Env Engineering May2020

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Environmental Engineering

Name _______________________________________

Section ________


Set A

1. In 1854, a public health physician named John Snow, assigned to try to control the spread of
a. Malaria
b. Small pox
c. Cholera
d. Dengue

2. What environmental disaster happened on March 24, 1989 because of Exxon Valdez?
a. Nuclear disaster
b. mining disaster
c. forest fire
d. oil spill

3. In a lake, the inflection point in the temperature gradient is called

a. Thermocline
b. Epilimnion
c. Hypolimnion
d. Metalimnion

4. The phreatic surface is also known as the

a. Water table
b. Aquifer
c. Zone of saturation
d. Meniscus

5. The reduction in the water table is known as

a. Cone of depression
b. Drawdown
c. Surface tension
d. Evaporation

6. The ratio of a liquid’s density to that of pure water at a standard temperature
a. Specific gravity
b. Specific weight
c. Viscosity
d. Specific density

7. The flow of groundwater into sanitary sewers

a. Infiltration
b. Inflow
c. Intake
d. Plug flow

8. If the tank volume is 100 m3 and the wastewater flow rate is 2 m3/min, what is the retention
a. 200 min
b. 50 min
c. 0.02 min
d. 98 min

9. In activated sludge system, when the microorganisms do not settle out as anticipated, the
sludge is said to be
a. Bio-sludge
b. Shrinking sludge
c. Bulking sludge
d. Dry sludge

10. In wastewater treatment, comminutor is part of the

a. Primary treatment
b. Secondary treatment
c. Tertiary treatment
d. Sludge treatment

11. This technology is using combustion of wastes in the absence of oxygen

a. Incineration
b. Autoclaving
c. Pyrolysis
d. Microwaving

12. A semi-empirical equation often used to estimate the power requirements for shredders was
developed by
a. Bond
b. Van der Waal
c. Manning
d. Pascal

13. Name this most widely used screen in materials recovery of wastes

a. Trommel
b. Trowel
c. Troppel
d. Sponge

14. The process by which living organisms concentrate an element or compound in levels in excess
of the surrounding environment.
a. Bioconcentration
b. Bioaccumulation
c. Biomagnification
d. None of the above

15. An invisible electromagnetic radiation, composed of photons, much like medical X-rays
a. Alpha radiation
b. Beta radiation
c. Delta radiation
d. Gamma radiation

Set B

1. The SI measure for measuring ionizing radiation effective dose

a. Sievert
b. Curie
c. Roentgen
d. Coulomb

2. Energy can be transferred from one place to another by direct radiation.

a. True
b. False

3. This is widely used to trap fine particulate matter in applications where a large amount of gas needs
treatment and where use of a wet scrubber is not appropriate.
a. Electrostatic precipitators
b. Cyclones
c. Fabric filters
d. Incinerators

4. Sound is transfer of energy without transfer of mass.

a. True
b. False

5. 1 ppm = 1 ounce/gallon
a. True
b. False

6. Not part of the group: cholera, diarrhea, amoebiasis, malaria

a. cholera
b. diarrhea
c. amoebiasis
d. malaria

7. Animals involved in the spread of Schistosomiasis

a. Rats
b. Mosquitoes
c. Snails
d. Dogs

8. Deficiency of this mineral can cause dental caries

a. Calcium
b. Fluoride
c. Chloride
d. Potassium

9. What is this geophysical method that investigate the extent and characteristics of groundwater
pollution using an instrument with magnetic field to identify and locate buried metals and subsurface
materials that are not in their natural or undisturbed state.
a. Geomagnetics
b. Electromagnetics
c. Electrical resistivity
d. Ground probing radar

10. The flow through an underground formation can be approximated using this equation Q = KIA
developed by
a. Manning
b. Chezy
c. Darcy
d. Stoke

11. Removal of dissolved solids in the brackish water (less than 10,000 mg/l TDS) by passage through a
cell in which a direct electric current is imposed.
a. Reverse osmosis
b. Electrodialysis
c. Electrolysis
d. Chemolysis

12. A pressure-filter type consisting of a closed steel cylinder inside with suspended septa as filter
a. Diatomaceous earth filter
b. Reverse osmosis
c. Rapid sand filter
d. Slow sand filter

13. Crenothrix, gallionella, and leptothrix are known as

a. Sulfur bacteria
b. Iron bacteria
c. Carbon bacteria
d. Nitrogen bacteria

14. The main disadvantage of oxidation pond is that

a. Large area is required for construction
b. Maintenance and operation cost are high
c. BOD removal is very low
d. Would need electricity

15. Most of the bacteria in sewage are

a. Parasitic
c. Saprophytic
d. Pathogenic
e. Anaerobic

Set C

1. Most of the carbon dioxide in water is removed by

a. Ion exchange
b. Flocculation
c. Oxidation
d. Aeration

2. A young lake is called

a. oligotrophic
b. mesotropic
c. eutrophic
d. pediatophic

3. A test to determine the water absorption rate of soil in preparation for the building of a septic drain
field (leach field).
a. Leaching test
b. Percolation test
c. Jar test
d. Slump test

4. Environmental Impact Assessment is the same as Environmental Impact Statement

a. True
b. False

5. This public participation activity of EIS system is held to allow free and open exchange of information
and discussion by the proponent and stakeholders usually being done during scoping and the EIA study
and planning stages.
a. Public hearing
b. Public consultation
c. Public information
d. Focus group discussion

6. Silviculture is the establishment, development, reproduction and care of

a. forest trees
b. silver metals
c. civic groups
d. renewable plants

7. According to PD 856, only potable water shall be used in the manufacture of ice.
a. True
b. False

8. The Sanitation Code of the Philippines allows food vendors to sell food that requires the use of
a. True
b. False

9. The care, transport and disposal of the body of a deceased person by any means other than
a. undertaking
b. overtaking
c. partaking
d. staking

10. A certificate issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to a vehicle
manufacturer / assembler or importer certifying that a particular new vehicle or vehicle type meets the
requirements provided under the Clean Air Act and its rules and regulations.

a. Certificate of Conformity
b. Environmental Certificate of Compliance
c. Certificate of Compliance to Clean Air Standards
d. Certificate of Compliance to Emission Standards

11. RA 9003 stipulates that the construction of any establishment is prohibited within a distance of not
less than ____ meters from open dumps or controlled dumps, or sanitary landfills.
a. 25 meters
b. 100 meters
c. 200 meters
d. 500 meters

12. In 1574, this disease became the first recorded epidemic in the history of the Philippines
a. Cholera
b. Smallpox
c. Malaria
d. Leprosy

13. A concentration of a 3 % by weight of chlorine solution in water in terms of ppm is

a. 300 ppm
b. 3,000 ppm
c. 30,000 ppm
d. 300,000 ppm

14. Fats, waxes, oils and hydrocarbons belong to this group of naturally occurring organic substances
that contaminate water and wastewater.
a. Proteins
b. Lipids
c. Carbohydrates
d. Surfactants

15. SARS-COV2 virus belongs to this morphological type of capsids and virion structure
a. Icosahedral
b. Helical
c. Envelope
d. Complex

Set D

1. The dry density of soil is called

a. bulk density
b. particle density
c. humid density
d. specific density

2. Orthotolidine test is used for determination of

a. Dissolved oxygen
b. Residual chlorine
c. Biochemical oxygen demand
d. Dose of coagulant

3. The chemical most commonly used to increase speed of sedimentation of sewage is

a. Sulfuric acid
b. Copper sulfate
c. Lime
d. Sodium permanganate

4. The liquid content inside the cell where granular food reserves of glycogen, sulfur, etc. are stored
a. Flagella
b. Cytoplasm
c. Ribosomes
d. Nucleus

5. The layout of distribution system in which water flows towards the outer periphery is
a. Ring system
b. Dead end system
c. Radial system
d. Grid iron system

6. The type of valve which allows water to flow in one direction but prevents its flow in the reverse
direction is
a. Check valve
b. Sluice valve
c. Globe valve
d. Pressure relief valve

7. The suitable system of sanitation for area of distributed rainfall throughout the year with less
intensity is
a. Separate system
b. Combined system
c. Partially separate system
d. Partially combined system

8. The main disadvantage of cement concrete sewers is
a. Less strength
b. Difficulty in construction
c. Difficulty in transportation due to heavy weight
d. Less life

9. Settling velocity increases with

a. Specific gravity of solid particles
b. Size of particles
c. Depth of tank
d. Temperature of liquid

10. Facultative bacteria will work in the

a. Presence of oxygen only
b. Absence of oxygen only
c. Presence as well as in absence of oxygen
d. Presence of water

11. The suitable layout of distribution system for a city with roads of rectangular pattern is
a. Grid iron system
b. Dead end system
c. Ring system
d. Radial system

12. The slope of sewer shall be

a. Given in the direction of natural slope of ground
b. Given in the direction opposite to natural slope of ground
c. Zero
d. Steeper than 1 in 20

13. The layer of soil next to the bedrock

a. A horizon
b. B horizon
c. C horizon
d. D horizon

14. The working conditions in Imhoff tanks are

a. Aerobic only
b. Anaerobic only
c. Aerobic in lower compartment and anaerobic in upper compartment
d. Anaerobic in lower compartment and aerobic in upper compartment

15. The pipe which is used to carry the discharge from sanitary fittings like bath rooms, kitchens etc. is
a. Waste pipe
b. Soil pipe
c. Vent pipe
d. Anti-siphonage pipe

Set E

1. If 100 bacteria double every minute, what time its container will be full if it is already half-full at 8:00
a. 7:59a m
b. 8:01am
c. 8:30am
d. 9:00 am

2. If the size of impurities in water is less than 10 -6 mm in size, its form is called
a. Particulate
b. Suspended
c. Colloidal
d. Dissolved

3. Which is not a coagulant?

a. Aluminium sulfate
b. Ammonium sulfate
c. Ferric sulfate
d. Ferric chloride

4. When chlorine and ammonia are both present in water, they react to form products called
a. Alum
b. Chloramines
c. Trihalomethanes
d. chlordane

5. Which is not an adsorbent used in water treatment?

a. activated carbon
b. activated alumina
c. clay colloids
d. lime

6. Which process does not belong to the second stage of sludge treatment
a. anaerobic digestion
b. Thermal drying
c. Incineration
d. Thickening

7. The treatment of water with bleaching powder is known as

a. Pre-chlorination
b. Super chlorination
c. De-chlorination
d. Hypochlorination

8. Activated carbon is used for
a. Disinfection
b. Removing hardness
c. Removing odors
d. Removing corrosiveness

9. A pipe conveying sewage from plumbing system of a single building to common sewer or point of
immediate disposal is called
a. House sewer
b. Lateral sewer
c. Main sewer
d. Sub-main sewer

10. In the 4th Edition of Health Care Waste Management Manual issued by DOH in April 2020, this waste
treatment technology is added which was absent in the 3 rd Edition.
a. Pyrolysis
b. Autoclave
c. Incineration
d. Microwave

11. The Love Canal environmental incident in the United States was about the dumping of
a. Toxic and hazardous waste
b. Nuclear waste
c. Mining waste
d. Oil spills

12. The type of sewer which is suitable for both combined and separate system is
a. Circular sewer
b. Egg shaped sewer
c. Horseshoe type sewer
d. Semi-elliptical sewer

13. Gas by-products of incineration process

a. greenhouse gas
b. flue gas
c. biogas
d. carbon dioxide

14. A measure of the charge on a colloidal particle

a. Zeta potential
b. Potential difference
c. Anion potential
d. Cation potential

15. Part of earth where life can occur
a. Biosphere
b. Lithosphere
c. Atmosphere
d. Hydrosphere


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