Paper Islam and Sains
Paper Islam and Sains
Paper Islam and Sains
4 Osman Bakar, "Religion and Science in Islamic Perspectives", in the Insist Team,
Science: Paradigms, Facts and Agendas, (Insist: Jakarta, 2016) cet. 1, p. 16-17
5 Language Editor Team, Indonesian Language Thesaurus, (Language
Center Ministry of National Education: Jakarta, 2008), p. 420
6 Compilation Team Dictionary of Language Centers, Large
Indonesian Dictionaries, (Language Centers: Jakarta, 2008), p. 1244
towards nature and then draw conclusions from it. Science is only limited
to things that appear in physical reality. Gauch concluded that science is
which if searched for the meaning of its ontology in Arabic means safety
or obedience to the command without rejecting it. Islam from the word
aslama means to convert to Islam, either to consecrate din to Allah or to
surrender to Allah. It is based on the words of your Muslims who are
safe, submissive and willing to obey a law and your religions are obeying
and obeying the Syari’a brought by the Messenger of Allah, obeying the
commands of Allah and devoting themselves to worshiping Allah. While
Muslims are Muslims and submit to the teachings of the Messenger of
9 of Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, “Islamic Worldview as the Paradigm of Islamic Science”, in Insist Team,
Islamic Science: Paradigms, Facts and Agendas, (Insist: Jakarta,
2016) cet. 1, p. 16-17
11 lihat al-Qur'an surat Ali 'Imran (3) ayat 83 dan 85, an-Nisa (4) ayat 125, al-
An'am (6) ayat 161, at-Taubah (9) ayat 29, an- Nur (24) ayat 2, al-Bayyinah (98) ayat 5, dan an-
Nashr (110) ayat 2.
do proof of the cues for the search for knowledge as stated in the Koran.
Al-Qur'an al-Karim