Words of Life Bible Study Notes: The Shining Pathway

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WORDS OF LIFE SERIES 17 (Malachi 3:10).

We have illustrations of this kind of definite prayer all

BIBLE STUDY NOTES THE SHINING through the Book of Acts.
PATHWAY What is the result of such meetings of the church for united prayer?
by Francis W. Dixon 1. The first result is guidance in the administration of the church.
It has been suggested that Peter and the other disciples acted in the energy of
Study 4 THE UPPER ROOM the flesh in appointing Matthias to take the place of Judas (read verses 14-26),
(Key verses: Acts 1: 13-14) but verse 24 suggests otherwise, and significantly Acts 6:2 speaks of “the
Twelve”. Evidently the Holy Spirit recognised his presence with the eleven.
In the life of the Christian there must be the “shut door” (private prayer), and in The lesson is obvious: only where there is united prayer on the part of the
the life of any church there must be an “upper room” (public prayer). And just members can there be the accomplishing of God’s will in and through the
as there is no substitute for private prayer in the life of the Christian, so nothing church. Without such praying, wrong decisions will be made, man’s wisdom will
can take the place of public prayer in the life of the church. The church was be exalted and God’s work will be hindered; but with much praying the work of
born in the upper room. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, for which those early God will go forward and His will can be accomplished.
disciples were told to wait, was to mark the birth and the beginning of the infant
church; and for ten days this company of praying souls was gathered in the 2. The second result will be the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
place of united prayer until the heavens were rent and “all of them were filled The result of this prayer meeting was Pentecost! – and the result of every true
with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4). It is in such upper rooms that the greatest prayer meeting should and will be Pentecost – the outpouring of the Spirit of
business in the world is transacted by the church, under the presidency of the God. Compare Acts 4:23-31, and notice that the same disciples who were
Holy Spirit, where humble, born-again souls meet and prostrate themselves present in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost were again filled with the
before Him in a willingness to do His will. Holy Spirit following a time of urgent intercession and prayer. More prayer on
In many respects, this eve-of-Pentecost prayer meeting was a model one, so let the part of the whole fellowship of God’s people means more of the convicting
us note some of its characteristics mentioned in Acts 1:14:- and converting power of the Holy Spirit in the personal and public preaching of
(1) Notice the word “ALL”. “They all joined together constantly in prayer…” the gospel, and more power in the lives of God’s people, enabling them to show
That is, the eleven apostles, the women, Mary the mother of Jesus, and our forth the beauty of the Lord Jesus in their daily walk and witness.
Lord’s brothers – and there were about 120 present (verse 15). The lesson 3. The third result will be the presence and power of Satan.
is simple: it is the privilege and responsibility of all to attend the prayer As soon as the Spirit of God began to work in the church, the Adversary began
meeting. also. In the Book of Acts, see how Satan did his utmost to disturb the work of
(2) They “joined together CONSTANTLY in prayer…” Their praying was God. A full and prosperous prayer meeting is the guarantee of the presence of
persevering and steadfast. There is no suggestion that they ate, slept or two great personalities – the Holy Spirit and Satan. Thank God, however, for
lived in the upper room, but the Holy Spirit records the fact that they all the truth in 1 John 4:4! The Devil is a defeated foe, and when a church knows
joined together constantly – look up Acts 12:5-17. how to “pray through”, the Spirit of the Lord will put him to flight (Isaiah 59:19,
(3) They “JOINED TOGETHER”. They prayed with one mind and one heart. footnote). The Devil leaves some churches alone: he does not attack the
There was unanimity about the matters for which they prayed; there was church that is little more than a religious club, or that is propagating “a different
heart-agreement between the pray-ers, and they enjoyed the unity of the gospel” (Galatians 1:6), or that is worldly and places no great value on the
Spirit – look up Ephesians 4:3. United prayer is vain if the pray-ers are not preaching of the Word, the ministry of prayer and the desperate need of lost
on good terms with one another - read Psalm 133, and compare Matthew men and women. No, he attacks the church in which the Holy Spirit is at work!
5:23-24. The fact that Satan is on the warpath need not be a cause for discouragement,
(4) They continued in “PRAYER”. The use of the word “prayer” reminds us that therefore; and where God’s people know how to pray through, the powers of
it includes praise, worship, thanksgiving, adoration, confession and darkness will not only be held back, but Satan’s devices will be used by God to
intercession. Frequently in our praying the note of praise is not sufficiently further His purposes.
to the forefront, so let us always bring to Him that which glorifies Him, even
4. The fourth result will be the mighty spread of the gospel.
our praise.
Within a few days of the conclusion of this prayer meeting, the whole of
(5) They united in prayer and “SUPPLICATION (AV)”. They made definite
Heaven’s machinery was set in motion for the spreading of the gospel (Acts
petitions, asking for God’s will to be accomplished, beseeching Him that He
1:8). Prayer thrusts out workers – look up Matthew 9:38.
would “open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing”

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