry said, for regulating the atten-
brated manner. The flight operations were sus- dance of officers and staff below the level of Deputy Secretary, all Heads of the
pended from 25th of March due to the imposi- Department shall prepare a roster to ensure that 50 per cent of officers and staff
tion of lockdown. In New Delhi, Mr Puri said, attend office on every alternate day. Those officers or staff who are not required
the domestic flight operations will resume to a to attend office on a particular day shall work from home and should be available
limited extent of required and approved on telephone and electronic means of communications at all times.
summer schedule. The Minister said, for a journey between 90 to 120 minutes the INTERNATIONAL
minimum fare will be 3,500 rupees and maximum would be 10,000 rupees. He US Senate has passed a bill to delist Chinese
said, in case of Delhi- Mumbai flight, 3,500 rupees will be the minimum fare and companies from American stock exchanges.
maximum will be 10,000 rupees which will be operative till 11:59 PM on August The senate on Wednesday unanimously
24. He said, there will be no physical check-in at airport and only web check-in approved the bill brought by Republican
will be allowed. He said, a self-declaration or Aarogya Setu App status on a com- Senator John Kennedy and Democrat Senator,
patible device would be obtained to ensure that a passenger is free of COVID-19 Chris Van Hollen. The legislation requires com-
symptoms. He said, passengers with red status on Aarogya Setu App will not be panies to certify that they are not owned or con-
allowed to travel. Passengers will have to wear face mask and carry sanitizer trolled by a foreign government. They would be required to submit to an audit that
bottles. Mr Puri said, for flight operations, one-third capacity of approved summer can be reviewed by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, which has
schedule 2020 will be allowed to operate. been objected to by China. The move may result in Chinese companies like
Railway Minister Piyush Goyal said booking of train Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. and Baidu Inc. being barred from listing on US stock
tickets will resume at around 1.7 lakh common exchanges.
service centres across the country from Friday the World Health Organization (WHO) has said it will initiate an independent review
22nd of this month. He said, people who are in into its handling of the coronavirus pandemic at the earliest appropriate moment.
remote locations where the availability of computers Speaking at the World Health Assembly, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom
and internet is negligible or absent can also access Ghebreyesus said WHO is committed to transparency and will therefore facilitate
it. The Minister also said bookings will also resume an independent review of its response to the coronavirus outbreak. More than 100
at counters at specific railway stations over the next two to three days. Earlier, countries including India backed a resolution drafted by the European Union
Railways announced the operation of 200 trains from 1st June of which booking calling for an independent inquiry into the pandemic, which has claimed more than
started at 10 AM on 21st of this month. The railways which started the Shramik 3 lakh lives globally so far. The WHO DG's comments come against the backdrop
Special trains from May 1st has run 2,050 such trains since then, ferrying around of mounting criticism against both the WHO and China over their alleged roles in
30 lakh migrants, students and other stranded people. Mr. Goyal credited Prime allowing covid-19 to develop into a pandemic.
Minister Narendra Modi for conceptualising the railways' isolation coaches for
coronavirus patients. He informed, Railways so far has converted around 5,000 BUSINESS
coaches into Covid-care centres which will be deployed at 225 stations. Over The Reserve Bank of India has cut the repo rate by 40 basis
points from 4.4 per cent to 4 per cent, reducing the reverse
2.37 lakh tickets, having over 5.51 lakh passengers, have been booked after the
repo rate at 3.35 per cent to maintain accommodative
opening of bookings so far for the 101 special trains out of 200 trains for which
stance. The RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das while address-
booking started at 10 AM on 21st.
ing the media said that the six-member Monetary Policy
The Central Board of Secondary Education has released date sheet for Class
Committee voted 5:1 in favour of 40 bps cut in interest rate.
12th board examinations for the remaining papers. It also released date sheet for
The RBI Governor said, private consumption has seen
the re-scheduled board examinations of Class 10th for North-East Delhi. The
biggest blow due to COVID-19 outbreak, following investment demand has halted
examinations will be conducted between 1st of July to 15th July this year. The
big time impacting the government revenues severely due to slowdown in eco-
students will appear for pending class 10 and 12 board examinations in their own
nomic activity. The inflation outlook is highly uncertain with elevated level of infla-
schools instead of an external test centre, the ministry of human resource and
tion in pulses being worrisome and therefore requires review of import duties.
development said. The CBSE has also issued instructions asking students to
Speaking further about impact of COVID-19, he said, the GDP growth in 2020-21
carry their own sanitizer bottles and wear mask and follow social distancing norms
goes in negative territory. The headline inflation may remain firm in first half of
during the examinations. Parents will ensure that their ward is not sick. The Class
year; ease in the second half, falling below 4 per cent in Q3/Q4 of financial year
10th examinations were postponed due to violence in North Eastern part of
20-21. Granting relief to people the RBI extended moratorium on loan repayments
National Capital and then due to lockdown and Class 12th examinations in view
by three more months in view of COVID-19 starting from 1st of June to 31st of
of the lockdown imposed in the country to combat COVID-19. The Class 10
August, 2020. The RBI has announced to extend 15,000 crore rupee line of credit
exams will be staggered on four dates, starting 1st July. The first paper will be of
to EXIM Bank.
Social Sciences, while the next day students will be required to appear for Science
The United States has said that the post-coronavirus world provides a window of
exam. On 10th of July, exams will be conducted for both courses of Hindi and on
opportunity to India as countries are looking to diversify their supply chains. Alice
15th of July for both courses of English. For Class 12, the Home Science exam
G Wells, US State Department's top official for Central and South Asia, said that
will be held on 1st of July, followed by both courses of Hindi the next day. The
in the post-pandemic environment, countries are looking at a little bit of de-glob-
Class 12 Business Studies exam has been scheduled for 9th July, followed by
alisation, on-shoring of the critical production and there's a very vigorous effort to
Biotechnology on 10th and Geography on 11th of July.
diversify supply chains. She added that this is a real moment of opportunity for
The Union Cabinet had given ex-post facto approval to the 'Atma Nirbhar Bharat
India by adopting a more open and welcoming policies by reducing tariffs that
Package for allocation of foodgrains from Central Pool to approximately eight
allow manufacturing companies inside India to be part of the global supply chain.
crore migrants. Five kg per person per month for two months that is May and
Wells said as India is the world's foremost producer of generic drugs and vacci-
June, 2020 will be given to migrants free of cost. It would entail an estimated food
nations, and is going to be play a critical role. (Images: Courtesy Google)
Published by Monideepa Mukerjee, Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th
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