13-08 en PDF
13-08 en PDF
13-08 en PDF
City Atrium
Rue du Progrès 56
1210 Bruxelles
ON 19 OCTOBER 2013
Réf. AAIU-2013-21
Issue date: 22 July 2015
Status: Final
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................... 3
FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................... 5
SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... 6
TERMINOLOGY USED IN THIS REPORT ............................................................................ 9
SYNOPSIS ........................................................................................................................ 10
1 FACTUAL INFORMATION. ............................................................................ 12
1.1 HISTORY OF FLIGHT. .......................................................................................... 12
1.2 INJURIES TO PERSONS. ...................................................................................... 14
1.3 DAMAGE TO AIRCRAFT. ...................................................................................... 14
1.4 OTHER DAMAGE. ............................................................................................... 14
1.5 PERSONNEL INFORMATION................................................................................. 14
1.6 AIRCRAFT INFORMATION. ................................................................................... 16
1.7 METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS. ........................................................................ 30
1.8 AIDS TO NAVIGATION. ........................................................................................ 32
1.9 COMMUNICATION. ............................................................................................. 35
1.10 AERODROME INFORMATION. .............................................................................. 37
1.11 FLIGHT RECORDERS. ......................................................................................... 39
1.12 WRECKAGE AND IMPACT INFORMATION. .............................................................. 42
1.12.1 On-site examination of the wreckage ................................................. 42
1.12.2 Detailed examination of the wreckage ................................................ 48
1.13 MEDICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL INFORMATION ....................................................... 63
1.14 FIRE ................................................................................................................. 64
1.15 SURVIVAL ASPECTS ........................................................................................... 64
1.16 TESTS AND RESEARCH. ..................................................................................... 67
1.16.1 The horizontal stabilizer trim actuator ................................................. 67
1.16.2 Aircraft performance........................................................................... 67
1.16.3 Barrel roll in flight simulator Marchetti 260.......................................... 68
1.17 ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION. ........................................... 69
1.17.1 Operation of the aeroplane................................................................. 69
1.17.2 Operation authorization for a permanent site of parachuting activities 70
1.17.3 Special ratings for pilot performing parachute dropping flights ........... 72
1.17.4 Insurance company requirements ...................................................... 72
1.17.5 Paraclub Namur organization ............................................................. 72
This report is a technical document that reflects the views of the investigation team
on the circumstances that led to the accident.
The investigation was conducted by Luc Blendeman, Henri Metillon and Sam
The report was compiled by Henri Metillon and was published under the authority
of the Chief Investigator.
1. About altitude and Flight Level: The vertical position of aircraft during climb is
expressed in terms of altitude (with feet as unit) until reaching the transition
altitude (which is 4500 ft in Brussels FIR) above which the vertical position is
Final report FOREWORD
2. About the time: For the purpose of this report, time will be indicated in UTC,
unless otherwise specified.
’ Minute
° Degree
°C Degrees centigrade
AAD Automatic Activation Device of a rescue parachute
AAIU(Be) Air Accident Investigation Unit (Belgium)
ACC Area Control Center (En-route air traffic control)
AccRep Accredited Representative of a State Investigation Unit
ACTT Aircraft Total Time
AD Aerodrome
AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service
AFM Airplane Flight manual
AFMS Airplane Flight manual Supplement
AGL Above Ground Level
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Amp Ampere
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
APP Approach Control Service
ARC Airworthiness Review Certificate
ASD Air Safety Directorate (Belgian Defence)
ATC(O) Air Traffic Control (Officer)
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATPL Airline Transport Pilot Licence
ATS Air Traffic Services
BCAA Belgian Civil Aviation Authority
BCMG Becoming (used in weather reports)
BEA Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyse (French authority responsible for
safety investigations into accidents or incidents in civil aviation)
CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation
EU European Union
EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (USA)
FARs Federal Aviation Regulations (in the United States)
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FH Flight hour(s)
FIR Flight Information Region
FL Flight Level
FOCA Federal Office of Civil Aviation (Switzerland)
fps Feet per second
ft Foot (Feet)
ft/m Feet per minute
FTD Flight Training Device
FTL Flight Time Limitation
hPa Hectopascal(s)
g Acceleration due to Earth’s gravity
GDF-05 BCAA Circular Descentes en Parachute”–“Valschermspringen
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
kgf Kilogram-force (equal to the force exerted by one kilogram of mass
on the earth surface)
km Kilometre(s)
kt Knot(s)
KTAS Knots True Airspeed
lbs Pounds
LH Left hand
LOC-I Loss of Control In-flight
m Metre(s)
Safety factor: an event or condition that increases safety risk. In other words, it is
something that, if it occurred in the future, would increase the likelihood of an
occurrence, and/or the severity of the adverse consequences associated with an
Contributing safety factor: a safety factor that, had it not occurred or existed at
the time of an occurrence, then either:
(a) the occurrence would probably not have occurred; or
(b) the adverse consequences associated with the occurrence would probably not
have occurred or have been as serious, or
(c) another contributing safety factor would probably not have occurred or existed.
Persons on board: 11
The aeroplane was used for the dropping of parachutists from the parachute club
of Namur1. It was the 15th flight of the day. The aeroplane took off from the
Namur/Suarlée (EBNM) airfield at around 13:25 with 10 parachutists on board.
After 10 minutes of flight, when the aeroplane reached FL50, a witness noticed the
aeroplane in a level flight, at a lower altitude than normal. He returned to his
occupation. Shortly after he heard the sound he believed to be a propeller angle
change and turned to look for the aeroplane. The witness indicated that he saw
the aeroplane diving followed by a steep climb (major pitch up, above 45°),
followed by the breaking of the wing. Subsequently, the aeroplane went into a
spin. Another witness standing closer to the aircraft reported seeing the aeroplane
flying in level flight with the wings going up and down several times and hearing, at
the same time an engine and propeller sound variation before seeing the
aeroplane disappearing from his view. The aeroplane crashed in a field in the
territory of Gelbressée, killing all occupants. The aeroplane caught fire. A big part
of the left wing and elements thereof were found at 2 km from the main wreckage.
Occurrence type:
Loss of control-inflight (LOC-I) followed by system/component failure (non-
powerplant SCF-NP).
Final report SYNOPSIS
«Paraclub Namur» but officially called Centre Ecole Régional de Parachutisme Sportif de
Namur (CERPS)
The cause of the accident is a structural failure of the left wing due to a significant
negative g aerodynamic overload, leading to an uncontrollable aeroplane and
subsequent crash.
The most probable cause of the wing failure is the result of a manoeuvre intended
by the pilot, not properly conducted and ending with an involuntary negative g
manoeuvre, exceeding the operating limitations of the aeroplane.
“Aerobatic flight” means manoeuvres intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an
abrupt change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude, or an abnormal variation in speed, not
necessary for normal flight or for instruction for licenses or ratings other than aerobatic rating.
On 19 October 2013, the Pilatus Porter was being used for parachute drops.
The day started normally with the first take-off at 07:21. Each flight
transported 9 or 10 passengers. Except for the first two, all the flights of that
day were conducted by the same pilot.
The aircraft’s last landing in EBNM was at 13:20 to board the next group of
10 parachutists. After the take-off, the aircraft appeared again on the radar
at 13:28 at an altitude of 1200 ft. At 13:28:52, the EBCI Air Traffic Control
Officer (ATCO) instructed the aircraft to remain at 2000 ft AMSL to allow for
crossing traffic, a B737 landing at EBCI, and to proceed further to the east.
After the crossing, the Pilatus was authorized to climb to 5000 ft. At 13:33:32,
when the aeroplane was flying at 4400 ft, the pilot was authorized to turn
back to the drop zone and turned towards its target, the EBNM airfield.
Shortly after, a witness observed the aeroplane making a wide turn to the left.
This witness monitored the aeroplane for about 40 seconds. He indicated the
engine was making an abnormal noise which he compared with the
explosions made by the exhaust of a rally car when decelerating. Finally, the
witness heard a loud explosion ending by the dive of the aeroplane. He
believed that the sound of an explosion was caused by the “engine turbine
Another witness driving on the E42 highway saw the aeroplane performing
what he perceived as being some aerobatic manoeuvers. The aeroplane was
diving and was spinning. A moment later, he saw the wing break-up,
including the separation and falling of smaller parts.
A sailplane pilot was standing in his garden not far from the crash site. He
first heard the sound of the Pilatus which he described as being typical,
smooth and constant. He looked at the aeroplane and noticed it was flying at
a lower altitude than usual. He stopped observing after a few seconds. 30 to
40 seconds later, he heard an abnormal noise change which he thought was
a propeller pitch change or an engine power change. He looked for the
aeroplane in the sky and saw the aeroplane diving with an angle of more
than 45° immediately followed by a sharp pull-out angle of over 70°, followed
by the upwards breaking of a wing. The aeroplane went down “as in a stall”.
The witness still heard “the sound of propeller angle moving” after the wing
Of the aircraft’s occupants, 4 parachutists were ejected from the aircraft just
prior to impact.
Minor damage to grass area and ground contamination by Jet A1 fuel and
engine oil occurred.
Sex: Male
Age: 35 years old
Nationality: Belgian
Licences: PPL licence first issued on 06 June 2001
CPL licence first issued on 23 March 2006.
ATPL licence first issued on 23 November 2011, last issued on
19 July 2013 in accordance with EASA Air Crew Regulations,
Rating: SEP (land), valid until 31 March 2014
General experience:
Total experience: 2919 FH, from which 775 FH as PIC.
Among others, a practical test for aerobatics flights was passed on 19 May
2005 in order to obtain a CPL licence. However, there is no indication of any
authorization granted for the performance of aerobatics flights.
The last flight as airline pilot, flying a BAe146 aeroplane, was performed on
17 October 2013 at 22:00 ending on 18 October 2013 at 01:10.
Previous 24h flight activities: The pilot flew that day 13 flights with the Pilatus.
Total flight time around 4:20 FH (20 min average).
21 September 1 12 72 3
21 September 0 40 40 2
21 September 0 40 40 2
22 September 6 22 382 15
19 October 4 20 280 12
General information
The Pilatus PC-6 is a single-engine high wing Short Take-Off and Landing
(STOL) utility aircraft with conventional fixed landing gear, designed by
Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland. First flown in 1959, the PC-6 has been built in
both piston engine and turboprop powered versions. The accident aeroplane
was powered by a P&WC PT6A-27 free turbine engine.
The Pilatus PC-6’s first version had been certified by the Federal Office for
Civil Aviation (FOCA) of Switzerland in December 1959, under the Type
Certificate reference F 56-10. The aircraft complies with the US Civil Air
Regulations, Part 3 (US CAR3) as a normal category aeroplane. PC-6 is not
approved for aerobatics manoeuvres. The model PC-6/B2-H4 variant had
been approved on 20 November 1985.
General characteristics
Crew: one pilot
Capacity: up to ten passengers
Length: 10.90 m
Wingspan: 15.87 m
Height (Static): 3.20 m
Wing area: 30.15 m²
Empty weight: 1387 kg
MTOW: 2800 kg
Max zero fuel weight: 2400 kg
Centre of Gravity envelope: Up to 1450 kg = 11% to 38% MAC (3.209 m to
3.722 m from the reference line).
At 2800 kg = 32% to 38% MAC (3.608 m to 3.722 m from the reference line).
Straight line between variation points.
Powerplant: P&W Canada PT6A-27 turboprop, 550 SHP
Never exceed speed (VNE): 280 km/h (151 kt)
Manufacturer: Pilatus
Type: PC-6/B2-H4 (Upgraded from an original PC-
6/B1H2 type in 1985)
Serial number: 710
Built year: 1969
State of Registry: Belgium
Certificate of Registry: N° 5269, delivered by BCAA on 5 March 2003
Certificate of Airworthiness: EASA Form 25, delivered by BCAA on 15
February 2007
Airworthiness Review Cert.: Renewal on 28 March 2013 at 15803:13 FH.
ARC was valid until 25 March 2014.
Manufacturer: Pratt and Whitney Canada
Type: PT6A-27
Serial number: PC-E41246
Engine hours: Total Time: 15273:50 FH
Time since overhaul: 764:57 FH
Manufacturer: Hartzell (FAA STC SA377CH)
Type: HC-D4N-3P
Serial number: FY2365
Propeller hours: Total Time: 4427:55 FH
Time since overhaul: 1161:20 FH
AFM supplement 1824 indicates that the jumper’s seat belts must be
installed if required by the operating regulations. In Belgium, the installation
of belts has been required by BCAA since 2003, based on a Safety
Recommendation following another fatal crash involving the same
parachutist club and the same type of aeroplane in June 2002.
Namur Air Promotion S.A. purchased the aeroplane in 2003 without safety
belts for the occupants sitting on the bench and on the floor. The owner
installed locally manufactured restraints that were tested and accepted by
BCAA. The restraints (Single lap belts) were equivalent to Pilatus PN At the same time, BCAA requested the installation of a
placard on the dash board indicating that the pilot is responsible for verifying
that all the occupants are properly attached before take-off.
Figure 4: picture of the pilot’s seat in the aeroplane involved in the accident
As shown on the picture above, there is no separation between the cabin and
the cockpit and the low pilot seat’s back does not provide any protection to
the pilot’s upper body and head.
Oxygen equipment
This aeroplane was not equipped with a breathing system for pilot or
The AFM of the accident aeroplane was verified and updated by the
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) during the last
airworthiness review of the aeroplane on 28 March 2013. After updating by
the CAMO, this AFM (revision 4 dated January 2003) incorporated all the
applicable temporary revisions and supplements and was in compliance with
the “Status List Documentation PC-6 dated 01 February 2013.
Flight controls
The aeroplane is equipped with a conventional flight control system for the
ailerons, elevators and rudder. Control rods and cables are used to operate
the controls. The primary flight controls feature a pilot and a co-pilot control
column for the control of the ailerons and elevator and pedals for the rudder.
Each aileron assembly has two sections joined together at the centre. A
counterweight consisting of a long heavy tube is fixed at the lower surface of
each outboard aileron. This means that the outboard aileron section is
significantly heavier than the inboard one.
Balance tabs are installed on the ailerons and the elevator to reduce the
loads required to operate these controls in flight.
The co-pilot control column is removable and was removed for this
Each wing features a flap assembly, extending from the wing root up to
middle of the wing span and consisting of two sections joined together at the
centre. There is no interaction between the aileron and the flaps. The flaps of
the crashed aeroplane were manually controlled by a hand crank located on
the ceiling of the cockpit.
A retracted position of the actuator will tend to put the aircraft in a nose down
position (=horizontal stabilizer trailing edge down) while an extended position
of the actuator will tend to put the aircraft in a nose up position (=horizontal
stabilizer trailing edge up).
Figure 8: lateral view of the actuator. Figure 9: installation of the trim actuator
As can be seen in the figures above, the pitch trim system of the PC-6 B2H4
is fully electrically driven, while the rudder trim system is manually driven.
It has to be noted that it takes about 9 seconds for the actuator to move, by
the main system, from a neutral position to the nose up or nose down
(electrical) stops.
The alternate system can be operated after having manually pulled out the
circuit breaker of the main system and repositioned the interrupt switch in the
normal position.
valid for a given weight. Certain points on the V-n diagram define key
operating airspeeds, which are intended to enable pilots to avoid structural
damage to the aeroplane due to excessive flight loads.
Calibrated airspeed (CAS) is the indicated airspeed corrected for instrument errors and
position error. It describes the dynamic pressure acting on aircraft surfaces regardless of the
existing conditions of temperature, pressure altitude or wind.
The diagram shows various boundaries. The upper horizontal line is the
positive limit load factor. For the Pilatus PC-6 B2H4 this upper limit is 3.58 as
determined in compliance with US CAR3. The lower horizontal line is the
negative limit load factor which, according to the certification specifications, is
-0.4 times the positive load factor (in this case: -1.43).
The vertical boundary at the right side of the diagram is the maximum speed
limit VD. Above this speed, deformation and failure of the structure may also
occur. The maximum allowed airspeed is set at 90% of the speed limit (safety
margin). This speed is called VNE, or the velocity to never exceed.
The white region on the left of the diagram is edged by the so-called “stall
lines”. They represent the minimum speed to be flown at a given load factor
and maximum lift coefficient. Flying at lower airspeeds will cause the aircraft
to stall and/or start to descend. It can be observed that the curves above and
below the X-axis of the V-n diagram are not equal. This is due to the
asymmetric airfoil of the PC-6 wing. The speeds where the curves intersect
the limit load factor lines are called the manoeuvring speeds and for the sake
of this report indicated as VA (in positive load) and VA- (in negative load).
These speeds are important because when flying at speeds below the
manoeuvring speed, the aircraft will always stall before exceeding the
aeroplane’s limit factors. Final report FACTUAL INFORMATION.
When flying at higher speeds (yellow zone in the diagram), abrupt control
inputs or flying in turbulent conditions should be avoided to prevent
exceeding the limit factors.
It has been calculated that the PC-6 will stay within the envelope and
withstand gust conditions of +30 and -30 fps in a normal un-accelerated flight
(the load factor equals +1). It can be observed that the yellow zone starts at a
lower speed when submitted to negative loads (94 kt versus 119 kt) which
means that the limit load will be reached earlier. When extrapolating the
negative stall line, the speed at which the negative ultimate load factor is
reached can be determined around 115 kt.
A Weight & Balance computation was seldom performed before flight. A pilot
flying regularly with this aeroplane and also the president of the parachute
club confirmed that it had been determined that the PC-6 loading would not
exceed the Centre of Gravity (CG) envelope. This determination was based
on different Weight and Balance computations made together with the
instructor during all pilots’ conversion training sessions on PC-6.
During the investigation, the weight and balance of the aeroplane was
computed, based on the aeroplane data and the actual weight and position of
the occupants, (as far as it could be determined) using the following data
and/or assumptions:
Figure 14: sketch of the fuselage showing the parachutists' assumed position
The above computation shows that the CG was very close to, or possibly
even beyond, the aft limit of the CG envelope of the aeroplane (Aft limit is
3.722 m from the reference line). Furthermore, the weight of the aeroplane
was within limits (MTOW is 2800 kg).
The AFM supplement N°1824 states in section II that the pilot in command
must pay special attention to the aeroplane’s loading. However, no guidance
is provided on how to determine the arm between the reference line and the
different parachutists, as they are actually installed on the benches and on
the floor and their respective position is difficult to be precisely determined.
Aircraft history
The Pilatus Porter MSN 710 was built in 1969 as a PC-6/B1H2 model and
was first operated as a crop duster aeroplane by Ciba-Pilatus and
subsequently used by the Red Cross organization in Angola.
The aeroplane was operated by “Namur Air Promotion SA” from that time
onwards for the purpose of parachute drops in Temploux, Namur (EBNM). It
had flown around 4420 FH since the time it was purchased by its last owner
until the date of the accident.
The aircraft was maintained by an EASA Part M subpart F approved
maintenance organization. This organization was also duly approved as a
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) and as such
was in charge of both the maintenance and the airworthiness management of
the aeroplane.
The discrepancy report related to this last maintenance lists a few minor
outstanding items awaiting either the owner’s work order or the delivery of
ordered parts. One of these items concerns the replacement of the temporary
repaired LH wing outboard aileron section and another concern a possible
fuel contamination for which the aeroplane’s owner had been advised to
check his fuel supply. The remaining items were deemed insignificant in
relation to this investigation.
Figure 16: extract of the 100h inspection schedule showing the maintenance
to be performed on both mechanical and electrical system
Weather radar
The crash site was located between EBCI and EBLG airports. As an
interpolation of the EBCI and EBLG METAR’s, the wind speed on the ground
at the crash site was around 10 kt coming from 180°/190°.
The data of the general forecasted wind at altitude were extrapolated based
on the comparison between the wind values mentioned on the EBCI and
EBLG METAR’S at 13:20 and 13:50 . Based on this, it can be assumed the
wind at FL50 was approximately 25 kt coming from 210°.
Observation reports from EBCI and EBLG show the ceiling and visibility were
excellent for VFR flights. A few clouds were reported in the EBCI METAR at
13:50 (CAVOK - no cloud below 5000 feet above aerodrome level) and no
gust. Additionally, no witnesses standing in the vicinity of the crash site
reported any abnormal meteorological conditions.
The EBNM airfield being located below the EBCI TMA One (located between
FL55 and 2500 ft AMSL), all aircraft taking off from the EBNM airfield and
operating above 2500 ft are subject to the EBCI Air Traffic Control. When
climbing to the transition altitude (4500 ft AMSL), aircraft are transferred from
Charleroi APP (call sign ‘Charleroi Approach’) to Brussels ACC (call sign
‘Brussels Control’).
However, a special procedure has been agreed upon between the various air
traffic control services involved together with the pilots of the parachute
dropping flights. Each parachute dropping aircraft transferred from Charleroi
APP to Brussels ACC must stay in contact with Charleroi APP on the second
frequency of the radio. The reason for this procedure is to ensure that both
ATC units concerned (Brussels ACC and Charleroi APP) are consulted for
When the aeroplane reaches the altitude for the parachute dropping, it
contacts Brussels ACC to get an authorization for the zone FL245-FL55. The
aeroplane is further required to contact Charleroi APP to get a similar
authorization for the zone FL55-2500 ft AMSL.
The flight path of the aeroplane could be reconstructed based on radar data.
The Pilatus appeared on the radar screens around 13:28:10 passing 1300 ft.
Shortly after, at 13:28:55 the pilot contacted ‘Charleroi Approach’ and
requested to climb to FL135. The controller instructed the pilot to fly
eastwards at low altitude because of inbound traffic approaching EBNM,
passing at 4400 ft at 3 NM to the south of the Pilatus. The position of the
Pilatus was 1 NM southwest of EBNM.
Figure 18: extract of low air chart showing the approximate flight path
When the aeroplane crossed the highway E411 in the vicinity of Champion
(Time: 13.32.32), the pilot asked ‘Charleroi’, any chance for left turn to the
target?” (the target = the dropping area), but this was refused by the
At 13:33:30, the aeroplane was cleared by the EBCI controller to resume own
navigation to the target. The EBCI controller also instructed the pilot to
contact ‘Brussels Control’ on 128.2 (radio frequency in MHz) to climb higher
and also to report back to EBCI before the drop.
At 13:33:42, the aeroplane was flying at 4500 ft close to the crossing of roads
N992 and N80 (= Top right-hand corner of the EBCI-TMA3B). The pilot read
back the last instructions from the controller and the aeroplane initiated a left
turn and climbed to FL51 (5000 ft). The pilot did not contact ‘Brussels
Control’ on 128.2.
1.9 Communication.
A normal radio communication was established for the take-off with “Namur
Radio” Aerodrome Flight Information Service (AFIS). Conversations held on
this frequency are not recorded, nor is it required.
After the take-off the pilot contacted Charleroi APP prior to entering the EBCI
TMA Sector 1 (2500 ft AMSL – FL55). All the communications established
between the aeroplane, Charleroi APP and finally Brussels ACC are
Roger, (call sign)
13:30:50 (call sign), climb to 1800 ft
flight level five zero
Ok, (call sign)
13:32:32 ‘Charleroi’, (call sign), 3300 ft
request left turn back
to the target
(call sign), continue to
the east, call you
back shortly to
Ok, (call sign)
13:33:30 (call sign), cleared to 4200 ft
resume navigation
over the target
The pilot switched the radio frequency to Brussels ACC at or after 13:33:42
but did not check in with Brussels ACC. He continued climbing up to FL51
(5000 ft), ending in a straight level flight for more than 10 seconds.
Consequently, a large part of the flight path of the aeroplane was performed
under the control of the EBCI Airport ATC. Amongst others, the following Air
Traffic Services (ATS) communication facilities are available at Charleroi
Airport: Charleroi TWR (121.300 MHz) and Charleroi APP (133.125MHz).
Figure 21: relative position of EBCI, EBNM and the crash site
The following drawing shows the build-up of the different controlled and
uncontrolled areas above Namur airfield.
The aeroplane was not equipped with a flight recorder, nor was it a
The AAD devices sample the ambient air pressure to compute the altitude
and vertical speed 8 times per second. The AAD is switched on by the
parachutist upon climbing aboard the aeroplane to allow the system to
measure the ambient pressure on the ground, being the ground altitude of
the future drop zone.
Taking into account that the QNH was 1009 hPa and the elevation of the
Namur airfield is around 600 ft, the QFE (atmospheric pressure at the airfield)
was 889 hPa4 when the AAD of the parachutists measured the atmospheric
pressure of the airfield. This explains why the height difference measured by
the AAD and the aeroplane encoder (set to 1013 hPa) was around 720 ft
(30*(1013-889) =720 ft).
During take-off, the AAD will go to an ‘active’ status and is ready to help the
parachutist in a critical situation. In the meantime, it also starts to measure
the ambient pressure 8 times per second. The AAD arms itself automatically
when a rapid pressure increase is observed, corresponding to a 35m/s fall
speed. This activation fall speed is close to a parachutist’s free fall speed of
about 50m/s.
The AAD will instantaneously activate the reserve parachute to deploy when
both the following conditions are satisfied:
• The free fall speed is reached and maintained.
• The altitude drops below the pre-set activation altitude, corresponding to
The electronic system of the AAD also feature an internal memory that will
log the past data in memory from 7 seconds before the arming point
(actually, 7 seconds before the 35m/s fall speed is reached) and stops
recording 10 seconds after reaching the ground altitude. The data of all
seven AAD’s could be recovered with the support of the manufacturer (Vigil –
a Belgian brand).
It was determined that all AAD detected a fall speed of over 35 m/s and
armed simultaneously while the parachutists were still on board.
Below 10000 ft, the pressure lapse rate is about 1 hPa per 30 feet => 600ft/30ft=20 hPa
The above AAD recording shows the last 27 seconds prior to the impact. The
Y-axis shows the height above the EBNM airfield ground level while the
X-axis represents the time in seconds.
Elevation of EBNM airfield is 594 ft (181 m) meaning that the first data of
altitude (left ordinate) on the graphs are around 5000 ft (±1520 m) AMSL.
Elevation of the crash site was quite similar to the EBNM elevation meaning
that the last seconds of horizontal flight were performed at 1330 meters
above ground level.
Figure 25: AAD record from 7 seconds before the detection of the 35m/s freefall speed
The propeller, the engine and the nose section of the fuselage were virtually
buried in the ground and had disappeared under the other remains of the
Witnesses reported that the wreckage caught fire just a few tens of seconds
after impact, destroying most of the front and central section of the fuselage.
The inner quarter section of the left wing separated from the fuselage at
impact and was lying on the ground about 12 meters left of the fuselage. The
inboard section of the flap was still attached to this part of the wing. The
structural fuel tank built inside this section of the wing was fully open at its
outboard rib.
The outer three-quarters of the left wing was not found in the vicinity of the
main wreckage.
The right wing structure was still attached to the fuselage and the wing strut.
The wing showed obvious impact damage on the leading edge, and the inner
part was destroyed by fire.
The horizontal stabilizer was lying on the ground in an upside down position
the upper surface being in contact with the ground and the leading edge
pointing approximately in direction of the front side of the fuselage. The right
side of the stabilizer was partially covered and hidden by the tail section of
the fuselage. The elevator was still attached to the stabilizer.
The tail section of the fuselage was found lying on its left side, meaning that
the remains of the vertical fin were in a horizontal position.
Figure 27: aerial view of the wreckage Final report FACTUAL INFORMATION.
The left wing integral fuel tank broke open when the wing failed and it
suffered additional damage during final impact, but it didn’t burn. The right
wing integral tank as well as the collector tank located inside the fuselage
broke open at the final impact and were largely destroyed by the post impact
A search to locate the severed parts was initiated by the police. The parts
were numbered (W01, W02 …) in the order they were found.
The table below shows the distance between the main wreckage and the
different parts starting with the closest and ending with the parts found the
furthest from the main wreckage.
Figure 34: Outer three-quarters of the LH wing (View of the lower surface).
A few days later, the engine and the propeller were thoroughly examined with
the support of safety Investigators from Pratt and Whitney Canada and
Hartzell Propeller Inc.
The safety investigators from Pilatus, Pratt and Whitney Canada and Hartzell
Propeller were acting as advisors of the AccRep of respectively the Swiss
Accident Investigation Board (SAIB), the Transport Safety Board of Canada
(TSB) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) of the United
States. The BEA of France also delegated a safety investigator who
participated among other in the investigation on an accident of Pilatus PC-6
in France involving a structural failure.
The right wing was significantly crushed at impact along its entire length. A
part of the skin had been separated from the wing and came to rest 15
meters in front of the main wreckage. The first, inner, quarter of the wing
incorporating the structural fuel tank had almost disappeared under the effect
of the post-crash fire. Both half inboard and outboard flaps and ailerons were
still attached to the wing remains. The right wing strut was slightly bent and
showed burning damage. However it was still complete and attached to the
remains of both the fuselage and the wing.
Right ailerons
The inner and outer ailerons of the right wing were found at their normal
position, at the trailing edge of the wing. They were severely damaged by the
final impact with the ground.
This section of the upper spar cap was bent and twisted. The curve shown by
the spar cap indicates the wing was bent downwards. The twist showed a
downward movement of the leading edge and an upward movement of the
trailing edge. This was evidence for the fact that the wing had been submitted
• The main spar upper caps failed in 3 places: at the wing attachment, at
wing rib No.5 and at rib No.8.
• The main spar lower caps also failed at 3 locations which are not the same
as those of the upper caps.
• The wing skin had been torn differently with respect to the spar cap
failures, at approximately the junction of the inner and the outer flap.
• Most broken lower and upper spar caps remained attached to their
respective skin sections and ribs with the exception of the upper main spar
caps between ribs 5 and 8 (Figure 40).
Figure 41: sketch of LH wing main spar failures and wing strut failures.
Visual examination of all main spar cap fractures could not find any obvious
sign of fatigue crack. All fracture areas were isolated and sent for a thorough
fractographical analysis at the Belgian Royal Military Academy laboratory.
The laboratory examination concluded that no sign of metal fatigue,
corrosion, brittle behaviour or other material pathology could be identified
(The document showing the results of the laboratory examination are
enclosed at the end of this report).
Thorough visual examination of the wing strut showed it first distorted into a
Z-like shape under a heavy buckling load before breaking. The small piece of
strut that formed into a Z-shape showed some traces of blue colour indicating
the strut contacted the wing lower surface.
As with the visual examination of the wing main spar fractures, no obvious
signs of fatigue crack could be found on the strut and, in order to establish
factual information, it was decided to submit all interesting fragments to a
fractographic examination, along with the left wing parts.
The outer aileron, retrieved at 900 meters from the main wreckage, was
largely intact; no skin was missing and the counterweight and the balance tab
were still attached at the aileron5. Traces of friction were visible on the
counterweight tube including the red painted end of the counterweight. These
friction traces matched red paint traces found on the fuselage dorsal fin.
Traces of rivets torn out were visible at both lateral ends of the ribs. An old
skin repair correctly withstood a structural deformation of the aileron. The
axis of the structural deformation of the aileron was determined to be aligned
with a similar deformation of the lower skin of the wing.
An old skin repair properly withstood a structural deformation of the aileron.
Figure 44: LH wing outer aileron showing common deformation with the wing inner surface.
Flight controls:
The primary flight control installations consisted of an assembly of control
cables, bellcranks, pulleys and connecting rods.
Most flight control cables were broken, some of them showing local corrosion
consecutive to fire damage. All cable ends were found still attached to their
bellcranks or other attachments.
Some cables had been cut by the rescue services to gain access to the
victims or to facilitate the wreckage transportation.
The same is true for all the failed components, such as connecting rods, of
the different flight controls loops.
Vertical stabilizer
The vertical stabilizer
structure was largely
disintegrated showing the
main spar still attached to
the upper aft section of the
fuselage and some
fragments of the skins.
The vertical stabilizer was
equipped with antennas
installed symmetrically on
both upper sides.
The missing antenna leading edge was found lodged into the left wing lower
surface skin.
Figure 51: View of RH antenna leading edge, retrieved inserted in left wing lower surface skin.
The rudder was found on the main wreckage site, a few meters behind the
fuselage tail section.
The top side of the rudder is largely disintegrated and the rudder
counterweight is missing. This counterweight was found at a distance of 1020
meters from the main wreckage. The leading edge of the rudder was torn
Horizontal stabilizer
Figure 53: Horizontal stabilizer upside down Figure 54: Horizontal stabilizer in normal
flight position.
The horizontal stabilizer was found resting upside down on the ground with
its left side partially covered by the aft section of the fuselage. Both leading
edges showed impact damage. Left leading edge damage, contaminated by
soil, was the result of the final ground collision while the right leading edge,
less damaged, showed evidence of a possible impact by another aircraft
structure. Except the severed and broken articulation plates, the central
section of the stabilizer suffered less damage compared to the damage at
both leading edges.
By contrast, the LH
articulation plate is
deformed and fractured.
The elevator remained attached to the stabilizer up to the final impact with
the ground. All damage was consistent with the final impact.
Pitch trim
The actuator was significantly
damaged, showing evidence of
impact with the ground. The
aluminium casing showed major
deformations obviously the
consequence of the actuator
being pressed into the ground.
A part of the broken connecting
fork from the stabilizer was found
attached to the rod end of the
actuator movable tube. The rod
end was slightly folded.
Figure 57: Horizontal stabilizer electrical actuator.
The opening in the top horizontal skin of the fuselage located below the
stabilizer as well as the left hand skin of the fuselage was found torn open
and folded towards the outside, causing the opening to be significantly larger.
This large opening was consistent with the ejection of the actuator from the
wreckage at final impact.
Area impacted by
the stationary end
of the actuator
Figure 61 : LH side of the aft fuselage torn open and folded outside
The horizontal stabilizer trim actuator was extensively examined and tested.
The results are enclosed at the end of this report.
The bottom section of the engine and accessory gearbox area showed
impact damage and were partially covered with soot and dirt.
The engine suffered severe compressive damage with distinctive twisting of
the gas generator and exhaust cases. The deformation resulted in the front
section of the engine (reduction gearbox) being displaced towards the 3
o’clock position, with regards to its original position, with the propeller shaft
pointing towards the bottom. Final report FACTUAL INFORMATION.
No pre-impact anomaly was found and the twisting of the gas generator and
exhaust cases shows the engine delivered power at impact.
Figure 62: View of the engine and propeller ready to be inspected, after cleaning.
All four propeller blades remained attached to the hub. The propeller had
relatively mild impact damage. The blades showed mild bending and little
rotational scoring due to impact with a muddy field. The cylinder was
fractured off the hub due to impact damage. A pre-impact blade angle
calculated from witness marks was approximately 38°. This is in the normal
operating range of low blade angle and is indicative of ‘power on’. There
were no discrepancies noted that would indicate abnormal operation. All
damage was consistent with impact damage.
The autopsy of all occupants showed that the impact forces were not
survivable. The autopsy of the pilot could determine that his hands sustained
serious injuries compatible with hands closed on the stick handgrip at impact.
It could also confirm the absence of alcohol or any trace of medicine, or any
other product susceptible to impair the pilot’s ability to fly. The autopsy could
not determine the presence or the absence of any pre-impact adverse
medical condition.
The pilot, aged 35, held a valid medical certificate Class 1 required to act as
pilot in command in commercial air transport. There is no indication in the
pilot’s medical file showing that he could have been subject to a possible
medical problem.
Stating that the pilot held a valid medical certificate (class 1) means that he
complied with the requirements of the aero-medical standards. This system
aims to maintain an acceptable annual medical incapacitation risk level.
The medical certificate Class 1 standard is very high and means for pilots
engaged in public transport operations that they must show, through medical
examination, a risk of medical incapacitation lower than 1% in 1 year
(= 8760 hours), which is approx. 1 incapacitation in 106 hours. This “1% rule”
defines the content, depth and periodicity of the medical assessment of
To illustrate the efficiency of the system, the incident database of Belgium for
commercial aviation was reviewed (19870 reports - period 2007-2014)
contains 45 reports on flight crew medical problem. The origin of the problem
was: food related (21 cases), fatigue (10 cases), oil smell (3 cases) and
others (10 cases). Most of the cases describe a flight crew becoming sick, or
having a reduced capacity. Only one report states that the individual involved
actually fainted but this occurred sometime after the first symptoms
Out of the accident database, there are two recent events (period 2007-2014)
for which incapacitation was indeed a causal factor, but both events
concerned elderly private pilots with a known medical condition (ULM pilots
with class 3 medical certificate, not under the “1% rule”).
1.14 Fire
The wreckage caught fire shortly after the first witnesses arrived on the crash
site. The fire was concentrated on the central section of the fuselage and on
the first quarter of the right wing remains. The fuel tanks (RH wing and feeder
tanks) split open at impact releasing fuel in the direction of the engine
section. The fuel ignited when it came in contact with the engine heat and/or
sparks caused by short circuits.
The violence of the final impact was not survivable for the occupants of the
Because the parachutes did not have sufficient time to fully open, the same
as above applied for the parachutists exiting the aeroplane just before the
crash. The impact forces were not survivable.
Safety belts:
The aeroplane had 2 front seats equipped with safety belts, one for the pilot
(incorporating lap and shoulder harness) and the other one (lap only) for the
parachutist installed on the back to front co-pilot seat. A small seat located
back of the cabin, on the right side, was also equipped with a safety belt (lap
For the other parachutists, sitting on a bench and on the floor, a restraint
system – single strap with a snap hook – allowed (imperfectly) to secure their
position during take-off and , when still on board, during landing. This
restraint system was required following the accident that occurred in 2002
with the same parachute club and the same type of aeroplane. The lack of
seats and restraint system for the passengers was identified as the cause of
the injuries to the passengers in the investigation report of that accident. .
Due to the accident in 2002, the following safety recommendation was made:
The Belgian regulation does not clearly require the use of belts for the
transport of parachutists. The regulation needs to be modified to incorporate
such a requirement. However, a specific system (paras) needs to be
developed in order to prevent any counter-productive effect.
The use of the restraint system had been rendered obligatory by a placard in
the cabin and in the flight manual (Figure 5).
This BCAA requirement, developed in 2002, is quite equivalent to the
standard described in the new EU 965/2012 regulation (not yet applicable at
the date of the accident).
SPO.SPEC.PAR.110 Seats
Notwithstanding SPO.IDE.A.160(a) and SPO.IDE.H.160(a)(1), the
floor of the aircraft may be used as a seat, provided means are
available for the task specialist to hold or strap on.
‘Task specialist’ means a person assigned by the operator or a third party, or acting as an
undertaking, who performs tasks on the ground directly associated with a specialised task or
performs specialised tasks on board or from the aircraft.
Another factor is also that the restraint system needs to be stowed properly
so that parachutists would not stumble upon it when exiting the aeroplane, or
by distraction, trying to leave the aircraft while still attached to the floor
For a 120° bank angle change (60° angle of bank swing over), the aircraft
needs therefore approximately 4 seconds.
First the speed was built up to 110 kt by making a dive in order to gain
enough energy. When levelling off, a reference point on the horizon from the
aircraft was chosen, situated left, at an angle of 45° from the flight path. The
exercise was initiated by pitching up and moving the stick to the left to get a
sufficient roll rate, while trying to keep the reference point in sight. Due to the
pitch up attitude when inverted, a significant loss of altitude and an increase
in airspeed sometimes occurred causing the reference point to disappear
below the aircraft’s nose. Failure to react adequately would bring the
aeroplane into a steep dive. This could be corrected by a release of the back
pressure and/or by applying a light adequate forward pressure on the stick.
However, a typical beginner’s error would be to overreact by exerting too
much forward pressure on the stick after having lost the reference point.
During the exercise on the flight simulator, when exerting a brutal forward
pressure on the stick to ‘correct’ this and to get the reference point back in
sight, a load factor of -3g could be observed on the g-meter. Further rolling
got the aircraft back to positive loads.
Notwithstanding the above Article 2 a) and b), interviews with key persons
from the parachute club and the airfield and the operator itself show that the
operator authority, actions and initiatives to organize the operation of its
aeroplane was very limited. Also its presence on the field to monitor/survey
how the aeroplane was operated was very limited.
The main tasks performed by the operator were to assess and to accept the
new applicant pilots, mostly based on the insurance requirements (Licences,
experience, etc.) and to accept the CAMO/Maintenance organization
maintenance costs.
By contrast, the planning of the para dropping flights and the flight duty roster
of the pilots was held by the parachute club. The president of the Paraclub
Namur indicated that all pilots had to integrate themselves into a dedicated
flight duty roster page. Thereafter, before the week-end, the president
ensured a pilot was available and if not, contacted pilots to find a solution.
The most experienced pilot in the club was implicitly considered as the ‘chief’
pilot of the parachute club. However he didn’t have any decision-making
authority or official responsibility.
When several violations occurred in the vicinity or at the airfield, the airfield’s
commander systematically contacted the pilot in question and the president
of the Paraclub Namur to account for it. The chief pilot was sometimes
involved as well.
• Chapter 7 covers the requirements for aircrafts and pilots. The licence
requirements applicable to pilots and the technical requirements for
aircraft are elaborately specified.
• Chapter 9 covers the flight procedures i.e. mainly the cooperation with
ATC to allow safe jumps in an airspace occupied by different users.
3.1 The club should ensure strict compliance with the conditions of Circular
GDF-05 edition 3 dated 29/04/2004 (see Annex 1) or any subsequent
edition, including the prescriptions regarding:
3.2 The necessary dimensions of the site …
3.3 The conditions for a parachutist …
3.4 The aircraft and the designated pilots (section7).
3.5 The meteorological conditions …
3.6 The flight procedures (section 9)
3.7 Nobody is allowed to perform or to authorise a parachutist’s jump, if this
activity would represent a danger for the aircraft in flight, for the jumping
parachutists or for people and property on the ground.
3.8 The aeroplane must be equipped with a transponder …
3.9 The Belgian Civil Aviation Authority shall be informed each time that an
authorization or a licence, necessary to obtain the present authorization,
However, section 7 and section 9 of the Circular deal with the aircraft, the
designated pilot and the flight procedures which are also matters under the
responsibility of the operator, as prescribed in the aerial work authorization.
The pilots allowed to perform parachute dropping flights for the parachute
club were identified in the BCAA authorization letter; however the pilot
involved in the accident does not appear on this list.
The pilot involved in the accident performed a skill test for parachute
dropping flight with an examiner on 21 September 2013. This test, valid for 2
years, was conducted with the aeroplane from the accident and an
endorsement in the pilot log book was made.
The staff of the parachute club had complete trust in the pilots and therefore
did not appreciate the risks of such manoeuvres. Moreover, the staff and the
members of the parachute club did not seem to understand that trying to
push the pilot to perform special manoeuvres was not safe.
According to witness statements the aeroplane flew more than once close to
VNE speed during the dive after the drop. This was demonstrated in the
course of the investigation using calculations based upon radar records.
• The initial climb, following the take-off, up to a safe altitude for a jump
with a parachute.
• The transit flight, a climb up to the dropping altitude.
• The dropping, for which the aeroplane slows down, to allow the dropping
of parachutists.
• The descent, sometimes with parachutists and/or passengers on board,
up to the landing.
The most critical flight phases are the take-off and the initial climb. The
identified causes of this type of accident included:
• Engine failure, in 41% of the cases.
• Inadequate flight preparation (45%), including
o Inadequate weight and/or balance (30%)
o Improper trim setting (12%)
o Inadequate engine preparation: Fuel starvation, carburettor icing
The accidents during the transit flight – as in this case – are due to:
• Engine failure (62%), for which all parachutists jumped to safety.
• Mid-air collisions (38%), including one in Belgium. They account for all
the fatalities in this flight phase.
The accidents during descent are mostly due to mid-air collisions and one
particular case due to the automatic opening of the reserve parachute when
parachutists remained on board during descent.
During the last phase of the flight, the witnesses’ attention was drawn by a
change in the sound produced by the aeroplane in flight. Such changes,
described as the sound of the engine and propeller can originate from
variations in engine power and propeller pitch or from direction or attitude
changes of the aeroplane, or a combination of all the above
The aeroplane was flying 1330 m above ground level (AGL). This height
combined with the horizontal distance from the witnesses and the speed of
the sound made that the attention of the witnesses was drawn a few seconds
after the start of the event. No witness saw or was able to describe in detail
the entire event that led to the wing failure.
However from all the witnesses interviewed, two contained information vital
for the investigation:
• A witness standing at a horizontal distance of approximately 600 m from
the aeroplane described a change in sound accompanied by a few
significant up and down roll movements of the wings before the
aeroplane disappeared from the witness’s view.
• Another witness standing approximately 2.4 km away from the
aeroplane, heard a change in sound, looked at the aeroplane and saw it
in a steep dive, followed by a pull-up manoeuvre. At that point, he saw
one wing breaking off in an upward direction.
Interview with key persons from the parachute club, pilots and airfield
authority revealed that the pilot had been called several times to order by the
airfield authority. The pilot had been subjected to sanctions due to unruly
behaviour in the immediate proximity of the airfield, mostly at the end of the
last flight of the day.
This was demonstrated in the course of the investigation using calculations based upon
radar records.
However, the horizontal stabilizer trim actuator was found in full nose-down
position. A thorough examination of the actuator electrical system could not
determine any technical malfunction that could explain the full nose-down
position. The investigation could demonstrate that the trim actuator electrical
connections remained serviceable up to the final impact with the ground. The
radio recording showed that the pilot activated the push-to-talk button 4 times
for a total duration of 10 seconds during the plunge of the aeroplane, without
actually communicating with ATC. It is likely that the pilot also involuntary
activated the pitch trim switch by grasping the stick when trying to regain the
control of the aeroplane during the plunge. This hypothesis is supported by
the fact that the stabilizer trim toggle switch and the push-to-talk button are
both located on the hand grip of the stick. Moreover, the time (in all about 9
seconds) required to move the actuator from a mean flight level position to a
full pitch down position is compatible both with the duration of the plunge
(approx. 18 seconds) and the 10 seconds of activation of the push-to-talk
This assumption is supported by the following:
• It is demonstrated that the pilot was properly trained to face an electrical
trim runaway.
• The design of the aeroplane and the procedure of the flight manual were
adequate to interrupt and correct a runaway trim.
• The instructor who trained the pilot indicated the pilot performed very
quickly the procedure to interrupt and correct a simulated runaway trim
during the PC-6 conversion training.
• The instructor who trained the pilot also indicated the pilot was physically
capable to keep the aeroplane level with a single hand during the trim
runaway exercises.
• It has been demonstrated during the certification test flights that the
Pilatus PC-6 B2H4 aeroplane remains controllable in level flight in case
of full nose down pitch trim. Manufacturer data show that the pull up force
to apply on the stick would be around 150 N in order to keep the
aeroplane in level flight with a 31% MAC CG position and 2800 kg total
Final report ANALYSIS.
• A test flight, performed with an AAIU(Be) investigator on board, could
verify that the pull-up force to apply on the stick is acceptable for a
person in a normal physical condition.
• When the accident occurred, the pull-up force to be applied would have
been less than 150 N (15 kgf) taking into account that the aeroplane
centre of gravity was close or maybe slightly beyond the aft limit of the
balance envelope.
Examination of the wreckage could determine that the left wing failed as a
consequence of the aeroplane’s structure being submitted to excessively
high negative loads.
Study of V-n Diagram shows that the Pilatus can exceed the ultimate
negative load factor of -2.14 g from a speed of 115 kt and up. Therefore the
structure may not withstand a violent forward action on the stick at or above
this speed when submitted to negative loads. Considering that the speed
before the wing failure had been determined to be at least 118 kt means that
the aeroplane, in good condition and free of deficiencies can suffer a
catastrophic structural failure as a consequence of an inadequate violent
forward pressure on the column stick. This situation is not specific to the
Pilatus and is quite similar to all the aeroplanes certified in the normal
2.3 Communications
During flight 14, Charleroi APP instructed the Pilatus when flying at about
3000 ft to contact Brussels ACC for authorization to climb above FL50. The
Pilatus called Brussels ACC soon after (24 seconds later). The pilot
contacted Brussels ACC well in advance taking into account the time
necessary to climb 1900 ft higher, before reaching FL50 (4900 ft).
By contrast, during the last flight, Charleroi APP only instructed the Pilatus by
the time it was already flying at 4400 ft to contact ‘Brussels Control’ to climb
Final report ANALYSIS.
above FL50 (4900 ft). The pilot selected the frequency of Brussels ACC
(128.2), but did not contact them. Instead, the aeroplane climbed further to
FL50 (4900 ft) and levelled before the loss of control, without ever calling
Brussels ACC. Time between the last instruction from Charleroi APP and
loss of control was 46 seconds.
In case of problems pilots normally prioritize their actions in the order: ‘aviate
- navigate – communicate’. This means that communication has the lowest
priority when struggling with the first two tasks. However, the pilot correctly
read back the instructions from Charleroi APP and also resumed navigation
to the airfield of Namur/Suarlée, as instructed, by turning westward while
climbing with a normal rate of climb. This indicates that the pilot still had the
aircraft under control when climbing to FL50 (4900 ft). Conversation records
analysis also show that the ‘Brussels Control’ frequency was not in overload
of communication during the last phase of the flight of the Pilatus.
Both facts mentioned above lead to the conclusion that there was no difficulty
for the pilot to communicate with ‘Brussels Control’.
The fact the pilot did not communicate with Brussels ACC could be
interpreted as a way to be free from both the control of Charleroi APP (no
longer focused on the aeroplane’s navigation) and Brussels ACC, not yet in
charge of the aeroplane’s navigation.
The impact traces on the wing’s lower surface left by the wing-to-strut
attachment nut and the blue colour found on the small piece of the strut
suggest that the strut failed first after a buckling deformation toward the wing,
followed by the wing’s main spar structural failure. The wing strut failed when
submitted to excessive compression forces as well as a bending moment,
caused by the friction at the strut-to-wing spar connection.
Left wing outer flap damage, limited to both end ribs and showing pulled-out
rivets, was determined to be consistent with both hinge supports being pulled
off during the wing separation, which occurred precisely at the junction of the
inner and the outer flap.
The reconstruction of the wing revealed common impact damage; the impact
damage on the outboard aileron’s lower surface matches with the damage on
the lower surface of the wing. This leads to the conclusion that the aileron
was still attached to the wing when struck.
corresponding red traces were observed on the fuselage dorsal fin. This
demonstrates that the outer three-quarter section of the left wing separated
first. Subsequently, the lower surfaces of the wing and the outer aileron
collided with the dorsal fin, causing the outer aileron separation.
Almost simultaneously, the wing’s leading edge collided with both the vertical
stabilizer and the right hand side horizontal stabilizer. This collision caused
the rupture of all three horizontal stabilizer’s supports; both the forward
articulation plates and the connection with the actuator at the fork fitting (rear
attachment of the stabilizer).
The examination of the right sliding door leads to the conclusion it ran off its
track as a consequence of the fuselage frame deformation when the
wing/strut structures failed. Fuselage deformation was more significant in the
area of the wing and strut attachments, which explains why the sliding door’s
front roller wheel attachments (positioned just aft of the wing) suffered more
damage than the rear ones.
All flight controls were checked and the remains proved to be complete. No
pre-impact anomalies were found. Control continuity was verified from the
cockpit to all flight control surfaces showing that all broken cables featured
typical overload-rupture characteristics.
The flight was reconstructed from the radar data and the AAD’s records.
Every 4 seconds the radar records the aeroplane’s position and the
aeroplane transponder transmits the altitude information. The AADs record
the ambient pressure every 1/8th of a second.
Combining the information from the radar, the radio communication and the
AAD, the investigation could determine that:
• The pilot received the authorization to proceed to the drop zone and was
instructed to switch the radio frequency to ‘Brussels Control’.
• The pilot switched channel of the radio to ‘Brussels Control’ (exact time
• The aeroplane stopped turning and continued a straight and level flight at
FL51 (5000 ft) for 12 to 16 seconds (point A on Figure 70).
• Suddenly, the aeroplane climbed rapidly for 1.5 seconds, immediately
followed by a descent (point B on Figure 70).
• The recordings show a steep dive and at point C of Figure 70, the
transponder of the aeroplane is not able to send information to the radar,
indicating the aeroplane is inverted (a transponder needs a line-of-sight
with the radar for the transmission).
• The AAD data show the readings of the different AADs are
diverging from that point on; this is relevant as the readings were rather
close to each other before this point. The cause of the divergence is
likely to be the detachment of the sliding door in flight; the ambient
pressure became different for each parachutist due to turbulences
affecting the cabin and depending on their position in the aeroplane.
• The detachment of the sliding door is determined by inspection to have
been caused by a disturbance in the aeroplane’s structure. This is the
point in time when the aeroplane lost its left wing.
• The aeroplane is further seen by the radar in a reverse track, opposite to
its initial flight direction (point C on Figure 70).
Final report ANALYSIS.
Figure 70: Correspondence between AAD VIGIL data and radar data.
Figure 71: Graph showing phases where the different AAD VIGIL’s are measuring similar and
diverging ambient pressures.
Final report ANALYSIS.
Looking closer into the AAD records of Figure 72, it can be observed that
during the initial climb, the records show small fluctuations in 3 out of the 7
recordings. The climb would have caused small movements of the
parachutists inside the aeroplane, against the fuselage, or against each
other. The small shocks to the parachute packs would have caused an
overpressure in the pack, giving a false reading of the AAD as a
consequence (reading of a lower height).
The data of the AAD’s were plotted in a graph whereupon trend lines were
added. Such a trend line predicts the height as function of time by means of a
polynomial (fifth order in this case) function. The coefficient of determination
(or R²) is a number between 0 and 1 and indicates how close the predicted
value is to the actual value. The closer to 1, the more reliable the value, ie
how accurate the trend line approximates the real value. By limiting the
considered time intervals, trend lines could be found with R² equal to 0.99. By
deriving the correspondent functions with respect to time, one was able to
find an approach for the vertical speed. By deriving twice with respect to time,
a function predicting the acceleration along the vertical axis was found.
These values were in each case in an order of 50-60 m/s² (5 to 6g) in the
region of the bend (red encircled) in Figure 71. It remains a very rough
approximation and the accuracy is difficult to determine because there are
other unknown factors such as the inertia of the pressure measurement
system. But nevertheless, the obtained speeds correspond to the speeds
calculated with the Vigil software and the values of the acceleration before
the dive are in the expected order of magnitude.
This method definitely shows that at the time of the bend upwards, the
aircraft was subject to exceptional high external g-forces.
Final report ANALYSIS.
After the authorization of Charleroi APP to resume the flight as planned, the
pilot would have normally set course towards the Namur airfield and, after
contacting Brussels ACC, would have continued to climb with a normal climb
rate of around 1000 ft/min. The pilot did not call Brussels, but stopped
climbing and interrupted the turn toward the drop zone. Instead, a short steep
climb was initiated (2000 ft/min) after a few seconds of straight horizontal
flight, followed by a steep dive (2400 ft/min - up to the large pressure
variations recorded by AADs). The amplitude of these actions has been
determined to be within the capabilities of the Pilatus PC-6 aircraft.
• The aeroplane was completing a wide left turn towards the dropping zone
followed by a straight and level flight at FL51 (5000 ft).
• In the last flight phase, before the wing separation, the aeroplane made
movements indicating two opposing pilot input (climb, dive).
• The radio switch on the stick was pushed four times during the final
Around the time of the accident, the Bird Control Unit of Belgian Defence
reported a very low bird intensity in the area, and the radar detected no (large
scale) bird movements related to migration of birds neither at low nor high
altitude. No BIRDTAM8 was broadcasted. There were, however, migration
flights of Grey Cranes observed from the ground, that day, but in the east of
the country (Aywaille, Beuzet, Tilff,etc.), heading in the direction NE to SW.
The bird strike history (in civil aviation) shows that the vast majority of reports
for Belgium concern airports, or their immediate surroundings.
There are very few reports of bird strikes involving General Aviation aircraft
(16 out of a total of 2317 for the period 2005-2014), and none caused a loss
of control.
Birdtam: notice to airmen for notification of birds activity hazards.
The following graph shows the fall distance (=height) versus the time for:
• Typical parachutists in free fall as recorded several times by AADs prior
to the accident (blue curve)
• Theoretical frictionless free fall, as if the fall occurred with no atmosphere
(purple curve)
• The aeroplane’s fall data as recorded by the parachutists AADs during
the event beginning at the top of the AAD’s height curve (green curve).
Figure 73: Diagram showing the aeroplane's fall speed compared with other fall speed.
The descent speed would be slower than in a free fall, as the engine still
provides an upward force.
The AAD data demonstrates objectively that the aeroplane is actually falling
faster than free fall. A high speed stall of both wings in a symmetrical
configuration can therefore be excluded.
However, the initial drop of the stalled wing would have occurred at the top of
the climb causing a significant commotion in the cabin, parachutists being
moved around inside the aeroplane, by the violent roll.
As the AAD records show few pressure fluctuations at the top of the climb
(see Figure 72), but more intense fluctuations later, a high speed stall with
one wing drop, followed by a roll motion, can be considered as unlikely.
Final report ANALYSIS.
Figure 75: Drawing showing a high speed stall followed by a flick roll.
The manoeuvre intended by the pilot in this scenario, could have been a
“parabolic flight”, as was performed already several times in the past (and by
several pilots) with parachutists on board, which was confirmed by witnesses.
A violent diving motion (by pushing the stick forward violently), initiated when
the aeroplane was in a climbing attitude, would have thrown the unrestrained
parachutists from their floor seating position upward and caused them to
collide with the ceiling. A calculated negative acceleration of 24 m/s2 means
a resulting acceleration in the upward direction of 14.2 m/s2, which is about
1.5 g
The resulting movement of the parachutist colliding with the ceiling would
cause a change in the apparent weight carried by the aeroplane, causing the
centre of gravity to move forward and resulting in an increased pitch down
movement. This scenario would also have caused an important disturbance
in the cabin at the top of the manoeuvre (which was not recorded by AADs).
The resulting increase in pitch down of the aeroplane would increase the
diving rate (up to 12000 ft/min as seen on the graph) and could have caused
Final report ANALYSIS.
In this configuration, the aeroplane would have been forced into an inverted
loop, reversing the aeroplane course and causing the wing to break.
However, the manoeuvre applied here seems to be too short in time and too
brutal to be a parabolic flight and, moreover, the AAD records show only
disturbances at the beginning of the pull-up and at the end of the pull-down,
without disturbances at the top of the manoeuvre. Additionally, the pilot was
familiar with this parabolic flight manoeuvre and there is no obvious reason
why one would change the conditions of this manoeuvre.
One eye witness, standing about 600 m horizontally from the aeroplane,
reported having seen the wings of the aeroplane wiggling several times
before the final plunge began. The wiggle of the wings could have been a
barrel roll, taking into account the difficulties for the witness, with no specific
aviation knowledge, to see the details of a manoeuvre performed at a slant
distance (line of sight distance, not a distance across the ground) around
Final report ANALYSIS.
The steep climb, seen on the graph could have been the first part of a barrel
roll followed by an uncontrolled diving attitude, once the aeroplane was fully
inverted, and finally ending by an excessive forward pressure on the stick
and subsequent wing failure.
Based on the AAD records, the time between the start of the pull-up, until the
occurrence of wing separation was determined to be around 5.5 seconds. On
the other hand, it can be assumed, from the roll rate tests performed by
Pilatus, that a 180° bank angle change (= aeroplane inverted) requires
around 6 seconds. The period of time (5.5 seconds) between the pull-up
manoeuvre until the moment the wing separated, is therefore compatible with
the Pilatus roll rate.
Figure 76: V-n diagram showing the 110 kt fall speed was inside the yellow caution range.
The yellow speed range in the V-n diagram indicates that the aeroplane can
only be flown at this speed range, in smooth air and also that an abrupt
manoeuvre may not be exerted to avoid structural damage, or failure.
The airspeed when the failure occurred was at least 110 kt i.e. within the
limits of the (negative) yellow caution range, showing that any abrupt
manoeuvre when exposed to negative g loads may cause a structural failure.
Final report ANALYSIS.
As reported by witnesses, the pilot performed at least one barrel roll on the
day of the accident, at the end of one of the preceding flights.
This and other indications like for example witnesses’ statements, combined
with radar and AAD analysis suggest that the pilot tried to perform a barrel
roll that was improperly executed.
The determination of the exact manoeuvre, likely intended by the pilot, is not
possible with certainty and has no added value to the investigation.
The duty time limitations of the pilot performing parachute dropping activities
were not regulated by the operator, neither by the parachute club.
On the day of the accident, the pilot had accumulated 13 flights for 4h and 30
minutes, and he had taken some rest for lunch. This is significantly less than
the maximum flight hours and rotations performed in the past; showing up to
34 dropping and 12 hours and 30 minutes on a single day, but this extreme
example did not concern the Paraclub Namur. This very intensive activity
(seemingly not limited to the individual pilot) is raising concerns with respect
to pilot fatigue.
The logical objective of the parachute club was to allow the association to run
as smooth as possible. As a result, the aeroplane was considered to be no
more than a tool to realize the parachutists’ passion.
The investigation did not focus on the safety management of the parachute
dropping activities. However it was observed by AAIU(Be) that the Paraclub
Namur and its club members were adequately supported for the practice of
parachuting activities by a competent staff within the organization.
The W&B evaluation composed during the investigation showed that the
assumed CG, located at 3.718 m from the reference line, was very close, or
even maybe beyond the aft limit of the balance envelope. The estimated
Final report ANALYSIS.
weight of the aeroplane, around 2480 kg, was within the limits.
Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 of 05 October 2012 laying down technical
requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations pursuant to Regulation
(EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council Initially amended by EU No.
800/2013, EU No. 71/2014, EU No. 83/2014 and EU No. 379/2014.
The lack of accurate data regarding the exact distance between the
reference line and the different parachutists’ positions, as they installed
themselves inside the cabin makes an accurate W&B computation difficult.
The pilots of the aeroplane did not compute a W&B for each flight. They
estimated, based on earlier made computations, that the aeroplane loaded
with parachutists, could not be out of balance. The flight instructors in charge
of the PC-6 conversion training of the pilots flying the airplane involved in the
accident stated they made several W&B simulation exercises before reaching
that conclusion. The president of the Paraclub Namur indicated also that he
was convinced that the positioning of the parachutists on board the
aeroplane could be performed in any possible configuration safely.
Notwithstanding the above findings, there is no indication that the aft location
of the centre of gravity (CG) contributed to the loss of control over the
aeroplane. However it may have aggravated the outcome.
The restraint system would also be useful, as would any restraint system,
during a crash landing, to withstand the deceleration and to avoid (or at least
mitigate) the crushing of passengers by other passengers falling on to them.
The restraint system of the aeroplane was designed for that purpose. Its use
was defined on a placard in the cabin of the aeroplane and in the AFM.
In addition to the fact that restraint systems can protect parachutists in case
Final report ANALYSIS.
of a forced landing, the restraint system also somewhat protects the pilot as it
would prevent parachutists’ body mass from hitting the pilot’s back.
The Belgian regulation applicable when the accident occurred did not clearly
define what restraint system should be used for parachutists, and when, for
which flight phase to use them.
The (EU) n° 965/2012 Part SPO regulation, published after the accident,
states that restraint devices must be available for each station and must be
used during critical phases of flight10 or whenever deemed necessary by the
The CS23 code specifies the technical requirements for restraint system
used in aeroplanes. It is supplemented by a “Special condition” document N°
SC-023-div-0111 published by EASA on 6 July 2009 to list the key points and
the requirements that are applicable to an aircraft for parachuting activities.
For the dropping flight phase, the third most dangerous phase, restraint
systems must obviously be released.
In fact, the analysis of the 46 accidents for the period 1987-2014 does not
reveal any similar circumstances to the Pilatus accident. All the accidents
that occurred during the transit flight – as in the case of this accident – are
due to engine failure (62%), for which all parachutists jumped to safety and
mid-air collisions (38%), for which the chance to jump out of the aeroplane
had been demonstrated to be close to zero.
the wing structure failed. In the case of the accident, the unusual attitude
taken on by the aeroplane before the wing failure, could have forced chaotic
‘Critical phases of flight’ in the case of aeroplanes means the take-off run, the take-off flight
path, the final approach, the missed approach, the landing, including the landing roll, and any
other phases of flight as determined by the pilot-in-command or commander.
A special condition is prescribed by regulation (EU) N° 748/2012 chapter “21.A.16B Special
conditions”. The Special condition document N° SC-023-div-01 “Use of aeroplane for
parachuting activities” is enclosed in appendix.
The aeroplane flew regularly up to FL135 and even higher, although not
equipped with oxygen equipment.
The applicable regulation at the time of the accident (Royal decree 9 January
2005) required the use of oxygen equipment when flying above FL100.
Art. 22. Le pilote commandant de bord veille à ce que de l'oxygène soit mis
à la disposition de l'équipage et des passagers en quantité suffisante pour
tous les vols effectués à des altitudes-pressions supérieures à 3 000 m
(10 000 ft) ainsi qu'à des altitudes où le manque d'oxygène risque
d'amoindrir les facultés des membres de l'équipage ou d'être préjudiciable
aux passagers. Les membres de l'équipage de conduite exerçant des
fonctions indispensables à la sécurité du vol utilisent des inhalateurs
d'oxygène de manière continue lorsque l'altitude-pression régnant dans la
cabine est supérieure à 3 000 m (10 000 ft).
Art. 22. Voor alle vluchten uitgevoerd op een drukaltitude die hoger is dan 3
000 m (10 000 ft) alsook op altitudes waarop het gebrek aan zuurstof de
mogelijkheden van de bemanningsleden zou kunnen verminderen of
schadelijk zou kunnen zijn voor de passagiers, zorgt de boordcommandant
Final report ANALYSIS.
The aim of the regulation is to avoid pilot’s physical and mental capability
reduction due to hypoxia. Additionally, flying at these heights will increase the
pilot’s fatigue.
The operator shall ensure that task specialists and crew members use
supplemental oxygen continuously whenever the cabin altitude exceeds
10000 ft for a period of more than 30 minutes and whenever the cabin
altitude exceeds 13 000 ft, unless otherwise approved by the competent
authority and in accordance with SOPs.
The pilot’s log book showed he accumulated regularly more than 20 flights in
a single day up to and even exceeding FL135.
The unusual attitude taken by the aeroplane may have caused the
passengers to move inside the cabin.
• A sudden shift to the rear, of the parachutists, would move the
aeroplane’s CG aft outside the envelope, destabilizing the aeroplane.
• A forward shift of the passengers would normally concentrate the weight
in the normal range of the CG. However, this shift could cause
parachutists to fall onto the back of the pilot’s seat and possibly interfere
with his ability to control the aeroplane.
The aeroplane was not equipped with a flight data recorder (FDR) nor was it
required to carry one, by the applicable legislation.
However, when the parachute club restarted its activities in 2014, a leased
Pilatus PC-6 aeroplane equipped with a lightweight FDR was selected, that
records the basic parameters of the aircraft’s operation. This aeroplane was
equipped with such device on the proper initiative of the owner in order to be
able to monitor operations.
In recent years, a wide range of recording devices meeting the needs of non-
commercial aviation has been developed making different systems available
at reasonable prices. These systems feature mostly self-contained data
acquisition (GPS, image, audio, inertial measurement, etc.) and a data
storage system, including a crash resistant internal memory and a removable
Final report ANALYSIS.
EUROCAE is the European organisation dedicated to the development of technical
standards in support of the aviation community.
3.1 Findings.
• Examination of the wreckage showed that the left wing and the left wing
strut failed under excessive negative g overload.
• Fracture examination did not reveal any trace of pre-existing damage
(corrosion, fatigue cracks, dents, buckles,..) susceptible to weaken the
wing or the wing strut integrity. The material was tested and found
conforming to the manufacturer’s specifications.
• Examination of the wreckage did not reveal any anomaly susceptible to
have led to a non-commanded abrupt manoeuvre.
• The pitch trim actuator was found set in A/C full nose down position at
final impact with the ground. Thorough examination of the pitch trim
system could not conclude that any anomaly occurred. Unlike it, the pitch
trim actuator could have been involuntarily activated by the pilot fighting
to recover control during the dive of the aeroplane.
• The new (EU) n° 965/2012 Part SPO regulation, published after the
accident, states that restraint devices must be available for each station.
Nevertheless, the basic (CS-23) code does not specify the technical
requirements of the restraint system installed in parachuting aeroplanes.
The “Special condition” document N° SC-023-div-01 published by EASA
on 6 July 2009, while listing the key points and the requirements
applicable to an aircraft for parachuting activity, does not include any
further detail on this matter.
• The names of the different pilots authorized to fly for the Paraclub Namur
are mentioned in the authorization letter. The name of the pilot involved
in the accident was not mentioned.
• n to the parachutist club.
• There is a partial overlap in the responsibilities attributed by the BCAA to
both different holders of authorization.
3.2 Causes.
The cause of the accident is a structural failure of the left wing due to a
significant negative g aerodynamic overload, leading to an uncontrollable
aeroplane and subsequent crash.
The most probable cause of the wing failure is the result of a manoeuvre
intended by the pilot, not properly conducted and ending with an involuntary
negative g manoeuvre, exceeding the operating limitations of the aeroplane.
4.1 Safety issue: The weakness of legal framework and effective oversight.
Recommendation 2014-P-2:
It is recommended the BCAA reviews the regulatory requirements
pertaining to the activity of parachute droppings in order to increase
the safety of this activity to an acceptable level, as well as adapting
the level of oversight.
AAIU(Be) would suggest considering the following;
• Requirement for written procedures for the performance of the
parachute dropping flights.
• Requirement for a designated person in charge of the safety of the
• Requirements for a minimum experience for the pilots involved in
the activity.
Recommendation BE-2015-0001:
It is recommended that the EASA mandates the installation of a
lightweight recording system in aircraft used for parachuting
• A EUROCAE ED-155 standard has been developed to cover lightweight
recording systems.
• ICAO Annex 6: Part II International General Aviation — Aeroplanes
recommends the installation of a flight recorder on newly certified
aeroplanes used in general aviation from 1 January 2016 (for turbine
engine aeroplanes with MTOW less than 5700 kg with more than 5
The last evolution of (EU) n° 965/2012 Part SPO Regulation, published after
the accident, provides that restraint devices must be available for each
station. However, the same regulation states that the floor of the aeroplane
may be used as a seat, provided means are available for the task specialist
to hold or strap on. These means are not further detailed and no other
regulation, standard or guidance material has been found to specify the
technical requirement for such an installation. Therefore:
Recommendation BE-2015-0002:
It is recommended that the EASA conducts research to determine the
most effective restraint systems for parachutists reflecting the various
aircraft and seating configurations used in parachute operations.
Recommendation BE-2015-0003:
It is recommended that the EASA, at the end of the research about
restraint systems for parachutists, clarifies the technical requirements
applicable to such restraint systems.
Recommendation BE-2015-0004:
It is recommended that the EASA carries out a study to assess the
need of a pilot’s back protection for all aeroplanes used in parachute
dropping activities. When assessed necessary, it is recommended that
EASA mandates the installation of such a system.
4.5 Safety issue: No easy determination of the weight and balance of the
aeroplane due to the passengers not sitting in predetermined positions.
Recommendation BE-2015-0006:
It is recommended that the BCAA makes sure that all operators of
aeroplanes used for parachuting activities use an adequate weight
and balance computing procedure, taking into account that the
passengers are installed on the floor in an unfixed position.
The lack of accurate data regarding the exact distance between the
reference line and the different parachutists’ positions, as installed inside the
cabin, makes an accurate W&B computation difficult. Therefore:
Recommendation BE-2015-0007:
It is recommended that Pilatus incorporates a guideline in the AFM
supplement 1824 to help the operators of PC-6 aeroplane used for
parachuting activities to perform an easy and conservative evaluation
of the distance between the reference line and each parachutist on
Recommendation BE-2015-0008:
It is recommended that the BCAA develops internally a system to
avoid granting authorizations with overlapping responsibilities to both
the parachute club and the aeroplane operator, or any other
The parachute club authorization was granted based on BCAA Circular GDF-
05. This circular covers the conditions to be fulfilled by an organization for the
performance of parachute jumps. Chapter 5 specifies the requirement to be
fulfilled regarding the use of the airfield and the characteristics of the
dropping and landing zones for parachutists. However other chapters cover
amongst others the requirements for aircraft, for pilots and also the flight
procedures to be applied i.e. mainly the cooperation with ATC. However,
these areas would logically fall within the area of competence of the operator.
Additionally, some parts of the BCAA Circular GDF-05 are now overridden by
the new (EU) n° 965/2012 Part SPO Regulation. Therefore:
Recommendation BE-2015-0009:
It is recommended that the BCAA updates the Circular GDF-05
Descentes en Parachute – Valschermspringen.
Recommendation BE-2015-0010:
It is recommended that Pilatus reworks the text of items 47 and 49 of
the inspection schedule. AAIU(Be) suggests separating in two
different boxes the maintenance actions to be done to the trim
mechanical system from those to be done to the trim electrical
Pilatus already implemented this recommendation in the revision N°19 of
the aircraft maintenance manual dated 14 May 2014. The latest AMM
version shows:
AAIU(Be) considers the intent of the safety recommendation has been met
by this AMM revision. This Safety recommendation is therefore closed.
4.8 Safety issue: Lack of organizational structure between the operator and
the parachute club.
Final report APPENDICES
Final report APPENDICES
Final report APPENDICES
Final report APPENDICES
The stabilizer trim system was investigated in order to determine if a trim runaway
could have occurred, causing an extraordinary pitch up or pitch down movement of
the aeroplane, possibly leading to manoeuvres out of the flight envelope.
At first sight, the occurrence of a runaway trim could be suspected because the
stabilizer actuator was found fully retracted (A/C full nose down).
This position of the movable tube corresponds to a full nose down stabilizer
position (+2° stabilizer incidence) => pitch down (aircraft nose down).
Picture showing the movable tube and the remains of the (broken) upper
bracket of the stabilizer.
As seen above, the horizontal stabilizer trim position at impact was in full nose
down position which is abnormal for an aeroplane flying level flight or climbing.
However the position at impact did not necessarily imply that it was in the same
position when the structural failure occurred, nor that the aeroplane would be
Actuator history
The pitch trim electrical actuator “Electromec” EM483-3 PN: 978.73.18.103 SN:
173 had been replaced on 10 April 2009.
The actuator time in service was within the manufacturer’s limits. The next
replacement was scheduled at 17645 hours ACTT.
Final report APPENDICES
The movable tube of the trim actuator is attached to the rear underside of the
stabilizer by a rod end bearing and a fitting while the stationary end of the actuator
is attached to a fuselage frame by a fork fitting and a spherical bearing.
No preexisting damage as
corrosion, scratches or
fatigue cracks were found.
Determination at which stage of the crash the pitch trim actuator separated from
the fuselage
Knowing that the stabilizer was severed from the fuselage in flight, when suffering
the impact of the loose LH wing and remained attached rear of the fuselage during
the dive, two possibilities did exist:
• First possibility: The actuator was severed from the fuselage at the stationary
end and remained attached to the stabilizer up to the final impact of the
stabilizer with the ground. This assumption implies that the electrical
connection was interrupted from the moment the wing impacted the stabilizer,
implying that the movable tube of the actuator could not move any more, or
• Second possibility: The actuator remained attached to the fuselage structure
and was only torn off and ejected when the last ground impact of the aeroplane
occurred. In this case, the electrical connection remained operational and the
possibility exists that the movable tube of the actuator shifted position during
the dive.
We looked further at the trajectory and possible impact traces of the actuator
leaving the tail of the fuselage at impact. As the actuator is a compact and heavy
device, it would have restituted a lot of energy on impact. Collision with solid parts
of the airframe structure would have caused visible damage.
Final report APPENDICES
The inside of the tail structure in front of the actuator normal position didn’t show
any damage resulting from an impact of the actuator thrown forward in the axis of
the fuselage.
In addition to the cut and folded LH lateral skin, the side of the fuselage also
showed a “<” shaped tear from the back to the front ending at the level of the
stabilizer LH articulation plate area.
As seen on figure, the LH articulation plate riveted on the fuselage left side is
LH stabilizer
articulation plate as
found partially buried LH articulation plate of the stabilizer was
retrieved buried in the ground near the tail
near the RH elevator
of the fuselage and also near the RH
Final report APPENDICES
Missing area
of the plate, The largest part of the stabilizer LH
remained on articulation plate was recovered near the
the stabilizer main wreckage while the missing part of
the same plate was still attached to the
stabilizer bearing.
Examination of the outer circumference of the stationary end showed one outer
trace of impact and 2 inner impacts, compatible with the direction of the outside
impact, were found inside the stationary end.
the actuator).
All the separated parts were found on the crash site proving that the actuator
separated from the fuselage at the final impact.
The sequence of separation of the different parts was as follows:
1. Left wing separation
2. The separated wing impacts both the vertical and horizontal stabilizers
3. The horizontal stabilizer separates from its 3 attachment points (2 hinges and
at the fork fitting of the stabilizer) but remains attached to the aeroplane by the
elevator cables. The analysis shows that the separation between the stabilizer
and the actuator occurred at the stabilizer fitting (at the connection between the
stabilizer and the actuator).
4. At the final impact of the aeroplane with the ground, the fork fitting cheeks
failed under the significant weight of the actuator and the impact deceleration
causing the actuator to be thrown forward towards the left side of the fuselage.
5. When being thrown away, the stationary end of the actuator impacted the left
articulation plate of the stabilizer.
Finally, we can conclude that the actuator remained attached to the fuselage by
the lower attachment and remained electrically connected to the aeroplane up to
the final impact.
The above drawing shows a typical circuit breaker panel of a recent Pilatus PC-6.
On the aeroplane, no aileron and rudder electrical trim were installed as well as no
electrical flap motor fitted meaning that the stabilizer circuit breaker was isolated in
this area of the panel and therefore very easy to reach.
Before the crash, the stabilizer trim circuit breaker was protruding more than the
other breakers and was equipped with an orange ring to facilitate its identification
in case of emergency.
As seen on the above picture, , the white ring appeared after pushing out the inner
movable component proving that the circuit breaker was in normal position
(electrical circuit was closed) when both ends were severed at impact.
This normal position of the circuit breaker indicates that no short circuit occurred
and that the pilot did not pull out the breaker. Pulling out the circuit breaker is part
of the procedure in case of electrical trim runaway.
Final report APPENDICES
Inspection of the trim interruption switch and the alternate trim stabilizer switch
The co-pilot stick was not installed so that no malfunction can occur at the co-pilot
pitch trim switch.
Hereby a drawing of the pilot grip wiring. Wires number 5, 8 and 9 are related to
the pitch trim.
The pitch trim switch continuity was tested from the toggle switch in neutral
position. This test showed there was no electrical contact between wires 9 and 5
and thereafter between wires 9 and 8.
Switch history: The pitch trim switch was replaced by a new one on 8 March 2012.
This switch is life limited at 3500 hours / 10 years as per AMM n°01975 rev.17
(Ch. 05-10-10) ‘Overhaul and replacement schedule’.
The next replacement was due at 18894 hours ACTT or 8 March 2022. Note: the
co-pilot switch was not installed.
Final report APPENDICES
Knowing that no anomaly could be found to the airframe pitch trim electrical
system, the last possible trim runaway could only originate from the actuator itself.
However, this hypothesis was considered as very unlikely taking into account the
precise fully retracted position of the movable tube. The pitch trim movable tube
(rod end bearing at 46 mm) stopped at the exact position determined by the limit
switch for the full nose down position. A mechanical trim runaway caused by
external forces acting on the tube would not be influenced by the electrical system,
and the tube could move beyond the position of the limit switch.
The following possible causes of a mechanical trim runaway have been identified:
• A mechanical failure of the reduction gear/differential system
• A mechanical failure of the jack screw and/or the associated gear nut
• A failure of (at least) one electrical motor to perform its normal brake function
After the removal of the black housing of the actuator, made of a thin light alloy
skin, a first inspection showed that the housing of the moveable tube was
significantly deformed by the impact forces. The other internal parts did not show
obvious damage.
rotation is designed to
move only in translation.
Each motor is equipped with a brake, playing its role when no electrical power is
applied. Should the primary motor fail, then the pilot can use the secondary motor.
The secondary motor can run the nut gear. However, running the nut gear would
be useful only under the condition the (failed) primary motor works as a brake
system, blocking the jackscrew. This allows the moveable tube to displace axially,
in translation.
In summary:
• No trim action of the pilot implies that neither the primary nor the secondary
motor is energized causing the brake of each motor to remain in braking
• Action of the pilot on the hand grip trim switch feeds the primary motor, causing
the primary motor brake to release and the jack screw to turn. The secondary
motor is not energized implying its internal brake holds it in position, blocking
the gear nut.
• Action of the pilot on the alternate trim switch feeds the secondary motor,
causing the motor brake to release and the gear nut to turn. The primary motor
is not energized implying its internal brake holds it in position, blocking the
The best way would be to measure the brake torque for which the trim actuator
manufacturer indicated the holding torque was typically 1.4 in-lbs in both
We found first that the rotor shaft (armature) of both electrical motors could not be
turned by hand, likely under the working of the brake. The brake torque of both the
primary and secondary motors was measured using a lever and a weight. The
weight was progressively moved outboard until the engine brake could no longer
hold the applied moment. The brake torque, measured in both directions, showed
the brake of both motors was in accordance (and above) the manufacturer
specification (1.4 in-lbs). Brake values in both directions are for the Primary motor
around 2.5 in-lbs and around 4 in-lbs for the secondary motor.
Electrical circuit
The above electric diagram represents the horizontal trim actuator primary system
(secondary system not shown) with both the pilot and co-pilot sticks installed. In
the above example, the pitch trim switch provides a ground to the ‘down’ relay
(blue wire) that triggers the relay, allowing the relay to provide a + (red wire) to the
“Retract connection A” of the motor. This internally causes the feeding of both the
Final report APPENDICES
electromagnet of the internal brake (brake release) and the feeding of the motor
itself. The same principle applies when the pilot electrically closes the ‘up’ pitch
The horizontal trim actuator secondary system is simpler since it does not
incorporate any relay. Feeding of the secondary motor is directly supplied from the
battery through a specific circuit breaker and the alternate trim toggle switch.
However, electrical supply can be interrupted by the trim actuator interrupt switch,
which disconnects simultaneously both the primary system and the secondary
As seen above, the hypothesis that a mechanical trim runaway had occurred could
be excluded because the moving tube was found set in a position corresponding
to the stop position of the internal limit switch. This demonstrates that the
Final report APPENDICES
movement and the final stoppage of the movable tube were electrically controlled,
therefore not erratic as it would have been in case of mechanical runaway.
The motors are series wound DC motors with two parallel, opposite wound field
windings. Depending on the desired direction of rotation, one or the other field
winding is powered. The motor brake is wired in series with the field-and motor-
windings and opens as soon as power is applied. During normal operation, only
one field winding is powered at any time and the motor turns in the desired
direction. As soon as power is removed, the motor stops and the brake engages.
However, study of the primary electrical circuit shows that opposite trimming, in
case of (undesired) trim electrical runaway, could energize at the same time the
opposite wound field windings of the motor. The tests performed using the motors
of the aeroplane’s actuator showed that the motor stops turning and the brake
remains released when both Extend and Retract windings are energized at the
same time. This situation could only happen if an electrical trim runaway is
combined with a pilot’s involuntary reflex to trim in the opposite direction instead of
activating the interrupt switch.
Finally, in order to clarify the issue, a traction test using an actuator in good
condition was performed by AAIU. The traction tests with opposite wound field
windings of the primary motor energized at the same time have not led to a
mechanical runaway of the actuator. The same test was performed energizing the
secondary motors, with the same results. Additionally, Pilatus performed more
complete tests with tensile and compressive loads up to 10000 N, using a
hydraulic test bench. The actuator was subjected to loads in steps of 500/1000N,
during which the actuator never changed its position when the primary motor
brake was released.
• The trim actuator moveable tube was found in full electrical (aeroplane) nose
down position.
• The full nose down position of the moveable tube of the actuator,
corresponding to the position of the internal limit switch, can exclude that a
mechanical trim runaway occurred.
• No anomaly was found that could have caused an electrical runaway, however
the wreckage was damaged to such an extent that we cannot totally exclude
that an electrical trim runaway occurred.
• However the circuit breaker was found in a normal position. In case of a trim
runaway the circuit breaker should have been manually pulled out. This
procedure was well known to the pilot.
• The AFM procedure to apply in case of electrical runaway has been reviewed
and found adequate.
Final report APPENDICES
• It has been demonstrated, during certification flights and during a flight made
with an investigator on board, that the PC-6 B2H4 aeroplane remains
controllable in straight horizontal flight in the range of airspeed of the accident
with a full nose down trim actuator.
• When the accident occurred, the centre of gravity of the aeroplane was close
or maybe beyond the aft limit. This CG position would have made the
aeroplane more controllable in case of horizontal stabilizer trim actuator set in
full nose down position.
Final report
Final report