Histology Final Exam

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1. Histologic fixation of tissues is the process that ​causes irreversible coagulation of proteins and
ceases vital activity of tissues and organs
2. Purpose of histologic staining is ​to increase contrast of structures
3. Basic stains are bound with ​acid compounds of the histologic structures
4. Acid stains are bound with ​basic compounds of histologic structures
5. Impregnation is due to the ability of histologic structures for ​reducing salts of heavy metals
6. Histologic sections are embedded in balsam or in any other synthetic medium with the following
purpose ​to preserve histologic specimen for a long time
7. If it is necessary to investigate fat inclusions in cells. Which fixator and stain is useful for that
investigation: ​formalin and Sudan 3
8. If it is necessary to investigate cellular structures sized less than 0,2 micrometers. Which
methods are useful for that investigation: ​electron
9. Cell contact that allows the free passage of some substances from one cell to the other: ​gap
10. Glycocalix of the cellular plasma membrane represents ​glycoprotein and glycolipid complexes
associated with plasmalemma
11. Membranous organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes:​lysosomes
12. Cell organelle that consists of five to ten flattened cisternae and a large number of vesicles:
Golgi complex
13. Protein synthesis for “export” takes place in: ​granular endoplasmic reticulum
14. Ribosomes play an essential role in ​protein synthesis
15. Cell organelle that represents elementary apparatus of the protein synthesis: ​ribosome
16. What types of inclusions do the drops of neutral fat belong to: ​trophic
17. What type of cytoplasmic inclusion of erythrocytes does hemoglobin represent: ​endogenous
18. Which of the following substances belong to the trophic cytoplasmic inclusions: ​glycogen
19. Structural component of nucleus that is the site where ribosomal RNA is synthesized: ​nucleolus
20. At which stage of mitosis the two centrioles separate and move to the opposite poles of the cell:
21. Which of the following structures represents syncytium ​spermatogenic epithelium
22. Cellular structure that consists of lipid bilayer, integral, semiintegral and membranous proteins:
23. Specialized junctional structure (cell contact) at which the two plasma membranes are in actual
contact: ​tight junction
24. Unspecialized cell junction is characterized by the fact that: ​the two plasma membranes are
separated by a gap of 20 nanometers
25. Desmosomes are characterized by the fact that: ​the two plasma membranes are separated by
electron-dense zone
26. Which of the following structures is a membranous organelle: ​endoplasmatic reticulum
27. Structural component of nucleus that is the site where ribosomal RNA is synthesized:​nucleolus
28. At what phase of mitosis do nucleoli disappear: ​prophase
29. Cell organelle that is bounded by a smooth outer membrane within which there is an inner
membrane; the inner membrane is highly folded on itself forming incomplete partitions called
cristae; the space bounded by the inner membrane is filled by a granular material called matrix:
30. Organelles that change activity of the oxidation-reduction enzymes, and of the processes of
active ion transport in the cell - ​mitochondria
31. Cell organelle 0,2-0,4 micrometer in size, that represents membrane bounded vesicle containing
32. Enzymes of the primary lysosomes are synthesized in:​​granular endoplasmic reticulum
33. Marker enzyme of lysosomes: ​acid phosphatase
34. Marker enzyme of mitochondria: ​succinate dehydrogenase
35. In which cell organelles are the secretory granules formed:​​Golgi complex
36. Non-membranous cell organelle: ​microtubule, microfilament, centriole
37. Organelle of the cytoskeleton is: ​microtubule
38. What type of inclusions do zymogenic granules represent: ​secretory
39. At what stage of the cell cycle is the DNA content of the chromosome duplicated, and do
centrioles divide:​​synthetic
40. What stage of the cell cycle is characterized by active RNA synthesis, tubulin synthesis,
adenosine tiposphate synthesis, and maturation of the daughter centrioles: ​premitotic
41. The most of somatic cells of the organism are at the stage: ​G0
42. Apoptosis is: ​programmed cell death
43. At what phase of mitosis chromosomes forms two daughter stars: ​telophase
44. At what phase of mitosis does nuclear membrane disappear: ​prophase
45. The outer nuclear membrane is continuous with the membranes of: ​endoplasmic reticulum
46. Nuclei made up mainly of heterochromatin are referred to as closed-face nuclei; that fact is due
to: ​
lack of transcriptional activity
47. Large nuclei in which considerable areas of euchromatin can be seen are referred to as open-face
nuclei; that fact is due to: ​high transcriptional activity
48. Glycocalix of the cellular plasma membrane represents: ​glycoprotein and glycolipid complexes
associated with plasmalemma
49. Membranous organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes: ​lysosomes
50. On the histologic specimen of the spinal node impregnated with osmium, the bodies of large
cells are visible, in the cytoplasm of which structures in the form of black bent filaments and
grains are revealed. What is the structure of the cells of the spinal gangl MOST probably
corresponds to this characteristic? ​Golgi apparatus
51. On the liver histologic specimen, after injection with black mascara, numerous cells are visible,
the cytoplasm of which contains black particles. What is the function most likely described by
the liver cells?​Hepatocytes-the synthesis and storage of proteins, the transformation of
carbohydrates, the synthesis of cholesterol, bile salts and phospholipids, detoxification,
modification and excretion of endogenous substances from the body.
52. On the histologic specimen of the mesentery, stained by Sudan III, a large number of large round
cells are detected. In the center of each cell contains a drop of orange. What is the structure of
cells MOST probably stained dye in orange? ​Adipocytes
53. The patient has a low level of albumin and fibrinogen proteins in the blood, which is caused by a
decrease in the activity of liver cells. Which cell organelle MOST probably has a low level of
activity? ​Granular ER
54. Ultrastructural examination revealed a large number of cisterns of the granular endoplasmic
reticulum in the cytoplasm of the cell. What function is MOST likely to be performed by the
examined cell??​synthesis and secretion of ​protein
55. On the electronogram in the cytoplasm of a liver cell, an organelle is presented, which
represented by membranes forming vacuoles, tubules, which branch and merge with each other.
Which organelle most likely corresponds to this description?​Agranular ER
56. A cytochemical study in neutrophils revealed high acid phosphatase activity. What organelles
most likely described property of neutrophils? ​lysosome
57. On the section of histological slides of the tongue, fibers of an elongated cylindrical shape with
a large number of nuclei are visible. As MOST probably called structure described? ​symplast
58. An electron micrographs of the apical surface of the epithelial cell of the tracheal mucosa, thin
cylindrical outgrowths of the cytoplasm covered with a plasmolemma are determined. Inside the
outgrowth there is a microtubule system associated with the microtubules of the basal body,
located at the base of the outgrowth. What structure of the cell is the most likely given
description?​? ​Syncytium
59. On electron micrographs between plasmolem cells of the skin epidermis, zones of high electron
density were detected. To this zone from the side of the cytoplasm there are adjacent areas of
electron-dense substance containing thin fibrils. What function is MOST likely that these
intercellular contacts perform?​mechanical strength to tissues.
60. Cells with a developed cytoskeleton have the ability to migrate. Which organelles most likely
provide this function? ​microtubule, microfilament
61. On electron micrographs of the cell, well-developed cisterns of the granular endoplasmic
reticulum and the Golgi complex were revealed. What function is MOST likely this cell
performs?​Transport, synthesing
62. On the electron diffraction pattern in the cytoplasm of the cardiomyocyte, a membrane organelle
was found, formed by a system of associated cisterns and tubules. What is the function most
likely described by the organella? ​
ER-protein synthesis
63. Electron micrographs in the cells show organelles bounded by two membranes. The outer
membrane has a smooth contour. The inner membrane forms folds (cristae). What function
MOST are these organelles likely to perform?? ​Mitochondria-energy
64. Micrographs of cells contain nuclei and nucleoli are stained with hematoxylin in purple. The
content of which substances most probably determines the basophil of the nucleoli? ​RNA
65. In the histological speimens of the red bone marrow cells are determined in which the
chromosomes are located in the equatorial plane in the form of a star. In what period of the cell
cycle is the MOST likely described cells? ​metaphase

66. Structure of the plasmalemma that is designated with the letter А ​(double layer of lipid
67. Structure of the plasmalemma that is designated with the letter Б ​(half-integral proteins)
68. Structure of the plasmalemma that is designated with the letter В​(membrane proteins)
69. Structure of the plasmalemma that is designated with the letter Г​(molecules of
70. Structure of the plasmalemma that is designated with the letter Д ​(integral proteins)
71. Phase of cell cycle that is designated with the letter А ​( interphase)
72. Phase of cell cycle that is designated with the letter Б​(prophase)
73. Phase of cell cycle that is designated with the letter В ​(metaphase)
74. Phase of cell cycle that is designated with the letter Г​(anaphase)
75. Phase of cell cycle that is designated with the letter Д ​(telophase)

76. Mitochondrial structure that is designated with the letter А ​(crista)

77. Mitochondrial structure that is designated with the letter Б ​(mitochondrial matrix)
78. Mitochondrial structure that is designated with the letter В ​(outer mitochondrial membrane)
79. Mitochondrial structure that is designated with the letter Г ​( mitochondrial granules)
80. Mitochondrial structure that is designated with the letter Д ​(inner mitochondrial membrane)
81. Mitochondrial structure that is designated with the letter Е ​(intermembranous space)

82. Cell structure that is designated with the letter А ​(granular endoplasmic reticulum)
83. Cell structure that is designated with the letter Б​( Golgi complex)
84. Cell structure that is designated with the letter В ​(cell centre)
85. Cell structure that is designated with the letter Г​( nucleolus)
86. Cell structure that is designated with the letter Д​( mitochondrion)
87. Cell structure that is designated with the letter Е ​(lysosome)
88. Cell structure that is designated with the letter Ж ​(agranular endoplasmatic reticulum)
89. Spherical sex cell one hundred and thirty micrometers in diameter, covered by pellucid zone and
radiate crown; it contains haploid number of chromosomes: ​mature ovum
90. Human oocyte in accordance with the arrangement of its cytoplasmic yolk inclusions is:
91. Sex cell that consists of a head (containing haploid nucleus), midpiece and tail: ​spermatozoon
92. Nucleus of the spermatozoon is situated in:​head
93. Fertilization takes place in: ​outer third of the uterine tube
94. Type of cleavage of the human zygote is: ​total, unequal, asynchronous
95. Trophoblast of the human blastocyst consists of: ​one layer of flattened elongated cells
96. Embryoblast of the blastocyst represents: ​cluster of large dark blastomeres adjacent to the
trophoblast on the inside
97. The process of implantation begins: ​on the seventh day
98. Formation of fetal organs and tissues takes place in the process of: ​differentiation of the germ
99. Nephrotome gives rise to: ​urogenital system
100. Neural tube gives rise to: ​nervous system
101. Myotome develops into: ​skeletal muscle
102. Sclerotome develops into: ​axial skeleton
103. Dermatome gives rise to: ​dermal connective tissue
104. Connective tissue arises from: ​mesenchyme
105. Blood arises from: ​mesenchyme
106. Wall of the amnion consists of: ​extraembryonic ectoderma and extraembryonic
107. What is the wall of yolk sac made up of: ​extraembryonic endoderma and extraembryonic
108. What function does the umbilical cord perform:​transport
109. Extraembryonic organ that consists of cytotrophoblast and primary villi; it carries out
trophic, respiratory, excretory and protective function: ​primary chorion
110. Trophoblast develops into: ​primary chorion
111. Which of the following functions does amnion carry out: ​protective
112. What fetal organ in humans is formed from epiblast material: ​amnion
113. Formation of a cavity between cells of epiblast occurs at the beginning of the second week of
the human prenatal development. Which extraembryonic organ is formed in this way:​amnion
114. Extraembryonic organ that defends fetus from mechanical injury: ​amnion
115. Extraembryonic organ that represents reservoir filled with amniotic fluid: ​amnion
116. Wall of the amnion consists of: ​extraembryonic ectoderma and extraembryonic
117. Function of the human yolk sac: ​hemopoietic
118. What function does the human yolk sac perform:​hemopoietic
119. What do we call the extraembryonic organ, in the wall of which the first blood vessels, the
first blood cells and primary germ cells arise: ​yolk salk
120. In the process of the gastrulation hypoblast develops into: ​primary yolk sac
121. What is the fetal placenta made up of: ​chorionic plate and chorionic villi
122. What is the maternal placenta made up of: ​decidual membrane of the endometrium
123. What is cotyledon of the developed placenta made up of: ​branchy anchoring villus
124. The cytoplasm of the oocyte does not contain: ​cell centre
125. Structure of spermatozoon that contain microtubules: ​axoneme
126. Which part of the spermatozoon contains mitochondria: ​middle piece
127. On the electron micrograph of the spermatozoon transverse section one can see axial
filament surrounded by mitochondria. Section of which part of the spermatozoon is it: ​middle
128. Which is the correct sequence of embryogenesis: ​fertilization→ cleavage→ gastrulation→
histogenesis and organogenesis
129. Rheotaxis is the ability of spermatozoon for: ​upstream movement in a flowing liquid
130. Chemotaxis is the ability of spermatozoon for: ​directional migration due to chemical
131. Capacitation is: ​a change in spermatozoon whereby it acquires the ability to fertilize the
132. Acrosomal reaction os the process of: ​excretion of hyaluronidase and trypsin by acrosome
133. Cortical reaction is: ​migration of the cortical granules to the perivitelline space and
formation of the fertilization membrane
134. The process of gastrulation represents: ​formation of the three germinal layers
135. On the 11,5th days of the human embryonal development the material of the germinal layers
is situated: ​on the floor of the amnion
136. Human germ on the 14th day of the development differs from the germ on the 11,5th day of
development by the appearance of: ​connecting stalk
137. Human embryo on the 17th day of the development differs from the embryo on the 14th day
of development by the formation of: ​allantois
138. Embryonic endoderm is formed by the migration of cells from: ​anterior part of the
primitive groove
139. Embryonic mesoderm is formed by the migration of cells from: ​posterior part of primitive
140. Prechordal plate represents small thickening that is situated in the region directly in front of
notochord; it consists of the crowded cellular layers of: ​embryonic ectoderm and embryonic
141. On the sixth day after fertilization, the embryo is being prepared for implantation into the
uterine lining. What is the structure of the germ most likely involved in this process? ​blastocyst
142. On the histological specimen, the embryo has the appearance of a hollow vial formed by light
and dark blastomeres. Light blastomeres are located on the periphery, dark blastomeres are
located inside at one of the poles. At what period of embryogenesis is the MOST likely
structure? ​Cleavage
143. The newborn was diagnosed with a violation of the development of myocardial heart. This
pathology is most likely associated with the developmental disorder of which embryonic source?
Myocardium of the heart develops from the myoepicardium (the primary cardiac tube
consists of the endocardium inside and the myoepicardium outside) = ​derivative of visceral
144. In the study of amniotic fluid obtained during amniocentesis, cells whose nuclei contain an
appendage in the form of a tennis racket were found. What is most probably the described
phenomenon? ​Female fetal development
145. In the histologic specimen of a 12-day human embryo, 2 vesicles are visible, which are in
contact with each other. At the bottom of one of the bubbles there is a thickening. Which of these
structures is MOST likely to be involved in the process of gastrulation?? ​blastodisk
146. On the histological specimen, a non-embryonic organ is visible, which is a vesicle associated
with the intestinal tube. Inside the vial is lined with endodermal cells. What extraembryonic
organ MOST probably corresponds to this description? ​Yolk sac
147. On the histological specimen of the embryo, there is a section of the extra-embryonic organ
containing two arteries and one vein. In what other extra-embryonic organ is the MOST likely
described? ​Umbilical cord
148. On the histological specimen it can be seen that in the process of embryogenesis, a violation
occurred in the formation of the anterior segment of the primary intestine. Disturbance of the
development of which organs are MOST likely to be expected in such a case? ​Derivatives of the
anterior intestine: ​oral cavity​; esophagus; stomach; proximal part of the duodenum
149. The obliquely and across section of the embryo shows the chorionic villi, around which
blood cells are located. What extraembryonic organ MOST probably been investigated on the
histologic specimen? ​placenta (chorion plate скорее всего)
150. On the electron diffraction inner lining extraembryonic organ detected one layer of cells with
microvilli on the apical surface. In the cytoplasm of cells contains vacuoles, the contents of
which are excreted into the cavity of the organ. Which extra-embryonic organ is MOST likely
lined with cells having such morphological characteristics? ​placenta (amnion возможно)

151. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter А ​( ectoderm)
152. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter Б ​(somites)
153. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter В ​(nerve tube)
154. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter Г​(parietal layer of the
155. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter Д ​(visceral layer of the
156. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter Е ​(endoderm)
157. Human germinal structure that is designated with the letter Ж ​(notochord)

158. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter А ​(septa)
159. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter Б ​(umbilical cord)
160. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter В ​(lacunae)
161. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter Г ​(chorionic plate)
162. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter Д ​(chorionic villi)
163. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter Е ​(endometrium)
164. Structure of the human placenta, that is designated with the letter Ж ​(myometrium)
165. Human germ on the thirteenth day of development. Structure that is designated with the
letter А ​(extraembryonic celom)
166. Human germ on the thirteenth day of development. Structure that is designated with the
letter Б ​(yolk sac)
167. Human germ on the thirteenth day of development. Structure that is designated with the
letter В ​(amniotic vesicle)
168. Human germ on the thirteenth day of development. Structure that is designated with the
letter Г ​(connecting stalk)
169. Human germ on the thirteenth day of development. Structure that is designated with the
letter Д ​(cytotrophoblast)
170. Human germ on the thirteenth day of development. Structure that is designated with the
letter Е ​(symplastotrophoblast)

171. Human germ in the period of formation of the embryonal body folds. Structure that is
designated with the letter А ​(amnion)
172. Human germ in the period of formation of the embryonal body folds. Structure that is
designated with the letter Б ​(gut)
173. Human germ in the period of formation of the embryonal body folds. Structure that is
designated with the letter В ​(yolk sac)
174. Human germ in the period of formation of the embryonal body folds. Structure that is
designated with the letter Г​(allantois)
175. Human germ in the period of formation of the embryonal body folds. Structure that is
designated with the letter Д ​(chorionic villi)
176. Human germ in the period of formation of the embryonal body folds. Structure that is
designated with the letter Е ​(body of embryo)
177. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter A: ​decidua basalis
178. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter Б: ​decidua capsularis
179. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter В: ​decidua parietalis
180. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter Г: ​amnion
181. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter Д: ​uterine cavity
182. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter Е: ​embryo
183. Interrelation between embryo, extraembryonic organs and layers of the uterine wall.
Structure that is designated with letter Ж: ​myometrium

Epithelial tissue

184. Tissue that does not contain blood vessels and is devoid of intercellular substance:
185. Location of the surface epithelium: ​on the outer surface of the body and the luminal
surfaces of cavities
186. What type of tissue is characterized by the polar differentiation of the cells:​epithelial
187. Formation of basal membrane of the surface epithelium is due to the vital activity of
epithelium and subjacent connective tissue
188. Epithelial cells are bound together by means of: ​different types of cell contact
189. Simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium) lines:​ serous tunics
190. Epithelium consisting of different shaped cells, all of which rest on a basement
membrane: ​pseudostratified columnar ciliated
191. Goblet (flask) cells of the pseudostratified ciliated epithelium take part in:​mucus
192. Epithelium that consists of three layers of cells – basal, spinosum and superficial:
stratified squamous non-keratinized
193. Epithelium that consists of five layers of cells – basal cell layer, stratum spinosum,
stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum​stratified squamous keratinized
194. Layer of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that contains cylindrical cells:
stratum basale
195. Layer of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is made up of polygonal cells:
stratum spinosum
196. Epithelium that can be stratched considerably without being damaged:​transitional
197. What cells make up the surface layer of transitional epithelium: ​large (that can be
stratched considerably without being damaged )
198. Endocrine glands pour their secretion: ​into blood
199. Glands that are characterized by holocrine type of secretion: ​sebaceous

200. Glands that are characterized by apocrine secretion:​mammary​-​sweat

201. Apocrine type of secretion is characterized by the fact that:​apical parts of glandular
cells are destroyed

202. Merocrine type of secretion is characterized by the fact that ​glandular cells remain
203. What type of tissue is characterized by the polar differentiation of the cells:​epithelial
204. Which of the following functions is typical of the surface epithelium:​protective
205. Small intestine (lined by epithelium) performs absorptive function. What type of
epithelium corresponds to that function:n ​simple columnar with striated border
206. Cell that represents unicellular gland of the pseudostratified ciliated epithelium:​goblet
207. Pseudostratified ciliated epithelium lines:​trachea

208. Inner organ that contains mucous tunic lined by pseudostratified ciliated epithelium:

209. In the tissue culture different cells of the stratified epithelium were inoculated: in the
first vial there are cells of basal layer, in the second vial there are cells of stratum lucidum, in
the third vial there are cells of stratum granulosum, in the fourth vial there are cells of
stratum corneum. In which of the vials will the cells proliferation occur:​ the first

210. Gland that has branchy excretory duct: ​compound

211. Gland that has unbranched excretory duct:​simple

212. In the histologic specimen of gland one can discover PAS-positive intracellular secretion.
What substances does that secretion contain ​carbohydrates
213. The patient found a slight reddening of the skin and desquamation of these areas. The
boundaries of the damaged areas of the skin are clearly defined and irregularly shaped. What
type of epithelium is MOST likely to change in these areas of skin? ​Stratified squamous
keratinized epithelium

214. A patient with a diagnostic purpose was biopsy of the gastric mucosa. An immune
morphological study of biopsy showed in the cytoplasm of cells composed of keratin
filaments. What tissue cells are MOST likely to have been studied?​​epithelial tissue

215. Chemical worker after inhalation of caustic fumes which happened death of part of the
ciliated cells of the bronchi. What cells most likely regenerates this epithelium? ​basal cells

216. An ophthalmologist was approached by a patient complaining of pain in the eyes, which
arose after a long stay of the patient in the field during a dust storm. The doctor found
superficial damage to the anterior corneal epithelium. What layer of cells is MOST likely to
provide regeneration of the surface epithelium? ​basal cells
217. After prolonged inflammation the patient’s nasal mucosa has epithelial changes. What
type of epithelium of the nasal cavity is MOST likely to experience changes in
inflammation? Single layer multi row epithelium ​Single layer multirow

218. On the histological specimen biopsy of the epidermis of the skin of a healthy adult in the
basal layer of the skin cells are observed in the process of division. What process is MOST
likely these cells provide? ​Physiological regeneration

219. A patient with an open fracture of the index finger addressed the trauma station. First aid
provided. Which injured tissue is MOST likely to regenerate the fastest? ​The epidermis of
the skin

220. The slides presents the epithelium, conditionally formed by three layers of cells. The
basal layer is adjacent to the basement membrane and contains small rounded cells. The
intermediate layer consists of polygonal cells. The surface layer is formed by large one-, two-
or trinuclear cells. What kind of epithelium is most likely represented on the slides?
Transitional epithelium

221. In the experiment, the permeability of the basal membrane of a single-layer epithelium
was significantly impaired. As MOST likely it will affect the life of his cells? ​Won’t

222. In the experiment, the integrity of the epithelium of the skin. What layers of epithelium
MOST likely take part in its regeneration? ​the basal and spinous layer

223. The influence of radiation affected the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium of the
skin. What epithelial function is MOST likely to be impaired.? ​regenerative function

224. The electronogram shows a secretory cell bounded by an intact plasmolemma, which
apical pole is a significant amount of secretory granules. What type of secretory cells is
MOST likely represented on the electron diffraction?​merocrine secretion

225. The histological specimen is represented by a tissue whose cells have a polarity, lie on
the basement membrane and form a lamina. Between the cells absent intercellular substance
and blood vessels. What tissue is most likely given description? ​epithelial tissue

226. For the study presented multilayer epithelium, stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The cells
of one of the epithelium layers have a flattened shape and contain sharply basophilic granules
in the cytoplasm. What layer of epithelium is MOST likely studied on histological
specimens? ​stratum granulosum (or granular layer)

227. Structure of stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium that is designated with the
letter A: ​(basement membrane)
228. Structure of stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium that is designated with the
letter Б ​(basal layer)
229. Structure of stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium that is designated with the
letter В ​(layer of polyhedral cells)
230. Structure of stratified squamous non-keratinized epithelium that is designated with the
letter Г ​(layer of flattened cells)

231. Structure of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is designated with the letter
А​ (basement membrane)
232. Structure of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is designated with the letter Б
(basal layer)
233. Structure of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is designated with the letter В
(stratum spinosum (Malpighian layer))
234. Structure of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is designated with the letter
Г​(stratum granulosum)
235. Structure of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is designated with the letter
Д​(stratum lucidum)
236. Structure of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium that is designated with the letter Е
(stratum corneum)

237. Type of gland that is designated with the letter А ​(simple tubular unbranched)
238. Type of gland that is designated with the letter Б​(simple alveolar unbranched)
239. Type of gland that is designated with the letter В ​(compound tubule-alveolar
240. Type of epithelium that is designated with the letter A​:​​simple squamous

241. Type of epithelium that is designated with the letter Б:​​simple cuboidal
242. Type of epithelium that is designated with the letter B: ​pseudostratified ciliated
243. Type of epithelium that is designated with the letter Г​:​​simple columnar

244. Blood cells whose cytoplasm shows granular and reticular structures that are stainable
with cresyl blue brilliant: ​reticulocytes
245. Blood cells that have lost their nuclei and other organelles: ​erythrocytes
246. Blood cells that contain hemoglobin: ​erythrocytes
247. What blood cells perform respiratory function: ​erythrocytes
248. The life span of erythrocytes is approximately: ​120 days
249. What types of erythrocytes are characterized by biconcave shape: ​discocytes
250. Anuclear blood cells containing remains of organelles: ​reticulocytes
251. Shape of leucocytes: ​rounded
252. Blood cell that contains a large number of lysosomes in its cytoplasm: ​neutrophil
253. Blood cells that are characterized by presence of the ovoid cytoplasmic granules
containing elongated crystalloid: ​eosinophils
254. Antiparasitic activity is typical of: ​eosinophils
255. Blood cells that contain large basophilic cytoplasmic granules: ​basophils
256. Blood cells that exhibit round to horseshoe-shaped nuclei occupying most of the
cytoplasm, which appears as a thin basophilic rim around the nucleus:​lymphocytes
257. Blood cell that gives rise to plasmocyte: ​B-lymphocyte
258. Blood cell that can move out of the vascular system to enter surrounding tissues and give
rise to macrophage:​monocyte
259. Blood cells that consist of granulomere and hyalomere: ​thrombocytes
260. Irregular-shaped fragments of megakaryocyte, that are avoid of nuclei and are usually
aggregated: ​blood platelets
261. Which of the following types of blood cells are granulocytes: ​basophils
262. Which of the following types of blood cells are agranulocytes: ​monocytes
263. Blood granulocytes that contain large acidophilic cytoplasmic granules: ​eosinophils
264. Cells that produce histamine and take part in the regulation of vascular permeability:
265. Common cell that gives rise to all types of blood cells: ​stem cells
266. What blood cells are formed in the thymus: ​T-lymphocytes
267. At what age does liver carry out hemopoietic function: ​in the fifth week
268. What process occurs in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes during erythropoiesis:
accumulation of hemoglobin
269. What structures are formed in the red bone marrow:​thrombocytes, erythrocytes,
granulocytes, B-lymphcytes, monocytes, precursor-cells and T-lymphocytes
270. What blood cells are formed in the wall of the yolk sac and of other extraembryonic
organs: ​primary erythrocytes, secondary erythrocytes primitive granulocytes
271. The first stem cells of blood are formed in: ​yolk sac
272. What cells of the erythropoiesis contain thin reticular cytoplasmic structure:
273. What process takes place during granulopoiesis: ​accumulation of specific granules
274. What cells of the red bone marrow releases membrane-enclosed fragments of its
cytoplasm as platelets:​megakaryocytes
275. Of the total volume of blood plasma approximately is: ​55-60%
276. Percentage of fetal hemoglobin in the blood of adult person constitutes about: ​2%
277. Percentage of human blood erythrocytes that contain rhesus-factor on their surfaces is:
278. Diameter of the most erythrocytes is about: ​7.5 micrometers
279. Life span of the neutrophils is: ​8-12 hours
280. Blood cells that contain lobulated nuclei, and small cytoplasmic granules stainable with
acid and basic dyes. Those cells perform protective function: ​neutrophils
281. In the nidus of the acute inflammation neutrophils perform several functions. What
function is the main: ​lysozyme secretion
282. Blood cells that contain bilobed nuclei, and large cytoplasmic granules stainable
red-orange: ​eosinophils
283. Blood granulocytes that contain large acidophilic cytoplasmic granules: ​eosinophils
284. Granules of which blood cells contain histaminase: ​eosinophils
285. Monocytes differentiate into: ​microglia
286. Monocytes give rise to: ​hepatic macrophages (Kupffer cells)
287. What is the percentage of lymphocytes in the leukogram of a healthy person: ​18-40%
288. What is the percentage of monocytes in the leukogram of an adult person: ​2-9%
289. What is the percentage of segmented neutrophils in the leukogram of a healthy person:
290. What process occurs in the cytoplasm of erythrocytes during erythropoiesis:
accumulation of the hemoglobin
291. Effector cells of the humoral immunity are: ​plasmocytes
292. Effector cells of the cellular immunity are: ​T-lymphocytes-killers
293. What structures are formed in the red bone marrow: ​thrombocytes, erythrocytes,
granulocytes, B-lymphocytes, monocytes, precursor-cells of T-lymphocytes
294. In the intrauterine life, the intravascular formation of blood cells occurs in: ​yolk sac
295. At what stage of the embryonal development does hematopoiesis in the spleen begin: ​ in
the third month
296. Type of the hematopoietic cells of postembryonal hematosis, that are characterized by
considerable morphologic changes as a result of their fast differentiation: ​maturing cells
297. What structures take part in the quantitative regulation of thrombocytopoiesis in the
postnatal life: ​microenvironment and thrombopoietins
298. What structures take part in the quantitative regulation of erythropoiesis in the postnatal
life: ​
microenvironment and erythropoietins
299. Metamyelocytes are: ​maturing cells
300. What blood cells undergo a process of maturation in the thymus: ​T-lymphocytes
301. Изучая мазок крови, окрашенный по методу Романовского-Гимзы, студент
обратил внимание на часто встречающиеся клетки, которые имеют сегментированное
ядро и слабооксифильную цитоплазму, которая содержит мелкую зернистость
розово-фиолетового цвета. Какому из перечисленных форменных элементов крови
НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно соответствует данное описание? ​Neutrophils
302. In the study of blood smear were found small oval, biconvex non-nuclear blood cells
forming small groups. The peripheral part of the elements was light, and the central part
contained grain and was darker. Which of the following listed blood cells is the MOST
likely this given description? ​Erythrocytes
303. In a blood smear, there is a large cell with a periphery located the core of a bean-shaped
form with fine-grained chromatin and one or several nucleoli. The cytoplasm of cells is
weakly basophilic. Which of the following blood cells is MOST likely this description
corresponds? ​Monocytes
304. As a result of the experiment, the vascular permeability significantly increased, which
caused the formation of edema of the perivascular tissue and slowing down the blood
coagulation process. What blood cells are MOST likely to be affected? ​Basophils
305. According to the results of forensic medical examination of blood stains, it was
established that the blood belonged to a woman. What are the signs most likely this
conclusion was made? ​(Наличие сателлитов ядер в нейтрофилах) ​less hemoglobin
306. As a result of histological examination of red bone marrow, the patient showed a
significant decrease in the number of megakaryocytes. The number of which shaped
elements is MOST likely to be reduced in the patient’s peripheral blood?​less thrombocytes
307. На мазке крови видна клетка, имеющая двухлопастное ядро и содержащая в
цитоплазме крупную специфическую зернистость, интенсивно окрашенную в
красно-оранжевый цвет. Какой из перечисленных ниже клеток крови НАИБОЛЕЕ
вероятно подходит данное описание? ​eosinophils
308. When calculating the leukogram of a healthy person, a laboratory technician found a
blood cell containing large basophilic granular in the cytoplasm. Which of the following
types of leukocytes most probably corresponds to this description? ​basophils
309. On a blood smear, cells are detected that have a round or slightly bean-shaped nucleus
that occupies almost the entire cell. The basophilic cytoplasm of the cell surrounds the
nucleus in the form of a thin rim. Which of the listed types of leukocytes is MOST likely
given description? ​Lymphocytes
310. Blood leukocytes are known to have the ability to migrate into tissues and differentiate
into macrophages. Which of the listed types of leukocytes is the MOST likely feature of this
function? ​monocytes

311. Formed element of blood that is designated with the letter A ​thrombocyte
312. Formed element of blood that is designated with the letter Б ​neutrophil
313. Formed element of blood that is designated with the letter В ​erythrocyte
314. Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter
A (basophil)
315. Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter

Б (erythrocyte)

316. Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter
317. Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter

318. Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter
А​small lymphocyte
319. Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter
318. ​
Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter А:
319. ​
Formed element of blood (at the magnification of 1000) that is designated with the letter Б:

320. Eosinophilic structure that is designated with the letter​​A​​(mature specific granules)
321. Eosinophilic structure that is designated with the letter Б ​( Golgi complex)
322. Eosinophilic structure that is designated with the letter В ​(primary or azurophilic granules)
323. Eosinophilic structure that is designated with the letter Г ​(granular endoplasmic reticulum)
324. Eosinophilic structure that is designated with the letter Д ​(mitochondria)

Dense regular connective tissue is found in: ​tendons, ligaments, fibrous membranes
326. Flattened ramifying cell of the connective tissue; it contains large oval light nucleus,
intensely basophilic endoplasm and poorly basophilic ectoplasm: ​mature fibroblast
327. Connective tissue cell that participates in the synthesis of intercellular substance: ​mature
328. The main function of fibroblasts: ​synthesis of the intercellular substance
329. Connective tissue cells of different shape that contain small dark nucleus and numerous
lysosomes and phagosomes: ​histiocytes
330. Histiocytes of the loose fibrous connective tissue: ​perform phagocytosis
331. Mucous tissue is made up of: ​ mucous cells, and gelatinous substance containing
hyaluronic acid
332. Strong but not elastic connective tissue fibres that are stainable with acid dye and represent
straight or wavy bands: ​collagen
333.Connective tissue fibres that are detected with silver impregnation: ​reticular
334. Transport and trophic function of the connective tissue is performed because of:
amorphous component of the intercellular substance
335.Connective tissue cell, the cytoplasmic granules of which contain heparin and histamine:
336.Rounded connective tissue cell, the central zone of which is occupied by one large fat drop:
337. Connective tissue cell that synthesize immunoglobulins: ​plasma cells
338. Tissue that forms supporting network for the hematopoietic cells: ​reticular
339. Mucous tissue is a part of: ​umbilical cord
340. Cartilage arises from: ​mesenchyme
341. In the antenatal life the interstitial growth of hyaline cartilage takes place because of:
chondrocytes of the first type
342. Reparative regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue takes place because of the division of:
343. Outer layer of the perichondrium is made up of​: dense fibrous irregular connective tissue
344. Inner layer of the perichondrium is made up of: ​prechondroblasts, chondroblasts
345. In the superficial layer of the cartilage under the perichondrium there are: ​young
346. What perichondral cells produce intercellular substance of the cartilaginous tissue:
347. Shape of mature chondrocytes is:​fusiform
348. Cells of the cartilaginous isogenetic groups that are characterized by high
nucleocytoplasmic ratio. Among such cells there are many those at different stages of mitosis:
chondrocytes of the first type
349. Posttraumatic regeneration of the cartilaginous cells and intercellular substance takes place
because of:​chondroclasts
350. Elastic cartilage differs from hyaline cartilage by the presence of: ​elastic fibers
351. Different-shaped cells that are situated on the surface of developing bony trabeculae. Those
cells are characterized by ultrastructure of the protein-synthesizing cells: ​osteoblasts
352. What cells are responsible for the process of formation and calcification of the bony
intercellular substance: ​osteoblasts
353. Osteoblasts take part in: ​formation of the bony tissue
354. Bone cells that are not able to divide; they have small body and numerous processes:
355. Osteocytes participate in: ​maintenance of the homeostasis of organic and mineral
composition of the osseous tissue
356. Osteoclasts take part in: ​removal of bone and calcified cartilage
357. Osteoclasts arise from: ​monocytes
358. Tissue that is situated within cranial sutures and within the places of attachment of tendon
to bone: ​woven bone
359. Intercellular substance of the woven bone is characterized by: ​irregular arrangement of
the bundles of collagen fibers
360. Intercellular substance of the lamellar bone is characterized by: ​parallel arrangement of
collagen fibers
361. Interstitial lamellae of the diaphysis of compact bone are situated between: ​osteons
362. Development of bone in place of cartilage begins from: ​perichondral ossification
363. The first stage of the direct osteogenesis is characterized by the formation of:
skeletogenous islets
364. Growth of tubular bone in width takes place because of: ​periosteum
365. Growth of tubular bone lengthwise takes place because of: ​metaepiphyseal cartilaginous
366. Oval cell of the connective tissue that contains small compact nucleus and large basophilic
granules: ​Basophil
367. Cells of loose irregular connective tissue that participate in the energy production and water
metabolism: ​adipocytes
368. Rounded connective tissue cell that contains a small eccentric nucleus surrounded by well
developed granular endoplasmic reticulum: ​plasmocyte
369. On the electron photomicrograph there is a cell of loose fibrous connective tissue, that takes
part in the immune reactions. This cell contains eccentric nucleus, a prominent clear area in the
cytoplasm that is adjacent to the nucleus, and well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum.
What cell is it: ​plasmocyte
370. What type of connective tissue contains a large number of melanocytes: ​pigment
371. What type of collagen fibres does the intercellular substance of hyaline cartilage contain: ​
372. Elastic cartilage is found in: ​auricle
373. Elastic cartilage is found in: ​epiglottis
374. Fibrocartilage is situated in: ​intervertebral disks
375. There is an electron photomicrograph of a cell of developing bony tissue. Around the cell
one can see collagen fibres. The cytoplasm of the cell contains well developed granular
endoplasmic reticulum. What do we call that cell: ​osteoblast
376. There is an electron photomicrograph of a bone cell. Processes of the cell are situated in
small canaliculi. Its cytoplasm contains poorly developed endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi
complex. What do we call that cell: ​mature osteocyte
377. Large polynucleated cells different in shape that contain ruffled membrane and numerous
lysosomes; those cells are responsible for absorption and destruction of bone and calcified
cartilage: ​osteoclasts
378. On the specimens of loose irregular fibrous connective tissue stained with a special dye for
the lysosome marker enzyme - acid phosphatase, a cell was detected, the cytoplasm of which
intensively perceives the dye. Which loose fibrous connective tissue cell MOST probably
contains large amounts of lysosomes? ​macrophages
379. Изучая препарат рыхлой неоформленной соединительной ткани, окрашенной
суданом III, студент обратил внимание на клетку округлой формы, центральную часть
которой занимает одна большая капля нейтрального жира, окрашенная в оранжевый цвет.
Какая из клеток рыхлой волокнистой соединительной ткани НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно имеет
подобную структуру? ​White adipose tissue
380. Studying the histological slides of loose irregular fibrous connective tissue, stained with
Sudan III, the student drew attention to the rounded cell, the central part of which is occupied by
one large drop of neutral fat, painted in orange color. What function is MOST likely for the
described cell? ​accumulation of reserve fat or energy production or water metabolism
(adipocyte of white adipose tissue)
381. When studying the histological slides connective tissue of a newborn baby, the student
drew attention to a cluster of cells of a rounded shape, in the cytoplasm of which many small
droplets of black lipids were found. What kind of connective tissue is most likely represented on
the slides ​brown adipose tissue
382. On the histological slides of connective tissue impregnated with silver nitrate, visible cells
and fibers, forming a network. What type of connective tissue is MOST likely to be present on
the slides? ​reticular connective tissue
383. On the histological specimens of the connective tissue stained with hematoxylin-eosin,
contacting process cells are identified. What type of connective tissue most likely can correspond
to such a description? ​reticular connective tissue
384. The student, describing the histological structure of the tendon, did not name the type of
connective tissue forming the tendon. What type of connective tissue MOST likely forms
tendon? ​Dense regular fibrous connective tissue
385. To study presented of skeletal connective tissue whose fibers are dyed with ocein. Fibers
located in different directions, forming a network. What type of skeletal connective tissue is
MOST likely to appear on the specimen?​elastic cartilage
386. Electronogram of one of the cells of bone tissue is presented for study. Its processes are
located in the bone tubules, and in the cytoplasm the granular endoplasmic reticulum and the
Golgi complex are poorly developed. Which cell is MOST likely represented on the electron
diffraction? ​mature osteocyte
387. The electron diffractogram presents a large bone cell of irregular shape, multinucleted, with
a folded cytolemma and cytoplasm, containing many lysosomes. Which bone cell is MOST
likely given description? ​osteoclasts
388. Students were given the task to identify the cell of the inner layer of the perichondrium,
which on the histological slides has a flattened shape and basophilic cytoplasm. Which cell
MOST probably corresponds to this characteristic? ​chondroblasts
389. The electronogram presents a cell located on the surface of a developing bone tissue of a
spindle-shaped form, having a small volume of cytoplasm with a highly developed endoplasmic
reticulum of granular type. Which cell MOST probably corresponds to this characteristic?
390. For the study presented the histological specimens of lamellar bone diaphysis tubular bone.
Bone plates are located between the osteons, connecting the osteons with each other. What
structures are MOST likely between osteons??​interstitial lamellae
391.The electronogram presents a cell of loose irregular connective tissue of a rounded shape,
with a small nucleus, around which a well-developed granular endoplasmic reticulum is
concentrically located. Near the nucleus there is a bright zone of the cytoplasm. What cell is
MOST likely such a structure? ​plasmocyte (plasma cell)
392. On the histological specimens of loose irregular connective tissue, stained with hematoxylin
- eosin, fibers are presented, having the form of straight or wavy bent pink strands. What fibers
are MOST probably visible on the histological specimens? ​collagen fibers
393. On the histological specimen is presented a type of connective tissue, in which there is a
large number of oxyphilic fibers, densely located and walking strictly orderly. Between the fibers
there is a small number of cells and the main substance. What type of connective tissue is MOST
likely to have such a structure?? ​dense regular fibrous connective tissue
394. For study, a preparation of loose fibrous connective tissue containing many cellular
elements, among which adventitious cells and young fibroblasts predominate is presented. How
old is the similar structure of loose fibrous connective tissue MOST likely? ​newborns and
children under 1 year old
395. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter A:
(mast cells)

396. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter Б
(collagen fibers)
397. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter В
398. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter Г
(elastic fibre)
399. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter Д
(ground substance)
400. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter Е
401. Structure of the loose irregular fibrous connective tissue that is designated with the letter Ж
(adipose cell)

402. Structure of hyaline cartilage that is designated with the letter А ​(perichondrium)
403. Structure of hyaline cartilage that is designated with the letter Б
(zone of young cartilage)
404. Structure of hyaline cartilage that is designated with the letter В
(zone of mature cartilage)
405. Structure of hyaline cartilage that is designated with the letter Г
​(young chondrocytes)
406. Structure of hyaline cartilage that is designated with the letter Д
​(isogenous cell group) cell nests

407. Structure of lamellar bone that is designated with the letter А

(layer of the outer circumferential lamellae)

408. Structure of lamellar bone that is designated with the letter Б

409. Structure of lamellar bone that is designated with the letter В
(interstitial lamellae)
410. Structure of lamellar bone that is designated with the letter Г
(Haversian canal)
411. Structure of lamellar bone that is designated with the letter Д
​(layer of the inner circumferential lamellae)

412. Structure of the bone developing in place of mesenchyme, that is designated with the letter
413. Structure of the bone developing in place of mesenchyme, that is designated with the letter
414. Structure of the bone developing in place of mesenchyme, that is designated with the letter
415. Structure of the bone developing in place of mesenchyme, that is designated with the letter
(calcified intercellular substance of the bone)

416. Structure of elastic cartilage that is designated with the letter А


417. Structure of elastic cartilage that is designated with the letter Б

(zone of young cartilage)
418. Structure of elastic cartilage that is designated with the letter В
​(zone of mature cartilage)
419. Structure of elastic cartilage that is designated with the letter Г
​(isogenous cell group) cell-nests
420. Structure of elastic cartilage that is designated with the letter Д
(elastic fibers)

421. Structure of osteoclast, that is designated with the letter А

422. Structure of osteoclast, that is designated with the letter Б
​(marginal light zones)
423. Structure of osteoclast, that is designated with the letter В
424. Structure of osteoclast, that is designated with the letter Г
(ruffled membrane)
425. Structure of osteoclast, that is designated with the letter Д
(zone of resorption)

426. Structure of fibrocartilage that is designated with the letter А

(isogenous cell group)

427. Structure of fibrocartilage that is designated with the letter Б

428. Structure of fibrocartilage that is designated with the letter В
(solitary flat cells) young chodrocytes
429. Structure of fibrocartilage that is designated with the letter Г
​(ground substance)
430. Structure of fibrocartilage that is designated with the letter Д
431. Structure of fibrocartilage that is designated with the letter E
​(bundles of collagen fibres)


243.Smooth muscle of the most of inner organs and vessels arises from: ​mesenchyme
244.Shape of smooth muscle cell of mesenchymal origin is: ​fusiform
245.Structural elements of the smooth muscle cell that contain ions of calcium: ​vesicle of
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
246.Impulse transmission from one smooth muscle cell to another is caused by: ​nexuses
247.Striated muscle is able to regenerate because of: ​satellite cells
248.Shape and location of satellite cells of the skeletal muscle: ​flattened, o the basal
membrane surrounding the muscle fiber
249.What structures are responsible for the nutritious (trophism) of striated muscle? ​Nuclei
and common organelles
250.Sarcomeres represent the basic reoccuring structural units of the myofibril, comprising
the myofilaments and associated organelles which lie between: ​two Z-bands
251.Thin myofilaments of the sarcomere of striated muscle fibre make up: ​isotropic disk
252.Thick myofilaments of the sarcomere of striated muscle fibre make up: ​anisotropic disk
253.Common border-line structure between adjacent sarcomeres is: ​telophragma ( Z line)
254.Z-line (telophragma) of the myofibrils of striated muscle fibre is situated: ​in the middle
of I-band
255.Myosin filaments of the striated muscle are connected with Z line by means of molecules
of the following protein:​titin
256.H-zone (light zone) of A-band of the myofibril of striated muscle fibre is made up of:
myosin filaments
257.M-line (mesophragma) of the myofibrils of striated muscle fibre is situated: ​in the
middle of A-band
258.M line of the sarcomere of striated muscle fibre is made up of: ​myomyosin
259.Canaliculi of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the striated muscle fibres contain: ​ions of
260.White skeletal muscle is characterized by: ​presence of a large nuber of myofibrils
261.Red skeletal muscle is characterized by: ​presence of a quantity of myoglobin
262.What tissue is the endomysium of striated muscle made up of: ​loose irregular fibrous
263.What tissue is the perimysium of striated muscle made up of:​loose irregular connective
264.What tissue is the epimysium of striated muscle made up of: ​dense irregular connective
265.Muscle is attached to tendon by means of: ​collagen fibers
266.Electronogram of the smooth muscle cell shows actin filaments linked to each other and
to the plasmolemma. What structures are MOST likely to be involved in filament bonding?
Плотные тельца (solid corpuscles)
267.Given the slides of muscle tissue consisting of fibers with a large number of nuclei under
the plasmolemma. What type of muscle tissue MOST likely matches this description? ​skeletal
striated muscle tissue
268.An electron micrograph of the peripheral portion of the muscle fiber is given, in which a
small cell, flattened poorly by organelles, is found, lying between the plasmolemma and the
basement membrane of muscle fiber. Which cell MOST probably has such a structure and location
in the muscle fiber? ​satellite cells of the skeletal muscle
269.On the electron diffractor of a striated muscle fiber, six thin filaments are arranged
around one thick filament. What part of the sarcomere most likely matches this description?
overlap zone (зона перекрытия)
270.The electron diffraction shows the light area of the disk A of the myofibrils of a striated
muscle fiber. What structures are MOST likely to be in a given zone? ​myosin filaments
271.The researcher had to study the T-tubes of a striated muscle fiber. What structures are
MOST likely to be represented in T-tubes? ​invaginations of the sacrolemma into the sacroplasm
272.The researcher had a task examine triad striated muscle fibers. Which structures are
MOST likely to be characteristic of triads?? ​one T-tubule and two cisterns sarcoplasmic
273.In muscle tissue slides stained with hematoxylin-eosin, cytoplasm of muscle cells is
oxyphilic, their nuclei are located in the center; in the field of contacts between cells, so-called
intercalated disks. Which histogenetic type of muscle tissue MOST likely studied muscle cells?
coelomic (целомический)
274.When staining the muscle tissue with iron hematoxylin, transverse striation was detected.
What additional morphological features are MOST characteristic of cardiac muscle tissue?
intercalated disk (вставочный диск)

275. Structure of smooth muscle that is designated with the letter А

(transverse section of the smooth muscle cell)
276.Structure of smooth muscle that is designated with the letter Б
(loose irregular fibrous connective tissue)
277.Structure of smooth muscle that is designated with the letter В
(longitudinal section of the smooth muscle cell)

278. Structure of smooth muscle cell that is designated with the letter А
( myolemma)
279.Structure of smooth muscle cell that is designated with the letter Б
(cell centre)
280.Structure of smooth muscle cell that is designated with the letter В
(dense corpuscles)
281.Structure of smooth muscle cell that is designated with the letter Г
(actin filaments)
282.Structure of smooth muscle cell that is designated with the letter Д
(granular endoplasmic reticulum)

283.Structure of the striated muscle that is designated with the letter А

(loose irregular fibrous of the striated fibers )

284.Structure of the striated muscle that is designated with the letter Б

(longitudinal sections of the striated muscle fibers)
285.Structure of the striated muscle that is designated with the letter В
(nuclei of the muscle fibers)
286.Structure of the striated muscle that is designated with the letter Г
(transverse sections of the striated muscle fibers)

287.Structure of the sarcomere that is designated with the letter А


288. Structure of the sarcomere that is designated with the letter Б

(actin filaments)
289.Structure of the sarcomere that is designated with the letter В
290.Structure of the sarcomere that is designated with the letter Г
(myosin filaments)

291.Structure of the cardiac muscle that is designated with the letter А

(Purkinje’s fibers)
292.Structure of the cardiac muscle that is designated with the letter Б
(contractile cardiac myocytes)
293.Structure of the cardiac muscle that is designated with the letter В

294.Structure of the cardiac myocyte that is designated with the letter А

(intercalated disc)

295.Structure of the cardiac myocyte that is designated with the letter Б

296.Structure of the cardiac myocyte that is designated with the letter В
297.Structure of the cardiac myocyte that is designated with the letter Г
(trophic apparatus)

298. Nerve tissue consists of: ​nerve cells and neuroglia
299. Nerve tissue develops from: ​neural plate
300. Multipolar neurons are characterized by the presence of: ​one axon and many
301. Pseudounipolar neurons are characterized by the fact that: ​their perikaryon gives off a
single process that after a very short cource divides into two
302. Cells of the nerve tissue that contain secretory granules and vesicles in their cytoplasm:
neurosecretory cells
303. Which organelles are found only in the nerve cell? ​Basophilic substance and
304. Chromophilic substance represents: ​stack of cisternae of the rough endoplasmic
reticulum, free ribosomes and polysomes
305. Neurofibrils of the cytoplasm of nerve cells represent: ​bundles of neurofilaments and
neurotubules that are able to be impregnated with silver
306. Nerve cells are charactertized by: ​high level of the protein synthesis
307. Nerve cells are charactertized by: ​well developed granular endoplasmic reticulum
and Golgi complez
308. Cell of the neural tissue that generate nerve impulse in response to irritation:
309. Structure of the nerve cell that takes part in the conduction of nerve impulse:
310. Structure of the nerve cell that takes part in the mediator synthesis: ​granular
endoplasmic reticulum
311. Nonmyelinated nerve fibre is made up of: ​10-20 axons that invaginate into the
cytoplasm of Shwann cell
312. Axis cyliders of the nerve are: ​axon and dendrite of neurocytes
313. What structure of the nerve fibre is stainable black with osmic acid? ​Myelin sheat
314. Эмбриональным источником развития эпендимоцитов является (Embryonic source
of development of ependencies is): ​Нервная трубка(Neural tube)
315. Эмбриональным источником развития астроцитов мозга является (Embryonic
source of development of astrocytes is): ​Нервная трубка(Neural tube)
316. Эмбриональным источником развития олигодендроцитов мозга является
Embryonic source of development of olygodendrocytes is): ​Нервная трубка(Neural
317. Myelin sheath of the nerve fibre is made up of spiral mesaxon of: ​oligodendrocytes
318. Neuroglia cells that belong to the system of the mononuclear phagocytes: ​microglia
319. Neuroglia cells that are derived from haemopoietic stem cell: ​microglia
320. Shape of the cells of ependymal glia that line central canal of the spinal cord:
321. Schwann’s sheath of the nerve fibre consists of cytoplasm and nuclei of: ​lemmocytes
322. Химические синапсы передают импульс на другую нервную клетку с помощью
(Chemical synapses transmit an impulse to another nerve cell using):
нейромемедиаторов (neiromediators)
323. Эмбриональным источником развития микроглии является (Embryonic source of
development of microglia is): ​Мезонхима (mesenchyme)
324. Structure of the chemogenic synapse that contains receptors that respond to
neuromediators: ​postsynaptic membrane
325. Neural processes that form effector nerve endings: ​axons of motor neurons
326. What type of receptors does Vater-Pacini corpuscle belong to: ​baroreceptors
327. Inner flask of Vater-Pacini corpuiscle is made up of: ​modified lemmocytes
328. Nerve cells that form reflex arc: ​afferent, intercalary and efferent
329. В каких органах встречаются биполярные нервные клетки (In which organs are
bipolar nerve cells found):​В сенсорных органах — сетчатке глаза, обонятельном
эпителии и луковице, слуховом и вестибулярном ганглиях (In sensory organs
— the retina, olfactory epithelium and bulb, auditory and vestibular ganglia)
330. Location of pseudonipolar neurons (Место расположения псевдоуниполярных
нейронов): ​Встречаются в спинальных ганглиях (in the spinal ganglia)
331. At what speed the nerve impulse is transmitted along the myelin nerve fibers (С какой
скоростью нервный импульс передается по миелиновым нервным
волокнам):​5-120 м/с
332. The myelin nerve fiber consists of (В состав миелинового нервного волокна
входят):​10-20 осевых цилиндров (axis cilinders)
333. Synapse in which the impulse is inhibited:​аксо-аксональные (axo-axonal)
334. When staining nerve cells with methyl blue according to the Nissl method, dark blue
lumps of chromatophil substance are detected in their cytoplasm. The accumulation of
which organelles of the nerve cells MOST probably corresponds to the structure
described.? ​Nissl bodies ( in dendrites and soma only)
335. When impregnation with silver salts in the cytoplasm of nerve cells detected
neurofibrils. Which elements of nerve cells MOST probably correspond to the
structures described? ​Neurofilament and neurotubule
336. The ependymal glia cells line the central spinal canal and the ventricles of the brain.
What form is MOST characteristic of ependymal glia cells?? ​Cylindrical
337. The figure shows neuroglia cells with short, thick processes that are found mainly in the
gray matter of the central nervous system organs.What type of neuroglia is the MOST
characteristic of such a structure? ​Protoplasmic astorocytes
338. The slides shows neuroglia cells with a large number of long, thin, weakly branching
processes, which are located mainly in the white matter of the spinal cord and brain.
What type of neuroglia is the MOST characteristic of such a structure?? ​Fibrous
339. It is known that neuroglial cells are involved in the formation of the myelin sheath of
nerve fibers. Which of the listed types of neuroglia is MOST likely to have this
function? ​Oligodenderocytes (CNS) = lemmocytes (Schwann cells) ​по книге
340. The micrograph shows a multipolar neurocyte and glial cells and surrounding
processes. Which of the following types of gliocytes most likely corresponds to this
description? ​Lemmocyte
341. In the peripheral nervous system, gliocytes form membranes around the bodies of nerve
cells. Which of the listed types of gliocytes most likely corresponds to this function?
Schwann cells (PNS) = capsular cells (satellite cells, capsular gliocytes) ​по книге
342. In the chemical synapse, presynaptic and postsynaptic poles are distinguished.Which of
the listed structures are MOST characteristic for the presynaptic pole? ​Presynaptic
vesicles and mitochondria
343. The structure of the neuromuscular synapse includes the neurocyte process. Which
process and neurocyte MOST corresponds to this description? ​Axon of a multipolar
344. On the micrograph in the internal flask of the Vater-Pacinian corpuscles which the
process of neurocyte is visible. The process of which neurocyte MOST probably is in
the body?​​Dendrite of a pseudounipolar lemmocyte
345. Sensitive nerve endings are divided into chemoreceptors, baroreceptors,
thermoreceptors. What kind of nerve ending is the MOST thermal function?​​Free nerve

346. Type of neuroglia that is designated with the letter А

347. Type of neuroglia that is designated with the letter Б
(fibrous astrocyte)
348. Type of neuroglia that is designated with the letter В

349. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter А

350. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter Б
351. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter В
352. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter Г
(granular endoplasmic reticulum)
353. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter Д
354. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter Е
355. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter Ж
(Golgi complex)
356. Structure of nerve cell that is designated with the letter З
(granules of glycogen)

357. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter А
(myelin sheat)
358. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Б
(node of Ranvier)
359. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter В
360. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Г
(Schwann cell nucleus)
361. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Д
(Schwann’s sheat)
362. Structure of myelinated nerve fibre that is designated with the letter Е
(incisures of Schmidt-Lantermann)
363. Structure of the pancreatic Vater-Pacini corpuscle that is designated with the letter A
(inner bulb)
364. Structure of the pancreatic Vater-Pacini corpuscle that is designated with the letter Б
(outer bulb)
365. Structure of the pancreatic Vater-Pacini corpuscle that is designated with the letter В
(sheath of the corpuscle)

366. Structure of the motor nerve ending on skeletal muscle, that is designated with the letter
А ​(lemmocyte)
367. Structure of the motor nerve ending on skeletal muscle, that is designated with the letter
Б ​(axon of motoneuron)
368. Structure of the motor nerve ending on skeletal muscle, that is designated with the letter
В ​(synaptic vesicles)
369. Structure of the motor nerve ending on skeletal muscle, that is designated with the letter
Г ​(synaptic cleft)


555. Слой эпидермиса кожи, в клетках которого при световой микроскопии видны
крупные базофильные гранулы: ​ stratum granulosum (or granular layer)
556. Ростковый слой эпидермиса кожи: ​stratum basale (basal layer)
557. Слой эпидермиса кожи, состоящий из закончивших дифференцировку ороговевших
клеток:​stratum corneum
558. Регенерация эпидермиса кожи происходит за счет:​stem cells of the stratum basal of
the epidermis
559. Клетки эпидермиса кожи, выделяющие гормоноподобные вещества (бомбезин, ВИП,
энкефалины): ​Merkel cells (Merkel-Ranvier cells or tactile epithelial cells)
560. Среди клеток эпидермиса кожи преобладают: ​Keratinocytes
561. Эмбриональный источник развития пигментных клеток кожи: ​Neural crest
562. Клетки эпидермиса кожи, имеющие эктодермальное происхождение: ​Keratinocytes
563. Клетки эпидермиса кожи, имеющие нейральное происхождение: ​Merkel cells
(Merkel-Ranvier cells or tactile epithelial cells)
564. Клетки эпидермиса кожи, выполняющие роль осязательных механорецепторов:
Merkel cells
565. Клетки кожи, пигмент которых задерживает ультрафиолетовые лучи:​Melanocytes
566. Форма клеток базального слоя эпидермиса кожи:​cylindrical shape
567. Форма клеток шиповатого слоя эпидермиса кожи : ​polygonal shape
568. Разновидность соединительной ткани, образующей сетчатый слой дермы:​Dense
connective tissue, also called dense fibrous tissue
569. Разновидность соединительной ткани сосочкового слоя дермы кожи:​​Loose
connective tissue
570. Индивидуальный характер рисунка кожи подушечек пальцев человека обусловлен:
Papillary dermis
571. Рост волоса происходит за счет размножения клеток: ​hair follicle
572. При действии ультрафиолетовых лучей большая часть кожи человека приобретает
коричневый цвет, что является защитной реакцией. Какое вещество НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно
синтезируется в клетках кожи под воздействием указанного фактора ​melanin (vitamin D)
573. Известно, что сосочковый слой дермы определяет строго индивидуальный рисунок на
поверхности кожи. Какая ткань НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно образует этот слой дермы ​loose
fibrous connective tissue
574. На гистологическом препарате кожи в составе эпидермиса определяются такие слои,
как базальный, шиповатый, зернистый, блестящий и толстый роговой. Какой участок
кожи человека НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно имеет такое строение эпидермиса ​palm and soles
575. На электронной микрофотографии эпидермиса кожи среди клеток призматической
формы выделяются отростчатые клетки, в цитоплазме которых хорошо развит аппарат
Гольджи, много рибосом и меланосом. Для каких клеток эпидермиса кожи НАИБОЛЕЕ
характерно такое строение ​Melanocytes
576. Среди клеток эпидермиса определяются клетки разнообразные по форме и
функциональному значению. Какие из них НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно являются производными
красного костного мозга ​Langerhans cells
577. Изучая гистологический препарат кожи пальца, студент обнаружил слой эпидермиса
в клетках которого были видны крупные базофильные гранулы. В каком слое эпидермиса
НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно находятся описанные клетки. ​Stratum granulosum
578. При механическом повреждении эпидермиса происходит его восстановление. Какие
клетки кожи НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно участвуют в регенерации эпидермиса.
Epidermal stem cells in the stratum basale.
579. Известно, что волосы способны расти. В какой части волоса НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно
происходит пролиферация клеток, обеспечивающая рост волос
All reproductive processes that ensure the growth of new hair occur inside the​​hair
580. Изучая гистологический препарат кожи в норме, студент обнаружил уменьшение
толщины кожи, атрофию мелких сальных желез, уплотнение коллагеновых волокон.
Какой возрастной период НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятно характеризуется такими изменениями в
коже ​Точно нигде не написан возраст, но чем старше, тем хуже. После 75 лет все слои
кожи резко истончаются все слои кожи ​КОРОЧЕ ГОВОРЯ ответ- в старческом
возрасте (хз как на англ)
581. При механическом повреждении ногтевой пластинки происходит ее восстановление и
рост. Какой НАИБОЛЕЕ вероятный источник восстановления ногтевой пластинки.
Nail matrix
582. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой А:
583. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой Б:
584. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой В:
585. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой Г:
hair shaft​(стержень волоса)
586. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой Д:
sebaceous gland
587. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой Е:
muscle that raises hair
588. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой Ж:
sweat duct (проток потовой железы)
589. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой З:
hair bulb (follicle)
590. Структура «тонкой кожи», обозначенная буквой И:
hair papilla

591. Структура «толстой кожи», обозначенная буквой А ​epidermis

592. Структура «толстой кожи», обозначенная буквой Б ​dermis
593. Структура «толстой кожи», обозначенная буквой В ​hypodermis
594. Структура «толстой кожи», обозначенная буквой Г ​Papillary dermis
595. Структура «толстой кожи», обозначенная буквой Д ​ducts of sweat glands
596. Структура «толстой кожи», обозначенная буквой Е​​reticular dermis эээээээээээээээээ

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