Cheat Sheet Example Vagrantfile - Centos 7 With Apache Terms and Definitions

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Cheat Sheet Terms and Definitions Example Vagrantfile - CentOS 7 with Apache

Box A prepackaged Vagrant environment that is the same

on any computer in which it is provisioned. # The $samplescript variable uses Ruby to feed in a script that runs upon
# provisioning:
Provider The underlying system that manages the
virtual machines, such as VirtualBox and Docker.
$samplescript = <<SCRIPT
Provisioner Systems that allow you to install software yum install -y httpd
and otherwise configure guest machines, such as Chef and
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd
Vagrantfile A single file used to define the desired SCRIPT
Vagrant environment; written in Ruby.
# Define Vagrant configuration version (2):

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# Define what box to use (CentOS 7):

vagrant init = "centos/7"

>> Initialize the directory as a Vagrant environment; creates Vagrantfile.
# Define hostname (myhost); most useful for environments with multiple guests:
vagrant box add <boxname>
>> Add a Vagrant box to to environment.
config.vm.hostname = "myhost"
vagrant up
>> Create and configure the guest machine(s) defined in the Vagrantfile. # Configure private network IP address:

vagrant ssh "private_network", ip: ""

>> SSH into a guest machine; include hostname in multi-machine environments.

vagrant halt # Sync files between local src/ folder and guest /var/www/html folder:
>> Attempt a graceful shutdown of the guest machine(s)
config.vm.synced_folder "src/", "/var/www/html"
vagrant suspend
>> Suspend the machine(s) in its current state; does not shut down machine(s). # Provision guest with $samplescript variable; uses shell scripting:

vagrant resume
>> Start stopped guest machine(s), whether halted or suspended. config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $samplescript

vagrant reload # Set guest options for VirtualBox, including memory (1024), and CPU (2):
>> Reboot guest machine; the same as running vagrant halt then vagrant resume.
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vagrant status
vb.memory = "1024"
>> View state of machines managed by Vagrant
vb.cpus = "2"
vagrant destroy end
>> Remove guest machine(s). end

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