Science:, 734 (1997) Norman R. Pace
Science:, 734 (1997) Norman R. Pace
Science:, 734 (1997) Norman R. Pace
Norman R. Pace
Science 276, 734 (1997);
DOI: 10.1126/science.276.5313.734
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ticularly the multicellular forms.
A Molecular View of Microbial The breakthrough that called to ques-
tion many previous beliefs and brought or-
Diversity and the Biosphere der to microbial, indeed biological, diversity
emerged with the determination of molec-
ular sequences and the concept that se-
Norman R. Pace quences could be used to relate organisms
(5). The incisive formulation was reached
Over three decades of molecular-phylogenetic studies, researchers have compiled an by Carl Woese who, by comparison of ribo-
increasingly robust map of evolutionary diversification showing that the main diversity somal RNA (rRNA) sequences, established
of life is microbial, distributed among three primary relatedness groups or domains: a molecular sequence– based phylogenetic
Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya. The general properties of representatives of the three tree that could be used to relate all organ-
domains indicate that the earliest life was based on inorganic nutrition and that pho- isms and reconstruct the history of life (6,
tosynthesis and use of organic compounds for carbon and energy metabolism came 7). Woese articulated the now-recognized
comparatively later. The application of molecular-phylogenetic methods to study natural three primary lines of evolutionary descent,
microbial ecosystems without the traditional requirement for cultivation has resulted in termed “urkingdoms” or “domains”: Eucarya
the discovery of many unexpected evolutionary lineages; members of some of these (eukaryotes), Bacteria (initially called eu-
lineages are only distantly related to known organisms but are sufficiently abundant that bacteria), and Archaea (initially called ar-
they are likely to have impact on the chemistry of the biosphere. chaebacteria) (8).
Figure 1 is a current phylogenetic tree
based on small-subunit (SSU) rRNA se-