Exhibit 4 (B) : Volatility of Foreign Exchange Ratesa (1/86-9/95)

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Exhibit 4(b) Volatility of Foreign Exchange Ratesa(1/86-9/95)

$/£ $/DM $/Belg. Franc

$/¥ $/$C
Mean 0.10% 0.50% 0.50% 0.60% 0.00%
Std. Deviation 2.90% 2.80% 2.70% 3.00% 1.00%

Maximum 6.90% 7.00% 6.80% 8.50% 2.30%

99th Percentile 5.70% 6.80% 6.50% 8.30% 2.00%
95th Percentileb 4.30% 4.50% 4.60% 6.00% 1.70%
90th Percentile 3.30% 4.10% 3.80% 4.60% 1.40%
75th Percentile 2.00% 2.50% 2.50% 2.30% 0.70%
50th Percentile 0.20% 0.50% 0.60% 0.40% 0.20%
25th Percentile -1.30% -1.20% -1.30% -1.10% -0.60%
10th Percentile -3.50% -2.80% -2.70% -3.20% -1.40%
5th Percentilec -4.60% -3.90% -3.90% -4.10% -1.80%
1st Percentile -7.70% -6.30% -6.30% -5.70% -2.20%
Minimum -10.60% -8.10% -8.20% -7.90% -2.50%
Source: ReuterLink
a Mean, standard deviation, and percentile rankings of month-to-month percentage changes in average monthly foreign exchange rates.
b The corresponding year-to-year percentage changes in average yearly foreign exchange rates were 10.8%,
19.0%, 19.2%, 15.4%, and 6.7%.
c The corresponding yearly numbers were -12.5%, -6.3%, -6.9%, -6.1%, and -6.1%.

hly foreign exchange rates.
Exhibit 5(a)
(000) of currency Salesa Operating Expenses
In local In $US In local Exchange
currency currency In $US Rateb
U.S. $ 42,577 42,577 35,810 35,810 1.0000
UK Pound 3,715 5,865 3,022 4,771 1.5873
German DM 2,188 1,466 722 484 0.6711
Belgian Francc 0 0 158,223 5,153 0.0326
Japanese Yen 665,767 7,072 414,793 4,406 0.0106
Other currencies N/A 517 N/A 322
Total N/A 57,498 N/A 50,947

Exhibit 5(b)
Currrent Sales a Prior Salesb Expensesc
In local In $US In local In $ US In local In $ US
currency currency currency
U.S. $ 19,760 19,760 11,242 11,242 37,045 37,045
UK Pound 1,724 2,722 981 1,548 3,129 4,940
German DM 1,015 680 577 387 722 484
Belgian Franc 0 0 0 0 158,223 5,153
Japanese Yen 308,984 3,282 175,781 1,867 414,793 4,406
Other currencies N/A 240 N/A 137 N/A 322
Total N/A 26,685 N/A 15,181 N/A 52,351
Local Currency USD Volatility Risk
U.S. $ -6043 -6043 NA
UK Pound -424 -673 10.8% -72.7
German DM 870 584 -6.3% -36.8
Belgian Franc -158223 -5158 19.2% -990.3
Japanese Yen 69972 742 -6.1% -45.2
Other currencies NA 55 -6.1% -3.4
Total -93848 -10494 CFaR -1148.4

Note: All figures are in thousands

percentage of expected financing 10.94%

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