National Peroxide Limited
National Peroxide Limited
National Peroxide Limited
National Peroxide Limited (NPL) is a public limited Company established in
1954 and is listed on BSE Limited, Mumbai. We are also certified for ISO 9001
Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, OHSAS 18001
Health & Safety Management, RC - 14001 Responsible Care and ISO-50001
Energy Management.
NPL is a pioneer in India for peroxygen chemicals and is the largest
manufacturer of Hydrogen Peroxide in India, with an installed capacity of
95,000 MTPA on 50% w/w. basis. It's fully integrated manufacturing site for
Hydogen Peroxide is located at Kalyan in Maharashtra (India).
60% w/w (Concentrated)
35% w/w (Concentrated)
Financial highlights
Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs. 65/- per equity share of
Rs.10/- each for the Financial Year 2017-18, to be paid, if declared by the
members at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 2nd August, 2018.
Transfer to reserves
During the current financial year, no transfers were made to reserves.