The Louvre Museum (1793) Paris, France
The Louvre Museum (1793) Paris, France
The Louvre Museum (1793) Paris, France
Paris, France
The Louvre
The Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre) in Paris, France, is one of the largest and most famous
museums in the world. The building, a former royal palace, lies in the center of Paris, between
the Seine river and the Rue de Rivoli. Its central courtyard, now occupied by the Louvre glass
pyramid, lies in the axis of the Champs-Élysées, and thus forms the nucleus from which the Axe
historic springs. Part of the royal Palace of the Louvre was first opened to the public as a
museum on November 8, 1793, during the French Revolution.
The first royal "Castle of the Louvre" on this site was founded by Philippe II in 1190, as a
fortress to defend Paris on its west against Viking attacks. In the 14th century, Charles V turned
it into a palace of the arts, but Francois I and Henri II tore it down to build a real palace; the
foundations of the original fortress tower are now under the Salle des Cariatides (Room of the
The existing part of the Château du Louvre was begun in 1546. The architect Pierre Lescot
introduced to Paris the new design vocabulary of the Renaissance, which had been developed in
the châteaux of the Loire. His new wing for the old castle defined its status, as the first among
the royal palaces. J. A. du Cerceau also worked on the Louvre.
During his reign (1589-1610), King Henri IV added the Grande Galerie. More than a quarter of a
mile long and one hundred feet wide, this huge addition was built along the bank of the Seine
River and at the time was the longest edifice of its kind in the world. Henri IV, a promoter of the
arts, invited hundreds of artists and craftsmen to live and work on the building's lower floors.
This tradition continued for another two hundred years until Napoleon ended it. Louis XIII
(1610-1643) completed the Denon Wing, which had been started by Catherine Medici in 1560.
Today it has been renovated, as a part of the Grand Louvre Renovation Programme. The
Richelieu Wing was also built by Louis XIII. It was part of the Ministry of Economy of France,
which took up most of the north wing of the palace. The Ministry was moved and the wing was
renovated and turned into magnificent galleries which were inaugurated in 1993, the 200th
anniversary of the Louvre Museum.
Commissioned by King Louis XIV, architect Claude Perrault's eastern wing (1665-1680),
crowned by an uncompromising Italian balustrade along its distinctly non-French flat roof, was a
ground-breaking departure in French architecture. His severe design was chosen over a design
provided by the great Bernini, who came to Paris for the purpose. Perrault had translated the
Roman architect Vitruvius into French. Now Perrault's rhythmical paired columns form a
shadowed colonnade with a central pedimented triumphal arch entrance raised on a high, rather
defensive basement, in a restrained classicizing baroque manner that has provided models for
grand edifices in Europe and America for centuries. The Metropolitan Museum in New York, for
one example, reflects Perrault's Louvre design.
The Louvre was still being added to by Napoleon III. The new wing of 1852-1857, by architects
Visconti and Hector Lefuel, represents the Second Empire's version of Neo-Baroque, restlessly
charged with detail everywhere and laden with sculpture. Work continued until 1876. In 1989,
the Crystal Pyramid was inaugurated. It was designed and built by Ieoh Ming Pei. It was the first
renovation of the Grand Louvre Project. Today, many renovations are taking place. One of the
most recent was the renovation of the Carre Gallery, where the Mona Lisa is exhibited. The
Louvre holds the rich artistic heritage of the French people from the early Capetian Kings
through the Empire of Napoleon Bonaparte and to the present day.
Long managed by the French state under the Réunion des Musées Nationaux the Louvre has
recently acquired powers of self-management as an "Etablissement Public Autonome" in order to
better manage its growth. Since September 14, 2005, the Louvre museum has gradually
forbidden the taking of photos of its artworks.
Among the thousands of priceless paintings is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, perhaps the most
famous painting in the world; it is housed in the Salle des Etats in a climate-controlled
environment behind protective glass. Works of artists like Fragonard, Rembrandt, Rubens,
Titian, Poussin, and David can also be seen. Among the well-known sculptures in the collection
are the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo. The collection of Baron Edmond
de Rothschild (1845-1934), given to the Louvre in 1935, fills an exhibition room. It contains
more than 40,000 engravings, nearly 3,000 drawings and 500 illustrated books.
Besides art, the Louvre has many other types of exhibits, including archeology, history, and
architecture. It has a large furniture collection, whose most spectacular item used to be the
Bureau du Roi of the 18th century, now returned to the Palace of Versailles.
"Although today its collection is the most interesting part of the museum, the building
itself is an important exhibit, too," said Gudek Snajdar. The building is primarily of
Renaissance and French Classical style, she said. The first medieval elements from the
old fortress can still be seen underground, beneath the pyramid, around the lobby area.
"Probably its most famous part is Claude Perrault's 'Colonnade' on the eastern façade
of Louvre," said Gudek Snajdar. "It was built in the 17 th century and it's a wonderful
example of a French Classicism. It's composed of paired Corinthian columns with
pavilions at the corners of the facade." She said had influenced many buildings — the
U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., and the Metropolitan Museum in New York being just
some of them.
In 1983, the Louvre underwent a renovation plan known as the Grand Louvre, according
to Part of the plan called for a new design for the main entrance. Architect
I.M. Pei was awarded the project, and he designed an underground lobby and modern
glass pyramid structure in the courtyard. Inaugurated in 1988, the pyramid would
become a celebrated element of the landmark museum's design. "It is my personal
favorite," said Gudek Snajdar. "Combining traditional style with modern architecture, it
shows the Louvre's timeless beauty."
In 1993, the Inverted Pyramid, a skylight dipping into the underground lobby, was
unveiled, according to the Louvre website.