Analysis of Synthetic Polymers: Chem.

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Anal. Chem.

1987, 59, 119R-141R

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Analysis of Synthetic Polymers

Charles G. Smith,* Richard A. Nyquist, Nels H.Mahle, Patrick B. Smith, Steven J. Martin, and
Andrew J. Pasztor, Jr.
Dow Chemical U.S.A., Analytical Laboratories, 1897 Building, Midland, Michigan 48667

This paper reviews state-of-the-art techniques for the chromatogra hy with and without pyrolysis for analysis of
characterization and analysis of synthetic polymers, co- plastics. Liegman and Levy (A29) provided an overview of
polymers, and blends. This review includes techniques for chromatogra hic approaches to polymer analysis while
structure determination, separation and quantitation of ad- Liebman anb3Wampler (A30) presented an in-depth review
ditives and residual monomers, determination of molecular of pyrolysis instrumentation, gas chromatography, and coupled
weight, and the study of thermal properties including deg- techniques such as GC/MS and GC/IR. Aspler (A31) re-
radation mechanisms. A majority of the cited references were viewed the theory and applications of inverse gas chroma-
obtained from volumes of Chemical Abstracts or CA Selects tography.
published between November 1984 and December 1986. For Horna and co-workers (A20, A211 used capillary gas chro-
the most part, this review contains references to journals matography to separate acrylate and methacrylate monomers.
published in English. These workers used OV-101,SE-54, and SP-1000phases to
determine the retention indices of 38 esters of acrylic and
GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY methacrylic acids. Retention behavior of n-alkyl and isoalkyl
Denig (A24) reviewed the applications of thin-layer chro- acrylate esters and their mono- and dihalogen derivatives were
matography (TLC), high-pressure liquid chromatography examined by Horna et al. ( A 2 3 using several capillary col-
(HPLC), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), and gas umns.
0003-270018710359-119R$06.5010 0 1987 American Chemical Society ll9R

DiPasquale and co-workers (A2) demonstrated the use of Solubility of 14 polar and nonpolar solvents was determined
high-resolution capillary gas chromatography for separation in copolymers of acrylonitrile and a-methylstyrene using in-
of additives such as slip agents, stabilizers, and antioxidants verse gas chromatography. Flory-Huggins interaction pa-
extracted from polyethylene. Hayashi and Matsuzawa (A9) rameters, partial molar heats of mixing, and heats of solution
used methanol for transesterification of the hindered phenolic were calculated by Siow, Goh, and Yap (A3). Shijji and co-
antioxidant IRGANOX 1076 after extraction from poly- workers ( A l 9 ) also used inverse gas chromatography to de-
propylene with hexane. The derivative was separated and termine glass transition temperatures for cholesteryl meth-
determined by gas chromatography. acrylate-methyl methacrylate copolymers. Gas chromatog-
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate plasticizer can migrate from raphy and differential thermal analysis were used by Beldie
poly(viny1 chloride) bags used to store blood. Teirlynck and and co-workers ( A B ) to determine the glass transition tem-
Rosseel ( A B ) described extraction and gas chromatographic peratures for copolymers of styrene and methyl methacrylate.
procedures for determination of this plasticizer in blood. Inverse gas chromatography was used by Gozdz and We-
Rocchelli and Razzini (AB) described two vapor-phase in- igmann ( A l l ) to determine adsorption isotherms and surface
jection systems for the determination of residual solvents in areas for textile fibers. The technique was also used by Nandi
multilayer polymer films for food packages. The systems could and co-workers (A13)to explain the solution incompatibility
differentiate between thermal degradation products and the of poly(methy1 acrylate) and poly(viny1acetate) and to study
inks or adhesives used in the packages. Smith and co-workers the thermodynamic interactions between these polymers.
( A I 7 ) described a simple procedure for determination of Equiazabal and co-workers ( A l 5 ) used the inverse gas
solvents in polymers. A polymer sample, in a glass injection chromatographic technique to determine solubility parameters
port liner/sample tube, was placed into the GC/MS injection for polyacrylates, while Sanetra, Lolarz, and Wlochowicz (AI6)
port with a packed column at -50 "C. The injection port was used the technique to determine the glass transition tem-
heated a t 275 "C to liberate the solvents and other volatiles perature of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers (5-20% DVB).
which were transferred to the chromatographic column for These workers also studied the interactions of these co-
separation and identification. A multiple headspace extraction polymers with C1 to C6 alcohols.
(MHE) technique, described by Kolb, Pospisil, and Auer
(A23), gave applications for the determination of residual PYROLYSIS TECHNIQUES
monomers in polymers or residual solvents in other solid The Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on
samples. Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (B35) included papers on
Hoppler ( A l 4 ) described an apparatus based on gas chro- instrument and method developments including cryofocusing,
matography that could be used to determine gas emissions photoionization mass spectrometry, and the effects of various
from plastics. The system using flame ionization and thermal pyrolysis parameters. Applications included mechanisms of
conductivity detectors was used to analyze polycarbonate thermal degradation, thermal recycling, plus forensic uses and
products. application of pyrolysis techniques to food chemistry, med-
Schultz, Kaladas, and Schultz (AIO) evaluated GC, SEC, icine, biochemistry, and the study of fossil fuels and biomass.
and HPLC for separation and analysis of molecular weight, Ahlstrom (B55) reviewed the application of pyrolysis tech-
composition, and the molecular weight distribution of acrylate- niques to study polymer microstructure. Examples were
and styrene-based polyether macromonomers. Fused silica presented for polyolefins, vinyl polymers, and condensation
capillary gas chromatography was used to differentiate the polymers including polyesters, polyamides, and polyethers.
alcohol and acrylate distributions for phenoxy poly(ethy1- Jones (B4) presented an overview of fingerprint identifi-
eneoxy) acrylates. Styrene-based macromonomers gave cation, structure elucidation, and compositional analysis ap-
chromatograms including doublets for the polyether distri- plications of pyrolysis- as chromatography. Levy and Wam-
bution from meta and para isomers of vinylbenzyl chloride. pler (Bl6)also reviewecf applications of pyrolysis capillary gas
Vimalasiri, Haken, and Burford ( A l 2 ) used a mixed an- chromatography for the identification and differentiation of
hydride reagent to cleave polyether-based polyurethanes. synthetic polymers.
After liquid-liquid extraction, the diamine corresponding to Whiton and Morgan (B2) described the modification of a
the polyether portion and the poly01 acetate were separated capillary gas chromatographic injection port to accommodate
by gas chromatography. The same workers (A26) reported a pyrolysis probe. Lloyd (BIZ)described an instrument for
on the gas chromatographic analysis of cross-linked poly- the automated thermal desorption of cryogenically trapped
urethane foams containing tri- and tetrafunctional alcohols. pyrolysis products. The system was used to determine de-
By use of alkali fusion, the polymer was cleaved to give sorbable compounds (e.g., limonene) from substrates such as
identifiable diamine, dicarboxylic acid, and polyol products. packaging materials. Whiting and Langvardt (€64) described
Degradation products from an amine-cured epoxy powder a sampling device for combining thermogravimetry, gas
paint were extracted by Peltonen (A25). Nitrogen-containing chromatography, and mass spectrometry. The device per-
heterocyclics and phenols were identified by GC/MS. Vis- mitted on-column trapping with a fused-silica capillary col-
cometry, titrimetry, and gas chromatography were used by umn.
Severini and co-workers (A28) to study the alkaline degra- Venema and Veurink (B3I) described a method for ap-
dation of styrene-acrylonitrile copolymers. plication of soluble and insoluble samples to ferromagnetic
Card and co-workers ( A I ) discussed the role of the inert wires without using solvents. Samples were pressed on to the
support for inverse gas chromatographic (IGC) studies. This wires. The authors also described techniques for coating these
article, which included references to earlier inverse gas wires with a porous polymer (i.e., Tenax) and depositing liquid
chromatographic applications, reported on the effects of in- samples for pyrolysis without affecting the porous polymer
jection volume for polar and nonpolar probes using uncoated substrate. The effects of sample layer thickness and tem-
columns and columns coated with polyisobutylene and poly- perature rise time were studied by van der Kaaden, Hoo-
(methyl acrylate). Miltz (A41 used the technique to study gerbrugge, and Kistemaker (B36). Cellulose was used as a
diffusion coefficients for styrene in polystyrene. Su and Fried model to study the effect of these variables on the pyrolysis
(A5) used IGC to study the miscibility of poly(2,6-di- temperature using Curie point wires.
methyl-l,.i-phenylene oxide) with poly(4-methylstyrene) and Cold trapping, heartcutting, and back flush techniques were
polystyrene. used by Wright and co-workers (BI8) to profile narrow re-
Kontominas, Demertzis, and Gilbert (A6) compared inverse tention windows from complex pyrograms of synthetic poly-
gas chromatography and classical partition methods to study mers. Kogerman ( B l 9 ) compared thermal analysis and
the sorption of vinyl chloride monomer by PVC. Both tech- stepwise pyrolysis-gas chromatography for studying the
niques indicated that temperature and the nature of the degradation of cellulose derivatives. This study showed the
contacting phase were more important than particle size. importance of pyrolysis data to supplement the thermal data
Some of the same co-workers (A7) studied the effects of from degradation of cellulose and an acrylonitrile-cellulose
monomer concentration, plasticizer content, and temperature copolymer.
on the interaction of vinyl chloride with PVC. Increased McMinn, Carlson, and Munson (B3) proposed the use of
plasticizer content resulted in high retention of monomer in pyrolysis and capillary GC/MS to analyze automotive paints
the polymer, and vinyl chloride retention was favored at lower and prepare a searchable data base for identification of these
monomer concentrations. Increased temperature, however, materials. Burke et al. (B5) comDared wrolvsis-mass met-
caused interaction between monomer and polymer to decrease. trometry, pyrolysis-gas chromatographi, and infrared spec-

Char*. 0. Smlh is a Research A S S O C ~ I W And,** J. P8UIW. Jr.. )sa ReMarm Lead-

win m e Polymer c Materials Refearch Cen BI n me Polymeric Materals Research Ccn-
10, DOI Cnemcal U S A He rece~vean8'
tor 01 Dou Cnamcal U S A , Modland. M I
0,s. dearee from Alleghanv College and hi: -. He received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry '

M.S. inchemistry from ihe Unberslty 0 from the University 01 Miami (Florida) in
Michigan. Following graduation. he work- 1976. He bined Dow in that Same year and
3 years with the Chemical Division 01 PP( worked in the HaloOeN Research LBboratO-
Industries before Fining Dow in 1967. Alte. ry and the Sty& Molding Polymers
4 years Of methods development in the Or- Laboratory before taking his present assign-
ganic and Agricultural Products Groups. he ment. His research interests include the
transferred to his Current assignment. His cornpatability of polymer blends and the en-
exoertise has been concentrated on ergy and Orientation in formed polymers
ch;omatographic separations and applica- I I parts. He is a member 01 the North Ameri-
can Theimal Analysis Society and holds
three U.S. patents.

M;thods Sub-Commmee 01 ASTM D-20OhPlastlCs

.. .
Rlohard A. Nyqul.1 is a Senior Associate
Scientist in the Instrumental Group 01 the
troscopy for analysis of paint resins. Data suggested that best
Analflical LabOmtorie% DOW Chemical results were achieved by using a combination of these tech-
U.S.A. He received his 0. A. degree in niques. A forensic application of pyrolysis-gas chromatog-
chemistry from Augustans College. Rock Is- raphy involved the identification of automobile paint. Fukuda
land. IL. and his M.S. from Oklahoma State (825) categorized the pyrograms from 78 topcoat materials
University. He joined The Daw Chemical used by major Japanese manufacturers based on the height
Company in 1953, and his career has been of four major peaks.
mainly in the field of I R and Raman spec- Neubecker and Schultz (81)used pyrolysis-gas chroma-
troscopy. He utilizes I R and Raman spec-
troscopy for solving chemical problems. for
toeraDhv to studv the comDosition of random 2-iso-
the elucidation of molecular structure. and propenylnaphthalene-n-butyl' methacrylate copolymers.
for qualitative and quantitative analyses. Monomer yields were correlated with mole fraction of the
Nyquist Is the auihor or coauthor Of over 90 corresponding homopolymers in mixtures. Dhal and Babu
scientific articles Including books. chapters (86)reported mechanisms for the pyrolytic decomposition of
in books, and patents. He Is a member 01 the American.Chemica1 Society. glycidyl methacrylate-alkyl acrylate copolymers using gas
The Coblentr Society. The Society fw Applied Spectroscopy. and ASTM E13 chromatography and mass spectrometry.
on molecular ~ p e ~ h o s ~ o pI ny .1965 he received the Williams-Wright Award Ohtani, Asai, and Tsuge (814) used pyrolysis-GC/MS and
lor his contributions to inlrared ~pe~troscopy.
pyrolysis-hydrogenation GC/MS to identify products from
Nds H. Mahk is a Projen Leader wkh the pyrolysis of alkyl methacrylate copolymers used as viscosity
Instrumental Group 01 the Analytical index improvers. The hydrogenation runs gave simplified
Laboratories. Dow Chemical U.S.A.. Mid- pyrograms containing n-paraffin and isoparaffin peaks. These
land. MI. He received his FhD. in anawical latter peaks resulted from &branch points in the polymeth-
chemistry from Northern Illinois University. acrylate. Sequence distribution of acrylate-methacrylate

He was a postdoctoral associate with L. E. copolymers was determined by Yamaguchi and co-workers
R a p r s SIPUrdw Universky for 2 years p r l a
to joining The DOWChemical Company in '.
(828). Diad sequence distributions were studied for an ethyl
1974. He is the author or coauthor 01 21 .G acrylatebutyl acrylate copolymer and an ethyl acrylate-hutyl
publications and one U.S. patent. His re- acrylate-butyl methacrylate terpolymer. Brooks and Bates
search interests include polymer characteri- (87) used Curie point pyrolysis-gas chromatography to
m i o n . mass spectrometry. separation sci- characterize acrylate and methacrylate copolymers used in
ence, trace organic m a l y ~ b .environmental dental applications.
Styrene-divinylbenzene (DVB) copolymers with varying
levels of DVB were studied by Nakagawa and Tsuge (810)
American ASSociatbn lor IlkAdvan<ment of Science, the American Socie-
using a high-resolution fused-silica capillary column to sep-
ty lor Mass Spectrometry. and Sigma Xi. arate the pyrolysis products. Compounds up to styrene
trimers and hybrid trimers were resolved within 80 min and
Palrlck B. Smlh is a member 01 Me Poly-
correlations were established to permit calculation of the
meric Materials Research Center. Dow ethylstyrene and DVB contents of these copolymers. Phe-
Chemical U.S.A.. Mdland. MI. Ha ,ecaived nylpropionic acid and propiophenone derivatives of poly-
a B.S. degree from Michigan State Universi- styrene were pyrolyzed by Venema and Sukkel ( / ? I S ) . Iden-
ty in 1972. a M.S. in 1974. and a PhD. de- tification of substituted styrenes from the Curie point ex-
gree in physical chemistry Com Michigan periments gave information about substitution and the for-
State University in 1978. Dr. Smith's re mation of byproducts.
search interests are Largely concerned wit1 Cascaval and Poinescu (821) pyrolyzed a divinylbenzene-
the ~ t r ~ c l ~charanerizatlon
ral 01 synthetim
polymers by NMR spectroscopy. both higl
ethylstyrene-vinyl acetate copolymer a t 200-800 "C with
resolution and solid state. Dr. Smith ha subsequent gas chromatography. Thermogravimetric analysis
lectured at a number Of universkies on thi was also used to study degradation of this material. Costa
topic 01 pOlymer characterization by NMI and co-workers (850)prepared anionic polystyrene samples
P Y is the authar or cwutho
S ~ C ~ ~ O S C Oand end-capped with different functionalities. These polymers
of 10 publications. He is a member 01 thb were degraded in nitrogen and products were analyzed by
American Chemical Society. Polymer Science Division combined thermogravimetry and gas chromatography.
Perlstein and Orme (826) used pyrolysis-gas chromatog-
6Iw.n J. Martln lo a ReDearch A s ~ ~ ~ l a t e raphy to differentiate between polyeste~polyetherrubber and
Unh lhe Polymeric Materas ReSearCh Ceh
poly(1,lbutanediol terephthalate). Pyrolysis of poly(hexa-
ter. Dow Chemical U S A , Mdlana. M I He
is also Adjunct Professor at Central Michi-
~- methyleneadipamide) at 220 "C gave a number of products
gan University. He received his B.S. (1973) generated during elimination and chain end reactions.
at Michigan State Univerrky and his Ph.D. MacKerron and Gordon (824) used gas chromatography and
119771 at the UniversiN Of Illinois under h mass spectrometry to separate and identify lactams and cy-
birectikn of H. V. M a l k d t . His research -r. clopentanone derivatives.
interests are in the development of polymer T_ Noel, Cole, and Hechler (B38)used a pulse mode pyrolyzer
characterizatbn techniques and the appllca- (Chemical Data Systems) to characterize epoxy-based com-
lion of new and nadtional techniques to the posites or prepregs. Samples were pyrolyzed for 10 s a t 650
characterization of novel polymers. Current V
emphasis includes the use of Size-BxcIusion OC using the nonlinear heating rate, then products were
chromatography. liquid chromatography. F;;, separated by capillary gas chromatography. The GC column
light rcanering. and combined technique$ to was interfaced with Fourier transform IR via a gold-coated
Characterize heterogeneous polymers. light pipe to identify some of the major pyrolysis products.



The amount of dicyandiamide hardener was calculated by chloroparaffin and a bismuth salt. Presence of the flame
ratioing the aniline (hardener) and phenol peak responses. In retardant additive resulted in a decrease in the amount of low
another study, Peltonen (B40) pyrolyzed an amine-cured boiling decomposition products and a change in the ratio of
epoxy paint at 350 "C and trapped the products with dry ice isomers resulting from hydrogen transfer reactions.
and acetone. The trap was washed with acetone and diethyl Day and Wiles (B29)studied the thermal degradation of
ether, then the combined organic extract was shaken with HCl poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) with and without the tris(2,3-
and aqueous NaOH. Analysis of extracts by GC/MS showed dibromopropy1)phosphate flame retardant. Under the con-
phenol, cresols, and bisphenol A as the main acidic products ditions of the experiment, oxygen did not play a significant
while pyridine and 2,3-dimethylpyrazine were the primary role in the degradation mechanism between 450 and 700 "C.
basic degradation products. Major products obtained in air and helium included CO, CO,,
Alexeeva and Solomatina (B43)used stepwise pyrolysis and hydrocarbons, acetaldehyde, benzene, benzoic acid, vinyl
gas chromatography to analyze composite samples. Initial benzoate, and divinyl terephthalate.
heating of the pyrolysis cell to a temperature close to the Alajbeg and Stipak (B33)studied the thermal degradation
boiling points of the additives resulted in evolution of these of polystyrene foam with and without the flame retardant
stabilizers and plasticizers. Subsequent 700-770 "C pyrolysis tetrabromovinylcyclohexene. Degradation products in air,
and gas chromatography gave information on the polymer nitrogen, and mixtures were trapped in n-hexane at 260 K and
composition. subsequently analyzed by GC/MS. The quantity and identity
Materials such as poly(methy1 methacrylate) and poly- of degradation products were influenced by temperature, but
ethylene are used in prosthetic devices. Henkel and not by the test atmosphere. An increase in pyrolysis tem-
Luderwald (B45)used Curie point pyrolysis to qualitatively perature in the presence of the flame retardant decreased the
and quantitatively determine these polymers in human tissue amount of volatile products less than samples without the
samples. flame retardant.
In a unique application of pyrolysis technology, Sotnikov One of these workers (B34) used the same apparatus to
and Volkov (B44) collected aerosols on powdered materials study the decomposition of phenol-formaldehyde foam under
such as crushed silica then pyrolyzed the adsorbents. The nonflaming combustion conditions. The material was heated
aerosol products were separated by gas chromatography and at 823, 1023, and 1223 K in atmospheres of air, nitrogen, and
detected using flame ionization and flame photometry. 1/1 airlnitrogen. Volatiles, trapped in hexane and identified
Photocopies from different manufacturer's machines were by GC/MS, included phenol, cresols, xylenols, other substi-
pyrolyzed by Levy and Wampler (B27). Different pyrolysis tuted phenols, benzene, substituted benzenes, and fused-ring
products were dependent on the toner material used in the compounds. Phenols were predominant in nitrogen, but ox-
photocopying process. ygen appeared to further degrade them to aromatics. In an
Barford and co-workers (B52) studied the degree of me- attempt to study the decomposition of methylene bridges and
thylation of pectin by using pyrolysis-gas chromatography. aromatic methyl groups in a phenol-formaldehyde polycon-
A peak identified as methanol gave the best correlation with densate, BlazsB (B39)pyrolyzed samples at 650 "C. The yields
the degree of methylation. Polymeric hindered-amine light of alkylbenzenes and alkylphenols in capillary pyrograms were
stabilizers and other commercial additives were also deter- correlated to the structure of the polycondensate.
mined by Perlstein and Orme (BI3) using pyrolysis-gas Pyrolysis-electron impact mass spectrometry was used by
chromatography. Pidduck (B32)to identify commercial halogenated polymers.
Leijenaar, van den Heuvel, and Huysmans (B9)degraded Samples of vinyl polymers, hydrocarbon polymers, and
poly(viny1 chloride) a t 180 "C in helium. Size exclusion polyethers were heated a t 50-100 "C/min over the range of
chromatography with refractive index and a photodiode array 50-650 "C. Mass spectra from the vinyl and hydrocarbon
UV-visible detector were used to confirm polyene formation polymers were dominated by ions attributed to HCl, although
from the dehydrochlorination reaction. cross-linked polyene structures were evident for the higher
Pyrolysis-hydrogenation-gas chromatography was used by pyrolysis temperatures. The chlorinated polyethers showed
Tulisalo and co-workers (BI 7 ) to determine branching in chlorine-containing ions throughout the entire mass range.
1-butene-1-decene-ethylene, 1-butene-1-dodecene-ethylene, Statheropoulos (B41) degraded poly(viny1 chloride) film a t
and 1-butene-1-hexadecene-ethylenecopolymers. Ohtani, 160-280 "C for 30 min in the ion source of a mass spectrom-
Tsuge, and Usami (B57) reported the use of this technique eter. Products identified by direct inlet mass spectrometry
to study short-chain branching up to hexyl in low-density included HC1, benzene, toluene, substituted benzenes, and
polyethylene. Some of these same workers (B17) used pyro- fused-ring compounds. These latter compounds were pre-
lysis and capillary gas chromatography to determine the dominant a t temperatures above 240 "C.
composition of block copolymers prepared from styrene and Lonfei and co-workers (B42)used pyrolysis-GC/MS and
deuteriated styrene. direct pyrolysis-mass spectrometry to study the mechanism
Kaljurand and Kullik (B20) described the application of for degradation of fluoropolymers. Depolymerization of
correlation chromatography to a study of degradation kinetics perfluoropolymers and chlorine-containing fluoropolymers was
for a polyamide. The technique was based on sample intro- the predominant mechanism, but the presence of OCF, groups
duction to a chromatographic column using a pseudo random altered this mechanism. For these latter polymers, random
binary sequence. Montaudo and co-workers (B22)used flash cleavage and fluorine transfer reactions were important.
pyrolysis followed by gas chromatography and mass spec- Using pyrolysis-gas chromatography and thermogravimetric
trometry to study the thermal degradation of polyethers. analysis, Radhakrishnan and Rao (B37)studied the mecha-
Pyrolysis products such as aldehydes, phenols, ethers, and nism and kinetics of thermal degradation of a thiol-terminated
hydrocarbons resulted from thermal rearrangement of polymer polysulfide polymer cured with ammonium dichromate. Major
chains and their subsequent decomposition. products from pyrolysis of liquid and cured polymers a t 420
Mitera and Michal (B23) utilized GC/MS to study the and 470 "C included 1,3-oxathiolane, dioxa-6-thiocane, 2-
formation of toxic compounds from combustion of poly- mercaptomethyloxirane, and 1,3-dioxa-6,7-dithionane.
ethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, and a polyamide. Product yields were similar suggesting the same degradation
Nonflaming combustion of these polymers gave products mechanism for the cured and uncured polymers.
similar to those obtained from pyrolysis in an inert atmo- Grassie (B46)reviewed the application of thermal analysis,
sphere. infrared spectroscopy, and GC/MS to polymer degradation
Silica, zeolites, alumina, and silica-alumina blends were studies. In more definitive studies, Grassie and co-workers
used as catalysts by Audisio and Silvani (B30)to study po- reported on the thermal degradation of epoxy polymers de-
lypropylene degradation between 200 and 600 OC. Experi- rived from bisphenol-A and epichlorhydrin (B47),bisphenol-A
ments were performed in a glass apparatus heated with a diglycidyl ether cured with ethylenediamine (B48), and
furnace and degradation products were collected with liquid polyether-urethanes prepared from methylene bis(4-
nitrogen traps. The trapped products were separated on a phenylisccyanate) and poly(ethy1eneglycols) (B49). One study
capillary column and identified by mass spectrometry. A (B53) proposed mechanisms for the formation of 15 products
silica-alumina catalyst gave much lower yields of C,-CZ7 hy- from the degradation of bisphenol-A diglycidyl ether homo-
drocarbons than polypropylene without the catalyst. Some polymer.
of the same workers ( B I I ) used pyrolysis-GC/MS to study Polyolefins, polystyrene, poly(viny1 chloride), polyamide,
the thermal degradation of polypropylene mixed with a arid some copolymers were studied by Pacakova et al. (B51)
122R 0 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 12, JUNE 15, 1987

using a combustion chamber designed to simulate fire con- curve which was almost linear over the range lo2-lo6. Wada
ditions. The volatile decomposition products were analyzed et al. (051) evaluated commercially available columns packed
by GC/MS using a combination of packed and capillary with rigid poly(viny1alcohol) gels for use in SEC of water-
columns. soluble polymers. Hatano (050) reviewed the liquid chro-
matography packing materials and detectors which are com-
LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (LC) mercially available in Japan.
Gur'yanova and Pavlov ( C l ) analyzed oligomers of poly- Mori ( 0 6 3 , 0 6 4 ) used semimicro SEC columns for the
(butylene terephthalate), polysulfone, and polycarbonate by separation of oligomers of oligostyrene, epoxy resin, meth-
adsorption LC. Careful selection of mobile phase enabled ylated melamine-formaldehyde resin, and phenol-form-
separation either by molecular weight or by the structure of aldehyde resin. Chiantore and Guaita ( 0 6 5 ) applied SEC to
terminating groups. Lai and Sangermano (C4) determined the analysis of n-alkanes and oligomers of polystyrene,
the molecular weight distribution of epoxy novolac resins using poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile),poly(p-methylstyrene), and
LC with a phenyl-bondedphase. No61 et al. (C6) characterized phenol-formaldehyde resin. Ponnuswamy et al. (07)devel-
epoxy resin formulations using reversed-phase LC. Men and oped an automated SEC to monitor the molecular weight
Rogers (C5) studied the LC separation of isomers of poly- distribution in a batch polymerization reactor.
styrene trimers on derivatized silica. Jandera and Rozkognl SEC with a coupled low-angle laser light scattering detector
(C7) and Lai et al. (C19) separated oligomers of polystyrene (SEC-LALLS) was used to determine the absolute molecular
by LC. Alexander et al. (C2) investigated the separation of weight distributions of polycarbonate (0331,polyethylene
poly(ethy1ene glycol) oligomers by normal-phase and re- ( 0 4 5 ) , polyisobutylene (0461, lignite ( 0 2 9 ) ,polypropylene
versed-phaseLC. Lai (C8) characterized the molecular weight ( 0 3 4 ) ,polyquinolines ( 0 2 8 ) ,and poly(viny1alcohol) (027).
distribution of poly(ethy1ene glycol) oligomers by using Lederer et al. ( 0 4 6 ) described a method for simultaneous
open-tubing LC-mass spectrometry. Burford et al. (C3) used calibration of separation and axial dispersion in SEC-LALLS.
reversed-phase LC to analyze polyester-based polyurethane The method assumed a linear log (molecular weight)-retention
elastomers after alkali fusion. volume calibration and a Gaussian axial dispersion but was
Fujimoto et al. (C9) analyzed oligomers of polystyrene and not restricted to samples with logarithmic normal molecular
methylphenylpolysiloxane using supercritical fluid chroma- weight distributions. Prochazka and Kratochvil ( 0 4 7 ) ana-
tography-infrared spectroscopy. Schmitz et al. (C10) used lyzed the effect of concentration and light scattering detector
supercritical fluid chromatography to separate oligomers of signal-to-noise ratios on the degree of uncertainty in the
poly(vinylbiphenyl), poly(vinylnaphthalene), and poly(vi- molecular weight distributions determined by SEC-LALLS.
nylcarbazole). Berkowitz (048) described a computer data acquisition system
Vargo and Olson ( C l l , C12) used coupled ultraviolet and capable of extracting undistorted light scattering data from
mass spectrometric detection to identify and quantify anti- chromatograms heavily contaminated with spike noise.
oxidants and ultraviolet light stabilizing additives in plastic Schorn et al. ( 0 3 3 ) used SEC-LALLS to investigate the
materials which were separated by LC. Sreenivasan ((213) formation of polycarbonate microcrystallites in tetrahydro-
used LC to determine epoxidized soyabean oil, di(Bethylhexy1) furan. Grinshpun and Rudin ( 0 3 4 ) observed aggregates of
phthalate, and tris(nonylpheny1) phosphite in poly(viny1 polypropylene in trichlorobenzene solutions at 145 "C, and
chloride). used SEC-LALLS to study the effects of solution storage time
Glockner (C14) reviewed the analysis of compositional and on dissolution of aggregates and polymer degradation.
structural heterogeneities of polymers by nonexclusion LC. Grinshpun et al. (045)analyzed copolymers of ethylene and
Sato et al. ((216) and Glockner et al. (C17)separated poly- 1-alkenes by SEC-LALLS and discussed the implications of
(styrene-co-methyl.methacrylate) copolymers according to their results to the calculation of long-chain branching from
their chemical composition by gradient-elution LC. Under SEC of polyethylene. Coleman and Dawkins ( 0 6 1 ) investi-
the selected conditions, retention was essentially independent gated the long-chain branching in poly(viny1 acetate) by SEC
of the polymer molecular weight. Mori et al. (C15) used and off-line measurement of the intrinsic viscosity of polymers
adsorption LC to fractionate poly(styrene-co-methylmeth- and polymer fractions. MrkviEkovB and JanEa ( 0 6 2 ) char-
acrylate) according to chemical composition and subsequently acterized tetrafunctionally branched poly(methy1 meth-
determined the molecular weight distribution of the fractions acrylate) by SEC and off-line viscometry.
by size-exclusionchromatography. Mourey (C18) separated Haney ( 0 5 3 , 0 5 4 ) described a commercially available
poly(alky1 acrylate) and poly(alky1 methacrylate) homo- differential viscosity detector for SEC. The differential vis-
polymers and copolymers by gradient-elution adsorption LC cometer used a balanced capillary bridge and exhibits a sig-
and monitored the elution with evaporative light-scattering nal-to-noise ratio superior to that obtained with single capillary
detection. Solute retention was dependent on polymer viscometers. Lundy and Hester ( 0 5 5 ) combined a precision
chemical composition and independent of polymer molecular syringe pump, Sephacryl packing, and a capillary pressure
weight. detector to characterize large water-soluble polymers. Stacy
( 0 2 2 ) characterized poly(pheny1ene sulfide) using a high-
SIZE-EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY (SEC) temperature SEC equipped with a capillary viscometer.
Lesec (01) reviewed the preparative applications of size- Deniz and Guven (056) investigated the effect of uncer-
exclusion chromatography (SEC). Unger and Janzen ( 0 2 ) tainties in Mark-Houwink constants on the average molecular
provided a survey of commercial packings available for weights and molecular weight distributions of poly(ethy1
preparative liquid chromatography, and discussed criteria for methacrylate) determined by SEC.
selection of appropriate phase systems. Mahabadi (059) determined the Mark-Houwink constants
SEC procedures were developed for the molecular weight of poly(methy1methacrylate)in tetrahydrofuran from the SEC
characterization of polyacrylonitrile (052),polycarbonate universal calibration curve obtained with polystyrene and
( 0 2 5 , 0 3 3 ) , polycaprolactone ( 0 2 6 ) , cellulose ( 0 3 2 ) , coal measurement of intrinsic viscosity and SEC chromatogram
derivatives ( 0 4 3 ) , polyethylene ( 0 4 5 , 057),dextran ( 0 4 1 , of polydisperse samples. Horta et al. ( 0 5 8 ) determined the
, methacrylate) (056),fluorescent-dye-labeled Mark-Houwink parameters of poly(n-vinyl-3,6-dibromo-
poly(ethy1ene oxide) ( 0 17), lignin (042),poly(methy1meth- carbazole) in tetrahydrofuran. The method required the in-
acrylate) ( 0 5 9 , 0 6 2 ) , nitrocellulose ( 0 2 5 ) ,nylon ( 0 1 2 , 0 1 5 , trinsic viscosity, one average molecular weight, and SEC
D16), sodium poly(styrenesu1fonate) ( 0 3 ) , phenol-form- chromatogram for each of several polydisperse samples.
aldehyde resins ( 0 2 1 ) ,poly(pheny1ene sulfide) (022), poly- Grinshpun and Rudin ( 0 5 7 ) calculated the Mark-Houwink
propylene (024,034,057,D60),polyurethane ( 0 1 3 , 0 3 0 , 0 3 1 , constants of polypropylene and h e a r low-density polyethylene
036-039), poly(viny1 acetate) (D61), poly(n-vinyl-3,6-di- from SEC-LALLS data.
bromocarbazole) (018,0 5 8 ) ,xylan sulfate (023),poly(ethy1ene Parks et al. (010, 066) characterized the molecular weight
terephthalate-methylene isophthalate) (019),polystyrene- distributions of poly(tributy1tin methacrylate-co-methyl me-
cellulose acetate graft (035),and poly(norbornene-methylene) thacrylate) and poly((4-vinylpheny1)triphenyllead-co-octadecyl
(020). methacrylate) using SEC with coupled differential refractive
Kato et al. (049) evaluated the commercially available TSK index, ultraviolet, and element-specific atomic absorption
gel GMPW column and presented example SEC separations spectroscopy detectors. Harrison et al. (D11) used SEC with
of 24 water-soluble polymers. The mixed-pore-size column coupled ultraviolet and differential refractive index detectors
exhibited a poly(ethy1ene glycol) molecular weight calibration (SEC-UV-DRI) to investigate the oxidative chain scission of

polyisoprene in styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymers. the pyrolysis system rather than the mass spectrometer was
Ogawa and Sakai (012) used SEC-UV-DRI to characterize the major factor affecting reproducibility. For synthetic
the molecular weight distribution and compositional hete- polymers, the use of lower electron energies provided no more
rogeneity of polyamide copolymers derivatized with tri- information to that obtained at the more common 70 eV and
fluoroacetylene. Manolova et al. (026) used SEC-UV-DRI had the disadvantages of poorer sensitivity and reproducibility.
to characterize mixtures of linear and cyclic caprolactone In general, synthetic polymers gave more reproducible results
oligomers. Linear oligomer hydroxyl end groups were labeled than biopolymers.
with isocyanate. Garozzo et al. (E9) studied the primary thermal decom-
Lee et al. (013) determined the molecular weight distri- position processes of aliphatic polyesters by electron impact
bution and Mark-Houwink parameters of linear polyurethane and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Numerous spectra
block copolymers by SEC with coupled differential refractive were presented that allowed comparisonsto be made between
index, ultraviolet, and low-angle laser light scattering detectors. reduced energy (18 eV) electron impact, positive and negative
The average segmental composition and specific refractive ion ammonia, and isobutane chemical ionization techniques.
index increment used in the light scattering calculations were Some thermally formed com ounds were found to be unstable
calculated at each retention increment from the multidetector under electron impact congtions. Chemical ionization ex-
data. Grinshpun and Rudin (014) characterized the molecular periments indicated that intramolecular exchange reactions
weight distributions of ethylene-propylene and ethylene- predominant in the primary thermal fragmentation processes,
propylene-diene copolymers using a SEC equipped with an causing the formation of cyclic oligomers, which were stable
evaporative mass, differential refractive index, and low-angle under the chemical ionization conditions.
laser light scattering detectors. The average weight-fraction Lattimer and co-workers (EIO) used Curie-point pyroly-
diene and s ecific refractive index increment were calculated sis-mass spectrometry for the quantitative analysis of com-
at each S E 8 retention increment. Dumelow et al. (040) de- ponents in uncured rubber blends and compounded vulca-
termined the molecular weight and composition heterogeneity nizates. The components, including styrene-butadiene rubber,
of styrene-dimethylsiloxane block copolymers using SEC cis-polybutadiene, and polyisoprene, were analyzed from
coupled with infrared, differential refractive index, and low- toluene suspensions of samples obtained by extensive grinding
angle laser light scattering detectors. with li uid nitrogen. The resulting mass spectra were nor-
Beazley (04) determined partially hydrolyzed polyacryl- malizei and analyzed by target rotation factor analysis. The
amide polymers in oil field production water with a detection average errors for the components were in the range of 2-5%,
limit of 10 ppb. Gharfeh and Moradi-Araghi (D5) determined which were comparable to infrared and nuclear magnetic
proprietary anionic high-molecular-weight water-soluble resonance spectroscopy results. Savoca et al. ( E l l )used the
polymers in oil field brines by SEC. Sreenivasan (06) used same technique to study the cross-link density of natural
S&C to determine jasticizers in poly(viny1chloride). rubber vulcanizates.
SpaEek and Kugin (08, 0 9 ) investigated polystyrene Garozzo et al. (2312) reported on the identification of
block-poly(ethene-co-butene)-block-polystyrenemicellization polymers by mass spectral library searching of pyrolysis
by SEC in a mixed solvent dioxan-heptane. The association electron impact mass spectra and pattern recognition analysis.
equilibrium was shifted from pure unimer to pure micelles Montaudo and co-workers (E13)studied the thermal degra-
by changing the mobile phase composition or the temperature. dation of aromatic-aliphatic polyethers with direct pyroly-
sis-mass mectrometrv. These results were comDared with
MASS SPECTROMETRY pyrolysis-g& chromat&raphy-mass spectrometry of the same
Montaudo ( E l )reviewed the analysis of polymers by direct polyethers (E14).
mass spectrometry. The principles and experimental aspects Ohrbach and Kettrup (E15)used simultaneous thermal
for both pyrolysis and desorption methods were discussed analysis-mass spectrometry to follow the thermal degradation
together with comparisons of other spectroscopic techniques. of polyurethane foam containing the flame retardant tetra-
Lattimer and Harris (E2) reviewed the use of mass spec- kis(2-chloroethyl) ethylenediphosphate.
trometry for the analysis of polymer additives. Derrick (E3) Horna and co-workers (E16) presented electron impact and
discussed the use of mass spectrometry above 10000 amu. methane and isobutane chemical ionization mass spectra of
Methods of ionization, mass separation, and detection were 38 acrylate and methacrylate monomers. Methane chemical
reviewed and a general mechanism for the formation of gas- ionization was determined to be the most useful for identi-
eous ions from nonvolatile thermally labile compounds was fication of the above-mentioned compounds because the
presented. Cochran (E4) critically reviewed the present and protonated molecular ions were relatively intense and cleavage
predicted the future use of fast atom bombardment mass produced abundant characteristic fragment ions.
spectrometry for the analysis of synthetic polymers and Airaudo and co-workers (E17)used electron impact and
polymer additives. chemical ionization mass spectrometry to identify benzo-
Ballistreri et al. (E5) used pyrolysis-mass spectrometry to thiazole derivatives leached into injections by rubber plunger
investigate the thermal fragmentation of poly(cu-amino acids). seals from disposable syringes. One of the compounds was
Cyclic oligomers were formed for polyglycine, polysarcosine, used as a rubber vulcanization accelerator and four others were
and polyproline. Polyalanine, polyphenylalanine, and poly- formed during syringe sterilization with ethylene oxide.
tyrosine decomposed to form compounds with olefin and A method for the determination of additives in poly-
nitrile end groups. The primary thermal process of poly(y- propylene by selective chemical ionization mass spectrometry
methyl glutamate) is loss of methanol to form pyroglutamic without prior separation was described by Rudewicz and
units, which subsequently form cyclic dimers. These authors Munson (E18). These additives, including a hindered phenol,
continued this work with a study of copolymers of the a-amino a phosphite, and an aromatic ketone, were vaporized in a
acids, proline-sarcosine, and proline-alanine (E6). heated glass probe under chemical ionization conditions with
Pidduck (E7) used controlled pyrolysis-electron impact a 1.1% ammonia in methane reagent gas mixture. The
mass spectrometry as a general method for the identification principal reagent ion in this mixture, NH4+,reacted with the
of halogenated polymers. Particular emphasis was placed on additives to give very simple spectra of (M + H)+ or (M +
the identification and rationalization of mass spectra in terms NHJ+ ions and little fragmentation. The selectivity of the
of structure and general thermal degradation pathways for ammonium ion for the detection of these additives in the
vinyl polymers containing chlorine, polychloroprenes, chlo- hydrocarbon matrix, including the polymer pyrolysis products,
rinated hydrocarbon polymers, chlorinated polyethers, ther- was demonstrated.
moplastic fluoropolymers, and fluoroelastomers. Inorganic Jardine et al. (E19)used field desorption mass spectrometry
oxides, such as zinc and antimony oxides, were found to change to study the thermal degradation of poly(1-butene sulfone)
the polymer degradation process. Silicon and titanium oxide and poly(propene sulfone). Ions in the spectra of these ma-
fillers in fluorinated vinyl polymer materials reacted with terials corresponded to ionized degradation products of the
hydrogen fluoride to form volatile halides. first step in the two-stage degradation process. The observed
Whitehouse and co-workers (E8) presented the results of degradation products were the result of the rupture of the
a collaborative reproducibility study from six laboratories weak links in the polymer chains and the degradation
using pyrolysis-mass spectrometry on a routine basis. A mechanism involves @-hydrogenshifts.
variety of pyrolyzers, heating rates, mass spectrometers, and Hara et al. (EN) applied field desorption mass spectrometry
ionizing energies were used. It appeared that the nature of to study the initiation mechanism of the thermal polymeri-


zation of a series of styrenes. Craig and Derrick (E21) voltages up to 20 kV were applied to the entrance of the
presented collision induced decomposition spectra of the detection unit to enhance the detection efficiency, especially
cationic radical ion of polystyrene. The peaks occurred pre- for the high masses. Protonation and cationation of the repeat
dominantly at low masses for the decomposition of ions at the unit with silver, potassium, and sodium produced high mass
highest masses investigated (in the range of mlz 1500 to mlz ions characteristic of the polymer and repeat unit sequence
2000). The low mass peaks were directly related to the end in the polymer chain. Silver and sodium cationized ions as
group structures of polystyrene. The mechanism of decom- large as 24 monomer units for Nylon 6 and ions over mass 3500
position involved random initial cleavage of the polymer chain for Nylon 66 (a6)were observed.
followed by a series of consecutive depolymerizationreactions. Briggs and Hearn (E32) presented experimental conditions
Lattimer and Schulten (E22) used field desorption and fast for the analysis of polymer surfaces by secondary ion mass
atom bombardment (FAB) ionization to study poly(ethy1ene spectrometry. Fingerprint techniques, chemical imaging, and
imine). Both techniques gave intense protonated molecular the importance of the ion beam damage rate parameter were
ions. Field desorption produced weight and number average discussed. The same authors (E33)also did a systematic study
molecular weights that were higher than FAB. The FAB of the effects of primary ion (He+, Ne+, Ar+, Xe+, Ga+) and
results were attributed to fragmentation caused by the fast energy (1-10 keV) on the variation of secondary ion intensities
atom beam. Both field desorption and FAB number average for polymer surfaces by secondary ion mass spectrometry.
molecular weights were higher than that obtained with elec- Representative polymers in different physical forms included
trohydrodynamic ionization when compared to a previous low density polyethylene (self-supporting film), poly(tert-butyl
literature study on the same sample. This was attributed to methacrylate) (thin film cast from solution), and poly(ethy1ene
strong hydrogen bonding in the electrohydrodynamic exper- oxide) (compressed powder). Starzyk and Barbaszewski (E34)
iment. presented the mass spectra of secondary ions emitted from
Doerr et al. (E23) used field desorption and fast atom poly(N-vinylcarbazole) thin layers under 2-keV Xe+ bom-
bombardment mass spectrometry to study polyester polymers. bardment. The temperature dependence of the secondary
In the positive and negative ion modes, aliphatic polyesters, emission was also studied. Fowler and Munro ( E 3 9 studied
including poly(ethy1ene adipate), poly(propy1ene adipate), the surface of thermal and X-ray induced degradation of
poly(buty1ene adipate), poly(penty1ene adipate), and poly- cellulose nitrate by fast atom bombardment secondary ion
(propylene succinate) yielded characteristic ions with a mass spectrometry.
thermally formed end group and charged ionization at one Garozzo et al. (E36) investigated the distribution of the
ionic end group. cyclic oligomers of poly(1actic acid), formed by both pyrolysis
Lattimer and co-workers (E24) studied the identification of the polymer and by equilibration with magnesium chloride
of ingredients in compounded carbon-black filled rubber catalyst, with the use of thermospray and negative ion am-
vulcanizates by electron impact, chemical ionization, field monia chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Both tech-
ionization, and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. niques were found to be suitable for the analysis of these
The field desorption/ionization technique was found to be oligomers.
the most efficient for identifying typical organic additives. Vargo and Olson (E37) used liquid chromatography-mass
There was no clear advantage for direct analysis as compared mectrometrv to identifv antioxidant and ultraviolet light
to extract analysis with the use of acetone, dichloromethane, siabilizing idditives in "polymers. Detection limits in ;he
or acetonitrile. Direct analysis was faster, but solvent ex- nanogram region were reported using a moving belt interface.
traction methods were more versatile. Levsen and co-workers (E38) also used a moving belt interface
Hummel et al. (E25) used pyrolysis-field ionization mass liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric system to study
spectrometry, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrom- alkylphenol ethoxylate and oxo alcohol ethoxylate surfactants.
etry, and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-Fourier-transform Mass spectra were obtained in the electron impact and
infrared spectroscopy to study the thermal degradation of chemical ionization modes with isobutane as the reagent gas.
random and block copolymers. Lai (E39) used open tubular liquid chromatography-mass
Mattern and Hercules (E261used laser mass spectrometry spectrometry for the characterization and molecular weight
to study polyglycol oligomers. Number average molecular determination of water-soluble poly(ethy1eneglycol) oligomers.
weights were found to be reproducible to *2% relative Aldissi et al. (E40) studied living oligomers of ethylene
standard deviation and consistent with field desorption and obtained by using sec-butyllithium complexed with tetra-
electrohydrodynamic ionization mms spectrometry. Fletcher methylethylenediamine and deactivated by oxygen. Gas
and Fatiadi ( E 2 3 applied laser ionization mass spectrometry chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to identify and
to study pure poly(44nylpyridine) and poly(4-vinylpyridine) determine the molecular weight distribution of the resulting
cross-linked with 2% and 25% divinylbenzene. The stability alcohols, coupled products, and other nonoxidized compounds
of these materials to HCl treatment was also determined. in the resulting complex mixture.
These polymeric materials gave fragmentation patterns similar Pacikovl et al. (E41) used gas chromatography-mass
to that of polystyrene by laser ionization. Brown and co- spectrometry to study the oxidative degradation of polymer
workers ( E a ) used laser desorption Fourier-transform mass materials. The behaviors of polyethylene, polypropylene,
spectrometry to determine the molecular weight distribution polystyrene, poly(viny1 chloride), Nylon 6, and some co-
and end group composition of poly(ppheny1ene)s synthesized polymers were studied in a combustion chamber which sim-
by various routes. Cotter et al. (E29) used laser desorption ulated the conditions of a large scale fire.
time-of-flight mass spectrometryto study low molecular weight Sanders and Morsch (E42) described the application of
polymers. The abundances of the fragment ions were reduced mass ion profiling for studying polypropylene off-odor prob-
with the use of a time-variable drawout pulse. Reliable mo- lems. The volatile headspace materials were cyrotrapped on
lecular weight averages were obtained for poly(ethy1ene glycol) a capillary column and identified by scanning and accurate
and poly(propy1eneglycol) samples with oligomer molecular mass profiling. The off odor was found to be ethylisopropyl
weights up to 5000. Molecular weight averages for poly- sulfide. Quantitation was then accomplished by direct in-
(ethylene imine) samples were low. jection with nominal mass profiling.
Kendall and co-workers (E30) studied the electrical
breakdown of thin polymer films using a specially fabricated NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE
time-of-flight mass spectrometer that was designed to trigger SPECTROSCOPY
from the breakdown event. A slowly increasing potential
gradient was applied from a high impedance source through A number of reviews have been published in the area of
a movable contact until breakdown occurred. Teflon FEP and NMR characterization of polymeric systems. Schaefer ( F I )
PFA films produced mainly fluorocarbon ions as high as 350 reviewed the characterization of polymers in the solid state
amu, while poly(ethy1eneterephthalate) and poly(ethy1ene- by 13C NMR spectroscopy. Axelson and Russel (F2)discussed
tetrafluoroethylene) produced smaller species with masses at the characterization of polymer morphology in the solid state
or below 44 m u . Films exposed to oxygen ion bombardment and end-group analysis in solution by I3C NMR spectroscopy.
were also studied. Jelinski (F3, F4) reviewed solid-state NMR characterization
Secondary ion mass spectrometry with a time-of-flight mass of structure and dynamics in solid polymers as did Kausch
analyzer was used by Hercules and co-workers (E31)to study et al. (F5). Bovey and Jelinsk (F6)reviewed I3C and 2H NMR
a series of aliphatic polyamides (Nylons). Postacceleration methods for determining chain motion in macromolecules.

Sillescu (F7) and Jelinski (F8) discussed 2H NMR techniques al. (F28) probed the phase structure of semicrystalline poly-
for studying molecular dynamics in polymeric solids. Cunliffe ethylene. They observed differences in the phase structure
(F9) reviewed the topic of NMR of synthetic polymers. depending on the sample crystallization process and charac-
Harrison et al. (FIO) and Bauer ( F I I ) reviewed techniques terized the samples in terms of crystalline, amorphous, and
for the anal sis of cross-linked polymers. Starnes (F12) de- amorphous interphase components.
scribed the xC NMR characterization of poly(viny1chloride) VanderHart et al. (F29) developed a 13C CP-MAS NMR
and related polymers. Rothwell et al. (F13) reviewed non- method for determining the partitioning of end groups and
medical applications of NMR imaging. side chains between crystalline and amorphous regions in
Several authors published on the subject of molecular dy- polyethylene.
namics studies of polymeric systems using ?HNMR as a probe. 'H and 13Chigh-resolution solid-state NMR methods were
Spiess et al. (F14, F17) studied the molecular mobility in utilized to characterize the solid-state conformations and chain
polymer model membranes which possessed quaternary amine packing in polypropylene by Cudby et al. (F30). This work
heads and aliphatic tails. Their investigation showed that the also discussed several parameters which were important to
chain flexibility near the head of the molecule was inhibited the interpretation of solid-state NMR spectra of polymeric
but that mobility near the tail, which was deemed most im- systems.
portant for membrane applications, was retained. Ganapathy et al. (F31) characterized the molecular dy-
Spiess et al. (F15) also utilized 2H NMR to probe the glass namics of poly(viny1 acetate) in the solid state using 'H and
transition, T , in polystyrene. Spin alignment echo metho- 13C NMR methods. They characterized the motions in terms
dology was utilized to study slow molecular processes in this of a distribution of correlation times and studied the effect
system. The authors concluded that two motional processes of water on the dynamics of this s stem.
were present at T , a rapid rotational diffusion process re-
stricted to an angufar range of about *lo' and a much slower
Allen et al. (F32) used CP-MAS & NMR spectroscopy to
investigate the interaction of water with poly(methy1meth-
full reorientational process. acrylate). They monitored the development of cross-polari-
Spiess et al. (F16)described a new 2H NMR approach for zation of PMMA-d8 by the protons of the water as an indi-
the determination of the distribution of correlation times for cation of this interaction. They concluded that, in the early
local motions in glassy polymers. 'H NMR line-shape analysis stages of absorption, the water was in contact with the
in combination with relaxation measurements was shown to backbone carbons of PMMA. The side chain came in contact
provide a much enhanced dynamic range for frequency at later stages.
measurement. In this way, the correlation time distributions Thermal degradation of pol (acrylic acid) and poly(meth-
were probed and heterogeneous vs. homogeneous distributions acrylic acid) was studied by 13? CP-MAS NMR spectroscopy
were distinguished. by Fyfe et al. (F33). The initial step in the decomposition
Jelinski et al. (F18) investigated the molecular basis for the was identified as six-memberedring anhydride formation. A t
6 relaxation in poly(ary1ene sulfones) with 2H NMR spec- higher temperatures, aromatic char was observed giving rise
troscopy. The primary mode of motion was observed to be to phenolic resonances.
180° phenyl ring flips which occurred over a very broad dis- Mandelkern et al. (F34) investigated the molecular nature
tribution of frequencies. The effect of plasticizers was also of transitions in polymeric solids by high-resolution13C NMR
addressed. relaxation techniques. The collapse temperature for many
Jelinski et al. (F19)also probed the interaction of water with amorphous and semicrystalline polymers was determined.
cross-linked epoxy resins. The study showed no free or tightly Several authors have also investigated polymer morphology
bound water. Rather, the water was impeded in its movement using solid-state NMR tgchniques. Moeller et al. (F35) in-
with molecules jumping from site to site with an approximate vestigated polyethylene, Havens and VanderHart (F36) and
residence time of 7 X s. Ito et al. (F37) investigated poly(ethy1ene terephthalate),
The molecular motions present in polyurethanes of Mackay et al. (F38) studied cellulose, and Dechter (F39)
MDI/butanediol and TDI/butanediol were investigated by studied poly(ethy1ene oxide). Veregen et al. (F40) used 13C
Jelinski et al. (F20). Crystalline and amorphous regions were CP-MAS NMR to differentiate polypivalolactone polymorphs.
distinguished in the MDI system whereas only amorphous I3C CP-MAS NMR was also utilized to probe the silica surface
components were observed in the latter. Phase separation of fiber-reinforced composites by Koenig et al. (F41).
in polyurethanes was also investigated by 2H NMR spec- Belfiore (F42)determined the miscibility of polymer-diluent
troscopy (F21) in order to define which fraction of the hard blends by 13CCP-MAS techniques and studied the effect of
segment possessed the motional characteristics of the pure free volume on the molecular dynamics of polycarbonate as
hard segment. observed by solid-state NMR techniques (F43).
Fyfe et al. (F22)investigated curing in phenol/formaldehyde English and Zoller (F44) developed a correlation between
resins by 2H NMR spectroscopy. The curing process was the fraction of mobile component in a semicrystalline polymer
monitored as a function of time by 2H N M R Tl measurements. and the excess free volume in the system as calculated from
The T, values showed a rapid increase with time and then the Simha-Somcynsky equation.
leveled off. This behavior was consistent with the changes Allen et al. (F45) used 13C CP-MAS NMR to study the
in cross linking which were observed to occur in other studies. curing of tetra(ethy1ene glycol) dimethacrylate. T1, and TsL
Chain orientation in deformed polymer networks was also were found to be dependent upon the extent of cure.
studied with 2H NMR spectroscopy (F23). Spin diffusion techniques were utilized to study the in-
Schaefer et al. (F24) investigated the molecular mechanism teractions in polymer blends which facilitate miscibility.
for the rin flip process of polycarbonate by dipolar rotational Henrichs et al. (F46) investigated poly(ethy1ene tere-
spin echo K3CNMR spectroscopy. Their findings indicated phthalate)/polycarbonate blends using a carbon spin diffusion
that the rings of polycarbonate executed 180' ring flips su- technique and Ernst et al. (F47) studied polystyrene/poly-
perimposed on wiggles. However, calculations of conforma- (vinyl methyl ether) blends by a proton spin diffusion tech-
tional preference maps for isolated molecules indicated that nique.
the rings were essentially free rotors at room temperature. The domain size in multiphase polymers was investigated
Barriers which result from the close packing of adjacent chains by proton spin diffusion using Goldman-Shen methodology
were discussed as the interference to free rotation. by Belfiore et al. (F48) and Tanaka et al. (F49).
Jones et al. (F25)also probed the phenylene ring flip process Cross-linking in styrene-divinylbenzene systems was cor-
of pol carbonate using solid-state 13CNMR line-shape analysis related to 13C NMR line width measurements by Errede et
with k labeled materials. This study was performed as a
function of field strength and temperature. A motional model
al. (F50)and Ford et al. (F51). Schneider et al. (F52)utilized
high-resolution, broad-line and magic angle spinning 'H NMR
to determine molecular correlation times was presented (F26). techniques to study cross-linking in polystyrene. NMR re-
The chemical shift assignments of aromatic epoxy resins laxation methods were utilized by Gaschke and Poschel(F53)
condensed with aromatic amines was performed by solid-state to study chain dynamics in cross-linked polystyrene gels and
cross polarization magic angle spinning (CP-MAS) NMR by Charlesby (F54) to determine the effect of radiation on
spectroscopy (3'27). Model compounds were utilized to in- polymeric systems.
terpret the spectra of cross-linked species. Cheng et al. (F55) assigned the 13C NMR spectra of
Several authors investigated the structure of polyolefins in ethylene-propylene copolymers in terms of sequence place-
the solid state using 13C CP-MAS techniques. Kitamuru et ments, tacticity, and propylene inversion. Doi et al. (F56)


studied the mechanism of chain propagation in “living” po- cerning orientation in polymers by utilizing IR, Raman, and
lypropylene synthesis by determining the structure of end NMR. Included were select samples which illustrated key
groups by NMR. Jayasuriya et al. (F57) used 13C and l9F problems in the area of polymer physics. Graham et al. (G5)
NMR spectroscopy to characterize the surface end groups in reviewed the theory, cell design, and applications of FT-IR
polystyrene latexes. Marshall (F58) and Lander determined photoacoustic spectroscopy.
the structure of alkyd paint binders using 13C NMR spec- A review of computer-assisted IR spectrometry in the
troscopy. analysis of polymers and plastics was reported (G9). Tomp-
The sequence distribution of acrylamide copolymers was kins (G24) reviewed the techniques used to study the inter-
studied by 13CNMR spectroscopy by Candau et al. (F59) and action of thin polymer films on metal surfaces. These tech-
Halverson et al. (F60). Polyacrylonitrile was characterized niques included IR, X P S , ellipsometry, and the quartz crystal
in terms of tacticity by Kamide et al. (F61) and with regard oscillator microbalance. Quantitative analyses of polymers
to the structures which cause color by Pai Verneker and Shaha using FT-IR were also reviewed (G33). Craver (G110) re-
(F62). viewed the literature on data banks and computer retrieval
The distribution of substituents in cellulose acetate poly- in research and analysis of coatings and plastics using IR,
mers was determined by Miyamoto et al. (F63)and Sei et al. b a n , NMR, mass spectrometry, electronic absorption, and
(F64) using solution-state 13CNMR spectroscopy. Solution- emission spectroscopy. Stark et al. (G280) has reviewed the
and solid-state 13CNMR techniques were utilized in combi- literature on the application of near-infrared (NIR) for the
nation to characterize this polymer
- - by- Doyle
- et al. (F65) and quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Hjertberg et al. (F66).
Cais et al. (F67) used NMR spectroscopy to characterize
the seauence distribution of vinvlidene halide and vinyl halide
Ahlstrom (G30) reviewed the literature on yrolysis-GC,
pyrolysis-MS, and pyrolysis-FT-IR. Freed ( 31) reviewed
the references on the pyrolysis devices and on-line detectors
copolimers. The microstructire of ethylene-vinyl chloride used in the study of polymers. Rao (G21) reviewed the
copolymers was characterized by Schilling et al. (F68). spectroscopic techniques used in studying the molecular
Levy and Wang (F69) studied the relationship between motion in plastic crystals as well as computer simulation used
poly(n-butyl methacrylate) side chain dynamics in solution to study the motion. These techniques included IR, Raman,
and the solvent solubility parameter. Borchardt (F70)utilized NMR, neutron scattering, and electron spin resonance (ESR).
the chemical shift values of the olefinic carbons of vinyl A review of the methods used in the determination of hydroxyl
monomers to calculate Alfrey-Price Q and e values. These groups in polymers with special emphasis on IR and NMR
values were used to calculate the sequence distribution for technique8 was completed (G12).
54 different co olymerizations. Simon et al. (F71) used Siesler (G35) reviewed the relevant instrumental and the-
high-resolution k NMR line width measurements to follow
the extent of network formation during the polymerization
oretical background of polymer deformation and relaxation
studies by s i m u l m u s FT-IR and mechanical measurements.
of difunctional acrylate and methacrylate monomers. Coleman and Painter (G36) reviewed the phase behavior and
Blackband and Mansfield (F72) used NMR imaging to in- thermodynamics of polymer mixtures and the application of
vestigate the diffusion of water into Nylon 6.6 a t 100 “C. FT-IR for structural studies of multicomponent polymer
The tacticity of several polymeric systems was investigated blends. Rabolt (G28)reviewed the far-IR studies of the crystal
by using 2D NMR techniques. Bruch et al. assigned the ‘H structure and conformation of synthetic homopolymers, po-
NMR spectrum of poly(prop lene oxide) (F73) and of poly- lypeptides, proteins, and polynucleotides.
(vinyl butyral) (F74). Cais andYI<omentani(F75) characterized Sung and Hobbs (G47) reviewed the developments of ATR
poly(viny1idene fluoride) using two-dimensional&correlated dichroism/FT-IR techniques for structural characterization
?FNMR spectroscopy. Chang et al. (F76)used heteronuclear of polymer surfaces. Mathias (G71) reviewed the FT-IR and
correlated 2-D NMR to assign the spectra poly(viny1amine). FT-NMR techniques for coatings analysis. The same author
The tacticity assignments of other polymers included poly- (G123)also reviewed the literature references concerning the
(vinyl chloride) (F77,F78), polypropylene (F79),poly(methy1 analysis of polymeric coatings utilizing FT-IR and FT-NMR.
methacrylate) (F80), and bis[N,N-di(2,3-epoxypropyl)-4- Ovaska (G158) reviewed the literature for the application of
aminophenyllmethane with its curing agent, bis(4-amino- the stretched polymer orientation method in IR spectroscopy
phenyl) sulfone (F81).Heffner et al. (F82) used nuclear in the determination of the transition moment directions and
Overhauser correlated 2-D ‘H NMR to probe through-space for making vibrational assignments.
dipole-dipole interactions in styrene-methyl methacrylate Mantsch (G60) reviewed the literature covering the ap-
copolymers in order to rationalize the unusual chemical shifts plication of FT-IR spectroscopy in the study of membranes
observed. emphasizing the elucidation of the thermotropic properties
Bodenhausen (F83) discussed the use of 2-D NMR tech- of lipids in model membranes. This technique could be used
niques to assign the complex spin systems which often result to determine more detailed insight into phase separation and
from macromolecules. Macura et al. presented modified segmental orientation and recovery mechanisms (G108).
FOCSY (F84) and heteronuclear correlation 2-D NMR (F85) Gilard et al. (G140) compiled a compendium of IR and I3C
pulse sequences which enhance the resolution and sensitivity NMR spectra of polymers used in the manufacturer of cos-
of these experiments when applied to macromolecules. metics.
Harbison and Spiess (F86) described a 2-D magic angle Resonance Raman spectroscop of conjugated macromol-
spinning NMR experiment which was utilized to determine
the orientation of the chemical shielding tensor and the degree
ecules with emphasis oh pure an doped polyacetylene was
reviewed (G29). Gerrard et al. (G205) compiled an extensive
of order in solid polymeric systems. Kentgens et al. (F87)also review of Raman spectroscopy and included 397 references.
used 2-D NMR in combination with MAS to investigate very Some of these references are for polymer analysis. Maddam
slow molecular motions in crystalline poly(oxymethy1ene). (G206) reviewed the literature pertaining to polymer char-
acterization of vinyl polymers by application of Raman
Several reviews were published on the theory and practice Gerrard and Maddams (G255) wrote an extensive review
used in polymer characterization utilizing infrared spectros- of polymer characterization by use of Raman spectroscopy.
,copy (IR)or Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). This review included 251 references. Takahashi (G267) re-
Koenig ( G I ) reviewed the recent developments in FT-IR viewed the literature for using IR and Raman in the study
sampling techniques such as diffuse reflectance and photoa- of organic coating subjected to outdoor exposure, seawater,
coustic spectroscopy which provide information on solid and heat, and in the characterization of interfaces between
polymers. Golden (G2)reviewed FT-IR reflection-absorption coatings and substrates, substrates or top coatings and un-
spectrmopy which allows IR spectra to be recorded of as little dercoatings.
as a monolayer deposited on a reflective metal surface in Infrared measurements of the dichroic ratio of polystyrene
favorable circumstances by using simple fixed-polarizer grazing and poly(viny1 methyl ether) absorption bands allowed the
incidence techniques. Krishnan (G3) reviewed the various determination of chain orientation for each component in
samplings accessories and sample handling techniques in blends of uniaxially stretched films (G6). Orientation studies
FT-IR including attenuated total reflectance (ATR), diffuse of uniaxially drawn olystyrene films doped with fluorescent
reflectance, and photoacoustic spectroscopy. Ward (G4) re- molecules using IR d!chroic ratios of absorption bands showed
viewed the type of information that can be obtained con- that the fluorescent molecules oriented preferentially per-
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 12, JUNE 15, 1987 * 127R

pendicular to the draw direction (G7). Monnerie (G42)utilized groups in the polymers. A broad absorption near 3450 cm-'
IR dichroism, neutron scattering, and fluorescence polarization was attributed to liquidlike water clustered in microvoids and
for the determination of molecular viscoelasticity of bulk other sites inside the fibers.
polymers. Yang et al. (G264) evaluated three types of diffuse reflec-
Krishnan (G48) demonstrated that FT-IR spectra of tance IR accessories. In all three accessories the specular as
polymer samples as small as 10 pm square can be obtained well as the diffuse reflectance components had similar re-
by using an all-reflecting accessory. High-quality dichroic flection and polarization characteristics. The specular com-
spectra were obtained from a single polyester fiber 15 pm in ponent is primarily sample-dependent rather than accesso-
diameter. Lee and Wool (G81) utilized the IR dichroism ry-dependent. Diffuse reflectance IR can be used in polymer
technique in the study of orientation relaxation of strained
monodisperse atactic polystyrene. Excellent agreement be-
tween Hermans orientation time was observed for four samples
analysis. Nguyen and Byrd (G274)used reflection absorption
FT-IR in the study of amine-cross-linked E P N 1001 or
polybutadiene coatings on mild steel after exposure to 80%
with molecular weights ranging between 170000 and 600 000 relative humidity environment at 40 "C. Lee and co-workers
and at band frequencies 906, 1028, and 2850 cm-'. (G275) utilized diffuse reflectance IR Fourier transform
Endo et al. (G136)used IR dichroism studies to determine (DRIFT) spectroscopy in the study of poly(vinylpheno1)
that polyethylene dispersed in molten polycarbonate (Lexan) mixtures with poly(2-vinylpyridine).
exhibited phase growth that is inhibited by addition of hy- Gurnagul et al. (G276) utilized photoacoustic/FT-IR
drogenated triblock SBR due to a decrease in the interfacial (PAS/FT-IR) to record spectra of bleached Kraft paper
tension between the two polymers. The addition of poly- prepared from a single sample of pulp at various degrees of
carbonate to polyethylene decreased the orientation of poly- beating. Band intensity changes were observed for surface
ethylene developed in film extrusion when determined at area difference resulting from beating the pulp to different
constant stress. Sartirana and co-workers (G167) obtained levels and from exposing the samples to a moist atmosphere.
the order parameters by measurin the dichroic ratio by PO- Landreth and Stupp (G278) employed FT-IR in a reflective
larized IR spectrometry at 860 cm- . This band was assigned mode in an electric field to study the dynamics of molecular
to a CH out-of-plane bending vibration of the poly(p-benz- structure in a liquid crystal copolymer melt. Measurements
amide) aromatic nucleus with a transition moment perpen- showed that the carbonyl groups orient immediately upon
dicular to the ring and forming an 85" angle with the chain application of relatively low electric field.
axis. Teramae and Tanaka (G40) showed that there is consid-
Pastor et al. (G183) measured the IR dichroic ratios of erable distortion of the spectrum of polymers from heat
drawn poly(truns-1-odenylene)for five absorption bands (722, generated at the rear surface of the film using the FT-IR
968,1070,1362,and 1468 cm-'), and these data were compared photoacoustic spectroscopy technique. Careful positioning
with birefrin ence results. The value of 44" for the angle of a polymer film in the PA cell is required to obtain a re-
between the &pole moment vector of the 1070-~m-~ band and sonable spectrum. Duerst (G43) used a chamber to acous-
the chain axis was obtained. Tassin et al. (G211) used IR tically isolate the detector in IR photoacoustic spectroscopy,
dichroism to measure the orientation of the different se- and the signal-to-noise ratio is increased by a factor of 4 for
quences of isotopically labeled block copolymers. The ori- polypropylene. Davidson and Fraser (G49)demonstrated that
entation was determined from dichroic ratios of two bands textile samples can be analyzed with the minimum of prep-
of deuteriated polystyrene and the orientation in block co- aration using FT-IR photoacoustic spectroscopy and that
polymers of the central part of the chain compared to that binary and ternary mixtures can be analyzed using spectral
of the ends. The relaxation of the ends was more rapid than subtraction techniques.
that of the center, which exhibited a plateau. Yang and co-workers (G69) utilized FT-IR photoacoustic
Radziszewski and Michl (G214)utilized FT-IR to study the spectroscopy to study the distribution of polymer additives
IR linear dichroism of solid structure of several dozen sym- in the surface layer of polyurethane and polyacrylate-sized
metrical organic molecules of low polarity in stretched poly- cotton yarns and finished treated glass fiber and polyester
ethylene and stretched perdeuteriated polyethylene. Amram fiber. Teramae and Tanaka (G117) utilized PAS/FT-IR to
et al. (G228)used FT-IR to study the dichroism of molecular study the subsurface layer of bilayered films such as poly-
orientation in synthetic high cis-1,4-polyisoprene and in (3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethyl-3,4-epoxycyclohexanecarboxy1ate)
natural rubber. The vibrational modes at 1663,1376,and 837 on polypropylene or on poly(ethy1ene terephthalate).
cm-' were used, and the orientation function (F)of the net- Yang and Fateley (G279) studied the effect of particle size
work was determined without any a priori choice of the local on PAS/FT-IR spectra. The peak intensities increased with
chain axis. Different F values were derived from the crys- a decrease in particle size diameter, and the peak intensity
talline and amorphous phases of natural rubber. These results ratios were not constant for particles of different diameters.
are in agreement with conformational energy calculations Particle diameters smaller than the thermal diffusion length
performed previously. for a specific peak showed a more dramatic increase in peak
Ohta and Iwamoto (G70) investigated the lower limit of intensity. The PAS peak shape deteriorated with an increase
coated polymer film surface thickness measurable using in particle diameter. The effect of optical velocity of the
ATR/IR. Subramanian and co-workers (G95)developed an interferometer on PAS peak intensities is also reported.
ATR IR technique for the determination of starch in poly-
(viny alcohol) with an error of 4~0.4%by measuring the ab-
sorbance for starch at 1095 cm-' and the absorbance for
The conformation, orientation, and crystallization of
spin-oriented and drawn filaments of poly(ethy1ene tere-
phthalate) were determined by using Raman spectroscopy
poly(viny1 alcohol) at 1000 cm-'. Bonafini and McCarthy (G8). MacKerron (GI1) applied IR in the study of oriented
(G101) utilized ATR/FT-IR, ESCA, and gravimetric analysis polyamide and deuteriated polyamide films. The potential
to study ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers exposed to acid of IR for the determination of a large amount of structural
chlorides or isocyanates. In general, the reactions were found and orientation for plastic films and the limitations and
to be nonsurface selective. Neugebauer et al. (G114) employed sources of error have been reported (G34).
ATR/IR in the in situ analysis of poly(thiophene), poly(bi- Siesler (G44)studied the transient structural change in high
thiophene), and poly(3-methylthiophene). density polyethylene during uniaxial elongation by simulta-
Castillo et al. (G37) used ATR/FT-IR to study the surface neous mechanical and FT-IR measurements at ambient and
of biomedical polymers. Lapkowski (G52) showed that elevated temperatures. Changes in the microstructure were
ring-opening photooxidation of the cyclic acetal ring during correlated with macroscopic mechanical properties. Lasch and
photopolymerization of vinyldioxanes resulted in formation co-workers (G46) showed that coupling of time-resolved and
of ester groups using ATR/IR spectroscopy. Zajicek et al. polarization modulation IR spectroscopy provides a selective
(G154) characterized the surface of kaolin-filled poly(ethy1ene and sensitive method for the analysis of small conformational
terephthalate) using the ATR/IR technique. and orientation changes of individual components in multi-
Gi (G248)used diffuse reflectance FT-IR to study molecular phase polymer systems. Lee and Wool (G155) studied the
orientation on the surface of Nylon, glass fibers, and needlelike orientation relaxation of strained monodisperse attactic
organic crystals. Chatzi et al. (G253) utilized diffuse reflec- polystyrene using the IR dichroism method. Wool and co-
tance FT-IR to study water hydrogen bonded to Kevlar-49 workers (G229) simultaneously recorded the IR and Raman
fibers. IR bands at 3640 and 3560 cm-l were assigned to spectra of stressed polyethylene film during uniaxial tension
absorbed water that is weakly hydrogen bonded to amide at room temperature. The results were obtained in terms of

experimentaland theoretical calculations of the frequency shift diene rubber, blends, and SBR blends with natural rubber,
,and CH2 bending
coefficients for C-C stretching, CH2roc
modes, and calculations of Young's mo ulus and fracture
and butadiene rubber.
IR and NMR were utilized to determine the products
formed in the thermal degradation of polyacrylonitrile (G26).
Raman studies of poly(3,3-dimethyloxetane)were used to Gallaher et al. ((255) studied the IR spectrum of poly-
study the effect of temperature and times of crystallization fumaronitrile and concludes that an IR band a t 2190 cm-' is
on the structural monoclinic and orthorhombic modifications attributed to the presence of a p-aminonitrile functionality.
(G16). Bulkin and co-workers (G23) studied the crystallization This is of interest since a similar IR band was noted in de-
kinetics of poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) using rapid scanning graded polyacrylonitrile. Severini et al. (G227) utilized FT-IR
Raman spectroscopy and showed that there is a four- hase to study the degradation of stabilized low density polyethylene
crystallization process in the solid phase. Louden (G202rused film. This study showed that degradation started in the first
Raman spectroscopy to study a series of poly(ary1ether ke- 2400 h of exposure, and oxidation occurs on both sides of the
tone) films of differing crystallinity. Correlations were made film at the same rate. Rek et al. (G241) utilized IR, NMR,
between relative intensity changes in the spectra and crys- and gel permeation chromatography to study the degradation
tallinity as measured by multiple internal reflection spec- by UV of polyurethane based on MDI and poly(ethy1ene
troscopy. adipate) or poly(ethylenebuty1ene adipate).
Siesler (G79) simultaneouslymeasured the FT-IRspectrum Varlashkin and Low (G215) used FT-IR photothermal
and the stress-train data to monitor the onset, progress, and beam-deflection spectroscopy (FT-IR/PBDS) to make spectral
decay of strain-induced crystallization during cyclic loading- depth-profiling measurements of synthetic bilayer samples
unloading of sulfur cross-linked natural rubber. He also of polyethylene/nitrocellulose, a commercial plastic having
studied the strain-induced crystallization of poly(chlor0prene). surface printing, and a single human hair. Significant sig-
IR plots showed that the average orientation angles of polymer
chains in crystalline and amorphous phases of poly(ch1o-
roprene) are 39' and 49,respectively (G80).
nal noise improvements seem to be needed for utilizing this
tec nique. Fuoco and Shafer (G281) developed a capillary
GC/FT-IR microspectrometry subamibent temperature
Point and co-workers (G220) used FT-IR to demonstrate technique where spectral identification is possible for low
or confirm the existence of crystalline intercolates with nanogram to subnanogram samples for weakly to strongly
poly(oxyethy1ene)and p-dichlorobenzene,p-dibromobenzene, absorbing compounds. This technique could be useful in the
p-chloroflurobenzene, or p-chloroiodobenzene, p-iodofluro- identification of polymer additives. Graf and co-workers
benzene, or p-bromolotuene. The orientations of the benzene (G159) obtained polarization modulation IR ellipometeric
derivative with respect to the axes of the polymer molecules spectra utilizing an FT-IR spectrometer with the use of two
were determined from the dichroic ratio of absorption band linear polarizen and a potoelastic modulator. Samples studied
of both the components of the complex. Nguyen and Ishida consisted of thin films of poly(viny1 acetate) and poly(methy1
(G243) used FT-IR to study the crystallization behavior of methacrylate) on Au substrates. The thickness and optical
poly(ary1 ether ether ketone) (PEEK). The formation of constants of the films were calculated from the ellipsometric
predominantly amorphous PEEK (quenched polymer) via measurement and compared with optical constant spectra.
annealing followed two distinct mechanisms. One was a Tasumi (G225) used a force field developed by Takeuchi
low-energy relaxation process at 50-140 "C involving the which was claimed to be applicable in the normal coordinate
partial rotation of the ether linkage. The other process was analyses of short and long polymers in the normal coordinate
a crystallization above the glass transition (T,) with its onset analyses of 19,19',20,20'-tetranor-@-carotene. The results
characterized by the rotation of the benzophenone linkages predicted v1 and us frequencies significantly lower than those
near T,. Kishore and Pandey (G221) reviewed the literature of the observed IR data. Takeuchi and Harada (G226)showed
on characterizing the crystallinity, microstructure cycliza- that these calculated frequencies reported by Tasumi are no
tion-isomerization, vulcanization, oxidation, and chlorination lower than 21 cm-' from the observed frequencies. Ishino and
of natural elastomers using IR and NMR. Ishida (G254) utilized FT-IR surface electromagnetic wave
Neag and Holsworth (G164)used IR, DSC, SEM, dynamical spectroscopy in the Otto configuration to study a thin film
analysis to determine that a cross-linking problem was due of poly(viny1acetate) on a copper substrate. Eng and Ishida
to improper bake in production rather than a coating pre
aration and formulation problem. Gedde (GI 72) used IR, C r- ((399) utilized the R-A/FT-IR technique to determine the
formation of copper oxide in copper surfaces coated with
NMR, and gel-permeation chromatography to determine the poly(vinylimidazo1es). Below 250' no major polymer degra-
molecular structure of cross-linked polyethylene. Sanjana dation was observed. In addition, the degraded polymer film
(C187)employed IR, DSC, microdielectrometry,and dynamic suppressed the oxidation of the copper surface even at 400'.
mechanical analysis in the study of mechanisms involved in Rabek et al. (G216) developed a pressure cell for the study
cross-linking of a aromatic epoxy resin by benzyldimethyl- of charge-transfer contact complexes between oxygen and
amine or dicyandiamide. Coates (G213) used FT-IR on-line polymers and for high-pressure photooxidation of polymers.
to monitor the state of cross-linking advancement for lami- This device allowed IR, UV, and visible spectra to be recorded.
nates. Wu and co-workers ((2219) used IR spectroscopy to analyze
Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/FT-IR (PY-GC/FT-IR) has the microstructures of liquid-crystalline polymers in various
an advantage over pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry mesophases. Snyder and co-workers (G270) found that the
(PY-FIMS) in the analysis of acrylic acid resins in that the IR band intensities of crystalline n-alkanes and polyethylene
chemical natures of the pyrolysis products are determined. decreased nonlinearly with increasing temperature. For all
However, the combination of both sets of data enables a more modes except the C-H stretches, the decrease was large and
thorough analysis to be performed on the pyrolysis products far exceeds that expected from density and refractive index
(G19). Morterra and Low (G98)utilized the pyrolysis/IR effects.
technique in the study of the thermal degradation of phe- The application of micro IR and micro Raman spectroscopy
nol-formaldehyde resin. The pyrolysis was carried out in a for the identification of polymers was reported (GIO). Belton
vacuum and in a nitrogen atmosphere, and no differences were and Sullivan (G169) utilized IR and reversed-phase chroma-
noted in the products formed during thermal decomposition tography (LC) to characterize epoxy-cresol-novolac, phe-
under either condition. Thermal branching and cross-linking nol-formaldehydenovalac, and tertiary amine resin systems.
occurred near 350° with the formation of diphenyl ether Shafer and co-workers (G263) developed an accessory for
structures. The polymer network was found to remain es- thin-layer chromatography/FT-IR that could be used in the
sentially intact until 500°, and the polymer drastically de- identification of polymer additives.
composes in the 500-560O range. Atalla et al. (G204) performed Raman microprobe studies
Burke and co-workers (G120)compared the results obtained of the fiber transformations during press-drying of pulp fibers
from pyrolysis-MS, pyrolysis-GC, and IR for the analysis of from eucalyptus and oak. Eucalyptus pulp showed areas
paint resins, and he concludes that it is advantageous to em- under the knuckles of drying screens to be approximately 10%
ploy more than one of these techniques in the identification higher in cellulose I content than those between the knuckles,
of these paints in forensic problems. Gedeon and Nguyen and measurements on sheets from high yield oak showed those
(GI%) utilizing pyrolysis/IR combined with a computer which press-dried at 300 O F to have higher cellulose I content than
was able to calculate the heights and/or areas of the analyte those dried at 160 OF. Chang and Krimm (G223) utilized
bands determined the compositions of natural rubber, buta- Raman spectroscopy to record the longitudinal accoustic mode

(LAM) in CH3-(CH2)-&H2Br and Br CH2-(CH2)18-CH2Br. demonstrated the usefulness of combining microscopy with
These data were compared with data for n-C20H42.These FT-IR in the analysis of conventionally sized polymer and
results provide experimental support for the predictions made paper samples. The method required little or no sample
from normal coordinate and intensity analyses regarding the preparation and was particularly suitable for recording IR
influence on LAM bands of mass perturbrations at the ends spectra of razor-sliced polymer samples or clumps of fiber.
of paraffinic chains and in comparable linear chain polymers. Coleman et al. (G245) used FT-IR to study the effect of
Merino et al. (G25) described a variable temperature cell temperature on hydrogen bonding on poly(1,4-butylene-
which also allowed the polymer film to be stretched. It is used hexamethylene carbamate). The spectral changes associated
to record in situ polarized Raman spectra of polymers. Ono with hydrogen bonding are discussed and compared with
(G126) applied the method of canonical transformation in previous studies on semicrystalline polyamides.
quantizing phonons around a general static solution in a Davidson et al. (G148) characterized polymeric materials
continuum version of a model for trans-polyacetylene, by identifying gases evolved from heated samples by appli-
Measurement of the second-order Raman process enabled cation of dispersive IR. Skrovanek and co-workers (G149)
derivation of the phonon dispersion. studied the effect of temperature upon hydrogen bonding for
Snyder and Wunder ((2132) utilized Raman spectroscopy Nylon 11 using IR. Kardan et al. (G151) obtained IR and
in the determination of long-range conformational structure Raman spectra of hexahydroxybenzene hexahexanoate and
and low-frequency spectra of some highly disordered chain used the diskotic hexaheptanoate and hexaoctanoate as model
molecules. The disorder-longitudinal accoustic mode (D- compounds for polymers. Harthcock and co-worker (G152)
LAM) band, previously observed only in the case of poly- demonstrated the application of transmittance and reflectance
ethylene, was the prominent feature in the Raman spectrum micro/FT-IR in the analysis of polymeric materials. White
in the region below 600 cm-l of a series of six chain molecules (G153) described a computer-controlled stage which can be
in the liquid or amorphous state. These included 1,4-cis- used to position transmittance samples for IR microanalysis.
polybutadiene, poly(ethy1ene terephthalate), poly(tetra- Examples of automated operation using macro programming
methylene oxide), squalene, and poly(ethy1ene oxide). The are described.
position and width of the D-LAM band were related to Teng and Shumaker (G156)developed a new technique for
long-range conformational disorder. The width of the band eliminating interference fringes from infrared spectra of thin
correlated in this case with chain flexibility. polymer films. Lalov et al. (G157) developed theory for the
Kim et al. (G271) utilized a Raman spectroscopic-me- IR absorption and vibrational CD (VCD) spectra of helical
chanical technique to directly assess the effects of temperature polymers in the frequency range of the frequency sum for two
and thermal history on the stress distribution of model com- vibrational excitations. Kwei and co-workers (G250)extended
posites. Kobayashi et al. (G272) obtained polarized Raman the enthalpy-IR frequency shift correlation for simple acids
spectra of moth-shaped single crystals of orthorhombic and bases to study hydrogen bonding in polymer systems.
polyoxymethylene in order to study polymorphism and mo- Arnaudov et al. (G251) utilized IR to study the polyconden-
lecular aggregation states in this polymer. sation of diphenyl oxide with formaldehyde and determined
Raman spectroscopy was used in the elucidation of the that the structure of the oligomeric product and the densified
molecular structure of urea-formaldehyde resins (G45). Fu- prepolymer was mainly linear.
rukawa et al. (G76) utilized Raman spectroscopy to study IR was used to determine that there is an intermolecular
poly(methylpropylsi1ane) and showed that the frequency for association between poly(viny1 chloride) and di-n-butyl
the LO mode is little affected by the side chains joined to the phthalate (G15). Compton (G145) used FT-IR and Fourier
tetrahedrally bonded Si skeletons. However, the TO mode self-deconvolvedIR spectra as an aid to conformational studies
frequency was greatly affected by the side chain due to the of syndiotactic poly(viny1chloride). Fourier self-deconvolution
mass effect. Allen (G97) developed a laser Raman method was utilized to enhance the detail present in the carbon-
for determining the homogeneity of epoxy-amine coatings. chlorine stretching region of the IR spectrum for samples
Merino and co-workers (G103)utilized Raman spectroscopy covering a range of syndiotacticities. Burley and Dworkin
to study the influence of temperature and times of crystal- (G186) utilized IR and NMR in the study of ligand exchange
lization on the structural modification of poly(3,3-dimethyl- reactions in alkyl and estertin poly(viny1chloride) stabilizers.
oxetane). Monoclinic and/or orthorhombic modifications of Bowley et al. (G199) studied the low frequency region
this polymer could be obtained from the molten state de- Raman spectra of ten poly(viny1 chloride) gels prepared from
pending on the crystallization temperatures. Galiotis et al. two polymers of different syndiotacticticy and five solvents.
(G146) recorded the Raman spectra of a single fiber of Kevlar The study showed that a single line occurs between 93 and
49 subjected to uniaxial stress. The strain dependences of 106 cm-I. The peak occurring at 83 cm-' in solid poly(viny1
six vibrational mode frequencies were determined. These chloride) is assigned to a torsional mode. With dioctyl
bands broaden and shift to lower frequency with increasing phthalate gels, the frequency increased with increasing sol-
stress. Pastor et al. (G200) studied the Raman spectra of vent/solute ratio and temperature. Herres (G231) utilized
semicrystalline poly(3,3-dipropyloxetane)and determined that ATR/FT-IR, PAS/FT-IR, and minispec NMR to determine
the crystalline/amorphous ratio is influenced in the same the plasticizer content in TiOz filled poly(viny1 chloride).
manner as other members of the branched polyoxetanes series. Bowmer et al. (G252)used IR to study ethylene-vinyl chloride
Merimo (G207) studied the effect of applied stress and copolymers (obtained from partial reduction of poly(viny1
stretch on thermically crystallized poly(3,3-dimethyloxetane) chloride)). IR bands at 665 and 610 cm-I are assigned to
using Raman. The effect of these mechanical deformations isolated CHCl units.
produced a transformation from the orthorhombic to mono- IR was used both qualitatively and quantitatively in the
clinic structure which is the most thermodynamically stable characterization of thermally polymerized bis[4-(3-ethynyl-
form. Bertoluzza and co-workers (G208) utilized IR and phenoxy)phenyl] sulfone. The polymer had predominantly
Raman to study soft contact lenses. Raman spectra showed trans conjugated polyene structure (G20). Miya and co-
the absence of residual monomers in the finished lenses fa- workers (G51) demonstrated that intermolecular hydrogen
bricated from poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). Raman bonding occurs between chitosan and poly(viny1alcohol) using
spectra of a lens recorded before implantation in a baboon FT-IR. Lippert et al. (G38) reported on the studies of poly-
eye and the spectra recorded 36 months after implantation (N-vinylimidazole) complexes using both Raman and IR
did not reveal any spectral differences. spectroscopy. Skrovanek et al. (G56) studied the IR spectrum
Experimental proof was presented for the relationship of amorphous benzenedicarboxylic acid-hexamethylenedi-
between film thickness of the probed surface layer and ab- amine polymer using FT-IR and found tht the strength of the
sorbance using the FT-IR/ATR technique (G13). The mo- hydrogen bond decreased with an increase in temperature.
lecular weight of poly(buty1ene terephthalate) in the solid state Reflection/absorptionFT-IRstudies of polybutadiene coatings
was determined by FT-IR using the extinction coefficients and an amine-cured epoxy coating on cold-rolled steel which
for the absorption bands arisen from the OH and COzH end were exposed to 40 "C and 80% relative humidity for 7 months
groups (G18). Curry et al. (G32) identified polymers where showed that these materials decomposed under these con-
the amount available for identification was as little as 2 mg ditions (G72). Sbampato and Kawano (G73) utilized IR and
using FT-IR. UV/Vis spectroscopy to study the affect of X-ray radiation
Hindle (G118) and Mercer (G119) discussed the utilization upon poly(viny1chloride) films. The study indicated that the
of IR for measuring film and coating thickness. Bartick (G125) film was dehydrochlorinated forming polyenyl radicals which

subsequently reacted with oxygen to form carbonyl groups. recorded reflection spectra of poly(viny1acetate) on a copper
Nichols et al. (G100) utilized FT-IR to study bacteria, substsrate using FT-IR equipped with two linear polarizers.
bacteria-polymer mixtures, and microbial biofilms. Nguyen Data collected included both phase and intensity information.
and Ishida (G14) studied the IR spectra of poly(ary1-ether- By use of the principles of ellipsometry, the differential phase
ether-ketone) at elevated temperatures and various times. retardation and differential amplitude were calculated from
The polymer was shown to retain some degree of local order these measurements. The optical constants of poly(viny1
at 380O. Schultz et al. (G121) developed a method to estimate acetate) determined by IR ellipsometry compared favorably
cellulose crystallinity using FT-IR and dynamic thermogra- with reference spectra. Wintersgill et al. (G165) utilized
vimetry. Hon and Gui (G238) showed that carbonyl and FT-IR, conductivity, and/or NMR to study poly(viny1acetate)
aldehyde groups were formed in photoirradiated cellulose complex with alkali metal salts.
nitrate by application of FT-IR. Kulczycki (G137) calculated IR and melting point determinations were used to distin-
the vibrational frequencies of crystalline bis-phenol-a poly- guish between polyolefins based on ethylene, propylene, or
carbonate. The 13 force constants for the carbonate group their mixture (G39). Maddams and Woolmington (G54) re-
were determined from normal coordinate calculations. ported on the IR studies of linear low density polyethylenes
Chang and Hsu (G139) used IR to determine the relative containing methyl, ethyl, butyl, isobutyl, and hexyl branches.
amount, location, and orientation of residual water and PO- Maroncelli and co-workers (G66) studied the IR spectra of
lyphosphoric acid molecules in poly(ppheny1enebenzobis- CD2 substituted n-alkanes, and the results of this study enable
thiazole) films. Walters et al. (G142) used FT-IR to study new details of the chains conformation in polymethylene
B u O ~ C C H ~ N H CCH~)~C:CC:C(CH~)~O&NHCH~CO~BU
O~( systems to be determined. Beckett et al. (G109) recorded the
homopolymer as a function of temperature. Two endotherms IR spectra of crystalline isotactic polypropylene in its various
were observed in the thermograms which correlate with polymorphic forms in the region 100-500 cm-l. Labrie et al.
spectroscopic changes. Weber et al. (G147) utilized IR, XPS, (G131) showed that polypropylene can be used as IR windows
and electrochemistry to study Nafion films prepared from below 800 cm-l under cryogenic conditions.
hexamethylphosphortriamide solutions. Bolton and Scherer Spells (G127) studied the influence of matrix isotopic CH2
(G150) used Raman to study the types of ethanol hydrogen in CD2upon the chain conformation of solution crystallized
bonding in cellulose acetate films. deuteriated polyethylene. The results implied that isotopic
Lang and co-workers (G198) used IR and a micro diamond fractionation is unimportant. Benedetti and eo-workers
cell for the rapid identification of single fibers of cotton, wool, (G130)utilized IR to study the intermolecular interactons of
and acrylic fibers and to interpret the effeds of dying of three the carboxyl groups of the side chains of diethyl maleate
Orlon acrylic fiber samples. Gordon et al. (G212) utilized functionalized high density polyethylene and C-H of poly-
diffuse reflectance IR to follow the reaction sequences block (vinyl chloride). As the poly(viny1chloride) concentration
copolymers containing rigid-rod segments of (poly[benzo- increased in these mixtures, the carbonyl stretching band of
[ 1,2-d;4,5-d1bisimidazole-2,6-diyl)-1,4-phenylene and ran- functionalized HDPE shifted to lower frequencies and the
dom-coil segments of (poly [2,2'-(rn-phenylene-5,5'-bibenz- band becomes broader. The different frequency positions of
imidazole)]). Lang and Katon (G249) have utilized IR and the carbonyl band with respect to its concentration in this
Raman microspectroscopy in the analysis of failed circuit blend was attributed to interactions between the C=O group
boards. Ruan and Litt (G259) characterized the ladder and poly(viny1chloride) giving no complete phase separation
polymer, poly(4-(3-pyridyl)-8-methyl-2,3,6,7-quinolino) using even at 140 "C. Domke and Steinke (G282) used FT-IR in
IR and NMR. Shih et al. (G262) used both FT-IRand Raman the quantitative determination of oxidative structures in low
to study hydrolyzed maleic anhydride-1-octadecene co- density polyethylene. The amount of carboxyl,ester, ketone,
polymer. The copolymer assumed different conformations aldehyde, lactone, and a and 0unsaturated ketone structures
at different degrees of ionization in aqueous solution. present were calculated from the deconvoluted carbonyl peak
The same authors (G268) also utilized IR and DSC to study area.
the melting behavior of poly(ary1 ether ether ketone). Ste- Snyder and eo-workers (G141) used Raman to show a D-
venson et al. (G269)used both IR and 13C NMR to study the LAM band characteristic of long range conformational dis-
carbonization of poly(acrylonitri1e) and acrylonitrile-acrylic order in semicrystalline polyethylene. The frequency and
acid copolymer. Braise (G273) utilized IR to study the shape of this band when compared with molten polyethylene
cross-linking of oxydianiline-pyromellitic dianhydride co- indicated that the noncrystalline component in bulk crystalline
polymer. The study showed that 5-hm films were cross-linked polyethylene was conformationally liquidlike for crystallinities
by heating at 230-250 "C for 5 min, while samples corss-linked up to at least 90%. Wunder and Merajver (G143) utilized
initially at 150 "C did not cure completely when heated at 150 Raman spectroscopy to study the melt anisotropy of ultra-
"C. high-molecular-weight polyethylene. On the basis of the
IR was used to determine the amount of natural rubber, spectrscopic evidence ordered regions persisted in the melt
butadiene rubber, and styrene-butadiene rubber in ternary above the calorimetrically determined melting point and that
rubber blends (G17). Stadler et al. (GI75)utilized IR to study part of the polyethylene chain was in an environment which
hydrogen bonding vs. temperature for polymers formed by is similar to the orthorhombic crystal.
reacting polybutadiene with 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazolene-3,5- Afifi and Hafez (G163) assigned the IR bands at 700,
dione. The carbonyl stretching vibrations at 1700 and 1723 800-1000, 1370, and 1600-1700 em-' for 18 commercial
cm-' could be attributed to hydrogen bonded and free urazole polyethylene films. Moehring and co-workers (GI 79) devel-
groups, respectively, and with increasing temperature the oped an quantitative FT-IR method of analysis for the dif-
fraction of bonded groups decreases. Lu ahd Hs (G176) de- ferent double bonds present in polyolefins. The method was
termined the molecular compositions of various extracted optimized by measuring the melted substances by the integral
fractions from raw natural rubber such as pure rubber, soluble absorbances of the olefinic bands using computer-generated
rubber and protein, and gel rubber and protein by application band profiles. The integral extinction coefficients of the vinyl,
of IR. trans-vinylene, and vinylidene double bonds were determined
Mandelkern and co-workers (G257) utilized Raman spec- by the analysis of model compounds. Jona et al. (G184)
troscopy to study the low-frequency spectra of a series of calculated the IR intensities for some polymethylene chain
hydrogenated polybutadienes. A broad band in the vicinity molecules containing conformational defects or polar heads.
of 200 cm-' was designated as the D-LAM band. This band Takeuchi and co-workers (G209)performed normal coordinate
reflected the region of configurational disorder. The band calculations for the in-plane vibrations of several trans-polyene
intensity was a linear function of the degree of crystallinity chains from butadiene to polyacetylene to obtain a set of force
when account is taken of the interfacial region. Thus, only constants commonly applicable to short and long polyenes.
the disordered, or liquidlike, regions contributed to the band Hagemann and Snyder (G224) showed that the 690-cm-I IR
intensity. The frequency of D-LAM increased with an increase band observed in the solution and bulk crystallized poly-
in branching, indicating a decrease in the number of trans ethylene and for similar bands observed for crystalline n-
bonds in the chain backbone. alkanes consists of an overlapping complex of binary com-
Mirabella (G22) demonstrated the use of band-ratioing bination bands associated with u5 and ug branches of a planar
techniques in the quantitative analysis of ethylene-vinyl polymethylene chain.
acetate copolymer and ethylene-propylene copolymer using Heuvel and Hisman (G84) evaluated a quantitative model
internal reflection spectroscopy IRS/IR. Graf (G124) et al. for fitting an IR spectrum of poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) over
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59. NO. 12, JUNE 15, 1987 131 R

the region 720-1100 cm-'. This model fitted the experimental and thermal mechanical analysis. Carlson et al. ((287) used
IR transmission spectra of yarns measured with the electrical both FT-IR and thermal-mechanical analysis to study the
vector parallel and perpendicular to the fiber axis. Each of kinetic parameters in curing of isophorone diisocyanate trimer
the trans bands near 972 and 845 cm-' resulted from two and polyester gel coat systems. Painter and Thomson (GI 73)
components, a broad and a narrow one. These components utilized IR to study urethanes containing polydiacetylenes,
resulted from the presence of amorphous and crystalline and the study showed that there is a range of hydrogen bonded
phases of PET. Xue (G116) employed diffuse reflectance states that varied systematically with temperature. Raman
FT-IR to record external reflection spectra of stretched and and FT-IR were used in the study of the chemical composition,
unstretched samples of poly(ethy1eneterephthalate) films and structure, and state of the cure of epoxy resin systems (G27).
fibers. Information about the molecular orientation of the Thuillier et al. (G242) used IR and NMR to study the mi-
film and fiber surfaces was obtained. Yazdanian et al. (G134) crowave curing effects on poly(bispheno1 A diglycidyl ether).
developed a quantitative IR method for poly(ethy1ene tere- Starkweather et al. (G57) treated the IR spectral data for
phthalate) fibers in conventional yarns. Hu and co-workers crystalline and amorphous poly(tetrafluoroethy1ene) by two-
(G133) recorded polarized IR spectra of oriented films of component factor analysis, and found that bands in the region
polyesters prepared from bromohydroquinone and 4,4'-di- 700-800 cm-' and 1400-1800 cm-l were peculiar to the
carboxy-lJ0-diphenoxydecane in order to determine the amorphous spectrum. The vibrational assignment for poly-
alignment of the polymer chains induced by shearing. (vinylidene fluoride) was revised based upon polarized Raman
Yang and Fateley (G189)utilized PAS/FT-IR to study the data and normal coordinate analyses (G74),and IR was used
uniformity and depth of penetration of cotton yarns, poly- to study the degree of phase transformation of poly(viny1idene
(ethylene terephthalate) fibers, and poly(viny1 chloride) fluoride) in the presence of electric fields and a t various
composite films. Huang et al. (G236) studied the IR spectra temperatures (G75).
of poly(ethy1ene terephthalate)/polycarbonate dry mixed Lu and Hsu (G128) utilized FT-IR to study the crystalli-
blends which had been heated to 260-290 OC. Block co- zation of poly(viny1idene fluoride) from the melt in the
polymer formation a t the interface was found. presence of a weak electric field. The electric field caused
Adar and Noether (G144) used a Raman microprobe to chain conformations which exists mainly in trans sequences
record polarized spectra of spin-oriented and drawn filaments associated with either the p or y phases. With no electric field,
of poly(ethy1ene terephthalate). Various bands and their the a phase was obtained. Siesler ((2129) measured simul-
intensities correlated with conformation of the glycol linkage, taneously FT-IR spectra of poly(viny1idene fluoride) and
orientation of the chains, and crystallinity. It was determined tensile stress a t variable temperatures. It was shown that in
that bands previously assigned to crystallinity actually result the temperature range 348-423 K the drawing process is in-
from the trans conformation of the glycol group. DeBlase and homogeneous and occurs via formation of a neck. The I1 (a)-I
co-workers (G82) presented Raman data for poly(ethy1ene ((3) phase transformation was restricted to temperatures below
terephthalate) and the low frequency region clearly showing 423 K, and its onset is generally related to the formation of
that annealing above T, increased PET crystallinity. In ad- the neck.
dition, evidence was presented that a broad Raman band Hussla and Philpott (GI 77) studied the vibrational prop-
results from an oriented amorphous phase. Bulkin et al. (G83) erties of liquid perfluorinated polyethers on Au surfaces by
using Raman spectroscopy studied poly(ethy1ene tere- polarization modulated FT-IR reflection-absorption spec-
phthalate) yarns, annealed a t different temperatures, and troscopy under ultrahigh vacuum down to the glass transition
found that three distinct events take place in the fibers: at approximately 180 K. Gerbier and co-workers (G185)
conformational change, chain orientation, and recrystallinity. utilized ATR/IR to study sputter cleaning of bulk poly(tet-
Bower et al. (G235) utilized Raman spectroscopy to study rafluoroethylene). The sputtering produced a fine powder by
the molecular orientation in biaxially oriented sheets of breaking long chains of PTFE which gave roughly the same
poly(ethy1ene terephthalate). The orientation of the chain spectra as the bulk sample. Lauchlan and Rabol (G197) used
axis was closer to that predicted by the rubber network model. oriented polarized Raman scattering measurements to in-
The benzene ring planes were preferentially oriented toward vestigate the anisotropic scattering properties of a uniaxically
the planes of the sheets. The chain axis orientation was nearly stretched filament of planar zigzag poly(viny1idene fluoride).
uniaxial and similar to that observed for uniaxially drawn Comparison of these new vibrational assignments with those
samples indicating that there is no direct connection between calculated from existing valence force fields gave reasonable
the processes of chain axis orientation and preferential ori- agreement but suggests that the force field could be improved
entation of the benzene-ring planes. Kim et al. (G256) used by refinement incorporating these latest frequency assign-
Raman spectroscopy to study the conformational reorgani- ments.
zation of poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) and poly(propy1ene Pacansky and co-workers (C230) utilized IR to study the
terephthalate). The asymmetry of the C=O stretching vi- effect of electron beam irradiation upon poly(perfluoro-
bration as a function of annealing from amorphous to crys- propylene oxide)9. The study showed that acid fluoride groups
talline polymer was analyzed. An apparently anomalous are formed which hdyrolyze to form carboxylic acid and HF.
behavior of C=O stretch band half width as a function of Latour and Moreira (G232) studied the IR spectra of poly-
density for poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) is due to the C=O (vinylidene fluoride) and copolymers of vinylidene fluoride-
asymmetry. Bulkin et al. (GI74) employed Raman spec- trifluoroethylene in the region 10-55 cm-l. The effect of the
troscopy in the analysis of bulk and fibers of poly(ethy1ene crystalline phase was found to be small. Muralidhar and Pillai
terephthalate), and the data provided information about (6233) studied the IR spectra of poly(viny1idene fluoride)
conformation, orientation, and crystallinity. barium titanate composites. The concentration of the a form
Nyquist and Schuetz (G53) attributed the increase in the was reduced and the concentration of the y form was increased
tensile strength of cured butyl acrylate/methyl meth- for poly(viny1idene fluoride) with addition of barium titanate.
acrylate/acrylic acid/2-isopropenyl-2-oxazolinecopolymer Afanas'eva et al. (G234) utilized transmission and reflection
latex to the formation of an amide-ester linkage between latex IR to determine refractive indexes in the films of poly(tet-
particles. The same co-workers also reported an IR method rafluoroethylene) and hexafluoropropylene-tetralfuoroe-
for the determination of 2-isopropenyl-2-oxazoline-styrene thylene copolymer over the range 800-2200 cm-'.
copolymers. Christenson and co-workers (G239) utilized IR, Latour (G41) characterized a chlorotrifluoroethylene-vi-
NMR, dynamic mechanical, and DSC to study the mor- nylidene fluoride copolymer using IR and X-ray. Ahmed et
phology, physical, and mechanical properties of polyurethanes al. ((2247) confirmed the structures of bis(4-fluorophenyl)
based on MDI-butanediol. The phase mixing in these rubbers sulfone-4,4-dimercaptodiphenylsulfide copolymer and bis-
decreased with increasing hard-segment (HS)length while HS (4-fluorophenyl) sulfone-4,4-dibenzenethiol copolymer by
stability increased with increasing HS length. The importance application of IR. Urban and Koenig (G277) employed
of hydrogen bonding to the stability of the HS was supported
by variable-temperature IR experiments. Usmani (G260)
utilized IR to show that unreacted isocyanate groups in po-
PAS FT-IR to study films of poly(viny1idene fluoride) and
poly ethylene terephthalate). Poly(viny1idene fluoride) films
over poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) changed the thermal dif-
lyurethane coating were depleted in several hours a t 60 "C fusion length such that the sample of PVF2 on PET becomes
and 95% relative humidity. optically transparent and thermally thick. By changing the
Provder et al. (G50) studied the cure reaction kinetics of mirror velocity of the Michelson interferometer, it is possible
some model organic coatings based polyurethanes using FT-IR to obtain spectra at various sample depths. The intensity of


the carbonyl band of the lower PET film decreased by a factor independently of polymer type and of disposition surface
of 1y2,which agreed with theoretical predictions for thermdy pressure within the range investigated. Pennacchis et al.
thic and optically transparent samples. (G168) studied the compatibility of four para-substituted
Kostov and co-workers (G58)used IR to study the effect phenol-formaldehyde resin blends with poly(methy1 meth-
of oxidation on high-impact polystyrene and develop a method acrylate) (PMMA). The hydrogen bonding between the
to determine the efficiency of the added antioxidants. Tan- phenolic resins and PMMA was manifested by a shift of the
nenbaum et al. (G161) utilized FT-IRto show that sulfonated carbonyl stretching frequency by -25 cm-'.
polystyrene in blends with polyurethane forms salts with the Dybal et al. (G180) used IR and Raman to measure the
tertiary nitrogen in the hard segment of the polyurethane carbonyl stretching vibrations of poly(methy1methacrylate)
component. Fitzgerald and Weiss (G188) utilized IR to study of various stereoregularity in solution and in the solid state.
the effect of water and organic solvents on the metal salts of For ordered structures of syndiotactic PMMA, the transition
sulfonated polystyrene. The SO3 anion frequencies were dipole coupling of ester groups in ordered sequences leads to
lowered by the addition of solvents. Hamaide et al. (G222) a splitting of the C=O stretching vibration into three com-
utilized FT-IR to characterize neutral phosphonato-, phos- ponents with frequencies equal in the solid state and in so-
phinato-, and carboxybetaine moieties linked to styrene-vi- lution and of different activity in Raman and IR spectra.,
nylpyridine copolymer and 4-dimethylaminomethylstyrene- Mariam et al. (G192) used FT-IR to study the compatibility
styrene copolymers. in comblike azo liquid-crystal polyacrylates. Luoma and
Rao and co-workers (G59) studied blends of poly(ethy1ene Rowland (G237) utilized GC/IR and LC/IR to determine
oxide) and poly(methy1methacrylate) using IR spectroscopic compositional changes associated with aging in acrylic
techniques and showed that poly(ethy1ene oxide) had a structural adhesives.
preferentially planar zigzag structure in the blends and that Masetti et al. (G266) obtained polarized Raman spectra of
blending is preferred with isotactic poly(methy1 methacrylate) highly oriented trans-polyacetylene. Novel data on the po-
compared to the syndiotactic form. Grainger et al. (G67) used larization properties of the two resonantly enhanced Raman
IR to confirm the structures of polyethylene oxide-polystyrene bands of trans-(CH) were obtained by using the 609.6-nm line
multiblock copolymers. Dwivedi and Jayasuriya (G181) of a dye laser. Changes of the observed band shapes and of
utilized FT-IR and a cylindrical internal reflection cell to study the corrected intensities with the scattering configuration are
poly(ethy1ene oxide) and determined that three complexes consistent with conjugation lengths. For short conjugated
41, 2:1, and 1:l water ethylene oxide exist in aqueous solution.
Matsuura and Fuku ara (G240) performed detailed normal
coordinate analyses on a large number of models of poly(ox-
polymer segments, the electronic transition moment was not
apparently strictly aligned along the chain direction.
Polyacetylenewas studied by several scientists using either
yethylene). The systematic treatment provided well-defined IR or Raman spectroscopy. Mulazzi (G61) proposed a theo-
correlations between conformation and vibrational spectra. retical model as an aid in interpreting the properties of the
The modes in the region 800-1050 cm-' associated with C-0 polarized resonant Raman spectra recorded for stretched
and C-C stretching and CH2 rocking modes are highly de- samples of trans-polyacetylene. Dorsinville et al. (G62)studied
pendent on the conformation of the polymer chain. the infrared photoinduced absorption in trans-polyacetylene
Philippova et al. (G102) studied the dilute CCl, solution- in the liquid phase in the region 2000-6000 cm-I and dem-
phase IR spectra of poly(ethy1ene glycol) with molecular onstrated that it is capable of supporting charged solutions
weights ranging from 300 to 6000. The dependence of the even in solution. Eckhardt et al. (G63) recorded the anti-
equilibrium constants of the polymer molecular weight was Stokes Raman scattering of trans-polyacetylene and reported
determined for different forms of intramolecular and inter- that the line shapes are quite consistent with a disorder model
molecular hydrogen bonds. Teeters and Frech (G193) used in which the variation is attributed to a disorder-induced
Raman to study the temperature dependence of the spectra distribution of conjugation lengths. Bozovic and co-workers
of poly(propy1ene oxide) and poly(propy1ene oxide) salt com- (G64) showed by application of IR that Bates-Baker type
plexes. The 239-cm-I band assigned to a torsional or bending copolymers contain predominantly planar cis-polyacetylene
mode of the polymer backbone is the most sensitivie to the rather than 3i helical structure. Terlemezyan et al. (G6.5)used
presence of NaSCN. Frequency shifts in the anion stretching IR to determine that the BF, anion in aqueous solution did
vibrations suggested the presence of ion pairs. Bartlett and not prevent the irreverislbe oxidative attack of dissolved ox-
Cooney (G244) utilized Raman to tudy poly(oxyethy1ene) ygen on trans-polyacetylene.
chain confirmations in nonionic surfactants. The study of Lefrant and co-workers ((288) reviewed the vibrational
palkylphenoylpoly(oxyethy1ene) provides evidence for two studies of doped polyacetylene conductors. Resonant Raman
dominant confirmations: a helical or coil conformation, was used to study disorder in polyacetylene and in studying
common to all poly(oxyethene) materials, and a zigzag con- the effect of hydrostatic pressure on polyacetylene (G89492).
formation associated with the presence of the aromatic ring. Zerbi et al. (G104) reviewed the structural analysis of doped
Doskocilova and co-workers (G78) utilized vibrational and and undoped trans-polyacetylene based upon vibrational
NMR techniques to study dimethyl 2,2,4-trimethylglutarate transitions with the assumption of mechanical and dynamic
and dimethyl 2-methoxymethyl-2,4-dimethylglutarateas harmonicity. Masetti et al. (G105) recorded the resonance
model compounds for spectra-structure analysis of poly- Raman spectrum of highly oriented trans-polyacetylene, and
(methyl methacrylate). Joss and Wool (G85) used IR to study the polarization properties of the Raman active phonons were
the vitrification and physical aging in poly(methy1 meth- determined for the first time. Changes in the Raman band
acrylate) as a function of annealing and thermal cycling at shapes observed upon changing the scattering configuration
temperatures between ambient and 150". Koennecke (G86) implied that the dispersion of the Raman bands originated
utilized FT-IR to determine that there is intermolecular in- from conjugation length distribution. Bloor (G106) reviewed
teraction between carbonyl groups in poly(methy1 meth- the Raman data of conjugated polymers including polydi-
acrylate) and the oxygen atoms in polyoxymethylenes. acetylenes and disordered polyacetylenes. Iwahana and
Schlotter and Rabolt (G122) employed a thermostated K m a n y (G107)studied the effect of bond-length distribution
grazing incidence reflection (GIR) IR cell to record spectra on Raman scattering of trans-polyacetylene.
of thin monolayer films of poly(methy1 methacrylate) as a Kuzmany and Knoll (G194)measured the resonance Raman
function of temperature. The study revealed the onset of cross section and polarization of light scattered from trans-
molecular motion known to occur at the glass temperature polyacetylene. For the main vibrational line at 1460 cm-', a
(approximately100 "C for poly(methy1methacrylate)). Grieve resonance enchantment of 2 orders of magnitude was observed
and Cabines (G135) recommended that IR and other instru- for excitation with 1.7 eV. Yacoby and Roth (G195) studied
mental techniques be utilized in forensic investigation of fibers the resonance Raman scattering of polyacetylene doped with
fabricated from modified acrylic polymers. Jin and Meyer Br2,12,and AsF6 and compensated by NH,. Burzynski et al.
(G160) employed FT-IR to follow the kinetics of formation (G196) used lasar Raman optical-wave-guidestudy of mono-
of cross-linked poly(methy1methacrylate)-polyurethane in- and multilayer Lagmuir-Blodgett films of poly(diacety1ene)
terpenetrating polymer networks. Mumby et al. (G166) containing carboxylic acid groups. The study of the Raman
studied the molecular orientation of Langmuir-Blodgett (L-B) spectral change as a function of the blue-to-red polymer-form
monolayers of poly(octadecy1methacrylate) and poly(octadecy1 conversion revealed that the phase transformation involves
acrylate) by application of IR. The carbonyl groups were a two-phase heterogeneous process. Lyall and co-workers
oriented approximately perpendicular to the substrate surface ((2201)measure the resonance Raman excitation profile of two



vibrational modes of Langmuir-Blodgett films of a polydi- Sergides and co-workers (G96) determined the optical
acetylene. The excitation profiles were used to determine both constants n and k of polyacrylonitrile in the IR region
the strength of the vibronic coupling and the differences in 700-3100 cm-l by using theoretical calculations and experi-
ground and excited states. Hicks and Gammel (G258) ex- mental IR reflectance spectra. Excellent agreement between
tended the Su (1982) model for the coupled electron-phonon theory and experiment was obtained for the k values. Bauer
system in polyacetylene to include phonons. Two localized and co-workers (G162) used IR s ectroscopy in the evaluation
IR-active vibrational states were found. Significant mixing of the cyanate conversion in soliC Yand gelled aromatic cyanate
was found between the Gladstone mode of the solution and oligomers. Shimada and co-workers (G261) used FT-IR to
the lower-frequency modes in the acoustic phonon branch, study the stabilization reaction of polyacrylonitrite in the
creating for a charged solition, an IR-active acoustic phonon production of carbon fibers. Three types of reactions, cy-
branch. clization, dehydrogenation, and oxygen uptake, were shown
The vibrational spectrum of poly@-phenylene) was calcu- to occur almost simultaneously in the stabilization process in
lated by using the force constants and the electrooptical fields air.
from toluene (G68). Kim et al. (G93) assigned the vibrational Shaaban et al. (G178) determined the structure of poly-
spectrum of benzanilide and performed a normal coordinate (ethylene cinnamylsuccinate)by application of IR and NMR.
analysis, and the data are useful as a model for interpreting The peroxide-initiated cross-linking of poly(ethy1ene cinna-
the vibrational data for poly@-phenylene terephthalamide). mylsuccinate) with styrene in dioxane yielded an insoluble
Some of the same co-workers performed a normal vibrational compound, and the hydrolyzed product was analyzed utilizing
analysis of poly(p-phenyl terephthalamide), a rigid-rod IR. Cousin and Prud’homme (G182) used FT-IR and 13C
polymer (G210). Murali et al. (G171) utilized IR to show that NMR to study specific interactions in polyester-poly(viny1-
there is a proton transfer of acidic proton in sulfonated halide) blends. Miscible blends exhibited a frequency shift
polyphenylene to the nitrogen atoms in ethyl acrylate-4- of the carbonyl stretching vibration and an increase of its
vinylpyridine copolymer. width at half-height. In contrast the carbonyl stretching
Brisson and Brisse (G94) characterized a series of dibenz- vibration is not perturbed in immiscible blends. Xue et al.
amides using IR, Raman,and X-ray diffraction data. The IR (G217) studied the surface orientation of polyester fibers by
and Raman data showed that the position of the amide V band using a modified sampling technique. The fiber axis was
depended on the r angle and could be used to infer whether arranged parallel to incident radiation first, and then per-
the T angle was near 180’. These data were useful in the pendicular to it. The differences in total absorbances and
interpretation of the vibrational data for poly(methy1ene relative intensity changes in the spectra showed the features
terephthalamides). Gopal and Srinivasan (G115) utilized IR of specular reflection. The technique has the adGantage over
and NMR to characterize six polyamide-polyureas prepared ATR in that there is no optical contact problem.
by the copolymerization of 3,3’-diaminobenzanilide or 44’-
diaminobenzanilidewith TDI, HMDI, or MDI in DMF at 30’ THERMAL ANALYSIS
for 2 h. Several review articles covering the thermal analysis of
Ishida and Scott (G191) used FT-IR interfaced with a polymers were published in the last two years. The use of
computerized microreaction injection molding machine to thermal analysis for both qualitative and quantitative analysis
study the Nylon 6 molding process. The molecular data of polymer systems has been explored by Maurer (HI).
obtained for Nylon 6 helped in understanding its transient Elastomers, cross-linked polymers, and partially hydrolyzed
crystalline behavior prior to the completion of the polymer- polymers were discussed in this review. The determination
ization reaction, crystalline kinetics, and structural changes of the heat capacity for completely glassy or fully cyrstallized
of the polymer chain. Zelmanovic et al. (G218) simultaneously polymers with the subsequent use of these data to quantitate
determined the gauge and orientation of polymer film of Nylon intermediate states was discussed by Wunderlich (H2). The
66 using IR spectroscopy. application of thermomechanical analysis for the character-
Trefonas and West (G77) utilized IR, NMR, and UV ization of multiphase copolymer systems was reviewed by
spectroscopy to study the reaction of polycyclohexyl- Yilgor and co-workers (H3). Harrison et al. (H4) presented
methylsilylene with m-chloroperbenzoicacid and found that an extensive review of various thermal techniques for studying
a block copolymer was produced containing cyclohexyl- cross-linking in polymers. The theory of polymer-polymer
methylsilylene units and cyclohexylmethylsiloxane units. miscibility, with emphasis on the thermodynamic require-
Fuhrmann and Glaenzer (GI11)developed a computer-aided ments for miscibility, as well various methods for quantifying
IR method for the analysis of poly(dimethylsi1oxane) in the interaction between components in blends was reviewed
emulsions, pastes, and pharmaceutical preparations, and on by Paul (H5). DeFrancis and Sichina (H6) reviewed the use
the surfaces of materials such as rubber stoppers. Murthy of thermal techniques for quality assurance applications for
et a1 (G112) developed a method for determining poly(di- composites.
methylsiloxane) on cotton fabrics using ATR/FT-IR and Following the trends of recent years, there was significant
methanol. The methanol was needed to swell the cotton work in the area of combined techniques. Combined ther-
fabrics in order to release poly(dimethylsi1oxane) onto the mogravimetric analysis/mass spectroscopy (TGA/MS) has
ATR late. West and Zhang (G113) utilized IR, UV, proton, been used by Prime (H7) to study the curing and decompo-
and PC NMR data to characterize copolymers containing sition reaction of phenolic resins. Stark and Seferis (H8)
diphenylsilylene units. Copolymers were formed by the re- showed that while different thermal techniques examine
action of Ph2SiC12and R,R’SiC12 (where R = methyl or hexyl different phenomena regarding the curin reaction, data from
and R’ = phenethyl, cyclohexyl, or hexyl) in the presence of the different methods can be correlatecf to give insight into
sodium in toluene. the overall curing process. Combined TGA/GC has been used
Culler and co-workers (G138) used FT-IR to characterize by Costa and co-workers (239) to study the thermal degra-
the nature of the chemical reactions at the silane matrix resin dation of polystyrene in the presence of chloroalkanes and
interphase of a composite material. The system studied was found this combined method most useful for examining the
(y-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane,a difunctional epoxy resin products of the early stages of decomposition. Russel and
with and without E glass fiber composite. Kohn (G170) Koberstein (HIO) described a method for performing simul-
utilized IR and UV-size exclusion chromatography methods taneous small-angle X-ray scattering and differential scanning
to determine the placement and to quantify the Si-H, Si-OH, calorimetry (DSC). This method was used to study the
and Si-Ph groups in poly(dimethylsi1oxanes). Jenden (G203) melting and crystallization of polyethylene fractions. McEwen
utilized laser Raman spectroscopy to monitor artificial et al. (H11)described a method for combining TGA and
weathering of alkyd and silicone-modified alkyd varnishes. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy which allows
The data showed the improved weather resistance of sili- for both the identification and quantitation of the various
cone-modified coatings compared to alkyds. Klimisch and components present in polymer systems.
Chandra (G246) used ATR/FT-IR to quantitatively determine Thermally stimulated discharge current (TSDC) was used
the amount of poly(dimethy1siloxanes) on human skin. Lipp by Chowdhury (H12) to examine charge transfer efficiencies
(G265) utilized Fourier self-deconvolutionto the FT-IRspectra and conductivities of various epoxy/silicone composites. Gotro
of poly(dimethylsi1oxane) oligomers for determining chain et al. (H13)has used DSC, FT-IR, and dynamic mechanical
length information from IR spectra and was applicable to analysis (DMA) to characterize the usefulness of a bis(ma1e-
oligomers having molecular weights as high as 15 000. imide)/bis(cyanate) epoxy thermosetting resin for use in


composites for fabricated circuit boards. The effect of COz, polyethylene. Rim (H36) did an extensive examination of the
at pressures up to 25 atm, on the glass transition temperature effects of side chain crystallizability on the glass transition
of several polymers was studied and a reduction in the glass temperature and melting temperature of poly(a-olefin-co-
transition temperature of up to 50 OC has been observed (H14). maleic anhydride). Meister et al. (H37) found that the sym-
Stenberg and Bjork (H16) used DSC to study the efficiency metry of side groups (methyl to ethylphenyl) can reduce or
of various antioxidants in natural rubber a a function of eliminate the crystallinity and increase the glass transition
sample e and thickness. Staub (HI7) applied DSC, TGA, temperature of phosphazenes.
and TM? to the study of elastomers and has been able to The effect of varying the side chain length on the properties
quantitate levels of EPDM and natural rubber in mixtures of polymers made from vinyl esters of fatty acids having
of the two. Zoller (H18) applied high-pressure volume dila- various chain lengths was related to the relative packing mode
tometry to the characterization of polymer blends in the melt. by $hibasaki and Fukuda (H38).The process for thermal
Eckhoff and Bagley (H15) examined the effect of rapid degradation of copolymers of styrene with some metal acry-
exothermic processes on the accuracy of data generated from lates was studied using TGA by Gronowski and Wojtczak
a power-compensating DSC. Experiments with distilled water (H39). They reported that while zinc increases stability, other
show as much as a 44% difference between the peak area for metals (Co, Cu, and Ni) decrease thermal stability. Bataille
the exothermic and endothermic transitions. and Granger (H40) have examined the thermal stability of
Several authors used DSC to examine the curing process methyl methacrylate-styrene copolymers as a function of
of epoxy resins. Temple and Coulson (H19) discussed the use polymerization conditions and found that increasing reaction
of DSC for determining the cure of an epoxy from both the time gave a more thermally stable polymer.
shift in T after the curing process and percent conversion Utracki (H41) extended the Couchman equation for the
methods. %he merits and applicability to plant quality control change in T, with composition by addition of a proportionality
applications of both techniques are discussed. Shah et al. factor. This proportionality fador can be used as an indication
(H20) studied the curing of phenolphthalein-basedepoxy resin of the degree of miscibility of the blend. Kihira and Yama-
with phthalic anhydride by DSC and found that the kinetics mura (H42) examined the effect of various levels of meth-
were independent of the concentration of phthalic anhydride yacrylic acid in a copolymer with methyl methacrylate. Shifts
and scan rate. Barton (H21) reviewed the use of DSC as a in the glass transition temperature and dynamic loss curves
method for monitering the kinetics of epoxy curing reactions. suggest that hydrogen bonding effects are restricting segmental
Karasz (H22) used temperature-copolymer composition movement. DSC was used to examine the change in mi-
diagrams for determining the compatibility of a copolymer crostructure for ethylene-vinyl chloride copolymers (H43).
blend. Limitations of the use of T for determining com- Zhouy et al. (H44) found that melting points and glass tran-
patibility in blends are discussed. D%C was used by Natan- sition temperatures for liquid crystal polyesters prepared using
sohn (H23) to study the exotherm associated with the phase 2-substituted hydroquinones are independent of the polarity
separation in miscible polymer blends. Brekner and co- of the substitution group but steric effects due to the sub-
workers (H24)used dynamic mechanical measurements to stitution group are the main causes for changes. Pasztor (H45)
study the effect of molecular weight on the compatibility of used DSC to determine the relative levels of EPDM rubber
blends of polystyrene (PS) and poly(viny1 methyl ether) in blends of EPDM and SAN based on the magnitude of the
(PVME). It is reported that low molecular weight PS has a change in specific heat at the glass transition. Chartoff and
greater com atability with PVME than high molecular weight Butler (H46) used dynamic mechanical analysis to study the
PS. Greenierg et al. (H25)studied the change in T for miscibility of polymer blends.
composites of poly(acry1ic acid) and ceramic fillers. $hey An increasingly important area of polymer analysis is the
found that different fillers gave the maximum change in T, use of dynamic mechanical techniques, referred to as DMA
a t different volume fractions of filler. or DMS. Dynamic mechanical measurements can be made
Galliglia et al. (H26)studied the thermal properties of as a function of frequency and/or temperature and there is
poly(t-caprolactam) blended with other crystallizable poly- some discussion as to if this is a thermal technique. Since
mers. They found that the polymers crystallized separately, dynamic mechanical studies can be studied as a function of
but the presence of one crystalline phase greatly increased temperature, they are covered in this review article for the
the crystallization rate of the second phase. first time under thermal properties.
Calaharra et al. (H27) studied the thermal decomposition Bucknall (H47)has recently reviewed the mechanical
of poly(ethy1ene oxide), poly(methy1 methacrylate),and blends properties of high impact polymers. Bazuin and co-workers
of the two polymers. They found maximum stability for a recently used dynamic methods to explore both the glass
blend containing 80 % poly(ethy1ene oxide), indicating that transition (H48) and the melt (H49)regions of plasticized
these two polymers had a stabilizing effect on each other. polystyrene based ionomers.
Martuscelli and co-workers (H28) studied blends of poly- Kontou et al. (H50) used DSC and DMS to study the
(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(viny1 acetate) (PVA) and heterogeneity of epoxy networks and has reported that cured
found significant changes in the crystallization kinetics rate epoxies consist of two phases having high and low cross-link
constant and spherulite growth rate as PVA is added to PEO. densities. Sideridis and co-workers (H51) used DMS to study
Barnum et al. (H29) examined the excess heat capacity found iron filled epoxies and found the modulus to be dependent
for two miscible blends. The deviation in heat capacity was on the dynamic stress strain fields around the filler. Wan-
always found to be positive and the results are discussed in tanabe et al. (H52) explored the relation between the ionic
terms of the free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of mixing. conductivity and the dynamic mechanical properties of
Hagstroem (H30) developed phase diagrams for blends of polymer complexes formed by a segmented polyether-poly-
high density polyethylene with some low molecular weight (urethane urea) and lithium perchlorate. They reported that
compounds. Mechanical properties (stress-strain curves) were a two-phase system is formed with the lithium perchlorate
related to phase compositions from the phase diagram. Kerch primarily residing in the polyether phase. Mitchell and Porter
and Irgens (H31) used DTA to study the effect of composition (H53) studied the effects of uniaxial draw on the morphology
on the melting and crystallization of polypropylene and of poly(ethy1ene oxide) using X-ray diffraction, DMS, and
polyethylene blends. Allen et al. (H32) used DMS and DSC DSC. They concluded that a system of extended chain
to study blends of isotactic PMMA with atactic and syndio- molecules was formed. Qian (H54) studied the thermome-
tactic rich PMMA. They found that some blends showed two chanical behavior of acrylic fibers.
melting points, one for isotactic PMMA and a second for the Turi and Khanna (H55) used DSC and thermomechanical
blend. A study of the thermal and thermomechanicalbehavior analysis to study the heat setting history of Nylon 6. The heat
of blends of Nylon 6 and ethylene based multifunctional setting history was found to be related to the dimensional
polymer indicated a reaction of the amino end groups of Nylon stability and dyeability of the system. Chen et al. (H56)
6 with functional groups of the ethylene copolymer to form studied the melting and crystallization of Nylon 11 at high
a graft polymer which acted as an interfacial agent (H33). pressures and found two crystalline forms at low pressures
Copolymers of ethylene with other common monomers (e.g., but only one form at high pressures. Chen and co-workers
acrylonitrile, styrene, etc.) were examined by Krul (H34) and (H57) studied the crystallization rate of poly(ethy1ene tere-
found to be more thermally stable than polyethylene. Burfield phthalate) in the presence of sodium benzoate and adipic
and Kashiwa (H35)also studied the disruptive effects of acid-bis(hydroxyethy1)terephthalate copolymer. Aleman
various comonomers on the crystallization of linear low density (H58) characterized poly(buty1ene terephthalate) by DSC


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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 59, NO. 12, JUNE 15, 1987 1 4 1R

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