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Part- 2
Voice behaviour refers to the behaviour that proactively challenges the status quo and makes
constructive changes. In this era of increasing competition and growth not everyone gets an
equal chance. This study was performed to gather information regarding the relation of
employee and their managers based on various aspects such as workplace environment, trust,
workplace stress, job performance and some others. (Liu, 2010)Companies have created
many significant knowledge bodies that revolves around job satisfaction and workplace
environment but there is still a gap of knowledge of how leadership makes a difference and
also the mechanism behind influencing most effective and sustainable outcome. (Cummings,
Within organizations, employees continually confront situations that put them face to face
with the decision of whether to speak up or remain silent when they have potentially useful
information or ideas. In recent years, there has been a rapidly growing body of conceptual
and empirical research focused on better understanding the motives underlying voice,
individual, and situational factors that increase employee voice behavior, and the implications
of voice and silence for employees, work groups, and organizations. (Morrison, 2017). The
extent to which the employees communicate with upper level management could have a
tremendous implication on company’s performance and even on its survival. A proper and
timely communication with the lower level employees can help the management to respond
to dynamic business environment, solve problems before they escalate and make the
necessary decisions. (Dundon, 2007)
There are several factors that are responsible for manipulating an employee’s voice behavior
that may result in a positive or a negative relation with their employer like s, organisational-
based self-esteem, felt obligation, job motivation and personality traits. These factors
promoted in the correct way may lead to development of both the company and its
employees. (Batool, 2015)
Theoretical Context
In this section, various theories and case studies are mentioned from the research papers that
we studied as the growing need for balancing employees voice behavior has surpassed other
aspects like workplace stress, job performance etc. Employee voice plays a crucial role
towards growing future of the company if it is supported at the right time with right amount.
This research also discusses the reasons that lead to bad employee’s voice behavior and the
solutions that the company can take up in order to remove those communication barriers and
promote organizational growth. (Batool, 2015)
Batool, F. (2015). Employee voice behaviour in organisations: evidence. Asian
Journal Management Science and Applications.
C.A, W. (2010). Authentic leadership and nurses' voice behaviour and
perceptions of care quality. Wiley Online Library, 880-900.
Cooper, B. (2016). Employee voice, supervisor support, and engagement: The
mediating role of trust. Wiley online library, 915-929.
Cummings, G. G. (2010). Authentic leadership and nurses' voice behaviour and
perceptions. journal of nursing Management, 889-900.
Dundon, T. (2007). Re-conceptualizing voice in the non-union workplace.
International journal of Human resiurce management, 1182-1198.
Fay, C. (2011). New times for employees voice. Wiley online library, 65-74.
Feldman, D. (2012). Psychological contract breaches and employee voice
behaviour: The moderating effects of changes in social relationships. European
journal of work and organisational psychology, 537-553.
Liu, W. (2010). I warn you because I like you: Voice behavior, employee
identifications, and transformational leadership. Elsevier, 189-202.
Morrison, E. W. (2017). Employee Voice Behavior: Integration and Directions
for Future Research. Academy of management , 373-412.
Paul. (2007). Re-conceptualising voice in the non-union workplace.
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1182-1198.
Rees, C. (2013). Employee voice and engagement. International journal of
human resource management, 2780-2798.
Ruck, K. (2017). Employee voice: An antecedent to organisational engagement?
Science Direct, 904-914.
Springer, G. J. (2011). A Study of Job Motivation, Satisfaction, and
Performance among Bank Employee. Journal of business Issues, 29-42.
W.H, T. (2011). Employee voice behavior: A meta‐analytic test of the
conservation of resources framework. Wiley online library, 216-234.
Wilkinson. (2011). New times for employee voice? Wiley online library, 65-74.