Systemic Effects of Histamine and Serotonin
Systemic Effects of Histamine and Serotonin
Systemic Effects of Histamine and Serotonin
mediated by the α1-GABAA receptors //// Therapeutic uses Anxiety disorders, Sleep
disorders (These agents decrease the latency to sleep onset and increase stage II of non–rapid
eye movement (REM) sleep) , . Amnesia, Muscular disorders side effects the most common
due to their act on sedating and muscle relaxant ( drowsiness , dizziness , and decrease
alertness and concentration , impotent of motor coordination
Q. 13 ) Mechanism of action of barbiturates, dose-dependent effects and clinical
uses Barbiturates depress neuronal activity in the midbrain reticular formation, facilitating and
prolonging the inhibitory effects of GABA and glycine. barbiturates it binds to GABA alpha
or beta // they increase the ion channel opening duration decrease the activity of
excitor neurotransmitter / anticonvulsant and anaesthetic agents Suppression of
seizure activity occurs with high doses , much lower therapeutic index // side
effects ( dizziness tight headiness , sedation memory and attention , impairments ,
induce the formation of the liver microsomal enzymes that metabolize drugs,
precipitate acute intermittent porphyria in susceptible patients
Q.20) The main causes for the combination of local anesthetics and
adrenomimetics and contraindications for combined use Smaller fibers are
blocked more easily than larger fibers, and myelinated fibers are blocked more
easily than unmyelinated fibers, pain sensation appears to be selectively blocked
by local anesthetics. Fibers located in the periphery of a thick nerve bundle are
blocked sooner than those in the core because they are exposed earlier to
higher concentrations of the anesthetic. Most local anesthetics also have weak
blocking effects on skeletal muscle neuromuscular transmission<//The local
anesthetics are commonly used for minor surgical procedure,ALSO used in
spinal anesthesia and to produce autonomic blockade in ischemic conditions,
reducing pain in the perioperative