Mathematics Teaching Methods
Mathematics Teaching Methods
Mathematics Teaching Methods
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Lessani et al.
approach is incorporated into discovery learning. Consequently, there should be more emphasis
on teaching methods which include less lecture, more student-centered classes and more
discussion. The findings suggest that problem solving and discovery methods not only contribute
to better mathematics learning but also enhance students’ creativity to cope with life challenges.
Teaching methods, Discovery learning, Problem solving, Traditional methods
1. Introduction
Mathematics became the driving force for almost all technological and scientific
developments in the nineteenth and twentieth century. It has big influence on our professional
and social daily life activities (Maasz and Schloeglmann, 2006). It has crucial role for students’
success and breeding a developed nation. Mathematics education has always been treated as an
important section of general education and specifically science education. It is believed that a
teaching method is essential to any meaningful development effort.
These variations of beliefs and values concerning mathematics learning result in different
mathematics educational systems. The role of teachers is to facilitate students’ thinking and
learning, therefore, teacher should attempt to motivate students to learn. To be aware of teaching
practice activities done by teachers, we should have enough knowledge about learning and
teaching methods. Different teaching methods such as traditional, problem-solving, and
discovery learning have been used in educational systems all over the world. The application of
these teaching methods is explained more in the next sections. Finally, we present the optimum
teaching method for mathematical subjects.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Teaching Methods
Learning is one of the significant features of current psychology. Different learning
theories and teaching methods have been used in educational system all over the world. These
three teaching methods such as traditional, problem solving, and discovery learning are based on
the different learning theories such as behaviorism, cognitivisim and constructivism. Teaching
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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
methods involves the use of learning theories and each theory has different outcomes in
mathematics education.
In order to succeed in teaching mathematics, teachers should be aware of different
teaching methods so, they can employ this knowledge as a basis of their mathematics education
strategies. The teachers agreed that mathematics teaching and learning is an ongoing process
through which students must develop a solid understanding of appropriate mathematics concepts
and procedures in each academic level. Teachers ought to give students enough confidence to
discover their mathematics problems and think critically to solve them as well as their life
Next sections discuss three teaching methods namely traditional (teacher-centered), problem
solving (teacher and student-centered), discovery learning (student-center).
2.2 Traditional Method
Traditional method is based on the behaviorism learning theory. Behaviorist refers to the
learning theories emphasizing on changing behavior which results from learners’ associations of
stimulus-response. It asserts that learning is a change in behavior due to experience (Ormord,
In a mathematics class using traditional method, the teacher reviews previous material
and homework, and then demonstrates low-level problem solving followed by seatwork imitating
the teacher’s demonstration (Stonewater, 2005). This pedagogical approach of placing the
primary focus on the teacher as a transmitter of knowledge (that is, teaching by telling) is
representative of behaviorist theory (Hackman, 2004). The common method of teaching
mathematics using traditional method is a teacher-centered and giving lecture is the dominant
2.3 Problem Solving
Problem solving is a significant element of mathematics education. This method is based
on the cognitivisim learning theory. In fact, problem solving in mathematics help students to
develop a wide range of complex mathematics structures and gain the capability of solving
variety of real life problems (Tarmizi & Bayat, 2012). Moreover, National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics (NCTM 1980) has emphasized that the mathematics teachers should focus on
problem solving throughout their teachings since it “encompasses skills and functions which are
an important part of everyday life”. Furthermore, problem solving helps people to adapt to
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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
changes and unexpected problems in their careers and other aspects of their lives. Problem-
solving lies beyond mathematics teaching dimensions so that students experience the influence
of mathematics in the world around them (Taplin, 2011).
Concerning these required skills and approaches to the problem solving, (Polya, 1945)
stated four-step approach to problem solving including:
i. Understand the problem: it is impossible to solve a problem, if you do not know what the
problem is. What is known or unknown? Is there enough information or is more
information needed? What do the terms mean?
ii. Devise a plan: the way we solve the problem. Possible strategies: (a) Draw pictures (b)
Use a variable and choose helpful names for variables or unknowns. (c) Be systematic.
(d)Solve a simpler version of the problem. (e) Guess and check. Trial and error. Guess
and test. (Guessing is OK.) (f) Look for a pattern or patterns. (g) Make a list
iii. Carry out the plan: If the plan does not seem to be working, then start over and try
another way. Often the first approach does not work. Do not worry just because an
approach does not work. It does not mean you did it wrong. You actually accomplished
something, knowing a way does not work is part of the process of elimination.
iv. Look back: Did you answer the question? Is your result reasonable? Is there another way
of doing the problem which may be easier?
In current mathematic science, problem solving is not only help to gain more skill and
knowledge to solve the problem, but also it goes further and help to increase reasoning skills
among students (Hmelo et al., 1998). Therefore, problem solving methods is considered as an
essential factor to increase the level of achievement in mathematic students. It can be also
utilized to solve problems from the real life.
2.4 Discovery Learning
This method is based on the constructivist approach which is a learner-centered approach
that emphasizes the importance of individuals actively construct their knowledge and
understanding by the guidance from the teacher. In this method, teachers should not attempt to
simply pour information into children’s minds. Rather, children ought to be given confidence to
discover their world, find out knowledge, consider, and think critically with vigilant supervision
and significant guidance of the teacher (Eby, Herrel & Jordan, 2005). The constructivist
approach was proposed by William James’ and John Dewey’s philosophies of education and
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
come from many other persons such as Jean Piaget, Maria Montessori and Lev Vygotskty and
from educational movements such as progressive education, inquiry or discovery learning, open
education and whole language teaching (Gagnon & Collay, 2001).
In discovery learning method, teachers should not attempt to simply pour information
into children’s minds. Rather, children ought to be given confidence to discover their world, find
out knowledge, consider, and think critically with vigilant supervision and significant guidance
of the teacher (Eby, Herrel & Jordan, 2005).
This method emphasizes that students should form their own interpretation of evidence
and submits it for review. Within mathematics education, students have to build their own
understanding of every concept of mathematics, so that the main responsibility of teaching is not
explaining, lecturing, or attempting to convey mathematical knowledge, but creating situations
for students to promote their mental structures.
In discovery method, students are not passive recipients of knowledge but they create
(construct) new mathematical knowledge by reflecting on their physical and mental actions.
Therefore, learning reflects a social process in which children engage in dialogue and discussion
with themselves as well as others as they develop intellectually (Hanley, 1994). This method is
the best method to move away from traditional method or teacher-center practices, and more
empowers teacher and students both for better critical thinking and creating changes in old
teaching methods (Sawada, et al., 2002). Mathematics teachers following a discovery learning
method may favor extending class time to engage in varied activities associated with the
discovery and construction of knowledge. Hence, students will participate in knowledge
construction and real world problem solving rather than focusing on mathematical abstractions.
Discovery learning points to learning that occurs once students are enquired to find out
something by themselves. For example, rather than telling students the value, the teacher asks
them to measure spherical objects to find out the value themselves (Cruickshank, Bainer, &
Metcalf, 1995). Teachers use discovery learning to achieve three educational goals. Firstly, they
would like learners to recognize how to find out things and think on their own. In fact, they
would like them to be less dependent on getting knowledge from teachers and acknowledge the
conclusion of others. Secondly, discovery learning users would like learners to see in what way
knowledge is achieved. It indicates that teachers would like students to be enabled to learn by
gathering, organizing, and analyzing information to achieve their own conclusion. Thirdly, the
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
teachers would like learners to employ their top thinking skill. Among other things, they want
students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate (Cruickshank et al., 1995).
One of the characteristics of discovery learning is that the role of the teacher is not
imparting knowledge but rather creating and guiding classroom experiences in which learners
engage in order for discovering knowledge. Second characteristic of discovery learning is that
while learners deal with discovery, the teacher motivates them to think profoundly. And the third
feature is that learners acknowledge the challenge of realizing something by themselves rather
than requiring the teacher gives them a reply (Cruickshank et al., 1995).
3. Methodology
The qualitative case study method was considered more feasible and appropriate to meet
the study aim. Data were collected using observation and semi-structured interviews with seven
teachers, who were selected by the snowball method, in two secondary schools at different states
of Malaysia. However, in this paper, we only bring the data related to the three teachers
including Teacher A, Teacher B and C to examine different teaching methods. The questions
asked in the interviews and the criteria considered in the observations were related to three the
teaching methods. The participants (the teachers) were interviewed and their performances in
their classes were observed to analyze their teaching methods.
4. Findings
As teachers have an important role in presenting the content of text books to students, the
researchers conducted some interviews with the mathematics teachers and observed their classes
during their teaching hours.
Our observations and interviews results showed that teaching methods including
traditional (teacher center), problem solving (teacher and student center) and discovery learning
(student center) were practiced by the teachers. As examples for considering mathematics
method of teaching by the teachers, based on different methods of teaching, we selected three of
them teachers A, B, and C.
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
4.1 Teacher A
The observation supported that Teacher A used two kind of teaching methods including
traditional and problem solving. The observations confirmed that she paid attention to the
students’ ideas regarding the course and provided opportunities for them to think about
mathematics problems and subjects and allowed them to participate in the class activities and
group discussions. She used the blackboard and extra mathematics books in the class. Although
the class was managed by more teacher-centered techniques, the students participated in the class
through discussions on their understanding and reasoning.
In interview when asked about methods of teaching in the class, she replied:
“When I teach a topic, firstly I give examples and I solve them on board, then I give some
other questions to my students and ask them to solve them, when they are solving the
examples, I go around the class, and I can see whether they understood the topic.
Sometimes I just ask a student who is in middle level to answer the question if they
answer my questions, I know the other students understood it as well”. (Interview with
teacher A, August 2011, p.8).
In her classes, she allowed her students to ask questions and discuss about the topic of the
mathematic and she gave her students extra tasks and exercises especially when they were weak
in certain areas to enhance her students’ understanding. She believes that students should take
part in teaching and using all their senses to optimize their understanding and learning deeply.
Also the observations were conducted when teacher A was teaching liner equations and
solving some mathematics problems. Observation showed that she was teaching liner equation
topic from Form 2 for middle level students. The observations confirmed that she started the
class based on her lesson plan and the main textbook. The example of linear equation was to find
the value of x given the volume of the cuboid is 88cm3. She used four steps of problem solving
and discovery learning to solve the problem.
2 cm
4 cm
(2x+1) cm
Teacher A posed a mixed problem with two aims: geometry and algebra and asked
students to find the x with volume 88 cm3 to show how to solve a linear equation:
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
𝑣 = 88𝑐𝑚3
(2𝑥 + 1) × 2 × 4 = 88 → (2𝑥 + 1) × 8 = 88 → 2𝑥 + 1 = 11 → 2𝑥 = 10 → 𝑥 = 5
The observations showed that she used mixed methods of teaching and she was very
flexible in her teaching methods and used problem solving and discovery learning activities,
although the time was limited (around 65 minutes in one session).
4.2 Teacher B
The observation was conducted when she was teaching geometry. In her class, students
were working together and she helped them while they were solving the problems. She also
collected students’ notebooks which they used for doing their homework. In another session
when the researcher observed her class, she was teaching liner equation, all of her students took
part in the class and problem solving activities.
3 8m + 7 Y−6 6−Y
(1) X−3 =X +4 (2) =3 (3) =
4 4m − 3 3 2
She had two purposes in presenting these exercises including teaching fraction and
equations. In this way, she used the problem solving method to solve the problem by engaging
the students in the problem solving process.
She gave an introduction about a new subject before starting it, but she did not review the
previous lessons to relate the new lesson to the previous one. Therefore, the students may have
some difficulties in linking the previous lesson the new one. For example, she gave the students
3 exercises regarding linear equation as following:
3 3 3
(1) 𝑥 − 3 = 𝑥 + 4 → 𝑥 = 𝑥 + 3 + 4 → 𝑥 = 𝑥 + 7 → 3𝑥 = 4(𝑥 + 7)
4 4 4
→ 3𝑥 = 4𝑥 + 28 → 3𝑥 − 4𝑥 = 28 → 𝑥 = −28
8𝑚 + 7
(2) = 3 → 8𝑚 + 7 = 3(4𝑚 − 3) → 8𝑚 + 7 = 12𝑚 − 9
4𝑚 − 3
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
𝑦−6 6−𝑦
(3) = → 2(𝑦 − 6) = 3(6 − 𝑦) → 2𝑦 − 12 = 18 − 3𝑦
3 2
→ 2𝑦 + 3𝑦 = 18 + 12 → 5𝑦 = 30 → 𝑦 = →𝑦=6
While the students were doing the exam, the teacher discussed with them and asked them
what are the differences between y-6 and 6-y and what happens in this exam if the equation be:
Y 6 Y 6
. This discussion among them was interesting for students.
3 2
She teaches low and middle level students in her classes. She had a schedule for her
teaching instruction and tries to follow a student-centered method of teaching. In fact it was not
possible because there were aroud40 student in her class, also she using problem solving method
of teaching. However it depends on the topic and the situation of the class.
In interview, she mentions that she uses diverse examples to describe the mathematics
subjects in her classes. Sometimes, she wants her students to ask questions and discuss about
them and also allows them to share their ideas in the class. Regarding extra activities, she
“Normally I give them homework to do at home and hand it in the next session; I also give them
some exercises in the class to check whether they understand the topic” (September 2011, p. 40).
Also she explains her approach in dealing with the students’ differences as follows:
“We should know our students by name and respect them in the class and
we also need to give them questions based on their comprehension level,
we should give easier questions to weak students”. (Interview with Teacher
B, September 2011, p. 39).
She believes that students have a very important role in their learning process. She
provided students with the opportunities to participate in the class activities and group
4.3 Teacher C
In the observation, Teacher C tends to used method of discovery learning although
sometimes using traditional method for beginning the new lesson. In good spirits, she began to
review the previous lesson and gave an introduction about the new subject before starting it. She
© 2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
had a lesson plan for teaching and paid attention to the students’ ideas regarding the course. She
allowed the students to participate in class activities, provided opportunities for them to think
about mathematic subjects, and allowed group discussions in the class. She also used whiteboard,
power-point, educational CDs, and extra mathematical books in the class. While doing exercises,
she paid attention to students’ ideas to clarify and allowed to students to find the problems.
In interview with her idea about methods of teaching, she believes that in solving
mathematics problems using discovery learning to improve creativity of the students. She
encouraged students using skills of problem solving approaches for solving mathematics
“We have many activities for students. In class, we do so many exercises and
problem solving. We also have outdoor activities; in this school we take
students for math, science and career festivals. These festivals encourage
students to improve themselves in mathematics and science. Students should
improve themselves to know what concepts in mathematics are related to other
concepts in physics and so on”. (Interview with teacher C, October 2011, p.
An example that she wrote on the whiteboard was linear equation with two variables
𝑥 7
= 2 and 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 63, with answers 𝑥 = 7 and 𝑦 = 2. And with the result 𝑥 + 7 = 9 which
was an interesting problem for discussion. Teacher C asked the students to solve the posed
𝑥 7
problem as = 2 and 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 63.
𝑥 7
If = 2 and we know that (7, 2) = 1, so we can say 𝑥 = 7 and 𝑦 = 2 which was the
students answer in the mathematics class room, then 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 9. But in this case there is another
function𝑥 + 𝑦 = 63, so we cannot say 𝑥 = 7 and 𝑦 = 2 because 𝑥 + 7 doses not 63, so we have
to solve the problem as two equations with two unknowns because we want to find the solution
of the equation by following:
𝑥 7
(1) = 2 → 2𝑥 = 7𝑦 → 2𝑥 − 7𝑦 = 0 and (2) 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 63
→ 𝑦 = 63 − 𝑥 → 2𝑥 − 7(63 − 𝑥) = 0 → 2𝑥 − 441 + 7𝑥 = 0
→ 9𝑥 = 441 → 𝑥 = = 49 → 𝑦 = 63 − 49 → 𝑦 = 14
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
She applied the method of discovery learning. The observations confirmed that she
encouraged the students to express their ideas about the concept. She asked questions which
were relevant to the students’ level of learning and allowed them to ask questions and discuss
about the subject. Hence, she managed the class by student-centered method. Students were
active during the teaching and learning activities, and the teacher had planned the activities.
5. Discussion
This section aims to discuss the findings of interviews and observations of the three
teachers regarding teaching practices by considering teaching methods. Teaching practices have
been analyzed from the answers of the participants’ interview as well as the observations done
by the researchers.
According to these interviews and observations and based on the authors’ experiences in
teaching mathematics, teachers usually tend to use problem solving and discovery learning
methods in their teaching method. It should be noted that it is not possible to exactly declare that
the teachers use one method at all times. They may apply other methods such as traditional
method if it is necessary. However, due to the limited teaching time and large number of students
in a class, teachers are more likely to apply problem solving method.
Teacher A tends to use mixed methods of traditional (theory of behaviorism) and
problem solving, teacher B tends to use problem solving, and teacher C tends to use discovery
learning. Based on the observations in the classes and experiences of authors during many years
teaching mathematics, students in the traditional teaching classes have difficulties to understand
the subjects of mathematics and they have anxiety when it comes to exams and class activities
and discussions. However, in the classes that teacher uses other methods, students are involved
in class activities, group discussion with each other and with teachers, and they have less or no
anxiety to take exams.
6. Conclusion
The findings suggest that problem solving and discovery learning skills not only
contribute to better mathematics learning but also enhance students’ creativity to cope with life
challenges. Since discovery learning gives students the opportunity to think creatively. It should
© 2017 The author and GRDS Publishing. All rights reserved.
Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
be more emphasis on teaching methods which include less lecture, more student directed classes
and more discussion. In classes using problem solving method student are more active, they
think better, and they have less anxiety for exams. In sum, the results indicate that students who
learn mathematics by problem solving and discovery learning methods are more active in
comparison with the students under the traditional teacher-centered method. These approaches,
mainly, encourage students to think critically in their daily life and enhance their thinking,
reasoning, knowing, and applying skills .Using these methods prepare student to solve problems
appropriately and encounter with challenges in their life. The findings reveal that students are
more successful and encourage when systematic problem solving based on Polya’s approach is
incorporated into discovery learning.
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Available Online at:
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN 2454-5899
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