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JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius

Droopnath Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius

JSS Academy of Higher Education

And Research (Mauritius)


Faculty of Life Sciences

B.Sc (Hons) Biotechnology

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education

BSc (Hons) Biotechnology
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
A. Programme Information

and Research, Mauritius Programme Information

The prudent management of our precious water resources, environment conservation, and sustainable
development are high on the agenda of global concerns. Addressing these challenges requires
professionals with a high degree of specialization and interdisciplinary approach. In order to develop
improved systems and practices to preserve the most precious resource of our planet, there are a great
demand fort rained people. In view of the huge focus and investment made by all nations on the water
sector, there is a tremendous need for specially trained work force for supporting the institution

Application for Accreditation of Programmes

involved in the development and management of water, at both the grass roots levels and at the
institutional level. Applying knowledge gained through biotechnology is the only way to solve these
problems so that the environment and the biodiversity can be preserved. The rapid urbanization of the
environment needs to be studied constantly in order to avoid altering and damaging the biodiversity
significantly. Ultimately, biotechnology is necessary to save the environment and the biodiversity from
destruction and all of its dependents from extinction.

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

BSc Biotechnology at JSSAHER is intended for high school graduates and students from wide range of
backgrounds who aim to develop their knowledge and insights pertaining to biodiversity. The course in
designed to provide critical and practical skills to analyses, evaluate, design and implement solution and
strategies with regards to water and health issues.

B. Programme Aims Submitted to

This BSc programme aims to lead students from conceptual to practical skills, from service delivery to
strategic scientific and research skills and to problem-solving and project management by equipping
them with the latest advanced technical knowledge and relevant skills necessary to facilitate efficiency,

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

effectiveness and a high quality of delivery with regards to biodiversity and environmental problems.
The programme aims to provide a thorough understanding of sustainable management principles and
their application to the complex spheres affecting the environment and the biodiversity.

C. Programme Objectives

The programme aims to provide the students with:


JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius

JSS Academy of Higher Education
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
A curriculum which provides a broader range of subjects to facilitate the development of skills, abilities,

and Research, Mauritius

pursuit of interest and promotion of career development
 The ability to contribute to the new and modern developments with reducedProgramme
impact on theInformation
environment and its biodiversity
 The confidence to tackle with modern issues affecting the biodiversity
 A wider range of transferable and marketable skills and knowledge leading to a variety of
employment opportunities within the environmental sector
 Teaching and learning techniques which place emphasis on active and participative education

Application fortechnologies
 The ability to apply modern Accreditation of Programmes
to solve various environmental issues and problems

D. Overall Programme Learning Outcomes

This programme will enable students to:

 Apply knowledge of mathematics and science;

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
Have a sense of chemical, biochemical analysis, synthetic approach to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability and sustainability;
 Function on multi-disciplinary teams;
 Submitted to
To identify, formulate and solve problems in Biotechnology;
 Have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
 To communicate effectively;
 To understand the impact of biotechnological solutions in a global, economic, environmental and
societal context;

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

 Use the techniques, skills, and modern technological tools necessary for biotechnological practice;
 Have the knowledge of probability and statistics, including applications appropriate to the Biotechnology
program and objectives; and knowledge of mathematics through calculus, basic sciences, Bio-statistics
and analytical approach necessary to analyze and design experimental tools and analysis


JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, MauritiusDroopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius

JSS Academy of Higher Education

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
General Entry Requirements

and Research, Mauritius Programme Information

JSSAHERM will follow the admission requirements of TEC for tertiary education level
programmes. The Faculty of Life Sciences, on a case-to-case basis, will make admission

Application for Accreditation of Programmes

Candidates must have:

(i) Pass in 3 Subjects at A-level and 1 subject at subsidiary level of Higher School Certificate

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

(ii) Pass in 2 Subjects at A-level and 2 subjects at subsidiary level of Higher School Certificate
(iii) Pass in 3 Subjects at A-level at the London General Certificate Examination;
(iv) Submitted to
A qualification equivalent to the above.

Overseas Candidates
Overseas candidates whose first language is not English and who do not hold a degree or equivalent
professional qualification taught in English will be required to produce evidence of their competence in

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)


F. Programme Entry Requirements

“A” Level in Biology and Chemistry.

G. Programme Mode and Duration

Full Time: Minimum 3 Years (6 Semesters) - Maximum 6 Years (12 Semesters)


JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

H. JSS Academy of Higher Education

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
Teaching and Learning Strategy

The programme will consist of a wide variety of teaching methods, including lectures, tutorial and

and Research, Mauritius

practical, individual or group projects, assignments, presentations, workshops, Programme Information
seminars and case
studies. Self-learning will be the key feature of the programme, enabling students to explore, investigate
and research in various issues related to Biotechnology.

The following principles aim to guide excellence in learning and teaching practices, while recognizing
that effective learning and teaching involves a partnership between students and the institution:

for Accreditation of Programmes
Creating an engaging, motivating, and intellectually stimulating learning environment and
b) Encouraging the spirit of critical inquiry and creative innovation informed by current research.
c) Emphasizing the importance, relevance, and integration of theory and knowledge with
professional practice to develop solutions to real world issues.
d) Providing learning experiences that develop inter-culturally capable graduates who can make a

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

difference as socially and ethically responsible global citizens.
e) Valuing andrecognizing individual and cultural diversity through the provision of an inclusive
context of support and respect for all students.
f) Enhancing student engagement and learning through effective curriculum design, pedagogy and
assessment strategies.

Submitted to
g) Continuously improving teaching practice through academic staff professional development, and
critical reflection informed by a range of evaluation approaches.;
h) Conducting evaluation (feedback) exercises, through which the students will be encouraged to
give their view and rate the teaching quality of each lecturer – The feedback survey forms would
be analysed and reports would be generated. Appropriate measures would be taken to improve

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

weaknesses and shortcomings; All feedback survey forms would be securely kept for verification
and consultation as and when required; The feedback exercise will be conducted every semester
before the end of courses to ensure that students’ views are appropriately taken care prior to
their sitting for examinations;
i) Conducting Performance Appraisal exercises for all teaching and non-teaching staff members;
This exercise allow the institution to find room for improvement, evaluate the staff’s
opportunities for promotion and to channel staff members for training and development as
learning is an on-going process not only students but for lecturers and other staff members also.


JSS AcademyofofHigher
Higher Education
Education and
and Research,
Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul
Ramphul Avenue,
Avenue, Bonne
Bonne Terre
Terre Vacoas,
Vacoas, Republic
Republic of Mauritius
of Mauritius

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur

Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education

JSSAHER Mauritius considers feedback from students as vital and has established a student feedback
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
form for each module being taught every semester. The criterion under which a course will be evaluated
is as follows:

a) and Research, Mauritius Programme Information

Knowledge of the lecturer related to the subject;
b) Coverage of the syllabus – Was the syllabus covered completely and thoroughly or was any topic
not covered;
c) Delivery of lecturer or demonstration for practical;
d) Discipline in class (theory and practical) – Did the lecturer have control over his batch of

for Accreditation of Programmes
Interaction in class – Did the lecturer invite students to participate in class?
f) Audibility of voice – Did the lecturer express himself clearly and could all students hear /
understand when he/ she explained?
g) Explanation and emphasis on important points – Was the subject being explained with respect to
the syllabus and were important points highlighted? Did the lecturer make use of relevant

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
examples to support the explanations?
Evaluation of subject notes or learning materials being provided to students – clarity,
conciseness and relevance;
i) Infrastructure being given for the subject being taught – classroom quality (clarity of white board,
aeration, LCD and multimedia projector equipment, etc.)
j) Submitted to
Evaluation of practical sessions – laboratories, equipment, safety, knowledge of the lecturer, etc.;
k) Information being given students – Did the lecturer provide students with information that were
related to only the subject matter or did they provide a broader picture of the subject for more

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

l) Were students motivated to attend conferences/ seminars / industrial training to enhance their

The feedback exercise would be carried out anonymously meaning that students do not divulge
their identities while filling the form. Once the feedback exercise has been carried out, the
administrative department would work on each form and compile the data and submit same to the
Head of Faculty. The latter will analyze the information and call the lecturers to inform them of the
evaluation of the subject and work on ways to improve effectiveness and efficiency of lecturers and
implementation of new ways of teaching and learning.


JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education

The feedback mechanism is expected to assist JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research,

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D

Mauritius, to improve the following:

 Quality of teaching
 and Research, Mauritius Programme Information
Service provided to students both academic and non-academic
 Infrastructure – new equipment in laboratories, classrooms
 Organization of extra-curricular activities – outings, sports activities, cultural events, etc.
 Quality of learning materials distributed to students
 Importance of courses being delivered;
 Objectives and career pathway of students
 Creationfor
of shortAccreditation
training programmes to enhance of Programmes
 Encouraging faculty members to pursue their studies to higher levels
 Converting weaknesses of faculties to strengths to provide better learning opportunities for

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

I. Student Support and Guidance

Each cohort of the programme is allocated a Programme Coordinator who will act as a liaison officer
between the students and the institution. The programme coordinator will also provide support for
academic management of the programme

- Tutoring
Submitted to
The student support and guidance include:

- Access to library / E-library

- Access to IT workshop
- A variety of student welfare activities.

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

J. Attendance Requirement

The students must secure a minimum of 80 % attendance in each subject to become eligible to
take term end examination. All students must attend every lecture, tutorial and practical classes
except for approved leave like medical emergencies etc., each course of the semester shall be
treated as a separate unit for calculation of the attendance. A student, who does not satisfy the
attendance requirement, mentioned as above, shall not be eligible to appear for the examination
of that semester and not promoted to higher semester. The student shall be required to repeat


JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education

that semester along with regular students later by paying the prescribed fee as per the regulations
of JSSAHERM. Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D

and Research, Mauritius Programme Information
Credit System

a. Credit Equivalence

1. (i) 1 credit = 15 hours of lecture

(ii) 1 credit = 30 hours of practical/tutorials/seminars

for Accreditation of Programmes
Project / Dissertation: 12 credits.

b. Credits per Level

Each level shall constitute of the following number of credit subject to the required
number of credits for award:

Level 1 (Certificate) :33 - 53 credits

Level 2 (Diploma) :33 - 48 credits

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
Level 3 (BSc)

Student Progress and Assessment

:33 - 58 credits

 The evaluation of performance of the student is based on the marks obtained in each module.
Semester Percentage Average (SPA) and Cumulative Percentage Average (CPA) are calculated
to determine their final awards at the end of their programme of study.

Submitted to
Modules are assessed through written examinations of duration of 3 hours.
All modules are normally assessed over 100 marks, except for project/dissertation which will
be assessed over 300 marks.
 The overall pass mark for a module shall be 40%, subject to the students submitting their
continuous assessment within set deadlines.

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

 All modules must be passed in the examinations, coursework and other forms of assessment.

The modules will be assessed as follows:

- End semester examinations contributing to 70% of the total marks

- Continuous assessment carrying 30% of total marks. Continuous assessment can be based
on seminars and/or assignments or class tests.

In order to pass in a module, a minimum of 40% should be attained in:

a) Continuous assessment, and in

b) End semester examination
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Academy of Higher
Ramphul Avenue, Education and Research,
Bonne Terre Vacoas, Mauritius
Republic of Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D

and Research, Mauritius Programme Information

Overall Marks Grade Remarks

70 ≤ X ≤ 100 A Excellent

60 ≤ X < 70 B Very Good

50 ≤ X < 60 C Good
40 ≤ X < 50 D Satisfactory

Application for Accreditation of Programmes

X < 40 F Fail

Calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)

The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by a number called ‘Semester Grade Point
Average’ (SGPA). The SGPA is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses by the
student during the semester. For example, if a student takes five courses (Theory/Practical) in a
semester with credits C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 and the student’s grade points in these courses are G1, G2, G3,
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
G4 and G5, respectively, and then students’ SGPA is equal to:


The SGPA is calculated to two decimal points. It should be noted that, the SGPA for any semester shall

Submitted to
take into consideration the F grade awarded in that semester. For example, if a learner has a F grade in
course 4, the SGPA shall then be computed as:


Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The CGPA is calculated with the SGPA of all the semesters to two decimal points and is indicated in final
grade report card/final transcript showing the grades of all semesters and their courses. The CGPA shall
reflect the failed status in case of F grade(s), till the course(s) is/are passed. When the course(s) is/are
passed by obtaining a pass grade on subsequent examination(s) the CGPA shall only reflect the new
grade and not the fail grades earned earlier. The CGPA is calculated as:


where C1, C2, Cn…. is the total number of credits for semester I,II,…, n, and S1,S2, Sn….is the SGPA of each
semester I,II,…, n.

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
JSS Academy
Droopnat of Higher
Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Education
Terre Vacoas, and Research,
Republic Mauritius
of Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education

M. Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
Award Classification

The class shall be awarded on the basis of CGPA as follows:

and Research, Mauritius Programme Information

Classification of Award CGPA
First Class with Distinction 7.00 and above
First Class 6.00 to 6.99
Second Class 5.00 to 5.99
Third Class 4.00 to 4.99

Application for NoAccreditation

of Programmes
less than 4.00

N. Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

Programme Organisation and Management

Programme Coordinator :

Name : Dr S. Chandan

Submitted to
Email :

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)


JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
JSS Academy
Droopnat of Higher
Ramphul Avenue, BonneEducation
Terre Vacoas,and Research,
Republic Mauritius
of Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education
Programme Structure
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
Programme Structure
and Research, Mauritius Programme Information
B.Sc- (Hons.) Biotechnology – Full-Time

Semester 1 Semester 2
Code Modules Hrs/Wk Credits Code Modules Hrs/Wk Credits
BBT 101 Cell Biology 4 4 BBT 201 Microbiology 4 4
Principles of
BBT 102 Classical Genetics 4 4 BBT 202 4 4
Water &
Application for Accreditation
BBT 1034 4 of Molecular
BBT 203
4 4

Statistical Environmental
BBT 104 4 4 BBT 204 4 4
Applications # Microbiology##
Microbiology and
Cell Biology
BBT 105 4 2 BBT 205 Biochemistry 4 4
Total 20 Total 20

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

# Common for all UG courses
Common for B.Sc (Hons.) Biotechnology, B.Sc., (Hons.) Environmental Science, B.Sc., (Hons.) Microbiology

Semester 3 Semester 4
Code Modules Hrs/Wk Credits Code Modules Hrs/Wk Credits

Submitted to
Application in
BBT 301 Bioinformatics 4 4 BBT 401 4 4
Waste Water
Plant & Animal Fundamentals of
BBT 302 4 4 BBT 402 4 4
Biotechnology Nanotechnology
Genomics and Recombinant DNA
BBT 303 4 4 BBT 403 4 4
Proteomics Technology

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

BBT 304 Basics of
4 4 BBT 404
4 4

Bioinformatics and
Recombinant DNA
Plant & Animal
BBT 306 4 2 BBT 406 Technology 4 2
Total 20 Total 20
Common for B.Sc., (Hons.) Biotechnology, B.Sc., (Hons.) Environmental Science, B.Sc., (Hons.)Microbiology
Common for B.Sc., (Hons.) Biotechnology, B.Sc., (Hons.) Environmental Science, B.Sc., (Hons.) Microbiology

10 | P a g e

JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mauritius
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauritius
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Maur
Droopnat Ramphul Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas, Republic of Mauri

JSS Academy of Higher Education YEAR 3

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D
Semester 5 Semester 6
Code Modules Hrs/Wk Credits Code Modules Hrs/Wk Credits
BBT 501
BBT 502 and Research, Mauritius
Tissue Culture
Immunology and
BBT 601
BBT 602

4 4 BBT603 Dissertation 10 10
Laboratory – IV
work/Industrial 8 8 Viva-voce 2 2
Visit/Field work

Application for Accreditation

Total 20
of Programmes
Total 20

*For Elective – I (One of the following paper)

BES601a-Disaster management
BES601b-Geoinformatic Science
BBT601a- Agricultural Biotechnology
BBT601b- Medical Biotechnology

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)

BMB601a- Biopesticides and Biofertilizers
BMB601b- Fermentation Technology

** For Elective – II (One of the following paper)

BES602a-Renewable Energy& Green Chemistry
BES602b-Integratedwater resource management
BBT602a- Industrial Biotechnology

Submitted to
BBT602b- Food Preservation and Adultration
BMB602a- IPR, Bioethics and Biosafety
BMB602b- Vermiculture Technology

Summary of Number of Credits

Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)

Total Number of Credits
No. of Credits
I 20
II 20
III 20
IV 20
V 20
VI 20

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