2002 The Phase Diagram of LiNO3-KNO3
2002 The Phase Diagram of LiNO3-KNO3
2002 The Phase Diagram of LiNO3-KNO3
The binary phase diagram of LiNO3–KNO3 are studied by means of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The
convincing evidence for the identification of new phase has been presented. The phase diagram indicates an intermediate
compound KLi(NO3)2, which melts congruently at 428 K. The coordinates of two eutectic points are 420 K, 47 mol% KNO3
and 410 K, 54 mol% KNO3. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 2. Experimental
The system of LiNO3–KNO3 is usually regarded as The thermal analyses were carried out on a Perkin-
a simple eutectic one [1,2], although some researchers Elmer DSC-7 differential scanning calorimeter. The
[3] have noted that in addition to the eutectic point calibration of the instrument was made by high purity
at xðLiþ Þ ¼ 0:41, there was another discontinuity at indium and zinc as standard samples.
xðLiþ Þ ¼ 0:45 which was tentatively attributed to an Reagent grade potassium nitrate and lithium nitrate
intermediate incongruently melting compound. This were recrystallized from redistilled water and dried in
observation seems to have been neglected by some the oven at approximately 378 K for 3 days. The dried
investigators using the liquid mixtures of LiNO3– chemicals were weighed at definite ratios, mixed well
KNO3 [2,4]. No further thermal measurements have in a mortar and transferred to quartz crucibles. The
been attempted to explore the origin of the disconti- mixtures were dried for 3 days, first at 333 K, then
nuity. Raman spectroscopic studies [5,6] indicated that 378 K, and finally at 403 K. Then the temperature was
a congruently melting compound KLi(NO3)2 was gradually raised until the mixtures were completely
formed. The new compound can be prepared from melted. The samples were kept in molten state for at
quenched samples. least 12 h to achieve well-mixed and homogenous
In this work, we determined the phase diagram of compositions for the mixtures. Then the quenched
LiNO3–KNO3 by differential scanning calorimetry samples were ground into a fine powder and stored
and calculated their phase diagram. over desiccant.
At least three successive runs were carried out for
each sample. Generally, the results of the third run were
in agreement with those of the second run (indicating
Corresponding author. Fax: þ86-931-8912586. equilibrium conditions) and only third data are reported
E-mail address: zhaxj@yahoo.com (K. Xu). here. The heating and cooling rates are 10 K min1, and
0040-6031/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 0 - 6 0 3 1 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 0 4 - 3
82 X. Zhang et al. / Thermochimica Acta 385 (2002) 81–84
the dry N2 sweep rate through the DSC assembly was 4. Results and discussion
20 cm3 min1, the samples (5–20 mg) were placed in
open aluminum pans. Fig. 1 shows the DSC profiles for the salt mixtures
of the LiNO3–KNO3 system. The DSC profile of
1:1 mixture (mole fraction of KNO3, x ¼ 0:5) shows
3. Thermodynamic relationships the typical of the congruently melting compound
KLi(NO3)2. To determine the eutectic composition,
For equilibrium between a solid and a liquid phase the sharpness of the DSC peaks (expressed by the ratio
in a binary system with components A and B, the of peak height to half the width) were compared from
Gibbs energy of fusion of A may be expressed as sample to sample in the composition range x ¼ 0:4–
0.6 at 1% intervals. The sharpest peaks were observed
xA ð‘Þ
Dfus GA ¼ RT ln þ GEA ð‘Þ GEA ðsÞ (1) for the sample of x ¼ 0:47 and x ¼ 0:54. The eutectic
xA ðsÞ temperatures were determined from the heating and
where xA(‘) and xA(s) are the mole fractions of A on cooling profiles of these compositions.
the liquidus and solidus at temperature T respectively, The data for solidus and for liquidus are listed in
and R is the gas constant. GEA ð‘Þ and GEA ðsÞ are the Table 1 and graphically displayed in Fig. 2. The phase
partial excess Gibbs energies of A in the liquid and diagram clearly indicates the occurrence of intermedi-
solid. In this system the excess entropy SE(‘) and SE(s) ate compound KLi(NO3)2, which melts congruently at
were set to equal zero. So GE ¼ H E . The partial 428 K. The coordinates of two eutectic points are
properties can be obtained from the integral property 420 K, 47 mol% KNO3 and 410 K, 54 mol% KNO3.
from the following equation: None of the investigations has reported the solid
solubility, although some solubility of LiNO3 and
dH E
GEi ¼ HiE ¼ H E þ ð1 xi Þ (2) KNO3 may be expected. Solid solutions have not been
dxi examined in this work too. Earlier, the calculations
where i ¼ A or B. about the system were performed by one simple
HE may be expanded as ploynomials in the mole eutectic system [2,7]. Those calculation values were
fractions as follows [10]: below the experimental values. In the present work,
calculations were performed under the assumption of
H E ¼ xA xB ðh0 þ h1 xB þ þ hi xB Þ (3)
zero solid solubility and the intermediate compound
where the hi is empirical coefficients. KLi(NO3)2 was used.