D&D 5th Edition Character Options

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The document provides an overview of various D&D classes, subclasses, skills, tools, and psionic talents.

Some of the classes and subclasses described include artificer, barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, warlock, and wizard with various subclasses under each.

Some of the skills and tools mentioned include Athletics, History, Investigation, Religion, thieves' tools, vehicles, artisan's tools, instruments, and gaming sets.

Word Meaning

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PHB Player's Handbook

DMG Dungeon Master's Guide
MM Monster Manual
EE Elemental Evil Player's Companion https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/EE_PlayersC
Volo Volo's Guide to Monsters
XGtE Xanathar's Guide to Everything
GGR Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica
MToF Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
UA Unearthed Arcana (Playtest Material)
SCAG Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
OOtA Out of the Abyss
WFG Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron
ERLW Eberron Rising from the Last War
CoS Curse of Stradh
GoS Ghosts of Saltmarch
ToA Tomb of Annihilation
EGtW Explorer's Guide to Wildemount
HotDQ Hoard of the Dragon Queen
AI Acquisitions Incorporated
MBB Mulmaster Bonds & Backgrounds https://dndadventurersleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/
SoHF State of Hillsfar https://dndadventurersleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/
AwM Adventure with Muk

Tank Able to soak damage, either through resistance, a lot of hp, high AC or temporary HP
Damage Able to deal a lot of damage
Support Able to heal or buff your allies
Control Able to control the battlefield, position yourself or your enemies, and debuff enemies
Social Able to overcome challenges through social interactions or through stealth
Utility Able to use abilities that are very useful at certain times that don't specifically buff/debuff/damage, ex

Str Strength
Dex Dexterity
Con Constitution
Int Intelligence
Wis Wisdom
Cha Charisma
AOE Area of Effect
it (https://www.reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/gpue1k/collection_of_all_dd_5th_edition_player_options/) if you disagree with a



buff/debuff/damage, examples of this are the light cantrip or the trance feature from the elves
ptions/) if you disagree with anything or if you're missing anything.
Battle Smith
Path of the Berserker
Path of the Totem Warrior
Path of the Ancestral Guardian
Path of the Battlerager
Path of the Storm Herald
Path of the Zealot
College of Lore
College of Valor
College of Glamour
College of Swords
College of Whispers
Knowledge Domain
Life Domain
Light Domain
Nature Domain
Tempest Domain
Trickery Domain
War Domain
Arcana Domain
Death Domain
Forge Domain
Grave Domain
Order Domain
Circle of the Land
Circle of the Moon
Circle of Dreams
Circle of the Shepherd
Circle of Spores
Battle Master
Eldritch Knight
Arcane Archer
Banneret/Purple Dragon Knight
Echo Knight
Way of the Open Hand
Way of Shadow
Way of the Four Elements
Way of the Drunken Master
Way of the Kensei
Way of the Long Death
Way of the Sun Soul
Oath of Devotion
Oath of the Ancients
Oath of Vengeance
Oath of Conquest
Oath of the Crown
Oath of Redemption
Beast Master
Gloom Stalker
Horizon Walker
Monster Slayer
Arcane Trickster
Draconic Bloodline
Wild Magic
Divine Soul
Shadow Magic
Storm Sorcery
The Archfey
The Fiend
The Great Old One
The Celestial
The Hexblade
The Undying
School of Abjuration
School of Conjuration
School of Divination
School of Enchantment
School of Evocation
School of Illusion
School of Necromancy
School of Transmutation
Chronurgy Magic
Graviturgy Magic
War Magic
Magical inventors and tinkerers
Create elixirs that heal or deal damage, but mostly heal
Artillerists create handheld or autonomous cannons that deal damage or protect
Battle Smiths have a robotic companion that helps them in combat
Fighter that goes into a battlerage
Untamed fury, can attack more but it's exhausting
Spirit animal guide that gives bonuses based on the animal
Uses spirits of their ancestors in and outside battle
Dwarf only, uses spiked armor
Gain an aura of elemental magic (desert, sea or tundra)
Devout followers of good/evil beings. their battle never ends
Uses musical magic to influence/help/control people
Gain more skills/spells and discourage enemies
Bards that support their allies from the frontline.
Use magic from the feywildes to delight and captivate others
Uses impressive sword play to weave through combat
Use magic to psychicly damage others and inspire fear
Priests/followers of a god/ideology
These Clerics are all about learning things and knowing things
They're really good at healing
Use light to blind foes and ward of darkness
Revere nature & nature gods
Follow gods of natural disasters (storms, fires, earthquakes) and violence and courage.
Clerics of subterfuge, pranks, and deception, usually chaotic forces
Excel in battle, honor/destruction/conquest/regular battle
These clerics are concerned with all things magic
Use negative energy and necromantic magic
These clerics revore gods of the craft and can create and enchant items
Stave off death but also make sure that the undead stay dead
Law and order are your ideals. Command people around
Nature and elemental magic & animal shape shifting
More in tune with nature around you
More powerful shapeshifting
Mysterious magics from the feywild to teleport and heal
Commune with spirits of nature, protect the vulnerable and summon beasts
Spread spores, reanimate corpses and transform into a fungal entity
Masters of weapons and experts of combat
Simple: hit hard, be more in tune with your weapons
Use difficult techniques to control combat and learn about your enemies
Combine combat with protective and destructive magics
You enchant your arrow shots with arcane magics
You're a proper knight, you inspire your allies and are a pro at negotiation
Excel in mounted combat and in protecting your allies
Can summon an echo of themselves that they can fight from
Intense focus, fighting spirit, and social skills
Martial artists, masters of their body and soul
Ultimate masters of martial arts, able to ki in yourself and enemies
Masters of darkness, stealth and teleportation
Able to control earth, wind, fire and water
Stumble and tumble unpredictable as if drunk
Masters of their weapons
Experts in when and how things die. Allowing them to survive longer
Channel their energy into bolts of light
Fighters of justice and holy quests there to smite evil
Paladins of justice, virtue and order.
Protectors of nature and joy.
The only thing that matters is to punish evildoers
Paladins that have fallen to evil and have broken their oath
Glory & subjugation. Absolutely destroy your enemies. Frighten their enemies.
Fight for civilisation, a nation or a regent. Commanding
Everyone deserves a second chance.
Scouts, hunters, and wanderers of the wilds that use some nature magic
Hunters develop specific techniques to deal with monsters may the be large or many.
You have a beast companion that aids you in combat
Travelers of places wherr light doesn't reach such as caverns and deep forests.
Protectors against incursions from other planes of existence.
Rangers that hunt and fight the supernatural and spell wieling monsters
People of stealth and intrigue. They gain a sneak attack that deals extra damage and can act fast
Good at getting (to) items that don't belong to them and using them. Swift fingered and sneaky.
Those who infiltrate societies and assassinate targets with strong, swift and deadly strikes.
Rogues that enchant people and cast illusions.
Rooting out secrets and unraveling mysteries.
Masters of influence and intrigue. Good in gathering knowledge.
Skilled in stealth & surviving the wilds. Quick to react and quick to move.
Speed, charm and elegance are your forte. You excel in 1v1 combat usually dual wielding
Mages that were born with their magical powers. Can modify their spelld
You draw magic from some kind of draconic ancestry
Chaotic forces from creation. Random things may happen when you cast spells
You're infused with a spark of divinity. Allowing you to succeed and survive longer
Magic from the Shadowfell, a place of undeath.
You got your magic from some storm/air elemental related event.
Made a pact with a powerful being. Few but strong spells, lot of customization
Lord/Lady of the feywilds. Beguile and confuse your foes.
Pact with a powerful demon or devil.
A creatue foreign to the fabric of reality.
Those who made a pact with an angel or other celestial.
Pacts with powerful sentient weapons from the Shadowfell (but they don't have the weapon itsel
A patron who has unlocked the secrets of immortality.
Folk who got their magical prowess through study and dedication. Can cast most spells
Focus on magic that blocks, banishes or protects.
Create items and creatures out of thin air. Also teleportation
Skilled in predicting things, learning things and observing things from remote places
You use magic to make people do your biddings
Evokers use magic to create and control powerful elemental magics
Make things appear to be that are not, also confuse senses
Necromancers control the forces of life, death and undeath
These wizards can change one thing into another.
Elf only, use magically enhanced grace to fight enemies in close combat
Can control the flow of time and freeze things in time
Manipulate gravity to move creatures and objects
Combine abjuration with evocation. Protect yourself and deal damage to others
Casting Progression Range
1st level (but follows half-caster progression Either
- Either
- Ranged
- Either
None Melee
- Melee
3 whole spells. That's all you get Melee
You gain 2 spells at 10th level Melee
- Melee
You deal some magic damage Melee
You deal some magic damage Melee
1st level Either
You gain extra spells Ranged
- Melee
- Ranged
- Melee
- Melee
1st level Either
- Ranged
- Melee
- Ranged
Extra cantrip Melee
- Melee
- Melee
- Melee
Extra cantrips and spells Ranged
Extra cantrip Melee
Spare the dying Melee
- Ranged
- Melee
1st level Either
More spells & slots Ranged
- Melee
- Either
- Either
More spells Melee
- Either
- Either
- Either
3rd level Either
You get some magical arrows Ranged
- Either
- Melee
- Either
- Either
- Melee
- Melee
Gain 3 spells and a cantrip Melee
Choice of spell like abilities Melee
- Melee
- Either
- Melee
Can do fire/radiant attacks Either
2nd level Melee
- Melee
- Melee
- Melee
- Melee
- Melee
- Melee
- Melee
2nd level Either
- Either
- Either
5 extra spells Either
5 extra spells Either
5 extra spells Either
- Either
- Either
- Either
3rd level Either
- Either
- Either
- Melee(/Ranged)
- Melee
1st level Ranged
- Either
- Ranged
Extra spell Ranged
Extra spell Ranged
- Ranged
1st Either
- Either
- Either
- Either
Extra Cantrips Either
- Melee
Extra Cantrip Either
1st Ranged
- Either
- Ranged
- Ranged
- Either
- Ranged
Extra cantrip Ranged
Extra spell Either
Extra spell Ranged
- Either
- Ranged
- Ranged
- Either
Role Important Stats Book + Page
Utility Int, Dex/Con ERLW p. 55
Support Int ERLW p. 59
Damage/Support Int ERLW p. 60
Control/Damage Int ERLW p. 61
Damage/Tank Str, Con PHB
Damage - PHB
Utility/Tank - PHB. extra options SCAG p. 121
Tank - XGtE p. 9
Damage - SCAG p. 121
Damage/Control Con XGtE p.9
Damage/Tank - XGtE p.11
Utility/social/support/contrCha, Dex PHB
Utility/Control - PHB
Damage Str/Dex/Con PHB
Social/support - XGtE p. 15
Damage Str/Dex XGtE p. 16
Social/Control - XGtE p. 17
Tank/Support Wis, Str/Con PHB
Utility - PHB
Support - PHB
Control/Damage - PHB
Control/Support - PHB
Damage - PHB
Social/Control - PHB
Damage - PHB
Control/Utility - SCAG p. 125
Control/Damage - DMG p. 96
Tank/Utility - XGtE p. 18
Support - XGtE p. 19
Control/Damage - GGtR p. 25
Tank/Control Wis, Con PHB
Control/Utility - PHB
Tank/Damage - PHB
Utility/Support - XGtE p.23
Control/Damage - XGtE p.25
Damage - GGtR p. 26
Damage/Tank Str/Dex, Con PHB
Damage - PHB
Control - PHB
Support/Damage Int PHB
Control/Damage Int XGtE p.29
Support - SCAG p.128
Tank - XGtE p.30
Control/Tank Con EGtW p. 228
Damage/Social - XGtE p31
Damage/Utility Dex, Wis PHB
Control - PHB
Social - PHB
Damage Wis PHB
Utility/Damage - XGtE p. 33
Damage - XGtE p. 34
Tank/Control - SCAG p. 130
Damage - XGtE p. 35 / SCAG p. 131
Tank/Damage Str, Cha PHB
Tank - PHB
Tank - PHB
Control - PHB
Damage - DMG p. 97
Control/Damage - XGtE p. 39
Support - SCAG p. 133
Tank/Control - XGtE p. 40
Damage/Social Dex/Str, Wis PHB
Damage/Tank - PHB
Damage/Tank - PHB
Damage/Tank - XGtE p. 41
Utility/Tank - XGtE p. 42
Damage/Utility - XGtE p. 43
Utility/Social Dex, Cha PHB
Utility/Social - PHB
Damage/Social - PHB
Social/Utility Int PHB
Social/Utility/Damage Wisdom XGtE p. 46
Social/Utility - XGtE p. 46 & SCAG p. 135
Control/Damage - XGtE p. 47
Control/Social Cha XGtE p. 47 & SCAG p. 135
Damage/Social Cha, Con PHB
Damage/Control - PHB
Utility/Damage - PHB
Support/Controll - XGtE p. 50
Tank/Damage - XGtE p. 51
Control/Damage - XGtE p. 51
Damage/Control Cha, Con PHB
Control/Social - PHB
Tank - PHB
Social - PHB
Support/Damage - XGtE p. 54
Damage - XGtE p. 55
Tank/Support - SCAG p. 139
Utility/Control/Support Intelligence, Constitution/Dex PHB
Support/Tank - PHB
Utility/Control - PHB
Utility - PHB
Social - PHB
Damage - PHB
Social/Utility - PHB
Tank/Control - PHB
Utility - PHB
Damage Dexterity SCAG p. 142
Utility/Control Intelligence EGtW p. 230
Control Intelligence EGtW p. 231
Damage/Tank - XGtE p. 59
Additional Notes
The Artificer is a weird one in terms of spell progression. It starts with spells and cantrips at level 1, but besides that it f
I reccomend UA revised ranger instead of the normal class
Additional invocations on XGtE p. 56
at level 1, but besides that it follows the half-caster spell progression
Race/Subrace Description
Player's Handbook races and non-PHB subraces for PHB races
Hill Dwarf Intuitive, tougher
Mountain Dwarf Strong and hardy
Gray Dwarf (Duergar) Underdark dwelling, enslaving and dour folk
Mark of Warding This mark gives expertise in (magical) (un-)locking
High Elf fancy smancy magicky
Wood Elf Foresty, sneaky, scouty
Dark Elf (Drow) underdark dwelling, slaving, spider demon worshipping
Eladrin Native to Feywild. Associated with seasons and emotions
Mark of Shadow This mark makes you better at sneaking around
Pallid Elf Mystical and insightful people
Sea Elf Sea living elves, sometimes from Plane of Water
Shadar-kai Sworn to Raven Queen, liven in Shadowfell, edgy
Halfling hobbits
Stout Halfling hardy, gets along well with others
Lightfoot Halfling traveling, exploration, stealthy
Ghostwise Halflings Clannish and mistrustful of outsiders
Lotusden Halflings Originate from a magical forest
Mark of Healing This mark grants increased healing skills
Mark of Hospitality This mark makes the wearer more hospitable to others
Human Versatile characters, well suited for most jobs
Variant Human -
Mark of Finding This mark sharpens senses and increases tracking
Mark of Handling This mark gives a primal connection to beasts
Mark of Making This mark enables magical prowess while creating
Mark of Passage This mark allows the bearer to move quickly.
Mark of the Sentinel This mark allows for better protection of own and others
Dragonborn Proud dragonlike humanoids in dragonborn clans
Draconblood Variant Have long tails and a knack for social manipulation
Ravenite Variant Tail-less and strong, used to be enslaved
Gnome enthousiastic hard working small folk
Forest Gnome Illusions and nature
Rock Gnome Tinkering and hardiness
Deep Gnome(Svirfneblin) Underdark dwelling, private, serious but curious
Mark of Scribing This mark grants expertise in spoken & written language
Half-Elf Diplomats & wanderers
Half-drow -
Half-high elf -
Half-sea elf -
Half-wood elf -
Mark of Detection This mark powers observation and intuition.
Mark of Storm This mark allows the control of storms.
Half-Orc Fond of combat
Mark of Finding This mark sharpens senses and increases tracking
Tiefling Half-devils, specifically related to Asmodeus
Feral -
Devil's Tongue -
Hellfire -
Winged -
Baalzebul Related to Baalzebul. Corrupt physically and psychically
Dispater Related to Dispater. Uncovers secrets
Fierna Related to Fierna, a master manipulator
Glasya Related to Glasya, good for committing heists
Levistus Related to Levistus, bargains with the doomed
Mammon Related to Mammon, excel at gathering wealth
Mephistopheles Related to Mephistopheles, magic for entreating him
Zariel Related to Zariel, magic to aid them in combat
Non-PHB races
Aarakocra Bird people
Aasimar Half -Celestials with an angelic guide
Protector Aasimar Guard the weak and strike evil
Scourge Aasimar Strong desire to destroy all evil
Fallen Aasimar Aasimar touched by darkness, turned evil
Bugbear Tall hairy goblinoids, brutish ambushers
Centaur Half horse - half person
Changeling Shapeshifter unwelcome in most societies
Firbolg Friendly giants, guarding and kindhearted
Genasi Half elemental (fire/air/water/earth)
Air Genasi Swift changing emotions
Earth Genasi Thoughtful
Fire Genasi Impatient
Water Genasi Independent
Gith Psionic martial people from the plane Limbo
Githyanki Trained from birth as warriors
Githzerai Mentally honed monks
Goblin Small goblinoids, thieves and ambushers
Dankwood Goblin Gentle and artistic goblins with a love for animals
Goliath Large mountain living folk, believe in fair play
Grung Poisonfrog people
Hobgoblin Large goblinoids, commanding of other goblinoids
Kalashtar Human looking people who are bound to a spirit of light
Kenku Crow people that use mimicry to communicate
Kobold Small dragonlike characters, cowardly and inventive
Lizardfolk Cold and calculatin cannibalistic swampliving lizardpeople
Locathah Friendly fish-folk that live in tight-knit communities
Loxodon Calm and loyal elephant people
Minotaur Zealous and powerful bull people
Orc Brutish and agressive green pillagers
Shifter Decendants from lycanthropes
Beasthide Decendant from tough animals such as bears or boars
Longtooth Fierce and agressive. Usually canine or feline
Swiftstride Graceful and quick. Usually rats or cats
Wildhunt Hunters, trackers and spiritual leaders
Simic Hybrid Humanoid fused with aquatic animals
Tabaxi Wandering, curious, catfolk
Tortle Druidic Turtle people
Triton Heroic and good crusaders. Humanoid with fish qualities
Vedalken Cool & rational, emotionless blue humanoids
Verdan Telepathic humanoids created from goblins
Warforged Sentient robots made to serve in a war that is now over
Yuan-ti Pureblood Humanoids with snake traits
Notable Features Stat Increase

Poison resistance, weapon & tool proficiency Con +2

HP+1 per level Wis +1
Light + Med armor proficiency Str +2
enlarge & invisibility & some resistances Str +1
Better inves & thieves'. Protection spells Int +1
Difficult to charm and to put asleep Dex + 2
Weapon Training, Cantrip, Language Int +1
Weapon Training, fast, hide when lightly obscured Wis +1
Weapon training, magic, superior darkvision Cha +1
Teleportation with an additional effect Cha +1
Better Perf. & Stealth. Stealth & subterfuge spells Cha +1
adv on Inves & insight. Light, other spells at 3rd & 5th level Wis +1
Swimming, water breathing, communicate with fish Con +1
Necrotic Resistance, Teleport Con +1
Adv vs frightened, reroll nat 1's Dex +2
Poison resistance Con +1
Hide behind larger creatures Cha +1
Telepathy Wis +1
Difficult to track, no difficult terrain due to plants, druid spells Wis +1
Better medicine & herbalism. Healing spells. Wis +1
Better persuasion, cooking & brewing. Utility spells Cha +1
All their stats increase by one All stats +1
A feat and skill of choice Two stats +1
Darkvision, better perc. & surv., hunter spells Wis +2, Con +1
Better speak w/ animals & animal friendship. Better skills Wis +2, one other stat +1
Better artisan tools +prof. Variation of spells Int +2, one other stat +1
Fast, better acrobatics & land vehicles. Misty step Dex +2, one other stat +1
Swap places with attacked allies. Protective spells. Cons +2, Wis +1
Breath attack & a resistance of choice Str +2, Cha +1
Darkvision, 1/rest adv on intimidation/persuasion Int +2, Cha +1
Darkvision, reaction to attack your attacker Str +2, Con +1
Adv on int, wis, cha spell saves Int +2
Minor illusion, speak with small animals Dex +1
Make small clockwork items, knowledge abt magic Con +1
Stealth Adv in rocky terrain Dex +1
Better His. & calligraphy. Language based spells. Cha +1
2 skills, adv vs charm, no magic sleep Cha +2, 2 other stats +1
Drow's Drow magic -
High elf's weapon training or cantrip -
Swimming speed -
Elf Weapon Training/Fleet of Foot/ or Mask o/t Wild -
Better Inves & Insight, detection spells, possibly spells Wis +2, one other stat +1
Resist Lightning, weather spells, better acro & navigator Cha +2, one other stat +1
Survives dropping to 0 hp, melee crits do extra damage Str +2, Con +1
Better perc. & surv., hunter spells, possible spells Wis +2, Con +1
Fire resistance, Thaumaturgy, and other spells Cha +2, Int +1
- Int +1, Dex +2
Vicious mockery, charm person (3rd), enthrall (5th) -
Burning hands (3rd) -
Flying speed (30) -
Thaumaturgy, Ray of Sickness(3rd), Crown of Madnes(5th) Cha +2, Int +1
Thaumaturgy, Disguise self(3rd), Detect thoughts(5th) Cha +2, Dex +1
Friends, Charm Person(3rd), suggestion(5th) Cha +2, Wis +1
Minor illusion, Disguise self(3rd), Invisibility(5th) Cha +2, Dex +1
Ray of Frost, Armor of Agathys(3rd), Darkness(5th) Cha +2, Con +1
Mage Hand, Tenser's Floating Disk(3rd), Arcane Lock(5th) Cha +2, Int +1
Mage Hand, Burning Hands(3rd), Flame Blade(5th) Cha +2, Int +1
Thaumaturgy, Searing Smite(3rd), Branding Smite(5th) Cha +2, Str +1

Flight, stronger unarmed strikes Dex +2, Wis +1

Healing, resistance, Light Cha +2
1/day Flight & extra att dmg Wis +1
1/day shed light, AOE dmg & extra att dmg Con +1
1/day Fright & extra att dmg Str +1
Extra reach, stealth attack Str +2, Dex +1
Charge attack, hoof attack, larger build Str +2, Wis +1
Shapeshift into humanoids, proficiencies, languages Cha +2, 1 stat +1
Speak w/ animals and plants, Detect Magic, Teleport Wis +2, Str +1
- Con +2
Hold breath indefinitely & levitate Dex +1
Ignore earthy difficult terrain, pass without trace Str +1
Fire resistance, Produce Flame, Burning hands Int +1
Acid resistant, water breathing + swim. water spells Wis +1
Mage hand Int +1
Weapon & armor prof, movement spells Strength +2
Adv vs charm & fright, Shield + Detect Thoughts Wis +2
Extra damage to larger creatures, easy to escape Dex +2, Con +1
Speak with Small Beasts, easy to escape Dex +2, Wis +1
Shrug off damage, Adapted to cold, powerful build Str +2, Con +1
Poison immune, Poisonous skin, climbing speed Dex +2, Con +1
Weapon & armor prof, more allies = more success Con +2, Int +1
Telepathy, mental foritude, no dreams Wis +2, Cha +1
Forgery, rogue skill, mimic all sounds Dex +2, Wis +1
Pack tactics & grovel to give allies advantage Dex +2, Str -2
natural armor, bite attack, make weapons Con +2, Wis +1
Natural armor, adv against a few conditions, amphibious Str +2, Dex +1
Charm & fright resist, natural armor, trunk Con +2, Wis +1
Horn attack, rush attack, shove with horns Str +2, Con +1
Bonus to move to enemy, count as larger Str +2, Con +1
Can enhance their animal traits for a short while -
Athletics, AC, Temp HP Con +2, Str +1
Intimidation, Bite as bonus Str +2, Dex +1
Acrobatics, speed & dodge Dex +2, Cha +1
Survival & adv on wis checks, no adv against you Wis +2, Dex +1
A choice of different animal enhancements Con +2, 1 stat +1
Fast, claw attack, climbing speed, sneaky Dex +2, Cha +1
AC of 17, claw attack, withdraw in shell to up AC Str +2, Wis +1
Breathe air & water, resistance, water spells Str +1, Con +1, Cha +1
Adv on all int, wish and cha saves, skill & tool prof Int +2, Wis +1
Heal better, telepathy, adv on Wis & Cha saves Cha +2, Con +1
No sleep, food etc. +1 AC, skill + tool prof. Con +2, 1 other stat +1
Poison immune, magic resistance, spells Cha 2, Int +1
Book + Page Notes

SCAG p. 104/MToF p. 81 These 2 versions are identical
ERLW p. 52 WGE p. 108 differs from ERLW
MToF p. 61 An alternate version is in DMG p. 286
ERLW p. 50 WGE p. 105 differs from ERLW
EGtW p. 200
MToF p. 62/ EXtW p. 200 These versions are identical
MToF p. 62
SCAG p. 110
EGtW p. 201
ERLW p. 44 WGE p. 99 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 45 WGE p. 100 differs from ERLW
PHB Alternatively 2 stats +1 and take a feat
ERLW p. 42 Replaces all traits (except age, alignment, size, speed). WGE p. 97 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 43 Replaces Ability Score Increase. WGE p. 98 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 46 Replaces Ability Score Increase. WGE p. 101 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 47 Replaces Ability Score Increase. WGE p. 102 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 49 Replaces Ability Score Increase. WGE p. 104 differs from ERLW
EGtW p. 207 Replaces ASI & Damage Resitance
EGtW p. 207 Replaces ASI & Damage Resitance
SCAG p.115/MToF p. 115/EEThese 3 versions are identical. Optional feat on these pages
ERLW p. 48 WGE p. 103 differs from ERLW
PHB Subclass specific variants in SCAG (p. 116)
SCAG p. 116 Replaces skill Versatility
SCAG p. 116 Replaces skill Versatility
SCAG p. 116 Replaces skill Versatility
SCAG p. 116 Replaces skill Versatility
ERLW p. 41 ASI & skill versality is replaced. WGE p. 96 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 51 ASI & skill versality is replaced. WGE p. 106 differs from ERLW
ERLW p. 42 Replaces all traits (except age, alignment, size, speed)
PHB SCAG p. 118 has appearance options
SCAG p. 118 Replaces ASI. Can be combined with Devil's Tongue, Hellfire, or Winged
SCAG p. 118 Replaces Infernal Legacy. Can be combined with Feral
SCAG p. 118 Replaces hellish rebuke from Infernal Legacy. Can be combined with Feral
SCAG p. 118 Replaces Infernal Legacy. Can be combined with Feral
MToF p. 21 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 21 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 21 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 22 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 22 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 22 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 23 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy
MToF p. 23 Replaces ASI & Infernal Legacy

EE p. 5/EGtW p. 203 These versions are identical

Volo p. 105/EGtW p. 205 Alternate version on DMG p. 286
Volo p. 105/EGtW p. 206 These versions are identical
Volo p. 105/EGtW p. 206
Volo p. 105/EGtW p. 206
Volo p. 119/ERLW p. 27/EGtThese versions are identical
GGtR p. 15
ERLW p. 17 The (older) version in WFG p. 60 has dex/int +1 instead of 1 stat +1.
Volo p. 107/EGtW p. 210 These versions are identical
EE p. 9/EGtW p. 211 These versions are identical
EE p. 9/EGtW p. 212
EE p. 9/EGtW p. 212
EE p. 10/EGtW p. 212
EE p. 10/EGtW p. 213
MToF p. 98
MToF p. 98
MToF p. 98
Volo p. 119/GGtR p. 16/ERL These versions are identical
AwM p. 35
EE p. 12/Volo p. 108/EGtW pThese 2 versions are identical
One Grung Above
Volo p. 119/ERLW p. 27/EGtThese versions are identical
ERLW p. 32 There is an older version in WFG p. 62. The idea's the same but some traits function differentl
Volo p. 111/EGtW p. 218 These versions are identical
Volo p. 119
Volo p. 113
Locathah Rising
GGtR p. 18
GGtR p. 19
ERLW p. 33/EGtW p. 221 These 2 versions are identeical. The version on Volo p.120 has -1 Int and less proficiencies
ERLW p. 34 The older version (WFG p. 64) has Dex+1
ERLW p. 35
ERLW p. 35
ERLW p. 35 The base movement has been moved to the shifted state
ERLW p. 35 The tracking trait has been removed and the no adv on att rolls against you has been added.
GGtR p. 20
Volo p.115/EGtW p. 222 These versions are identical
The Tortle Package/EGtW p. 224
Volo p. 117
GGtR p. 21
AI p. 125
ERLW p. 37 WFG p. 67 contains an older version with subraces
Volo p. 120
97 differs from ERLW
me but some traits function differently.

-1 Int and less proficiencies

tt rolls against you has been added.

Name Description
Player's Handbook Backgrounds
Acolyte Someone who served a religious organisation
Charlatan You deceived people to get money out of them
Criminal You were all up in illegal stuff like murder or theft
Entertainer Someone who brings joy to the people
Folk Hero Did something to become a hero in a small town
Guild Artisan Part of a artisan's guild. You're a skilled craftsman
Hermit Lived in seclusion. Sheltered community or alone
Noble Grew up with wealth, power and a noble title
Outlander Grew up in the wilds
Sage Master of a field of study
Sailor You sailed the seas with others
Soldier Been part of the army or a local militia
Urchin Grew up on the streets alone
Non-Player's Handbook Backgrounds
Anthropologist Someone who studies other cultures
Archeologist Someone who studies ruins etc.
Caravan Specialist Someone used to traveling the local roads
City Watch Protect citizens from criminals and protect towns
Clan Crafter Learned a craft from dwarves; usually just dwarve
Cloistered Scholar Lived at an institute of learning from a young age
Courtier Worked at a noble court/ bureaucratic organisati
Deep Delver An optional feat that replaces the normal BG feat
Dragon Scholar An optional feat that replaces the normal BG feat
Faction Agent Part of a large international organisation
Far Traveler You come from a faraway place
Fisher You fished for a living
Harborfolk Small-time fishermen and dockworkers
Haunted One Haunted by something unspeakably terrible
Inheritor Heir of something of value/mystery/importance
Marine Trained for battle on beaches and shores
Mercenary Veteran You were a sell-sword or another mercenary
Secret Identity As a non-human you have a human identity
Shipwright Creators and repairmen of ships
Smuggler You smuggled people or goods across waters
Underdark Experience An optional feat that replaces the normal BG feat
Urban Bounty Hunter Tracked down people for pay in cities
These are setting/adventurespecific backgrounds which could be adapted or
Cormanthor Refugee Refugees who hid amongst elves
Cult of the Dragon InfiltratorAn optional feat that replaces the normal BG feat
Earthspur Miner A miner who's familiar with dwarves & gnomes
Gate Urchin Lived on the streets close to large entrance gate
Grinner Minstrels and bards that spread freedom and hop
Hillsfar Merchant Traders from a large trading city.
Hillsfar Smuggler Smuggled goods or people into or out of cities
House Agent Sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house.
Knight of the Order Part of a knightly order set to do something vital
Mulmaster Aristocrat Elite from the city of Mulmaster.
Phlan Refugee Street-wise and observant enough to flee early
Shade Fanatic Loyal to the fallen city of Thultanthar
Trade Sherrif Those who keep trade routes open & safe
Uthgardt Tribe Member Were part of a traveling Uthgardt tribe
Volstrucker Agent Arcane assasins and enforcers for the king
Waterdhavian Noble You're a noble from Waterdeep. Eccentric & rich
Skill Proficiencies Tools/Languages

Insight & Religion 2 Languages

Deception & Sleight of Hand Disguise kit & forgery kit
Deception & Stealth 1 Gaming set & thieves' tools
Acrobatics & Performance Disguise kit & 1 instrument
Animal Handling & Survival 1 Artisan's tool & vehicles (land)
Insight & Persuasion 1 Artisan's tool & 1 language
Medicine & Religion Hebalism kit & 1 language
History & Persuasion 1 Gaming set & 1 language
Athletics & Survival 1 Instrument & 1 language
Arcana & History 2 languages
Athletics & Perception Navigator's tools & vehicles (water)
Athletics & Intimidation 1 gaming set & vehicles (land)
Sleight of Hand & Stealth Disguise kit & thieves' tools

Insight & Religion 2 languages

History & Survival Cartographer's or navigator's & 1 language
Animal Handling & Survival Vehicles (Land) & 1 Language
Athletics & Insight 2 languages
History & Insight 1 artisan's tools & dwarvish (or other)
History & Arcana/Nature/Religion 2 languages
Insight & Persuasion 2 Languages
- -
- -
Insight & 1 Int/Wis/Cha skill 2 languages
Insight & Perception 1 instrument/gaming set & 1 language
History & Survival One language of choice.
Athletics & Sleight of Hand 1 gaming set & vehicles (water)
1 from: Arcana/Investiagtion/Religion/Survi 1 exotic language
Survival & Arcana/History/Religion 1 instrument/gaming set & 1 language
Athletics & Survival Vehicles (land, water)
Athletics & Persuasion 1 gaming set & vehicles (land)
Decepton & Stealth Disguise kit, forgery kit
History & Perception Carpenter's tools, vehicles (water)
Athletics & Deception Vehicles (water)
- -
2 from: Deception/Insight/Persuasion/Stealt2 from: 1 gaming set/ 1 instrument/ thieves' tool
changed to fit in other settings/adventures
Nature & Survival Elvish & 1 artisan's tool
- -
Athletics & Survival Dwarvish & Undercommon
Deception & Sleight of Hand Thieves' tools & 1 instrument
Deception & Performance 1 instrument & thieves' tools
Insight & Persuasion Vehicles (land, water)
Perception & Stealth 1 racial language & forgery kit
Investigation & Persuasion House dependent proficiencies, no languages
Persuasion & Arcana/History/Nature/Religio1 instrument/gaming set & 1 language
Deception & Performacne 1 artistic artisan's tool & 1 instrument
Insight & Athletics 1 artisan's tools & 1 language
Deception & Intimidation Forgery Kit & Netherese
Investigation & Persuasion HThieves' kit & Elvish
Athletics & Survival 1 instrument/artisan's tool & 1 language
Deception & Stealth Poisoner's kit & 1 language
History & Persuasion 1 instrument/gaming set & 1 language

Perform religious ceremonies, free healing & care at a temple

Second identity including documentation, can forge documents
Have a reliable contact to a criminal network.
Find a place to perform, grants free lodging and food. Become a local figure
Find place to hide or rest among commoners.
Pay 5gp per month but members will provide lodging and food, pay for funeral. Guild supports you in cou
Discovered something important/unique/powerful. Discuss with your DM
Commoners try to appease you. Get audience with local nobles
Always recall general layout of terrain, settlements and more. Find food and water for yourself & five oth
Know where to find information you don't know
Secure free passage on a ship. Need to assist on the ship and may not know the schedule
Invoke your rank to exert influence and get simple equipment/horses for tempt use from allied military
Can move twice as fast betwen locations in cities

Can communicate with humanoids who don't share a langauge with you after observing them
When entering ruins/dungeons know builders and purpose. Can determine value of ancient art objects
Good at finding camping locations, can find more workers & jobs, excellent memory for maps
Easily find local watch outposts and similar organisations. Can also find dens of criminal activities.
Free room and board in places with shiled & gold dwarves
Get access to most archives at your library. Get preferrantial treatment at other libraries
Gain access to records & inner workings of courts and governments
Retrace your steps underground. Find enough food and water for you and 5 others in Underdark
Know where to find info on dragons. Identify dragon scales, eggs, and locations built or used by dragons
Access to secret network of supporters/operatives who can provide food, shelter or information
You're obviously foreign, can get access to people/places to tell about your homeland etc.
Adv on checks made using fishing tackle. Can sustain moderate lifestyle. Fish food for you + 10 others
Other harborfolk will offer you food & lodging and might hide you from guards
Commoners do their best to help you and will take up arms to fight alongside you
Work with your DM to think of your inheritance
Can move twice the normal amount before being subjected to forced march. Can find safe route to shore
Identify Mercenary companies, including names & reputations. Find them and find mercenary work
You have an identity that you can use to hide your race. Forge documents if you've seen examples
With wood & carpenter's tools can repair water vehicles.
Know a network of smugglers and know safe houses where your presence stays a secret
If you don't know Underdark lore, you know a source you can consult
Contacts with part of society that your quarries move through. Info about people/places from local area

Clergy (of Elventree) will heal you and companions. Provide you with poor lifestyle.
Familiar with inner workings of Cult of the Dragon, have second identity as an initiate
Never get lost in caves/mines if you've seen a map. Find food for self and five others
Friends with a mage guild and mercenaries. Will help in little ways such as food and lend equipment
In large cities you can find shelter for you and companions within the Golden Grin
Choose: Retainer that helps you around; or trade contacts to get or send informations
Can get yourself & companions smuggled into or out of large cities, time is uncertain
You can always get food and lodghing for yourself and allies at a house enclave.
Shelter and succor from members of your order or from sympathetics.
Lower classes defer to you. Other aristocrats and nobles accept you in their circles and know you.
Can find refuge with others from Phlan and sypathizers. Can find place to sleep and hide.
Communicate with other Shade Loyalists. Get info about who would hinder you
Invoke rank to get access to crime scenes, or to borrow equipment/horses. Contacts for info
Find twice as much food as normal. Expect hospitality from your people & allied people
Access to the shadow network, can send magic messages to other agents.
Live comfortable lifestyle without having to pay. You have a large house in Waterdeep


ToA p. 192
ToA p. 193
MBB p.2
SCAG p. 145
SCAG p. 145
SCAG p. 146
SCAG p. 146
OOtA p. 221
HotDQ p. 87
SCAG p. 147
SCAG p. 149
GoS p. 29
MBB p.4
CoS p. 209
SCAG p. 150
GoS p. 31
SCAG p. 152
SoHF p. 9
GoS p. 33
GoS p. 34
OOtA p. 221
SCAG p. 153

SoHF p. 5
HotDQ p. 87
MBB p.3
SoHF p. 6
EGtW p. 254
SoHF p. 7
SoHF p. 8
ERLW p. 53/WFG p. 94
SCAG p. 151
MBB p. 5
MBB p.6
SoHF p. 10
SoHF p. 11
SCAG p. 153
EGtW p. 256
SCAG p. 154

Gladiator: Instrument → inexpensive but unusual weapon
Guild Merchant: Start with mule & cart. Artisan's tool prof -> Languae/navigator's too
Knight: Retainer feature; 3 commoners who serve you and do mundane tasks for you
Pirate: Bad reputation; in civilized settlements, get away with minor criminal offense
Some of these might be setting/adventure specific but most can be easily adapted
Investigator: Athletics → Investigation


Look at Smuggler is you want to smuggle goods across water

Look at Clan crafter if you're a dwarf or dwarf aligned. Look at Shipwright if you want to make/restore ships

Part of a royal court but not noble? Look at Courtier. From Mulmaster? Look at Mulmaster Aristocrat
Look at Far Traveler if you want to be from far off lands
Look at Anthropologist if you want to study cultures, archeologist if you want to study long-lost cultures, or cloistered sc
Look at Fisher if you want to be a fisher. Look at Marine if you want to be a water soldier. Look at shipwright if you want
Look at City Watch if you want to be a town guard. Look at Mercenary Veteran if you want to be a sell-sword. Look at Ma

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

Want to track criminals in cities? Look at Urban Bounty Hunter

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
Want to be a heroic adventurer? Look at Knight of the Order

They get advantage on some checks instead of another language or tool prof
This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
They get a monster hunter pack instead of extra proficiencies

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

Look at Hillsfar Smuggler if you want to smuggle people/goods into or out of cities
This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds

This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
This page also contains adventure specific Substitute Bonds
titute of learning
Name Description
Actor Skilled at mimicry and dramatics
Alert Always on the lookout for danger
Athlete Gone through extensive physicla training
Charger Charge into your enemies
Crossbow Expert Able to shoot even when engaged in melee combat
Defensive Duelist Parry enemy weapons with finesse weapons
Dual Wielder Master of fighting tiwth 2 weapons
Dungeon Delver Alert to hidden traps and doors
Durable You become hardy & resilient
Elemental Adept Spells of one type become more powerful
Grappler Able to hold your own in close-quarter grappling
Great Weapon Master Can put more power behind (heavy) weapons
Healer Able to heal others with healer's kit
Heavily Armored Able to use Heavy Armor
Heavy Armor Master Use your armor to deflect strikes
Inspiring Leader You can inspire your companions
Keen Mind Excelent sense of time, direction and memory
Lightly Armored Able to use light armor
Linguist Know more languages and how to make ciphers
Lucky You have luck that kicks in at the right moment
Mage Slayer Super effective in melee combat versus spellcasters
Magic Initiate You have learned some magic from one specific class
Martial Adept You have fine-tuned your martial prowess to learn maneuvers
Medium Armor MasterYou are more comfortable moving around in medium armor
Mobile You have become faster and more mobile
Moderately Armored You have trained to use medium armor and shields
Mounted Combatant Trained to be adept at mounted combat
Observant You're more observant that most others
Polearm Master You can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons
Resilient Proficient in a saving throw
Ritual Caster You learn how to cast spells ritually
Savage Attacker You learn how to strike harder on melee attacks
Sentinel You prevent enemies from leaving your reach
Sharpshooter You have mastered ranged weapons
Shield Master You have learned to use your shields more effectively for defense
Skilled You have picked up new skills
Skulker You're an expert in moving through shadows
Spell Sniper Know how to cast spells from further distance
Tavern Brawler Master in unarmed combat and in fighting with whatever's at han
Tough You've become more resilient
War Caster Expert at casting spells in combat
Weapon Master Trained to use certain weapons
Bountiful Luck Your luck is so strong that it influences others as well
Dragon Fear You can roar a fearsome roar, causing enemies to flee
Dragon Hide You have grown retractable claws and tough scales
Drow High Magic You learn typical magic of the dark elves
Dwarven Fortitude Blood of dwarven heroes flow through your veins
Elven Accuracy Uncanny precission with attacks that rely on precision
Fade Away Learned to disappear in response to damage
Fey Teleportation You've delped into high elven lore and unlocked eladrin magics
Flames of Phlegethos Can call on hellfire to serve you
Infernal Constitution Your fiendish blood gives you infernal resilience
Orcish Fury Your inner fury burns stronger than ever
Prodigy You have learned new skills and are more capable at existing skills
Second Chance Your luck also translates to dodging weapon attacks
Squat Nimbleness You're unusually agile for members of your race
Wood Elf Magic Unlocked the magic of primeval woods
Aberrant Dragonmark Born to people with no dragonmarks, grants magic but is unstable.
Greater Dragonmark This enhances the powers of your existing dragonmark.
Svirfneblin Magic Inherited the innate spellcasting from their ancestors
Revenant Blade You've gained mastery over the double-bladed scimitar
Adv to pass of as different person, mimic speech
Initiative +5, can't be surprised, hiding from you has no advantages
Standing up & running jump = 5 ft, climbing is normal speed
After Dash, bonus to make weapon att/shove. Bonus damage/distance
Ignore loading, no disadv if w/in 5 ft of enemy, bonus to shoot w/ hand cross after attack
Reaction to add prof bonus to AC if hit while holding finesse weapon
Dual wield non-light weapons. Draw/stow 2 weapons, +1 AC if holding 2 weapons
Adv to detect secret doors, adv on saves vs traps, resist trap dmg, search at normal pace
Hit Dice heal at least 2x Con mod
Spells ignore damage of a type, dice roll at least 2
Adv against creatures you are grappling, can restrain enemy & yourself.
Extra attack as bonus after hit or reducing enemy to 0HP. Can take -5 to att but +10 dmg
Healer's kit used to stabilize heal 1 HP. Use healer's kit to heal HP
Heavy armor proficiency
-3 bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
Can give allies Temp HP
Int +1, always know north, time, recall anything seen/heard w/in last month
light armor proficiency
3 languages, create written ciphers
Spend luck points to roll an extra d20 on att roll, ab check, save or att roll against you
Reaction to attack spellcaster, spellcasters disadv concentration save, adv vs spells
Two cantrips and 1st-level spell from a spell list. The spell can be cast w/out slot 1/day
You learn two (extra) maneuvers from Battle Master. You get 1 (extra) superiority die (d6
Medium armor doesn't impose disadvantage on stealth. Can add max +3 Dex to AC
Higher speed, no difficult terrain if dashing, provoke no opp. attacks if you attack someon
Proficiency with medium armor and shields
Adv vs unmounted, force att. to hit you instead of mount, mount makes better dex saves
lipreading, +5 to passive perception & passive investigationL
Bonus attack with polearms, can make opp attack if creatuers enter your reach
Become proficient in saves of chosen score
2 1st-level rituals and a spellbook which you can copy rituals into
1/turn when you make a melee attack, reroll damage dice, use either total
Enemies hit by opportunity attack can't move, disengage doesn't work against you
Long range isn't disadv. Ranged attacks ignore half/thre quarters cover, can hit harder
Bonus to shove, add AC to dex save, make better dex saves
Get a combination of 3 tool/skill proficiencies
Hide if lightly obscured, missing while hidden doesn't reveal location, see better in Dim li
Spell range doubled, ignore half/3-quarter cover, learn one cantrip
Prof in improvised weapons. Unarmed strike = d4, bonus to grapple
HP max increases with 2x level, +2 HP on level up
adv on concentration save, somatic components w/ weapon/shield, cast spell on opp att
proficient in combinaiton of 4 martial/simple weapons
Use reaction to let an ally within 30 feet reroll a 1
Frighten enemies instead of breath weapon
Unarmored AC = 13+Dex, 1d4 Slashing unarmed strikes
Detect Magic at will, Leviate & Dispel Magic 1/day
Expend hit dice while dodging to heal
When you have adv on attacks using dex/int/wis/cha reroll one of the dice
After taking damage, Reaction to become invisible
Sylvan, Misty Step 1/short
Reroll 1s on fire damage spells, wreathe yourself in fire after fire spells
Resist cold & poison damage, adv on saves against being poisoned
Roll extra die on weapon attacks 1/short. react to att after relentless endurance
1 skill, tool, & language. Expertise in one skill.
If hit, reaction to force creature to reroll. 1/combat
speed +5, Proficiency in acrobatics/athletics, adv to escape grapples
1 druid cantrip, Longstrider & Pass without Trace 1/day
Sorcerer cantrip & spell. Potential to heal or deal damage. Flaw.
Intuitition die d6, ability score +1, spells without spell slots
Nondetection at will at self, 3 other spells 1/day
Double-bladed scimitar has finesse & +1 AC
Restrictions Stat Increase +1 Can be chosen multiple times Source
- Cha No PHB p. 165
- - No PHB p. 165
- Str or Dex No PHB p. 165
- - No PHB p. 165
- - No PHB p. 165
Dex 13 of higher - No PHB p. 165
- - No PHB p. 165
- - No PHB p. 166
- Con No PHB p. 166
Ability to cast at least one spell - Yes PHB p. 166
Str 13 or higher - No PHB p. 167
- - No PHB p. 167
- - No PHB p. 167
Medium armor proficiency Str No PHB p. 167
Heavy armor proficiency Str No PHB p.167
Cha 13 or higher - No PHB p. 167
- Int No PHB p. 167
- Str or Dex No PHB p. 167
- Int No PHB p. 167
- - No PHB p. 167
- - No PHB p. 168
- - No PHB p. 168
- - No PHB p. 168
Medium armor proficiency - No PHB p. 168
- - No PHB p. 168
Light armor proficiency Str or Dex No PHB p. 168
- - No PHB p.168
- Int or Wis No PHB p. 168
- - No PHB p. 168
- Any one score No PHB p.168
Int or Wis 13 or higher - No PHB p. 169
- - No PHB p. 169
- - No PHB p. 169
- - No PHB p. 170
- - No PHB p. 170
- - No PHB p.170
Dex 13 of higher - No PHB p.170
Ability to cast at least one spell - No PHB p. 170
- Str or Con No PHB p. 170
- - No PHB p. 170
Ability to cast at least one spell - No PHB p. 170
- Str or Dex No PHB p. 170
Halfling - No XGtE p. 73
Dragonborn Str, Con or Cha No XGtE p. 74
Dragonborn Str, Con or Cha No XGtE p. 74
Drow - No XGtE p. 74
Dwarf Con No XGtE p. 74
Elf or half-elf Dex, Int or Wis No XGtE p. 74
Gnome Dex or Int No XGtE p. 74
High elf Int or Cha No XGtE p. 74
Tiefling Int or Cha No XGtE p. 74
Tiefling Con No XGtE p. 75
Half-orc Str or Con No XGtE p. 75
Half-elf, half-orc, or human - No XGtE p. 75
Halfling Dex, Con or Cha No XGtE p. 75
Dwarf or a Small race Str or Dex No XGtE p. 75
Wood elf - No XGtE p. 75
No other dragonmark Con No ERLW p. 53
Level 8, a dragonmark from WGE - No WGE p. 110
Deep gnome - No SCAG p.115/MToF
Elf Str or Dex No ERLW p. 23
WGE p. 112 has a different version.

These 3 versions are identical

Name Date
Subclasses Revisited ###
Psionic Options Revisited ###
Spells and Magic Tattoos ###
Subclasses, Part 3 ###
Subclasses, Part 2 ###
Subclasses, Part 1 ###
Fighter, Rogue, and Wizard ###
Class Feature Variants ###
Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue ###
Cleric, Druid, and Wizard ###
Bard and Paladin ###
Sorcerer and Warlock ###
Barbarian and Monk ###
The Artificer Returns ###
The Artificer Revisited ###
Sidekicks ###
Of Ships and the Sea ###
Magic Items of Eberron ###
Dragonmarks ###
Races of Ravnica ###
Plane Shift: Dominaria ###
Races of Eberron ###
Giant Soul Sorcerer ###
Centaurs and Minotaurs ###
Order Domain ###
Into the Wild ###
Plane Shift: Ixalan ###
Three Subclasses ###
Elf Subraces ###
Fiendish Options ###
Race Options: Eladrin and Gith ###
Three-Pillar Experience ###
Greyhawk Initiative ###
Plane shift: Amonkhet ###
Revised Class Options ###
Revised Subclasses ###
Feats for Races ###
Feats for Skills ###
Downtime ###
Starter Spells ###
A Trio of Subclasses ###
Wizard Revisited ###
The Mystic Class ###
Plane shift: Kaladesh ###
Traps Revisited ###
Mass Combat ###
Warlock and Wizard ###
Sorcerer ###
Ranger and Rogue ###
Artificer ###
Paladin: Sacred Oaths ###
Monk: Monastic Traditions ###
Fighter: Martial Archetypes ###
Druid Circles and Wild Shape ###
Cleric: Divine Domains ###
Bard: Bard Colleges ###
Barbarian Primal Paths ###
Encounter Building ###
The Ranger, Revised ###
The Faithful ###
Quick Characters ###
Plane Shift: Innistrad ###
Feats ###
Plane Shift: Zendikar ###
Gothic Heroes ###
Kits of Old ###
That Old Black Magic ###
Light, Dark, Underdark! ###
Prestige Classes and Rune Magic ###
Ranger ###
Modern Magic ###
Awakened Mystic ###
Variant Rules ###
Unearthed Arcana: Waterborne Ad ###
Modifying Classes ###
Unearthed Arcana: When Armies C ###
Unearthed Arcana: Eberron ###
Contents Added to sheets
Rogue, Warlock and Wizard subclass Yes
Psionic spells, feats & Fighter, Rogue, and sorcerer Subclass Yes
Mainly summoning spells and a new type of magic items: Tattoos No
Artificer, druid and ranger subclass. Artificer Infusions Yes
Bard, Cleric, and Sorcerer subclass Yes
Barbarian, Monk, Paladin & Warlock Subclass Yes
Psionic spells, feats & Fighter, Rogue and Wizard Subclass Yes
Changes to existing features and the ability to swap out features with other ones No
Fighter, Ranger and Rogue Subclass Yes
Cleric, Druid and Wizard Subclass Yes
Bard and Paladin Subclass Yes
Sorcerer and Warlock Subclass and one cantrip. Yes
Barbarian and Monk Subclass Yes
The artificer class has been updated again No
The artificer class has been updated No
This contains rules to give npcs/pets the Sidekick class No
Rules for adventuring on ships, maitining crews, ship stat blocks etc. No
Arcane foci, magic items and magic items for warforged. No
Dragonmarks are mysterious sigils that replace Subraces. They are race specific No
Loxodon, Simic Hybrid, Vedalkan, and Viashino Races Yes
Races, monsters & lore related to MtG world Dominaria Yes
Changeling, Kalashtar, Shifter and Warforged races No
A Sorcerer subclass Yes
A Centaur and Minotaur race. Both have been added to GGtR No
A cleric domain. This has been added to GGtR No
Some rules about navigating and exploring No
Races, monsters & lore realted to MtG world Ixalan Yes
A Druid, Fighter and Wizard subclass Yes
Four elf subraces, Avariel, Grugach, Sea elf & Shadar-Kai Yes
Tiefling variations & Demonic Boons. Both have been added to MToF No
An elf subrace and a new race with two subraces. Both are added to MToF No
Different rules for adventuring & gaining experience No
Alternate rules for using initiative No
Backgrounds, Races, subclasses, monsters and lore related to MtG world Amonkhet Yes
Races, lore and monsters related to MtG world Kaladesh Yes
Race, background, monsters and lore related to MtG world Innistrad. Adaption CoS Yes
Races, monsters and lore realted to MtG world Zendikar Yes
Contains non-classes/non-races Link
No https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020_SubclassesRevisited_051
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020_PsionicOptions.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020-SpellsTattoos.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020-Subclasses03_0224.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020_02_06_Subclasses2.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020-Subclasses01.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-PsychicSoulPsionics.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-ClassFeatures.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-RuneSwarmRevived.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-TwilightFireNames.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-EloquentHeroics.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-AberrantLurk.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-WildAstral.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-Artificer2-2019.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-Artificer-2019.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_Sidekicks.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_ShipsSea.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_Magic_Items_of_Eberron.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_Dragonmarks.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_RavnicaRaces.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/downloads/magic/Plane_Shift_Dominaria.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/723UA_EberronRaces7232018.pd
No https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_GiantSoul.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA-Centaur.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_OrderDomain.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA_IntoTheWild.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2018/downloads/magic/plane-shift_ixalan.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/UA-3Subclasses0108.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA-ElfSubraces.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA_FiendishOptions.pdf
No https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA-Eladrin-Gith.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA-ThreePillarXP.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UAGreyhawkInitiative.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2017/downloads/magic/plane-shift_amonkhet.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2017/downloads/magic/Plane-Shift_Kaladesh.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/Plane_Shift_Innistrad.pdf
Yes https://media.wizards.com/2016/downloads/magic/Plane%20Shift%20Zendikar.pdf
Rework of The Noble Genie, The Revived and The Archivist (as wizard)
Revision of Aberrant Soul Sorc, Psychic Warrior Fighter and Soulknife rogue. Also contains revision from spells found in
The Noble Genie is Revisited as The Genie in Subclasses Revisited
The Wizard and some spells have been abandoned as of Psionic Options Revisited wherein the rest has been changed.
The revived has been reworked as the Phantom in Subclasses Revisited
The school of Onomancy has been abandoned.
The Mind Sliver cantrip has been revisited in Fighter, Rogue and Wizard. The Abberant Mind Sorcerer has been revisited
Released in?
Released in?
This has been published in GoS
These magic items have been released in ERLW
Dragonmarks have been officially released in ERLW
The Loxodon, Simic Hybrid, and Vedalkan have been added to GGR
These have all been added to WFG
The Spore druid has been added to GGtR
Sea elves & shadar-kai have been added to MToF
From this one onward I will add no more races/subclasses to the list. Xanathar's Guide to Everything released after this
The Mystic has been abandoned as of Psionic Options Revisited
our, power, or fun. The exception is Plane Shift material
Path of the Beast
Path of the Wild Soul
College of Creation
College of Eloquence
Ambition Domain
Solidarity Domain
Strength Domain
Twilight Domain
Unity Domain
Zeal Domain
Circle of Stars
Circle of Wildfire
Psi Knight
Rune Knight
Way of the Astral Self
Way of Mercy
Oath of Heroism
Oath of the Watchers
Fey Wanderer
Clockwork Soul
Giant Soul Sorcerer
Psionic Soul
The Genie
The Lurker in the Deep
Order of Scribes
School of Invention
A magic tinkerer
Creates and wears magical power armor
Fighter that goes into a battlerage
Carry within them some bestial force, taking on bestial shapes while raging.
Wild magic suffuses their bodies which bursts out when they rage.
Uses musical magic to influence/help/control people
Use the Song of Creation to summon items and animate objects.
Use words, speeches and arguments to influence people magically
Priests/followers of a god/ideology
Believe that achieving your goals at expense of others isn't shameful. Use illusions etc.
Aid your allies in combat and heal them when they are wounded
Strength is one of the paths to the afterlife
This domain is about transition of light into darkness, between safety and danger.
Believers of community and friendship, creates bonds between people
Believe in showing your devotion through their actions
Nature and elemental magic & animal shape shifting
These druids use the stars to divine and can take on a starry appearance
Wildfire druids form a bond with a wildfire spirit and they believe that destruction will bring new
Masters of weapons and experts of combat
You hit hard and are hard to kill
Warriors who control the battlefield using their telekinetic powers
You use the giant craft of rune smithing to enchant weapons/armor
Martial artists, masters of their body and soul
Their Ki forms as a humanoid projection which they can summon in combat
Manipulators of life and death. Can give life but also take it away.
Fighters of justice and holy quests there to smite evil
You were included into a god's plans and you accepted this heroic destiny
Protectors against extraplanar creatures. They are alert and sharpen their and their allies mi
Scouts, hunters, and wanderers of the wilds that use some nature magic
Guardians of the border of the Feywild and the Material World, use mind altering powers
Rangers that are accompanied by a large swarm of fey spirits in the shape of animals.
People of stealth and intrigue. They gain a sneak attack that deals extra damage and can act
You have a mystical connection to death. Use the dead in battle and use them for informatio
They can manifest psychic blades which they can use to mentally scar foes and teleport.
Mages that were born with their magical powers. Can modify their spelld
You get your powers from Mechanus. Your powers allow you to make things more balanced
Ancestors of yours have gotten powers from the giants of ages past
Your psyshic powers allow you to enhance your magical abilities
Your fiery spells burn hotter than others, your expertise grants you resistance to the heat of
Made a pact with a powerful being. Few but strong spells, lot of customization
You made a pact with a noble genie. You gain a genie's vessel which you can enter
Your patron lurks in the depths of the oceans and allows you to summon their tentacles
Folk who got their magical prowess through study and dedication. Can cast most spells
The magic of true names. You use the true names to make your spells more effective
You create a sentient spellbook and have the ability to create spell scrolls
These mages experiment greatly with magic to cast and alter spells
Casting Progression Range Role Important Stats
3rd level Range Utility/Control? Int, Dex?
- Either Tank/Control/Utility Int
None Melee Damage/Tank Str, Con
- Melee Damage Con
Detect magic & Random magical effectMelee Utility/Damage Con
1st level Either Utility/social/support/controlCha, Dex
- Either Utility/Control -
Calm Emotions without slots Either Social/Support Cha
1st level Either Tank/Support Wis, Str/Con
- Either Ut/Con Wis
- Mellee Support Wis
One cantrip Mellee Tank/Utility -
- Mellee Control/Utility Wis
- Ranged Tank Wis
- Melee Damage Wis
1st level Either Tank/Control Wis, Con
- Ranged Utility/Support Wis
Cantrip and spells Either Damage/Support Wis
- Either Damage/Tank Str/Dex, Con
- Either Damage/Tank Con
Telekenesis Either Tank/Control Int
- Either Utility/Tank Int
- Melee Damage/Utility Dex, Wis
- Damage/Tank Wis (No dex)
- Melee Support/Damage Wis
2nd level Melee Tank/Damage Str, Cha
- Melee Dmg/Tank? Cha
- Melee Utility/Control Cha
2nd level Either Damage/Social Dex/Str, Wis
- Either Damage/Social Wis
a cantrip and some spells Either Control/Damage Wis
- Either Utility/Social Dex, Cha
- Either Utility/Damage Dex
- Either Damage/Control Int
1st level Ranged Damage/Social Cha, Con
- Ranged Support/Tank Cha
Extra spells & cantrips Either Tank/Control Con
Extra divination/enchantment Either Utility/Control Cha
- Melee Damage/Tank -
1st Either Damage/Control Cha, Con
- Either Utility Cha
- Either Control/Tank Cha
1st Ranged Utility/Control/Support Intelligence, Consti
Bane & Bless Ranged Utility/Social Int
- Ranged Utility -
- Either Utility/Damage -
Source Additional Notes
Subclasses, Part 3
PHB p.
Subclasses, Part 1
Barbarian and Monk
Subclasses, Part 2
Bard and Paladin
Plane shift: Amonkhet
Plane shift: Amonkhet
Plane shift: Amonkhet
Cleric, Druid, and Wizard
Subclasses, Part 2
Plane shift: Amonkhet
Subclasses, Part 3
Cleric, Druid, and Wizard
Three Subclasses
Psionic Options Revisited
Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue
Barbarian and Monk
Subclasses, Part 1
Bard and Paladin
Subclasses, Part 1
PHB I reccomend UA revised ranger instead of the normal class
Subclasses, Part 3
Fighter, Ranger, and Rogue
Subclasses Revisited Was previously called the Revived
Psionic Options Revisited
Subclasses, Part 2
Giant Soul Sorcerer
Psionic Options Revisited
Plane Shift: Kaladesh
PHB Additional invocations on XGtE p. 56
Subclasses Revisited Was previously called The Noble Genie
Sorcerer and Warlock
Cleric, Druid, and Wizard This subclass will never be released as official material.
Subclasses Revisited Was previously called the Archivist
Three Subclasses
Race/Subrace Description
Aetherborn Humanoids formed from the aether that live just a few years
Aven Humanoids with birdlike wigns and heads
Ibis-Headed Aven Intelligent, cunning, spellcasters
Hawk-Headed Aven Long-range combatants
Kaladesh Dwarf Expert craftsmen of aether infused technologies
Avariel Winged elves
Grugach Very primal elves that live isolated in forests
Tajuru Nation Wide spread and adaptive
Joraga Nation Noomads No respect of others. Only care about own nation's survival
Mul Daya Nation Relationship with spirits and dead. Are tattood
Vahadar Elf City dwelling but garden loving elves
Goblin (Ixalan) Ape like humanoids who like pranks
Goblin (Zendikar) Small cowardly reptilian race
Grotag Tribe (Zendikar) Smaller and weaker but sometimes try to tame animals
Lavastep Tribe (Zendikar) Most warlike, build structures of crystal shards and weird metals
Tuktuk Tribe (Zendikar) More cunning, sometimes act as guides
Humans from Innistrad Humans in Innistrad differ because of their province of origin
Gavony Most well-rounded
Kessig Hard labourers. Self-reliant & pragmatic
Nephalia Most normal living of the humans
Stensia Live close to vampires and are thus cold to outsiders
Keldon Self-reliant and tough humans from frozen places
Khenra Jackalheaded humanoids born as twins
Kor Nomadic folk that use ropes and hooks
Merfolk Tall multicoloured bipedal fishpeople
Green Merfolk Rainforest dwelling
Blue Merfolk Dwell mostly in shallow water
Emeria (Wind) Creed Seek wisdom and truth, are enigmatic and evasive
Ula (Water) Creed Prefer evidence and reason over passion. Scholarly.
Cosi Creed Follow the creed of the trickster.
Minotaur (Amonkhet) Ram headed humanoids that love combat
Naga Snakes with humanoid torsos, beleive in harmony of body and mind
Siren Sea bird humanoids who quickly switch between emotions
Vampire Aristocratic vampires that only feed on outsiders
Ixalan Native to Ixalan setting
Zendikar Native to Zendikar setting
Vedalken (Kaladesh) Entousiastic inventors that believe and love that nothing is perfect
Viashino Zealous and emotive Lizardlike people
Notable Features Stat Increase
Necrotic resistance, intimidation, 2 languaes, darkvision Cha +2, 2 other stat +1
Flying speed (30) Dex +2
Jack of all trades for Intelligence Int +1
Attacking at long range is not disadvantage Wis +2
Poison resistance, weapon & tool proficiency Con +2
HP +1/level, artisan's tools prof, different stonecunning Wis +1
Difficult to charm and to put asleep Dex + 2
Flying speed (30) -
Weapon training, druid cantrip, Sylvan (no common) Str +1
Combination of two skill or tool proficiencies Wis +2, Cha +1
Wood elves but +2 Wis and +1 Dex Wis +2, Dex +1
Chill touch, Hex(3rd), Darkness(5th). Superior darkvision. Wis +2, Str +1
Druid cantrip, extra language, elf weapon training Wis +1
Darkvision, Climbing Speed Dex +2
Resistance to acid & fire. AC = 11 + Dex, darkvision Con +2
Animal Handling proficiency -
Adv on Stealth to hide in rocky/subterranean environments -
Thieves' tools proficiency -
1 extra language -
All stats increase by 1 All stats +1
Fast, when attacking enemies don't provoke opp attacks Dex +1, Wis +1
Proficiency in combination of four skills and tools Int +1, Cha +1
HP +2/level. Intimidation proficiency Str +1, Con +1
Athletics & Strength Save proficiency. Adapted to cold climates Str +2, Con +1
Fast, weapon training, benefits related to your twin Dex +2, Str +1
Lucky, Brave, athletics & acrobatics proficiency Dex +2, Wis +1
Amphibious, swimming speed, 2 languages Cha +1
Mask of the wild, druid cantrip Wis +2
Wizard cantrip, History & Nature proficiency Int +2
Druid cantrip. Deception & Persuasion profiiency Wis +2
Wizard Cantrip. Navigator's tools & Survival proficiency Int +2
Bard cantrip. Sleight of Hand & Stealth proficiency Cha +1, Int +1
Basically Half-Orc with horn attack Str +2, Con +1
Poisonous bite, constricint body, poison immune Con +2, Int +1
Flying speed, Friends cantrip Cha +2
Necrotic resistance, can drink blood which heals Cha +2
After feeding become faster and stronger Wis +1
Humanoid killed with Bloodthirst become Null Int +1
Adv on wis int, wish and cha saves, stonecunning on technology Int +2, Wis +1
Proficiencies, bite & tail attack Dex +2, Str +1
Source Notes
Plane Shift: Kaladesh
Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Plane Shift: Amonkhet/Plane Shift: Dominaria
Plane Shift: Kaladesh The stonecunnign & weapon proficiencies are removed
Elf Subraces
Elf Subraces
Plane Shift: Zendikar ASI is replaced
Plane Shift: Zendikar ASI is replaced
Plane Shift: Zendikar ASI is replaced
Plane Shift: Kaladesh
Plane Shift: Ixalan
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Innistrad
Plane Shift: Innistrad
Plane Shift: Innistrad
Plane Shift: Innistrad
Plane Shift: Innistrad
Plane Shift: Dominaria
Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Ixalan
Plane Shift: Ixalan
Plane Shift: Ixalan
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Plane Shift: Amonkhet
Plane Shift: Ixalan
Plane Shift: Ixalan/Zendikar
Plane Shift: Ixalan
Plane Shift: Zendikar
Plane Shift: Kaladesh
Races of Ravnica All other races in this document have been added to GGR
Name Description Skill Proficiencies
Dissenter An initiate or vizier that rejects the path to the afterlife -
Initiate An initiate on the path of completing the trial of the go Athletics & Intimidation
Vizier Servant for your god, they facilitate initiates' journey History & Religion
Inquisitor Detectives into mundane & supernatural crimes Investigation & Religion
Tools/Languages Feature
- You can find a place to hide and rest among other dissenters
1 gaming set & vehicles (land) As long as you train for the afterlife you're provided with food and lodg
1 artisan's tools & 1 instrument Initiates are required to obey you
Thieves' tools & 1 artisan's tool Authority to arrest criminals, occasionally authorised to pass judgeme
Source Variants Notes
Plane Shift: Amonkhet - This feature replaces the Vizier or Initiate feature
Plane Shift: Amonkhet - -
Plane Shift: Amonkhet - -
Plane Shift: Innistrad - -
nitiate feature
Name Description
Metabolic Control You have refined psionic control over your body
Quicksmithing You're able to quickly piece together small inventions
Servo Crafting You're able to create a robotic personal assistant
Telekinetic Able to move things with your mind
Telepathic Can mentally connect to others
Tower of Iron Will Use your mental defenses to save yourself and others
Vampiric ExultationYou can turn yourself partially into a mist to fly aroun
Wild Talent Unlocked psionic powers
Use Psionic Talent to forego eating, or to take a short rest
Can create tiny clockwork devices and inventions that replicate ritual spells
You create a robotic Familiar, which you can look and speak through and attack wit
Manipulate objects from a distance or shove people.
Speak telepahtically to creatures. Read thoughts
Add Psionic Talent to saving throws of yourself and others
Fly by partially turning into a black vapor
Use Psionic Talent to enhance ability checks & attacks that use the increased ability
Restrictions Stat Increase +1 Can be chosen multiple times
Psionic Talent feature or Wild Talent featStr, Dex, or Con No
Int 13 or higher - No
Int 13 or higher - No
Psionic Talent feature or Wild Talent featInt, Wis, or Cha No
Psionic Talent feature or Wild Talent featInt, Wis, or Cha No
Psionic Talent feature or Wild Talent feat- No
Vampire (Ixalan) - No
Psionic Talent feature or Wild Talent featAny No
Source Notes
Psionic Options Revisited -
Plane Shift: Kaladesh -
Plane Shift: Kaladesh -
Psionic Options Revisited -
Psionic Options Revisited -
Psionic Options Revisited -
Plane Shift: Ixalan -
Psionic Options Revisited

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