English Language & Comprehension: Instructions
English Language & Comprehension: Instructions
English Language & Comprehension: Instructions
English Language & EGV-03
No. of Questions – 80 Time Allowed – 60 min.
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3. Each question comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to
mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the
response which you consider the best.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
native which may improve the sentence. the sentence has an error and select
1. The conflicts in the Middle East are not a the appropriate option.
simple matter. ( is it?)
(a) Are they (b) Are it 11. There is a barrier among the egghead and (a)/
(c) Isn’t it (d) No Improvement the holipolloi and it would be lazy (b)/ ideal-
ism to ignore it. (c)/ No error (d).
2. The audience ( was amused) by the joke. 12. The postman travelled by the cycle, often wad
(a) Were amused (b) Were amusing ing through (a)/ swamps or passed through
(c) Amused (d No Improvement jungles (b)/in order to reach the villages.(c)/
No error (d).
3. He is one of the most boring people I have
ever met. He never stops talking and he
13. Each boy and each girl in the class has been
never says anything ( interested ).
given (a)/a part in the play, although some of
(a) Interested enough (b) Interesting
them are only (b)/playing trees and therefore
(c) Much interested (d) No Improvement
has no lines.(c)/ No error (d).
4. While two judges in the majority said that
the practice was arbitrary and therefore 14. Rahul agrees to store the limburger in his
unconstitutional, the third judge called it refrigerator (a)/ but he does not agrees with
(illegal). your theory (b)/ that limburger is best pre
(a) Legality (b) Legally served un-wrapped.(c)/ No error (d).
(c) Illegally (d) No Improvement
15. He felt so badly after their fight that (a)/ he did
5. It nuances the larger debate on whether such the dishes for a week,(b)/ and he apologized
votes should override the will of the legislat so well that she considered forgiving him.(c)/
ure ( or guided it farther ).
No error (d).
(a) Or guided it farther (b) Or guide it further
(c) Or guidence further (d) No Improvement
16. I was surprised to hear that it is a seven-
6. Anyone who volunteers to clean this room hour trip (a)/ up the green mountains which
(b)/ they completed so fast. /No error .(e)
(c) He or she will find (d) No Improvement 17. The sentiments in the common people (a)/
must be kept in mind when (b)/the
7. I had ( not only helped her by ) giving hints Government decides to pass the bill. (c)/ No
but also with providing him links. error (d).
(a) Helped not only to her by 18. A few paces between the last market stood a
(b) Helped her not only by tavern, (a)/ a big tavern which has always
(c) Not only helped her aroused in him (b)/a feeling of aversion, even
(d) No Improvement of fear when he walked by it with his father.(c)
/No error (d).
8. ( Get off ) that stage this minute and go back
to the office where you belong.
(a) Get off of (b) Get of off 19. One of the key contributions of the feminist
theory is the creation of distinction (a)/ be-
which best expresses the meaning of consister of a set of labelled sentences.
the idiom/Phrase. These sentences, when properly se-
21. Thumb one’s nose. quenced form a cohernt paragraph.
(a) An ill-mannerd person Select the most logical order of sen-
b) To show affection tences from among the options.
(c) To express scorn
(d) To scold a naughty person
26. P. The political awakening cannot be an
22. Chink in one’s armour. isolated phenomenon; it requires some
(a) A spotless shield tells that the person has
changes in social structure so that
not yet fought any war.
woman can enjoy as important a place
(b) A small crack if not repaired will break the
shield. as man occupies.
(c) An area of vulnerability Q. Unfortunately our customs and tradi-
(d) One’s primary defence system against loss tions conspired with her economic depen-
dence to make her unimportant in our
or injury
23. Shooting fish in a barrel. R. Democracy in India can be a success
(a) To do random acts of stupidity only when the Indian women are politi-
(b) to behave in a cruel manner
cally awakened.
(c) Ridiculously easy
S. Moreover they should be free to express
(d) To escape through a narrow opening
their opinion, to act as the like and to
24. Wear the green willow. assert themselves in all departments of
(a) To do something for someone as an act of life.
(b) Suffer unrequited love (a) PSQR (b) SQPR
(c) Cause someone to be very frightened (c) PRSQ (d) RPSQ
(d) Producing a lavish feast
tion partners ahve to stick to a code of
(c) A firmly held belief
(d) With great affection or enthusiasm
R. Every coalition party has to own the
responsibilty for all government policies
or actions.
S. Experince has now shown that a coali-
tion government can run as smoothly as
any single party government.
us in learning good manners. site in meaning to the given word.
Q. Courtesy and politeness is the key to 31. Pertinent
good manners. (a) Eloquent (b) Distant
R. No doubt these are little words but if they (c) Relevant (d) Irrelevant
are spoken at the right moment and in 32. Frivolous
a soft and sweet voice, they are bound (a) Amusing (b) Serious
to work wonders. (c) Confusing (d) Teasing
S. The use of polite words like “Sorry”,
“Please”, “thank you”, “Beg your par- 33. Acquit
(a) Inform (b) Release
don”, “Sir” etc. creates a healthy impact
(c) Abuse (d) Condemn
on the minds of others.
34. Assent
(a) PRSQ (b) RPSQ (a) Breakdown (b) Misunderstand
(c) QPSR (d) SPQR (c) Dispatch (d) Disagreement
29. p. He wanted to do something to deliver 35. Articulate
(a) Unable to understand
the humanity from all such misery. He
(b) Unable to express oneself
reflected on this problem for long. (c) Unable to agree
Q. Siddartha was greatly touched as he saw (d) Unable to live
an old man, a sick man and a dead body.
R. At last on hearing some words from the
Question (36-40):- Choose the one which
mouth of a hermit which encouraged him
can be substituted for the given words/
to renounce the world, he decided to
leave the palace and go into the forest
for meditation. 36. A funeral poem.
S. Before going, he had a lasting glance on (a) Elegy (b) Pendemonium
his beloved wifeYasodhra and son, Rahul, (c) Parody (d) Sonnet
38. Atonement for one’s sins.
30. P. The main manifestations of violence in (a) Elite (b) Ignoramus
recent times have been extremism, ter- (c) Incendiary (d) Repentace
rorism, assassination by bombs and bul-
lets. 39 To be biased against someone or something.
Q. In the modern world, violence has taken (a) Nepotism (b) Prejudice
many forms, each signifying the evil (c) Pantheism (d) Diatribe
side of man and his design to destroy
the principle of equailty, justice and 40. Meaningless language with an exaggerated
truth. style intented to impress.
Question (41-45):- Choose the one which 51. Time perception raises a number of ________
best expresses the meaning of the puzzles, including what it means to say we
perceive time.
given word.
(a) Discriminating (b) Intriguing
41. Entail (c) Boring (d) Befooling
(a) Limit (b) Ocassion
(c) Involve (d) Subject 52. But understanding what constitutes such
_________ , and making sure that patients get
42. Vehemently it, isn’t as straightforward as it seems.
(a) Devoutly (b) Serenely (a) A miracle diet (b) A miraculous diet
(c) Hysterically (d) Forcefully (c) An miracling diet (d) A miracling diet
43. Lucrative
53.Regular exercise is conducive _________
(a) Profitable (b) Important
(c) Challenging (d) Worthwhile
(a) In (b) To
(c) for (d) Of
44. Hostility
(a) Illness (b) Enmity
(c) Disturbance (d) Derogatory 54. The examinee could guess _______ the an-
swer correctly.
45. Poignant (a) At (b) About
(a) Bitter (b) Deep (c) Through (d) To
(c) Very painful (d) Sharp
55. Where they should live has been an issue
Question (46-55):- In the following ques- with them, ___________?
tion, sentence given with blank to (a) Shouldn’t it (b) Shouldn’t it been
be filled in with an appropriate word (c) Has it (d) Hasn’t it
(s). Choose the correct alternative
out of the four. Question (56-60):- Read the following pas-
sage carefully and choose the most appro-
priate answer to the question out of the
46. Vikram _______ he was innocent. four alternatives
(a) Insisted on that (b) Insist that One should consciously engage in activi-
(c) Insisted that (d) Insisted on ties that will nourish your soul. Just as we nour-
manifest joy in our lives. Often, we forget to ad-
(a) Persever (b) Eschew dress the soul, lost as we are in a jungle of mate-
(c) Pursue (d) Cherish rial and sensual pleasures. But the more you em-
brace what feeds your soul, the happier you become.
48. The unruly behaviour of the So if you want to enjoy the abundance of life, en-
Parliaentarians _________ the speaker. gage in what enriches your soul. Nurturing the
(a) Incensed (b) Estranged soul is all about finding calm amidst chaos. There
(c) Enflamed (d) Disparaged
are a number of practices that empower people to-
wards this end including silent contemplation, vari-
49. The residence of that rich man was plain
ous forms of meditation, yoga and tai chi However,
to the point of being _________ , with no
side each one of us, there is an artist craving for statement - “ I saw the angel in the marble
release and such as music, singing, dancing, act- and carved untill I set him free”?
ing, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction or
(a) Michelangelo’s soul probably wanted to free
essay writing.
the angel and hence his artwork portrayed
When you engage in such soul nour-
the same.
ishing activities, all thought and energy gets fo-
cused toward goal accomplishment. At this point, (b) Michelangelo didn’t like the angle and
you will find that even unknown forces of the uni- hence wanted to do away with it.
verse are conniving to assist you in your amateur- (c) Michelangelo wanted his artwork to look
ish but sincere attempts., As you progress, you are as close to real as possible.
motivated to do better. You touch and access a fac- (d) Michelangelo’s mind felt free after setting
ulty, a part of you that you never knew existed. Your the angel free in his artwork.
inner artist is unleashed, baring the beauty of your 60. Why do creative pursuits appeal us?
soul that has found a fond medium of expression. (a) They nutrify our souls.
For instance, a sculptor’s soul is seen in his art- (b) Inside each one of us, is an artist craving
work; a musician’s in his compositions; an actor’s
to come out.
in his acting, a painter’s in his paintings and so
(c) They identify beauty of our body.
on. It is immeterial whether your effort is an
immaculatle artwork or just a clumsy attempt by a (d) They are not simple activities.
The idea is to try, be inspired and to cre-
ate giving free rein to the mind. As Michelangelio
remarked; “I saw the angel in the marble and
carved until I set him free”!
ally happy?
(a) A soulful music.
(b) A soulful sculptures art.
(c) Freeing our mind.
(d) Embracing what feeds our soul.
verse are assisting us in them.
(b) Because we never knew that this part ever
existed inside us.
(c) Because these amateur attempts of ours
are insincere ones.
(d) Because they still are clumsy and need
(b) Any activity that doesn’t touch the soul.
(c) Peaceful and calming activities.
(d) Immaculate artwork.
Question (66-70 ):- Out of the four alterna-
tives suggested, select the one which tives suggested, select the one which
best expresses the same sentecne in best express the same sentence in In-
Passive/Active Voice. direct/Direct speech.
66. The student said, “I must study hard.”
61. For how long will you keep neglecting your (a) The student prayed that he had to study
duties. hard.
(a) For how long have you kept neglecting (b) The student says that he had to study hard.
your duties. (c) The student told that he must study hard.
(b) For how long do your duties need to be ne- (d) The student said that he had to study hard
glected by yourself. 67. Preeti said to her friend, “I am like my
(c) For how long will your duties be kept ne- mother.”
glected by you. (a) Preeti tells her friend that that she was
(d) Neglecting of the duties by you have been like her mother.
going on since how long. (b) Preeti told her friend that I was like her
62. The doctor has given me a very painful in- (c) Preeti tells her friend that she is like her
jection. mother.
(a) A very painful injection has been g i v e n (d) Preeti told her friend that she was like her
to me by the doctor. mother.
(b) The doctor gives myself a very painful in- 68. I said to the taxi driver, “You must be crazy
jection. to drive so fast.”
(c) A very painful injection is being given to (a) I said to the taxi driver that he has to be
me by the doctor. crazy to drive so fast.
(d) giving of a painful injection to me has been (b) I told the taxi driver that he had to be crazy
done by the doctor. to drive so fast.
(c) I had told the taxi driver that he has to be
63. I am sure she will like you. crazy to drive so fast.
(a) I am sure you were liked by her. (d) I had said the taxi driver that he has to be
(b) She, I am sure shall like you. crazy to drive so fast.
(c) Liking of you by her is a surety by me. 69. The teacher said to me, “Stand here next to
(d) I am sure you will be liked by her. the podium.”
(a) The teachers tells to me to stand there
64. She ate the sweets greedily. next to the podium.
(a) Greedily sweets are eaten by her. (b) The teacher told to me to have stood there
(b) She herself ate the sweets greedily. next to the podium.
(c) Eating of the sweets was done by her greed- (c) The teacher told me to stand there next to
ily. the podium.
(d) The teacher had told to me to have stood
(d) The sweets were eaten by her greedily.
there next to the podium.
70. Aunt said to mother, “I will be in Surat on
65. She will never tell you the truth.
71. (a) Gaurantee (b) Itinerary
(c) Magnificent (d) Writing
73. (a) Catalougue (b) Philosiphy
(c) Cintilating (d) Apprentice
Direction (76-80):- In the following passage
there are blanks, each of whihc has been
incearered. These number are printed be-
low the passege and against each five
wards are suggested, one of which fits
the blank appropriately. Find out the ap-
propriate word in each case.
It is a delight (76)--------- the illuminating
thoughts which came to the minds of these
men; and, on the other hand, it is amusing to
see how (77)---------- they launched (78)---------
garded all knowledge as their province, and did
(80)------- despair of governing so great a realm.