Urkund Report - Roopa - Final Year Report (1) .PDF (D70633383)
Urkund Report - Roopa - Final Year Report (1) .PDF (D70633383)
Urkund Report - Roopa - Final Year Report (1) .PDF (D70633383)
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ABSTRACT Intelligence e-commerce is a provider of smart home solutions, for both consumers and companies. Their
base product is the E-commerce Cabinet, which is a well-designed rack where you can install different modules, for
example, Fiber connection, WiFi, Security solutions such as Alarm and Video, etc. E-commerce cabinets are manufactured
to ensure optimal control of infrastructures such as communications, security, automation and other important services
we use in everyday life. This ensures optimum operating conditions and is the natural focal point and platform for today's
and future infrastructure and services. We found an easy way to sell products and services to a large customer base
through an ecommerce platform. This project aims to develop online shopping for customers with the goal that it is very
easy to shop your loved things from an extensive number of online shopping sites available on the web. With the help of
this you can carry out an online shopping from your home. I have implemented three modules to build the project using a
few scenarios.They are email generation module, list screen module, search module and user management module.In this
product resellers will be able to place orders of products and services from Rackit, through the web portal. They can place
orders for themselves or for their end-customers. Not only will we help the resellers but also the system admin to control
and monitor the Reseller portal.
CHAPTER - 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview: Intelligence e-commerce is a provider of smart home solutions, for both
consumers and companies. Their base product is the E-commerce Cabinet, which is a well-designed rack where you can
install different modules, for example, Fiber connection, WiFi, Security solutions such as Alarm and Video, etc. E-
commerce cabinets are manufactured to ensure optimal control of infrastructures such as communications, security,
automation and other important services we use in everyday life. This ensures optimum operating conditions and is the
natural focal point and platform for today's and future infrastructure and services. Some of their different services and
integrations with the Cabinet:
1.2 Problem definition and Scenarios: To find an easy way to sell products and services to a large customer base through
an ecommerce platform. This project aims to develop online shopping for customers with the goal that it is very easy to
shop your loved things from an extensive number of online shopping sites available on the web. With the help of this you
can carry out an online shopping from your home. I have implemented three modules to build the project using few
scenarios. 1.3 Organization of the report: In SPLIT Chennai we are building a web application that primarily helps, 1.
Resellers ● These are the people who buy products from intelligence e-commerce and sell it to the end customer. ● They
are more like shops, who order products for themselves or for the customer. 2. System Admins ● This concerns the
people who will be managing the intelligence e-commerce sales portal. ● They will be responsible for creating accounts
to manage product details in the Rackit website.
1.4 Summary: In this chapter, I gave an overview of the project, its organizational structure, problem definition and
scenarios present behind this project. Intelligence e-commerce is a reseller portal in which every user present under this
site comes under resellers. Resellers can buy goods from us and sell them to their customers according to their price.
They can edit the price according to their wish. These resellers can contact the customers and finalize the prize.
CHAPTER - 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Online Book Selling System: Proposed OBSS – Online Book Selling System is a web
portal to buy and sell old and used books. This OBBS provides an easy way to sell, buy old books. If you have any books
that you would like to sell, you can list them in the shell section. Alternatively, if you wish to buy, you can search the Buy
Books section. OBSS does not handle any payment processing as most of the students do not have credit cards, we
simply tie up with courier service for collecting books, delivery books and collecting money from the buyer. After
selecting the book for bye and confirmation, the courier person takes care of movement of books from seller to buyer.
Online Secondhand Book Buying & Selling Portal: The online secondhand book buying and selling portal idea is similar to
the concept of shopping carts. The books can be purchased through the online mode and also sold. The updates of the
books that are available can be mentioned through this application. This will be one of the projects that the book lovers
will love to use. The user interface must be simple and easy to understand. The back end must be strong enough to store
all the details of the books available. This will be one of the interesting applications that the final year students can work
on and implement in the real time world.
Online Book Reselling: This project is like an e- bookstore website where books can be bought from the comfort of home
through the Internet. An online bookstore is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalog and
select books of interest. Users can select many books and those books stored in cart. At checkout time, the items in the
shopping cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more information will be needed to complete the transaction.
Usually, the customer will be asked to fill the basic details or select a billing address, a shipping address, a shipping option,
and payment information such as credit card number. SUMMARY In this chapter, overall view of reselling portals used to
resell the used books through some websites in the same way all types of products can be sold directly to the end
customer or indirectly using reseller.
CHAPTER-3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Objective of the Project work: In this product resellers will be able to place
orders of products and services from Rackit, through the web portal. They can place orders for themselves or for their
end-customers. Not only will we help the resellers but also the system admin to control and monitor the Reseller portal.
We are building a responsive web application with a ReactJS front-end, PHP/Laravel back-end and MySQL database. All of
this needs to be tightly integrated with Rackit´s existing ERP system (Visma). A layer that handles the API interaction with
the ERP system will be built, as well as a front-end for viewing and adding data. Most of the functions are basic crud
operations. The application will also integrate with an email provider like MailChimp or similar for transactional email. 3.2
State of Existing System: The existing system consists of the products and services displayed in the form of a list. Here you
can order any active product and subscribe to any service. You can see all your order details, activity log and subscription
order details. Super admin and admin back office can create a new product, update the product, delete the product. In
the same way he can create a subscription item, update a subscription item and delete a subscription item.
Reseller and admin-sales can only go through their orders and can order a product or service. We have implemented a
detailed view of the contracts, customers and resellers in which the super admin and admin back office can see the
detailed view of each and every contract, customer and reseller. In all the list screens such as products, services,
contracts, orders, customers and resellers we have an option to search the item. We have also implemented a filter button
in which you can filter the list using type, alphabet, registered date, activated date and its status. 3.3 Shortcomings of
Existing System: In upcoming days, we are gonna implement a dashboard for the portal in which it consists of the count
of the customers that has been created in the past few days. Count of the active subscriptions, active products count, no
of orders placed, status of subscriptions like registered, activated, pending activation, pending termination, terminated.
From the dashboard you can directly place an order for product and subscription. In the dashboard we planned to keep
four graphs in which one graph displays the rise and fall of signups, activations and terminations using red , green and
black colors. Second graph displays the rise and fall of active subscriptions every month using a bar chart graph. Third
graph displays the rise and fall of the total number of orders placed from the portal and indicates the average number of
orders placed in each and every month. In the last graph the total revenue for each and every month will be displayed
using a bar graph and also the average revenue will be drawn from all the months and marked using a red line on the
graph. In the dashboard we can choose a category to get the data
displayed among the last 12 months, last 3 months, this quarter, last quarter, this year and last year. Once the dashboard is
done we are gonna start creating a document list and detail screen in which each and every order of a particular reseller
and customer either it is product order or subscription is documented in this list screen. By choosing a customer the
portal directs you to the detailed page where you can easily find the status and changes you made with your order in the
before days. It displays all the information with the registered date, activated date, updated date and terminated date. 3.4
Benefits of Rackit: ● Online retailing ● Multiple administrators. ● Profile management ● Online ordering ● Site search ●
Accounting/Payments ● Contact form Factors that contribute to the project: ● 24X7 availability of products, services and
selling options will be allowed. ● It can be able to manage a large pool of customers at a time without any hesitation and
discomfort with faster access for the product selection and service subscription. The categories are managed to do hassel
shopping and to enjoy our service.
● Customer hospitality with fewer efforts. Only better presentation and great service required. ● It will allow providing all
the customer and reseller details about new products, services, offers and much more with a single click. ● Accurate
details of sales, profit or loss, total revenue i.e. Account management will be easy. ● Communication with large numbers
of resellers and admin sales across the region, which is making great in the network to add new products and services. ●
Money is directly credited into the bank if the order gets cancelled due to out of stock and any other reason.
CHAPTER-4 SYSTEM DESIGN 4.1 System Architecture: System quality attributes: ● Usability ● Scalability ● Reliability ●
Security ● Performance ● Maintainability
4.2 Software Requirements: ● React ● Bootstrap ● Html5 ● Css3 ● Php ● MongoDB ● Visma ● Mandrill ● AWS ● Webpack
● Babel ● Postman ● Docker ● JavaScript React: React is a JavaScript library that can be used to build user interfaces
mainly single-page applications. It’s used to create the UI for web and mobile applications. The specialty of react is it
consists of reusable UI components. This helps us to build the web or mobile apps easier and quicker as possible. Jordan
Walke who is a software engineer working in Facebook has created this JavaScript library called React. This was first
deployed on Facebook and then on Instagram in mid of 2011. This is most popular as well as
mostly used front-end framework for both web and mobile applications. It is an open-source library. React helps to
change the data without even reloading the page. The purpose of this JavaScript library is to be scalable. React is also fast
and simple. The drawback of react is it works only on user interfaces in the application. We can also use this by combining
other JavaScript libraries or frameworks, such as Angular JS in MVC. In simple words, React JS is also called React or
React.js. Features of React: JSX: In React, for templating instead of using javascript it uses JSX. This is a javascript that
allows HTML quoting and tag syntax to render subcomponents. This kind of HTML syntax will be processed into
JavaScript calls of React Framework. This can also be written in pure old
JavaScript. To create a file in a react application we use an extension to filename which is jsx. React Native: React consists
of native libraries that provide the react architecture and tenure to the native applications like IOS, Android and UPD.
These native libraries were announced by Facebook in 2015. React-native is a framework that uses only JavaScript to
build mobile applications. This is the same as React, this includes a rich mobile user interface library/declarative
components. This won't use any different fundamental user interface building blocks as regular iOS and Android
applications. The best part of using this is it will allow components that are written in C, Java or Swift. Single-Way data
flow: In React, a set of immutable values are passed to all the components and are rendered as the properties in its HTML
tags. In this the components cannot modify any properties but this can pass callback functions. This process is known as
the “properties flow down; actions flow up”.
Virtual Document Object Model: React creates a data structure cache in-memory that computes the changes made and
then updates the browser. Virtual document object model allows a feature that enables the programmer to code as if the
whole page is rendered on every change. But react javascript library renders the components that actually change.
Benefits of React: ● Simplicity ● Easy to learn ● Native approach ● Data Binding ● Performance ● Testability
Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a web framework that simplifies the development of web pages and apps. The purpose of
adding bootstrap to
design the web pages is to apply its choice of color, size, font layout to the web project.
The primary factor is the developers can find those choices according to their liking.
project it provides basic style definitions for all HTML elements. The result
of the appearance for the tables and form elements across web browsers will be uniform. Developers can take advantage
of HTML and
CSS classes defined in bootstrap to customize the appearance of their contents. For example, Bootstrap has provisioned
for dark and light-colored tables, more prominent pull quotes, page headings and text with a highlight. Bootstrap comes
with many JavaScript components in the form of jQuery plugins. They provide additional user interface elements such
as tooltips, carousels
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dialog boxes. Each Bootstrap component consists of an HTML structure, CSS declarations, and in some cases JavaScript
code. They also extend the functionality of some existing interface elements, including for example an auto-complete
function for input fields,
autosuggest for search bars, controlled and uncontrolled inputs, form validations etc. HTML5: HTML5 is a markup
It is used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web.
HTML5 is a candidate for cross-platform mobile applications. It includes features designed with low-powered devices in
mind so it is said to be the candidate for cross-platform mobile applications and website building. Many new syntactic
features have been included in the latest version of HTML. To handle multimedia and graphical content, the new >video<,
>audio< and >canvas< elements were added, and support for scalable vector graphics (SVG) content and MathML for
mathematical formulas. To enrich
the semantic content of documents, new page structure elements such as >main<, >section<, >article<, >header<,
>footer<, >aside<, >nav<, and >figure< are added as a new feature to help the developers in order to make their work
more easy. New attributes are introduced, some elements and attributes have been removed, and others such as >a<,
>cite<, and >menu< . Some attributes have been changed, redefined, or standardized. The APIs, Document Object Model
(DOM) and virtual document object model are now fundamental parts of the HTML5 specification and HTML5 also better
defines the processing for any invalid documents and sources. CSS3: CSS is fondly referred to as Cascading Style Sheets.
It is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable, attractive and saves
time. CSS handles the look, feel part of a web page and is attractive. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the
style of fonts, style and the buttons
according to its use, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or
colors are used, transforming rotating the images and icons, layout designs, variations in display for different devices and
screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects. CSS is easy to learn and understand. It provides powerful control over the
presentation of an HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the markup languages HTML or XHTML. CSS
selectors is an amazing topic that everyone should know. It helps you to design your webpage using any framework.
Advantages of CSS: ● CSS saves time ● Pages load faster ● Easy maintenance ● Superior styles to HTML ● Multiple device
compatibility ● Global web standards PHP: The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a programming language that allows
web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases and servers. PHP language is mostly used in
developing web-based software applications.
PHP is a server side scripting language. This is used to develop static websites, dynamic websites, web portals and Web
applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, that earlier stood for building only the Personal Home Pages.PHP
is a server side script that is interpreted on the server while JavaScript is an example of a client side
scripting language
that is interpreted by the client browser. Both PHP and JavaScript can be embedded into HTML pages
to make an interaction between the dynamic content and databases. MongoDB: MongoDB is an open-source document
database. It is one of the leading NoSQL databases. MongoDB is written in C++ language. MongoDB is a document
oriented database, cross-platform that provides, high performance, high availability, and scalability. MongoDB works on
the concept of
collection and document in which collection is a group of mongoDB documents. Collection is a group of MongoDB
documents which is equivalent to an RDBMS table. RDBMS is meant for relational database management system which is
used as the database for web applications now-a-days. A collection and document exists within a single database.
Collections do not enforce a schema. Documents within a collection can have different fields and different tables.
Typically, all documents in a collection are of similar or related purpose in a collection.
A document is a set of key-value pairs. Documents have a dynamic schema which means the documents in the same
collection don't need to have the same set of fields, tables or structure, and common fields. In a collection documents
may hold different types of data. Visma: Visma.net is an
integrated and complete solution that fully manages complex, repetitive accounting operations and automates business
Visma.net ERP is the service that we use to manage our inventory, customers and sales order. These ERP services are
available in the cloud. They can be accessed internally through our portal by raising requests to Visma Financial API’s.
These requests are bound within the VISMA services which get invoked by requests to intelligent e-commerce portals
from client end. Following are the VISMA services we’re using in this portal: ● Accounts Service ● Contract Service ●
Customer Service ● Inventory Service ● Location Service ● Order Service ● Purchase Service ● Rest Service ● Visma
Webhooks and events: Through the portal we’ll call VISMA API to retrieve or post various data related to Sales orders,
customers, contracts and inventory, etc,. We’ll store the same data to our local server and what if there’s some changes
happening in VISMA platform related to our portal data. There we’ll use web hooks to retrieve the updated data from the
cloud environment. VISMA provides a feature named events and we’ll be able to subscribe to those events. By subscribing
it’ll invoke web hooks on occurrence of data changes in VISMA by a function call to our portal. In that it’ll send a resource
URI which contains those updated data in VISMA. We can retrieve that data and update our portal (Mongo) server.
Mandrill: Mandrill is a transactional email API for Mailchimp users. It's reliable, fast, powerful, and ideal for sending data
driven emails, including targeted e-commerce, can send fake emails for testing any website or portal and personalized
one-to-one messages.
Notifications are short, informational messages that notify users of something that occurred in our portal or application. In
intelligence e-commerce portal notifications will get triggered on the occurrence of various events like registration of
new reseller, placing products/service orders by user or reseller and whenever the registered user forgets his password.
Following are the notifications we managed to send mail through Mandrill (Transactional Mail Service): ● When the order
is placed successfully. ● When the order status changes to ready for shipping. ● When the order is about to get delivered.
● When fails in placing an order. ● When a new reseller is created. ● When a new user is created. ● When a new customer
is created. ● When your service is activated. ● When your service is terminated. ● When your service is in pending
activation. ● When your service is in pending termination. ● When you try to change your password. ● When you forgot
your password. ● When you reset your password.
AWS: Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides on-demand computing resources and services in the cloud. It is a resource
with pay-as-you-go pricing. For example, you can run a server on AWS that you can log on to, configure, secure, and run
just as you would a server that’s sitting in front of you.The whole concept of amazon web services builds on top of the
cloud computing principle. It provides IT infrastructure and other services over the internet and helps to store the data in a
secured manner. In an intelligent e-commerce portal the product images are stored to S3 buckets on the Amazon server.
Instead of using VISMA’s attachment service we’re using AWS S3. Also the documents related to that product can be
stored to S3(Max 2 allowed). The user(Admin) can change the product image by replacing the previous one.
Webpack: Webpack is a module bundler for javascript and javascript applications.It enables you to write your code in
modules and it packages all the modules into one or more bundles. Webpack allows you to use the modules and all its
goodness without worrying about the support. Apart from JavaScript, it can also take in other types of assets including
CSS, fonts, image, HTML, bootstrap etc. and then transform them into the webpack acceptable format. It is extremely
powerful and can be extended to do impressive things using the concept of loaders and plugins. Babel: Babel is a
JavaScript compiler. Babel helps in converting or transpiling the modern JavaScript code into a backward compatible
version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. Babel comes packaged as a
node module which has been installed using npm. Babel is here to transpile the latest javascript features(ES6 features)
which are not understandable to every browser to ES5 which is understandable to every browser. Features of Babel: ● It
transforms the syntax. ● It polyfills the features that are missing in the target environment. ● It works as a source code
transformation. Docker: Docker is one of the tools that uses the idea of the isolated resources to create a set of tools that
allows applications to be packaged with all the dependencies installed and run wherever wanted mainly it is compulsory
to run the web applications like portals and websites.
It is a tool designed to make it easier to create, run, and deploy the applications by using containers. Containers allow a
developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it
all out as one package and helps to run the application. Postman: Postman is an application for testing APIs, by sending
requests to the web server
and getting the response back immediately. It allows users to set up all the headers and cookies the API expects, and
checks the response to help the developers easily cross check when the backend server is low. Postman makes it
convenient to test REST APIs. It provides the user interface to make server requests. JavaScript: JavaScript (JS) is a
lightweight and interpreted language. It is just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it
is most well-known as the client-side scripting language for Web pages. Many non-browser environments also use it,
such as Node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat frameworks which help to build the user interface. JavaScript
keywords help to build the user interface by combining bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 and any other framework.
4.3 Hardware Requirements: ● Laptop ● Ram (DDR3) ● Rom ● Processor (Core I5) ● graphics card (2GB) LAPTOP A laptop
computer is a portable personal computer powered by a battery, or an AC cord plugged into an electrical outlet, which is
also used to charge the battery. Laptops have an attached keyboard and a touchpad, trackball, or isometric joystick used
for navigation. A laptop also has a thin display screen that is attached and can be folded flat for transport. Laptop
computers can be used at a desk and can be used similarly as a desktop-style computer by connecting a separate
monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Docking stations are devices that allow some laptop computers to easily connect to
peripherals like monitors and keyboards in an office setting, and then "undock" for easy mobile use and transport. RAM
(Random access memory) RAM (Random Access Memory) is the hardware in a computing device where the operating
system (OS), application programs and data in current use are kept so they can be quickly reached by the device's
processor. RAM is the main memory in a computer, and it is much faster to read from and write to than other kinds of
storage, such as a hard disk drive
(HDD), solid-state drive (SSD) or optical drive. Random Access Memory is volatile. That means data is retained in RAM as
long as the computer is on, but it is lost when the computer is turned off. When the computer is rebooted, the OS and
other files are reloaded into RAM, usually from an HDD or SSD. DDR3 Stands for "Double Data Rate Type 3." DDR3 is a type
of SDRAM that is used for system memory. It is available in both DIMM and SO-DIMM form factors. DDR3 RAM is similar to
DDR2 RAM, but uses roughly 30% less power and can transfer data twice as fast. While DDR2 memory can transfer data at
up to 3200 mbps (megabytes per second), DDR3 memory supports maximum data transfer rates of 6400 mbps. This
means computers with DDR3 memory can transfer data to and from the CPU much faster than systems with DDR2 RAM.
The faster memory speed prevents bottlenecks, especially when processing large amounts of data. Therefore, if two
computers have the same processor clock speed, but different types of memory, the computer with DDR3 memory may
perform faster than the computer with DDR2 memory. DDR3 memory modules look similar to DDR and DDR2 chips, but
the gap that separates the two sets of pins on the bottom of each module is in a different location. This prevents the RAM
chip from being installed in a slot that does not support DDR3 RAM. ROM (Read Only Memory)
Read-only memory (ROM) is a type of storage medium that permanently stores data on personal computers (PCs) and
other electronic devices. It contains the programming needed to start a PC, which is essential for boot-up; it performs
major input/output tasks and holds programs or software instructions. Because ROM is read-only, it cannot be changed; it
is permanent and non-volatile, meaning it also holds its memory even when power is removed. By contrast, random
access memory (RAM) is volatile; it is lost when power is removed. There are numerous ROM chips located on the
motherboard and a few on expansion boards. The chips are essential for the basic input/output system (BIOS), boot up,
reading and writing to peripheral devices, basic data management and the software for basic processes for certain utilities.
ROM is also often used in optical storage media such as various types of compact discs, including read-only memory
(CD-ROM), compact disc recordable (CD-R) and compact disc rewritable (CD-RW). PROCESSOR Processors are
developed and manufactured by Intel, the Core i5 is a computer processor, available as dual-core or quad-core. It can be
used in both desktop and laptop computers, and is one of three types of processors in the "i" series (also called the Intel
Core family of processors) The Core i5 processor is available in multiple speeds, ranging from 1.90 GHz up to 3.80 GHz,
and it features 3 MB, 4 MB or 6 MB of cache. It
utilizes either the LGA 1150 or LGA 1155 socket on a motherboard. Core i5 processors are most often found as quad-core,
having four cores. However, a select few high-end Core i5 processors feature six cores Power usage varies for the Core i5
processors Slower speeds (1.90 GHz to 2.30 GHz) use 11.5 W of power Medium speeds (2.60 GHz to 3.10 GHz) use 15 W,
25 W, 28 W or 37 W of power Faster speeds (3.20 GHz to 3.80 GHz) use 35 W, 37 W, 45 W, 47 W, 65 W or 84 W of power
Core i5 processors are commonly found in desktop computers for most everyday use and some higher performance
needs. Some laptop computers feature Core i5 processors as well, to provide improved performance for heavier usage
needs. At the lower speeds, battery usage is pretty conservative and can reach up to five hours or usage on a single
charge. However, at higher speeds, battery usage is higher and may result in up to three hours or so of usage per charge.
GRAPHICS CARD The Graphics Card is responsible for rendering an image to your monitor, it does this by converting data
into a signal your monitor can
understand. The better your graphics card the better, and smoother an image can be produced. This is naturally very
important for gamers and video editors. TYPES OF GRAPHICS CARDS INTEGRATED Graphics built into the motherboard
where no add-in card is used. You’ll find these built into most ‘standard’ laptops and computers; they are a cost-effective
model but cannot be easily upgraded. Discrete An add-in graphics card that is installed on to the motherboard as an extra
component. Ideal for those wanting to modify their system by upgrading the graphics cards. Most people using a modern
computer for standard tasks like surfing the internet, creating documents or watching movies will be fine using the
integrated graphics.
For users branching out into gaming or video editing, a discrete graphics card is usually needed to speed up the image
processing time 4.4 Intelligence e-commerce design: Login & Dashboard:
CHAPTER-5 MODULE DESCRIPTION 5.1 User management module: There are different users available to login to the site.
They are: ● Super-Admin ● Admin-back office ● Admin-sales ● Reseller 5.2 List screens Module: Here to build this module
we have some scenarios to develop. They are: ● Page loading symbols should be displayed when it’s taking more than
default time to load the result page. ● Check if all the search parameters are used to fetch data shown on the result grid. ●
The total number of results should be displayed in the result grid. ● Search criteria used for searching should be displayed
in the result grid. ● Result grid values should be sorted by default column. ● Sorted columns should be displayed with a
sort icon. ● Result grids should include all the specified columns with correct values.
● Ascending and descending sorting functionality should work for columns supported by data sorting. ● Result grids
should be displayed with proper column and row spacing. ● Pagination should be enabled when there are more results
than the default result count per page. ● Check for Next, Previous, First and Last page pagination functionality. ● Duplicate
records should not be displayed in the result grid. ● Check if all the columns are visible and the horizontal scrollbar is
enabled if necessary. ● Check the data for dynamic columns (columns whose values are calculated dynamically based on
the other column values). ● For result grids showing reports check ‘Totals’ row and verify the total for every column. ● For
result grids showing reports check ‘Totals’ row data when pagination is enabled and the user gets navigated to the next
page. ● Check if proper symbols are used for displaying column values e.g. % symbol should be displayed for percentage
calculation. ● Check result grid data to know if the date range is enabled. 5.3 Search Module To search a product among
the products in the list we have to follow a few scenarios. They are: ● The user should be able to filter results using all
parameters on the page.
● Refine search functionality should load the search page with all user-selected search parameters. ● When there are at
least one filter criteria required to perform the search operation, make sure a proper error message is displayed when the
user submits the page without selecting any filter criteria. ● When at least one filter criteria selection is not compulsory,
the user should be able to submit the page and the default search criteria should get used to query results. ● Proper
validation messages should be displayed for all invalid values for filter criteria. 5.4 Email Module: To create a new account ,
to reset passwords and for order confirmation we use a mail to send. To build this we use a few scenarios to build. They
are: ● Email template should use standard CSS for all emails. ● Email addresses should be validated before sending emails.
● Special characters in the email body template should be handled properly. ● Language specific characters (e.g. Russian,
Chinese or German language characters) should be handled properly in the email body template. ● Email subject should
not be blank. ● Placeholder fields used in the email template should be replaced with actual values e.g. {Firstname} {Last
Name} should be replaced with individuals first and last name properly for all the recipients.
● If reports with dynamic values are included in the email body and report data should be calculated correctly. ● Email
sender name should not be blank. ● Emails should be checked in different email clients like Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail,
Yahoo! mail etc. ● Check to send email functionality using TO, CC and BCC fields. ● Check plain text emails. ● Check
HTML format emails. ● Check email header and footer for company logo, privacy policy and other links. ● Check emails
with attachments. ● Check if a reply to email address is correct. ● Check to send the high volume of emails
CHAPTER-6 IMPLEMENTATION & TESTING 6.1 Introduction: Project implementation is the phase where visions and plans
become reality. This is the logical conclusion, after evaluating, deciding, visioning, planning, this shows the working model
of the project with the status of every module. 6.2 Implementation of the modules: Implementation of user management
module: User management module is implemented in such a way that different users have different rights on the portal.
At present we have four different users to this portal. They are: ● Super-Admin ● Admin-back office ● Admin-sales ●
Reseller Super-Admin: Super-Admin has all the rights on the portal. Super-admin can edit the products and service details
, create new products and services, create new resellers, update the reseller as admin-sales and then to the admin-back
office. Super -admin has the right to activate, terminate, edit price, cancel a service and edit price and select the quantity
of products. It knows all the details regarding the orders and invoices. Super-admin can place orders for any business
customers, private customers, existing customers and resellers.
Admin-back office: Admin-back office almost has the same rights as the super-admin on the portal except for a few
things. Admin-backoffice can edit the products and service details, create new products and services, create new
resellers, update the reseller as admin-sales. Admin-back office has the right to activate, terminate, edit price, cancel a
service and edit price and select the quantity of products. It knows all the details regarding the orders and invoices.
Admin-backoffice can place orders for any business customers, private customers, existing customers and resellers.
Admin-sales: Admin-sales has better rights when compared to the reseller. Admin-sales can see all the contracts, orders,
services, products, invoices. Admin-sales can doesn’t have the right to terminate, activate and edit the price of a service.
Admin-sales can place orders for any business customers, private customers, existing customers and resellers. Reseller:
Reseller can only see the customers registered under a particular logged in reseller. Reseller can see the status of the
orders placed by the customers under this reseller. Resellers can see the list of customers and users existing under it.
Resellers can order a product only to itself but it can order a service to any business customers, private customers,
existing customers. Implementation of e-mail module: E-mail module is implemented to make the customers aware of
the orders they have ordered from our site. On the other side sometimes customers forgot their password in this kind of
situation they need an option to reset
their password. To reset a password customer will get a link to their own email to reset and confirm the new password.
There are few chances that customers want to change their password frequently for their security purpose in this case we
use the same method as resetting passwords. We implement this using a software called Mandrill. Mandrill helps to send
the mails to the customers through our server. Implementation of search module: Search module is implemented to
search the products, services and orders easily among hundreds and thousands of orders, products and contracts. In this
portal we have implemented the search module in such a way that once you cross entering the fourth element in the
search bar it starts displaying all the related information in a container attached below to the search bar. To implement this
module we will pass a parameter to the api call as a request to the server. Once you enter the fourth element you will start
getting the related information to get this information request will be sent in the form of parameter attached to the list api
thus it reverts the related information to the portal. Implementation of list-screen module: List screen module is
implemented to display the existing data of products, services, contracts, orders, customers, resellers and users in the list
format. To implement this module we have made a list of test cases it should pass in chapter 5. To sort a particular data
among hundreds and thousands of data we use searching and filtering methods. You can filter the data using registered
date , activated date, its type, status, alphabetical order, category, customer type etc. We use pagination to display the lists
in the form of
pages. You can go to the next page as well as the previous page. You can sort each and every column in ascending order
and descending order. While sorting a column the heading must be in semibold and a sorting icon must be placed next to
the heading. 6.3 Testing: To test all the above modules we have used unit testing and integration testing techniques which
helps to find both ui and functional issues. To test the user interface we have used inspector and page ruler extensions
available in chrome to test the spacing between the elements and make the design look same everywhere. To test
creating a reseller, customer, user we have used mailinator to add different mail ids using this and can test easily whether
the email is generated through mandrill or not. We logged into different users and went through all the rights and roles
they should possess. We tested services using different test cases like changing a service of registered status to activated
,pending activation, termination and pending termination status. We also tested the test case in which loading time and
symbols should be the same all over the portal.
CHAPTER-7 RESULT ANALYSIS User management analysis: Super-admin user: Admin-backoffice user:
Subscriptions: Orders:
Email analysis:
CHAPTER-8 CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK 8.1 Conclusion: In this project we have implemented a responsive web
application with a ReactJS front-end, PHP/Laravel back-end and MySQL database. All of these are tightly integrated with
intelligence e-commerce existing ERP systems (Visma). A layer that handles the API interaction with the ERP system will
be built, as well as a front-end for viewing and adding data. Most of the functions that are used are basic crud operations.
In this product resellers will be able to place orders of products and services from Rackit, through the web portal. They
can place orders for themselves or for their end-customers. Not only will we help the resellers but also the system admin
to control and monitor the Reseller portal. 8.2 Future Work: In upcoming days, we are gonna implement a dashboard for
the portal in which it consists of the count of the customers that has been created in the past few days. Count of the
active subscriptions, active products count, no of orders placed, status of subscriptions like registered, activated, pending
activation, pending termination, terminated. From the dashboard you can directly place an order for product and
subscription. In the dashboard we planned to keep four graphs in which one graph displays the rise and fall of signups,
activations and terminations using red, green and black colors. Second graph displays the rise and fall of active
subscriptions every month
using a bar chart graph. Third graph displays the rise and fall of the total number of orders placed from the portal and
indicates the average number of orders placed in each and every month. In the last graph the total revenue for each and
every month will be displayed using a bar graph and also the average revenue will be drawn from all the months and
marked using a red line on the graph. In the dashboard we can choose a category to get the data displayed among the
last 12 months, last 3 months, this quarter, last quarter, this year and last year. Once the dashboard is done we are gonna
start creating a document list and detail screen in which each and every order of a particular reseller and customer either
it is product order or subscription is documented in this list screen. By choosing a customer the portal directs you to the
detailed page where you can easily find the status and changes you made with your order in the before days. It displays all
the information with the registered date, activated date, updated date and terminated date.
Hit and source - focused comparison, Side by Side
Submitted text As student entered the text in the submitted document.
Matching text As the text appears in the source.
PHP is a server side scripting language. This is used to PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to
develop static websites, dynamic websites, web portals develop Static websites or Dynamic websites
and Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext &
Preprocessor, that earlier stood for building only the nbsp; or Web applications. PHP stands for
Personal Home Pages.PHP Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for
nbsp; Personal
Home Pages. PHP
that is interpreted by the client browser. Both PHP and that is interpreted by the client browser. Both PHP and
JavaScript can be embedded into HTML pages JavaScript can be embedded into HTML pages.
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