The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

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1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation

to the prevention and control of infection
Infection prevention and control in the workplace is
everybody’s responsibility, especially in health and social care
settings where there is increased risk of coming into contact
with items such as soiled linen, vomit and medication.
Employee responsibilities in infection prevention and control:
-Co-Operate with training and policies this mean wearing PPE
-Look after their own health and safety and that of others
effected by their actions and omissions.
-No person must misuse or interfere with anything provided
in the interests of health, safety or welfare at work.
-Employees cannot be charged for anything done or provided
to comply with specific legal obligations. (Employer must
provide safety equipment)
In respect of the legal profession of infection I must think
about the prevention and find out for me and others around
me. Basic controls are:
Dispose of Waste correctly:
-cleanse hands when appropriate
-keep equipment clean
-Remain vigilant and report potential drop hazards
-Attend infection control training and keep updated
-Abide clean PPE (personal protective equipment) for each
-Maintaining personal hygiene.

1.2 Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the

prevention and control of infection
It is the duty of the employer to uphold a safe setting. Is to
uphold and protect the best interests of the people that they
support. Employers are in charge of providing PPE, cleaning
equipment and materials. They need to sustain equipment
and provide appropriate areas for food preparation, washing,
toileting and disposing of waste. They have to arrange
training for staff. They have to carry out any risk assessment
and are in general accountable for the health and safety of
staff in the work environment.
The employers have to notify all staff of any infection control
policies, procedures and updates which will protection staff
and to be up to date with any required information that they
can follow safely when work and abide by the law.
Learning outcome to Understand legislation and policies
relating to prevention and control of infections

2.1 Outline current legislation and regulatory body

standards which are relevant to the prevention
and control of infection
To have a good understanding of the prevention and control
of infection, it is important that I can outline current and
relevant legislation and regulatory body standards.
The primary piece of legislation that underpins the health
and safety of myself and others including risk of infection is
the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This makes it an
employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees, clients
and the general public are protected from harm as much as
possible and that potential risks are appropriately risk-
assessed. It is also the responsibility of employees to work in
a safe way and report any concerns they have.
Other legislation that comes under the Health and Safety at
Work Act that relates to infection prevention and control
-Food Safety Act 1990 – Food intended for human
consumption must comply with food safety requirements
-The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1999 – Health and safety monitoring and risk assessment
-The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) – Diseases and
illnesses must be reported
-The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
2002 (COSHH) – Governs the safe usage and storage of
hazardous substances
-The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 2002
(PUWER) – Employers must provide equipment and provide
suitable training in their usage.
-The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
1992 – Employers must provide Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) and train staff in their use.
In addition, the Health and Social Care Act 2008 requires NHS
trusts to have clear arrangements for the effective
prevention, detection and control of healthcare associated
Health and safety at work is governed by the Health and
Safety Executive (HSE). They are a government agency that
promote the prevention of work-related death, injury and ill-
health by providing free information and have legal powers
to enforce it.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates all
organisations that provide care services. All care providers
must be registered with CQC and regularly inspected by
them. They have legal powers to work with or shut down
organisations that do not meet the required standards of
safety and care.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) provides information on
food hygiene and safety as well as having powers of
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
has the role of improving outcomes for people using public
health and social care services by providing information,
advice and guidance and developing quality standards and
performance metrics.
2.2 Describe local and organisational policies relevant to the
prevention and control of infection
As well as national legislation and regulatory bodies, policies
relating to the prevention and control of infection also exist
at the local level and should be present within the
organisation in which I work.
Local policies can include those by NHS trusts whereby they
will have clear plans on how to prevent and manage any
outbreaks of infection. Local authorities are also responsible
for public health within their region (e.g. city, borough etc.)
and may have an Infection Prevention and Control Team or
Environmental Health Team to provide this service.
My employer should also have their own policies to prevent
and manage infection. Aspects of their policy or policies may
-Good personal hygiene
-Performing risk assessments
-Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
-Following correct procedures
-Correct storage, use and disposal of substances hazardous to
-Correct washing of soiled clothes and linen
To adhere to policies relating to infection prevention and
control, it is essential that I follow my employer’s procedures
and the systems that they have put in place.
For example, there may be a procedure for changing the
bedding of an individual that I care for that involves:
-Wearing correct PPE (gloves, apron etc.)
-Hold soiled linen away from uniform
-Linen from one individual’s bed should never touch the bed
of another individual
-Soiled linen should be transported to the washing machine
within a portable linen hamper
-Hands should be washed after handling soiled linen
-Linen should be washed at a temperature of 65 degrees
Celsius for at least 10 minutes of the wash cycle.
Similar procedures may exist for other tasks such as handling
medication, providing personal care or food preparation.

3.1 Describe procedures and systems relevant to the

prevention and control of infection
Procedures and systems relevant to the prevention of
control infection are:
Following companies’ policies and procedures which relate
to correct hand washing procedure, wearing correct PPE for
example gloves, aprons and protective clothing, the correct
disposal of waste and using the correct cleaning equipment,
when cleaning spillages, surfaces, equipment etc.
-Following organisational procedures and safe systems of
working recording and reporting systems
-The importance of risk assessments
-Health and safety management
-National legislation, guidelines, local policies and protocols
relevant to role and responsibilities accountability in team
Data protection and service standards when working in a
-Immunisation of staff and safe practice procedures.

3.2 Explain the potential impact of an outbreak of infection

on the individual and the organisation
The organisation could lose money if most of the staff are
off sick and as they will then need to employ more staff
which they will be paying to covering addition to staff that
are off sick. The organisation could also be fined by not
complying with the law and in this will damage their
reputation, cancellation of services, prosecution or some
Individual- Short- or long-term illness, secondary conditions
or further complications, depression, loss of trust in setting,
Environment - distress of staff individuals and families,
unsettled atmosphere though loss of trust, disruption e.g.
through an investigation and inspection or decontamination.
4.1 Define the term risk
Risk is the likelihood of there being negative consequences
(such as death, injury, loss etc.) to a particular action or
Potential risks of infection within the workplace can include:
-Not washing hands
-Maintaining poor personal hygiene
-Not using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or using it
-Not following agreed ways of working, policies and
-Incorrect storage, use or disposal of hazardous substances
-Incorrect preparation of food
Risk assessments are used to identify the risks of a certain
activity and find ways to reduce the risk or eliminate it
entirely. They are important because they protect people
from harm and loss. They also provide a written record that
risks have been properly considered and safeguards have
been put in place to protect people from harm. This can
protect employees and employers from potential future
litigation. Risk assessments can also be used as part of a
person-centred approach and can help balance risks with an
individual’s right to make choices.
The risk assessment process is:
-Identify potential hazards by observation and speaking to
people that have direct contact with the potential hazard
-Evaluate the risks by thinking about who may be harmed
and how
-Take precautions to eliminate or reduce the risk as much as
practically possible
-Record your findings (usually on a risk assessment form)
-Review the risk regularly to account for any changes or
anything that is ineffective or could be improved

4.2 Outline potential risks of infection within the workplace

In the workplace supporting individuals with personal care
activities and sharing facilities with others involve coming
into contact with bodily fluids which contain pathogens.
Cleaning areas such as bathrooms that are dirty and where
bodily fluids are present may be more likely to &be
contaminated with pathogens. Handling laundry that may be
dirty or contaminated with bodily fluids can also contain
pathogens. Providing personal care activities that require
being close to an individual and dealing with bodily fluids
increases the chance of infections spreading.
Care workers exposed to high risk situations where the risk of
infection spreading is higher such as in an individual’s home
where the care workers is supporting with personal care but
then also other activities such as handling food and disposing
of waste.
The risk of infection in the workplace could also be high due
to poor hygiene habits of vulnerable service users, reusable
equipment, non-compliant care routines /clinical procedures,
poor maintenance, additional risks in areas of food
production, risks of collection and disposal of hazardous
waste, risks to individuals, illness and death particularly in the
very old and individuals who are already seriously ill or
immune-compromised. and risk of illness to staff especially
where involved in high risk activities.

4.3 Describe the process of carrying out a risk assessment

Risk assessment helps makes as aware of the risks involved
in any activity and know how to reduce or remove the risk. It
also helps to protect the organisation’s reputation because
the risk assessment identifies the risks in the workplace and
the measures put in place to control or eradicate such risks.
In general, risk assessments are important as they reduce the
risks of accidents and ill health to everyone. There are five
main stages to carrying out a risk assessment:
-Identify the hazard - this means finding out what the hazards
are and what might cause harm by observing but also by
speaking with individuals, staff and visitors.
-Evaluate the risks - this stage involves deciding who might be
harmed and how and involves considering everyone in the
workplace such as individuals, staff and visitors.
-Take precautions- this involves deciding on what precautions
must be taken to removed, reduce or avoid the hazards for
example wearing the appropriate PPE might be a precaution.
-Review the risks - the effectiveness of the precautions in
place should be checked regularly to ensure that they are
-Report and record outcome- the findings of the risk
assessment must be recorded and all those involved and who
need to know should be given explanations and information
on how these risks can be prevented or controlled.

4.4 Explain the importance of carrying out a risk assessment

The main aim is to make sure that no one gets hurt or
becomes ill. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and can
also affect business if output is lost, insurance costs increase,
or if you have to go to court. Therefore, carrying out risk
assessments, preparing and implementing a safety statement
and keeping both up to date will not in themselves prevent
accidents and ill health but they will play a crucial part in
reducing their likelihood. Employers, managers and
supervisors should all ensure that workplace practices reflect
the risk assessments and safety statement. Behaviour is very
important in a way in which everyone works, must reflect the
safe working practices laid down in these documents.
Supervisory checks and audits should be carried out to
determine how well the aims set down are being achieved.
Corrective action should be taken when required.
Additionally, if a workplace is provided for use by others, the
safety statement must also set out the safe work
practices that are relevant to them. Hence, it is important to
carry out a risk assessment and prepare a Safety Statement
1. Financial reasons
2. legal reasons
3. Moral and ethical reasons.

5.1 Demonstrate correct use of PPE

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is any piece of
equipment that protects the user against health and safety
risks at work. Examples include hard-hats, steel toe-cap boots
and safety goggles however PPE that is more specific to the
health and social care sector includes:
-Surgical masks
PPE is used to reduce or eliminate risks in the workplace.
Disposable gloves and aprons should be worn when
performing tasks such as personal care or changing bedding
to prevent the spread of infection from bodily fluids. They do
this by creating a barrier between skin (for gloves) and
clothing (for aprons) that prevents pathogens from being
transported from one area to another.
PPE is governed by the Personal Protective Equipment at
Work Regulations 1992, which is part of the Health and
Safety at Work Act 1974.
It is the employer’s responsibility to provide adequate PPE
and ensure staff are trained on how to use it correctly. It is an
employee’s responsibility to use PPE correctly and adhere to
their employer’s procedures and agreed ways of working.

Disposable Gloves
Disposable gloves should be used if there is a risk of being
splashed by bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, vomit or urine,
if there will be contact with an open wound or an individual’s
orifices (e.g. nose, ears, mouth, genital area) or when
handling potentially harmful substances such as
When putting on disposable gloves, they should be pulled
over the wrist. To take off disposable gloves, hold the
exterior of one glove with the opposite hand and peel it off.
Then insert your finger under the lip of the second glove,
taking care not to touch the exterior and peel off.
Gloves should be disposed of after use – this could be
between individuals or between different tasks with the
same individual. They should be taken off carefully avoiding
contact with the exterior surface and disposed of in a clinical
waste bin or bag.
Hands should be washed thoroughly before and after using
disposable gloves.
Disposable Aprons
Disposable aprons should be worn when there is a risk of
being splashed by bodily fluids, assisting with personal
hygiene tasks and carrying out cleaning or tidying tasks. They
may also be used when preparing or handling food. Some
organisations have different coloured aprons for different
To put on an apron, put the loop over your head and tie at
the back. To remove an apron, unfasten it at the back (or
break the ties), then pull the apron away from your body and
lift the loop over your head taking care not to touch the
exterior surface. Then fold/roll the apron up so that the
inner-side (uncontaminated side) is on the surface before
Again, hands should be washed before and after and used
aprons should be disposed of in a clinical waste bin or bag.
When using disposable gloves and aprons, it is advised to put
the apron on first followed by the gloves. The order of
removal should be gloves first, then the apron.

5.2 Describe different types of PPE

-Uniforms for regular changing they are also hard wearing
and can be boil washed to remove a large amount of bacteria
-Disposable aprons to protect clothing and uniforms from
contamination from blood and body fluids.
-Skin protecting paper towels and soaps and hand cleansing
gels or wipes
-The correct type of gloves to reduce the risk of cross-
contamination of me and the individual I am supporting
changed between every activity to prevent cross
-Masks and respiratory-masks to protect myself from
breathing in harmful microorganisms, (they are not very
often used in our care work).
-Goggles, eye protection and face shields -if there is a risk of
being splashed with body fluids, (they are not very often used
in our care work).

5.3 Explain the reasons for use of PPE

-Gloves - protect hands.
-Gowns/aprons- protect skin and ‘or clothing.
-Masks and respirators.
- Respirators - protect respiratory tract from airborne
infectious agents.
-Goggles -protect eyes
-Face shields-protect face, mouth, nose and eyes.
Prevention of cross contamination and cross infection
between individuals. This can be between staff to service
user, service user to staff, between staff members, transfer
from one service user to another and to/from visitors or
family members.

5.4 State current relevant regulations and legislation

relating to PPE
Employees are responsible to use PPE appropriate and as
instructed by employer. An employee has to check PPE
before and after use and have to report any damage.
Ensuring employees who store and handle dangerous
substances are properly trained.
Using appropriate precautions when handling substances- for
examples shearing protective clothing or ensuring adequate
ventilation. Checking containers are properly labelled.

5.5 Describe employees’ responsibilities regarding the use

It is the responsibility of employees to ensure that they
take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety
and that of their co-workers and other persons in or near the
Report to management any hazardous or potentially
hazardous conditions or risks that they identify in their work
Participate in training provided by the employer, regarding
the appropriate use, care, and maintenance of PPE.
Uses PPE in accordance with instruction provided and follow.

5.6 Describe employers’ responsibilities regarding the use

Employers responsibilities regarding the use of PPE include
providing the correct PPE in relation to the specific tasks that
are carried out and for staff members (i.e. the correct fitting
PPE); this must be provided free of charge. Employers need
to have arrangements in place to take sure PPE is stored
correctly and is available when needed. It is the duty of the
employer to assess the need of PPE in the work environment.
The employer must also train staff and provide them with
information and guidance on how to use PPE.

5.7 Describe the correct practice in the application and

removal of PPE
Applying, removing and disposing of PPE
PPE will only protect me and others if I know how to put it on
and take it off correctly and dispose of it safely. The following
gives me some general guidance, but specific PPE items vary.
Disposable gloves
Putting on
-select correct glove size and type.
-perform hand hygiene.
-pull to cover wrists.
Taking off
-grasp the outside of the glove with the opposite gloved hand
and peel off.
-hold the removed glove in the gloved hand.
-slot my finger under the lip of the remaining glove and peel
it off, taking care not to touch the contaminated outer
-dispose of the gloves in the clinical waste bin.
-perform hand hygiene.
Disposable aprons
Aprons must always be changed after I finish care activities
with each person.
Putting on
-pull the apron over my head and fasten at the back of my
Taking off
-unfasten (or break) the ties.
-pull the apron away from my neck and shoulders, lifting it
over my head and taking care to touch the inside only, not
the contaminated outer side.
-fold or roll the apron into a bundle with the inner side
-dispose of the apron in the clinical waste bin.
-perform hand hygiene.

5.8 Describe the correct procedure for disposal of used PPE

PPE such as gloves, aprons and masks are single use items
and should be disposed of after each procedure or activity to
prevent cross-transmission of micro-organisms. When these
items are worn primarily to protect the wearer, the
importance of their prompt removal between tasks on the
same patient/client or between patients can easily be
overlooked and give rise to the possibility of contamination.
All PPE must be removed before leaving the area and
disposed of correctly and any body fluids that have
inadvertently contaminated the skin washed off immediately.
PPE should not replace other infection prevention and
control practices such as hand hygiene.

6.1 Describe the key principles of good personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is extremely important for people who
take care of others. Daily washing, showering or bathing will
remove most of the microorganisms on my skin. Hand
hygiene is also extremely important. fingernails should be
kept short. Rings, (apart from plain wedding bands)
wristwatches or bracelets should not be worn as they can
make hand washing less effective.
Personal hygiene
-Clean uniform
-keep nails short
-keep hair tied back
-Wash hands before and after tasks at work
-Wear PPE during tasks that demand it
-Dispose of waste correctly.

6.2 Demonstrate good hand washing technique

-Dispose of waste correctly
-cleanse hands when appropriate
-keep equipment clean
-Remain vigilant and report potential drop hazards
-Attend infection control training and keep updated
-Abide clean PPE, personal protective equipment for each
-Maintaining personal hygiene

1. Wet both hands with running water before applying

2. Apply soap to the hands.
3. Rub together, spreading soap on to the palms on both
4. Place the palm on the right hand over the back of the
left hand and rub. Same with the left hand over the
5. Place Both hands together with the fingers interlaced.
Rub backwards and forwards.
6. The backs of the fingers on both hands should then
develop ensuring adequate soap is spread to this area.
7. Using rotational rubbing. The right thumb should be
cleaned and vice versa.
8. Use rotational rubbing to clean the palm of each hand
again. Ensure that the wrists of both hands are cleaned
using rotational rubbing.
9. Rinse the hands Under running water to remove all
traces of soap.
10.Dry hands thoroughly until no wetness remains.

6.3 Describe the correct sequence for hand washing

As a health and social care worker, it is important that I am
able to demonstrate the correct hand washing technique.
Washing my hands regularly is one of the most effective
ways to prevent the spread of infection in the workplace
because it breaks the chain of infection. The most common
way that pathogens that cause infection can be transferred
from one place to another is by the hands, so by washing
hands regularly we can reduce the risk of infection.
I should wash my hands:
-before and after close contact with an individual e.g.
performing personal care
-between visiting clients/as soon as I start or end my shift
-before preparing food
-before handling or administering medication
-after handling raw food such as meet
-after handling soiled linen or clinical waste
-after touching animals or pets
-before putting gloves on and after taking gloves off
-after going to the toilet
Proper hand washing technique should last for about 20
seconds and the following steps should be used in sequence:
1.Remove jewellery and wet hands with water
2.Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces
3.Rub hands palm to palm
4.Rub back of each hand with palm of other hand with fingers
5.Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced
6.Rub with back of fingers to opposing palms with fingers
7.Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand using a
rotational movement
8.Rub tips of fingers in opposite palm in a circular motion
9.Rub each wrist with opposite hand
10.Rinse hands with water
11.Use elbow to turn off tap
12.Dry thoroughly with a single use towel
I should also be aware of the different kinds of hand-washing
products that are available.
In care settings, soap should ideally be obtained from a
dispenser, rather than using a bar of soap which can carry
Antibacterial soaps kill bacterial pathogens as well as
cleaning soiled hands. There is also evidence to suggest that
they kill some fungi. Antiseptic soaps do not kill all bacteria
but greatly slow down its growth.
Ideally, hands should not be dried on fabric towels as they
can carry pathogens. One-use paper towels should be used
or warm-air hand-driers to reduce the spread of infection.

6.4 Explain when and why hand washing should be carried

To reduce risks of cross contamination or infection via
microorganisms carried on hands and transferred to and
from items, individuals or the environment. If my hands are
not clean and I touch my face or public surfaces, I may be
infecting myself and others by spreading germs and disease.
Good hand washing can get rid of visible dirt as well as
invisible germs.
Colds, flus and infections diarrhoea are all known to be
spread by hand-to-hand contact.
We need wash our hands:
-at start of work
-at end of work period
-before and after any contact with service user or body fluids
-after handling used laundry and clinical waste
-after using the toilet, following the removal of disposable
-before and after handling food, before eating food, after
blowing nose, coughing or sneezing.

6.5 Describe the types of products that should be used for

Hand washing
-antibacterial liquid soaps
-antiseptic lotions for after washing
-alcohol based cleansers if water is not available
-drying with paper towels if possible
6.6 Describe correct procedures that relate to skincare
Hand care is important to protect the skin from drying and
cracking. Cracked skin may encourage micro-organisms to
collect and broken areas can become contaminated,
particularly when exposed to blood and body fluids. Hand
creams can be applied to care for the skin on hands.
However, only individual tubes of hand cream for single
person can be used.
Jewellery must be removed when working in clinical care
settings to prevent the spread of micro-organisms by contact
with contaminated jewellery.

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