Matthew 16.13-20 - I Will Build My Church
Matthew 16.13-20 - I Will Build My Church
Matthew 16.13-20 - I Will Build My Church
The passage we will look at this morning is one that has troubled
interpreters as long as the church has been in existence. Indeed, it is a
hermeneutical minefield chalked full of pitfalls which have led to many
abuses over the years. But despite these difficulties, this passage offers
much hope and encouragement for the church today. Our task this
morning, Lord willing, will be to carefully navigate around these pitfalls
and delight in the joy of God’s promises.
For centuries, this verse has been cited by the Catholic church to teach
the primacy of Peter as the first pope and justification for the entire
Catholic system built around this concept. However, Protestants have
come to reject the errant Catholic view. Nevertheless, because of the
different genders, there are still four different identifications suggested
for “rock.”
The term “church” is used twice in the gospels — here and in 18:17. The
expression is used in the Septuagint (LXX) — the Greek translation of
the Old Testament — of an assembly or congregation, particularly of
the nation of Israel. This does not mean we should understand the term
church as a substitute for Israel. But the nation of Israel is God’s chosen
people and therefore belongs to God. Similarly, the congregation in
view in verse 18 is described as “My church,” specifically belonging to
Jesus. The future tense in this verse indicates that this congregation was
not yet in existence, but would be established by Jesus at some point in
the future.
The keys themselves probably point to the gospel and/or the teachings
of the apostles. One of the difficulties in arriving at this conclusion has
to do with the grammar and translation of the binding and loosing
phrases. Notice how several versions use a future tense:
More recent research into Greek grammar has found that these would
better be translated as future perfects. Note:
The former rendering gives the impression that the church can
somehow impose its will on the God of heaven — a view which is
completely unbiblical and foreign to the rest of Scripture. And yet this
mentality has persisted throughout much of the history of the Roman
Catholic Church. But with the latter rendering, we can see that the
actions taken by Peter and the other apostles — assuming they comply
with divine revelation — will represent what has already been
established in heaven by God.
But here was the danger at that time: there was something missing. The
Messiah will surely return to the earth one day to reign, but first He
needed to go to the cross. Peter and the other disciples thought He
would start up His kingdom right away. In that sense, their thinking was
no different than Satan’s. Satan offered Jesus a kingdom without going
to the cross (Matt 4:8–10). If the disciples were to start proclaiming
Jesus at that time, they would be asking for a kingdom without the
cross. The good news of the gospel was not yet complete. He first had
to suffer before enjoying the glories that would follow.
Jesus’ death on the cross accomplished many, many things! Not only
did it pave the way for His future kingdom, but it allowed wretched
sinners like you and me to be washed of our sins, and saved, and added
to His church. Jesus is still building His church today. As long as you still
draw breath, there is time to repent of your sins and turn to Christ in
faith. God has promised that all who come to Him, He will never cast
out. Will you trust Christ today? ~AWB