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IS 10322-5-2 (2012): Luminaires, Part 5: Particular

Requirements, Section 2: Recessed Luminaires [ETD 24:
Illumination Engineering and Luminaries]

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IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2012

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Indian Standard
Section 2 Recessed Luminaires

( First Revision )

ICS 29.140.40

© BIS 2012
NEW DELHI 110002

March 2012 Price Group 2

Illumination Engineering and Luminaires Sectional Committee, ETD 24

This Indian Standard (Part 5/Sec 2) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Illumination Engineering and Luminaires Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Electrotechnical Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1985. This revision has been undertaken primarily to align the existing
standard with latest International Standard.
This standard covers the requirements of Recessed Luminaires. This standard covers the safety and photometric
This standard is one among the series of Indian Standards which deals with luminaires. This series consists of the
following Parts and Sections:
Part 1 General requirements
Part 5 Particular requirements
Section 1 Fixed general purpose luminaires
Section 3 Luminaires for road and street lighting
Section 4 Portable general purpose luminaires
Section 5 Flood lights
Section 6 Handlamps
Section 7 Lighting chains
Section 8 Luminaires for emergency lighting
Annex A is for information only.
This standard is to be read in conjunction with IS 10322 (Part 1) : 2010 ‘Luminaires : Part 1 General requirements’.
For the sake of convenience, the clauses of this standard correspond to those of IS 10322 (Part 1), instead of
reproducing full text of each clause; reference to relevant clauses of IS 10322 (Part 1) has been given.
This standard is based on IEC 60598-2-2 : 1997 ‘Luminaires — Part 2: Particular requirements, Section 2 Recessed
luminaires’ issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) except for the following deviations:
Photometric requirements have been incorporated.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules
for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2012

Indian Standard
Section 2 Recessed Luminaires

( First Revision )
This standard (Part 5/Sec 2) specifies requirements for Luminaires shall be classified in accordance with the
recessed luminaires for use with tungsten filament, provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 2).
tubular fluorescent, LED, LED modules and other
discharge lamps on supply voltage not exceeding 6 MARKING
1 000 V. This standard does not cover air-handing The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 3) shall apply,
luminaires. This standard does not apply to air-handling together with the following additional markings
or liquid-cooled luminaires. It is to be read in requirements.
conjunction with those Sections of Part 1 to which
reference is made.
6.1 Insulating Ceiling F Mark, Symbol F
The standards listed below contain provisions which, Recessed luminaire suitable for mounting in normally
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of flammable surfaces where thermal insulating material
this standard. At the time of publications the editions may cover the luminaire.
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
All recessed luminaires not marked with the
revision and parties to agreements based on this
standards are encouraged to investigate the possibility F
symbol shall have a warning notice on an
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
listed below. attached label or given in the manufacturer’s instruction
IS No. Title leaflet supplied with the luminaire, that the luminaire
shall, under no circumstances, be covered with
694 : 1990 PVC insulated cables for working
insulating matting or similar material.
voltages up to and including 1 100 V
9968 (Part 1) : Elastomer insulated cables: Part 1 6.2 BIS Certification Marking
1988 For working voltages up to and
including 1 100 V The luminaries may also be marked with the Standard
10322 (Part 1) : Luminaires: Part 1 General require- Mark.
2010 ments and tests (first revision) 6.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the
13383 (Part 1) : Photometry of luminaires — Method provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986
1992 of measurement: Part 1 Luminaires and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
for use in interior lighting details of conditions under which the licence for use
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given Indian Standards.
in IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 1) shall apply.
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 4) shall apply
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 0) shall apply. except that for recessed parts the impact energy and
The tests described in each appropriate section of spring compression required for the test specified in 4.13
IS 10322 (Part 1) shall be carried out in the order listed of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 4) shall be as given in Table 1.
in IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec 2).
A procedure measuring ambient temperature in an
installation is given in Annex A. The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 11) shall apply.

IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2012

Table 1 Impact Energy and Spring Compression 12 PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTRIC

(Clause 7) SHOCK
Sl Part to be Tested Impact Compression The parts of the luminaire and components within the
No. Energy ceiling space or cavity shall provide the same degree
Nm mm of protection against electric shock as the luminaire
(1) (2) (3) (4)
parts below the ceiling space.
i) Parts (other than ceramic) providing 0.35 17
NOTE — The ceiling space or cavity is regarded as accessible
protection against electric shock
for installation and maintenance, and the barriers do not provide
ii) Ceramic parts and all other parts of 0.20 13 adequate protection against electric shock.
the luminaires
Compliance is checked by inspection.
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 7) shall apply. TESTS

10 TERMINALS The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 12) shall apply

along with the requirements given in 13.1.
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 14 and 15) shall
apply. 13.1 Wiring, for connection to the supply, which
passes into or can touch the luminaire, shall not reach
11 EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL WIRING unsafe temperature.
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 5) shall apply. Compliance shall be checked by the following tests:
Flexible cables or cords used as a means of connection The luminaire is connected to the supply using the cable
to the supply, when supplied by the luminaire provided with the luminaire or using a cable in
manufacturer, shall be at least equal in their mechanical accordance with the marking on the luminaire or, if
and electrical properties to those specified in IS 694 or not marked, as specified in the manufacturer’s
IS 9968 (Part 1) and shall be capable of withstanding instruction sheet; otherwise PVC cable complying with
without deterioration the highest temperature to which IS 694 is used.
they may be exposed under normal conditions of use.
The hottest point is found (along the internal route or
Materials other than PVC and rubber are suitable, if
on the outer surface of the luminaire) with which the
the above requirements are met, but in this instance
cable is likely to lie in contact during normal service.
the particular specifications of the above standards do
The cable is lightly held in contact at this point and the
not apply.
temperature of the insulation at the point of contact is
Compliance shall be checked by the tests specified measured as described in Annex F of IS 10322 (Part 1).
in 13.
The operating temperature of the cable shall not exceed
NOTE — The use of flexible cables and cords with recessed the limits given in Table 2.
luminaires is appropriate for the following reasons:
a) The flexible cable or cord cannot be easily touched as it is Luminaires with an IP classification greater than IP20
out of reach within the recess; shall be subjected to the relevant tests of 12.4, 12.5
b) To facilitate installation of the luminaire into the recess; and 12.6 of IS 10322 (Part 1/Sec 12) after the test(s)
and of 9.2 but before the test(s) of 9.3 of IS 10322 (Part 1/
c) To permit the adjustment of adjustable recessed luminaires.
Sec 9) specified in 14.

Table 2 Operating Temperature of Cable

(Clause 13.1)

Sl Designation of Cable Limit of Operating Temperature

(1) (2) (3)
i) Cable (including sleeves) provided with the luminaire The maximum temperature specified in Table 12.2 of IS 10322 (Part 1)
ii) Cable not provided with the luminaire:
a) luminaires with cable temperature marking The marked temperature
b) luminaires without cable temperature marking The maximum temperature specified in Table 12.2 of IS 10322 (Part 1)
for ordinary PVC not subject to mechanical stress

IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2012


The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/ Sec 9) shall apply.
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/ Sec 13) shall apply.
For luminaires with an IP classification greater than
IP20 the order of the tests specified in IS 10322 (Part 1/ 17 PHOTOMETRIC TEST
Sec 9) shall be as specified in 13. The photometric performance shall be determined by
the test method given in IS 13383 (Part 1). The general
guidance regarding the photometric data to be provided
by the manufacturers of the luminaire is given in
The provisions of IS 10322 (Part 1/ Sec 10) shall apply. Annex B.

(Clause 4)

A-1 Considerable care is needed in deciding whether temperatures of recessed luminaires is intended to
a recessed luminaire is operating within its thermal represent the most onerous closed recess (without other
limits in an existing lighting installation. It is even more heat source) which is likely to be experienced in
difficult to predict whether a luminaire will be service. A recessed luminaire should not be installed
satisfactory in a proposed installation and a mock-up in a cavity with a volume smaller than that of the test
is usually required. In the past, there have been recess, unless the manufacturer of the luminaire has
instances of overheating of luminaires, for example, verified that operation will be satisfactory.
overheating owing to the presence of heating services
The test recess may also approximate to the thermal
above the ceiling plane.
conditions above a suspended ceiling, if the larger air
A-2 The following procedure is for measuring the volume is offset by heat-emitting services. In a
ambient temperature in which the luminaire operate. particular installation more onerous thermal conditions
The ta rating of the luminaire should be at least equal than this may exist and it is, therefore, essential to carry
to this ambient temperature. The ambient temperature out a practical check. Conversely, the space above the
is measured in the plane of the ceiling (or other ceiling may have free air movement and no heat-
mounting surface) at the mid-point of a typical cavity. emitting services; for such an installation the ta rating
It is important that all other luminaires in the of the luminaire as determined in the test recess
installation and all other services which may affect the incorporates a temperature margin and the ta rating may
thermal conditions of the luminaire are operating. The be exceeded, if the manufacturer of the luminaire has
cavity is covered above the measuring point to prevent verified that operation in the particular installation will
a non-typical interchange of air and so that the cover be satisfactory.
may absorb extraneous heat which would be absorbed
A-4 During tests to determine or check ta rating for a
by the luminaire.
luminaire, measurements of ambient temperature are
NOTE — It may be convenient to insert for this purpose the made inside the draught-proof enclosure and outside
shell of the luminaire.
the test recess in accordance with Annex F of IS 10322
A-3 The test recess used to measure operating (Part 1).

IS 10322 (Part 5/Sec 2) : 2012

(Clause 17)
B-1 Light distribution data is required for the purpose c) Upward light output ratio; and
of, d) Downward light output ratio.
a) assessing the photometric performance of the NOTE — Results should be expressed for 1 000 lamp lumens
lighting equipment; and and relate to the standard test conditions.
b) designing lighting installations on a factual B-2.1 The above data shall be stated for the condition
basis. when a clean luminaire is equipped with a lamp (or
B-2 Some or all of the following items of information lamps) with its (their) light centre(s) in the correct
shall be provided by the manufacturer of the luminaire: normal position(s) and each having a luminous output
equal to the average luminous output throughout the
a) Luminous intensity diagrams in the vertical life of such lamps, this reference value for luminous
places C = 0° and C = 90° of the reference output will be taken therefrom or a correction factor
coordinate system as indicated in Fig. 1; provided for adjusting the data accordingly, if it has
b) Light output ratio; been prepared for a lamp output other than that


Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: ETD 24 (5994).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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