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Round Table

Mental and social health during and after acute emergencies:

emerging consensus?
Mark van Ommeren,1 Shekhar Saxena,2 & Benedetto Saraceno3

Abstract Mental health care programmes during and after acute emergencies in resource-poor countries have been considered
controversial. There is no agreement on the public health value of the post-traumatic stress disorder concept and no agreement on
the appropriateness of vertical (separate) trauma-focused services. A range of social and mental health intervention strategies and
principles seem, however, to have the broad support of expert opinion. Despite continuing debate, there is emerging agreement on
what entails good public health practice in respect of mental health. In terms of early interventions, this agreement is exemplified by
the recent inclusion of a “mental and social aspects of health” standard in the Sphere handbook’s revision on minimal standards
in disaster response. This affirmation of emerging agreement is important and should give clear messages to health planners.

Keywords Stress disorders, Post-traumatic/psychology/therapy; Mental health services/organization and administration; Social
adjustment; Adaptation, Psychological; Emergency services, Psychiatric; Trauma centers (source MeSH, NLM).
Mots clés Etat stress, Post-traumatique/psychologie/thérapeutique; Service santé mentale/organisation et administration; Adaptation
sociale; Adaptation psychologique; Service urgences psychiatriques; Service traumatologie (source: MeSH, INSERM).
Palabras clave Estrés postraumático/psicología/terapia; Servicios de salud mental/organización y administración; Ajuste social;
Adaptación psicológica; Servicios de urgencia psiquiátrica; Centros traumatológicos (fuente: DeCS, BIREME).

Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2005;83:71-76.

Voir page 74 le résumé en français. En la página 74 figura un resumen en español. .74

Recent literature records a discussion about the concepts, values — have little evidence of effectiveness, and their indiscrimi-
and appropriateness of mental health interventions to reduce nate application can be harmful (12–14). Following disasters
the burden of war and other disasters in resource-poor countries in resource-poor countries, foreign clinicians often arrive to pro-
(1–9). The post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) construct and mote PTSD case-finding and trauma-focused treatment (6)
trauma-focused services are the focus of controversy. Results in the absence of a system-wide public health approach that
from epidemiological studies suggest that this disorder is preva- considers pre-existing human and community resources, social
lent (10) and, at least in the USA, disabling (11). A vocal group interventions, and care for people with pre-existing mental
of observers, however, sees PTSD as a pseudocondition with disorders.
no relevant burden — especially in non-western, traditional The controversy is compounded by the recent develop-
societies (1, 6, 8). While these critics point to medicalization of ment of a new field — introduced by international organizations
normal distress and the possible harm of assuming that western working in low-income countries — that calls itself psychosocial.
models of illness and healing are valid across cultures, others The term is used to indicate commitment to non-medical ap-
consider denial of the importance of traumatic stress a profes- proaches and distance from the field of mental health, which is
sional error and a denial of preventable suffering (2, 3, 5). seen as too controlled by physicians and too closely associated
Trauma-focused interventions are increasingly provided with the ills of an overly biopsychiatric approach. Yet, despite
to large segments of populations affected by disaster in resource- highly appropriate attention to medicalization and the impor-
poor countries. However, the interventions that are most often tance of non-medical intervention, separating psychosocial care
implemented to reduce traumatic stress — one-off psychological services from mental health care services may inadvertently pro-
debriefing (organized by international and local organizations) mote exclusively biological care for the severely mentally ill by
and benzodiazepine medication (prescribed by local physicians) drawing human resources skilled in non-biological interventions

Technical Officer, Mental Health Evidence and Research, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27,
Switzerland. Correspondence should be sent to this author (email:
Coordinator, Mental Health Evidence and Research, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Director, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Ref. No. 03-009951

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Round Table
Mental health in emergencies Mark van Ommeren et al.

away from formal mental health services (15). This separation Distinct intervention strategies should be considered for the
further divides a care system that is already fragmented. acute emergency and post-emergency phases, and these will be dis-
Because of the expression of these viewpoints, the impression cussed separately. Also, we aim to achieve a conceptual distinction
may have been created that programme planners are faced with between social and mental health interventions. The term social
choosing between setting-up vertical (separate) trauma mental intervention is used for interventions that aim primarily to have
health programmes, setting-up vertical psychosocial care pro- social effects, and the term mental health intervention for those
grammes outside existing systems, or ignoring mental health care that aim primarily to have mental health effects. It is acknowledged
altogether. Indeed, early editions of the highly influential Sphere that social interventions tend to have secondary mental health
Project’s minimum standards for disaster response (16, 17) did not effects and the converse. Social interventions are typically not in
cover mental health because of perceived expert disagreement (Nan the domain of expertise of mental health professionals. As such
Buzzard, verbal communication, October 2002). interventions tend to deal with important factors influencing men-
In order to generate sound advice on strategies to assist
tal health, however, health and mental health professionals should
countries, we commissioned a literature review and a postal
work in close partnership with colleagues from other disciplines
survey of expert opinion, involving responses by experts to
open-ended questions about mental health policy in the (e.g., communication, education, community development, and
aftermath of disasters (18). In addition, we studied available disaster coordination) to ensure that relevant social interventions
consensus statements and guidelines (W19–22, 23–28), many are fully implemented.
of them published by experienced international organizations. Many of the strategies described here may be common
The overall picture that emerged is that, although opinions sense, but by making them explicit in documents and policy
vary widely on the public health value of focusing on PTSD statements they become a powerful tool for programme plan-
and trauma services, there is agreement on basic issues: expo- ning and evaluation. These principles and strategies have been
sure to extreme stressors is a risk factor for social and mental developed for resource-poor countries — where the vast major-
health problems, including common mental disorders; further, ity of disasters arise — but they are also considered appropriate
emergencies can severely disrupt social structures and ongoing for high-income countries. In high-income countries additional
formal and informal care of persons with pre-existing disorders. strategies also apply, involving, for example, cognitive-behaviour
A range of strategies seem to have wide support of much expert therapy (30) by clinicians with advanced training, who are a rare
opinion, on the condition that they are tailored to the local resource in poor countries (31).
context, needs and resources.
On the basis of our study of the above-mentioned sur-
vey, consensus statements and guidelines, we have proposed
Acute emergency phase
principles and strategies for populations exposed to extreme For the purpose of this paper, the acute emergency phase is
stressors (29). The eight principles are: contingency planning defined as the period where the crude mortality rate is elevated
before the acute emergency, assessment before intervention, because of disaster-induced deprived physical needs (such as
use of a long-term development perspective, collaboration with food, shelter, physical security, water and sanitation), access to
other agencies, provision of treatment in primary health care health care, and management of communicable diseases. A key
settings, access to services for all, training and supervision, and early social intervention concerns information: a reliable flow
monitoring indicators (see Table 1). of credible information must be ensured about the emergency,

Table 1 Mental health in emergencies: basic principles

Principle Explanation
1 Contingency planning Before the emergency, national-level contingency planning should include (a) developing interagency coordination
systems, (b) designing detailed plans for a mental health response, and (c) training general health care personnel
in basic, general mental health care and psychological first aid.
2 Assessment Assessment should cover the sociocultural context (setting, culture, history and nature of problems, local perceptions
of illness, and ways of coping), available services, resources and needs. In assessment of individuals, a focus on
disability or daily functioning is recommended.
3 Long-term perspective Even though impetus for mental health programmes is highest during or immediately after acute emergencies, the
population is best helped by a focus on the medium- and long-term development of services.
4 Collaboration Strong collaboration with other agencies will avoid wastage of resources. Continuous involvement of the government,
local universities or established local organizations is essential for sustainability.
5 Integration into primary Led by the health sector, mental health treatment should be made available within primary health care to ensure
health care (low-stigma) access to services for the largest number of people.
6 Access to service for all Setting up separate, vertical mental health services for special populations is discouraged. Nevertheless, outreach
and awareness programmes are important to ensure the treatment of vulnerable groups within general health
services and other community services.
7 Thorough training and Training and supervision should be carried out by mental health specialists (or under their guidance) for a substantial
supervision amount of time, in order to ensure lasting effects of training and responsible care.
8 Monitoring indicators Activities should be monitored and evaluated through key indicators that need to be determined, if possible, before
starting the activity. Indicators should focus on inputs (available resources, including pre-existing services), processes
(aspects of programme implementation), and outcomes (e.g., daily functioning of beneficiaries).

72 Bulletin of the World Health Organization | January 2005, 83 (1)

Round Table
Mark van Ommeren et al. Mental health in emergencies

efforts to establish physical safety, relief efforts (including what complex disasters — typically with coexisting conflict, popu-
each aid organization is doing and where it is located), and the lation displacement, food scarcity, and the collapse of basic
location of relatives. Access to valid information is a basic right health services (36) — the sequence of events is less linear, and
and is essential to reduce public anxiety and distress. Informa- different areas of a country may oscillate between acute and
tion should be uncomplicated, so as to be comprehensible at post-emergency phases.
the cognitive level of local 12-year-olds, and empathic, showing In the post-emergency phase, the social interventions
understanding of the situation of the survivors. outlined above should continue. Moreover, whenever disaster-
Two other core social strategies are likely to reduce public inflicted poverty becomes an evident ongoing source of suffer-
stress: encouraging normal activities and encouraging active ing, it is appropriate for health workers to advocate economic
participation in the community. For example, re-establishing re-development initiatives, such as microcredit schemes or
cultural and religious events is seen as helpful. Such events typi- income-generating activities.
cally include funeral ceremonies and grieving rituals involving During this phase, general health care should continue to
spiritual and religious practitioners. For children, restarting for- form the basis of the mental health care system. Accordingly,
mal or informal schooling is considered important, together with mental health specialists should provide thorough supervision
the provision of some recreational activities. Health professionals and on-the-job training to health-care staff (33). Community
should be active advocates for safe, physical space for all these workers may be trained and supervised to assist primary care
activities. In terms of achieving participation, adults and adoles- staff with heavy case-loads (33) and to conduct outreach activi-
cents need to be encouraged to engage in tangible, purposeful ties. The development of a multitude of specialized trauma-
activities of common interest, such as relief efforts. Community focused services should be avoided unless mental health care is
activities that facilitate the inclusion in social networks of people available in general health care and other community settings
without families are strongly recommended. (the school health system, for example). Trauma-focused care
With respect to mental health interventions, The world may be best integrated into general mental health services.
health report 2001 recommends making mental health treat- Organizing community-based self-help support groups is
ment available within primary and other health-care settings, likely to provide a valuable form of assistance (25). The focus of
which requires staff training, supervision, and a referral system such groups is usually problem-sharing, brainstorming for solu-
(32, 33). This recommendation tends to apply whether primary tions or for more effective ways of coping (including traditional
health care is run by government or by nongovernmental or-
ways of coping), and generation of mutual emotional support,
ganizations, because integrated care within primary and other
and sometimes promotion of community-level initiatives. In
health facilities maximizes access to mental health care. Health
certain contexts, collaboration with traditional resources such
officials need to ensure the availability of essential psychotro-
as faith healers may be an opportunity in terms of care, provi-
pic medications for urgent psychiatric problems, for example
sion of meaning, and generation of community support.
psychoses and severe depression. During the acute emergency,
These post-emergency strategies need to be carried out
most persons with urgent psychiatric complaints will have
in synergy with ongoing mental health system development
pre-existing disorders, which may have been exacerbated by
suddenly discontinued psychotropic medication. We have out- priorities, especially the development of national plans for the
lined elsewhere essential strategies to address ongoing care and organization of mental health services (37), which is increasingly
protection of people in custodial psychiatric hospitals during a focus of work by WHO. Executing such plans involves down-
acute emergencies (34). sizing existing custodial mental hospitals, making mental health
Some people will immediately seek help at health ser- care available in general health care settings (4), and strengthen-
vices because of mental health problems directly related to their ing community and family care of persons with chronic, severe
exposure to extreme stressors. According to a recent consensus- mental disorders (32, 37).
building exercise (26), most acute stress problems during acute
emergencies are best managed without medication following the Conclusion
principles of psychological first aid, which involves non-intrusive This paper began with a summary of the debate on the con-
emotional support, coverage of basic needs, protection from troversial value of PTSD and trauma-focused care during and
further harm, and organization of social support and networks. after acute emergencies. This debate has attracted much atten-
When community workers are available, outreach and psycho- tion and has been valuable in bringing to light fundamental
logical first aid may be organized in the community. Neverthe- issues and various views with respect to the needs of trauma
less, the weight of current evidence discourages the blanket use survivors. We acknowledge that there is no agreement on the
of isolated sessions of psychological debriefing that push people public health value of the PTSD concept (e.g., the extent to
to share their personal experiences beyond the extent to which which non-comorbid PTSD is associated with disability), and
their natural inclination would prompt them to do so (12, 14). the appropriateness of vertical trauma-focused services. We share
The strategies outlined here may be adapted for use in the concern of Silove et al. (7) that because of heated expressions
acute emergencies caused by unpredictable infectious diseases, of opinions an impression has been created that programme
along the lines of the WHO document on public mental health
planners during and after acute emergencies are faced with a
aspects of biological and chemical weapons (35).
choice between specialized, trauma-focused care or completely
ignoring mental health. We advocate the implementation of
Post-emergency phase social interventions and the integration of trauma-focused care
The acute emergency phase is followed by a post-emergency into general mental health care, which should be available in
phase when the crude mortality rate is again at a level com- general health care settings.
parable to that before the acute emergency or, in the case of Despite ongoing debate, we argue that there is consid-
displacement, at the level of the surrounding population. In erable agreement on what entails good public mental health

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Mental health in emergencies Mark van Ommeren et al.

practice. Most of our proposed early intervention strategies have Acknowledgements

now been included in a “mental and social aspects of health” Dr Alistair Ager, Dr Thom Bornemann, Dr Joop de Jong, Dr
standard in the health chapter of the recently revised Sphere Alessandro Loretti, Dr Srinivasa Murthy, Dr Bhava Poudyal,
handbook on minimum standards in disaster response (38). It Dr Beverly Raphael, Dr Derrick Silove and Dr Robert Ursano
is the first time that this widely used handbook — written to reviewed an early draft of the described principles and strate-
improve humanitarian assistance and enhance accountability gies and provided substantial comments. We are grateful to the
— includes a standard covering mental and social health. Be- Governments of Finland and Italy for financial support of the
cause of frequent war and other disasters in many regions of work leading to this publication.
the world, this affirmation of emerging consensus is important
and gives clear messages to health planners. O Conflicts of interest: none declared.

Santé mentale et sociale pendant et après les situations d’urgence aiguë : émergence d’un consensus ?
Les programmes visant à dispenser des soins de santé mentale accord se fait jour sur ce que comportent les bonnes pratiques de
pendant et après les situations d’urgence aiguë dans les pays à santé publique en matière de santé mentale. En ce qui concerne
faibles revenus sont considérés comme d’un intérêt discutable. les interventions précoces, cet accord est illustré par l’introduction
Aucun accord n’a été trouvé sur la valeur en termes de santé récente d’une norme sur les aspects mentaux et sociaux de la santé
publique du concept de trouble de stress post-traumatique et sur dans la révision du Manuel Sphère sur les normes minimales à
l’utilité de services verticaux (séparés) dont l’activité est axée sur respecter dans la réponse à un désastre. Cette affirmation d’un
les traumatismes. Il semble cependant qu’une série de stratégies accord émergeant est importante et devrait se traduire par des
d’intervention en santé sociale et mentale bénéficie d’un large messages clairs pour les planificateurs dans le domaine de la
soutien parmi les experts. Bien que les débats se poursuivent, un santé.

La salud mental y social durante y después de las emergencias agudas: ¿principio de consenso?
Los programas de atención de salud mental durante y después debates, se observa un principio de acuerdo sobre lo que definiría
de las emergencias agudas en los países con recursos escasos las prácticas más adecuadas de salud pública en el campo de
han sido objeto de polémica. No hay ningún acuerdo sobre la salud mental. En lo referente a las intervenciones precoces,
el valor del concepto de trastorno de estrés postraumático en ese consenso se ve ilustrado por la reciente inclusión de una
el terreno de la salud pública, ni lo hay tampoco acerca de la norma sobre los «aspectos mentales y sociales de la salud» en
idoneidad de los servicios verticales (independientes) centrados la revisión de Sphere handbook sobre las normas mínimas de
en los traumas. Sin embargo, hay varias estrategias y principios respuesta ante desastres. Esta confirmación de un principio de
de intervención en la salud social y mental que parecen gozar acuerdo es importante y debe traducirse en mensajes claros para
de un amplio respaldo entre los expertos. Aunque prosiguen los los planificadores de la salud.

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safety, reuniting families, creating effective systems of justice,

Round Table Discussion offering opportunities for work, study and other productive
roles, and re-establishing systems of meaning and cohesion
— religious, political, social and cultural.
Nevertheless, there will be a small minority of persons
The best immediate therapy for acute who do continue to suffer from severe traumatic stress reac-
stress is social tions, and that group emerges in increasing numbers over time.
Derrick Silove1 Services then should be accessible, inviting (people with chronic
PTSD are wary of presenting themselves) and offer state-of-
The above paper by van Ommeren et al. is of immense impor- the-art interventions: this is difficult to ensure, because such
tance in guiding future mental health service developments in interventions are multimodal and require substantial skills. Yet,
low-income countries afflicted by conflict. As such, the article at present, nongovernmental organizations fuelled by donor
should be essential reading for leaders of international nongov- enthusiasm rush in to debrief trauma survivors in the early phase
ernmental organizations and United Nations agencies. Although when such interventions are not needed and, commonly, leave
measured in its style, the arguments mobilized present a radical just at the point when the more chronic cases emerge, the mi-
challenge to those single-issue advocates promoting trauma nority who really do need expert assistance! In that respect, the
counselling programmes or short-term psychosocial projects. dictum “not too early but not too late” may serve as a useful
I believe that some of the arguments, however, need to guide to reverse the present trend.
be considered further. One problem is that trauma advocates A second problem is that we have become accustomed to
do not distinguish sufficiently between common, self-limiting epidemiological studies yielding rates of PTSD or depression
psychological responses to violence and the persisting reactions of 30–40% in postconflict populations. These figures provide
that become complicated and disabling. My rule of thumb is little guide to actual need. The rates of help-seeking behaviour
that the best therapy for acute stress reactions is social: providing for severe psychiatric disorders (including the minority with

Professor of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia; Director, Centre for Population Mental Health
Research, South Western Sydney Area Health Service (email:

Bulletin of the World Health Organization | January 2005, 83 (1) 75

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