National Peroxide Limited

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National peroxide limited

National Peroxide Limited (NPL) is a public limited Company established in
1954 and is listed on BSE Limited, Mumbai. We are also certified for ISO 9001
Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, OHSAS 18001
Health & Safety Management, RC - 14001 Responsible Care and ISO-50001
Energy Management.
NPL is a pioneer in India for peroxygen chemicals and is the largest
manufacturer of Hydrogen Peroxide in India, with an installed capacity of
95,000 MTPA on 50% w/w. basis. It's fully integrated manufacturing site for
Hydogen Peroxide is located at Kalyan in Maharashtra (India).

Hydrogen Peroxide is a highly versatile chemical used in various industries for

Bleaching, Chemical synthesis, Environmental control/ Effluent treatment,
Sterilisation etc. The single most important constituent of Hydrogen Peroxide is
the “active oxygen” that it provides in the aforementioned end-uses. The “active
oxygen” is obtained by the controlled decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide,
with water as the by-product. Hence, whether it is bleaching, or chemical
synthesis, the use of Hydrogen Peroxide provides a very “clean” process
without the production of any harmful or environmentally unsafe products.

In India, Hydrogen Peroxide is manufactured to international standards by

National Peroxide Limited, using the auto-oxidation process, at its most modern
and up-to-date plant near Kalyan, Maharashtra.

NPL’s Hydrogen Peroxide is a concentrated aqueous solution containing 50%

Hydrogen Peroxide by weight and is commonly referred to as Hydrogen
Peroxide 50% w/w. It is specially stabilised for Indian climatic conditions. We
also produce Hydrogen Peroxide in 35%, 60% and 70% concentration.

The Company also produces the "Compressed Hydrogen Gas" and "Per Acetic

1) Hydrogen Peroxide-
It Manufactures Hydrogen Peroxide in 4 different forms which are as
follows :

 50%w/w(Concentrated)
 60% w/w (Concentrated)
 35% w/w (Concentrated)
 70%w/w(Distillate)

2) Compressed hydrogen gas

3) Per acitic acid

Financial highlights
 Dividend
Directors have recommended a dividend of Rs. 65/- per equity share of
Rs.10/- each for the Financial Year 2017-18, to be paid, if declared by the
members at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 2nd August, 2018.

 Transfer to reserves
During the current financial year, no transfers were made to reserves.

 State of company’s affair-

 The gross sales and other income for the year under review were
Rs.32,056.69 lacs as against Rs.26,776.20 lacs for the previous year,
registering increase of 19.72%.
 The profit before tax was Rs.14,622.61 lacs (after interest and
depreciation charges of Rs.969.75 lacs) and
 the profit after tax was Rs.9,511.67 lacs for the year under review as
against Rs.5,704.47 lacs and Rs.3,788.26 lacs respectively, for the
previous year, registering increase of 156.34% and 151.08% respectively.
 The Company produced 1,03,059 MT of Hydrogen Peroxide, during the
year under review, as compared to 93,564 MT during the previous year.
 The production was higher during the year due to improved plant
 The Company sold 1,00,365 MT of Hydrogen Peroxide during the year
under review, as against 96,195 MT during the previous year.
 The Company continues to maintain its prime position in the market and
held 39% market share during the year as compared to 38% during the
previous year. 1.16 Million Cubic Meters (MCM) of Hydrogen Gas were
also sold during the year as against 1.26 MCM during the previous year.

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