Affidavit of Delay Transfer of Pension
Affidavit of Delay Transfer of Pension
Affidavit of Delay Transfer of Pension
I, SGT ERIC R RISARE 89092 PAF, of legal age, Filipino, after having sworn to in
accordance with law do hereby depose and say, that:
1. That I filed last May 2020 an application for payment of my second longevity pay
for completing my ten (10) years continuous Active Military Service with the AFP
last 02 August 2020;
2. The application for longevity pay as per available guideline should have been
filed six months prior to the precise date of completion of ten years which of the
undersigned’s continuous Active Military Service which 02 August 2020,
unfortunately, the filing was made only last May 2020 due to my reassignment
last 22 November 2019 from Palawan to GHQ, as well as the lack of time due to
busy schedules attending the call of duty amidst the pandemic;
3. In view thereof, I respectfully request that the circumstances that brought about
the delayed filing of my application for said longevity pay be reconsidered;
4. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing instrument
and for any legal purposes and intent this may serve.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of 13th day of November, 2019 in
Quezon City, affiant exhibiting her Senior Citizen’s ID with details indicated above as proof
of her identity.
Doc. No. ____;
Page No. ____;
Book No. ____;
Series of 2019.