Evolution, Merits and Demerits of Five Kingdom System

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2016 Vol. 22 No. 1 PP 76-78 ISSN 0971 - 6920

Department of Zoology,
Govt. Post Graduate College, Saidabad,
Email : akv.apexz@gmail.com
Received : 16.2.16; Accepted : 26.3.16
Five kingdom system of biological classification was proposed. These kingdoms were: Monera, Protista, Fungi,
Plantae and Animalia. The history of kingdom system started, laid the foundation of modern biological classification by
classifying the organisms into two kingdoms namely Plantae and Animalia. The two kingdom system were followed by
three, four and five kingdom systems respectively. In present discussion, author tried to discuss the evolution, merits,
demerits and relevancy of “five kingdom system” in modern context.

Figure : 00 References : 11 Table : 00

KEY WORDS : Basis of classification, Five kingdom system, Systematics, Three domains of life, Whittaker.

Introduction process of classification of all living organisms

The living organisms are quite enormous based on different characteristics.
in number with great diversity in their characters. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
The living organisms may be alike in their general The history of kingdom system started with
appearance but differ in detailed characteristics a Swedish Naturalist6,7, who laid the foundation of
because of specialization mainly in their form, modern biological classification by classifying the
structure, metabolism and life cycle. It is nearly organisms into two kingdoms namely Plantae and
impossible to study all the living organisms, hence Animalia. He for the first time classified the living
it is necessary to devise some means to make this organisms in a systematic way, introduced the
possible. This means is classification. The hierarchic system both in plants and animals. He
classification and study of these organisms on the laid the foundation of modern biological
basis of their similarities and dissimilarities are classification by classifying the organisms into two
concerned with taxonomy.By studying a given type; said kingdoms. His classification is now popularly
a good basic knowledge of the group concerned known as Two Kingdom System. He also
can be achieved. Besides, phylogenetic propagated ‘binomial nomenclature’ for all the
relationship can also be understood through species of organisms in 10th edition of his book
classification. ‘Systema Naturae7. This book is now known as
Systematics branch of Biology deals with dictionary of classification and he is honoured as
the study of identification, naming (nomenclature) father of binomial nomenclature and founder of
and orderly grouping (classification) of organisms modern taxonomy.
on the basis of their relationships. A worker 8 The Kingdom Plantae included chlorophyll
described the principles of systematics in detail. containing green plants, mosses, ferns, many
The systemetics includes evolutionary relationships colourless and coloured unicellular organisms,
among the organisms. systematist6 gave the term moulds, fungi, lichens, bacteria and multicellular
‘systematics’ in 1735 while later on it was given the seaweeds while Kingdom Animalia included many
term ‘taxonomy’ in 1813. Taxonomy is basically the other unicellular protozoans and multicellular
organisms without having chlorophyll and kingdoms. The eukaryotic unicellular organisms
photosynthetic ability. The two kingdom system of were kept into the kingdom Protista. The unicellular
classification of Linnaeus was not found suitable organisms show several types of modes of
due to huge diversity among the organisms and nutrition. The three multicellular eukaryotic
many other limitations. There is a brief account of kingdoms distinguish themselves by the general
diversity, evolution, taxonomy and various kingdoms manner in which they acquire food. Fungi are
in classification9. heterotrophs, generally break down large organic
A German biologist 5 proposed a third molecules in their environment by secreting
kingdom of life, the Protista, for unicellular enzymes. Plants are autotrophs and use
eukaryotes such as protozoans in 1866. An photosynthetic systems to capture energy from
American biologist4 created the fourth kingdom, sunlight. Animals are heterotrophs and acquire
Monera, to include bacteria and blue green algae nutrients by ingesting plants or other animals and
in 1956. Other workers1,2,3 worked a lot on different then digesting those materials.
kingdom systems and also suggested as well as Merits of five kingdom system:
proposed some ideas about new kingdoms. Their q Better relationship among organisms with
historical development of different kingdom reference to levels of organization
q Clear cut representation of mode of nutrition.
q Better evolutionary trend reflecting gradual
An American Ecologist10 proposed the five evolution of complex organisms from simpler
kingdom systems of classification. Through his “five ones.
kingdom system”, he succeeded to overcome the
q Better placement of certain controversial groups
difficulties as well as demerits of two, three and
like cyanobacteria, fungi and euglenoids.
four kingdom systems and to represent the living
organisms according to the evolutionary q Separation of kingdom Fungi from Plantae is
relationship among themselves. justified as the fungi have their own type of
structural, physiological as well as biochemical
Five kingdom system of classification10 is
based on:
Demerits of five kingdom system:
1. Mode of nutrition (main)
q Dilemma regarding the position of virus.
2. Cell structure and complexity
q Poor understanding about microbial biodiversity,
3. Phylogenetic relationship
as the archaebacteria and bacteria are kept
4. Body organization under the same single kingdom Monera.
5. Reproduction q Improper grouping of kingdom Protista, as it
In the five kingdom system different includes organisms with diverse form, structure
kingdoms are as following: and life cycle.
1. Monera : Prokaryotes e.g. bacteria and q Inclusion of dinoflagellates under Protista is not
cyanobacteria. logical, as they are not eukaryotic rather
2. Protista : Unicellular eukaryotes e.g. mesokaryotic.
unicellular algae, diatoms and protozoans. q Slime moulds placed under Protista differ
3. Fungi : Multicellular decomposers e.g. fungi considerably from the rest of protists.
and moulds. Discussion and Conclusion
4. Plantae : Multicellular producers, e.g. plants. Five kingdom system, despite of having
5. Animalia : Multicellular consumers, e.g. several demerits, has been increasingly accepted
animals. globally by the biologists since its inception till now
Worker10 also defined the kingdoms by a and is representing the standard paradigm.
number of special characteristics such as whether When five kingdom system was proposed,
the organisms possessed a true nucleus or not. microbial biodiversity was poorly understood. Now,
Since, Monera are prokaryotic and virtually all are microbial biologists have discovered the unicellular
unicellular, they differ from the other four eukaryotic organisms that look-like prokaryotes but were

extremely distinct in ultrastructure and other However, American Ecologist 11 have

characteristics from the traditional bacteria then developed three domain schem with six kingdom
updation of five kingdom system seems necessary. systems. This system adds ‘domain’ as a
Position of some unusual prokaryotes like ‘superkingdom’ above the level of kingdom. Three
thermophiles, halophiles and methanogens must domain system organizes biodiversity by
have to be clearly decided. DNA sequencing data evolutionary relationships11. As far as the relevancy
also increasingly suggested that these prokaryotes is concerned, three domain system seems to more
were most unlike the traditional bacteria and have logical, ethical, justified and appropriate from
some novel features that do not occur in bacteria evolutionary, microbial diversity and modern nucleic
and eukarya. With these new discoveries, it is acid sequencing point of views but it is still waiting
required that five kingdoms should be reorganized for its global and universal acceptance.
to meet the current scenario.

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9. RAVEN PETER H. AND JOHNSON GEORGE B. (1996) Biology 4th edition, WCB Publishers, London.
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