The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control
The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control
The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control
Disposable Gloves
Disposable gloves should be used if there is a risk of being
splashed by bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, vomit or urine,
if there will be contact with an open wound or an individual’s
orifices (e.g. nose, ears, mouth, genital area) or when
handling potentially harmful substances such as
When putting on disposable gloves, they should be pulled
over the wrist. To take off disposable gloves, hold the
exterior of one glove with the opposite hand and peel it off.
Then insert your finger under the lip of the second glove,
taking care not to touch the exterior and peel off.
Gloves should be disposed of after use – this could be
between individuals or between different tasks with the
same individual. They should be taken off carefully avoiding
contact with the exterior surface and disposed of in a clinical
waste bin or bag.
Hands should be washed thoroughly before and after using
disposable gloves.
Disposable Aprons
Disposable aprons should be worn when there is a risk of
being splashed by bodily fluids, assisting with personal
hygiene tasks and carrying out cleaning or tidying tasks. They
may also be used when preparing or handling food. Some
organisations have different coloured aprons for different
To put on an apron, put the loop over your head and tie at
the back. To remove an apron, unfasten it at the back (or
break the ties), then pull the apron away from your body and
lift the loop over your head taking care not to touch the
exterior surface. Then fold/roll the apron up so that the
inner-side (uncontaminated side) is on the surface before
Again, hands should be washed before and after and used
aprons should be disposed of in a clinical waste bin or bag.
When using disposable gloves and aprons, it is advised to put
the apron on first followed by the gloves. The order of
removal should be gloves first, then the apron.